Also from Jared, for context: "So that’s Palais de Justice where they sentenced 2780 people to the guillotine (including Marie Antoinette). And to open the Olympics, they shot fire and streamed fake blood all over place while a headless Marie Antionette sang a death metal rendition of the French Revolutionary song “Ah! Cą Ira!” while Gojira (Japanese for Godzilla) was strapped to the fucking palace, just to remind the entire world that they cut her head off to preserve liberty. Fuck ya. Vive la France 🇫🇷 "
Her famous line "let them eat cake" wasn't actually said by her, which makes her one of the earliest examples of targeted slander by mainstream media. That was the biggest reason the mob arrested her and hung her. The French revolutionary government then proceeded to try and 'delete' Christianity by forcing priests and nuns to marry, renounce their ordination, or force them out of the country under the threat of death - of which thousands suffered that fate. Not sure why people would celebrate the wanton massacre of innocent people and call it based.
@@echo7983 the followings lyrics are "les aristocrates à la lanterne" meanings aristocracy will be hung on the street lights, so the "ça ira" before that means not only "everything will be fine" but also kinda " you'll fxckin see why it's gonna be right!"
Lots of symbols included for our country even the lyrics means "everything is going to be allright" and the ship is the symbol of Paris thats means its beaten by wawes but it wont sink ❤
French revolutionary songs - including La Marseillaise itself - are always bloody promises for rulers who would betray the French people. Metal lends itself quite well to illustrating what France was from 1789 until 1815: the kind of country and people with whom you don't mess around if you want to maintain a respectable life expectancy.
Actually the Queen, their children and her sister in law was there. He was detained in another place for obvious safety reasons, avoiding them to communicate and/or escaping together. Though, the place he was beheaded was close to her prison on purpose .As she Heard the crowd cheering on the 16th of January, with her kids and her brother's sister...she knew he was dead. Everybody cried but she put herself together and kneeled in front of her 5yo little boy, saying : "-the King is dead. Long live to the King. God bless His Majesty". Which made that poor little boy even more frightened and confused. She was killed 9 months afterwards. The little boy was neglicted and abused to death. Their daughter survived. The corpse of Marie-Antoinette was publicly exposed for days (and then buried)...with her head between her legs. We French people find it more and more difficult to deal with such barbaric acts in our History.
As a metal head in their 50's, I have been to a LOT....A LOT, of metal concerts. This was the most METAL thing I have ever seen in my LIFE!!!!!! Beautifully Majestic Metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alors il faut que tu découvres d’autres groupes ! Nightwish te plairait si tu as aimé leur performance. On croit à tord que le métal n’est qu’un style avec des voix rauques mais ce n’est pas que ça …
I'm trying to! Honestly, I have never been interested in that era of history, but lately it's grabbed me and I don't know where to start lol. There's so much to learn and I love history! ❤️
The Astrologers say we are back in the Pluto-Aquarius stage (the last time this happened, the US was fighting the UK for independence and France literally beheaded their monarchy)!
I love that we got a little Assassin’s Creed reference with this dude! Ubisoft is French, after all, and it goes full circle with Unity taking place in Paris during the French Revolution! I love that they added in this detail!
France is rocking the Olympics this year... Sad to say, if it was held here in the US, Jay Z would have played or some shit... Thank you France, for bringing metal to the stage!!
prolly taylor swift but it's a shame we couldn't get daft punk to reconcile for one last performance... imagine them, during the laser eiffel tower.... holy shit
Marie Antoinette was a pawn in her mother's political games, a scapegoat for the French nobility, and a sacrificial lamb for the anger and discontent of the public. She arrived in France at the age of 14, already burdened with hatred and prejudice. From my research into the history of the court, it’s clear that no matter what she did, there was always a faction ready to use her actions, right or wrong, to advance their own political agendas. She was essentially a child, thrust into a world of intrigue and manipulation without anyone to truly guide her. Her situation was dire, and she was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of the court. By the time she matured and understood her surroundings, it was too late. The immense sadness and loss she endured must have been unbearable. Despite this, she did her best to help others, establishing charities for the elderly, blind, orphans, and widows, and adopting many orphans herself. As queen consort, she had very limited power in politics, but she still made efforts to make a difference. She was a devoted wife to a complicated man and a caring mother who did everything she could while fulfilling her role as queen. She was a deeply misunderstood young woman, and few truly grasp the torment that she, her family, and her friends endured during the revolution. The actions of the French continue to appall me, and the lies spread to tarnish her honor are unforgivable.
I feel really pissed off that CBC news canada, didnt even include Gojira in their olympic hihglights and only showed all the other performances by other musicians. The hate for metal is real.
@@3082frank I am Canadian and all I can say is Canada has become softer than a flaccid penis so of course they would not show a metal performance because it is just so gosh darn scary and might give Justine Trudeau nightmares. F**k, how did 🇨🇦 become so soft? I feel shame, sorry world 🤣🖖.
not only "feminine representation of the Revolution", Marianne is our symbole . she is on all our important document ( ID, passporte ect...) - kiss from France
@@prepaidtrash5552 The Revolution. French people sentenced and killed between 1,500 and 4,800 aristocrats (20K/40K counting supporters) across the entire France. Just to be free.
@@hectorfernandez.5911 lel more, and we regret it hardly, a civil war the france ruined, for 1 century we tried to bring back king, but they refused to come back even after the French voted for.
For once the Olympics opening celebration was everything but mainstream, it was provocative from start to finish, and grandiose and emotional with Celine on the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower and the light show right after. It was epic. Of course only our country has the audacity to break all the rules so easily, and I think that's what the rest of the world expected from France for this opening am I right ?
This is amazing they gave such an epic metal band this platform and opportunity to share what this genre is all about... And they KILLED it!! Great job Gojira and great job France!
I was watching it live yeaterday afternoon at work. Wasn't totally dialed in, but the second the beat dropped and the chugs started, my head turned with my jaw dropped and I impulsively started head banging. Beyond incredible performance 🎉
Same, i was eating dinner with my family and then the first guitar note dropped, i knew that was some serious s"+*. Then i saw Gojira's leader. I got a tear to my eye. And then head banging.
Nothing will ever top this, all the sensible pop little fluffy mainstream zombie addicts got their heart exploded by the power of gojira and a true form of art. The opera vocals mixed with joe are just vraiment beau. Une performance digne de la france et du death metal wow. I hope every single country take notes because THIS is how you do it!
Gotta hand it to the French, they know how to do revolutions. This is in contrast to the opening of the Olympics in the UK where they celebrated the Monarchy.
As a French I can told you that we are very proud of our history, and the Révolution has built our identity. The revolutionary song at the beginning "Ah ça ira ça ira, les aristocrates à la lanterne, ah ça ira ça ira, les artisocrates on les pendra !" means "It's gonna be alright, let's hang aristocrats from the lamp post, it's gonna be alright, let's hang the aristocrats !". Very bloody but very based period of the France History, when a brutal rebellion against the monarchy sentenced to death thousand of people. This metal representation by Gojira was fucking brutal, I loved it.
If you were so much proud of your history you would have boycott this ashamed circus, organized with your money by your new monarch: Macron I just don't get it, He litteraly shit on your face all time long and you're happy now because he gave you bread and games ? (Just games in fact, that you pay with your taxes)
As an American I have to give the French all the praise to have sat down in a room with Gojira and said "We would love if you perform at the Olympics and play "Ah Ca Ira" That speaks more to the pride of it's appreciation of the Arts and Nation Pride than "just loud music."
I never thought I would see something like that in my whole life. So bad-ass and jaw-dropping... Hats off to the French for being so ballsy, several parts of their opening ceremony were mesmerizing. Staging the whole thing in the city and not in a regular stadium was a great idea, but...what we saw with Gojira just blew my mind. Absolutely amazing.
This musical performance is most likely one of the most important of 2024 for all of its meanings. Not only for the metal community (of which I am not part of, but gladly accept!), but also for the tons of historical meanings these few minutes included. As you said, adding the *blood* via various means was to show the sheer violence of the French Revolution. At the end of the day, and on that day, France wanted to "yell" to the rest of the world who they are. From begining to end, "like us or not, we don't really care". Merci for your video Sir.
What made it really awesome was that they transitioned from the French version of “Do You Hear The People Sing” from Les Miserable in one of the most iconic displays of the French Revolution followed by a beheaded Marie Antoinette and Gojira singing “Ah ça Ira” in the same freaking castle that she was held prisoner until her execution. A perfect display of how brutal the French Revolution was. C’est Magnifique
Préface I'm french. I think that's what most broadcast missed. "Ça ira" at la conciegerie is the ballsie move in front of high ranked officials from around the world. The thing basically say that we are tired of being hungry and we will cut your head off. Gojira and the opera singer just bring some gravity and brutal force to it but the historical facts (just like the rest of the show) is what makes it incredible' Hats off to the organisation to give 100% freedom to the artist here!
