• @skillcapped
    @skillcapped 2 роки тому +34

    Unlock the FULL COURSE with a DISCOUNT at: 👈👈👈💎💎💎

  • @perteadsf4914
    @perteadsf4914 2 роки тому +2883

    Step 1: Be challenger in another role.

    • @Powerlip11
      @Powerlip11 2 роки тому +154

      You know, you say that but they literally give you all the knowledge and ability to do what they do. Using skillcapped I've actually ranked up to Plat 1 93 LP. Right near diamond. Their guides truly work so long as you ACTUALLY follow them.

    • @alexrenxa7700
      @alexrenxa7700 2 роки тому +37

      @@Powerlip11 i havent climbed THAT high by any means but following a lot of what ive learned from their videos my games are definitely wayyy easier and ive been abke to turn losing games around into absolutely dominating wins

    • @Powerlip11
      @Powerlip11 2 роки тому +14

      @@alexrenxa7700 admittedly, it's not THAT impressive when I was already Plat 4, gold 1 elo. But their guides fixed my main problems. The one they had yesterday "why good players are stuck" opened my eyes to my biggest issue. I've already won 2 more games (back in Plat 3 because of a REALLY bad tilt day ;-;)

    • @jlei3967
      @jlei3967 2 роки тому +1

      @@Powerlip11 I got my first S as a jungler (lost bc afk support) after seeing that video and WOW

    • @perteadsf4914
      @perteadsf4914 2 роки тому +65

      @@Powerlip11 I was commenting on the title, which claims ANYONE can get Diamond in 30 days, while they 'prove' it by using a challenger in another role. I am not saying these videos are not incredibly useful for getting diamond, it's just that this title is (as usual on YT these days) entirely clickbait.

  • @WedgeOfHeaven
    @WedgeOfHeaven 2 роки тому +458

    Actually one of the most useful Top guides I've seen. Kinda made things click in my head. Thanks.

  • @pn1555
    @pn1555 2 роки тому +571

    PLS PLS PLS do this video for every single lane! This was such great advice.

    • @Kassadin.
      @Kassadin. 2 роки тому +63

      Bruh they have to sell their guides, this is like a promotion video

    • @davidkunakovsky3155
      @davidkunakovsky3155 Рік тому +5

      Tbh I dont see any other advice then go into ProGuides and check their guides lol

  • @jellyfilled2011
    @jellyfilled2011 2 роки тому +291

    I'm glad you talked about limit testing. Something I realized that helped me break out of my multiple season plateau was that I started playing too safe because I was unhappy with my KDA and thought my bad scores were losing me games. When I stopped limit testing in matchups I didn't know really well I lost a lot of confidence in my play. I think playing confidently is one of the most important aspects of performing well, maybe as important as actual mechanical skill.

    • @delanmorstik7619
      @delanmorstik7619 Рік тому +3

      Yes, limit testing is the most important thing to do, especially if you have under 50 games with a champ or if you play him rarely. Streamers started talking about how important are cs,not dying, wave control back in s2 or s3... This reuslted in 80 percent of the player base playing extremely passive. Season 1-2 players had so much more experience fighting that in season 5 you literally had to evaluate if you teammates were s1 or s3 and based on that to regulate your agressiveness. 5 "generations" of players grew up as passive players and it probably took them 5 years to break that habbit. There is no shortcut to fighting skills - you just beed to spend 500 gamesbplaying like a monkey in order to develop "fighting intuition" since most players cannot act consciously during fogths that require milliseconds of reaction time. This problem only becomes worse with every new chanpion. We are in desperate need of tooltips that show every champ's abilities description during game cus it becomes harder and harder for new players to learn, remember, evaluate them with that many champions.

    • @Fucklifedeadshit
      @Fucklifedeadshit Рік тому

      @@delanmorstik7619 that's the main reason I use a third party app so I can pull up enemy kits while the game loads.

