MacOS on Linux

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @drsparklagasm
    @drsparklagasm 2 роки тому +27

    Hey Chris! This is exactly what I needed! Actually the first video of yours that got me hooked was making a hackintosh with Opencore because it was super informative. I can't wait to try this!

  • @kcoppa
    @kcoppa 2 роки тому +105

    Minux. Macinux. Lac. Linac.

  • @matt42hughes
    @matt42hughes 2 роки тому +13

    I really appreciate your channel Chris. I find other channels are either very Windows or Mac focused, or if they're Linux focused they're total evangelists. I love Linux and use it as my primary OS, but there are many people like me who use Windows and Mac for different purposes as well. Some work-related reasons and also because the experience might be better on Mac or Windows for some other task. I just like how you're not religious about operating systems like so many others are.

  • @itsjoellescott6343
    @itsjoellescott6343 2 роки тому +5

    Wow, can't wait to try this. My poor Mac might not get used that much anymore if everything works.
    Thanks Chris!

  • @LOGoltem4682
    @LOGoltem4682 2 роки тому +5

    The video that LTT promised but never made. Thank you kind sir.

  • @mortysmith2192
    @mortysmith2192 Рік тому +2

    First Mac vm that’s actually worked for me , thanks a bunch 🙃

  • @JanVaskoSG
    @JanVaskoSG 2 роки тому +1


  • @julian.morgan
    @julian.morgan 2 роки тому +16

    As a long time hackintosher I've been using Opencore for a few years now so wonder why Clover is still being used for Mac on Linux. I'm writing this on a 2011 Macbook Pro on Big Sur thanks to Opencore Legacy Patcher, so all round very grateful and appreciative of what the Opencore team have achieved.
    For years before Opencore I - like everyone else - was using Clover, and while it was OK, my experience was it was pretty shakey with Clover updates or tiny tweaks being fully capable of borking what had previously been a solid installation. IOW if I was planning on using MacOS for any sort of production where reliable performance was important to me, I'd choose Opencore and I'd hackintosh on bare metal. I look forward to an update when you get your 5700 :)

    • @louistournas120
      @louistournas120 2 роки тому

      Why do you use Mac OSX? Is it for a particular software or you just like trying things out?

    • @julian.morgan
      @julian.morgan 2 роки тому +10

      @@louistournas120 I'm an audio guy - I have some very nice old audio hardware that never had and so never will have drivers or control panels on Linux. Replacing that audio hardware would cost well over £3000, but since it still works perfectly well, that'd be dumb.
      For it to function as intended, I can either use MacOS or Windows. As I also have audio projects dating back two decades recorded on Mac DAW software, it's a no brainer to use MacOS. All my PC's triple boot OS's, but I mostly use Mac and boot into Nobara to play games.

    • @MarcosRobertoDosSantosJF
      @MarcosRobertoDosSantosJF 2 роки тому +2

      ​@@julian.morgan I'm also an audio guy, and own a Macbook pro early 2011 running Catalina (but with dosdude patch). I'm really tempted to try Monterey using opencore. Do you think Big Sur would be better than Monterey on this particular machine? I have a more modern windows machine with windows 10 pro, but I like to keep this macbook alive (if it is not broke, why buy a new one? Right?).

    • @trustee1108
      @trustee1108 2 роки тому +1

      Hackintoshing on bare metal is terrible you need to get the right efi setup, kext, config plist(using dortian guide), and after all the hard work, your system won’t just boot up and then you waste countless hours looking for who has the same hardware as you, and trying to fix things. I think this is a better alternative for me, I have dedicated nvidia card on my laptop just hope it works. I am also wondering if I could get the efi from this vm and try running it on bare metal with a little tweak 🤔

    • @julian.morgan
      @julian.morgan 2 роки тому +4

      @@trustee1108 As someone who maintains five different hackintoshes for family and friends I can say that you have to follow the dortania guide very exactly to get a reliable result. But that is the nature of trying to get an OS to work on bare metal hardware it was never intended to run on.
      There's a lot to research and most people who end up wasting a lot of time tend to have dived in the deep end without first checking that their hardware was compatible to begin with.
      Of course running it in a VM is either a lot easier, or - depending on your hardware (eg nvidia gpu's) the ONLY way of doing it. Apple have not supported nvidia gpu's since high sierra (2017).

  • @adebayoniyi
    @adebayoniyi 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you for this topic...I've been waiting for something this a long time now.