I'm French and I think it's really poor taste to pick that event of the Revolution in particular. That woman did not deserve a quarter of what was done to her by blood-thirsty psychos who slandered her and manipulated her children into accusing her of incest. Ironically people have gone to jail for representing a guillotined Macron a couple years ago and he's by far a bigger traitor than most who were beheaded during the Revolution. If they wanted to represent a brutal event of that era, it could've been some battle, there were hundreds. The people who now glorify the Revolution as part of a narrative to justify their power and model of society are the degenerate, immoral and traitorous "nobles" of today.
@@jlnau5960 Nothing is ballsy about that. They made this whole thing as if an ignorant american had been in charge of depicting France. "Hon Hon oui oui baguette guillotine ze bad queen"
@@LeDogueDeBroceliandeAbsolument pas les Misérables est toujours une œuvre ultra appréciée en France de même que Ça ira qui a été carrément reprise par Edith Piaf en son temps c’est un élément de l’Histoire et cette violence est rien comparé à ceux qui ont vécu sous la dictature pendant plus d’un millénaire et qui eux pouvaient vraiment se faire tuer pour un oui ou pour un non c’est vraiment facile de regarder seulement la fin de l’Histoire et d’ignorer les gens qui ont vraiment souffert surtout que la Terreur à la fin c’était surtout des Révolutionnaires qui se tuaient entre eux et qu’avant la trahison ils avaient aucune intention de tuer le Roi.
@@TerrorCeltic Nous n'avons pas décapité notre roi et reine pour courber l'échine 250 ans après devant des rois et reine étrangers à qui nous n'accordons aucune légitimité. "Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits" ils sont pour nous des êtres humains comme les autres.
@@cedric7591 Sauf que la reine, est morte dans d'horrible circonstance avec un simulacre de procès, et que la Révolution française, malgré la propagande d'état, n'a rien avoir avec la lutte pour la liberté. C'est une révolte bourgeoise avec un soutien populaire rien de plus, d'ailleurs la royauté est revenue à plusieurs reprises, et les Français avaient même voté démocratiquement pour son retour, les prétendants n'ont juste pas voulu reprendre le trône, un peu d'instruction merci, avant de cracher votre propagande républicaine, (même les organisateurs du bicentenaire de la révolution ont dit que c'était un outrage et un spectacle de mauvais gout. Accessoirement, la révolution a aussi établi un régime d'une misogynie folle, nous a déclassé en termes de puissance, et isolé sur la scène international, la démographie Française, c'est stoppé net, alors que nous étions "la Chine de l'Europe" que jamais, nous n'avons retrouvé notre place depuis les guerres révolutionnaires qui ont échoué et causé des millions de morts, à savoir que la ville de Paris et les anciens révolutionnaire se sont rendus aux puissances royales européennes sans la moindre résistance ce qui a précipité la chute de l'empire à bout de souffle. À savoir aussi que durant tout l'empire, la France était en guerre civile, et qu'une grande partie des français, la majorité même durant plus d'un siècle sous la terreur et sous le coup de la propagande républicaine, sont restés fidèle à la royauté. Notamment les villes portuaires (Bordeaux, Marseille et les Vendée plus globalement.) "Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits" ils sont pour nous des êtres humains comme les autres" C'est bien, tu as appris ta leçon, nos hommes politiques ne sont pas égaux devant la loi par exemple, bien moins que n'importe lequel des monarques européens actuel, et tu oses donner des leçons aux systèmes étrangers ?
Gojira (and the first severed Marie Antoinette head) performed "Ça Ira", a French Revolutionary song calling for aristocrats to be hung at the lampposts. Also the building they're in is the Conciergerie, former royal palace but more famously where Marie Antoinette was imprisoned before being sentenced to death by guillotine followed by a song from Les Miz,
It's interesting to play this song when we know how the government is getting very severe with the population. It seems that they try to give fun to the population to be able to keep doing what they doing.
Usually they aren't but Gojira obviously have become a huge band in metal. Historically though, to paraphrase Henry Rollins, heavy/hard music in France struggled to resist sounding "sassy" (say "sassy" with a french accent).
This is so incredible. I'm obsessed. I don't think a musical performance has ever gone this hard. That man is tied to a castle. That singing decapitated animatronic is a fantastic nightmare. The blend of metal and opera is beautiful.
Thomas Jolly has done some amazing stuffs in his career, including putting together all of Shakespeare's historic plays to create one big play that ran for a few days!
En soit cela vient d’une femme Daphné Bürki à la culture très éclectique, amoureuse des diversités et des cultures non conventionnel comme ici le metal ou encore le drag queen/king. Mais je vous rejoins, elle en a des grosses pour oser cela 😎
You said it, it was Badass!! This was my favourite part of the ceremony and I can't stop watching it but I loved how they broke every Opening ceremony rule in the book by taking it right into the heart of this beloved city, showcasing its architecture while celebrating their food, culture and history! Amazing and totally badass!
The battle scene from Les Mis right before this was soooo well done. I’m not a metal head but loved this performance and hands-down, the Gojira/Opera/Les Mis/Famous French Prison collab was the highest point of the entire opening ceremonies.
I literally almost cried hearing and seeing this. When did we ever think they would have a hard ass metal band playing at the Olympics? It basically just gave the OK for metal music, like finally it's accepted on a large scale or large stage. I'm not even a Gojira Fan yet but I literally started getting watery eyes.
@@lescheissberg7521 c'est moi le pisse-froid ? Ce n'est pas très gentil. 85% des gens interrogés sont satisfaits, certes, il te suffit de choisir les personnes que tu interroges pour obtenir le résultat que tu souhaites.
The ship and band completely draped in those entrail-looking red ribbons was just visually insane. And the smoke and FLAMES!! Holy shit that was an amazing performance. It doesn't get more metal than that
Dude you have no idea how proud i am of my country for this, and how well received this was... hell yeah. For me, this was more spectacular than a Super Bowl half time show. This was so fucking badass...
If they had any sort of heavy band, fans would not only watch, but the NFL would make a fucking ton of money. Hell theyd probably gain more interest from fans with rock or metal than they would RnB or Pop. But noooooo we gotta have mainstream artists that are safe for the listeners cause they don't like that "demonic screaming music"
The NFL will not have any metal or rock, because Jay Z owns the production company that has the contract with the NFL to organize and produce the Superbowl hall time show. Jay Z hates Rock music with a passion.
Bro I’m not American but how metal is not a part of sporting events is crazy to me, need to be able to see Kublai Khan tearing it up before a football game
So f*cking proud to be a French and I'm gonna tell you few interesting facts: - Gojira made history as the first metal band to perform at the Olympics! - Yes, they performed at the "Conciergerie" (or "Palais de Justice" but it was ancient), a former-royal palace castle converted to a prison holding 2 780 prisoners including Marie Antoinette that all were imprisoned then executed by the guillotine during the French Revolution. - My fav part: Gojira literally sing "it'll be fine, it'll be fine, it'll be fine. The aristocrats, we're gonna hang them!" *in front of all world leaders* which is TOTALLY METAL as Ozzy biting a bat's head off! \m/
The backstory for the boat: Paris coat of arms is a boat and the motto of the city written on it is "Flucuat nec Mergitur" in latin, it means beaten by the waves but does not sink and is the symbol of ultimate resilience of our Capital and city. So it was ode to freedom and resilience.
It is also a reminder of the fact that antique Paris was located on the islands which are now in the middle of the city. The red and blue symbolyzing the people.
