Hi Grubby. Here's one way to think about the tower thing. For champions that are better at dueling, such as riven, a longer laning phase is going to be better. She can get stronger and stronger, while her opponent keeps falling behind. She shines in duels and is not great in team fights so this highly benefits her. Even more so because it seemed like the other lanes were doing fine so there's no reason to give Mord a chance to catch up and put Riven in uncomfortable situations. Additionally, having the tower up gives Riven more control over where the lane is, for example, freezing the lane on her side, forcing Mord to miss CS, and if she's far ahead enough, he can't even afford to be in XP range. It is rather similar to in Wc3, if you do not benefit from fighting right now or have a reason to fight right now, then there's no reason to break upkeep as fast as possible. When you're ahead, get more ahead :)
A lot of people meme on thebausffs, but morde actually showed how effective his playstyle is with the first death. The plan is you give 300 gold to the opponent, but with the tp back to lane you get a massive tempo advantage that denies even more than the 300g your opponent got from the kill which therefore gives you the lead as Alois said the morde had for the next 5 min of that game. His strategy all relies on tempo advantage and getting as much resources you can yourself. It's like Alois talked about when he pushed the waves instead of freezing, but then to a much bigger extent.
jo grubby i dont know if you are looking for a coach but iwilldominate said he would gladly do it he was a wc3 player in his childhood i think and he knows you
@@GarbageGust He is not suited for the task, Dom is as washed up as a player can be Grubby is gonna end up teaching him about the game, a more serious player and someone with actual coaching experience would be much better like for example Veigar V2
@@fireflameft2964? Dom still hits challenger whenever he plays soloq lol. He aint a pro anymore but he watches 4 tier1 regions, his knowledge about the game is easily on veigarv2s level
17:57 (High level logic) You keep enemy tower alive IF youre already solo 100% destroying enemy champ early game. Keeping the tower alive also makes the enemy no choice to keep moving forward away from base otherwise enemy will lose more cs. But also the risk of getting farmed by riven & his allies alot since morderkaiser is still farther from base for his teammates to react faster. Its like a checkmate lose lose situation at this point for morderkaiser if riven keeps the tower alive longer. Ofc without riven losing plate gold.
Been enjoying this leage series, didn't knew yeu before you bring a great energy to the riff, hopefully you inspire old and new players to be less "hot headed"
I love the bausffs, but I think baus's playstyle would be way too alien for someone this new to the game lol. There are so many nuances that baus uses that allows the playstyle to work, and it would really seem (as it already does to a lot of more experienced league players) completely "int" to someone who doesn't know exactly what is happening.
What people don't realize is Baus playstyle revolves almost entirely around Sion - abusing his undead passive for "good deaths" early and then Sion hyper scaling to cover basically Baus weak laning phase (lol). You see him play like Jax or Gragas and he generally plays normal, if still dies early but unintentionally since he doesn't have undead passive to clean up minions still. So unless Grubsta gonna play Sion, there's really no point (apart from just exciting the little Baus frogs)
8:48 this laugh reminded of skylar's laugh when will hunting said he was hoping for a good night laid. Good Will Hunting guys, great movie, go watch it
When the outer turret falls the wave naturally pushes into the enemy side of the map. This means they are closer to their own base, their turret doesn't deny farm while they aren't there and their jungle and other lanes have an easier time roaming to help them compared to your own jungle who now has to invade through a longer path to get there. You also lose exp because the enemy minions die faster than your own, and taking an inhibitor too early means you lose almost a full lane's worth of experience because your minions hard push it out. The siege minion also gives the enemy team a lot of gold and experience if you don't finish the game after taking it.
Grubby, you asked a great question at 17:38 ... but I feel like different people said different things in chat in a different and it got jumbled. I am no challenger but let me try to answer the question: 1. The enemy jungler, Khazix, is an assasin and he already has some lethality (flat armor pen). Khazix does more damage to isolated targets. So if Alois takes tower he has to farm deeper into enemy side of the map, would probably be in a 2v1 situation and die, since he doesn't have any armor for Khazix, magic resist to deal with Mordekiser at the same time, or ability haste to use Riven's dashes frequently and get out of a sticky situation. His current items (two long swords and a pickaxe) gives him nothing but damage. He did it to win against his lane opponent, which worked, but if he takes the turret now he won't be just against his lane opponent anymore. 2. You share exp from dying minions etc. with your teammates when you are in range. Since Alois can't confidently fight Khazix and Mordekiser simultaneously at the moment, he has to go somewhere else if he takes tower. But his other teammates haven't finished laning yet. So, if he goes to another lane they will all share exp, someone will not be able to last hit for gold and entire team will fall behind overall. Mordekiser, on the other hand, will free farm at enemy side under turret safely, get solo exp, and Alois would eventually lose his lead. 3. Alois at this point is confident he is strong enough to win duels against Mordekiser. So he wants to keep on rubberbanding the wave, punish him and snowball further. Generally, unless you are fully sure you can take the entire enemy team head on and win, taking turret before 11 or 12 minutes as a toplaner isn't recommended. There are roles/champions with exceptions of course, but there would probably be another time for that discussion. Platings in turrets, which allows you to get extra gold, lasts till 14 minutes so Alois still had a lot of time. That being said, I, personally, am not a top lane main and definitely not a challenger . I have see Alois hang around in your streams pretty often, so next time when you are streaming league and if he is there I think it would be the best if you ask it to Alois himself. Pretty sure he can provide a much better insight than an average joe like me. P.S: Someone in the chat was shouting "watch Baus" but if you want to learn from that him I would not recommend it since you just started playing. Baus is a genius whose playstyle and builds are very unconventional, and its something only he has been able to make it work in high level gameplay so far. Even top level players don't understand how he goes 0/6 on average in lane and still carries the game later. It's peak entertainment though, so if you have free time, maybe you can have a look at him for fun.