  • @m.l.9385
    @m.l.9385 2 роки тому +8

    One comment on GPU/PCIe-Passthrough.
    Radeon 5700/5600/5500 is supported Catalina and above
    Radeon 6800/6900 are supported By Big Sur and above.
    Radeon 6600 is supported since Monterey.
    Be aware Radeon 6700/6750/6950 is not supported!
    Modern Nvidia GPUs aren't supported past High Sierra GTX 1000er Series - you can use old Kepler GPUs though.

  • @scottyz
    @scottyz 2 роки тому +1

    This is the first time I have caught one of your videos, this is great. Subscribed.

  • @Grunchy005
    @Grunchy005 Рік тому +2

    All works good! There is no mouse functionality in Clover bootloader, you have to use keyboard. The first time I tried this there was no mouse in Catalina either, so I had to delete the entire "macOS-Simple-KVM" folder in my home directory and try all over again. Worked the 2nd time. Everything worked as described in the video.
    Was not able to get GPU passthrough working yet, but I feel pretty good I got a complete working Mac system in just a couple hours. Good guide!

  • @StephanRaabeVideos
    @StephanRaabeVideos 2 роки тому +3

    Do you have a tutorial about single gpu passthrough on arch? Would be great to see how you would set this up.

  • @xn1kkix
    @xn1kkix 2 роки тому +10

    Wow, you came out with a video that directly helps me with something I'm working on right now.
    This has happened several times and blows my mind every time XD
    Thank you for the help Chris

  • @austin.rojers
    @austin.rojers 2 роки тому +10

    Hey there Chris!
    If I may ask you, how is Kholia’s OSX-KVM inferior than foxlet’s simple KVM?
    OSX-KVM is being actively developed, whereas simple KVM got its last commit couple of years ago.
    So OSX-KVM is more preferable.

    • @Dizzy9186
      @Dizzy9186 2 роки тому +3

      agreed. I think Kholia's base works just as well, if not better, especially if you want a later version of macOS. I think the simple-kvm one by foxlet was a genesis for a lot of these solutions, but OSX-KVM brings it into the future with opencore. in the end, I found hackintoshing to be a fool's errand. I just decided to keep my Mac and run a windows tower alongside it. hackintoshing is not fun, even when virtualizing it! who wants to deal with driver issues and spoofing serial numbers for iServices to work? I poured so much time into this and came out of it with a renewed love for first party apple products lol. I'm so deep in the ecosystem.

    • @SamuraisEpic
      @SamuraisEpic 2 роки тому

      I'd think the reason is that Kholia's guide focuses specifically on a Debian based distro where the simple version accounts for other distros as well

    • @littlek3000
      @littlek3000 2 роки тому

      imho, every time i've tried to use OSX-KVM its crashed, or failed to boot, or couldn't erase drive, couldn't/wouldn't install, but every time I go back to simple-KVM it just works.

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому

      And one should/could also look into KVM-Opencore from Nicholas Sherlocks which is even more up to date!

  • @HikariKnight
    @HikariKnight 2 роки тому +23

    APFS is mandatory on anything that is Mojave or newer, you can "install" to HFS+ disks, but the filesystem will get upgraded to APFS.
    Also if you cannot see your disk in Disk Utility, just click View --> Show all devices
    Note: ever since Catalina, apple has actually been slowly adding support for virtio drivers, catalina added support for virtio block disk drivers, big sur added virtio networking drivers, monterey added virtio gpu drivers (no 3d acceleration, passthrough still better, but virtio tends to be somewhat better than qxl in some cases)
    Also another note: RX5700 XT+ is supported in big sur (maybe catalina too), RX6600 XT (not RX6700 or RX6700XT) and RX6800XT+ is supported in monterey

    • @Don_XII
      @Don_XII 2 роки тому +1

      rx6700 is not though right? unless they updated something recently.

    • @HikariKnight
      @HikariKnight 2 роки тому +1

      @@Don_XII monterey added support for rx6700 XT and above sorry, will edit

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому +2

      @@HikariKnight No - RX6700(XT) isn't supported! 6800/6900 are supported since BigSur - Monterey added support for 6600 and of course the XT-Parts of these.