Thank you for actually sharing the video! I missed the ceremony and most of the videos on here are just clickbaity clips. Appreciate you for this and sharing the moment with you :)
@@MagicBot.1570 C'est mon amie 😭 je suis trop fière d'elle. Oui, Marina était la chanteuse du groupe Soulmaker entre autres. Elle organisait des concerts aussi à Lyon où elle vivait avant d'être en Suisse. Avec mon groupe nous avons joué à son anniversaire et son groupe aussi. Certainement mes meilleurs souvenirs de musiciens sont avec elle à Lyon. Marina est quelqu'un de très compétent avec un cœur en or. ♥️
I’m French I’m not a metal fan but honestly I find it awesome and im proud of what they did they dared to show for the Olympics (usually so politically correct) Marie Antoinette holding her head with metal music, at La Conciergerie (the place she was put in jail before being beheaded) …. Soooo irreverent and provoking ! Sooo French lol
it's not the Palais de Justice but the Conciergerie that was used as a prison during the French Revolution, particularly for the royal family... Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette spent their last days there. Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were beheaded on the Place de la Concorde. The song “Ah! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira” is a revolutionary song whose refrain, which symbolizes the French Revolution, was first heard in May 1790. Its author, a former soldier and street singer by the name of Ladré, had adapted harmless lyrics to the Carillon national, a very popular contredanse tune by Bécourt, violinist at the Beaujolais theater, which Queen Marie-Antoinette herself often liked to play on her harpsichord. The song's title and refrain theme were inspired by the unflappable optimism of Benjamin Franklin, the French people's beloved representative to the Congress of the 13 American colonies in Paris from December 22, 1776 to July 12, 1785, who, when asked about the American War of Independence, invariably replied in his bad French: “Ça ira, ça ira”. During the Revolution, the text was transformed by sans-culottes into murderous apostrophes aimed at the aristocracy and the clergy. Ça ira survived Thermidor, and the Directoire even ordered that it be sung before every performance, but it was banned under the Consulate.
Marie Antoinette was a pawn in her mother's political games, a scapegoat for the French nobility, and a sacrificial lamb for the anger and discontent of the public. She arrived in France at the age of 14, already burdened with hatred and prejudice. From my research into the history of the court, it’s clear that no matter what she did, there was always a faction ready to use her actions, right or wrong, to advance their own political agendas. She was essentially a child, thrust into a world of intrigue and manipulation without anyone to truly guide her. Her situation was dire, and she was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of the court. By the time she matured and understood her surroundings, it was too late. The immense sadness and loss she endured must have been unbearable. Despite this, she did her best to help others, establishing charities for the elderly, blind, orphans, and widows, and adopting many orphans herself. As queen consort, she had very limited power in politics, but she still made efforts to make a difference. She was a devoted wife to a complicated man and a caring mother who did everything she could while fulfilling her role as queen. She was a deeply misunderstood young woman, and few truly grasp the torment that she, her family, and her friends endured during the revolution. The actions of the French continue to appall me, and the lies spread to tarnish her honor are unforgivable.
@@raquelgordon10 Marie Antoinette was a selfish queen .Original documents not only give us an intimate view of her life, but also reveal how Marie-Antoinette, inexperienced and politically uneducated, was manipulated by her Austrian family, to whom she always remained attached. And she was married to a man who never want to be king whose lack of politics and visionnary led France into chaos .....
Go France!! I had chills the whole damn time almost leading to tears of happiness to see metal be played in the damn Olympics!! And notice the whole ceremony seems to be focused on inclusiveness. Don't forget that people got attacked through terrorism at a metal show in Paris where 130 were killed. I think this is France screaming that they like metal, these kinds of people and those kinds of people so deal with it!
Pairing imagery and story elements of the French Revolution with opera and metal is perfection. An epic Olympic moment and one of the most metal things I’ve ever seen.
As a parisian, this part made me proud! I used to work at la Conciergerie, I'll try to summarize the references here : l'île de la Cité, the island where it is located, is one of the oldest part of Paris as a city ( there is a debate between other parts the romans built first over 2000 years ago ). The Conciergerie is the oldest part of the first palace of the french royal dynasty, before being turned into a prison in the 15th century, right next/part of a court ( it's still a justice court btw ) where the royal blood and all those affilited to them, were judged, and kept in prison in the Conciergerie before their execution during the french revolution, in late 18th. Marie-Antoinette being the most famous one ( she was kept elsewhere before ). The boat where Marina Viotti sings Ah ça ira , is the symbol of Paris, where the major events took place is a symbol from the coat of arms of the city, inherited from the merchant guild that controled the business on the Seine river, the most powerful corporation in the city during the middle age. She is dressed up in a costume associated to the revolution era of the late 18th century. In the theatrical sense of it. People say it's Marianne, I disagree, Marianne has the very distinctive bonet phrygien as a hat, the symbol of the Paris olympic games btw. Not that fancy one, you just can't portray Marianne without it, I think they went with a more opened option though I'm surprised. Gojira is celebrating the revolution and the bloody end of the age of kings and queens, singing Ah ! Ça ira ! , a sarcastic song from the Revolution, basically saying that all will be fine as we'll take the aristocrats' heads ( by hanging them but, well, a more productive method was found along the way ). It fits their theme and convictions. The Conciergerie is a huge place in the History of France and commonly associated to a form of reverance towards the royal heritage. It is both where they began, and ended. There was once a guillotine blade there that was removed because royalists complained. I'm talking about roughly 2010, give or take. If you ever visited France you probably felt how much kings are put into pedestals as if their reign has not been ended into blood to give birth to the Republic. So, I see it as a huge middle finger to that and a firm, powerful yet somehow funny way of reminding everyone that we are the heirs of the Revolution. I'll stop there. Personnaly I was between shocked and amazed by Gojira's performance. It is a huge deal. I know the place well, even its ghost stories, and I find it freacking awesome. That's what provocative art is to me. This show in particular and the joy it gave to so many people across the world was worth all the troubles we've had during the long, very long preparations 😂
Basically the entire opening were provocative art. I mean, internet is still going nuts for the fashion show that had so many diverse fashion models in one place, with hint of “The last supper”.
There is basically no competition with this one. And after this: Rammstein in Berlin, Led Zeppelin or Beatles in London, One of dozens of metal bands in Helsinki.
I don't know what to say. This time, French creativity exceeded all expectations, and as a fan of this band since its appearance, I did not expect a very crazy show like this. In fact, I was watching the opening show for a few minutes and went to do something and forgot and thus missed this moment in metal history.
Marie Antoinette was a pawn in her mother's political games, a scapegoat for the French nobility, and a sacrificial lamb for the anger and discontent of the public. She arrived in France at the age of 14, already burdened with hatred and prejudice. From my research into the history of the court, it’s clear that no matter what she did, there was always a faction ready to use her actions, right or wrong, to advance their own political agendas. She was essentially a child, thrust into a world of intrigue and manipulation without anyone to truly guide her. Her situation was dire, and she was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of the court. By the time she matured and understood her surroundings, it was too late. The immense sadness and loss she endured must have been unbearable. Despite this, she did her best to help others, establishing charities for the elderly, blind, orphans, and widows, and adopting many orphans herself. As queen consort, she had very limited power in politics, but she still made efforts to make a difference. She was a devoted wife to a complicated man and a caring mother who did everything she could while fulfilling her role as queen. She was a deeply misunderstood young woman, and few truly grasp the torment that she, her family, and her friends endured during the revolution. The actions of the French continue to appall me, and the lies spread to tarnish her honor are unforgivable.
This was AMAZING!!!! I caught it live and was completely taken off guard. I couldn't believe they literally put Marie Antoinette in this....BEHEADED!!! And the blood!! The performance was amazing.
Marie Antoinette was a pawn in her mother's political games, a scapegoat for the French nobility, and a sacrificial lamb for the anger and discontent of the public. She arrived in France at the age of 14, already burdened with hatred and prejudice. From my research into the history of the court, it’s clear that no matter what she did, there was always a faction ready to use her actions, right or wrong, to advance their own political agendas. She was essentially a child, thrust into a world of intrigue and manipulation without anyone to truly guide her. Her situation was dire, and she was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of the court. By the time she matured and understood her surroundings, it was too late. The immense sadness and loss she endured must have been unbearable. Despite this, she did her best to help others, establishing charities for the elderly, blind, orphans, and widows, and adopting many orphans herself. As queen consort, she had very limited power in politics, but she still made efforts to make a difference. She was a devoted wife to a complicated man and a caring mother who did everything she could while fulfilling her role as queen. She was a deeply misunderstood young woman, and few truly grasp the torment that she, her family, and her friends endured during the revolution. The actions of the French continue to appall me, and the lies spread to tarnish her honor are unforgivable.
Absolutely insane!! Can't believe i missed that! Metal is my main squeeze and Gojira is one of the best around right now. A well deserved win for them. Thanks for everything and much love to all ❤
@@jasoncarey157 More like a warning! Why else did they initially try to take down all the OG clips of said performance while leaving the other Opening Ceremony performances alone?
Such a proud moment for the metal scene. I hope more people start to see how versatile metal is. There are so many subgenres within metal, most people think it’s all just death metal with guttural vocals only. 🖤🖤🖤
Privleged american that I am that ive seen them live 3x. Every show is 1000% effort. Wish we showed our bands love like this. Our mainstream music culture is vanilla/trash.
