Why not add an Overload (1) to Hex instead of changing cost from 3 to 4, so maybe try to make the Overload Shaman Archetype more viable? Because Snowfury giant is a nice card, but it's not even played because Overload card are not good.
It was a reference to blizzard excuse to nerfed fiery war axe being 3 mana 3/2 rather than 2 mana 2/2 because apparently all hs players are so stupid that they would get too confusing if anything but the mana cost was changed
Oh, I get it. It's blizzard we are talking about. They make pathetic excuse for everything. I know we the player base are not game designer, but I mean, do they even try different things prior to those nerfs?
6:30 Uh Kripp, from the most recent patch notes: "...Fandral Staghelm’s text has been updated to reflect that he will interact with powers as well: Your Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined. *Changing your Hero will no longer 'refresh' your weapon swing* ..." Closely following patch notes, eh?
We did get blizzard-style nerfs, two cards that people have loved and accepted as very powerful, but not so op they need to be fixed, are now dead. Two cards players have been playing around and having crazy experiences with are now two of the worst removal cards in the game.
Turn 1 - Innervate, Fledgling, Coin, Firefly Turn 2 - Acherus Verteran on Fledgling, Raven, Fledgling gets Windfury and 3hp. Turn 3 - Mark of Y'Shaarj on Fledgling, Mark of the Lotus. Turn 3 win with 2-3 Firefly, 3-2 Acherus Verteran, 3-3 Raven and *7-9 Windfury Fledgling*. You'll be missed Innervate.
Basically you want to play for Team Void because the cardback looks cooler but then again you can't really because Kripp is in Team Light and you want Kripp to win.
HariBro but it looks like you have to stream to be able to add to the wins and you can only do it on a new account and you don't actually win any packs.
I get what mightybatillo and superSymn are saying, but each class has some basic cards that are good enough to see play in a lot of competitive decks, that kind of help define each class (ie. mages have fireball, flamestrike, paladins have consecration...) and the way blizzard is going, soon all basic/classic cards will be unplayable which sucks for free/low budget players, and a lot of blizzards money comes from people who buy less than ten packs from each expansion. If they do need to nerf classic/basic cards they should nerf it so they're playable in the not problematic decks, like how kripp said Innervate costing 4 and giving you 6 mana or fiery war axe only targeting minions
I noticed how on the recent hearthstone survey (personality thing) when they asked what kind of deck you liked playing best, they excluded control as an option completely.
What Kripp said about Warriors not newbie-friendly is spot on. I remember just starting the game and for the longest time not being to play the class. Of course, many packs later, it has since become one of my fav and most-played classes.
Not being able to attack after already attacking and then changing your hero was actually in the patch notes of one of the last updates before KFT. Blizzard even explained that they made this change because of the new hero cards.
Having had time to reflect, I don't think the nerfs are THAT bad. Ramp ramp double Innervate Ultimate Infestation is stupid. Turn 1 Vicious fledgling was stupid. Win Axe is WAAAAAAAAAAY too OP especially with pirates. Warleader giving that extra health was too much. Southsea Captain gives +1/+1 but warleader +2/+1? Especially with the average murloc being lower cost. Spreading plague is very OP in the current meta and if aggro takes a hit, it will not be good at all. Hex nerf is just unnecessary. No jade nerf is the worst decision of all though.
hex is transformation removal. it gets rid of deathrattle and prevents resurrection while having no way to reverse it. from this expansion, it seems like blizzard wants to increase the quality of high cost cards. however, they won't really be that good if you can just say nope to them for 3 mana. 4 mana is possibly too cheap for hex/poly, but they can mess with them again later on as card quality shifts around.
I think these nerfs will be the same as the ones before Kharazan last year, as in it nerfs the dominant deck but also its counters, so that class still remains the strongest
Disguised toast usually does Vida on FULL patch notes n believe me with the fandral change(witch the jaraxxus change was apart of) there's a lot they dont cover in the notes at least 3-5 more then were actually mentioned
I thought their explanation of why they changed the mana cost on Fiery War Axe instead of the attack damage actually made sense, in a way. If they had changed the attack to 2, I'm sure there would be some players who would ignore any patch notes, start a game with an existing warrior deck, equip FWA on turn 2 to kill a 3 health minion and then be surprised that it didn't die. Let me be clear - I am well aware that this would *not* be a common occurrence, and definitely a fringe case. But changing the mana cost instead of the attack damage means that the card behaves in the exact same way it does now, just equipped a turn later.
The biggest problem I have with the Fiery War Axe notes, is how they mention that 3 mana 3-2 weapons are played in other classes, totally ignoring the fact those classes aren't as reliant on weapons, and those weapons have great effects.
I think there is another problem concerning control and late game decks which is that 2 classes can eliminate fatigue and with that can go on infinite. (Druid: Jade Idol, Warrior: 2x Dead Man's Hand) the introduction of these 2 cards might really hurt the variety of control classes that are viable.
Well the hero attack thing was actually explained in the KFT expansion notes, probably because the Death Knights had weapons ... so much for reading patch notes Kripp.
