That's one nice thing about my old Volvo, once you've fixed the fault, the onboard diagnostic system recognises the repair and automatically restores normal operation. The previous fault code moves into the historical fault column and all is well again. You can then choose to clear the old codes, or leave them alone, it doesn't seem to make any difference as far vehicle operations are concerned. I imagine it's just good housekeeping to clear the registers?
I got my egr on my xtype . Blanked then I had it remapped out . No more egr problems
That's one nice thing about my old Volvo, once you've fixed the fault, the onboard diagnostic system recognises the repair and automatically restores normal operation. The previous fault code moves into the historical fault column and all is well again. You can then choose to clear the old codes, or leave them alone, it doesn't seem to make any difference as far vehicle operations are concerned. I imagine it's just good housekeeping to clear the registers?
Nice result. Well done.
super finger strength spinning out those studs
Great video, love your enthusiasm haha! I have a 2.2 2008 xtype.
Yeah VW used Bosch injectors in both Gas and Diesel engines, mainly I had some VW Rabbits thats old
I followed, I did , it worked thanks
One thing I noticed was no hose off the bottom of the air box
Mines 08 2.2 but some have , why is this
How did you know that the egr valve was faulty ?
I am happy, Jaguar's V6 has got no EGR.
Just the video i need
can you copy the link for the egr valve
well that sounds like a Diesel is it? Oh yeah you g uys have longer license plates in England
yeah if you know the layout of the Engine. Try changing Injectors in older VW Rabbits fun