@@mandycreeksquad1722If you’re a idiot that is. We have a shit ton of issues we as a nation have to work on. But we don’t have it nearly as bad as third world nations.
Great reaction video, thanks! Credit should also be given to the other artists: the choir of the Orchestre de Paris at the windows, and the wonderful mezzo-soprano, Marina Viotti 🤩. Actually, a fun and awesome fact: guess who's doing the pure metal growl at 2:59 ? It's Marina Viotti herself, right after a pure opera vocalise! Before turning to classical/lyrical at age 25, Marina was the frontwoman/lead singer in several metal bands for about ten years (most notably a band called Soulmaker). She is still at metalhead, and also likes to explore other genres, like jazz. One of the best and most versatile lyrical singers in the young generation of opera artists, and with a stage presence and character to match!
Also from Jared, for context: "So that’s Palais de Justice where they sentenced 2780 people to the guillotine (including Marie Antoinette). And to open the Olympics, they shot fire and streamed fake blood all over place while a headless Marie Antionette sang a death metal rendition of the French Revolutionary song “Ah! Cą Ira!” while Gojira (Japanese for Godzilla) was strapped to the fucking palace, just to remind the entire world that they cut her head off to preserve liberty.
Fuck ya. Vive la France 🇫🇷 "
A little mistake, it's "Ah , ça ira" wich mean "Ah ,it will be fine / Ah , it will be OK"
Ironically, her symbolism was everything vs the actual perpetrators got very little punishment. Mob mentality needing a scapegoat vs functional logic.
Her famous line "let them eat cake" wasn't actually said by her, which makes her one of the earliest examples of targeted slander by mainstream media. That was the biggest reason the mob arrested her and hung her. The French revolutionary government then proceeded to try and 'delete' Christianity by forcing priests and nuns to marry, renounce their ordination, or force them out of the country under the threat of death - of which thousands suffered that fate. Not sure why people would celebrate the wanton massacre of innocent people and call it based.
@user-yu1od6xo4i I knew the details would start coming out! THX!
@@echo7983 the followings lyrics are "les aristocrates à la lanterne" meanings aristocracy will be hung on the street lights, so the "ça ira" before that means not only "everything will be fine" but also kinda " you'll fxckin see why it's gonna be right!"
No Olympic performance will ever compete with this.
Correct!! Great to see you brother
Mr. Bean at the London Olympics is a close contender
Fantastic opening. And totally unique all hsppening on the seine river. Best ever!
ouaiiiiiiiiis 🤘🍻
Bejin 2008 is way better
Possibly the biggest moment of metal music history
the fall of the USSR n Metalica playing infront of millions was a lil more impressive but this was cool af too!
300,000 million viewers plus live audience. Legendary🤘
@@jordanwhite1547 true, should have said modern metal
Not even close !!!
The fact that this is the place where the king and queen waited for their execution: metal af
Lots of symbols included for our country even the lyrics means "everything is going to be allright" and the ship is the symbol of Paris thats means its beaten by wawes but it wont sink ❤
French revolutionary songs - including La Marseillaise itself - are always bloody promises for rulers who would betray the French people. Metal lends itself quite well to illustrating what France was from 1789 until 1815: the kind of country and people with whom you don't mess around if you want to maintain a respectable life expectancy.
Actually the Queen, their children and her sister in law was there. He was detained in another place for obvious safety reasons, avoiding them to communicate and/or escaping together.
Though, the place he was beheaded was close to her prison on purpose .As she Heard the crowd cheering on the 16th of January, with her kids and her brother's sister...she knew he was dead. Everybody cried but she put herself together and kneeled in front of her 5yo little boy, saying :
"-the King is dead. Long live to the King.
God bless His Majesty".
Which made that poor little boy even more frightened and confused. She was killed 9 months afterwards. The little boy was neglicted and abused to death. Their daughter survived.
The corpse of Marie-Antoinette was publicly exposed for days (and then buried)...with her head between her legs.
We French people find it more and more difficult to deal with such barbaric acts in our History.
@@tony2233 you're right :)
...."Fluctuat nec mergitur" !
Only the Queen, when she was imprisoned, the King was already dead
As a metal head in their 50's, I have been to a LOT....A LOT, of metal concerts.
This was the most METAL thing I have ever seen in my LIFE!!!!!!
Beautifully Majestic Metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gave me a chubb
Same here! It was like Wow!!!!!
Good to know: the opera singer, Marina Viotti, is a metalhead, she sang in a metal band before her career as mezzo-soprano.
Well, metal and opera are the best combo of musical genres ❤
@eminabrestovac a fellow Powerwolf fan?
What she is saying?
I love this
@@eminabrestovac Fr , especially in black metal.
Im french and not a metal fan, had never heard of Gojira before and i found this breathtaking ! An incredible piece of art !
Alors il faut que tu découvres d’autres groupes ! Nightwish te plairait si tu as aimé leur performance. On croit à tord que le métal n’est qu’un style avec des voix rauques mais ce n’est pas que ça …
La même! Je connaissais pas du tout ce genre de musique ni Gojira mais je me passe et repasse cette masterclass en boucle depuis vendredi 😊
Idem ❤ C'etait tellement puissant ! Incroyable
Gojira is your national treasure 😊
@@alfredrevolino287 Exactly ! I hope your enjoy ... Thank 😊
Probably the coolest moment of the Olympics period.
Not probably, it is the coolest moment in olympics ever, so happy France included them
Yes! I was watching this with my jaw on the floor lol Definitely one of the most badass performances ever.
@obliquesounds If I wanted to see a walking corpse and an overplayed hero I’d watch Deadpool or something. Gojira rules
You probably have a bad taste. Metal genre is going downhill, now this lmfao.
Everyone needs to study the French revolution because it is an extremely important moment of our collective global history
Very much so, the whole honest good intentions gone bad, revolutionaries becoming tyrants and history while not exactly repeating sure rhyming a lot.
I'm trying to! Honestly, I have never been interested in that era of history, but lately it's grabbed me and I don't know where to start lol. There's so much to learn and I love history! ❤️
The Astrologers say we are back in the Pluto-Aquarius stage (the last time this happened, the US was fighting the UK for independence and France literally beheaded their monarchy)!
@@mrconfusion87 astrology is bullshit
Yes. It is the most grotesque episode of political barbaric violence in the name of "Freedom". It is the evidence of how stupid masses can become.
THE GREATEST PERFORMANCE EVER !! I didn't expect that either. Great art !!
The shot @2:04 is absolutely amazing. The dude holding the torch and the castle in the background with all the flames is absolutely SICK!!!
3:52 too!
I love that we got a little Assassin’s Creed reference with this dude! Ubisoft is French, after all, and it goes full circle with Unity taking place in Paris during the French Revolution! I love that they added in this detail!
@@dianafonseca1650 exactly, it’s directly inspired by AS.
Sick indeed.
@@dianafonseca1650 That's exactly why we called him the French Altair, due to the costume design that looks like it's from Assassin's Creed: Unity. xD
And just like that, France becomes the most metal country ever.
Well you should go to the Hellfest one of thé most insame métal festival.
@@asdemona true
It is where the band is from.
Nordic countries beat France. Doesn't matter, they're all commies anyway.
@mstorrboy Bless your heart…
France is rocking the Olympics this year... Sad to say, if it was held here in the US, Jay Z would have played or some shit... Thank you France, for bringing metal to the stage!!
prolly taylor swift but it's a shame we couldn't get daft punk to reconcile for one last performance... imagine them, during the laser eiffel tower.... holy shit
Nah that would be some Doja Cat in LA next time 😂
Although this ceremony had some Aki Nakamura shaking her butt in front of National Guard 🤷
@@3arezuthey did not accept! Sadly.
@@Maxxx568 well you tell me when did you see her shaking her butt cuz i didn't??? it was a nice funny mix you're weird asl
Or Justice ? Even artists like C2C, M83, Woodkid, David Guetta, etc. ?
France just casually reminded us that eating the rich is still an option.
It feels like a message to so.eone on the importance of liberty.
Someone orange?
Viva la révolution
Marie Antoinette was a pawn in her mother's political games, a scapegoat for the French nobility, and a sacrificial lamb for the anger and discontent of the public. She arrived in France at the age of 14, already burdened with hatred and prejudice. From my research into the history of the court, it’s clear that no matter what she did, there was always a faction ready to use her actions, right or wrong, to advance their own political agendas. She was essentially a child, thrust into a world of intrigue and manipulation without anyone to truly guide her.