Kripp not to offend you or anything but they did say that you cant attack with the new Hero, if you already attacked once, if you would red their patch notes
john smit well during Burning Crusade, warrior Druid was the best 2s team so you had to nerf one of them. After looking into it they decided to nerf warrior since they did all the damage.
12:50 That's one of my biggest complaints with Hearthstone. More specifically against Mage. In my experience, every time I go against a Mage deck it's the same thing. Secret, secret, secret, and more secrets followed by having the right removal every time. It gets old really fast.
Love your stuff normally kripp, but it needs to be said. Hearthstone Update - August 8, same one with dreadsteed. Second last mechanic update is "Changing your Hero will no longer 'refresh' your weapon swing."
I wish Kripp would give an intro to a video in his monotone "streaming to 20k idiots on twitch and I'm tired" voice. He starts his videos completely different than he addresses his twitch audience. I just find it funny. Continue with your day youtubers.
I wonder how this would've worked as for a new war axe "2 mana 1/2 weapon, gain +2 attack after losijg 1 durability". Would slow down the early board control and potentially promotes upgrading weapons
what about hunter weapon that have +1 durability per each secret active? for warrior war axe, why not make it 2 mana 3/2 per attack duel 2 damage to your hero?
Warleader didn't need the nerf, it was the mechanic around it that made it snowballing. They need to overwork the mechanic that playing the Warleader doesn't implicate the healing on the other murlocs. So if you're trading a Murloc an a Warleader board to a x/1 minion and then the opponent manages to kill the Warleader it doesn't kill the traded Murloc. That's what it made difficult to clear those murloc boards and not the Warleader effect itself. Same example for southsea captain, but at least the pirate decks won't be around in Standard forever...
what they meant by saying 'people rather want to change mana cost instead of attack or durability' is that if you would, back in the days, change warsong commander to 10 mana, it would be better nerf than just reck it.
There's a detail with the Fiery War Axe nerf which I haven't seen anyone mention yet; It complete cripples Warriors in Arena. In Arena, Warrior has always relied on aggression and weapons, and Fiery War Axe was not just their best turn two play, but really their only class card that is a two mana play. By adding that one mana to the cost, you take away the only significant early game play from an aggressive Arena class. Good bye, Arena Warrior... you are the child Blizzard never really loved. =[
[NEW CARD MECHANIC] They need to create a card type that has multiple effects in a card but you pay different mana for the different card effect. Example: 3 2/3 draw a card or 6 5/6 draw a card YOU choose which one you want or 4 mana 3/3 deal 3 damage or 6 4/5 draw 2 cards.
I think mechanics of half mana crystal should be brought to hearthstone. 1) if you have any mana crystal left at the end of your turn, gain 0.5 mana at the end of your turn. Some cards could cost 2.5 for example fiery war axe. This was you can play it turn 2 if you missed 1 drop, but you cant if you played 1drop. Same mechanic could be brought to other cards such as hex (3.5 mana) etc.
I'm no expert but why cant they just increase the base hp for the heros to like 40 instead of 30. It would allow for more late game. and aggro can still be decent.
I play tempo mage mostly and let me tell you I just concede when ultimate infestation is used. I can't possibly recoop from him drawing so many cards and getting a minion and dealing damage. I'm running double frozen clones, blood mage, arcane intellects and an acolyte to compensate for the Druids card draw but it's impossible to to win if you don't beat them before it gets used.
one thing i think many people and especially blizzard themselves dont realise, is when people say "we want a control meta" what they mean is we a want a spell control meta they want to return to the times of old when you would see warrior control vs paladin control, those decks were both removal/spell heavy and relied winning by whittling down the oponent and stoping their game plan, those matches were inteligent, the players had to think when to use cards and when it wasnt worth it, when to go for value and when not to. what blizzard has taken "a control meta" to mean though is more big minions, they see that big minion removal is strong so they weaken the big minion removal while at the same time making the big minions stronger, because surly that will make more people play more big minion decks. but when you think about it those kind of decks are far more irritating and anti fun to play against then aggro, an aggro decks wins against you becuase it drew better and steamrolled on turn 4, its no fun there was no skill nor thought on the aggro players part, but its over in 5 minutes the big minion deck wins because you just run out of stuff, it gets to turn 15 you run out of removal and cant deal with the big guy on the board, so they summon 2 more big guys that you still cant deal with and what was seeming to be a back and forth game lasting 15 minutes ends in 2 turns because he just has more stuff. once again there is no thought nor skill on the big minion players part, he just slammed down big guy after big guy never thinking of value, and eventualy either because your deck was tuned to beat aggro or cos you got unlucky and your big minion removal was in the bottom 10 cards you couldnt deal with them this is why people HATE playing against jade druid far more then they hate playing against aggro, cos jade druid goes to turn 15 then just slams down 3 big green men you cant deal with and the 15 turn "stalemate" game ends in 1 because you just ran out of stuff the nerf to hex speaks HUGELY of how hearthstone is being pushed in that direction (or at least is trying to be pushed in that direction) where all the decks just run huge big minions and win not through inteligent play or strategy but by just having bigger/more stuff. hex is realisticaly shamans only big minion removal, shaman already stuggels the most against these big guy decks, and if krip is right and they make more/better big guys, will cease to exist in coming expansions
I got a new friend into HS recently, and I've been learning that there are some problems that are very obvious to pros, but not so obvious to newbs. The ones that stand out to me are forbidden flame (he thought he had to spend all his mana first), and the act of mulliganing (he thought the cards were discarded, gone). These make sense, and the fact that Blizzard treats us like dunces and leaves in actual problems is really silly
It is simply amazing to me that out of all the smart people who play this game and who stream it, only Kibler seems to understand that basic (not classic) cards are the cards that are used by people who do not know how to play the game as they just started playing seconds ago as such it is very important that those cards are very very simple, which is what they were talking about in the nerf explanation.