Wow this was a rather impressive react video. A lot of these types of videos lack effort but as you are learning from the video and can also apply your experience from other games in the same genre to then later attempt to show you're understanding of the video. This was very interesting to watch for me esspecially from a type of video I normally have little intrest in.
By leaving the tower up it is easier to deny minions and get further ahead - if the tower goes down the wave pushes all the way to the tier 2 tower which puts riven in a more vulnerable spot while mordekaiser can farm safely with riven overextended in a long lane. Another thing to consider is there is no objective to play for when he makes this call because the herald is already down and wont be respawning for some time so there is no need to get deep priority and still plenty of time to kill the tower before 14 minutes when the plates fall off. Its a very specific decision based on the gamestate and matchup, so there are a number of factors to consider.
Alois put the deep ward in enemy jungle at the start to figure out where the enemy jungler started. Then he can count cs every time they appear in vision to figure out which camps they will go to next. This may be less useful if the enemy jungler is a brand new player who only ganks, but in that case the jungler should be very underleveled.
I think no one told You that yet and to be fair very few people know about this mechanic but if lets say enemy top lane turret gets destroyed then for the rest of the game your top lane minions get very small buff to dmg and resists. Its unnoticable but it makes it so that your minion wave will ALWAYS win with enemy minion wave thus making it harder for you to catch waves and easier for your opponet to freeze. This works for all lane turrets and stacks for killing multiple turrets.
Hey Grubby. You used to play a ton of Muradin/Blaze, right? I think you'd like Ornn as a champion quite a bit (top lane cc engage tank). Looking forward to ALL of your upcoming content!
9:15 you just realize its not for beginners, he talked about bouncing waves and probably even freezes before this assuming the viewer knew this, which is probably already like bronze-silver elo. As well as minimizing losses with backs which i think could even be mid-high elo content as its minimizing the loss even from 1 cannon (which as a plat player i dont even really do). If
Its really hard to quantify because league is such a popular game that its mostly filled with people playing on autopilot, never engaging with strategic content unless they actually really care about improving. So you will have low diamond players who don't know half that stuff.
Can I say that I love these video... despite NOT playing LoL? I just love Grubbies approach to learning a new game in detail. It was the same with AOE4 back then. I find a lot of real useful learning methods/approaches that go beyond gaming in there 🤔🤔
Leaving the tower alive allows him to continue his advantageous lane state vs the mordekaiser without overextending himself more before he gets to key item breakpoints and you could argue the team should start knocking down towers/rotating around the map at similar times.
Every jungle camp is 4cs, so a good jungler will see which camps you took (unless you wasted time doing camps in suboptimal order) and can go for the camps that are left. So a common clear is red, blue, gromp = 12 and you are ganking blue side, so enemy can see that there are 2 camps left in your red side and can go take those if they happen to be there and the gank on that side is not available. Usually referred to as jungle tracking, and if you play jungle will get you fairly easy wins all the way to high elo because almost no one does it or is good enough to do it in low elo.
The thing with the early tower takeing has a lot to do with your champion. Taking the top tower opens up the map. If you are a roam champion from there on you are trying to get the lead to other lanes like mid and bot. But riven has no blink or long range cc and she got not a lot of burst, so it is not that easy to bring your lead to the other lanes. She wants to trade until she got the enemy low and then all in him. That early in the game Riven is just a statstick. Low CDR, no lifesteal and no Armor or MR. If she tryes to roam and gets intercepted she is just dead. So she stays in lane trys to profit of mordekaiser until she got all the mantioned stats. Then she is able to teamfight and bringing the CC to the back line. Top is so hard to master, because the consequences are so hard. If you just go one the beyond the lane Darius or other Jaggernauts just straight up kill you from 100-0. Then you TP back and you get dove by the Jungler. The next 10 minutes will be just survival mode :D Great to see someone trying league in 2023 :) In 2 weeks will be better then me :D
A great way to visualize play is through the mix of MICRO, and MACRO. Micro being real individual mechanics and champion skill/mastery. Knowing a champions kit and having a great feel for the combos and limits. The next aspect is Macro, to many this is the most important thing in the game. This deals with control of the map and a sense of what is going on everywhere in your game and what is the best move. Gold/exp manipulations, wave management, champion tracking, rotations. All champs have an optimal range of what they can do with these two concepts. Virtually all champs can abuse macro, even if their kit has a very simplistic micro playstyle. Others, like riven for example from this video, have such intense micro expessions that people can main that champ and reach great heights with mechanics alone, whilst also utilizing macro skills to push themself even further. And there are also champs whose micro skills are all about expanding their and their teams macro abilities. Be it by vision, roaming, playmaking, wave manipulation, tower shoving, ect.
Really enjoy your competitive educational journey in League! Would be very interesting to see if you tried for some ranked game progression in the new League season in January :)
A lot of people said in a short that he mismanaged the wave after killing morde for the first time since he had a freeze Not sure if letting it be frozem there is the correct play since morde might be able to break it with his tp I think pushing it with nocturne would have been the best
He can't stay in lane that low hp. This is basically a showcase on how getting a kill with ignite can screw you in the long run because you can't fix the wave before recalling.
@@orgerix he can because hes riven. thats exactly why he can do that and even said at the start of the video it will be "From the perspective of riven". he got a kill, then lost a wave. 1 kill = more than a wave = profit.
Hey Gubby! Just a tip for the next time you commentate on something on youtube. If you need to see a specific frame in the video, instead of spamming the space button, hit space to stop the video close to the point you're looking for and then hit , to go 1 frame backwards and . to go 1 frame forward :) You can also hit J and L to back or forward 10 seconds instead of 5. Hopefully this will be helpful to you in the future :)
You don't need to tune in to watch Baus but just checking out his SOLOQ Guide video is good enough. It shows a unique and unconventional perspective of the game which a lot of guides don't talk about.