Her situation was dire, and she was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of the court. By the time she matured and understood her surroundings, it was too late. The immense sadness and loss she endured must have been unbearable. Despite this, she did her best to help others, establishing charities for the elderly, blind, orphans, and widows, and adopting many orphans herself.
As queen consort, she had very limited power in politics, but she still made efforts to make a difference. She was a devoted wife to a complicated man and a caring mother who did everything she could while fulfilling her role as queen.
She was a deeply misunderstood young woman, and few truly grasp the torment that she, her family, and her friends endured during the revolution. The actions of the French continue to appall me, and the lies spread to tarnish her honor are unforgivable.
@@raquelgordon10 very important precisions, thank you for that. That being said, fuck Royals :)
@@raquelgordon10seems well studied comment, going to look into this more, thank you
@@mandycreeksquad1722 All of them
I feel really pissed off that CBC news canada, didnt even include Gojira in their olympic hihglights and only showed all the other performances by other musicians. The hate for metal is real.
@@3082frank I am Canadian and all I can say is Canada has become softer than a flaccid penis so of course they would not show a metal performance because it is just so gosh darn scary and might give Justine Trudeau nightmares. F**k, how did 🇨🇦 become so soft? I feel shame, sorry world 🤣🖖.
I truly think only Europeans like metal 🤷♀
@@rydiavalentineAmerican also
@@rydiavalentine Its not even close to the truth that only Europeans like metal. Anyway olympics for everyone.
If you want to lose some brain cells you should skim through the clown show that is the comments to that highlight video.
2:30 more symbolism. The opera singer represents Marianne, the feminine representation of the Revolution
And the boat comes from the coat of arms of Paris
not only "feminine representation of the Revolution", Marianne is our symbole . she is on all our important document ( ID, passporte ect...) - kiss from France
What exactly is it symbolising? Lol
@@prepaidtrash5552 The Revolution. French people sentenced and killed between 1,500 and 4,800 aristocrats (20K/40K counting supporters) across the entire France. Just to be free.
@@hectorfernandez.5911 lel more, and we regret it hardly, a civil war the france ruined, for 1 century we tried to bring back king, but they refused to come back even after the French voted for.
Metal has peaked. This is ridiculous that this happened at such a mainstream event.
For once the Olympics opening celebration was everything but mainstream, it was provocative from start to finish, and grandiose and emotional with Celine on the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower and the light show right after. It was epic. Of course only our country has the audacity to break all the rules so easily, and I think that's what the rest of the world expected from France for this opening am I right ?
I love metal, however, this woke christian mockery ceremony was disgusting.
No metal song has ever been viewed by a billion persons in live tv. This is historic for metal
Sabbath and Judas Priest both played Live aid which would have been seen by a fair few but not as many as this
@@11111uewfhthis wasn’t a parody of the last supper but of greek gods, they weren’t even 13 so it don’t match the last supper
This is amazing they gave such an epic metal band this platform and opportunity to share what this genre is all about... And they KILLED it!! Great job Gojira and great job France!
Thank you very much! Love your reaction. Watching it live was freaking amazing.
Give that art director a raise
well he also put a pathetic drag queen show later, so...
a raise at the olympics where you get like fckn gold medals? :D
No, this was the only good thing of the opening.
@@hansyolo8277 no
@@hansyolo8277no. Don’t be a snowflake Christian.
I was watching it live yeaterday afternoon at work. Wasn't totally dialed in, but the second the beat dropped and the chugs started, my head turned with my jaw dropped and I impulsively started head banging. Beyond incredible performance 🎉
I was falling asleep with a blanket over my head. Heard the guitar tone and instantly knew who was rocking out. Freaking amazing!!
Same, i was eating dinner with my family and then the first guitar note dropped, i knew that was some serious s"+*. Then i saw Gojira's leader. I got a tear to my eye. And then head banging.
They should get a gold medal for this performance
A gold metal
A Gold Medal performance indeed! 😎🤘💪🍻🥇🇫🇷
Nothing will ever top this, all the sensible pop little fluffy mainstream zombie addicts got their heart exploded by the power of gojira and a true form of art. The opera vocals mixed with joe are just vraiment beau. Une performance digne de la france et du death metal wow. I hope every single country take notes because THIS is how you do it!
Gotta hand it to the French, they know how to do revolutions. This is in contrast to the opening of the Olympics in the UK where they celebrated the Monarchy.
The French also celebrated the monarchy... piece by piece 😅
@GrimYak It was precisely a nod to the opening of the London Olympics
@@aidanclarke6106 As well as giving them a haircut from the neck down 😬
@@pierre-frederickgalland5810Rubbish. But the two performances were the ideas of the same man. A Brit.
Fitting music for the reign of terror. Shout out to Marina Viotti who was rocking out on the boat opera style!
C'est mon amie 😭❤️ je suis tellement fière d'elle j'arrête pas de chialer quand je vois la vidéo.
@@Juju-uy5bb I had to google translate what you said 🤣. Tell your friend Marina she has a new fan in America! Viva la France 🇫🇷!
@eriksand9262 I would have if it was there…🤷🏾♀️😐
As a French I can told you that we are very proud of our history, and the Révolution has built our identity.
The revolutionary song at the beginning "Ah ça ira ça ira, les aristocrates à la lanterne, ah ça ira ça ira, les artisocrates on les pendra !" means "It's gonna be alright, let's hang aristocrats from the lamp post, it's gonna be alright, let's hang the aristocrats !".
Very bloody but very based period of the France History, when a brutal rebellion against the monarchy sentenced to death thousand of people. This metal representation by Gojira was fucking brutal, I loved it.
@@alexisrodrigues7671 thank you for this context. This is insanely awesome.
No one knows better about building a revolution than the French, I admire you so much! VIVE LA REVOLUTION! VIVE LA FRANCE!
Masons gonna mason.
France has a really cool history about protest and manifestations.
If you were so much proud of your history you would have boycott this ashamed circus, organized with your money by your new monarch: Macron
I just don't get it, He litteraly shit on your face all time long and you're happy now because he gave you bread and games ? (Just games in fact, that you pay with your taxes)
Rammstein opens with Deutschland next time Olympics are in germany.
I hope so. Hopefully, more countries follow suit with France.
With the allegations that Lindemann had against him I doubt it would ever happen. Would be awesome though
I was on top of the kitchen table rocking out! With them 🤘
I was thinking that
Rammstein or Electric Callboy
London: Elderly queen parachutes into stadium to open Olympic games.
Paris: Hold my fucking beer.
You: A boring, unoriginal dummy.
Same guy behind both ideas
mdr la fausse reine payer des million pour votre roi les british ça vous plait payer payer
London Olympics were: Long live to Monarchy
Paris Olympics: Non Non Thank you, long live to the Revolution
As an American I have to give the French all the praise to have sat down in a room with Gojira and said "We would love if you perform at the Olympics and play "Ah Ca Ira" That speaks more to the pride of it's appreciation of the Arts and Nation Pride than "just loud music."
According to the artistic director, she called them to get their agreement, they said yes in 5 minutes.
@@lescheissberg7521 Thomas Jolly, the said artistic director, is a genius
« the said artistic director » You serais pas un peu french toi par hasard ? XD
@@HelgaPataki-xq2xi the said = the aforementioned
Fucking unbelievable. I remember seeing these guys open for Metallica a while back, happy to see them get their flowers
I was there too in Main Square Festival when they opened for Metallica and Within Temptation. Was in 2009!!!
Me too!
2012 in Belgrade.
I saw them last summer with Mastodon and Lorna Shore. Fucking epic!!
That was a milestone for them, being Metallica was a heavy influence. That goes for a lot if bands, I guess. But they got to tour with them...
What a win for Metal! GOJIRA was sick!
I never thought I would see something like that in my whole life. So bad-ass and jaw-dropping... Hats off to the French for being so ballsy, several parts of their opening ceremony were mesmerizing. Staging the whole thing in the city and not in a regular stadium was a great idea, but...what we saw with Gojira just blew my mind. Absolutely amazing.
Just say to any politically correct person to fuck of and you'll be as crazy as we are !
This musical performance is most likely one of the most important of 2024 for all of its meanings. Not only for the metal community (of which I am not part of, but gladly accept!), but also for the tons of historical meanings these few minutes included.
As you said, adding the *blood* via various means was to show the sheer violence of the French Revolution.
At the end of the day, and on that day, France wanted to "yell" to the rest of the world who they are. From begining to end, "like us or not, we don't really care".
Merci for your video Sir.
I'am French Girl ❤ and I have just to say !! Thank you so much for your words and your open-mindedness.