the change how heroswaps work was announced, and that you dont have a 2nd atack if you switch hero. (woud ne broken on something like pala with 5 dmg weapon attack and 5 weapon attack on new hero and can attack again) if you what im gonna look for the blizz video.
i don't mind a 2 drop 3/1 weapon. single target removal and makes aggro can still suck it. it makes it not ridiculous while still retaining the ability to kill 1 drop 1/3 minions.
Stupid thing about Fiery War Axe being nerfed is that it makes it strictly worse than Eaglehorn Bow. Now, granted, you could very easily look at it in a fashion of the Axe being basic and the Bow, with it's 100% equal stats, being rare, it's justified to give it an effect and thus slightly 'stronger'. Thing is, Warrior is the weapon class. It's not just *A* weapon class, it's *THE* weapon class. You don't see near the level of weapons-per-deck in any other class that has weapons, it makes sense for warriors to have slightly stronger weapons than others. Same way Mage has more potent direct damage spells. Same way Priest has more efficient healing. Same way Druid has more access to mana. Oh, wait... On the note of Innervate, Kripp's nerf would've been better than turning it into a Counterfeit Coin, as gaining two mana for a turn is one of those class-identity things.
The top 4 decks on ladder right now are Jade Druid, Pirate Warrior, Murloc Paladin and Token Druid. Fiery War Axe is Pirate Warrior's best card. Murloc Warleader is Murloc Paladin's best card. Innervate is Token Druid's best card. Spreading Plague is Jade Druid's best Anti-Aggro card. Hex is the best silence removal in the game. By nerfing these cards, they've hit 3 of the most annoying and powerful decks on ladder quite hard, as well as making it easier to create more fun cards for future expansions. Unfortunately, while these changes also slow down Jade Druid a bit, they don't hurt them quite as badly. My prediction: Ladder will become 80% Jade Druids, because Jade Druid will become the only Tier 1 deck. Arena stays mostly the same, because Warriors, Shamans and Druids were already fairly sub-par, certainly not on the same level as Paladin, Rogue or Mage. I can understand Blizzard's reasoning for why they nerfed these particular cards. I just don't understand their reasons for not nerfing some others.
Even if they really didn't want to nerf a pirate instead, they could at least change Fiery War Axe to a "1/2, Has +2 attack if your opponent controls a minion." This would make it way less aggressive for pirate warriors and still essential for control warrior's early game survival. Please upvote so blizzard may possibly see!
Ice block is so broken it's text might as well read "if you are going to lose..........don't." they needed to move that to the hall of fame like yesterday.
Stupid nerf won't do anyting to Jade Druid. What they needed to do is print a legendary or epic minion 4 mana 2/2 Battlecry: Reset Jade Golem summons to 1/1. Low mana small minion so we can bounce it back to hand.
Fiery war axe nerf reminds me of bgh nerf; a total killer for wild. The most problematic 2 drop in the game, ship's cannon, can no longer be dealt with.
well they could change the ultimate infestation to make is (10 mana get 5 armor summon 5/5 draw 5 cards removes 3 of your mana crystals ) i know mana crystals are not that important late game but druid can ramp up so fast so it wont be a problem for him but it will still be better for his opponent not just play a 10 mana summon a 5/5 draw 5 jade idols win game
No, the massive problem with it is that Warriors are completely and utterly fucked now and the only thing we have is the vague promise that at some point in the history we might get some new early game tool that will never be good enough to compensate. Here's a massive fucking idea for Blizzard, when you're going to nerf "problematic" cards, how about you do it at the same time when you release new ones? Seriously, why the fuck should I touch Hearthstone at the moment when the only deck I enjoyed playing in the current meta was control Warrior? Fuck these idiots.
what if they had turned innervate into a choose one card. Choice would be, gain a mana crystal this turn only and gain a mana crystal this turn only. If you play it with fandral out then you get 2 mana. or the 2nd choice could be gain 1 mana crystal next turn. Like temporary ramp
The biggest problem remains, jade wins by outpacing other decks. Jade Idol lets druid go infinite so the deck draws and plays its hand as fast as possible. Yeah there is a counter, but Jade druid still gets to the end of its deck before the other deck has half the deck is drawn.
