Limboski Nashamannah #8 - Arcangelo Bove

  • Опубліковано 12 тра 2021
  • Arcangelo Bove is a martial arts instructor specializing in muay thai. Despite serious health problems in his youth, he quit his job one day and went to Thailand to fulfill his dreams of devoting his life to martial arts.
    Currently he teaches muay thai in Berlin and trains professional fighters.
    Nashamannah is a free audio and video podcast created and hosted by a polish musician and songwriter Michal Limboski in Berlin, Germany. The guest are usually Berlin artists, scientists and alternative entrepreneurs talking about their approaches to creativity, life struggles and passions. Frequent subject of conversations are also psychodelic experiences, alternative medicine and spirituality.
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    Nashamannah to niezależny podcast z rozmowami z fajnymi ludźmi! Gośćmi programu są zwykle artyści, przedsiębiorcy, sportowcy i wszelkiego rodzaju wariaci, którzy opowiadają o swoich pasjach, traumach i przemyśleniach. Częstym tematem rozmów są również medycyna alternatywna, duchowość, psychologia i sport.
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