Haha this is mainly the metal community in the comments so we are VERY open-minded. Thank you France for daring to be different 🥲
I have no doubt, it was mainly because of the controversy surrounding the ceremony
Thank you
What made it really awesome was that they transitioned from the French version of “Do You Hear The People Sing” from Les Miserable in one of the most iconic displays of the French Revolution followed by a beheaded Marie Antoinette and Gojira singing “Ah ça Ira” in the same freaking castle that she was held prisoner until her execution. A perfect display of how brutal the French Revolution was. C’est Magnifique
Préface I'm french.
I think that's what most broadcast missed. "Ça ira" at la conciegerie is the ballsie move in front of high ranked officials from around the world. The thing basically say that we are tired of being hungry and we will cut your head off.
Gojira and the opera singer just bring some gravity and brutal force to it but the historical facts (just like the rest of the show) is what makes it incredible'
Hats off to the organisation to give 100% freedom to the artist here!
I'm French and I think it's really poor taste to pick that event of the Revolution in particular.
That woman did not deserve a quarter of what was done to her by blood-thirsty psychos who slandered her and manipulated her children into accusing her of incest.
Ironically people have gone to jail for representing a guillotined Macron a couple years ago and he's by far a bigger traitor than most who were beheaded during the Revolution.
If they wanted to represent a brutal event of that era, it could've been some battle, there were hundreds.
The people who now glorify the Revolution as part of a narrative to justify their power and model of society are the degenerate, immoral and traitorous "nobles" of today.
@@jlnau5960 Nothing is ballsy about that.
They made this whole thing as if an ignorant american had been in charge of depicting France.
"Hon Hon oui oui baguette guillotine ze bad queen"
@@LeDogueDeBroceliandeAbsolument pas les Misérables est toujours une œuvre ultra appréciée en France de même que Ça ira qui a été carrément reprise par Edith Piaf en son temps c’est un élément de l’Histoire et cette violence est rien comparé à ceux qui ont vécu sous la dictature pendant plus d’un millénaire et qui eux pouvaient vraiment se faire tuer pour un oui ou pour un non c’est vraiment facile de regarder seulement la fin de l’Histoire et d’ignorer les gens qui ont vraiment souffert surtout que la Terreur à la fin c’était surtout des Révolutionnaires qui se tuaient entre eux et qu’avant la trahison ils avaient aucune intention de tuer le Roi.
Americans would be whining and trying to sue the production for being too bloody in front of the children 😆
That castle is where Marie-Antoinette was jailed before being executed!!
La Conciergerie.
But it was a huge diplomatic mistake:
Marie-Antoinette decapitated in front of the Kings of Spain, Denmark, Belgium.
@@TerrorCeltic Nous n'avons pas décapité notre roi et reine pour courber l'échine 250 ans après devant des rois et reine étrangers à qui nous n'accordons aucune légitimité. "Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits" ils sont pour nous des êtres humains comme les autres.
@@cedric7591 Vive la révolution
@@cedric7591 Sauf que la reine, est morte dans d'horrible circonstance avec un simulacre de procès, et que la Révolution française, malgré la propagande d'état, n'a rien avoir avec la lutte pour la liberté.
C'est une révolte bourgeoise avec un soutien populaire rien de plus, d'ailleurs la royauté est revenue à plusieurs reprises, et les Français avaient même voté démocratiquement pour son retour, les prétendants n'ont juste pas voulu reprendre le trône, un peu d'instruction merci, avant de cracher votre propagande républicaine, (même les organisateurs du bicentenaire de la révolution ont dit que c'était un outrage et un spectacle de mauvais gout.
Accessoirement, la révolution a aussi établi un régime d'une misogynie folle, nous a déclassé en termes de puissance, et isolé sur la scène international, la démographie Française, c'est stoppé net, alors que nous étions "la Chine de l'Europe" que jamais, nous n'avons retrouvé notre place depuis les guerres révolutionnaires qui ont échoué et causé des millions de morts, à savoir que la ville de Paris et les anciens révolutionnaire se sont rendus aux puissances royales européennes sans la moindre résistance ce qui a précipité la chute de l'empire à bout de souffle.
À savoir aussi que durant tout l'empire, la France était en guerre civile, et qu'une grande partie des français, la majorité même durant plus d'un siècle sous la terreur et sous le coup de la propagande républicaine, sont restés fidèle à la royauté.
Notamment les villes portuaires (Bordeaux, Marseille et les Vendée plus globalement.)
"Les hommes naissent et demeurent libres et égaux en droits" ils sont pour nous des êtres humains comme les autres" C'est bien, tu as appris ta leçon, nos hommes politiques ne sont pas égaux devant la loi par exemple, bien moins que n'importe lequel des monarques européens actuel, et tu oses donner des leçons aux systèmes étrangers ?
Gojira (and the first severed Marie Antoinette head) performed "Ça Ira", a French Revolutionary song calling for aristocrats to be hung at the lampposts. Also the building they're in is the Conciergerie, former royal palace but more famously where Marie Antoinette was imprisoned before being sentenced to death by guillotine followed by a song from Les Miz,
Don't forget Carmen
It's interesting to play this song when we know how the government is getting very severe with the population. It seems that they try to give fun to the population to be able to keep doing what they doing.
France isn't metal.
France: *hold my baguette*
Usually they aren't but Gojira obviously have become a huge band in metal. Historically though, to paraphrase Henry Rollins, heavy/hard music in France struggled to resist sounding "sassy" (say "sassy" with a french accent).
More like:
'Hold my queen's head'
This gave me a good laugh to start my day ☕️
This is so incredible. I'm obsessed. I don't think a musical performance has ever gone this hard. That man is tied to a castle. That singing decapitated animatronic is a fantastic nightmare. The blend of metal and opera is beautiful.
the decapitated heads you see at every window are actually male actors
and, it wasn't animatronic but a real person ^^
Whoever got this to happen has some huge fucking balls. Fucking based.
I can only imagine the pitch 😂
Thomas Jolly, the artistic directorf for this ceremony, is a genius
Thomas Jolly has done some amazing stuffs in his career, including putting together all of Shakespeare's historic plays to create one big play that ran for a few days!
En soit cela vient d’une femme Daphné Bürki à la culture très éclectique, amoureuse des diversités et des cultures non conventionnel comme ici le metal ou encore le drag queen/king. Mais je vous rejoins, elle en a des grosses pour oser cela 😎
You said it, it was Badass!! This was my favourite part of the ceremony and I can't stop watching it but I loved how they broke every Opening ceremony rule in the book by taking it right into the heart of this beloved city, showcasing its architecture while celebrating their food, culture and history! Amazing and totally badass!
Gojira just made history for the olympics...
🇫🇷 is Gold medal for Olympics ceremony
The battle scene from Les Mis right before this was soooo well done. I’m not a metal head but loved this performance and hands-down, the Gojira/Opera/Les Mis/Famous French Prison collab was the highest point of the entire opening ceremonies.
I literally almost cried hearing and seeing this. When did we ever think they would have a hard ass metal band playing at the Olympics? It basically just gave the OK for metal music, like finally it's accepted on a large scale or large stage. I'm not even a Gojira Fan yet but I literally started getting watery eyes.
It was an amazing performance!
Gojira and Dagoba...buckle up tight, it's gonna be a helluva ride😅
That was better then any halftime show I've ever seen.
to be able to use all of paris to stage the opening ceremony was amazing!!! so creative ❤
créatif, pitoyable... chacun son point de vue.
@@brunogino1916 in france 85 % of people like the show ,5 % dislike and 10 % just don't care . there's always des " pisse-froid"
@@lescheissberg7521 c'est moi le pisse-froid ? Ce n'est pas très gentil. 85% des gens interrogés sont satisfaits, certes, il te suffit de choisir les personnes que tu interroges pour obtenir le résultat que tu souhaites.
The ship and band completely draped in those entrail-looking red ribbons was just visually insane. And the smoke and FLAMES!! Holy shit that was an amazing performance. It doesn't get more metal than that
This was stunning.
The ship is the symbol of Paris : "Fluctuat nec mergitur"
Holy shit man this is just, holy shit 😮💨🤘🔥 I’m glad to be a part of the heavy metal family
Awesome! I am not a heavy metal fan but this performance is the most awesome piece of music I have ever seen ❤❤❤ Thank you Gorija 🎉🎉
Dude you have no idea how proud i am of my country for this, and how well received this was... hell yeah. For me, this was more spectacular than a Super Bowl half time show. This was so fucking badass...
c'est incroyable comme perf
It was received terribly. You're proud of your country creating an anti Christian mockery ceremony? Disgusting.