    • @HikariKnight
      @HikariKnight 2 роки тому +1

      @@m.l.9385 my bad, i forgot its the RX 6600 XT i got in my system not the 6700 XT, them not supporting 6700 XT though is surprising but also not surprising, leave it up to apple to be consistently inconsistent with amd gpu support

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому +2

      @@Don_XII No, they did not and most probably never will... :-( 6700(XT) isn't supported - which is especially bad since the 6800M - mobile GPUs are effectively are 6700 and therefore are incompatible, whilst 6700S(and 6800S) works as these use Navi 23 same as a 6600 GPU - i.e. see ROG Zephyrus G14 (GA402) Hackintosh.

  • @rimas9684
    @rimas9684 2 роки тому +2

    As usual. You are the best. Simple and effective.

  • @wartbump
    @wartbump 2 роки тому +1


  • @meowcula
    @meowcula 2 роки тому +1

    You always have fun tutorials. I'm tempted to try this out.

  • @tahasever
    @tahasever 2 роки тому +3

    Hi Chris, are you planning to make the same tutorial for Windows version? Like vmware workstation, or VirtualBox or maybe even hyper-v?

  • @WispOfSoul
    @WispOfSoul 2 роки тому +3

    I recently learned about a project similar to WINE, but for running MacOS programs on Linux, it's called "darling", and it's GitHub repo was started on march 9th 2011, it's come a really long way since then from the looks of it, but I have yet to try it. I'd guess another 10 or 15 years until it's close to where WINE is as of writing this.

  • @TheCocoaDaddy
    @TheCocoaDaddy 2 роки тому +1

    Awesome video!!! Once I get my "new" laptop fully configured, I might give this a try! Thanks for posting this!!!

  • @Redyf
    @Redyf 2 роки тому +4

    Hey chris, can you make a nixOS setup vid with home manager and flakes? I've watched your video about Nix packet manager, it was really good. Keep up the great work!

  • @nickblears9301
    @nickblears9301 Рік тому +3

    Hi Installed as per guide but EVERY time I click in the VM to install MacOs the cursor freezes IN the vm. I can tab around but no mouse to click "continue" etc. CNTRL & L to exit work, tried so many things. Any ideas Chris?

    • @Grunchy005
      @Grunchy005 Рік тому +2

      I've got the exact same issue. USB keyboard passed through, USB mouse no luck.

  • @lieutent2654
    @lieutent2654 2 роки тому +2

    Pretty sure both LTT and Muta made a video on exactly this. Still pretty awesome. Can’t help but notice you only used Catalina. Any support for Monterey or even Ventura?

  • @annonono
    @annonono 2 роки тому +3

    Great video! Few questions:
    1- Can you boot directly into MacOS using KVM? I mean, booting native Linux but automating it to just open MacOS every time you boot?
    2- How's the performance when virtualizating like this? I know it's not 100%, but is it too impactful?

    • @expensivecats
      @expensivecats 2 роки тому +2

      It is just too impactful. I tried it, it's really slow. It's like a Computer that doesn't have any 3D acceleration at all.
      Throughputting the GPU is much better but as we know - MacOS is probably not going to be able to handle it because of missing drivers.

  • @suprememortech5159
    @suprememortech5159 Рік тому

    Hey Chris!
    May you please explain the multiple log errors you got on 12:39 and how you fixed them. I have been stuck on this for the past hour.

    • @suprememortech5159
      @suprememortech5159 Рік тому

      Never mind I figured out you have to close the Virtual Machine first before running it. :)

  • @amankumargupta9973
    @amankumargupta9973 2 роки тому +1

    Hello Sir,
    Do you use any email client ?
    Which one should I use , windows mail and calendar or Thunderbird ?😕

  • @katbryce
    @katbryce 2 роки тому +6

    If you are looking for a sound card the $9 USB-C to headphone jack adapter in the Apple Store produces a perfect analogue signal and is guaranteed compatible with MacOS. It is also a very good choice for a Windows machine. Samsung's equivalent is about the same price and equally good in Windows, but doesn't work so well in Apple devices. The $5 Amazon alternatives are probably OK, but for the sake of $4, I'd probably go with the Apple one that is known to work.

    • @gg-gn3re
      @gg-gn3re 2 роки тому +2

      ty for the info apple sales rep, 50 cents have been deposited into your account.
      ew apple products

      @MYNAME_ABC 2 роки тому +1

      Best solution I found so far is Focusrite Scarlett 2i2!

  • @aavvironalex
    @aavvironalex 3 місяці тому +1

    Linux coupled with KVM?
    This is the way.
    Nice background.