You should mention how Blizzard made no indication of the change to Naga Sea Witch, and how Wild is being overrun with Naga + Giants decks that can easily win turn 7-8.
hehe just yesterday i attacked with a weapon (shaman) and i cast doom hammer. . it let me attack. . but only once. Took me awhile to figure that i must have already attacked with my old weapon. . that was why it wouldn't let me attack twice with doomhammer. I liked that version of innervate '4 mana gain 6 mana'. So Ultimate infestation only comes out at 8 mana. . haha. I think i may have preferred war axe as a 2/2. And it doesn't insult my intelligence.
Wouldn't Kripp's 4cost 6mana Innervate concept scale extremely hard with things that reduce spell costs? Though unrealistic, some combo decks would make it a 0cost "gain 6 mana this turn"
2 mana 3/2 weapon --> 2 mana 3/2 weapon (Battlecry: Gain 2 mana crystals this turn) We think Fiery War Axe is a bit too weak for warrior because its in almost 0% of most warrior decks so we made a small buff.
"...Tournaments are mostly interesting if you have a lot of people playing your game..." +1
Why not add an Overload (1) to Hex instead of changing cost from 3 to 4, so maybe try to make the Overload Shaman Archetype more viable? Because Snowfury giant is a nice card, but it's not even played because Overload card are not good.
Pablo de Manuel Jodra Probably the same reason for FWA, they'd rather change the cost than add a new effect.
Steamdragon13 you're right I for one would be really confused if the overload would ve added because I can only see the mana cost
What do you mean you can only see the mana cost?
It was a reference to blizzard excuse to nerfed fiery war axe being 3 mana 3/2 rather than 2 mana 2/2 because apparently all hs players are so stupid that they would get too confusing if anything but the mana cost was changed
Oh, I get it. It's blizzard we are talking about. They make pathetic excuse for everything. I know we the player base are not game designer, but I mean, do they even try different things prior to those nerfs?
Blizz: Murlocs are too snowbally
also Blizz: *does nothing about Jade idol*
Neither did something to flappy bird
Except nerfing innervate...
Chris Lyon all inervate did was accelerate jade druid honestly, now instead of running at 120% it'll run at 105%
I kinda like the idea that I saw of making Innervate “Refresh 2 mana crystals” when people were speculating
Evelyn Schlick wouldn't hurt aggro Druid too much
Here before the kripperino army comes from the east
chrisjr0131 the elementals are already here
chrisjr0131 Kripperinos never leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave.
Uh Kripp, from the most recent patch notes:
"...Fandral Staghelm’s text has been updated to reflect that he will interact with powers as well: Your Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined.
*Changing your Hero will no longer 'refresh' your weapon swing* ..."
Closely following patch notes, eh?
the best thing about the change hero attack reset was that it was put in the patch notes so...you missed it
The one time the people wanted Blizzard-style nerf, thay didn't get it. Fuck
Michał Sob this is about as much of a "blizzard-style nerf" as they come tbh.
Michał Sob We did get a blizzard style nerf. Blizzard nerfs say fuck you to players.
EveryExperience-A-Lesson Warsong commander was a blizz style nerf, this is a child's play in comparison.
We did get blizzard-style nerfs, two cards that people have loved and accepted as very powerful, but not so op they need to be fixed, are now dead. Two cards players have been playing around and having crazy experiences with are now two of the worst removal cards in the game.
We did get one, just for Warrior instead. Good shit Blizzard.
Turn 1 - Innervate, Fledgling, Coin, Firefly
Turn 2 - Acherus Verteran on Fledgling, Raven, Fledgling gets Windfury and 3hp.
Turn 3 - Mark of Y'Shaarj on Fledgling, Mark of the Lotus.
Turn 3 win with 2-3 Firefly, 3-2 Acherus Verteran, 3-3 Raven and *7-9 Windfury Fledgling*.
You'll be missed Innervate.
14:40 late
Lazy fuck
too late man...
Fuck me, I actually clicked it.
Skipperino Kripperino i
14:20 actually when the outro begins this is fake news mate
Can you do a video explaining Team Void vs Team Light for Ocktoberbrawl?
GameRage Dad Blizzard can't even be bothered to do that.
Grant Miller Yeah, their write up of it looked like it came from someone with down syndrome. I was very confused by it.
What I got out of it is that it's pointless to participate. Because it doesn't actually do anything for you.
Basically you want to play for Team Void because the cardback looks cooler but then again you can't really because Kripp is in Team Light and you want Kripp to win.
HariBro but it looks like you have to stream to be able to add to the wins and you can only do it on a new account and you don't actually win any packs.
Tomorrow Kripp will not become a girl.
Futurino Kripperino how about salt ???
No way...
Futurino Kripperino but will kripp be salty tomorrow?
Futurino Kripperino It is 2017 you can never know things like that....
How about a gender neutral
Blizzard is going to nerf all of the free to play cards so that to have a fun experience you have to buy packs.
F.n.Gesus _ Wow a company wants to make money, what a surprise...
mightybatillo theres a point where it is too much
F.n.Gesus _ it's almost as if they want people to play new cards when they release new cards, they're crazy.