Did u like that opening ceremony ?
They have brought back respect to France with one sweet serenade 🎸🔥✨
@@pelangos The metal was cool but they have definitely not brought respect to France. Most the ceremony was a mockery unfortunately.
I’ve watched this performance like 20x already. Glad you made a video too. It’s so sick. LA Olympic committee sweating on how to top that
NFL take F’g note
My first thought!
All American sports take note.
If they had any sort of heavy band, fans would not only watch, but the NFL would make a fucking ton of money. Hell theyd probably gain more interest from fans with rock or metal than they would RnB or Pop. But noooooo we gotta have mainstream artists that are safe for the listeners cause they don't like that "demonic screaming music"
The NFL will not have any metal or rock, because Jay Z owns the production company that has the contract with the NFL to organize and produce the Superbowl hall time show. Jay Z hates Rock music with a passion.
Bro I’m not American but how metal is not a part of sporting events is crazy to me, need to be able to see Kublai Khan tearing it up before a football game
So f*cking proud to be a French and I'm gonna tell you few interesting facts:
- Gojira made history as the first metal band to perform at the Olympics!
- Yes, they performed at the "Conciergerie" (or "Palais de Justice" but it was ancient), a former-royal palace castle converted to a prison holding 2 780 prisoners including Marie Antoinette that all were imprisoned then executed by the guillotine during the French Revolution.
- My fav part: Gojira literally sing "it'll be fine, it'll be fine, it'll be fine. The aristocrats, we're gonna hang them!" *in front of all world leaders* which is TOTALLY METAL as Ozzy biting a bat's head off! \m/
More than that, in front of most of actual kings, queens and aristocrats in the world.
@@astree214 at least it serves as a reminder that they're kept there only for ceremonial reasons.
This performance makes me proud to be French. And im an American.
The backstory for the boat: Paris coat of arms is a boat and the motto of the city written on it is "Flucuat nec Mergitur" in latin, it means beaten by the waves but does not sink and is the symbol of ultimate resilience of our Capital and city. So it was ode to freedom and resilience.
Thank you for this! I was wondering how the ship tied into everything.
Thanks! I'm French I didn't even know
It is also a reminder of the fact that antique Paris was located on the islands which are now in the middle of the city.
The red and blue symbolyzing the people.
Thank you for actually sharing the video! I missed the ceremony and most of the videos on here are just clickbaity clips. Appreciate you for this and sharing the moment with you :)
Huge day for metal.
The next stop for metal - the FIFA World Cup Finals! 😎🤘💪🍻
what song is this
That was the most incredible performance I’ve ever seen myself! It was so unexpected to see a heavy metal band. Truly epic!
Watched this live in the background while working, came out on no where. Couldn't believe what i was seeing, probably the coolest thing I've ever seen
L'Union de la voix d'une chanteuse d'opéra avec Gojira était une idée géniale !
Bro, absolutely, It brought this song to the next level so hard !
I read Marina Viotti sang Heavy Metal for years before doing opera! She's so badass!!
@@MagicBot.1570 C'est mon amie 😭 je suis trop fière d'elle. Oui, Marina était la chanteuse du groupe Soulmaker entre autres. Elle organisait des concerts aussi à Lyon où elle vivait avant d'être en Suisse. Avec mon groupe nous avons joué à son anniversaire et son groupe aussi. Certainement mes meilleurs souvenirs de musiciens sont avec elle à Lyon. Marina est quelqu'un de très compétent avec un cœur en or. ♥️
@@Juju-uy5bb elle est géniale!! J'écoute cette prestation en boucle depuis vendredi ^^ bravo à tous
Honestly watched it live and I literally was in awe!! 😅 unbelievable!!
Gojira had the best Olympic Games performance of all time. Congratulations to France !
Freddie Mercury à Barcelone, c'était autre chose.
Your reaction is great to see ! THANKS 🙏 ! Greetings from PARIS ! “Ah it’ll be fine, it’ll be fine !” 🤟
I’m French I’m not a metal fan but honestly I find it awesome and im proud of what they did they dared to show for the Olympics (usually so politically correct) Marie Antoinette holding her head with metal music, at La Conciergerie (the place she was put in jail before being beheaded) …. Soooo irreverent and provoking ! Sooo French lol
it's not the Palais de Justice but the Conciergerie that was used as a prison during the French Revolution, particularly for the royal family... Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette spent their last days there. Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were beheaded on the Place de la Concorde.
The song “Ah! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira” is a revolutionary song whose refrain, which symbolizes the French Revolution, was first heard in May 1790. Its author, a former soldier and street singer by the name of Ladré, had adapted harmless lyrics to the Carillon national, a very popular contredanse tune by Bécourt, violinist at the Beaujolais theater, which Queen Marie-Antoinette herself often liked to play on her harpsichord. The song's title and refrain theme were inspired by the unflappable optimism of Benjamin Franklin, the French people's beloved representative to the Congress of the 13 American colonies in Paris from December 22, 1776 to July 12, 1785, who, when asked about the American War of Independence, invariably replied in his bad French: “Ça ira, ça ira”. During the Revolution, the text was transformed by sans-culottes into murderous apostrophes aimed at the aristocracy and the clergy. Ça ira survived Thermidor, and the Directoire even ordered that it be sung before every performance, but it was banned under the Consulate.
😊merci pour tes explications
J'ignorais ce détail (?) a propos de Franklin sur le "Ça ira".
Je vous suis reconnaissante de me l'apprendre !
Marie Antoinette was a pawn in her mother's political games, a scapegoat for the French nobility, and a sacrificial lamb for the anger and discontent of the public. She arrived in France at the age of 14, already burdened with hatred and prejudice. From my research into the history of the court, it’s clear that no matter what she did, there was always a faction ready to use her actions, right or wrong, to advance their own political agendas. She was essentially a child, thrust into a world of intrigue and manipulation without anyone to truly guide her.
Her situation was dire, and she was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of the court. By the time she matured and understood her surroundings, it was too late. The immense sadness and loss she endured must have been unbearable. Despite this, she did her best to help others, establishing charities for the elderly, blind, orphans, and widows, and adopting many orphans herself.
As queen consort, she had very limited power in politics, but she still made efforts to make a difference. She was a devoted wife to a complicated man and a caring mother who did everything she could while fulfilling her role as queen.
She was a deeply misunderstood young woman, and few truly grasp the torment that she, her family, and her friends endured during the revolution. The actions of the French continue to appall me, and the lies spread to tarnish her honor are unforgivable.
@@raquelgordon10 Marie Antoinette was a selfish queen .Original documents not only give us an intimate view of her life, but also reveal how Marie-Antoinette, inexperienced and politically uneducated, was manipulated by her Austrian family, to whom she always remained attached. And she was married to a man who never want to be king whose lack of politics and visionnary led France into chaos .....
Bah si, aujourd'hui ça fait partie du palais de justice de la cité.
This will remain for me the most emotional moment of this opening ceremony...I love Gojira🤘❤🤘....Greetings from a Frenchman 🇫🇷
Go France!! I had chills the whole damn time almost leading to tears of happiness to see metal be played in the damn Olympics!! And notice the whole ceremony seems to be focused on inclusiveness. Don't forget that people got attacked through terrorism at a metal show in Paris where 130 were killed. I think this is France screaming that they like metal, these kinds of people and those kinds of people so deal with it!
Pairing imagery and story elements of the French Revolution with opera and metal is perfection. An epic Olympic moment and one of the most metal things I’ve ever seen.
I'm moving to France now. Seems like my tribe 🤘
Same, my friend.
@@mandycreeksquad1722 BIENVENUS 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 @Kingfroggle to
As a parisian, this part made me proud!
I used to work at la Conciergerie, I'll try to summarize the references here : l'île de la Cité, the island where it is located, is one of the oldest part of Paris as a city ( there is a debate between other parts the romans built first over 2000 years ago ). The Conciergerie is the oldest part of the first palace of the french royal dynasty, before being turned into a prison in the 15th century, right next/part of a court ( it's still a justice court btw ) where the royal blood and all those affilited to them, were judged, and kept in prison in the Conciergerie before their execution during the french revolution, in late 18th.
Marie-Antoinette being the most famous one ( she was kept elsewhere before ).
The boat where Marina Viotti sings Ah ça ira , is the symbol of Paris, where the major events took place is a symbol from the coat of arms of the city, inherited from the merchant guild that controled the business on the Seine river, the most powerful corporation in the city during the middle age.
