Hello ! Back in the 60's I worked as an underground electrician at Walton Colliery in Wakefield West Yorks. ( long before I was saved ). One day underground work had to stop in the main gate ( 14 foot high tunnel ), because there was a pot oyl in the roof. This was a fossilised tree trunk in a vertical position and had to be secured in case it came down. It was about 18 to 24 inches diameter and coal seam was 28 inches thick. The seam was 847 ft from the surface according to the survey maps. I now know this was a polystrate fossil I've seen on creation video's. Thanks a lot. Colin UK.
In Pennsylvania a fossilized tree trunk was observed in the ceiling of a coal mine lying on its side going from room to room such that local university geology and paleontology people were brought in to study it. It was a large tree trunk that was over 1000 feet in length (meaning 3 times the height of the tallest trees today) but it was hollow! A species that no longer exists that was lighter and stiffer for its size and thus formed 1000 foot high trees. The whole of North America was warmer at that time but up where Victoria Island and Ellesmere Island in the most northerly islands of Canada are, recently they found buried wood trunks and branches and roots of birch, pine, spruce, dawn redwoods, and alder trees -STILL WOOD, with no fossilization where today nothing but small shrubs grow in brutal arctic conditions. Instead of the obvious conclusion that the land was warmer mere thousands of years ago, university scientists are claiming that they are 2 million to 53 million years old. Absurd!
Coal is tar that has solidified in my assumption, like the oil in the ground which is produced by volcanism there are grades of oil and the thickest oils then become tars and solidified dried out tar is coal this is my theory on the subject. We know that the fossilised fuel story was cooked up by Rockefeller and Standard oil who basically convinced scientists to classify oil as fossil fuel to make it appear rare.
Just 12 days ago, on July 30, a landslide on the Chilcotin River in British Columbia Canada occurred which completely dammed the river. It was about 1000ft long and near 100ft deep. The blocked water created a temporary lake upstream which did eventually breach the land dam. The flow carried not just sediments, but thousands of trees that were on that land. Down stream the Chilcotin River empties into the Frazer River which then flows down eventually to Vancouver. There are several coal fields found in the area around Vancouver. Is it possible this current event is a new example of what has happened in the past that created these coal fields? IMO it is quite possibly so.
There have been findings that do suggest a shorter time line for some. Mt St Helens researcher found some evidence of what was once thought to be thousands of years of petrification of trees, may be long term to petrify or fossilize them, but all died in the same event and erosion is not as long term as we thought, sharp features usually are the same sudden event over weeks or months instead of centuries or eons while gentle rolling hills are from long term erosion. Fossil fields are in groups for the simple fact it was the result of a single sudden event and that includes coal fields.
@@sambo7326 While it is acceptable to invoke tsunamis as possible transport and stratifying mechanisms, they cannot be used to also explain why a given layer was converted to coal. So, how was the coal created at specific layers?
@@StarmaxStarmax-zn3xt Water sorting action from a massive flood would be the only realistic way for all the wood to be clustered together the way they are found.
@@creationministriesintlI can see all the trees from the mountains flushed of the mountains into the valley and form the layer you are talking about. The bible is a sliver of the complete history, if you study the Sumerian Clay tablets you get a far more complete and understandable history and it is a fascinating story of our creation. I can highly recommend to look into it, also without preconception of course.
I work at the Ipswich historical centre. The society has just hosted the 51st anniversary of the mine disaster. Retired and some very elderly miners meet at the centre once a week. Many lost mates and family members. May they RIP.
Why is Tas not on more? A favourite of mine for sure. The young lady was very professional, courteous and asked great questions. Loved it. God bless you one and all.
she is great, just as you say. However, from a public relations and marketing perspective the Australian accent is not judged by Americans to be generally viewed as intelligent the way certain British accents are viewed. There are some that hear a faint southern US tone and that doesn't work as well as for stereotypes in the US.
@@trauma50disaster1 Marketing and public relations (PR) and accents? Unbelievers will scrape the bottom of the barrel for excuses not to believe, not even to think. God uses the weak things of the world to confound the mighty.
@@warnerchandler9826 Come on, why are you assuming I'm an unbeliever? I said she was great, I didn't say she wasn't accurate. Looks like your scraping the bottom of the barrel instead of having an open mind listening. I didn't say anything against God. Shouldn't you be commenting with wisdom to bring glory to God and help others get saved?
I am very favorably impressed with the way this engineer blends philosophy into his engineering. More than that, his way of understanding the other person's point of world view and accepting that as valid for them while providing a way for them to make a paradigm shift. I think this would be a good watch for the strident polemicist creation advocate as well as the similarly oriented evolutionist.
Serious questions; (1) how many tons of organic material are required to make a ton of coal? (2) What are the estimated tons of coal reserves combined with the estimated amount of coal burned since the Industrial Revolution? (3) Therefore, how much organic material had to have existed at the time of the flood? (4) What kind of biosystem could have sustained that amount of organic material? (5) How much surface area would have been required to support that amount of organic material?
1) Some ongoing research suggests a 5 to 1 compression of plant material. This is necessary to get the density required in high-grade anthracite. Some of these coal seams have very little impurities, suggesting they were not exposed to the environment for long periods of time. Rather, water source action was involved in the sorting out of the plant material prior to deposition, allowing for the sorting purity. 2) Plants sequester carbon dioxide from the environment resulting in greater plant growth. Therefore, the amount of coal burned on its own since it was first mined is a poor measure of increased CO2. More CO2 would also mean more sequesting of CO2 by plants, thereby removing a large amount from the atmosphere. Plant growth is directly impacted by the CO2 level. 3-5) There would have been a lot of trees in the pre-Flood world. First, they would not have to grow from scratch unlike just after the Flood. They would have been created mature and huge at the beginning. Also consider that only a third of the earth's surface is land and most of earth's surface is under the ocean. Before the Flood, there would have been a lot more exposed land, meaning a lot more vegetative material in the pre-Flood world, and we can account for 100% of all the coal reserve today. This is addressed in detail here: creation.com/coal-beds-and-noahs-flood
During an Ice Age cold period when sea level is much lower the surface area would have been much larger especially in the tropics . A fast melting event of the ice sheet could provoke floods.
Almost every coal seam has a flat top and a flat bottom. Geologist Steve Austin did his PhD on coal. When he looked at coal under a microscope, he was able to identify plant parts in the coal, especially bark in the coal. Steve's theory was that coal was created by a floating wooden mat of global proportions. Tribes swim on the surface. And they are lipopod strains. These are tree trunks of trees that are hollow. They have bark, but they have no inner secondary wood. While they swim on the water, roll against each other and peel off the bark against each other. The bark gets wet and sinks to the ground. Bark pieces are flat. Most of us have been taught under the conventional paradigm that the formation of coal takes a long time. and forms on the bottom of a swamp. But we don't see that here. No, we don't see that. If it were a swamp, would do some things for that, what we are looking at. First, if it's a swamp, grow trees, rooted in the soil. So you would expect to see roots in the material under the coal. I don't see any roots here And under modern swamps, there are many roots everywhere. Right. But we don't see that here. Also think about the bottom of the swamp Is the bottom of the swamp nice and flat? No, he's not. It's as uneven as the surface where all these trees protrude.
@28:14 Hydroselectivity refers to the process in which materials, particularly soil particles, are selectively deposited by water based on their density and size. This selective activity, known as hydro-selective activity, is a key concept in understanding sedimentation during events like Noah’s flood, river flows, and other hydrological processes. Hydroselectivity is the tendency of water, particularly fast moving water, to sort and deposit particles based on their density and size. As the velocity of water changes, it influences which particles are carried along, which remain suspended, and which are deposited. Process of Hydro-Selective Activity: Suspension and Transport: In fast-moving water, such as during a flood or in a river, particles of various sizes and densities are suspended and transported. Water's kinetic energy keeps these particles, ranging from large, dense sand grains to fine, light clay particles, in motion. Deceleration and Deposition: As water slows down-either due to a decrease in slope, encountering obstacles, or spreading out-the energy available to carry these particles diminishes. Hydro-selective activity occurs as water loses energy: Heavier and larger particles (e.g., sand and gravel) are the first to be deposited since they require more energy to remain suspended. Medium-density particles (e.g., silt) settle out next as the water slows further. Light and fine particles (e.g., clay and organic matter) remain suspended the longest and are deposited only when the water is nearly still. Formation of Layers: In a short time, this selective deposition creates distinct sediment layers, with the densest and largest particles forming the bottom layer, followed by progressively finer and lighter materials on top. This stratification is a direct result of hydroselectivity, where each layer reflects a different stage in the water's energy levels and sediment-carrying capacity. Fast moving water in flood stage can be 95% sediment/ Water moving 5 MPH can move stones. At 10 X that speed, 50 MPH it can move railway locomotive across the valley. Look at The Grand Canyon layers, they go a mile deep. The layers formed while the earth was covered with water for a year. Currents at different speed can cross other layers that were deposited at another speed. As the water slows down the sediment tapers to a fine feather edge. "The same types of micro-fossils, spores, and pollen grains have been found in various layers of the Grand Canyon, indicating and proving that these layers were deposited rapidly rather than over millions of years."
Well you all got me thinking what I have been doing for decade's lol about this matter and others that just seemingly make such sense though much more thinking .very good video ty.
oil and gas slowly replenish itself also old sealed oil outlets that were empty in america were opened and were refilled amazing how the earth can surprise us
Telling you, by Christ words, is very true. But money rules Earth. Even now, after He Tipped over the tables of the money changers . You believe in money before him. God , his Father, is our Father. He’s said it and God in all living things , is DNA. Proof of God.
@@refuse2bdcvd324 so DNA is the best evidence for just any type of entity that can manipulate matter in a way that we identify it as life or some specific religious god claim?