I think exp range is 1600 range and range attacker minions are about 500-600 range so staying about 1 minion wave away from the dying minion is a goods rule of thumb
The levels matter a lot in league but as all things it depends. If you are adc and you are 2 levels up the enemy assassin it doesnt really matter couse the assassin can still one shot you. But most of the time levels matter a lot. 1 level is more hp more armor, magic resist etc. Percentage wise i dont know tho.
In simple terms taking the turret ends the laning phase because it makes it riskier for you to push and it also makes it easier for the enemy since they are on 2nd turret now which is a lot safer. It also makes it so that the wave takes longer to bounce back. Combining this 2 things you get the situation where staying in lane after pushing is risky and you have a longer time before you have to come back to lane. What does that mean? You can't pressure your opponent in the lane as effectively and your roaming and ganking can take longer aka you can make longer plays without losing resources. What does that mean for Alois here? It means he is a gigachad and is saying that he is certain that he will make morde suffer in such a way that is a lot more valuable than getting numbers advantage in another lane or simply in the jungle. What does this mean for @GrubbyTalks ? Don't do it is not really worth it, you really have to massacre your opponent in lane and also you have to be able to 1v2 them and the jungler(or at least survive and get ahead) and in some situations 1v3 or 1v4 with mid and/or support joining the fun. You are better off just taking it and pressuring other lanes and take other turrets too or just invade the jungler with your jungler since Morde is busy catching the wave in a really far back position.
The reason you wouldnt want to take a turret is because after the first turret is down laning phase usually ends and rotations start and people switch around the lanes.
I'm pretty sure not wanting to take turrets is a concept from few seasons back when turret platings were not a thing You can try to make a case for it now but you'd be hard pressed
Alois is a great guy to learn from, but all of his content is imo not targeted towards a truly new player like yourself. I think it could be amazing though if you took him up on his offer in chat the other day and got direct coaching from him.
Riven is extremely unconsistant for beginners since she is reslly undertuned because her game is combo based on auto resets with her Q. Not recommended for beginners since you will split your focus on fundamentals and mechanics.
1. quick combo is easy. i was able to do it consistently in 30 minutes of practice mode and hit it in my first game after practice mode 2. a lot of duels dont involve quick combo since you need to space and dodge skillshots. 3. your dps is still respectable without quick Q. 4. alois himself will tell you that fundamentals are more important than mechanics even with riven.
@@cronosdimitri4584 Again, where am I disagreeing with you? Read my first Statement. Riven is not recommended for beginners since you will split your focus on Mechanics and Fundamentals, We actually agree! You only attacked me when I said Riven is undertuned, which is true, or do you think Riven without Fast Combo could have 50% of winrate? Answer honestly, considering you lose around 40% of dps without fast combo. Or you could tell me that in like the video, a noob Riven vs a Noob Mordekaiser, the noob Riven could survive the laning phase, no. It was only because Alois is proficient in the champion that he could do well. Riven havent been OP in like 6 years. Also since you said that you could hit it consistently in 30 mins, that means you have actually some experience in the game, so its not a surprise. I am talking about actual beginners just starting the game like Grubby, where learning fundamentals with a simpler champion is actually better early on.
@@davidsato7898 You're being delusional. Riven can be played to high effect without any animation cancelling and combos. She becomes gigabroken and free of counterplay once you learn even a bit of that. Riven is (and that is statistically provable) the most elo-inflating champ in the game.
Hey Grubby, I don't know whether you will read this, but maybe you'd like to play ornn :) He is a tanky top laner with a lot of crowd control and there is a guide that has tips for all the matchups made by the best/one of the best ornn one-tricks
XP range is 1400. Vision range of champs is 1350. The XP range is pretty long and for a melee vs melee it is hard to deny XP. He lost XP when he jumped away from the Shaco.
I wouldn't watch bausffs for his gameplay strategies (very high-level). But he does have an excellent video about how the in-game economy of League works. Also, don't play Riven yet. Play an easy champ like Garen again. At this level, it's better to focus on how the game actually works (objectives, items, other champ kits, etc) rather than focusing on learning the difficult mechanics of a specific champ. Learn an easy champ so you don't have to think about your own kit and you can start thinking about factors outside of yourself. You can main 1 difficult champ early on and win lane over and over, but lose most games because you never quite learned how to WIN a game - you only learned how to win matchups.
9:36 .. exactly and i LOVE this on LOL and it's why I dont like other mobas - their fighting style is like in Warcraft witch is very bad and boring .. not the Warcraft like the game but the champions duels. It's ok in real time strategy but I don't get WHY it must be same in MOBA?? Also clicking for movement makes perfect sense in Warfraft but is uterly stupid in MOBA but people are now accustomed to it. Wild Rift is LOL for mobiles and finally it uses normal movement.
If you really want to play Riven, you need to spam a lot of games though. Riven and Aatrox are so combo based, that you most likely will be totally useless unless you practice them like 30-40 games
Low ELO games you are not playing 5v5 its more like 1v9, your team is often a liability. So most of this advice will not help. Id suggest you focus more on winning your lane hard, getting first turret and immediately roam to snowball other lanes. The sooner you make enemy team flame and blame each other, the faster you win.