She is dressed up in a costume associated to the revolution era of the late 18th century. In the theatrical sense of it. People say it's Marianne, I disagree, Marianne has the very distinctive bonet phrygien as a hat, the symbol of the Paris olympic games btw. Not that fancy one, you just can't portray Marianne without it, I think they went with a more opened option though I'm surprised.
Gojira is celebrating the revolution and the bloody end of the age of kings and queens, singing Ah ! Ça ira ! , a sarcastic song from the Revolution, basically saying that all will be fine as we'll take the aristocrats' heads ( by hanging them but, well, a more productive method was found along the way ). It fits their theme and convictions.
The Conciergerie is a huge place in the History of France and commonly associated to a form of reverance towards the royal heritage. It is both where they began, and ended. There was once a guillotine blade there that was removed because royalists complained. I'm talking about roughly 2010, give or take.
If you ever visited France you probably felt how much kings are put into pedestals as if their reign has not been ended into blood to give birth to the Republic.
So, I see it as a huge middle finger to that and a firm, powerful yet somehow funny way of reminding everyone that we are the heirs of the Revolution.
I'll stop there. Personnaly I was between shocked and amazed by Gojira's performance. It is a huge deal. I know the place well, even its ghost stories, and I find it freacking awesome. That's what provocative art is to me.
This show in particular and the joy it gave to so many people across the world was worth all the troubles we've had during the long, very long preparations 😂
Merci beaucoup pour tes explications, c'est très intéressant, dans un anglais parfaitement rédigé qui plus est 👌😉
Thank you so much for this
Basically the entire opening were provocative art. I mean, internet is still going nuts for the fashion show that had so many diverse fashion models in one place, with hint of “The last supper”.
Merci beaucoup c'est hyper intéressant 🫶
Je suis marseillais vivant en région parisienne fan de metal et j'ai jaimais autant senti ma communion avec Paris qu'à ce moment ^^
I really hope they release this song it just sounded and for so perfect!!
Metal and Opera is a match made in heaven 🔥
This performance always gives me chills now. France understood the assignment 😂 Vive la Révolucion 👀
French here, and my inspiration are us/uk/aussie bands, so much respect for your artists ! Really Glad you like it.
I was so disappointed that there was no ACDC at the Sydney ceremony in 2000
France definitely picked their best musicians
I wish David Guetta was invited!
@@PhO3NiX96 France's best fake musician?
@@jbrassic5434 I mean he's the author of so many bangers it's actually impressive
Only if it was Kadinja or The Dali Thundering Concept.
A shame the Daft Punk said no (well they are officially retired)
It's so provocative but beautiful, unreal.
I'm from a tiny ass town in Missouri (so, American AF), but this made me so insanely proud of my almost entirely French heritage 🇫🇷
In my opinion, it is one of the best Olympics opening ceremonies 😊
There is basically no competition with this one.
And after this:
Rammstein in Berlin,
Led Zeppelin or Beatles in London,
One of dozens of metal bands in Helsinki.
It is... if it was more understood...
I don't know what to say. This time, French creativity exceeded all expectations, and as a fan of this band since its appearance, I did not expect a very crazy show like this. In fact, I was watching the opening show for a few minutes and went to do something and forgot and thus missed this moment in metal history.
Marie Antoinette was a pawn in her mother's political games, a scapegoat for the French nobility, and a sacrificial lamb for the anger and discontent of the public. She arrived in France at the age of 14, already burdened with hatred and prejudice. From my research into the history of the court, it’s clear that no matter what she did, there was always a faction ready to use her actions, right or wrong, to advance their own political agendas. She was essentially a child, thrust into a world of intrigue and manipulation without anyone to truly guide her.
Her situation was dire, and she was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of the court. By the time she matured and understood her surroundings, it was too late. The immense sadness and loss she endured must have been unbearable. Despite this, she did her best to help others, establishing charities for the elderly, blind, orphans, and widows, and adopting many orphans herself.
As queen consort, she had very limited power in politics, but she still made efforts to make a difference. She was a devoted wife to a complicated man and a caring mother who did everything she could while fulfilling her role as queen.
She was a deeply misunderstood young woman, and few truly grasp the torment that she, her family, and her friends endured during the revolution. The actions of the French continue to appall me, and the lies spread to tarnish her honor are unforgivable.
I watched your video 10 times! J'adore !
This is the coolest performance ever!!!
As a sports, history and metal fanatic it gave me BRAINGASM. Tears of fucking joy!!!
This was AMAZING!!!! I caught it live and was completely taken off guard. I couldn't believe they literally put Marie Antoinette in this....BEHEADED!!! And the blood!! The performance was amazing.
How better to combine the legacy of the French revolution (which was bloody) with the right music... Gojira :D
Marie Antoinette was a pawn in her mother's political games, a scapegoat for the French nobility, and a sacrificial lamb for the anger and discontent of the public. She arrived in France at the age of 14, already burdened with hatred and prejudice. From my research into the history of the court, it’s clear that no matter what she did, there was always a faction ready to use her actions, right or wrong, to advance their own political agendas. She was essentially a child, thrust into a world of intrigue and manipulation without anyone to truly guide her.
Her situation was dire, and she was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of the court. By the time she matured and understood her surroundings, it was too late. The immense sadness and loss she endured must have been unbearable. Despite this, she did her best to help others, establishing charities for the elderly, blind, orphans, and widows, and adopting many orphans herself.
As queen consort, she had very limited power in politics, but she still made efforts to make a difference. She was a devoted wife to a complicated man and a caring mother who did everything she could while fulfilling her role as queen.
She was a deeply misunderstood young woman, and few truly grasp the torment that she, her family, and her friends endured during the revolution. The actions of the French continue to appall me, and the lies spread to tarnish her honor are unforgivable.
Absolutely insane!! Can't believe i missed that! Metal is my main squeeze and Gojira is one of the best around right now. A well deserved win for them.
Thanks for everything and much love to all ❤
This song and performance is a huge middle finger to world leaders
Gonna say. No it isn't
Then they killed with all the drag bull*hit
@@jasoncarey157Maybe not yet
je ne sais pas où tu as vu un doigt d'honneur.
@@jasoncarey157 More like a warning! Why else did they initially try to take down all the OG clips of said performance while leaving the other Opening Ceremony performances alone?
This is a major victory for the Metal Family! Gojira with Marina Voitti. Metal and Opera get along juuuuust fine :)
It’s so heavy! So perfect. Gojira became so many people’s favorite band in this moment. Historic moment like others mentioned.
Hell yeah! This was freaking the best thing Ive seen!
I got emotional...what a moment for Metal ...
Gojira will get a huge amount of new fans.. and rightly so.. they are really good
never heard metal before, but i watched the olympics and watched again the video 100 times in 48 hours, Metal is so FKIN cool
Welcome to the metal family. You've got 55 years of metal history to explore.
Such a proud moment for the metal scene. I hope more people start to see how versatile metal is. There are so many subgenres within metal, most people think it’s all just death metal with guttural vocals only. 🖤🖤🖤
Of course they're tethered to the building! You can't just let Joe and Mario loose, they have no natural predators!
for me it was one of the most spectacular ceremonies I have ever seen, I loved it.
Even the trans mocking the last supper?
Did you watch the lgbptifkld+ people walking on the table... the rock band was amazing, but this s**t with the trans people was idiotic...
@@chrizzy.m1576 For religion lessons you have to go to the door that has a sign that says big CHURCH. Thank you
Privleged american that I am that ive seen them live 3x. Every show is 1000% effort. Wish we showed our bands love like this. Our mainstream music culture is vanilla/trash.
privileged? 😂you mean "not from a third world"
@@TomekkplkYou said it. I've said America is a third world country for 8 years now.
@@mandycreeksquad1722If you’re a idiot that is. We have a shit ton of issues we as a nation have to work on. But we don’t have it nearly as bad as third world nations.
hope you know Ramstein !
your reaction is SO COOL, i love watching it again, the best on YT ;)
Great reaction video, thanks! Credit should also be given to the other artists: the choir of the Orchestre de Paris at the windows, and the wonderful mezzo-soprano, Marina Viotti 🤩. Actually, a fun and awesome fact: guess who's doing the pure metal growl at 2:59 ? It's Marina Viotti herself, right after a pure opera vocalise! Before turning to classical/lyrical at age 25, Marina was the frontwoman/lead singer in several metal bands for about ten years (most notably a band called Soulmaker). She is still at metalhead, and also likes to explore other genres, like jazz. One of the best and most versatile lyrical singers in the young generation of opera artists, and with a stage presence and character to match!
This will stay at the top of Olympic performances for a long long time. Chills.
So glad to see the global metal scene get its flowers 🤘🏽