  • @maxva6245
    @maxva6245 2 роки тому +1

    Can you upgrade MacOS or would it just flip out and not work? What's the deal with the upgrade to the newer MacOS version?

  • @dalriada842
    @dalriada842 2 роки тому +1

    I kind of skimmed through this video, but I'm almost tempted to try it. It would be Inception-like to run MacOS in a VM, in Linux, running on Mac hardware.

  • @lolo2lolo491
    @lolo2lolo491 2 роки тому +1

    greate video chris! i wish u did a more in depth video about gpu passthrough for cards that doesn't have uefi bios aka legacy bios like GTX 680.. do you know if there is a workaround to get that card working for gpu passthrough and with monterey and ventura ?

  • @jeffbit8620
    @jeffbit8620 2 роки тому +1

    Are you back on Debian? No longer on Fedora?

  • @emilianosteinvorth7017
    @emilianosteinvorth7017 Рік тому

    Just what I was looking for! Awesome tutorial, I just have one question, could my gpu pass through be my Intel integrated graphics? I have an nvidia 20 series card that I’ve seen is not supported😢

  • @mr_hashbrown
    @mr_hashbrown 2 роки тому +1

    Is it possible to upgrade Catalina to Ventura through this method?

  • @robertwermis2971
    @robertwermis2971 Рік тому +1

    Followed your instructions but it will not run the VM says permissions denied, not sure why as my account and the group libvirt-qemu both have RWX on the qcow2 file.

    • @calvinstu
      @calvinstu 9 місяців тому

      Did you find a solution to this?

  • @mk89123
    @mk89123 2 роки тому +1

    wow, exactly what i needed. great video, very educative

  • @mikem511
    @mikem511 Рік тому +1

    Thanks this works really well.

  • @Benjamin_OC
    @Benjamin_OC Рік тому +1

    Hi Chris! can you update to the latest version of macos

    • @alexcerzea
      @alexcerzea Рік тому +1

      I'm not Chris but yeah, buts more recommendable to use osx-kvm for Sonoma

  • @broccoloodle
    @broccoloodle 2 роки тому +5

    Chris is 100% a secret Apple agent 😂

    • @ChrisTitusTech
      @ChrisTitusTech  2 роки тому +1

      Hehe I am a "Certified macOS Technician" albeit the last cert I received from apple was the Tiger release.

  • @earnests5375
    @earnests5375 2 роки тому +1

    What's the system requirements for this qemu

  • @taocry
    @taocry 2 роки тому +4

    The most difficult part is GPU-passthrough, depends on your hardware.

    • @ChrisTitusTech
      @ChrisTitusTech  2 роки тому +2

      This is true, I've had it be a massive headache and other times it just worked because it cleanly separated my hardware in IOMMU groups. Gigabyte motherboards I've had the best luck with. ASRock the worst. ASUS... well those motherboards I hate, but it's a dice roll.

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому +3

      @@amoeba8888 Yes, they still have it - but there is a fix for VFIO Reset Bug available - or use 6600/6800 or 6900 GPUs - these don't have the reset bug anymore.

  • @ihohor
    @ihohor 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you. I must try this.

  • @ricardohincapie1537
    @ricardohincapie1537 Рік тому

    Thanks! I wonder about the solution if you don't have a hard-drive sitting next to you waiting for the tutorial.

  • @ambuj.k
    @ambuj.k 2 роки тому +2

    My laptop watching this: I'm tired, boss.
    Sidenote: I'd like to see opencore used in this kind of setup, will do some research for KVM.

    • @ChrisTitusTech
      @ChrisTitusTech  2 роки тому

      There is the OpenCore-KVM Project that is still pretty young, but interesting as they have moved on from clover. The downside is it doesn't work as well yet.

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому

      @@ChrisTitusTech Are you sure? Did you try Nicholas Sherlocks build?

    • @ChrisTitusTech
      @ChrisTitusTech  2 роки тому

      @@m.l.9385 I need to revisit it. I'm installing my 2nd GPU today and I'll tinker with different OSX builds.

  • @zorin1us
    @zorin1us 2 роки тому

    @Chris Titus Tech Where is your guide for setting up a bridge network?