It actually takes more faith to believe in the billion-year old earth theory than the creation story. It saddens me that folks are so brainwashed (either that or just refuse God’s word so readily) that they can’t accurately use science.
The question is not how the basic material got there, but rather - what material are we talking about? Thomas Gold in his "Deep Hot Biosphere" adresses a fundamental problem: The extremely low ash content in coal. If it were made of plant material the amount of ashes in the leftovers would be much higher. That points to an entirely different origin of coal. Indeed of a much younger age. He argues that coal is the last stage of upwelling abiotic hydrocarbons, originating from a depth of 150 or more kilometers, having lost the hydrogen during their upward journey. It is regrettable that science here is misrepresented as a choice between the myth of creation and the 19th century myth of a biological origin.
This is a conversation about coal but also about being led astray by false assumptions and preconceived beliefs. The geologist tells us plants become coal, coal becomes oil and methane. Who has the false assumptions?
Remember that the "ages" of the earth are a human construct. Nature is not that obliging, clearly separating things into ages. So to make a distinction between the Carboniferous age and the Permian is applying the human desire for classification to the age of the earth, which is a continuum. There are no clear separations. The early Permian, for instance, would be much closer to the late Carboniferous than the early Caboniferous. They have nice sharp lines on the diagrams, but nature doesn't work that way. The diagrams can be useful, but like the Bohr model of the atom, they're made to facilitate human understanding. A useful fiction.
Great discussion. I have seen what you are talking about where people in the scientific community fail to follow the evidence to the natural conclusion. They get to the point where the evidence doesn't support their belief, but instead of questioning their belief system, they refuse to think the evidence through.
How could a swamp plants or any vegetation continue to grow in an area to produce coal over long periods of time? That would contradict the need for that material to be compressed before it rotted. If this were in a lake, wouldn't the lake just accumulate dead plants until nothing could grow? -- but it would never compress on its own. He starts addressing that after about 20 minutes into the video.
The link to the Achilles Heal stream had issues working with Chromebook machine. Page opens but can't close cookie box and cannot select country, I will try from another machine. I was wondering if you all would do a video about how the continents moved during the Flood? I am interested in how the Pacific Northwest and everything that was added to North America's west side. That is a very intriguing area along with the Yellowstone Hotspot. I do believe in a total Biblical Creation. I cannot believe otherwise and still accept that Christ died for my sins. The whole idea of death before Adam just doesn't align with Creation. There can be no death before Adam sinned! God bless and keep up the good work.
Sorry to hear you had trouble with the link. We're looking into it. Continental drift sounds like a good topic to talk about in a future episode. We'll include that in the ideas list. 👍 In the meantime, you might be interested to start by looking at our (free) chapter of The Creation Answers Book, titled ‘What About Continental Drift?’ creation.com/continents-cab-11 Also, we have a Creation Magazine LIVE! episode on that topic, going back a few years: creation.com/cml2-07 You'll find much more if you search creation.com for “plate tectonics”.
If this planet is only thousands of years old then that means this planet has created all of the oil and coal (as well as other resources) in that same period. We will never run out of resources because they are being created faster than we can use them.
I'm a Christian, raised one, and a licensed Geologist. It's a broad field, and I work in the environmental industry. I couldn't hold an after work conversation with an oilfield guy. But I can clean up his mess. The earth isn't six thousand years old and created on a Tuesday. I'm still in the first few minutes. There are different grades of coal, and the gentleman tiptoed across it by saying that the power plants needed to be designed for the available local coal. To me, that means it's lignite. It's formed in swamps. Low ground. There's a reason why it's low, and it's because it's in a basin. Land features can rise and lower. Arizona's Grand Canyon was formed as the Colorado plateau rose, and the Colorado River cut through it at the same rate as the rise. Obviously, that would take a slow rise, or the river would have been diverted. Back to the basin. Water washes into basins, bringing whatever load it can carry. Lignite was formed during the Tertiary Period, which followed the asteroid impact that ended the Cretaceous Period. So it's young, in relation to geologic time. 65 million years ago. High in moisture and low in energy. Victorian lignite classifies in the lower end of the range of energy of known lignites. It's likely young in relation to other formations. We're still talking millions of years. Jesus came to preach the Good News to the world. Humanity, in our imperfection, created divisions. I'm quoting the general Geology company line. There's dating techniques based on known science. I worked on one that dated the melting of glaciers by extracting an element, beryllium, that has a known accumulation rate within exposed silicious rocks. They are used because glaciers erode the surface with their movement. When they melt, they leave a freshly exposed surface. The beryllium comes from a process caused by photon collisions in the high atmosphere. Therefore, I worked in the Cosmgenic Nuclide Extraction Lab. It's highly accurate out to nearly two million years.
The Grand Canyon was formed within minutes by an enormous bolt of lightning, likely after the flood. This is why the Colorado plateau is a desert along with the surrounding areas. Look at the Grand Canyon from a satellite view and you'll be able to see the effects of electricity a lot better. Erosion over millions of years doesn't carve smooth cave systems like you see in the GC. When electricity is polarized correctly, it'll raise up the surface. You can see the effect with Olympus Mons on Mars, which is effectively what would happen if the bolt that carved the GC stayed in one place. Only the center would be carved out and the rest raised. As for the glaciers and radiodating, remember that people and animals lived a long time (900+ years!) prior to the flood. This likely means there was a lot less radioactive material back then, and we had better sunlight or fewer neutrinos to create such material. The assumption your science is making is that the amount of material is consistent, but the word of God appears to disagree. "Who has divided a channel for the overflowing water, or a path for the thunderbolt, to cause it to rain on a land where there is no one, a wilderness where there is no man;" Job 38:25,26
@@richavic4520 Oh and nearly forgot, gotta ping you so you see my reply, and glaciers can be created in minutes by rapidly expanding energy, like what would have happened when the "fountains of the deep" erupted after being pressurized under the crust of the earth. Expanding gas creates extreme cold. Let me know if you want more info, like where the electricity comes from or proof that the planets work this way, etc. It's pretty easy to prove these things but the way people have been taught is generally in the way.
Please keep up with this work. These videos and articles are the antidote to the plauge of naturalism that infected me and my loved ones. There is no greater love you can give to your neighbors than bringing them the gospel. I pray our Lord blesses all of you, and you guys become so much bigger than you already are. Glory to the Lord!!!
Dear Kjhgfdfghjkdrtyuiwewe We at CMI were thrilled to read the following comments you made on several of our videos, concerning the impact of creation ministry on your and your family’s lives. If you would be so kind, we would love to hear more details of your experience on these matters. Hearing about your testimony would greatly encourage our staff and supporters. We would especially appreciate your permission to publish it or extracts of it in one of our newsletters. We would only use your first name and the initial of your surname, to protect your privacy. (Please feel free to write as much as you like, as it obviously can be edited to suit.) We know how over the years the ministry of CMI has led to much spiritual fruit. But it is important for our fellow believers to hear about this from time to time, so they might be encouraged to keep praying for and supporting this ongoing outreach. That helps us continue to impact lives for the Gospel, as the Lord wills. Looking forward to your response ... Please submit your testimony here: creation.com/en/contact/testimony
Previous work usually involved the making of hydrochar, which is a very light form of charcoal-like material. It involved the use of water. There is however ongoing creaion research where coal is being made in a few days by replicating Flood conditions. Rather similar to what I mentioned above, but with the added component of compression which would be expected from rapidly deposited sediments over it.
Coal doesn't alwyas need a flood in order to form. In nature, coal is mainly formed when dead plant matter gets submerged in *_swamp environments_* and is subjected to the geological forces of heat and pressure caused by sediment layers that build up on top of the dead plant matter over *_hundreds of millions of years_* . And that definition/description comes from someone that actually has a degree in geology and is also currently working in that field, so I think I'm going to trust them over someone with an honorary earth sciences degree.
@@gothicbagheera right, then what's the explination of non swamp plants being present all throughout the coal "deposit"? Why are there vertical trees found through meters and meters of the coal and earth in various places?
@@jimmie8928 um, the vegitation in those areas were covered by sedimentary layers and water from various things such as floods, glacial movements and melting, volcanic eruptions, oceanic earthquakes causing massive tsunamis, etc. You seem to think I said swamp-like environments were the only places coal could be formed, which is not what I said. i said that was the main type of environment that coal was found to have been formed in, but I didn't say it was the only environment.
How is an engineer worked at coal mine an expert on how coal was formed? It is irrelevant authority at best. And I watched the entire video but still waiting for the evidence relevant to the title. Not that anyone should believe anything, from actual authority or not, purely based on one UA-cam video. Funny how so many people saying 'oh, that must prove....', that is not how science works.
@@alantasman8273 I have plenty, just not in the subject at hand if by at hand you meant creationism. But it irrelevant, because we are talking about what counts as qualification here, it's not like creationists have a special standard for qualification different than other fields, even though creationists think they do in practice . BTW, he doesn't have peer reviewed paper using creationist model either, your red herring was an admission , so if you regard my assertion, by the same standard you should regard his. That's logic 101.
1. What Do Floating Log Mats Have to Do with Noah's Flood - Dr. Steve Austin 2.What actually Happened at Mount St. Helens - Dr. Steve Austin 3. Dr. Steve Austin - Mount St Helens Modern Evidence for the Worldwide Flood 4. Dr. Steven Austin - Catastrophic Plate Tectonics - A Global Flood Model for earth history
Appreciate the journey. Just like the Grand Canyon in the states: Miles upon miles of smooth sedimentary layers uninterrupted by markers of time, yet the story tellers always insist it happened over millions of years with absolutely nothing happening to disturb the layers as they mysteriously built up... according to them.