    • @benhope7121
      @benhope7121 10 місяців тому

      @@delanmorstik7619 how is it called? i havent seen this tool in porofessor

  • @TheRaphidou
    @TheRaphidou 2 роки тому +107

    it's super useful to see how you can actually apply concepts we learn on a realistic game where you don't necessary have the matchup / push / jungle prio etc. it will help me a lot on focusing on the basics and win lane more consistently.
    Thanks a lot nice vid ! :)

  • @SuperMortalix
    @SuperMortalix 2 роки тому +47

    This is by far your best video yet. Because it sets together the breadcrumbs into an understandable path unlike alot of your videos that are just breadcrumbs. Dont get me wrong your videos are high quality overall its just harder to grasp the breadcrumbs without the full path.

  • @jotaro7736
    @jotaro7736 2 роки тому +35

    "Can we finally beat a jax?" being one of the later entries in the course says a lot

    • @skillcapped
      @skillcapped 2 роки тому +18

      Jax was and still is one of the harder matchups I found to play 😂

    • @cupidok2768
      @cupidok2768 2 роки тому +1

      who is this guy? can i have his channel?

  • @FearShrimp
    @FearShrimp 2 роки тому +6

    idk man, sounds like a really long advertisement for skill capped lol

  • @solidaritytime3650
    @solidaritytime3650 2 роки тому +16

    I need one for ADC.
    It just says "Step one: don't play ADC"

  • @cyberneticbutterfly8506
    @cyberneticbutterfly8506 2 роки тому +21

    The most important lesson in this is what he said about trying overaggression, dying, and adjusting down the aggression next game.
    If you do something defensive then you don't know what you can get away with so you will have to adjust up in multiple steps over many games.
    If you do something aggressive you can see clearly what works.
    Also you can be creative in your aggression and get away with a lot more ideas than what you think.
    Imagine how this works with Lee sin or Tryndamere aggression.

  • @icedardee5338
    @icedardee5338 Рік тому +7

    Consistency is key because even if some games are just auto loss due to league players being mentally unstable. You being consistently better swings the 50/50s over in your favor long term

  • @davidmende3409
    @davidmende3409 2 роки тому +7

    Honestly the most conclusive top guide i have seen so far - including the other guides in the skillcapped libray! Super cool idea

  • @caloygo
    @caloygo 2 роки тому +4

    I am very curious if the series include inting bot lane

  • @TSSPDarkStar
    @TSSPDarkStar 2 роки тому +13

    REALLY liked this video one of my favorite ideas this channel has ever had. Would personally really like a support and jungle version!

  • @ChickenCast100
    @ChickenCast100 2 роки тому +6

    Thanks to these guides in conjunction with a mass volume of ranked games and multiple guides I reached Gold 2 from Silver 4 in 2 weeks with 70% WR

  • @Perposterous
    @Perposterous Рік тому +1

    Honestly just been watching the youtube. Ranked low iron after not playing the game in years honestly. Like i played back before the gromp, scuttles, and blast cone things. Since re-learning here, im making solid jumps. Usually divisions at a time, like now i've dropped 20 kills per game in my last 3 games straight. I know I'll get closer to silver and fall off but it shows I'm getting better slowly but surely.

  • @RolloRoo
    @RolloRoo 2 роки тому +2

    This is such perfect timing! I just started playing ranked and top (usually play adc) so this has been so informative

  • @gustavolopes1290
    @gustavolopes1290 Рік тому +1

    amazing series, really looking up to next video. i just returned to league and decided this time to play top lane, as i always liked playing with champions from top but never been good at it, so the timing for this video couldn't been better. thanks a lot, i always check this channel videos when i'm playing league they're extremely helpful!!