  • @liviu2834
    @liviu2834 2 роки тому

    Hello Chris, what os do you have on your system? Thank you

  • @redds7
    @redds7 2 роки тому

    For snapping you can use tiles. :)

  • @cyberlizardcouk
    @cyberlizardcouk Рік тому

    Magnet - that was a good suggestion. Just purchased it and got it installed - brilliant. Any more suggestions.

  • @littlek3000
    @littlek3000 2 роки тому +2

    How do you have so little latency and jumping from your cursor? Mine is just terrible if I move too fast.

    • @wojtekg.4665
      @wojtekg.4665 2 роки тому

      copy paste is working.. I guess this toutorial is somehow simplyfied and missing important information.

    • @littlek3000
      @littlek3000 2 роки тому

      @@wojtekg.4665 But then I'm confused as to where, he literally set up a new vm in virt for this, unless the jumping isn't a virt problem, but then if it's not virt, what's causing cursor stuttering? Maybe there's virtio drivers he installed onto the mac without showing, but why wouldn't he show us, especially if it improves cursor stability this much, I don't think that's the answer and I'm still stuck at phase one.

  • @gl5638
    @gl5638 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for one more very good video. BTW none of those long list of disks in Linux are mounted :D

  • @juniornascimento8104
    @juniornascimento8104 Рік тому

    Apple ID: It work?
    USB (Iphone): It work?
    GPU: It work?
    Update: Catalina -> Ventura?

  • @gftftt8463
    @gftftt8463 8 місяців тому

    Great vid Chris. But after initial install I'm stuck with Catalina-DATA disk and cannot finish. Please, help! What am I doing wrong?

  • @neilg97
    @neilg97 2 роки тому

    Chris would you please make a guide to do this on Windows Hyper V

  • @ionaiobidze8770
    @ionaiobidze8770 11 місяців тому

    Great video👍👍👍

  • @sharukhrahman7925
    @sharukhrahman7925 Рік тому

    Hey Chris! Just now found this video! so is this VM reliable as a daily driver. im an app developer heavily rely on xcode.

  • @EnFuego79
    @EnFuego79 Рік тому

    Now, since any real productivity requires two monitors - how do we get dual monitors on macOS using qemu?

  • @Nick404
    @Nick404 2 роки тому +1

    Possibly a really dumb question, but would it break if you updated to a newer version of macOS?

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому +1

      This depends on the Clover/OpenCore-Version you use - I got a VM using OpenCore-KVM on Proxmox that I easily upgraded to Monterey 12.6 and that should even run Ventura.

  • @leighton138
    @leighton138 Рік тому

    do you got a walk through on how to install mac on a different hard drive i want linux and mac on my windows laptop at the moment i got windows 11 and linux on this old haswell alienware laptop

  • @demonwares
    @demonwares Рік тому

    I have a Razer Blade 15 with 2 drives. I installed Linux on 2nd drive and followed this guide to get OSX high sierra on it. Is it possible to GPU passthrough a 1080Ti if I use an e-GPU enclosure?

  • @TazzSmk
    @TazzSmk 2 роки тому +11

    it's easy to do in Proxmox with OpenCore, and you can even get proper graphics acceleration passing through compatible graphics card :)

    • @dmitryvolkov7178
      @dmitryvolkov7178 2 роки тому +3

      Make tutorial))

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому

      @@dmitryvolkov7178 There are many good tutorials on that topic...

    • @dmitryvolkov7178
      @dmitryvolkov7178 2 роки тому

      @@m.l.9385 you right… it’s not a secret. I found some videos.

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому +3

      @@dmitryvolkov7178 I would actually prefer the written guide by Nicholas Sherlock for MacOS VMs on Proxmox and the guide from Quindorian on GPU-Passthrough.

    • @dmitryvolkov7178
      @dmitryvolkov7178 2 роки тому

      @@m.l.9385 thank you)

  • @cedericdemoulin8125
    @cedericdemoulin8125 Рік тому

    Any experiences with developing iOS applications with this vm? I imagine the version of xcode might be a problem or limiting factor

  • @chrisfeckintosh5127
    @chrisfeckintosh5127 2 роки тому

    Where can I buy a network drervice from? 4:04

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому

      Best working are PCIe-cards with Broadcom Chipset i. e. something with BCM94360NG.
      Best supported card would be Fenvi T919.
      You can buy these either on Ebay, Aliexpress or Amazon...

  • @fmlazar
    @fmlazar 2 роки тому

    Just out of curiosity if you dislike the Mac GUI so much, what do you use MacOS for? Final Cut Pro?