There is a lake near Mt St Helens that is filled with trees from the 1980s eruption, and one youtube channel geologist compares the floating and sinking trees (including evidence from diving in the lake) to the coal fields and logs/bark he was used to finding in Pennsylvania coal mines.
🫡 We can create diamonds in a lab, what about coal? I realize that this is likely not cost effective. The point is, we can create diamonds in less than millions of years. 'Tis but a wee step to realize the same would be true of coal.
I have been looking at the coal deposits and how they could be formed. After living in many regions where coal is mined, I started seeing a common thread. It appears events caused clay liquefaction with crude oil to be forced in. It would be fun to try to simulate this in a lab, where water is used to force the crude into small layers. The lack of oxygen and pressure needs to be in the control factors. The type of clay and the grades of crude may need to be worked with to find the perfect formula. How the clay liquefaction occurs needs to be addressed. Fresh water mixing with salt water, methane trying to escape a layer of clay, and earthquakes are the most common methods. There is an enzyme that has been identified in the last 40 years that can change clay to shale or slate. This enzyme comes from pig food. The idea is to be able to manufacture coal.
Two things I haven't heard him say much, (If anything!) about is the growth and function of glaciers in shaping the landscape. These huge floating seas of ice and boulders miles deep weighing billions of tons, carving their way from north to south. And then there's all the different methods of dating both geological and biological remains. Moot point, somewhat..?
@@alantasman8273but haven't there been multiple poles in the geological record, I think north America was the pole 15,000 years ago and Greenland was lush valleys...
Norfolk Island Pines grow in Florida. They grow very tall in near houses in our neighborhoods. Ibises like to roost in them, The birds look like clumps of snow in the trees.
Good thinking, asking good questions. 👍👍 do the oceancurrents around these coaldeposites contribute to that much of biomass piling up and stay in place ?
This rings true to me because I have become so very inlightened to dietery science that puts sugar above healthy fats. That too is based on belief systems.
I saw a photo in a book of a human scull imbeded in coal in a mine. There are anecdotal stories of human made objects imbedded in coal. As far as I know there were not people on the earth 300 million years ago.
Yeah they really do not like talking about that. Every effort is made to keep such discoveries from being seen. There's no defense against it. Other than to insist it doesn't exist. Wagon wheels, belts, jewelry and entire skeletons have been found.
Living in US. I have a 3 acre swamp (peat moss) small by comparison. I do have pines in small diameter growing in the swamp. Enough wood exists to go from log to log (to keep from getting wet) the common swamp log of size is cedar. I assumed harvesting removed the cedar. I am aware of a road that was built on a base in logs. I would question how ice ages effect coal deposits. The bulk of the coal deposits in the US seem to be near the limits of ice. Hopefully Canada won't decide it wants coal back.
We can change a tree into coal within 1.5 hours with the right pressure and temperature. Geologists are wrong. As early as 1669, Steno determined that every layer of the earth must have been formed horizontally by mixing with water. Shark teeth were found high in the mountains. The conclusion is that at some point seawater must have been higher than the mountains. There are now two possibilities. Either the water is lifted above the highest mountains or the land sinks under the water. Geologists have chosen the latter possibility as the indisputable reason for the formation of layers of the earth. The large number of horizontal layers on top of each other indicate that this event has occurred often. Geologists have estimated that the formation of one layer will take at least 100,000 years. Geologists apparently know nothing about the oldest history of mankind. Several ancient books speak of a cycle of seven world periods that are separated by a natural disaster. Plato tells of regularly recurring disasters involving a celestial body. Other sources tell of a planet that is approaching the earth. There are many images of that event! That planet is invisible until it is close to the sun, says Pliny. Planet 9 must therefore orbit our sun in an eccentric orbit. Then its speed during the crossing is very high. As a result, the gravitational pull on the planets near its orbit is strong. As a result, during some crossings, the water on planet Earth is pulled up very high, even "above the highest mountains" with everything that is scooped up in it. It is an extinction level event. The crossing lasts seven days. At the end the planet is covered in a thick layer of mud including remains of many land and sea animals. The layer hardens after some time and forms the next layer on top of many others. We have been able to construct a timeline in which we can see that five tidal waves are pulled over the Earth and thus five layers of the Earth are formed in a cycle of 25,200 years. Abundant and convincing evidence about this cycle of natural disasters and many images are available in the eBook: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". Search: invisible nibiru 9
"The same types of micro-fossils, spores, and pollen grains have been found in various layers of the Grand Canyon, indicating and proving that these layers were deposited rapidly rather than over millions of years."
thats the conclusion ive come to , that our sun has a twin which goes around every 12,000 years (70%of stars have a twin or even 3-4 'sisters') i think it comes from the south and it would pull all the water towards it but the planet would still turn so it would be like a huge washing machine for 3-4 days .. the 2 seed vaults that have been built have been made so that they can still be accessed even if there is 30ft of debris built up at the door ?? they know whats coming
If the people of Noah's time had repented, the flood would not have come. When Jesus returns, He described it as thus: “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed Luke 17: 26-30
You should do a critque of the standard geological column. The information age is going to debunk the assumptions of modern science and modern philosophy contrary to divine revelation.
Even the smallest cell, a basic amoeba has biology and design so massively complex,all of which parts have to work together is like imagining an explosion in a printing factory will produce the Encyclopedia Britannica. Twice in a row.
It is fascinating that the devil is getting people to deny an event that was brougth about by God's Judgement so that more will fall away. That is a very low blow.
Just a quick question about the Gippsland Basin. If you look up "Lithospheric evolution, thermo-tectonic history and source-rock maturation in the Gippsland Basin, Victoria, southeastern Australia" (easily accessible on the web) it indicates traces of volcanic activity from Carrajung Volcanics (K-Ar Ages Paleocene - Eocene between 66 - 33.9 million years ago) and also Campanian Volcanics (approx 40,000 years ago). Seems to be a very slight discrepancy of age there. Could you explain please ?
Check out the RATE (Radiosotopes and the Age of the Earth) project for many discoveries concerning the terrible record of naturalistic dating methods. For instance, different isotope tests can and do produce wildly varying (discrepant) ages. Samples from the Mount St. Helens lava dome -- actually deposited in the 1980s -- were submitted to multiple labs for dating. They returned dates (as I recall) from 100,000 to over 1,000,000 years old!
@@warnerchandler9826 Thanks for that response , I won another bet !!!! Same old tired made up theories to justify a narrative !! Look up "Geo Christian" article on Mt St Helens from a person on your side of the fence who firmly debunks the YEC claims let alone all the mainstream, respected Geo Science articles and reports on same.. Any way, getting back to the Gippsland Basin do you have any answers to the discrepancy ? I await with great excitement. cheers
Dinosaurs with soft tissue and the dispersal of their remains into concentrated areas in jumbled piles like those in the badlands also tell stories of a recent global catastrophe.
There is a famous coal mine in Pennsylvania that has had a continuously burning fire for 60 years. The local town had to be abandoned. It's still burning today as far as I know.
@@jcflindsay i always wondered how..so deep, it gets the oxygen to continue burning. Water seeps down, it still burns, & steam rises up. We used to take the girls parking in the steam cloud from the fire, the cops couldn't see the car in the steam!
How does he explain the thickness of coal seams? When a tree falls it starts rotting. Can he explain how hundreds of metres depth of tree trunks did not rot? Whether or not it washed into place.
The trees are washed into place during the Flood due to water sorting action. Depositing trees from huge areas together in thick layers before being rapidly buried by subsequent events during the Flood year. The thickness of coal seams is a problem for uniformitarian geology, but it fits well with what we would expect with a global Flood. We don't see processes today capable of forming the massive coal seams that we find out there. They had to be formed during the unique events during the Flood.
The plants/trees found in the coal, had any species of them been identified to species of today? Have any seeds been found. If so, are any of them viable? Thanks!
But if a flood filled the basin with dead trees, and they then got compressed 10:1 , the resulting coal would be at the bottom of the basin, not level with the ground
Many artifacts have been found in coal all over the world. Things like hammers, pots, cart wheels, even something that looks like a spark plug! Look up Michael Cremo and his book 'Forbidden Archaeology'.
I always like to point out the fact that coal was only recently discovered around 300 years ago on the beaches of China! If it's been around for millions of years, then how come we didn't start burning it sooner?
Your time is off by a factor of 10. It was around 3000 years ago that coal was starting to be mined and used in China, and is believed that coal was being used by mankind as early as 4000 B.C. (more than 6000.years ago)
My apologies! I meant to type 3 zeros in there! My point was that it wasn't long after the flood that we started to see coal washing up on beaches! It doesn't take long to form, so I could envision this going back further, just not very much. I'm guessing more charcoal burning instead!
What a shame that the vast majority of experts throughout the world in the field of geology disagree with this guy's conclusions. I love it when people attempt to manipulate science to fit their extreme religious beliefs.
About 2900 BCE the southern Indian Ocean was impacted by a comet or meteorite that left a crater 29 km in diameter. This caused a tsunami that impacted the west coast of Australia showing that was 1.5 km high. Going north this tsunami impacted India and was funneled over the Iraqi desert reaching the mountains of Ururat. At this location is Mount Nisir which has a building at the top built by early Christians for pilgrims because Noah's Ark landed on that mountain. The Mosqu at the town is dedicated to the prophet Noh (same Hebrew spelling). Coal is often ancient plant remains from before bacteria developed the ability to break down lignin. Modern plants rot from such bacteria and do not leave significant deposits. Anaerobic ocean areas life turns which is part of the process of oil formation, which is another subject.