  • @douwemusic
    @douwemusic 2 роки тому +3

    This guide is super helpful! It's very well structured

  • @ysyear
    @ysyear 2 роки тому +11

    when i first started playing League i was a support main, i eventually switched to ADC, stopped playing for a while and when i got back i started playing mid, switched to jungle and now im a top main, i'm still learning and the character i picked to main is Renekton, i feel like his kit gives you a lot of what a top character should be like, even though he's not the OP top character. I just got out of bronze and i think i'll put this "challenge" for myself and try to get plat or diamond this season with Renekton top as well

    • @tobiaasek
      @tobiaasek Рік тому +1

      what rank are u now

    • @ysyear
      @ysyear Рік тому +3

      @@tobiaasek managed to get gold but stopped playing like i always do with League LUL

  • @docgiggs
    @docgiggs 2 роки тому +7

    Try this instead with a support only challenge. Make sure you start in smurf queue as well. So start by leveling a new account from 1 to 30 without any exp boosts. Have a high WR anr group with friends that are good. This way your starting elo is inflated with your normal MMR being used since you don't have anything to start ranked with. Now, once reaching level 30, start your placement and lose every game. This should start you silver 4 or lower. If you aren't in bronze. You need to lose some games to go from silver to either bronze 3 or 4. But you can't lose every game straight. You have to maintain a 49% WR while going down. Once at low bronze 3 or 4 and wins give you 13lp roughly... now start the climb challenge. Support main solo only with no duo. Don't use S or A tier supports either. If you can make diamond in a month this way I'll not only sign up for skill capped, I'll sign up all my friends that play out of my own money. I'm serious on this.

  • @Stalk3r27
    @Stalk3r27 Рік тому +1

    Watching your videos made me realize how much I don't know about the League and how much thought process goes into it. I'm deff subbing for this course.

  • @sam.0021
    @sam.0021 2 роки тому +2

    i was ready to hate on this video cuz obviously a challenger player getting diamond really isnt that impressive. however, you did a good job of explaining a solid thought process and showcasing the trial and error that goes into improving in this game. this is actually an incredible advertisement for skillcapped the service as well as a demonstration on how its intended to be used. it would be useful to see this exact video for all the roles as well.

  • @phillipcoleman6267
    @phillipcoleman6267 2 роки тому +3

    Really like this video. I think it’s my biggest issue is I’m taking bad trades constantly when I play top. Instead of chillaxing and playing around the slow push.

  • @codelinx
    @codelinx 2 роки тому +7

    What elo did you start with and what are your lp gains per win? This will tell us if you are getting a bumped lp gain to get you back to an equivalent mmr as your main accounts.

    • @skillcapped
      @skillcapped 2 роки тому +5

      This is the account I used: (it has since decayed out of Diamond)
      You can see I had to play quite a few games and that my first few games were in around Silver 4. The LP gains were high at first since it's a fresh account, but as I played more games they became much, much smaller. Hopefully that will give you all the info you need to answer your question! ❤️

  • @WhispyNugNug
    @WhispyNugNug Рік тому

    This was a very helpful guide, I am a very aggressive player and now learning more strategies is quite helpful. Thank you!

  • @fvckhntr
    @fvckhntr 2 роки тому +17

    me watching this after never getting above gold from 6 years of playing 😭

    • @desugdirunaonline2996
      @desugdirunaonline2996 2 роки тому +2

      seems like a skill issue

    • @RedTalksAboutStuff
      @RedTalksAboutStuff 2 роки тому +1

      I was gold for six years then got into plat with some coaching. About to break into diamond.

    • @ccdman4909
      @ccdman4909 2 роки тому +1

      @@desugdirunaonline2996 you don’t know what you don’t know.

  • @krzysztofmichalak5013
    @krzysztofmichalak5013 2 роки тому

    Omg thank u for this serie i was waiting for a top lane series

  • @redrosewick
    @redrosewick 2 роки тому +2

    The jungler pinging you on the quin clip is the icing on the cake😂
    Basically announcing that he has no idea how laning works

  • @Silverblood13
    @Silverblood13 Рік тому +2

    Renekton I feel is a bit underrated. He is very strong early to mid game but falls off late game it feels like. You need to get some attack speed on him though so either going for stridebreaker or building botrk first helps.