If you like top lane and you want educational and entertaining videos watch Bwipo. Talks VERY thoroughly about each play, plays lots of different champs, and he is consistently challenged and a pro player.
maybe you could link up with Noway4u or get a coaching by him if you play a few more games and got some basics, he is the most known german League streamer, very educational and a super chill guy. Like he never flames, i believe your additudes are pretty matching, as i see you as a pretty calm guy aswell. :)) edit: when i think about it, it will be pretty hard, cuz ure in NA and noway is on EUW server, well anyways 🤣
Sounds like made up and maybe it is but in the league community everything is measured with teemos. 1 Teemo=100 units :D So 700 units range means 7 teemos in a line is the max range :D
LMAO shut upp! don't believe him! it's quantity that's measured in teemos. so, saying something like "i'd bet 3 teemo's worth of items that he's lying." Kappa
Addressing some of the comments because I cannot handle it. Baus is a good player, but I don't like how he's attempting to branch out and trying to generalize his unique playstyle as if it's supposed to be the "META". Baus performs well on his limited champ pool that can benefit his "inting" playstyle, champs that can create big value even on death, and are able to get back into the game immediately to create meaningful impacts on low economy and fast response rates. His words work best with his playstyle, and his champ pool, but it wont work on others. And it's going to be EXTREMELY DETRIMENTAL for a new player to try and replicate this style and work off their fundamentals from the Baus playstyle. I know several silver players who scream "good def" when they didn't do jack shit at all. Personally, Alois isn't doing a great job explaining the top lane here either, because he's currently playing a game and not analyzing anything. He's going off the fly, and alot of the information is being drowned out by reactions to the game, and some attempts at entertaining the chat/viewers. Which you can't blame him for doing, since well he's streaming. I do think that given a proper avenue, or given the opportunity to coach Grubby on a live game, Alois can provide alot of tips for Grubby to get a better understanding of the game. But I think mainly, as to what Grubby needs to learn, is the Fundamentals of league. Learning about top lane priority, wave management, and holding and freezing are all important, but Grubby needs to learn more about micro before moving onto macro. This involves general champion information, trading patterns, how tower and minion aggro works, vision, knowing about jungle paths, general champion control and how to gauge animation (very important since he came from DOTA2), being more generous with using abilities for CSing (which can be an avenue as to introducing wave management and control). and stuff like that. Even simpler stuff like, when should you use a summoner, when should you use TP, what items can you buy situationally, etc. I think Grubby is one of the most open and intellectual players I've ever watched, and I'm very excited to see him grow in League so he can have a greater perspective regarding the game and how it can compare to games like Dota2 and Wc3,
Toplane and Botlane are the longest lanes in league. Toplane is also the lane that gives more exp compared to other lanes and somewhat less gold (since platings work different) so when lane phase is over for Top, since you are the 'strongest' after that phase you usually swap for the most vulnerable lane, usually either staying Top or Bot, since at mid game, mid lane is safer and allows usually the Adc or Midlaner to gain gold safer and move faster to sides for objectives.
Honestly, all league "tutorials" and "guides" are awful. They almost always go over useless stuff like what your abilities actually do, or they're just gameplay with commentary. It's so lazy.
This guy is Diamond 1, far from professional in any way. Not to mention that he is playing Riven which is very much a one trick character. I wouldn't take everything he has to say to heart beyond the general tips about wave pushing.
This has been one of the poorest beginner videos about LoL that I have seen. No offence to the content creator. But it's rpetty much a clip from a stream and his comments are aimed at people who already play the game and know the character. Hardly anything about TOP lane specifically is explained, everything is just garbled 1/10. You would be better off just finding somebody who switched from dota to lol and actually made a guide of the transition.
@@GrubbyTalks of course highest rank out there on one of the top 3 solo que servers. So very very good, just as someone who used to play the same division as alois I think it is important to distinct between being a pro and low div primeleague player. Lec is a even higher level, and require even more game knowledge. But I didn't mean to call him bad.
Hi Grubby. Here's one way to think about the tower thing. For champions that are better at dueling, such as riven, a longer laning phase is going to be better. She can get stronger and stronger, while her opponent keeps falling behind. She shines in duels and is not great in team fights so this highly benefits her. Even more so because it seemed like the other lanes were doing fine so there's no reason to give Mord a chance to catch up and put Riven in uncomfortable situations. Additionally, having the tower up gives Riven more control over where the lane is, for example, freezing the lane on her side, forcing Mord to miss CS, and if she's far ahead enough, he can't even afford to be in XP range.
It is rather similar to in Wc3, if you do not benefit from fighting right now or have a reason to fight right now, then there's no reason to break upkeep as fast as possible. When you're ahead, get more ahead :)
So happy to see even more types of Grubby League videos😭
A lot of people meme on thebausffs, but morde actually showed how effective his playstyle is with the first death.
The plan is you give 300 gold to the opponent, but with the tp back to lane you get a massive tempo advantage that denies even more than the 300g your opponent got from the kill which therefore gives you the lead as Alois said the morde had for the next 5 min of that game.
His strategy all relies on tempo advantage and getting as much resources you can yourself.
It's like Alois talked about when he pushed the waves instead of freezing, but then to a much bigger extent.
watching bausffs is a masterclass on how to be so effective in the game even when dying 10-15 times.
make sure to tune in to a good baus game though. he has legit trolling phases sometimes
Depends tho. If your team gives up early it's unwinnable
jo grubby i dont know if you are looking for a coach but iwilldominate said he would gladly do it he was a wc3 player in his childhood i think and he knows you
Nah bro get someone else to do it
Would love to see my favorite crackhead join up with Grubby.
@@GarbageGust He is not suited for the task, Dom is as washed up as a player can be Grubby is gonna end up teaching him about the game, a more serious player and someone with actual coaching experience would be much better like for example Veigar V2
Handsome fellow
@@fireflameft2964? Dom still hits challenger whenever he plays soloq lol. He aint a pro anymore but he watches 4 tier1 regions, his knowledge about the game is easily on veigarv2s level
(High level logic)
You keep enemy tower alive IF youre already solo 100% destroying enemy champ early game.