Geologists are able to make coal that is rather close to the densities we find in anthracite coal in under a week in the lab by replicating conditions we would find during the Flood. Multiple veins are consistent with the BEDS hypothesis. See: creation.com/beds-coal-origin
interesting...do you mean from the sun or from a planet going by? something big going by could cause electrical discharges and then when its gone past all the water being pulled towards it would be let go and would flood back over everything..apparently an army of 20,000 sennachehrib men were fried one night , and witnesses said it looked like they had been burnt. ive thought for a while that coal was probably burnt before it was buried
Boy oh boy, longwinded and all over the place but correct. Did coal mining in S,Africa and its clear as daylight that vegetation and layers of silt covering occured. It was fast not slow in the make.
@@markdoherty9205 oh, a fortune faster than that. The different grains and silts by weight settled through the turbulence at different rates, finest last. It took 40 days to flood max level. The waters took ages to recede, go read the account. While receding little gulley became grand canyon. India, part of Africa smashed into Asia creating Himalayan mtns. Sea shells are found up there today, which used to be sea bed. All the soils covered everything. Seams are generally flat and hundreds of kilometres. Advancing 12 m per day X6 days worked a week by 60-80 m wide sections x 30 to 40 sections per mine we had 80 years of coal in front of us. The average depth 40m of top burden to the coal. Coal can be formed quickly ,as has been done within 20 to 40 years given the correct conditions. Don't get me started on oil
@@markdoherty9205 ps by the way, the earth was formed as we know it within 6 days, however , it's massive was totally flooded and go read, in the beginning and waters of the deep. The flood, I suspect was not the first flood. We all know there is huge volumes of water under the mantle
Well in a round about way you're right. The point from observable science is that there isn’t a clear explanation for how coal was formed in the past because scientists weren’t around to observe what happened in the past. It's like forensics of a crime scene. Scientists can gather evidence and make observations and rule out unlikely situations and see if the evidence strongly points to a good possible explanation of what happened at the scene. But none of the scientists were around to see the crime happen, so they look at the hard facts: the evidence. The Bible’s account of a catastrophic global flood event is a good explanation when you look at what’s in the ground/coal/fossils today with scientific observations of the hard evidence.
Anaerobic conditions and no fungus which now exists. Old, high carbon deposits were formed before evolution brought about fungus, so before there was nothing to attack the timber.
The conventional view of Carbon dating is that it's only relevant to dating ages up to hundreds of thousands of years ago. Millions of years+ need other tools. It's more typically used by archeologists rather than geologists.
A. Around 100 years family In WV usa. Was heating their home with coal. While breaking up the coal, inside the coal they fou nd an artifact, it was a stemed copper cup. In the excitement, I guess, they fail to preserve the coal. The cup is In , I think so, is in the creation science. Museum Glen rose tx Of DrCarl Baugh
There are theories that the earth flips about every 12,000 years due to the dzhanibekov effect which would send forests into basins. It occurs due to the earth not being isotropic in nature. I've got an honours degree in Geology and find his arguments reasonable, albeit my specialty isn't in coal. Also a Christian, though wasn't during my studies. Suspicious Observers is a youtube channel that explains this earth flip, which would cause massive floods as oceans flow a mile or more high over continents, stripping forests to bedrock.
But earth is a ball, not an eccentric shape. Point creationist try to support earth being made in 6 days and just 6,000 years ago. When I studied geology I struggled to see evidence to support that. The only thing that 'flips' are the magnetic poles, now there is evidence for that.
@@markdoherty9205 There is evidence the earth is not homogenous and evenly balanced. Search dzhanibekov effect for youtube videos on it. Einstein believed the earth was capable of flipping its rotation. The magnetic poles are shifting at record rates right now and seem poised to flip in the next 2 decades. This may or may not signify a rotational flip. Massive flood events every 12,000 years are documented back to 48,000 years ago.
Thank you all for sharing this. It's always the same story repeating itself since the fall - attempt to replace God with Myself. There is systematic attempt to lead us away from God. Even in Christianity. As a whole Christianity consists of traditions, both written and spoken, liturgical practices, ecclesiastical order, church which was left by Christ through the apostleship and disciples. The whole structure is there, revealed slowly through time since fall, and fully revealed in Christ. Yet you get catholics who decide to change those traditions, you get protestants who decide to change those traditions, to break that structure and they all contribute in bringing up atheistic generations. Divider keeps on dividing. Christ divided people with truth, according to each own free will. There is still Christianity that never changed, which is suffering from onslaught of this world, that's Orthodoxy. Come back people.
Revelation 3:7>10 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Atheism has only come about because the religions are not moving forward with the gifts given to us. I was raised a Catholic, but my studies of geology and other subjects has convinced me the books like the Bible and Quran for example are guidance, not documented history. I doesn't stop me believing in God. In fact, I can't think of any religion that doesn't think God is eternal. The concept of eternal is impossible for us mere mortals to comprehend. So, we get a condensed version 6 days to build just 6,000 years ago. Why would an eternal God do that? In eternity taking billions of years is nothing. Watching your creation grow and evolve seems very logical to me. And this process of us finding out new things about our world and the universe just confirms God keeps giving us new things, but each one only leads to another question. How brilliant is that.
How about the Earth tilt theory? The Earth tilting on its axis by whatever degrees would generate massive tsunamis and flooding. I’d check out JRE episode The Bone yard for further evidence on a massive catastrophe.
It is not a "biblical flood" because there were several over time and the first record of this particular flood is found in way more ancient texts than the comparatively young first five books of the OT, all using material from older texts from Babylon archives. The first five books are largely written with the aim to, let me put it this way, bolster the hurt feelings of the upper and middle classes of Judea and offer a justification for their exalted status among Judeans as well as those "human animals" outside Judea (including those in Mesopotamia they had just been released from). Understand that and you understand current events - as well as that guy Harari, advisor to the WEF.
Hello ! Back in the 60's I worked as an underground electrician at Walton Colliery in Wakefield West Yorks. ( long before I was saved ).
One day underground work had to stop in the main gate ( 14 foot high tunnel ), because there was a pot oyl in the roof. This was a fossilised tree trunk in a vertical position and had to be secured in case it came down. It was about 18 to 24 inches diameter and coal seam was 28 inches thick. The seam was 847 ft from the surface according to the survey maps.
I now know this was a polystrate fossil I've seen on creation video's.
Thanks a lot. Colin UK.
These stories are mind blowing to me!
In Pennsylvania a fossilized tree trunk was observed in the ceiling of a coal mine lying on its side going from room to room such that local university geology and paleontology people were brought in to study it. It was a large tree trunk that was over 1000 feet in length (meaning 3 times the height of the tallest trees today) but it was hollow! A species that no longer exists that was lighter and stiffer for its size and thus formed 1000 foot high trees. The whole of North America was warmer at that time but up where Victoria Island and Ellesmere Island in the most northerly islands of Canada are, recently they found buried wood trunks and branches and roots of birch, pine, spruce, dawn redwoods, and alder trees -STILL WOOD, with no fossilization where today nothing but small shrubs grow in brutal arctic conditions. Instead of the obvious conclusion that the land was warmer mere thousands of years ago, university scientists are claiming that they are 2 million to 53 million years old. Absurd!
@@paulbriggs3072 Why is it absurb?
@@paulbriggs3072 amazing! We know the truth, that they aren’t older than 4500 years!
Coal is tar that has solidified in my assumption, like the oil in the ground which is produced by volcanism there are grades of oil and the thickest oils then become tars and solidified dried out tar is coal this is my theory on the subject. We know that the fossilised fuel story was cooked up by Rockefeller and Standard oil who basically convinced scientists to classify oil as fossil fuel to make it appear rare.
Great show. My eyes were opened 12 years ago because of Creation science. Your work is not in vain. God bless you and your ministry.
@@peteb6325 His work is in vein though. Coal seams...lol
@@Embur12 I guess bro doesn’t like the new, true evidence
Just 12 days ago, on July 30, a landslide on the Chilcotin River in British Columbia Canada occurred which completely dammed the river. It was about 1000ft long and near 100ft deep. The blocked water created a temporary lake upstream which did eventually breach the land dam. The flow carried not just sediments, but thousands of trees that were on that land. Down stream the Chilcotin River empties into the Frazer River which then flows down eventually to Vancouver. There are several coal fields found in the area around Vancouver. Is it possible this current event is a new example of what has happened in the past that created these coal fields? IMO it is quite possibly so.
There have been findings that do suggest a shorter time line for some. Mt St Helens researcher found some evidence of what was once thought to be thousands of years of petrification of trees, may be long term to petrify or fossilize them, but all died in the same event and erosion is not as long term as we thought, sharp features usually are the same sudden event over weeks or months instead of centuries or eons while gentle rolling hills are from long term erosion. Fossil fields are in groups for the simple fact it was the result of a single sudden event and that includes coal fields.
So the coal fields are from different events and different times.
@@lenawagner6405 Possibly, but not large spans of time. Think multiple massive tsunamis. Could have been many within several hours or days.
@@sambo7326 While it is acceptable to invoke tsunamis as possible transport and stratifying mechanisms, they cannot be used to also explain why a given layer was converted to coal.
So, how was the coal created at specific layers?
@@StarmaxStarmax-zn3xt Water sorting action from a massive flood would be the only realistic way for all the wood to be clustered together the way they are found.
@@creationministriesintlI can see all the trees from the mountains flushed of the mountains into the valley and form the layer you are talking about. The bible is a sliver of the complete history, if you study the Sumerian Clay tablets you get a far more complete and understandable history and it is a fascinating story of our creation. I can highly recommend to look into it, also without preconception of course.
I work at the Ipswich historical centre. The society has just hosted the 51st anniversary of the mine disaster. Retired and some very elderly miners meet at the centre once a week. Many lost mates and family members. May they RIP.