I get what mightybatillo and superSymn are saying, but each class has some basic cards that are good enough to see play in a lot of competitive decks, that kind of help define each class (ie. mages have fireball, flamestrike, paladins have consecration...) and the way blizzard is going, soon all basic/classic cards will be unplayable which sucks for free/low budget players, and a lot of blizzards money comes from people who buy less than ten packs from each expansion. If they do need to nerf classic/basic cards they should nerf it so they're playable in the not problematic decks, like how kripp said Innervate costing 4 and giving you 6 mana or fiery war axe only targeting minions
It's a card game; you're supposed to buy cards.
Horde of Kripperinoions inccoming
JPazer UA-cam is under Alliance protection fool, no Horde here.
me go face?
Almost 100% of warrior decks? what warrior deck did not run it, im curious now xD
Geraldo Neto 35 legendary Warrior doesn't run axe
Cycle warrior ran pyromancer, it was better than FWA, SjoW's patron while back even ran only 1 copy.
Geraldo Neto mill warrior nova days doens't run it
OHhhhhh that makes sense. thanks!
weird. i love mill warrior, and even there i run it, its too much early tempo
Im not a Kripp im more of a blood guy.
Hes talking about the Crips and Blood gangs in america
it does, it's just not in your cultural milieu
Facelesserino Manipulaterino Kripperino cause your white
Joseph Shin or maybe... Now bare with me because this is going to sound absurd. It's just that he doesn't follow American culture?
That weapon refresh with no extra attack was announced with KotFT, to be fair. I think it was in a video announcing the changes
I noticed how on the recent hearthstone survey (personality thing) when they asked what kind of deck you liked playing best, they excluded control as an option completely.
What Kripp said about Warriors not newbie-friendly is spot on. I remember just starting the game and for the longest time not being to play the class. Of course, many packs later, it has since become one of my fav and most-played classes.
instead of having no text, adding the text "Deathrattle: If you only attacked minions, gain 6 armor." would be decent
Praetorian pirate warrior doesn't give a fuck about the armor
Praetorian give tour taunt minions +1/+1
Too complicated for me to understand, I don't like reading card text.
Lula Molusco that's what I said they should do
Alejo Colombo exactly
The double hero attach was in the patch notes went live with KotFT
Not being able to attack after already attacking and then changing your hero was actually in the patch notes of one of the last updates before KFT. Blizzard even explained that they made this change because of the new hero cards.
I'd be upset at the nerfs if I could play Hearthstone, but I'm still confused and trying to figure out how to handle 18 deck slots.
Having had time to reflect, I don't think the nerfs are THAT bad.
Ramp ramp double Innervate Ultimate Infestation is stupid. Turn 1 Vicious fledgling was stupid.
Win Axe is WAAAAAAAAAAY too OP especially with pirates.
Warleader giving that extra health was too much. Southsea Captain gives +1/+1 but warleader +2/+1? Especially with the average murloc being lower cost.
Spreading plague is very OP in the current meta and if aggro takes a hit, it will not be good at all.
Hex nerf is just unnecessary.
No jade nerf is the worst decision of all though.
AbzOnline they said That the hex one was because it limited the design of some cards,kinda like how they nerf the 4/4 That gave permamenth stealth
AbzOnline they said That the hex one was because it limited the design of some cards,kinda like how they nerf the 4/4 That gave permamenth stealth
hex is transformation removal. it gets rid of deathrattle and prevents resurrection while having no way to reverse it. from this expansion, it seems like blizzard wants to increase the quality of high cost cards. however, they won't really be that good if you can just say nope to them for 3 mana. 4 mana is possibly too cheap for hex/poly, but they can mess with them again later on as card quality shifts around.
Yeah and jade will eventually be moved from standard but people in wild still gonna suffer for enernity
I agree, we should have 10 mana cards with stats like flame imp: 10 mana 30/20 Battlecry: Deal 30 damage to your hero
I think these nerfs will be the same as the ones before Kharazan last year, as in it nerfs the dominant deck but also its counters, so that class still remains the strongest
Personally, I saw the Fiery War Axe nerf coming but I thought they'd make it a 2/2 weapon Battlecry: Gain one attack this turn
about the attack with jaraxxus, it was in the patch note....
Disguised toast usually does Vida on FULL patch notes n believe me with the fandral change(witch the jaraxxus change was apart of) there's a lot they dont cover in the notes at least 3-5 more then were actually mentioned
hero change attack was in the patch note.
+bubbydragon814 yeh but the hero attack thing kripp says wasn't in the patch notes, was actually in the patch notes
Couldn't remember if it was I just was talking in general
my real question is why changing the manacost of hex from 3 to 4 make the text stand on 3 lanes instead of 2 ?
why not make fiery war axe 3/3 so its not strictly worse than kings defender
Because it's a basic card and King's Defender is a Rare.
Considering Fiery War Axe is a basic card, I’m quite fine with where it is at right now. Basic cards are usually not very good.
I stand by my point. Look at Arcanite Reaper, FWA is closer to that power level now.