Keeping the tower alive also makes the enemy no choice to keep moving forward away from base otherwise enemy will lose more cs. But also the risk of getting farmed by riven & his allies alot since morderkaiser is still farther from base for his teammates to react faster.
Its like a checkmate lose lose situation at this point for morderkaiser if riven keeps the tower alive longer. Ofc without riven losing plate gold.
Been enjoying this leage series, didn't knew yeu before you bring a great energy to the riff, hopefully you inspire old and new players to be less "hot headed"
Yeah, he remains pretty calm through all the classic league experiences
I love the bausffs, but I think baus's playstyle would be way too alien for someone this new to the game lol. There are so many nuances that baus uses that allows the playstyle to work, and it would really seem (as it already does to a lot of more experienced league players) completely "int" to someone who doesn't know exactly what is happening.
What people don't realize is Baus playstyle revolves almost entirely around Sion - abusing his undead passive for "good deaths" early and then Sion hyper scaling to cover basically Baus weak laning phase (lol). You see him play like Jax or Gragas and he generally plays normal, if still dies early but unintentionally since he doesn't have undead passive to clean up minions still. So unless Grubsta gonna play Sion, there's really no point (apart from just exciting the little Baus frogs)
@@whiskizyo2067 his rammus top and quinn make use of the strat some more but he doesnt fully split with them and instead roams a lot.
8:48 this laugh reminded of skylar's laugh when will hunting said he was hoping for a good night laid. Good Will Hunting guys, great movie, go watch it
When the outer turret falls the wave naturally pushes into the enemy side of the map. This means they are closer to their own base, their turret doesn't deny farm while they aren't there and their jungle and other lanes have an easier time roaming to help them compared to your own jungle who now has to invade through a longer path to get there.
You also lose exp because the enemy minions die faster than your own, and taking an inhibitor too early means you lose almost a full lane's worth of experience because your minions hard push it out. The siege minion also gives the enemy team a lot of gold and experience if you don't finish the game after taking it.
Grubby, you asked a great question at 17:38 ... but I feel like different people said different things in chat in a different and it got jumbled. I am no challenger but let me try to answer the question:
1. The enemy jungler, Khazix, is an assasin and he already has some lethality (flat armor pen). Khazix does more damage to isolated targets. So if Alois takes tower he has to farm deeper into enemy side of the map, would probably be in a 2v1 situation and die, since he doesn't have any armor for Khazix, magic resist to deal with Mordekiser at the same time, or ability haste to use Riven's dashes frequently and get out of a sticky situation. His current items (two long swords and a pickaxe) gives him nothing but damage. He did it to win against his lane opponent, which worked, but if he takes the turret now he won't be just against his lane opponent anymore.
2. You share exp from dying minions etc. with your teammates when you are in range. Since Alois can't confidently fight Khazix and Mordekiser simultaneously at the moment, he has to go somewhere else if he takes tower. But his other teammates haven't finished laning yet. So, if he goes to another lane they will all share exp, someone will not be able to last hit for gold and entire team will fall behind overall. Mordekiser, on the other hand, will free farm at enemy side under turret safely, get solo exp, and Alois would eventually lose his lead.
3. Alois at this point is confident he is strong enough to win duels against Mordekiser. So he wants to keep on rubberbanding the wave, punish him and snowball further.
Generally, unless you are fully sure you can take the entire enemy team head on and win, taking turret before 11 or 12 minutes as a toplaner isn't recommended. There are roles/champions with exceptions of course, but there would probably be another time for that discussion. Platings in turrets, which allows you to get extra gold, lasts till 14 minutes so Alois still had a lot of time.
That being said, I, personally, am not a top lane main and definitely not a challenger . I have see Alois hang around in your streams pretty often, so next time when you are streaming league and if he is there I think it would be the best if you ask it to Alois himself. Pretty sure he can provide a much better insight than an average joe like me.
P.S: Someone in the chat was shouting "watch Baus" but if you want to learn from that him I would not recommend it since you just started playing. Baus is a genius whose playstyle and builds are very unconventional, and its something only he has been able to make it work in high level gameplay so far. Even top level players don't understand how he goes 0/6 on average in lane and still carries the game later. It's peak entertainment though, so if you have free time, maybe you can have a look at him for fun.
Wow this was a rather impressive react video. A lot of these types of videos lack effort but as you are learning from the video and can also apply your experience from other games in the same genre to then later attempt to show you're understanding of the video. This was very interesting to watch for me esspecially from a type of video I normally have little intrest in.
Nice to hear!
By leaving the tower up it is easier to deny minions and get further ahead - if the tower goes down the wave pushes all the way to the tier 2 tower which puts riven in a more vulnerable spot while mordekaiser can farm safely with riven overextended in a long lane. Another thing to consider is there is no objective to play for when he makes this call because the herald is already down and wont be respawning for some time so there is no need to get deep priority and still plenty of time to kill the tower before 14 minutes when the plates fall off. Its a very specific decision based on the gamestate and matchup, so there are a number of factors to consider.
Alois put the deep ward in enemy jungle at the start to figure out where the enemy jungler started. Then he can count cs every time they appear in vision to figure out which camps they will go to next.
This may be less useful if the enemy jungler is a brand new player who only ganks, but in that case the jungler should be very underleveled.
Lmao the random SF2 rainbow edition story just sent me. Great video by Alois, he seems so scary in lane.
That’s called rainbow edition?
I think no one told You that yet and to be fair very few people know about this mechanic but if lets say enemy top lane turret gets destroyed then for the rest of the game your top lane minions get very small buff to dmg and resists. Its unnoticable but it makes it so that your minion wave will ALWAYS win with enemy minion wave thus making it harder for you to catch waves and easier for your opponet to freeze. This works for all lane turrets and stacks for killing multiple turrets.