I’m sorry for the loss of these miners. Thank you for supporting the survivors and keeping their memory alive through the history of the town.
Was that the box flat mining disaster? I think that is the place my sister volunteer's at. Her name is Karen neibling
@@DarrylSteele69 you have a beautiful sister I work with Karen, saw her today. Steve is great too
@@theskeptic2798 Yes, both are wonderful. I always enjoy spending time with her when i get down to Ipswich.
Why is Tas not on more? A favourite of mine for sure. The young lady was very professional, courteous and asked great questions. Loved it. God bless you one and all.
Yes , shes my favorite on the show. Love listening to her.
she is great, just as you say. However, from a public relations and marketing perspective the Australian accent is not judged by Americans to be generally viewed as intelligent the way certain British accents are viewed. There are some that hear a faint southern US tone and that doesn't work as well as for stereotypes in the US.
@@trauma50disaster1 Marketing and public relations (PR) and accents? Unbelievers will scrape the bottom of the barrel for excuses not to believe, not even to think.
God uses the weak things of the world to confound the mighty.
@@warnerchandler9826 Come on, why are you assuming I'm an unbeliever? I said she was great, I didn't say she wasn't accurate. Looks like your scraping the bottom of the barrel instead of having an open mind listening. I didn't say anything against God. Shouldn't you be commenting with wisdom to bring glory to God and help others get saved?
100% Tas is alsome
Fantastic discussion. thanks to both of you for a great presentation.
I dug up a outhouse in Pittsburgh Pa from the 1800's and the contents had turned to coal. It did not take thousands of years.
I am very favorably impressed with the way this engineer blends philosophy into his engineering. More than that, his way of understanding the other person's point of world view and accepting that as valid for them while providing a way for them to make a paradigm shift. I think this would be a good watch for the strident polemicist creation advocate as well as the similarly oriented evolutionist.
Surely, the word "deposit" speaks volumes - saying the material was deposited.
One of the meanings of deposit is "a layer or mass of accumulated matter"...
Serious questions; (1) how many tons of organic material are required to make a ton of coal? (2) What are the estimated tons of coal reserves combined with the estimated amount of coal burned since the Industrial Revolution? (3) Therefore, how much organic material had to have existed at the time of the flood? (4) What kind of biosystem could have sustained that amount of organic material? (5) How much surface area would have been required to support that amount of organic material?
1) Some ongoing research suggests a 5 to 1 compression of plant material. This is necessary to get the density required in high-grade anthracite. Some of these coal seams have very little impurities, suggesting they were not exposed to the environment for long periods of time. Rather, water source action was involved in the sorting out of the plant material prior to deposition, allowing for the sorting purity.
2) Plants sequester carbon dioxide from the environment resulting in greater plant growth. Therefore, the amount of coal burned on its own since it was first mined is a poor measure of increased CO2. More CO2 would also mean more sequesting of CO2 by plants, thereby removing a large amount from the atmosphere. Plant growth is directly impacted by the CO2 level.
3-5) There would have been a lot of trees in the pre-Flood world. First, they would not have to grow from scratch unlike just after the Flood. They would have been created mature and huge at the beginning. Also consider that only a third of the earth's surface is land and most of earth's surface is under the ocean. Before the Flood, there would have been a lot more exposed land, meaning a lot more vegetative material in the pre-Flood world, and we can account for 100% of all the coal reserve today. This is addressed in detail here: creation.com/coal-beds-and-noahs-flood
@@creationministriesintl Thank you!
During an Ice Age cold period when sea level is much lower the surface area would have been much larger especially in the tropics . A fast melting event of the ice sheet could provoke floods.
and it was warmer pre-Flood, not an ice-age as it is today. plants grow in tropics, and the whole world was tropical.
God bless you CMI 🙏
Almost every coal seam has a flat top and a flat bottom.
Geologist Steve Austin did his PhD on coal.
When he looked at coal under a microscope, he was able to identify plant parts in the coal, especially bark in the coal.
Steve's theory was that coal was created by a floating wooden mat of global proportions.
Tribes swim on the surface.
And they are lipopod strains. These are tree trunks of trees that are hollow. They have bark, but they have no inner secondary wood. While they swim on the water, roll against each other and peel off the bark against each other. The bark gets wet and sinks to the ground.
Bark pieces are flat.
Most of us have been taught under the conventional paradigm that the formation of coal takes a long time.
and forms on the bottom of a swamp.
But we don't see that here.
No, we don't see that.
If it were a swamp, would do some things for that,
what we are looking at.
First, if it's a swamp, grow trees, rooted in the soil.
So you would expect to see roots in the material under the coal.
I don't see any roots here
And under modern swamps, there are many roots everywhere.
Right. But we don't see that here.
Also think about the bottom of the swamp
Is the bottom of the swamp nice and flat?
No, he's not.
It's as uneven as the surface where all these trees protrude.
@28:14 Hydroselectivity refers to the process in which materials, particularly soil particles, are selectively deposited by water based on their density and size. This selective activity, known as hydro-selective activity, is a key concept in understanding sedimentation during events like Noah’s flood, river flows, and other hydrological processes.
Hydroselectivity is the tendency of water, particularly fast moving water, to sort and deposit particles based on their density and size. As the velocity of water changes, it influences which particles are carried along, which remain suspended, and which are deposited.
Process of Hydro-Selective Activity:
Suspension and Transport:
In fast-moving water, such as during a flood or in a river, particles of various sizes and densities are suspended and transported. Water's kinetic energy keeps these particles, ranging from large, dense sand grains to fine, light clay particles, in motion.
Deceleration and Deposition:
As water slows down-either due to a decrease in slope, encountering obstacles, or spreading out-the energy available to carry these particles diminishes.
Hydro-selective activity occurs as water loses energy:
Heavier and larger particles (e.g., sand and gravel) are
the first to be deposited since they require more energy to remain suspended.
Medium-density particles (e.g., silt) settle out next as the water slows further.
Light and fine particles (e.g., clay and organic matter) remain suspended the longest and are deposited only when the water is nearly still.
Formation of Layers:
In a short time, this selective deposition creates distinct sediment layers, with the densest and largest particles forming the bottom layer, followed by progressively finer and lighter materials on top.
This stratification is a direct result of hydroselectivity, where each layer reflects a different stage in the water's energy levels and sediment-carrying capacity.
Fast moving water in flood stage can be 95% sediment/
Water moving 5 MPH can move stones.
At 10 X that speed, 50 MPH it can move railway locomotive across the valley.
Look at The Grand Canyon layers, they go a mile deep.
The layers formed while the earth was covered with water for a year. Currents at different speed can cross other layers that were deposited at another speed.
As the water slows down the sediment tapers to a fine feather edge.
"The same types of micro-fossils, spores, and pollen grains have been found in various layers of the Grand Canyon, indicating and proving that these layers were deposited rapidly rather than over millions of years."
Great content! Had not thought about the claim of "growing" in place and the finer points. Thank you!
God Bless you guys!
Thank you CMI for all you do 🙏🙏🙏✝️🕊️ watching now!
Love this channel! You guys are doing an awesome job. Keep it up!
Well you all got me thinking what I have been doing for decade's lol about this matter and others that just seemingly make such sense though much more thinking .very good video ty.
oil and gas slowly replenish itself also old sealed oil outlets that were empty in america were opened and were refilled amazing how the earth can surprise us
Follow the science: receive Christ.
Science only Proves the Bible is True, follow the Bible & study science
Telling you, by Christ words, is very true. But money rules Earth. Even now, after He Tipped over the tables of the money changers . You believe in money before him. God , his Father, is our Father. He’s said it and God in all living things , is DNA. Proof of God.
What’s the best evidence for the god claim?
@@Lench_o DNA
@@refuse2bdcvd324 so DNA is the best evidence for just any type of entity that can manipulate matter in a way that we identify it as life or some specific religious god claim?
It actually takes more faith to believe in the billion-year old earth theory than the creation story. It saddens me that folks are so brainwashed (either that or just refuse God’s word so readily) that they can’t accurately use science.
How do you get to that conclusion? Faith, meaning zero evidence. Science lots of evidence.
The question is not how the basic material got there, but rather - what material are we talking about?
Thomas Gold in his "Deep Hot Biosphere" adresses a fundamental problem: The extremely low ash content in coal.
If it were made of plant material the amount of ashes in the leftovers would be much higher.
That points to an entirely different origin of coal. Indeed of a much younger age.
He argues that coal is the last stage of upwelling abiotic hydrocarbons, originating from a depth of 150 or more kilometers, having lost the hydrogen during their upward journey.
It is regrettable that science here is misrepresented as a choice between the myth of creation and the 19th century myth of a biological origin.
@@js250that is not what faith means. Neither the Bible nor the church uses the term that way. Only militant atheists
@MikeVan-j7s zero actually. Yours has about 250 million just last century
God bless you guys
This is a conversation about coal but also about being led astray by false assumptions and preconceived beliefs. The geologist tells us plants become coal, coal becomes oil and methane. Who has the false assumptions?
Remember that the "ages" of the earth are a human construct. Nature is not that obliging, clearly separating things into ages. So to make a distinction between the Carboniferous age and the Permian is applying the human desire for classification to the age of the earth, which is a continuum. There are no clear separations. The early Permian, for instance, would be much closer to the late Carboniferous than the early Caboniferous. They have nice sharp lines on the diagrams, but nature doesn't work that way. The diagrams can be useful, but like the Bohr model of the atom, they're made to facilitate human understanding. A useful fiction.
Great discussion. I have seen what you are talking about where people in the scientific community fail to follow the evidence to the natural conclusion. They get to the point where the evidence doesn't support their belief, but instead of questioning their belief system, they refuse to think the evidence through.