Kripp. The double attacking with heros was covered in the patch notes.
I thought their explanation of why they changed the mana cost on Fiery War Axe instead of the attack damage actually made sense, in a way. If they had changed the attack to 2, I'm sure there would be some players who would ignore any patch notes, start a game with an existing warrior deck, equip FWA on turn 2 to kill a 3 health minion and then be surprised that it didn't die. Let me be clear - I am well aware that this would *not* be a common occurrence, and definitely a fringe case. But changing the mana cost instead of the attack damage means that the card behaves in the exact same way it does now, just equipped a turn later.
The biggest problem I have with the Fiery War Axe notes, is how they mention that 3 mana 3-2 weapons are played in other classes, totally ignoring the fact those classes aren't as reliant on weapons, and those weapons have great effects.
I think there is another problem concerning control and late game decks which is that 2 classes can eliminate fatigue and with that can go on infinite. (Druid: Jade Idol, Warrior: 2x Dead Man's Hand) the introduction of these 2 cards might really hurt the variety of control classes that are viable.
I wish blizzard made the war axe with a passive of if your opponent has 2 or more minions it costs one less so control warrior could still use it
Alex Donner
Too complicated of a card, I don't like card text!
Well the hero attack thing was actually explained in the KFT expansion notes, probably because the Death Knights had weapons ... so much for reading patch notes Kripp.
Kripp is so much happier and positive in his videos.
6:23 Toast had this day of Frozen Throne coming out.
Kripp not to offend you or anything but they did say that you cant attack with the new Hero, if you already attacked once, if you would red their patch notes
Warrior is tank class in WoW right? So obviously they have to tank the hardest nerfs so druid can get away with an untouched ultimate infestation
john smit you made too much sense that it hurt my brain.
john smit Paladin is the tank
john smit well during Burning Crusade, warrior Druid was the best 2s team so you had to nerf one of them. After looking into it they decided to nerf warrior since they did all the damage.
12:50 That's one of my biggest complaints with Hearthstone. More specifically against Mage. In my experience, every time I go against a Mage deck it's the same thing. Secret, secret, secret, and more secrets followed by having the right removal every time. It gets old really fast.
Love your stuff normally kripp, but it needs to be said. Hearthstone Update - August 8, same one with dreadsteed. Second last mechanic update is "Changing your Hero will no longer 'refresh' your weapon swing."
I wish Kripp would give an intro to a video in his monotone "streaming to 20k idiots on twitch and I'm tired" voice. He starts his videos completely different than he addresses his twitch audience. I just find it funny. Continue with your day youtubers.
I wonder how this would've worked as for a new war axe "2 mana 1/2 weapon, gain +2 attack after losijg 1 durability". Would slow down the early board control and potentially promotes upgrading weapons
what about hunter weapon that have +1 durability per each secret active? for warrior war axe, why not make it 2 mana 3/2 per attack duel 2 damage to your hero?
They need a mode which is ladder but with some random brawl like addition every 1 or two weeks. Like taunts cost 1 less, or charge minions have +1/+1
Warleader didn't need the nerf, it was the mechanic around it that made it snowballing. They need to overwork the mechanic that playing the Warleader doesn't implicate the healing on the other murlocs. So if you're trading a Murloc an a Warleader board to a x/1 minion and then the opponent manages to kill the Warleader it doesn't kill the traded Murloc. That's what it made difficult to clear those murloc boards and not the Warleader effect itself. Same example for southsea captain, but at least the pirate decks won't be around in Standard forever...
So if i understand what you said the next cards are fireball frostball concecration shadow word pain/death etc...
what they meant by saying 'people rather want to change mana cost instead of attack or durability' is that if you would, back in the days, change warsong commander to 10 mana, it would be better nerf than just reck it.
There's a detail with the Fiery War Axe nerf which I haven't seen anyone mention yet; It complete cripples Warriors in Arena. In Arena, Warrior has always relied on aggression and weapons, and Fiery War Axe was not just their best turn two play, but really their only class card that is a two mana play. By adding that one mana to the cost, you take away the only significant early game play from an aggressive Arena class. Good bye, Arena Warrior... you are the child Blizzard never really loved. =[
[NEW CARD MECHANIC] They need to create a card type that has multiple effects in a card but you pay different mana for the different card effect. Example: 3 2/3 draw a card or 6 5/6 draw a card YOU choose which one you want or 4 mana 3/3 deal 3 damage or 6 4/5 draw 2 cards.
I think mechanics of half mana crystal should be brought to hearthstone.
1) if you have any mana crystal left at the end of your turn, gain 0.5 mana at the end of your turn.
Some cards could cost 2.5 for example fiery war axe. This was you can play it turn 2 if you missed 1 drop, but you cant if you played 1drop. Same mechanic could be brought to other cards such as hex (3.5 mana) etc.
Kind of amazed King's Defender never caught Warrior favor since Un'Goro due to their quest...