  • @lolmaxxer7682
    @lolmaxxer7682 2 роки тому +4

    Matchup Tip for Renekton vs Riven Matchup:
    As you realised, Renekton loses lvl 1 pretty hard. The trick is to not give her the opportunity to all in you early, which is the only window she has in the matchup, by starting W and just stunning her and walking away if she ever jumps on you

  • @adamdecoder1
    @adamdecoder1 2 роки тому +9

    Very useful video and great tidbits of information! However it's veeeery different for a challenger player to get diamond in a new role than for an average player to reach diamond on their main.

    • @skillcapped
      @skillcapped 2 роки тому +10

      Yes, of course. My hope was that my experience teaching and improving in other roles would make it easier to break down how to improve rather than just coaching someone else. There's always going to be some pros and cons to any method of teaching. Hopefully you still found it useful ❤️

    • @adamdecoder1
      @adamdecoder1 2 роки тому +1

      @@skillcapped Definitely. Looking forward to the next few in the series.

  • @alzarqawi3851
    @alzarqawi3851 2 роки тому +3

    Yup.. I picked Renekton for being an OTP of something and I really do enjoy and I feel like it representates me and I feel the full control I have over that champion

  • @lndotman4980
    @lndotman4980 2 роки тому +5

    Okay next month im officially Diamond

    @MISTER_FORTUNE Рік тому

    Love your stuff! Big help!

  • @kiiturii
    @kiiturii Рік тому +2

    I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually tempted to get that paid course just because of how useful this vid was... Well done mate

  • @myfistsbleed
    @myfistsbleed 2 роки тому +7

    Awesome, awesome guide. Thank you for teaching us noobs!!

  • @danielsandovalarias6192
    @danielsandovalarias6192 Рік тому

    Hey guys I really wanted to congratulate you for this awesome video. I thought it wasn't possible to find content like this in youtube, but you guys just proved me wrong. This particular video has really impressed me. Just because of this video I am considering giving you guys a try. I play mid though. Awesome video my dude.

  • @eduardopena5893
    @eduardopena5893 5 місяців тому

    I just started playing LOL yesterday. I am still fiddling around with different champions to see which play style I like the best and getting used to them. I am not confident enough to go up against live players right now, but so far I have had my best games with Miss Fortune and Ashe. I did pretty well with Amumu in the Jungler role, and Cho'Gath as the Top. I have yet to try a support role, but I will give them a whirl to see just what I can do. Maybe I am better at support than I think I would be.
    Any helpful tips like you all are putting out there is going to help me a great deal.

  • @Eramex
    @Eramex 2 роки тому

    When and when not to fight the enemy after a cheater recall just helped me a ton. I've been struggling with this for months.

  • @thedarkdragon1437
    @thedarkdragon1437 Рік тому

    quite late, but riven matchup: star w. your w will cancel her Q mid cast, allowing you to back off. then stun every time she comes and you gain the lead. just make sure between cooldowns you get your rage as high up as possible

  • @srsorrow1708
    @srsorrow1708 Рік тому +1

    I love the brutal honesty in these videos lmfao

  • @fog1
    @fog1 2 роки тому

    Hey thought I'd ask here, anyone know if skins that were already is the mythic essence shop will come back in the future?

  • @mohamedelsayed-pn7tc
    @mohamedelsayed-pn7tc 2 роки тому +5

    A video like this for midlane would be so good

  • @alfonssunnerstam-hypositiv4280

    Great video, but if I can let y in on a little detail that I spotted at the riven matchup at 12 min is that she used a riven trick, y q3 times before y start the fight, giving her 6 passif stacks in total lvl 1 since she gets her q back mid fight, that’s why she was so aggressive

  • @gabrielalfredo4518
    @gabrielalfredo4518 Рік тому

    thanks a lot!!! so nice reverb

  • @barbwireou812
    @barbwireou812 2 роки тому +5

    best video i've seen from skill capped and i'm an ADC player. :D Wish it were this easy to walk me through bot lane. I'll keep checking out videos though.