How could a swamp plants or any vegetation continue to grow in an area to produce coal over long periods of time? That would contradict the need for that material to be compressed before it rotted. If this were in a lake, wouldn't the lake just accumulate dead plants until nothing could grow? -- but it would never compress on its own. He starts addressing that after about 20 minutes into the video.
The link to the Achilles Heal stream had issues working with Chromebook machine. Page opens but can't close cookie box and cannot select country, I will try from another machine.
I was wondering if you all would do a video about how the continents moved during the Flood? I am interested in how the Pacific Northwest and everything that was added to North America's west side. That is a very intriguing area along with the Yellowstone Hotspot.
I do believe in a total Biblical Creation. I cannot believe otherwise and still accept that Christ died for my sins. The whole idea of death before Adam just doesn't align with Creation. There can be no death before Adam sinned!
God bless and keep up the good work.
Sorry to hear you had trouble with the link. We're looking into it.
Continental drift sounds like a good topic to talk about in a future episode. We'll include that in the ideas list. 👍 In the meantime, you might be interested to start by looking at our (free) chapter of The Creation Answers Book, titled ‘What About Continental Drift?’ creation.com/continents-cab-11 Also, we have a Creation Magazine LIVE! episode on that topic, going back a few years: creation.com/cml2-07 You'll find much more if you search creation.com for “plate tectonics”.
If this planet is only thousands of years old then that means this planet has created all of the oil and coal (as well as other resources) in that same period. We will never run out of resources because they are being created faster than we can use them.
@@luckycharm8888 What?
..ix ch. Combine and seek
@@jeffburton1326 unfortunately yt is so locked down that truth will not be easily conveyed
@@jeffburton1326this is the first part of the combination. Archa..
Op you missed that they were created in the flood. That's not currently happening
I think a lot of unbelief is driven by pride, intellectual pride.
Atheist are closer to the truth in knowing God is not real to them than a make-believer believing.
Lol, the effort and resistance of geologists to not go to Bible is strong 😂😅
Great show btw ❤😊
I'm a Christian, raised one, and a licensed Geologist. It's a broad field, and I work in the environmental industry. I couldn't hold an after work conversation with an oilfield guy. But I can clean up his mess.
The earth isn't six thousand years old and created on a Tuesday.
I'm still in the first few minutes.
There are different grades of coal, and the gentleman tiptoed across it by saying that the power plants needed to be designed for the available local coal. To me, that means it's lignite. It's formed in swamps. Low ground. There's a reason why it's low, and it's because it's in a basin. Land features can rise and lower. Arizona's Grand Canyon was formed as the Colorado plateau rose, and the Colorado River cut through it at the same rate as the rise.
Obviously, that would take a slow rise, or the river would have been diverted.
Back to the basin. Water washes into basins, bringing whatever load it can carry.
Lignite was formed during the Tertiary Period, which followed the asteroid impact that ended the Cretaceous Period. So it's young, in relation to geologic time. 65 million years ago. High in moisture and low in energy. Victorian lignite classifies in the lower end of the range of energy of known lignites.
It's likely young in relation to other formations.
We're still talking millions of years.
Jesus came to preach the Good News to the world.
Humanity, in our imperfection, created divisions.
I'm quoting the general Geology company line. There's dating techniques based on known science. I worked on one that dated the melting of glaciers by extracting an element, beryllium, that has a known accumulation rate within exposed silicious rocks. They are used because glaciers erode the surface with their movement. When they melt, they leave a freshly exposed surface. The beryllium comes from a process caused by photon collisions in the high atmosphere. Therefore, I worked in the Cosmgenic Nuclide Extraction Lab.
It's highly accurate out to nearly two million years.
The Grand Canyon was formed within minutes by an enormous bolt of lightning, likely after the flood. This is why the Colorado plateau is a desert along with the surrounding areas. Look at the Grand Canyon from a satellite view and you'll be able to see the effects of electricity a lot better. Erosion over millions of years doesn't carve smooth cave systems like you see in the GC.
When electricity is polarized correctly, it'll raise up the surface. You can see the effect with Olympus Mons on Mars, which is effectively what would happen if the bolt that carved the GC stayed in one place. Only the center would be carved out and the rest raised.
As for the glaciers and radiodating, remember that people and animals lived a long time (900+ years!) prior to the flood. This likely means there was a lot less radioactive material back then, and we had better sunlight or fewer neutrinos to create such material. The assumption your science is making is that the amount of material is consistent, but the word of God appears to disagree.
"Who has divided a channel for the overflowing water, or a path for the thunderbolt, to cause it to rain on a land where there is no one, a wilderness where there is no man;"
Job 38:25,26
@@richavic4520 Oh and nearly forgot, gotta ping you so you see my reply, and glaciers can be created in minutes by rapidly expanding energy, like what would have happened when the "fountains of the deep" erupted after being pressurized under the crust of the earth. Expanding gas creates extreme cold.
Let me know if you want more info, like where the electricity comes from or proof that the planets work this way, etc. It's pretty easy to prove these things but the way people have been taught is generally in the way.
@@newschaser6414 GEOLOGIST: Just the evidence sir.
@@richavic4520 no it is not. You have been indoctrinated into the lie of millions of years. Very sad for you.
Please keep up with this work. These videos and articles are the antidote to the plauge of naturalism that infected me and my loved ones. There is no greater love you can give to your neighbors than bringing them the gospel. I pray our Lord blesses all of you, and you guys become so much bigger than you already are. Glory to the Lord!!!
Dear Kjhgfdfghjkdrtyuiwewe
We at CMI were thrilled to read the following comments you made on several of our videos, concerning the impact of creation ministry on your and your family’s lives.
If you would be so kind, we would love to hear more details of your experience on these matters. Hearing about your testimony would greatly encourage our staff and supporters.
We would especially appreciate your permission to publish it or extracts of it in one of our newsletters. We would only use your first name and the initial of your surname, to protect your privacy. (Please feel free to write as much as you like, as it obviously can be edited to suit.)
We know how over the years the ministry of CMI has led to much spiritual fruit. But it is important for our fellow believers to hear about this from time to time, so they might be encouraged to keep praying for and supporting this ongoing outreach. That helps us continue to impact lives for the Gospel, as the Lord wills.
Looking forward to your response ...
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Under laboratory conditions (which replicate geological conditions of high pressure) coal has been made to form within 30 minutes.
Do you have a link to a paper that proves this? I'm ready to believe you, I just want to see the evidence before I believe a UA-cam comment
God bless
Previous work usually involved the making of hydrochar, which is a very light form of charcoal-like material. It involved the use of water.
There is however ongoing creaion research where coal is being made in a few days by replicating Flood conditions. Rather similar to what I mentioned above, but with the added component of compression which would be expected from rapidly deposited sediments over it.
Coal doesn't alwyas need a flood in order to form. In nature, coal is mainly formed when dead plant matter gets submerged in *_swamp environments_* and is subjected to the geological forces of heat and pressure caused by sediment layers that build up on top of the dead plant matter over *_hundreds of millions of years_* . And that definition/description comes from someone that actually has a degree in geology and is also currently working in that field, so I think I'm going to trust them over someone with an honorary earth sciences degree.
@@gothicbagheera right, then what's the explination of non swamp plants being present all throughout the coal "deposit"? Why are there vertical trees found through meters and meters of the coal and earth in various places?
@@jimmie8928 um, the vegitation in those areas were covered by sedimentary layers and water from various things such as floods, glacial movements and melting, volcanic eruptions, oceanic earthquakes causing massive tsunamis, etc.
You seem to think I said swamp-like environments were the only places coal could be formed, which is not what I said. i said that was the main type of environment that coal was found to have been formed in, but I didn't say it was the only environment.
Always love listening to Tas...thank you Creation Ministries International for your faith affirming information.
How is an engineer worked at coal mine an expert on how coal was formed? It is irrelevant authority at best.
And I watched the entire video but still waiting for the evidence relevant to the title. Not that anyone should believe anything, from actual authority or not, purely based on one UA-cam video. Funny how so many people saying 'oh, that must prove....', that is not how science works.
Curious…what do you do for a living?
Dr Tas Walker has qualifications in both Engineering as well as Geology.
@@creationministriesintl there is no qualification until someone publishs their peer reviewed paper using their proposed model.
@@劉炎-p9z So do you have peer reviewed papers on the subject at hand to make such an assertion? If not then you comment can be disregarded
@@alantasman8273 I have plenty, just not in the subject at hand if by at hand you meant creationism. But it irrelevant, because we are talking about what counts as qualification here, it's not like creationists have a special standard for qualification different than other fields, even though creationists think they do in practice . BTW, he doesn't have peer reviewed paper using creationist model either, your red herring was an admission , so if you regard my assertion, by the same standard you should regard his. That's logic 101.
Awesome video!
1. What Do Floating Log Mats Have to Do with Noah's Flood - Dr. Steve Austin
2.What actually Happened at Mount St. Helens - Dr. Steve Austin
3. Dr. Steve Austin - Mount St Helens Modern Evidence for the Worldwide Flood
4. Dr. Steven Austin - Catastrophic Plate Tectonics - A Global Flood Model for earth history
Techtonic plate movements during floodwater weight movements... and sediments settling...
Show me tectonic plates. And an ATOM. FANTASIES
Appreciate the journey. Just like the Grand Canyon in the states: Miles upon miles of smooth sedimentary layers uninterrupted by markers of time, yet the story tellers always insist it happened over millions of years with absolutely nothing happening to disturb the layers as they mysteriously built up... according to them.
where is the erosion?