    • @crashdude7589
      @crashdude7589 2 роки тому

      I never understood why people do this other than just messing about, like do you really need to use finalcut or garageband that much that your going to lose loads of performance and emulate it inside a vm

    • @fmlazar
      @fmlazar 2 роки тому

      @@crashdude7589 It's like asking why to do people use Photoshop when Paint is included free in Windows Accessories? For a lot of people, Paint is quite sufficient to get the job done. On the top tier professional level though, the quality and speed of the tools you master (notice I didn't say have) decide whether you or the guy competing against you gets the assignment.
      The question I posed is relevant because Final Cut Pro and Logic are the only tools that make Macs stand out in today's world. Windows and ChromeOS have pretty much displaced the Macintosh in every other venue that it used to have a commanding presence in.

  • @sergeyiliev1771
    @sergeyiliev1771 2 роки тому +2

    Can you upgrade mac to monterey or

    • @julian.morgan
      @julian.morgan 2 роки тому

      For a production focused VM it's questionable there's any point. Most of Apple's efforts since Catalina have been pretty equally split between Apple silicon focused enhancements and eye candy. If you're running your VM or hackintosh on Intel I've yet to read any strong arguments for upgrading beyond Big Sur.

    • @m.l.9385
      @m.l.9385 2 роки тому

      @@julian.morgan Well - getting security fixes in the future - would be a strong argument. But besides that you are right.

  • @KingdomChronicles-p9q
    @KingdomChronicles-p9q 7 місяців тому

    Why this cannot work with the following; I have an old Powerbook G3 HDD 10.2.8 installed on it. So, why cannot just connect that HDD to the virtual machine and have it boot from it? By the way, I`ve been trying to install MacOS on Linux mint (latest - Virginia) without any luck. I tried Virtual Box and only the Snow Leopard started up until a gray screen popped up with that rainbow circling around for ever. So, until this point I have no idea what to do, I tried this method as well and replied to my comment.

  • @hassanfazeel2354
    @hassanfazeel2354 2 роки тому

    Thanks a lot for this tutor.
    Is it possible to install to virtutal box ?

    • @fmlazar
      @fmlazar 2 роки тому

      Virtualbox is garbage on Linux... you're better off learning QEMU.

  • @ahmadjo5757
    @ahmadjo5757 Рік тому

    is it safe to use my icloud in such config ?
    great vid as always chris!

  • @gespinozae
    @gespinozae 2 роки тому +2

    PART 2 with GPU Passthrough please!

  • @avienxyz
    @avienxyz 2 роки тому

    I use windows as my primary OS because of many software I use are only available and fully functional on windows only, is there a GPU-PV tutorial for partitioning my GPU and using it with Linux VM?, Tried jamesparsec's GPU-PV tutorial but it only works for second windows VM, I also us WSL2 but would love to use full Linux with gui n all..

  • @QUADBOYification
    @QUADBOYification 2 роки тому

    Can you do any of this on a chromebook with 4 Gigs?

  • @BeetleMuncher
    @BeetleMuncher Рік тому

    i have a ryzen 5950x, is it possible to use most of my cores on this? i can't seem to go above 8 cores.

  • @tekkerzrobot7746
    @tekkerzrobot7746 2 роки тому

    Do you know if this works on a Ryzen based laptop with no dGPU? just amd Vega graphics APU

  • @P72962
    @P72962 2 роки тому

    hey i did your video where you had to fix the boot by using that command prompt and now my computer is stuck on the motherboard screen any help?

  • @collien3284
    @collien3284 4 дні тому

    is there a way to fix laggy cursor?

  • @sharjeel_mazhar
    @sharjeel_mazhar 2 роки тому

    Can we upgrade it to MacOS Monterey? Would it work or break the Mac VM?

  • @Amankumar_Raone
    @Amankumar_Raone 2 роки тому +1

    cant able to acess ESP.qcow2
    please provide solution for this

    • @JedHurricane
      @JedHurricane Рік тому

      Tried to fix this, but ended up loosing the "macos simple vm" listing in virtual machine manager

  • @katakis4525
    @katakis4525 6 місяців тому

    Hi Chris, if you are using Fedora, a non-Ubuntu distro, do you know what commands do you type in instead?