Oh I didn’t know that. Interesting!
This is definitely gold + level of content . Assuming knowing the game but not being able to climb
Hey Grubby. You used to play a ton of Muradin/Blaze, right? I think you'd like Ornn as a champion quite a bit (top lane cc engage tank).
Looking forward to ALL of your upcoming content!
9:15 you just realize its not for beginners, he talked about bouncing waves and probably even freezes before this assuming the viewer knew this, which is probably already like bronze-silver elo. As well as minimizing losses with backs which i think could even be mid-high elo content as its minimizing the loss even from 1 cannon (which as a plat player i dont even really do). If
Its really hard to quantify because league is such a popular game that its mostly filled with people playing on autopilot, never engaging with strategic content unless they actually really care about improving.
So you will have low diamond players who don't know half that stuff.
@@luminous3558 every low dia knows how to freeze and bounce lanes except for maybe some support mains lol
Can I say that I love these video... despite NOT playing LoL? I just love Grubbies approach to learning a new game in detail. It was the same with AOE4 back then. I find a lot of real useful learning methods/approaches that go beyond gaming in there 🤔🤔
watch thebaus guide
Leaving the tower alive allows him to continue his advantageous lane state vs the mordekaiser without overextending himself more before he gets to key item breakpoints and you could argue the team should start knocking down towers/rotating around the map at similar times.
Alois said he would be down to coach you , hit him up.
lets gooo
My sources are his twitch stream. I was watching and someone mentioned something about Grubby and he said he would be down to coach Grubby :D
if you do this you can probably climb faster than any new player ever has
28:35 How did Riven die while the hp bars shows she had 27 hp left ?
Every jungle camp is 4cs, so a good jungler will see which camps you took (unless you wasted time doing camps in suboptimal order) and can go for the camps that are left. So a common clear is red, blue, gromp = 12 and you are ganking blue side, so enemy can see that there are 2 camps left in your red side and can go take those if they happen to be there and the gank on that side is not available. Usually referred to as jungle tracking, and if you play jungle will get you fairly easy wins all the way to high elo because almost no one does it or is good enough to do it in low elo.
Always happy to see new players come to league!
The thing with the early tower takeing has a lot to do with your champion. Taking the top tower opens up the map. If you are a roam champion from there on you are trying to get the lead to other lanes like mid and bot. But riven has no blink or long range cc and she got not a lot of burst, so it is not that easy to bring your lead to the other lanes. She wants to trade until she got the enemy low and then all in him. That early in the game Riven is just a statstick. Low CDR, no lifesteal and no Armor or MR. If she tryes to roam and gets intercepted she is just dead. So she stays in lane trys to profit of mordekaiser until she got all the mantioned stats. Then she is able to teamfight and bringing the CC to the back line. Top is so hard to master, because the consequences are so hard. If you just go one the beyond the lane Darius or other Jaggernauts just straight up kill you from 100-0. Then you TP back and you get dove by the Jungler. The next 10 minutes will be just survival mode :D Great to see someone trying league in 2023 :) In 2 weeks will be better then me :D
A great way to visualize play is through the mix of MICRO, and MACRO.
Micro being real individual mechanics and champion skill/mastery. Knowing a champions kit and having a great feel for the combos and limits.
The next aspect is Macro, to many this is the most important thing in the game. This deals with control of the map and a sense of what is going on everywhere in your game and what is the best move. Gold/exp manipulations, wave management, champion tracking, rotations.
All champs have an optimal range of what they can do with these two concepts. Virtually all champs can abuse macro, even if their kit has a very simplistic micro playstyle. Others, like riven for example from this video, have such intense micro expessions that people can main that champ and reach great heights with mechanics alone, whilst also utilizing macro skills to push themself even further.
And there are also champs whose micro skills are all about expanding their and their teams macro abilities. Be it by vision, roaming, playmaking, wave manipulation, tower shoving, ect.
Well put
Nice, another Grubby channel with League content
Alois is probably the best person one could learn LoL from.
For top lane, yeah
rangerzx is the best ive ever seen
Really enjoy your competitive educational journey in League!
Would be very interesting to see if you tried for some ranked game progression in the new League season in January :)
He's not close to level 30 so it may take a while
A lot of people said in a short that he mismanaged the wave after killing morde for the first time since he had a freeze
Not sure if letting it be frozem there is the correct play since morde might be able to break it with his tp
I think pushing it with nocturne would have been the best
He can't stay in lane that low hp. This is basically a showcase on how getting a kill with ignite can screw you in the long run because you can't fix the wave before recalling.
@@orgerix he can because hes riven. thats exactly why he can do that and even said at the start of the video it will be "From the perspective of riven". he got a kill, then lost a wave. 1 kill = more than a wave = profit.
Grubby honestly you should take Alois course. He is fantastic and you will learn the fundamentals.
"This champion has no mana management, but it means he has more complicated mechanics"
Garen says hi
Hey Gubby! Just a tip for the next time you commentate on something on youtube. If you need to see a specific frame in the video, instead of spamming the space button, hit space to stop the video close to the point you're looking for and then hit , to go 1 frame backwards and . to go 1 frame forward :) You can also hit J and L to back or forward 10 seconds instead of 5. Hopefully this will be helpful to you in the future :)
grubbys league content is my fave
you can never have enough sworts in you inventory. 😂
You don't need to tune in to watch Baus but just checking out his SOLOQ Guide video is good enough. It shows a unique and unconventional perspective of the game which a lot of guides don't talk about.