@@dwayne20110521 Exactly! Where are the perturbations between strata layers one would expect over deep time...ie worm paths, roots, etc
There is a lake near Mt St Helens that is filled with trees from the 1980s eruption, and one youtube channel geologist compares the floating and sinking trees (including evidence from diving in the lake) to the coal fields and logs/bark he was used to finding in Pennsylvania coal mines.
🫡 We can create diamonds in a lab, what about coal? I realize that this is likely not cost effective. The point is, we can create diamonds in less than millions of years. 'Tis but a wee step to realize the same would be true of coal.
It is possible to make both coal and oil in under a week in a lab by replicating Flood conditions. See: creation.com/algae-to-oil
I have been looking at the coal deposits and how they could be formed. After living in many regions where coal is mined, I started seeing a common thread. It appears events caused clay liquefaction with crude oil to be forced in. It would be fun to try to simulate this in a lab, where water is used to force the crude into small layers. The lack of oxygen and pressure needs to be in the control factors. The type of clay and the grades of crude may need to be worked with to find the perfect formula. How the clay liquefaction occurs needs to be addressed. Fresh water mixing with salt water, methane trying to escape a layer of clay, and earthquakes are the most common methods. There is an enzyme that has been identified in the last 40 years that can change clay to shale or slate. This enzyme comes from pig food. The idea is to be able to manufacture coal.
Great interview and very important for logical thinkers...
Two things I haven't heard him say much, (If anything!) about is the growth and function of glaciers in shaping the landscape. These huge floating seas of ice and boulders miles deep weighing billions of tons, carving their way from north to south.
And then there's all the different methods of dating both geological and biological remains. Moot point, somewhat..?
The Ice Age was the result of the cataclysmic events of Noahic Flood.
@@alantasman8273but haven't there been multiple poles in the geological record, I think north America was the pole 15,000 years ago and Greenland was lush valleys...
Excellent! I would like to hear Tas' view on the abiotic theory of oil, please
See: creation.com/oil-not-always-fossil
Norfolk Island Pines grow in Florida. They grow very tall in near houses in our neighborhoods. Ibises like to roost in them, The birds look like clumps of snow in the trees.
Good thinking, asking good questions. 👍👍 do the oceancurrents around these coaldeposites contribute to that much of biomass piling up and stay in place ?
This rings true to me because I have become so very inlightened to dietery science that puts sugar above healthy fats. That too is based on belief systems.
I saw a photo in a book of a human scull imbeded in coal in a mine. There are anecdotal stories of human made objects imbedded in coal.
As far as I know there were not people on the earth 300 million years ago.
Yeah they really do not like talking about that. Every effort is made to keep such discoveries from being seen. There's no defense against it. Other than to insist it doesn't exist. Wagon wheels, belts, jewelry and entire skeletons have been found.
That is simply not true
@jamesjaudon8247 None of that has ever been proven and most have exposed as hoaxes
@@jamesjaudon8247 Tell them where to find it.
Living in US. I have a 3 acre swamp (peat moss) small by comparison. I do have pines in small diameter growing in the swamp. Enough wood exists to go from log to log (to keep from getting wet) the common swamp log of size is cedar. I assumed harvesting removed the cedar. I am aware of a road that was built on a base in logs. I would question how ice ages effect coal deposits. The bulk of the coal deposits in the US seem to be near the limits of ice. Hopefully Canada won't decide it wants coal back.
We can change a tree into coal within 1.5 hours with the right pressure and temperature. Geologists are wrong. As early as 1669, Steno determined that every layer of the earth must have been formed horizontally by mixing with water. Shark teeth were found high in the mountains. The conclusion is that at some point seawater must have been higher than the mountains. There are now two possibilities. Either the water is lifted above the highest mountains or the land sinks under the water. Geologists have chosen the latter possibility as the indisputable reason for the formation of layers of the earth. The large number of horizontal layers on top of each other indicate that this event has occurred often. Geologists have estimated that the formation of one layer will take at least 100,000 years. Geologists apparently know nothing about the oldest history of mankind. Several ancient books speak of a cycle of seven world periods that are separated by a natural disaster. Plato tells of regularly recurring disasters involving a celestial body. Other sources tell of a planet that is approaching the earth. There are many images of that event! That planet is invisible until it is close to the sun, says Pliny. Planet 9 must therefore orbit our sun in an eccentric orbit. Then its speed during the crossing is very high. As a result, the gravitational pull on the planets near its orbit is strong. As a result, during some crossings, the water on planet Earth is pulled up very high, even "above the highest mountains" with everything that is scooped up in it. It is an extinction level event. The crossing lasts seven days. At the end the planet is covered in a thick layer of mud including remains of many land and sea animals. The layer hardens after some time and forms the next layer on top of many others. We have been able to construct a timeline in which we can see that five tidal waves are pulled over the Earth and thus five layers of the Earth are formed in a cycle of 25,200 years. Abundant and convincing evidence about this cycle of natural disasters and many images are available in the eBook: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". Search: invisible nibiru 9
"The same types of micro-fossils, spores, and pollen grains have been found in various layers of the Grand Canyon, indicating and proving that these layers were deposited rapidly rather than over millions of years."
Maybe mountains got thrust upward by seismic pressure , rather than sea water being higher than them
@@mikev4621 perhaps it was both?
thats the conclusion ive come to , that our sun has a twin which goes around every 12,000 years (70%of stars have a twin or even 3-4 'sisters') i think it comes from the south and it would pull all the water towards it but the planet would still turn so it would be like a huge washing machine for 3-4 days ..
the 2 seed vaults that have been built have been made so that they can still be accessed even if there is 30ft of debris built up at the door ?? they know whats coming
@@NOT_SURE.. Can't rule that out
If vegetation grew in place one might assume an even distribution of coal and not in basins, veins or columns.
This is a serious channel !!!
If the people of Noah's time had repented, the flood would not have come. When Jesus returns, He described it as thus:
“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
“It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.
“It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed Luke 17: 26-30
Log Matt. Yhere is in Washington St. Mount Saint hellens making coal as we speek
Follow Christ, and the truth will set you Free.
Dont eat the fruit of the forbidden tree.
Why don’t you believe in the Easter bunny? The bunny has been prophesied…
Gone through all the comments. I do actually thoroughly enjoy this kind of post.
Overall. Stalemate. As always.
You should do a critque of the standard geological column. The information age is going to debunk the assumptions of modern science and modern philosophy contrary to divine revelation.
Even the smallest cell, a basic amoeba has biology and design so massively complex,all of which parts have to work together is like imagining an explosion in a printing factory will produce the Encyclopedia Britannica. Twice in a row.
It is fascinating that the devil is getting people to deny an event that was brougth about by God's Judgement so that more will fall away.
That is a very low blow.
Amen CMI and God bless you! You're an important part of the body of Christ, so thank you
Just a quick question about the Gippsland Basin. If you look up "Lithospheric evolution, thermo-tectonic history and source-rock maturation in the Gippsland Basin, Victoria, southeastern Australia" (easily accessible on the web) it indicates traces of volcanic activity from Carrajung Volcanics (K-Ar Ages Paleocene - Eocene between 66 - 33.9 million years ago) and also Campanian Volcanics (approx 40,000 years ago).
Seems to be a very slight discrepancy of age there. Could you explain please ?
Check out the RATE (Radiosotopes and the Age of the Earth) project for many discoveries concerning the terrible record of naturalistic dating methods. For instance, different isotope tests can and do produce wildly varying (discrepant) ages. Samples from the Mount St. Helens lava dome -- actually deposited in the 1980s -- were submitted to multiple labs for dating. They returned dates (as I recall) from 100,000 to over 1,000,000 years old!
@@warnerchandler9826 Thanks for that response , I won another bet !!!! Same old tired made up theories to justify a narrative !! Look up "Geo Christian" article on Mt St Helens from a person on your side of the fence who firmly debunks the YEC claims let alone all the mainstream, respected Geo Science articles and reports on same..
Any way, getting back to the Gippsland Basin do you have any answers to the discrepancy ? I await with great excitement.
@@warnerchandler9826 Thats right, I think the infamous Dr Steven Austin was part of that.............enough said !!
PS : There were also loads of small fossils that were like small fern leaves. Some were complete.
and fish eyes that were full
?????? Have you no ability to communicate ?
God bless. Keep bringing it.
We can make artificial diamonds for tools, and artificial oil from burning algee.
Dinosaurs with soft tissue and the dispersal of their remains into concentrated areas in jumbled piles like those in the badlands also tell stories of a recent global catastrophe.
@@feloniousmayhem1602 dinosaurs did not exist.Dinosaurs did not exist until the 1820ies
David Wozney
Wayne Grady
Robbin Koefoed
Dinosaurs did not exist until the 1820ies
David Wozney
Wayne Grady
Robbin Koefoed
Love you CMI
Coal only takes about 500 years to form
Takes a week if you have Flood conditions. Doesn't work even with 500 years if it is just exposed to the surface.
@@shawnkiesel5349 who lived that long to be able to record that? Lol
It would be nice with pictures
There is a famous coal mine in Pennsylvania that has had a continuously burning fire for 60 years. The local town had to be abandoned. It's still burning today as far as I know.
@@jcflindsay i always wondered how..so deep, it gets the oxygen to continue burning. Water seeps down, it still burns, & steam rises up. We used to take the girls parking in the steam cloud from the fire, the cops couldn't see the car in the steam!
How does he explain the thickness of coal seams? When a tree falls it starts rotting. Can he explain how hundreds of metres depth of tree trunks did not rot? Whether or not it washed into place.
The trees are washed into place during the Flood due to water sorting action. Depositing trees from huge areas together in thick layers before being rapidly buried by subsequent events during the Flood year. The thickness of coal seams is a problem for uniformitarian geology, but it fits well with what we would expect with a global Flood. We don't see processes today capable of forming the massive coal seams that we find out there. They had to be formed during the unique events during the Flood.