  • @oldrichdanihelka852
    @oldrichdanihelka852 Рік тому

    Amazing crack, and the tutorial was perfect. I´m testing it right now

  • @lolgamer-fe9yy
    @lolgamer-fe9yy Рік тому

    how do you play the lane on champs like nasus who need time to become strong ?

  • @zTimmy
    @zTimmy Рік тому +1

    Me: I'm gonna use these tips in game
    Also me in game: me dumb

  • @AdrianWan
    @AdrianWan Рік тому

    This was huge. Loved this format.

  • @TheCrazychris445
    @TheCrazychris445 2 роки тому

    honestly ive been watching your vids for years and i let my sub for skill cap lapse. but this is your best video ever bar far

  • @vladfilatov6903
    @vladfilatov6903 2 роки тому

    insanely helpful video thank you so much

  • @BimBachelord
    @BimBachelord 2 роки тому +2

    I'd like to see one of these guides done with Nasus.
    To me if you can teach how to win games with AD Bruiser Nasus consistently..., Than these early game cheeses or power houses..., Especially in the current meta..., Then you really proving something.

  • @aleclempert2562
    @aleclempert2562 Рік тому

    Can one apply these concepts to the bot lane? Often times I notice the more aggressive adc/sup is constantly pushed in, and the two teams dont take turns crashing the wave as often. Is perma-pushing like this more correct, or is it smarter to let the enemy laners push (as a general concept?)

    • @E621_Rule34
      @E621_Rule34 Рік тому

      Engage supp=keep wave by tower and save health
      Enchanter/range= minion lead for good trades

  • @IAlbert93I
    @IAlbert93I Рік тому

    Very nice episode, ty

  • @Janisurai
    @Janisurai Рік тому

    How do you have the champion rather than the player name above the character in game? Cheers, and great video!

  • @deejayf69
    @deejayf69 2 роки тому +1

    Martin: This is me, you're probably wondering how I got here

  • @hebermyers541
    @hebermyers541 Рік тому

    you should do this series on midlane, im sure its a lot of similar concepts but would be nice since im a mid lane main

  • @matsepulveda
    @matsepulveda 2 роки тому +7

    I've always had one question: would you ever cheater recall for boots, or you always want to get an item that makes you stronger stat wise?

    • @Victorcus
      @Victorcus 2 роки тому +8

      in some machups boots allow you to kite and dodge better, movement speed is also a stat and some champions and machups can change depending on if one has boots and the other doesn't.

    • @zhang4612
      @zhang4612 2 роки тому +5

      MS is very much an offensive stat indeed. I don’t play Toplane much, but I can still see a scenario where boots can be pretty effective against a Camille, where kiting her Q empowered and tethering her W become much easier with 25 extra MS. Not exactly sure if this is better than an extra Long Sword, however.

    • @skillcapped
      @skillcapped 2 роки тому +9

      Boots is a perfectly fine purchase against a ranged AP top laner. Otherwise, Cloth Armor is going to beat Boots in terms of helping you win lane vs most AD matchups.

    • @matsepulveda
      @matsepulveda 2 роки тому +2

      @@skillcapped thank you so much!

  • @Kingdomfire551
    @Kingdomfire551 Рік тому

    10:45 you had the wave at the tower at the same time as the other examples, it wasn't too late. 3 mins in-game timer

  • @jonathandeissler8340
    @jonathandeissler8340 Рік тому

    Im a little confused. He said not to usw yone Q onto Minions but i Just watched a Guide where they said you Need top Stack Q when ever you can and as far as I can tell Dzukill does it as well in his gameplay. I'm for sure not an expert on this so I'd love to get some advice

  • @colentina27
    @colentina27 Рік тому

    Whenever i use the GMS and put it in the soft, it holds out the note forever! please help, i am very confused

  • @phillipemeca
    @phillipemeca 2 роки тому +2

    damn, i dont play toplane but this was the best guide I have seen so far, it made me just realize a mistake I made on my last game that could`ve costed me the game, it didn`t but they say its not about the result, right?