I think exp range is 1600 range and range attacker minions are about 500-600 range so staying about 1 minion wave away from the dying minion is a goods rule of thumb
hey grubby, minion EXP range is 1400 units, for comparison, tower attack range is 800 units
Grubby is going to be unstoppable with the fanta mentos
The levels matter a lot in league but as all things it depends. If you are adc and you are 2 levels up the enemy assassin it doesnt really matter couse the assassin can still one shot you. But most of the time levels matter a lot. 1 level is more hp more armor, magic resist etc. Percentage wise i dont know tho.
I dont think any assassin could kill adc that has 2 lv higher unless that adc literally soak all damage on some certain champ
In simple terms taking the turret ends the laning phase because it makes it riskier for you to push and it also makes it easier for the enemy since they are on 2nd turret now which is a lot safer. It also makes it so that the wave takes longer to bounce back.
Combining this 2 things you get the situation where staying in lane after pushing is risky and you have a longer time before you have to come back to lane.
What does that mean? You can't pressure your opponent in the lane as effectively and your roaming and ganking can take longer aka you can make longer plays without losing resources.
What does that mean for Alois here? It means he is a gigachad and is saying that he is certain that he will make morde suffer in such a way that is a lot more valuable than getting numbers advantage in another lane or simply in the jungle.
What does this mean for @GrubbyTalks ?
Don't do it is not really worth it, you really have to massacre your opponent in lane and also you have to be able to 1v2 them and the jungler(or at least survive and get ahead) and in some situations 1v3 or 1v4 with mid and/or support joining the fun.
You are better off just taking it and pressuring other lanes and take other turrets too or just invade the jungler with your jungler since Morde is busy catching the wave in a really far back position.
The reason you wouldnt want to take a turret is because after the first turret is down laning phase usually ends and rotations start and people switch around the lanes.
I'm pretty sure not wanting to take turrets is a concept from few seasons back when turret platings were not a thing
You can try to make a case for it now but you'd be hard pressed
The reason you don't kill turret is so opponent does not freeze lane deeper into enemy lane, so it's harder to farm for you.
Hey, Twitch chat!
Alois is a great guy to learn from, but all of his content is imo not targeted towards a truly new player like yourself. I think it could be amazing though if you took him up on his offer in chat the other day and got direct coaching from him.
probably vision jump or vega against honda....the coin was "pesetas" btw
Riven is extremely unconsistant for beginners since she is reslly undertuned because her game is combo based on auto resets with her Q. Not recommended for beginners since you will split your focus on fundamentals and mechanics.
Undertuned? XD Found the delusional Riven OTP
@@jansettler4828 I am just being realistic. If you dont know how to do the fast combo consistently, Riven is just not a champion.
1. quick combo is easy. i was able to do it consistently in 30 minutes of practice mode and hit it in my first game after practice mode
2. a lot of duels dont involve quick combo since you need to space and dodge skillshots.
3. your dps is still respectable without quick Q.
4. alois himself will tell you that fundamentals are more important than mechanics even with riven.
@@cronosdimitri4584 Again, where am I disagreeing with you? Read my first Statement. Riven is not recommended for beginners since you will split your focus on Mechanics and Fundamentals, We actually agree! You only attacked me when I said Riven is undertuned, which is true, or do you think Riven without Fast Combo could have 50% of winrate? Answer honestly, considering you lose around 40% of dps without fast combo. Or you could tell me that in like the video, a noob Riven vs a Noob Mordekaiser, the noob Riven could survive the laning phase, no. It was only because Alois is proficient in the champion that he could do well. Riven havent been OP in like 6 years.
Also since you said that you could hit it consistently in 30 mins, that means you have actually some experience in the game, so its not a surprise. I am talking about actual beginners just starting the game like Grubby, where learning fundamentals with a simpler champion is actually better early on.
@@davidsato7898 You're being delusional. Riven can be played to high effect without any animation cancelling and combos. She becomes gigabroken and free of counterplay once you learn even a bit of that. Riven is (and that is statistically provable) the most elo-inflating champ in the game.
We neeed this collab
Hey Grubby, I don't know whether you will read this, but maybe you'd like to play ornn :)
He is a tanky top laner with a lot of crowd control and there is a guide that has tips for all the matchups made by the best/one of the best ornn one-tricks
Sounds good! On my radar now!
Grubby, you should watch Solarbacca play Gangplank top.
is this a repost or was i watching the stream when this happened? 🤣
The stream ;)
XP range is 1400. Vision range of champs is 1350.
The XP range is pretty long and for a melee vs melee it is hard to deny XP. He lost XP when he jumped away from the Shaco.
yuumi would be so coool!
You could 100% collaborate with aloisNL for content. Also this is not one of his educational videos this is just a stream of thought while playing
We are going to!! Soon! (This month)
I wouldn't watch bausffs for his gameplay strategies (very high-level). But he does have an excellent video about how the in-game economy of League works.
Also, don't play Riven yet. Play an easy champ like Garen again. At this level, it's better to focus on how the game actually works (objectives, items, other champ kits, etc) rather than focusing on learning the difficult mechanics of a specific champ. Learn an easy champ so you don't have to think about your own kit and you can start thinking about factors outside of yourself. You can main 1 difficult champ early on and win lane over and over, but lose most games because you never quite learned how to WIN a game - you only learned how to win matchups.
Watch Thebauffs, any video of him would explain a lot abou economics on league
9:36 .. exactly and i LOVE this on LOL and it's why I dont like other mobas - their fighting style is like in Warcraft witch is very bad and boring .. not the Warcraft like the game but the champions duels. It's ok in real time strategy but I don't get WHY it must be same in MOBA??
Also clicking for movement makes perfect sense in Warfraft but is uterly stupid in MOBA but people are now accustomed to it.
Wild Rift is LOL for mobiles and finally it uses normal movement.