This would also help explain how artifacts [man made] can be found so deep in the land....
Noachian Flood remnants! A good read is The Genesis Flood.
Uniformitarianism vs Catastrophism
@@pat1carey1 it's one religion vs another...
The plants/trees found in the coal, had any species of them been identified to species of today?
Have any seeds been found. If so, are any of them viable?
But if a flood filled the basin with dead trees, and they then got compressed 10:1 , the resulting coal would be at the bottom of the basin, not level with the ground
Many artifacts have been found in coal all over the world. Things like hammers, pots, cart wheels, even something that looks like a spark plug! Look up Michael Cremo and his book 'Forbidden Archaeology'.
I always like to point out the fact that coal was only recently discovered around 300 years ago on the beaches of China! If it's been around for millions of years, then how come we didn't start burning it sooner?
Your time is off by a factor of 10. It was around 3000 years ago that coal was starting to be mined and used in China, and is believed that coal was being used by mankind as early as 4000 B.C. (more than 6000.years ago)
My apologies! I meant to type 3 zeros in there! My point was that it wasn't long after the flood that we started to see coal washing up on beaches! It doesn't take long to form, so I could envision this going back further, just not very much. I'm guessing more charcoal burning instead!
Doug Vogt (hope spelling is right) explained lots of this for the last 40 years. RIP Doug. He had a youtube channel have a look...
Dr.Tas still teach Geology anywhere?
What a shame that the vast majority of experts throughout the world in the field of geology disagree with this guy's conclusions. I love it when people attempt to manipulate science to fit their extreme religious beliefs.
About 2900 BCE the southern Indian Ocean was impacted by a comet or meteorite that left a crater 29 km in diameter. This caused a tsunami that impacted the west coast of Australia showing that was 1.5 km high. Going north this tsunami impacted India and was funneled over the Iraqi desert reaching the mountains of Ururat. At this location is Mount Nisir which has a building at the top built by early Christians for pilgrims because Noah's Ark landed on that mountain. The Mosqu at the town is dedicated to the prophet Noh (same Hebrew spelling).
Coal is often ancient plant remains from before bacteria developed the ability to break down lignin. Modern plants rot from such bacteria and do not leave significant deposits. Anaerobic ocean areas life turns which is part of the process of oil formation, which is another subject.
Please explain anthracite coal. How did multiple veins of coal form between multiple thick layers of rock?
Geologists are able to make coal that is rather close to the densities we find in anthracite coal in under a week in the lab by replicating conditions we would find during the Flood. Multiple veins are consistent with the BEDS hypothesis. See: creation.com/beds-coal-origin
I believe coal was formed almost instantly by a super massive electrical discharge.
interesting...do you mean from the sun or from a planet going by? something big going by could cause electrical discharges and then when its gone past all the water being pulled towards it would be let go and would flood back over everything..apparently an army of 20,000 sennachehrib men were fried one night , and witnesses said it looked like they had been burnt.
ive thought for a while that coal was probably burnt before it was buried
Boy oh boy, longwinded and all over the place but correct.
Did coal mining in S,Africa and its clear as daylight that vegetation and layers of silt covering occured.
It was fast not slow in the make.
Was it within 6,000 years, because according to creationism that's when the earth was formed
@@markdoherty9205 oh, a fortune faster than that. The different grains and silts by weight settled through the turbulence at different rates, finest last. It took 40 days to flood max level. The waters took ages to recede, go read the account. While receding little gulley became grand canyon. India, part of Africa smashed into Asia creating Himalayan mtns. Sea shells are found up there today, which used to be sea bed. All the soils covered everything. Seams are generally flat and hundreds of kilometres. Advancing 12 m per day X6 days worked a week by 60-80 m wide sections x 30 to 40 sections per mine we had 80 years of coal in front of us. The average depth 40m of top burden to the coal. Coal can be formed quickly ,as has been done within 20 to 40 years given the correct conditions. Don't get me started on oil
@@markdoherty9205 ps by the way, the earth was formed as we know it within 6 days, however , it's massive was totally flooded and go read, in the beginning and waters of the deep. The flood, I suspect was not the first flood. We all know there is huge volumes of water under the mantle
One hour, and no clear explanation how coal is formed.
You are wasting peoples time with these clickbait titles, than not delivering om promises 🙁
They can't explain it, other than God made it. It's all BS
He sounds a bit like one of the prophets on the life of Brian, who was blathering on about dust and curly tbings
Well in a round about way you're right. The point from observable science is that there isn’t a clear explanation for how coal was formed in the past because scientists weren’t around to observe what happened in the past. It's like forensics of a crime scene. Scientists can gather evidence and make observations and rule out unlikely situations and see if the evidence strongly points to a good possible explanation of what happened at the scene. But none of the scientists were around to see the crime happen, so they look at the hard facts: the evidence.
The Bible’s account of a catastrophic global flood event is a good explanation when you look at what’s in the ground/coal/fossils today with scientific observations of the hard evidence.
Are the trees found in this mine fossilized, turned into coal too, or still woody?
Aren’t the conditions for producing coal happening now following the ‘recent’ eruption of Mount St Helen’s in Washington state?
No. Coal and oil need conditions no longer exist
Anaerobic conditions and no fungus which now exists. Old, high carbon deposits were formed before evolution brought about fungus, so before there was nothing to attack the timber.
@@markdoherty9205Plants and trees evolved before fungus? How did stuff ever rot? What about the entire ecology based on plant material breaking down?
how long was the first day?
I’m surprised the geologist never mentioned Carbon dating in describing time periods.
@@Johnver97 carbon dating is contentious at best
I'm not !
Only by God botherers
The conventional view of Carbon dating is that it's only relevant to dating ages up to hundreds of thousands of years ago. Millions of years+ need other tools. It's more typically used by archeologists rather than geologists.
@@BruisedReedofTas actually it is between 500 years and 50,000 years max
Whatever processed formed thecoal, the process that covered it up was definitely a flood. I’ve seen the top in a lot of coal mines.
A. Around 100 years family In
WV usa. Was heating their home with coal. While breaking up the coal, inside the coal they fou nd an artifact, it was a stemed copper cup.
In the excitement, I guess, they fail to preserve the coal. The cup is In , I think so, is in the creation science.
Museum Glen rose tx
Of DrCarl Baugh
There are theories that the earth flips about every 12,000 years due to the dzhanibekov effect which would send forests into basins. It occurs due to the earth not being isotropic in nature. I've got an honours degree in Geology and find his arguments reasonable, albeit my specialty isn't in coal. Also a Christian, though wasn't during my studies. Suspicious Observers is a youtube channel that explains this earth flip, which would cause massive floods as oceans flow a mile or more high over continents, stripping forests to bedrock.
But earth is a ball, not an eccentric shape. Point creationist try to support earth being made in 6 days and just 6,000 years ago. When I studied geology I struggled to see evidence to support that. The only thing that 'flips' are the magnetic poles, now there is evidence for that.
@@markdoherty9205 There is evidence the earth is not homogenous and evenly balanced. Search dzhanibekov effect for youtube videos on it. Einstein believed the earth was capable of flipping its rotation. The magnetic poles are shifting at record rates right now and seem poised to flip in the next 2 decades. This may or may not signify a rotational flip. Massive flood events every 12,000 years are documented back to 48,000 years ago.
Thank you all for sharing this. It's always the same story repeating itself since the fall - attempt to replace God with Myself.
There is systematic attempt to lead us away from God. Even in Christianity. As a whole Christianity consists of traditions, both written and spoken, liturgical practices, ecclesiastical order, church which was left by Christ through the apostleship and disciples. The whole structure is there, revealed slowly through time since fall, and fully revealed in Christ. Yet you get catholics who decide to change those traditions, you get protestants who decide to change those traditions, to break that structure and they all contribute in bringing up atheistic generations. Divider keeps on dividing. Christ divided people with truth, according to each own free will. There is still Christianity that never changed, which is suffering from onslaught of this world, that's Orthodoxy. Come back people.
Revelation 3:7>10
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Atheism has only come about because the religions are not moving forward with the gifts given to us.
I was raised a Catholic, but my studies of geology and other subjects has convinced me the books like the Bible and Quran for example are guidance, not documented history.
I doesn't stop me believing in God.
In fact, I can't think of any religion that doesn't think God is eternal. The concept of eternal is impossible for us mere mortals to comprehend. So, we get a condensed version 6 days to build just 6,000 years ago.
Why would an eternal God do that? In eternity taking billions of years is nothing. Watching your creation grow and evolve seems very logical to me. And this process of us finding out new things about our world and the universe just confirms God keeps giving us new things, but each one only leads to another question. How brilliant is that.
How about the Earth tilt theory? The Earth tilting on its axis by whatever degrees would generate massive tsunamis and flooding. I’d check out JRE episode The Bone yard for further evidence on a massive catastrophe.
It would explain why they found hammers and strange items in coal layers from not that old civilizations.
They even found a copy of the bible in one coal deposit
It is not a "biblical flood" because there were several over time and the first record of this particular flood is found in way more ancient texts than the comparatively young first five books of the OT, all using material from older texts from Babylon archives. The first five books are largely written with the aim to, let me put it this way, bolster the hurt feelings of the upper and middle classes of Judea and offer a justification for their exalted status among Judeans as well as those "human animals" outside Judea (including those in Mesopotamia they had just been released from). Understand that and you understand current events - as well as that guy Harari, advisor to the WEF.
Creationists trying to explain Earth is only 6000 years old again?
Did God put Dinosaur fossils in 60 million year old Limestone to make us confused?
Dinosaurs did not exist until the 1820ies
David Wozney
Wayne Grady
Robbin Koefoed