  • @LuisSoto-lt2hf
    @LuisSoto-lt2hf 2 роки тому +1

    It's all about playing well but I really think Renekton is sleep OP with Botrk ruah into sunfire

  • @ThePawn02
    @ThePawn02 2 роки тому

    Discord invite invalid. How do I find THIS video, and the others in the series, what do I search or sort by?

  • @jeeves9233
    @jeeves9233 2 роки тому +4

    I'd love to see this challenge as ADC, are you up for it? ;)

  • @dededededede6158
    @dededededede6158 Рік тому

    As i play kayle i cant realy use thise tricks as pushing or beeing the agresor with kayle t low levels is kinda impossible. at thise point i realy dont know what to do.can somone help?

  • @samuellalruatpuia1280
    @samuellalruatpuia1280 Рік тому

    I have spent hundreds of dollars if not a couple grand at this point on ur competitor. This is a very, in depth, usable, free video. Respect. Sub earned, will check out ur app.

  • @DiegoIRS30
    @DiegoIRS30 2 роки тому +1

    1:58 HAHAHA Hector, that's why you're our favorite!

  • @chinamon7870
    @chinamon7870 Рік тому

    Me personally I look at what abilities a champion has that’s the most important for a fight like an stun, cc, engage ability and capitalize on them missing it or not having it

  • @brageveeldee5825
    @brageveeldee5825 2 роки тому +1

    Never been so close to buying the subscription, this vid did work lol

  • @IGiveTheBestTakes
    @IGiveTheBestTakes Рік тому +2

    How to become diamond in 30 days
    Step one: Already be challenger in another role
    Step two: profit

  • @JohnJohnson-yi6jg
    @JohnJohnson-yi6jg 2 роки тому +2

    on a main account with fucked mmr I would consider this near impossible in 30 days. Permanently lose more LP from losses than gaining from wins. Plus each win is tiny gains. I get +12 and 13.

    • @skillcapped
      @skillcapped 2 роки тому +1

      It definitely depends on where you're starting from and how much time you have to play. I had to play 119 games to hit Diamond from a fresh account starting in Silver 4. By the end of the grind I was starting to get around +15 -13. There's no doubt it's a big grind even when you start on a fresh account.

  • @lufy64
    @lufy64 2 роки тому +1

    its crazy how many comments are already on this, its been like an hour. great video

  • @TheOnlyToast
    @TheOnlyToast 11 місяців тому

    At 14:05, another point while the fight with pantheon was so close is, that renekton uses Q without his passive. He should've autoattacked one more time to get the fury Q in the wave and on the pantheon -> Easy 100hp difference
    could've also not walked up with W active, but with one auto into instant W, when you can allow yourself to do that extra auto without a downside, it's free damage + fury -> would've also had the fury later to Q

  • @nathanieldascher719
    @nathanieldascher719 Рік тому +4

    Okay... I'm sorry but no matter what role you play, if you hit challenger, you know a lot about the game that you can use to "get better at an insanely fast rate". Great guide, but lets see a real Bronze player go to Diamond in 30 days.

  • @kestrelloz
    @kestrelloz Рік тому

    my main account is stucked in gold by ages, i just made a fresh new account and started by diamond 3.
    My gold account keeps finding high plat/diamond players but i still get the same number of lps

  • @oguzhandoyuran7317
    @oguzhandoyuran7317 Рік тому

    Nice work but only mistake i have noticed, you need to press w then q to heal up and auto attack with stun when you are trading with enemy champion bro.

  • @MohamedHassan-iq6rk
    @MohamedHassan-iq6rk 2 роки тому

    luv the video thx

  • @ivanomilos9423
    @ivanomilos9423 Рік тому

    I have a huuge problem of not knowing how to use unlucked camera. Any tips?