I don't see why not make it have an effect like add 5 armor for the war axe
I'm no expert but why cant they just increase the base hp for the heros to like 40 instead of 30. It would allow for more late game. and aggro can still be decent.
was this sponsored? I mean innervate and counterfeit coin are literally the same card now lol
What about fire ball? Or truesilver? They're in like every deck too
No, lol.
Fireball isn't really that good I think you mean frostbolt
hey guys how's it going crane here
stop this you brain freeze
Why did they go so overkill on fiery war axe? Couldnt they just so something like: -1 Attack if this isnt at full charges
I play tempo mage mostly and let me tell you I just concede when ultimate infestation is used. I can't possibly recoop from him drawing so many cards and getting a minion and dealing damage. I'm running double frozen clones, blood mage, arcane intellects and an acolyte to compensate for the Druids card draw but it's impossible to to win if you don't beat them before it gets used.
one thing i think many people and especially blizzard themselves dont realise, is when people say "we want a control meta" what they mean is we a want a spell control meta
they want to return to the times of old when you would see warrior control vs paladin control, those decks were both removal/spell heavy and relied winning by whittling down the oponent and stoping their game plan, those matches were inteligent, the players had to think when to use cards and when it wasnt worth it, when to go for value and when not to.
what blizzard has taken "a control meta" to mean though is more big minions, they see that big minion removal is strong so they weaken the big minion removal while at the same time making the big minions stronger, because surly that will make more people play more big minion decks.
but when you think about it those kind of decks are far more irritating and anti fun to play against then aggro, an aggro decks wins against you becuase it drew better and steamrolled on turn 4, its no fun there was no skill nor thought on the aggro players part, but its over in 5 minutes
the big minion deck wins because you just run out of stuff, it gets to turn 15 you run out of removal and cant deal with the big guy on the board, so they summon 2 more big guys that you still cant deal with and what was seeming to be a back and forth game lasting 15 minutes ends in 2 turns because he just has more stuff. once again there is no thought nor skill on the big minion players part, he just slammed down big guy after big guy never thinking of value, and eventualy either because your deck was tuned to beat aggro or cos you got unlucky and your big minion removal was in the bottom 10 cards you couldnt deal with them
this is why people HATE playing against jade druid far more then they hate playing against aggro, cos jade druid goes to turn 15 then just slams down 3 big green men you cant deal with and the 15 turn "stalemate" game ends in 1 because you just ran out of stuff
the nerf to hex speaks HUGELY of how hearthstone is being pushed in that direction (or at least is trying to be pushed in that direction) where all the decks just run huge big minions and win not through inteligent play or strategy but by just having bigger/more stuff. hex is realisticaly shamans only big minion removal, shaman already stuggels the most against these big guy decks, and if krip is right and they make more/better big guys, will cease to exist in coming expansions
I got a new friend into HS recently, and I've been learning that there are some problems that are very obvious to pros, but not so obvious to newbs. The ones that stand out to me are forbidden flame (he thought he had to spend all his mana first), and the act of mulliganing (he thought the cards were discarded, gone). These make sense, and the fact that Blizzard treats us like dunces and leaves in actual problems is really silly
It is simply amazing to me that out of all the smart people who play this game and who stream it, only Kibler seems to understand that basic (not classic) cards are the cards that are used by people who do not know how to play the game as they just started playing seconds ago as such it is very important that those cards are very very simple, which is what they were talking about in the nerf explanation.
you know what bothers me the most about the innervate nerf? That they changed the spacing of the text instead of just changing the 2 to a 1
Can I be the first to say Druid isn't destroyed. In fact I think it'll still be top tier. Just less absolutely infuriating matches
the change how heroswaps work was announced, and that you dont have a 2nd atack if you switch hero. (woud ne broken on something like pala with 5 dmg weapon attack and 5 weapon attack on new hero and can attack again)
if you what im gonna look for the blizz video.
i don't mind a 2 drop 3/1 weapon. single target removal and makes aggro can still suck it. it makes it not ridiculous while still retaining the ability to kill 1 drop 1/3 minions.
I feel like Fiery War Axe is basically a Deadly Poison now. (Rogue hero power + Deadly poison = 3 mana 3/2 weapon)
I think innervate should be gain 2 mana still but have an overload effect or lose a mana crystal
this was a really good video kripp thank u
did they announce when the patch will be released?
Stupid thing about Fiery War Axe being nerfed is that it makes it strictly worse than Eaglehorn Bow. Now, granted, you could very easily look at it in a fashion of the Axe being basic and the Bow, with it's 100% equal stats, being rare, it's justified to give it an effect and thus slightly 'stronger'. Thing is, Warrior is the weapon class. It's not just *A* weapon class, it's *THE* weapon class. You don't see near the level of weapons-per-deck in any other class that has weapons, it makes sense for warriors to have slightly stronger weapons than others. Same way Mage has more potent direct damage spells. Same way Priest has more efficient healing. Same way Druid has more access to mana. Oh, wait...
On the note of Innervate, Kripp's nerf would've been better than turning it into a Counterfeit Coin, as gaining two mana for a turn is one of those class-identity things.