If you really want to play Riven, you need to spam a lot of games though. Riven and Aatrox are so combo based, that you most likely will be totally useless unless you practice them like 30-40 games
if you want girthy champs, go Tham Kench.
Those Street Fighter abilities are supposed to function like that. That's not a hack lol.
I like this content.
Low ELO games you are not playing 5v5 its more like 1v9, your team is often a liability. So most of this advice will not help.
Id suggest you focus more on winning your lane hard, getting first turret and immediately roam to snowball other lanes. The sooner you make enemy team flame and blame each other, the faster you win.
If you like top lane and you want educational and entertaining videos watch Bwipo. Talks VERY thoroughly about each play, plays lots of different champs, and he is consistently challenged and a pro player.
Worth noting that his topics are probably more advanced generally than this video, but still definitely someone to keep in mind.
Please watch more Alois!
maybe you could link up with Noway4u or get a coaching by him if you play a few more games and got some basics, he is the most known german League streamer, very educational and a super chill guy. Like he never flames, i believe your additudes are pretty matching, as i see you as a pretty calm guy aswell. :))
edit: when i think about it, it will be pretty hard, cuz ure in NA and noway is on EUW server, well anyways 🤣
Watch TC Zwag for item builds
may be a good idea to watch Alois play garen instead, same concepts easier to execute.
Punch spams to beat brother ez mode,
Brother finds secret sauce for Counter,
Best toplaner to learn from is probably proplayer Bwipo
does bwipo have ressources like alois focused on improvement aswell?
@@lordmatz3435 yup
@@maszkar2087 nice gonna check him out i guess
Sounds like made up and maybe it is but in the league community everything is measured with teemos. 1 Teemo=100 units :D So 700 units range means 7 teemos in a line is the max range :D
LMAO shut upp! don't believe him! it's quantity that's measured in teemos. so, saying something like "i'd bet 3 teemo's worth of items that he's lying."
He was counting conqueror stacks in the end… That’s not beginner friendly
the mental fortitude of AliosNL to only play Riven the whole day every day
pesos en españa? da fuck.... pesetas?
Thebausffs better
Addressing some of the comments because I cannot handle it.
Baus is a good player, but I don't like how he's attempting to branch out and trying to generalize his unique playstyle as if it's supposed to be the "META".
Baus performs well on his limited champ pool that can benefit his "inting" playstyle, champs that can create big value even on death, and are able to get back into the game immediately to create meaningful impacts on low economy and fast response rates.
His words work best with his playstyle, and his champ pool, but it wont work on others. And it's going to be EXTREMELY DETRIMENTAL for a new player to try and replicate this style and work off their fundamentals from the Baus playstyle. I know several silver players who scream "good def" when they didn't do jack shit at all.
Personally, Alois isn't doing a great job explaining the top lane here either, because he's currently playing a game and not analyzing anything. He's going off the fly, and alot of the information is being drowned out by reactions to the game, and some attempts at entertaining the chat/viewers. Which you can't blame him for doing, since well he's streaming.
I do think that given a proper avenue, or given the opportunity to coach Grubby on a live game, Alois can provide alot of tips for Grubby to get a better understanding of the game.
But I think mainly, as to what Grubby needs to learn, is the Fundamentals of league. Learning about top lane priority, wave management, and holding and freezing are all important, but Grubby needs to learn more about micro before moving onto macro.
This involves general champion information, trading patterns, how tower and minion aggro works, vision, knowing about jungle paths, general champion control and how to gauge animation (very important since he came from DOTA2), being more generous with using abilities for CSing (which can be an avenue as to introducing wave management and control). and stuff like that.
Even simpler stuff like, when should you use a summoner, when should you use TP, what items can you buy situationally, etc.
I think Grubby is one of the most open and intellectual players I've ever watched, and I'm very excited to see him grow in League so he can have a greater perspective regarding the game and how it can compare to games like Dota2 and Wc3,
Toplane and Botlane are the longest lanes in league. Toplane is also the lane that gives more exp compared to other lanes and somewhat less gold (since platings work different) so when lane phase is over for Top, since you are the 'strongest' after that phase you usually swap for the most vulnerable lane, usually either staying Top or Bot, since at mid game, mid lane is safer and allows usually the Adc or Midlaner to gain gold safer and move faster to sides for objectives.
would actually be really fun if we could get alois to coach grubby at some point
We already talked on discord.. it’s gonna happen soon!
Honestly, all league "tutorials" and "guides" are awful. They almost always go over useless stuff like what your abilities actually do, or they're just gameplay with commentary. It's so lazy.
This guy is Diamond 1, far from professional in any way. Not to mention that he is playing Riven which is very much a one trick character. I wouldn't take everything he has to say to heart beyond the general tips about wave pushing.
This guy is Challenger and former professional. Maybe stfu if you don't know
This has been one of the poorest beginner videos about LoL that I have seen. No offence to the content creator. But it's rpetty much a clip from a stream and his comments are aimed at people who already play the game and know the character. Hardly anything about TOP lane specifically is explained, everything is just garbled 1/10. You would be better off just finding somebody who switched from dota to lol and actually made a guide of the transition.
It’s not a beginner video! I picked this myself personally
No need to watch Baus... He is counter-meta.. I'd say learn the "correct" way first.
Riven is not hard!!!!!!!!!
alois was never pro, good player but he played only low div primeleague.
Pretty good! Challenger is very high isn’t it
@@GrubbyTalks of course highest rank out there on one of the top 3 solo que servers. So very very good, just as someone who used to play the same division as alois I think it is important to distinct between being a pro and low div primeleague player. Lec is a even higher level, and require even more game knowledge. But I didn't mean to call him bad.
Hots is the best league and dota suck
you are over analyzing everything like exp range and exp gives thought it affect it wont change the game too much