  • @Inchalla
    @Inchalla Рік тому

    I dont get how this works when I cant even farm Yasuo mid vs Varus mid. Cant even farm under turret without getting hit or killed by does this concept work in such a bad match up? It has worked all day against many other ranged. Should I just wait at turret until the wave comes or fight for it?

  • @Panmatejka
    @Panmatejka 2 роки тому

    It's working thanks my friend

  • @skinnywraith
    @skinnywraith 2 роки тому +1

    of all the guids i'ce seen this one helps a ton wtff

  • @SlowbeyBryant
    @SlowbeyBryant Рік тому

    How do you know when you are about to hit level 2??

  • @lucasa8710
    @lucasa8710 9 місяців тому

    16:45 I got the point here, but you could just flashed right before Jax's E land

  • @MarkorLP
    @MarkorLP 2 роки тому

    This is the best video on your channel by far.

  • @0YazZmaN0
    @0YazZmaN0 Рік тому

    Is there a similar video for bot lane adc? Thanks!

  • @Lamb666
    @Lamb666 2 роки тому +1

    I’m curious how many games a day that would take on a fresh account. I don’t have enough time with work to make that happen, since I play 1-2 games max a day.

    • @skillcapped
      @skillcapped 2 роки тому +1

      I break this down in the final episode, but it took me 119 games to get Diamond with a 59% win rate - so nothing too crazy. This was all on a fresh account that effectively starts in Silver 4. If you do the math on it, it would take you 2 months if you played 2 games a day to match 119 games. You really do have to put in the time and grind games if you want to see quicker results.

  • @Abooelshoo2
    @Abooelshoo2 Рік тому

    wp bro nice videos subscribed

  • @repetition4078
    @repetition4078 Рік тому

    great video overall except for 16:30 i mean it is true that jax did good stacking up his passive but spamming autos on the minion wave while trying to slow push isn't normally a good choice .it make ur slow push wave clash the enemy wave at a further position that is closer to the enemy turrect and it is always a huge stress to combat at those position. And the difference in minion numbers at that particular wave clash earned from doing this isnt that great to make a difference .In the video jax had earned 6 minion diff autoing the minion while with camillie scenarios slow pushing just by last hitting he had a 7 minion difference.I think the major diff with those 2 scenarios is that camillie shudnt had let u thin out the wave and build up ur rage .The raged w of renek is really powerful and make a huge difference .while fightning jax u dont have that much rage thats probably why u lost that 1v1

  • @gpavl1177
    @gpavl1177 2 роки тому +1

    A skill capped video inside of a skill capped video LESGOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • @cyberneticbutterfly8506
    @cyberneticbutterfly8506 2 роки тому

    What it tells me is that the reasoning is a lot of the time rationalization post play, and it's really about reflexes a lot more than people realize.

  • @muratemreyurdalan2734
    @muratemreyurdalan2734 Рік тому

    So I should play jax or a ranger top

  • @atakanyuksel9633
    @atakanyuksel9633 2 роки тому

    thanks for the video

  • @fictionvstheuniverse5418
    @fictionvstheuniverse5418 Рік тому +1

    friendly tip all league playyers can use to improve: the best/only way to beat jax in lane, is to ban him.

  • @_Iam777_
    @_Iam777_ Рік тому

    I have paid for this service in two occasions, season 11 and 9, after studying and putting into practice in every game, I was able to climb only from B4 to B2. Macro games strategies are great, and I combined with my game mechanics BUT, they don’t teach you how to win 1v9 when in Bronze and Iron you will see AKF, trollers. I never have met a person able to climb 2-3 divisions

  • @deadglow8292
    @deadglow8292 Рік тому

    i love u so much bro, thanks very much

  • @JustZ0920
    @JustZ0920 2 роки тому

    I like how he mutes everyone to prevent getting tilted