But not being able to attack after changing heroes was in a patch note....it was hidden, but it was there
just add an effect where if u hit face with fiery war axe then the weapon is destroyed
I'd like to point out that Explosive Sheep + Poison Seeds doesn't work anymore. It just leaves a bunch of 2/2s on the board. Just saying.
The top 4 decks on ladder right now are Jade Druid, Pirate Warrior, Murloc Paladin and Token Druid.
Fiery War Axe is Pirate Warrior's best card.
Murloc Warleader is Murloc Paladin's best card.
Innervate is Token Druid's best card.
Spreading Plague is Jade Druid's best Anti-Aggro card.
Hex is the best silence removal in the game.
By nerfing these cards, they've hit 3 of the most annoying and powerful decks on ladder quite hard, as well as making it easier to create more fun cards for future expansions. Unfortunately, while these changes also slow down Jade Druid a bit, they don't hurt them quite as badly.
My prediction: Ladder will become 80% Jade Druids, because Jade Druid will become the only Tier 1 deck. Arena stays mostly the same, because Warriors, Shamans and Druids were already fairly sub-par, certainly not on the same level as Paladin, Rogue or Mage.
I can understand Blizzard's reasoning for why they nerfed these particular cards. I just don't understand their reasons for not nerfing some others.
Razakus priest actually had a good chance against Jade, so rather prepare for machinegun meta.
I fully agree with you, they definitely missed somethings, especially some other druids cards.
welcome to upcoming prieststone
Do you want a super combo that's 10 mana?
Ultimate Infestation
Hey guys priest and druid are broken what should we do
I fucking love Murlocs and main them as much as possible, that Warleader nerf was very needed
They need to change Leeroy to 6 mana then, because it has 6 attack.
Me like matching numbers!
Even if they really didn't want to nerf a pirate instead, they could at least change Fiery War Axe to a "1/2, Has +2 attack if your opponent controls a minion." This would make it way less aggressive for pirate warriors and still essential for control warrior's early game survival. Please upvote so blizzard may possibly see!
Ice block is so broken it's text might as well read "if you are going to lose..........don't." they needed to move that to the hall of fame like yesterday.
Stupid nerf won't do anyting to Jade Druid. What they needed to do is print a legendary or epic minion 4 mana 2/2 Battlecry: Reset Jade Golem summons to 1/1. Low mana small minion so we can bounce it back to hand.
oh yeah, and make it a frozen panda or something.
Fiery war axe nerf reminds me of bgh nerf; a total killer for wild. The most problematic 2 drop in the game, ship's cannon, can no longer be dealt with.
When will the nerfs come? Date?
well they could change the ultimate infestation to make is (10 mana get 5 armor summon 5/5 draw 5 cards removes 3 of your mana crystals ) i know mana crystals are not that important late game but druid can ramp up so fast so it wont be a problem for him but it will still be better for his opponent
not just play a 10 mana summon a 5/5 draw 5 jade idols win game
New lamp?
My only problem with the Fiery War Axe nerf is that the Eaglehorn Bow exists.
No, the massive problem with it is that Warriors are completely and utterly fucked now and the only thing we have is the vague promise that at some point in the history we might get some new early game tool that will never be good enough to compensate.
Here's a massive fucking idea for Blizzard, when you're going to nerf "problematic" cards, how about you do it at the same time when you release new ones? Seriously, why the fuck should I touch Hearthstone at the moment when the only deck I enjoyed playing in the current meta was control Warrior? Fuck these idiots.
what if they had turned innervate into a choose one card. Choice would be, gain a mana crystal this turn only and gain a mana crystal this turn only. If you play it with fandral out then you get 2 mana.
or the 2nd choice could be gain 1 mana crystal next turn. Like temporary ramp
The biggest problem remains, jade wins by outpacing other decks. Jade Idol lets druid go infinite so the deck draws and plays its hand as fast as possible.
Yeah there is a counter, but Jade druid still gets to the end of its deck before the other deck has half the deck is drawn.
The explanation for the fiery war axe nerf made me literally spit my soup out.
Thanks blizzard.
You should mention how Blizzard made no indication of the change to Naga Sea Witch, and how Wild is being overrun with Naga + Giants decks that can easily win turn 7-8.
derp derpin BUT THEY DID
Changing Fiery Waraxe is a great idea.
hehe just yesterday i attacked with a weapon (shaman) and i cast doom hammer. . it let me attack. . but only once. Took me awhile to figure that i must have already attacked with my old weapon. . that was why it wouldn't let me attack twice with doomhammer.
I liked that version of innervate '4 mana gain 6 mana'. So Ultimate infestation only comes out at 8 mana. . haha. I think i may have preferred war axe as a 2/2. And it doesn't insult my intelligence.
Wouldn't Kripp's 4cost 6mana Innervate concept scale extremely hard with things that reduce spell costs? Though unrealistic, some combo decks would make it a 0cost "gain 6 mana this turn"
2 mana 3/2 weapon --> 2 mana 3/2 weapon (Battlecry: Gain 2 mana crystals this turn)
We think Fiery War Axe is a bit too weak for warrior because its in almost 0% of most warrior decks so we made a small buff.