    • @alexcerzea
      @alexcerzea 3 місяці тому

      First, I recommend you to use OSX-KVM or ULTMOS, the only thing extra I recommend you is to give ownership lf OSX folder to qemu and OVMF to selinux

    • @katakis4525
      @katakis4525 2 місяці тому

      @@alexcerzea Thank you

  • @voodoovinny7125
    @voodoovinny7125 2 роки тому +1

    I am thinking some videos showing the responsiveness and things you can do such as the video editing with hardware acceleration. And then maybe have some videos showing the same with a Proxmox Mac VM with passthrough on the same/similar hardware for comparison.
    Edited: I was looking at trying this on Proxmox using an HP Z820 with dual E5-2667 v2, 128GB RAM, and a (maybe dual) MSI Armor OC RX 580 8GB. All old hardware that I have had access to for free / cheap.

  • @ciroaurelio5240
    @ciroaurelio5240 2 роки тому

    which os you are using?

  • @justice32legends
    @justice32legends Рік тому

    Hey Titus, do you happen to know any front-end for qemu on windows? I tried some, doesn't seem to work!

    • @alexcerzea
      @alexcerzea Рік тому

      I'm not Titus but, I'm sorry to say the only one that exist is qtemu and is both old and not very user-friendly

  • @JohanAntonissen
    @JohanAntonissen 2 роки тому

    I'm running windows on my manjaro setup only because the company i work at forces me to login all the time if I don't use a supported mail and office client. Real pain. This costs me 40GB for windows. Would you recommend osx over windows for this use? I've confirmed it should also work on osx.

  • @joseluisvanta6969
    @joseluisvanta6969 2 роки тому

    Is it mandatory you need to have a second monitor with GPU passthrough? Or is it possible to run everything on one card (plugin in a dummyhdmi connector on the 5700)? Edit: Also trying to avoid to switch from 1 HDMI Input to another on the Monitor)

    • @Dizzy9186
      @Dizzy9186 2 роки тому

      I think what you're describing is probably possible using a script that would handle binding/unbinding the vfio driver to the host gpu. however, this is probably more complex than it's worth. your best bet is a dual monitor set up or using an HDMI switch (which I know you mentioned you're trying to avoid, but I don't think you can) with a separate dedicated GPU for passthrough. so you'd use one GPU for the host machine and a second GPU to use for accelerated graphics in the MacOS VM which would be bound to vfio drivers at start up and only initiated once you start up the VM.

  • @iman_irannejad
    @iman_irannejad 11 місяців тому

    can you help to run macos on proxmox? i have a lot of troubles with that

  • @TheTOBroShow
    @TheTOBroShow 2 роки тому

    can you perform the same process with 1 hard drive?

  • @igniteyourmotivation310
    @igniteyourmotivation310 2 роки тому +2

    I recommend rectangle for snapping Windows it's free and very good app

  • @gnarlin4964
    @gnarlin4964 2 роки тому

    How does this compare with sosumi?

  • @benezen
    @benezen 2 роки тому

    great guide tyvm

  • @revenge977
    @revenge977 2 роки тому

    btw if you're on windows you can use the macos-virtualbox project but ofc you wont be able to passthrough your gpu

  • @JanVaskoSG
    @JanVaskoSG 2 роки тому

    took me a while due to mistake, but it works thanks

  • @JoaoMachado55
    @JoaoMachado55 2 роки тому

    I caved and bought an iPhone 14 Pro, nice phone but just doesn't play well with Linux. So I think I will install a vm just to interact with the phone when needed. Good info, thanks.

  • @heatherjones9090
    @heatherjones9090 Рік тому

    Can do it on mac os x snow leopard 10.6.8 or not

    @RACAPE 2 роки тому

    Can I use iMessage or FaceTime?

    @YTMEMEES Рік тому

    Can I update to the latest version of macos

  • @nednedtom
    @nednedtom Рік тому

    i just tried it with sosumi. ill give this a shot also.

  • @ralphmiranda2077
    @ralphmiranda2077 2 роки тому

    Man I haven't booted into my macOS drive since I started using Linux full time…and I think I have Catalina installed, which won't support the 6800XT in the comp

  • @νισνιη
    @νισνιη Рік тому

    Hi am getting error like DMG imge is corrupted while downloading terminal

  • @CarinoGamingStudio
    @CarinoGamingStudio 2 роки тому

    so basically you can install this directly without VM?

  • @LTUGang
    @LTUGang 2 роки тому

    Can you install MacOS in QEMU using original MacOS image downloaded from Apple?