I don’t know why it bothers me having people going to the moon permanently... I feel the moon is so sacred. There is something so comforting looking up at it in the night sky. It makes me feel a bit weird that I’ll be looking up and knowing there are people there. Will it cleanse my crystals the same still 😂
No more howling at the moon, no, dogs will be howling at some dudes who work for NASA. Romantic moonlit dinner? More like romantic NASA's-new-base lit dinner.
I’ve had so many paranormal experiences that I don’t mess with that stuff AT ALL. None of them were asked for on my end... so I stay away. I can only imagine what would happen if I did welcome that shit.
Sacred Supreme The earth isn’t too far gone, but it will be in about 11-13 years. We still have time, acting as if we don’t is giving too many people the excuse to give up on this planet
im from long island- one of my first drivers ed classes, we drove to this house, pulled into the driveway and sat there while our instructor explained what happened there lmao.
I personally want to be a tree. How beautiful would it be to have forests instead of graveyards/cemeteries. We could have gardens and forests of remembrance.
This is what I want to do. I’d love to buy a house with some land and nice enough for my kids to keep when I pass and keep for generations. I want to be buried in the back yard and grow as a willow tree. Those are my favorite trees 💜
Im so glad Josh started his own podcast to talk about all this haunted stuff/cases that Kendall’s not comfortable with. I personally LOVE haunted stuff. Looking forward to all the future podcasts 👻👻👻
Very common in the Catholic Hispanic communities in the southwest as well. Many people have shrines to the Virgin Mary in their yards as well. And have their homes re-blessed yearly.
I’ve had a lot of paranormal things and unexplainable things happen to me and my family and friends when I was a kid. Yet I haven’t had any incidents in years and now I’m skeptical even though I know it happened to me, and family and even friends in the past. It’s weird.
Omg someone put it into words. It’s almost like when it doesn’t happen for awhile you start to question your own reality. Like your brain is literally gaslighting you.
Because he committed such a horrific act, it is possible his energy or his rage imprinted on the area. It isn’t necessarily his “spirit” but rather an energy imprint. The more powerful the emotion, the stronger the imprint and the more likely it is for that negativity to manifest itself
@Trisha Murray I don’t accept the premise of your argument. The Law of Conservation of Energy is a scientific premise and is just dealing in Thermodynamics. I think you’re confusing the concepts of energy here but hey man to each their own. Enjoy life girlie!
They've proven that this story is false. George and Kathy Lutz made up the story because they got in way over their head financially by buying this home. And since they knew that that guy killed his family in this house that's how it began. They decided to make money by saying the house was haunted and all this stuff was going on in it. None of it was true.
The "t" in Amityville is not silent btw. Its said exactly way that it's spelled. I grew up in Av & now I live like 10mins away lol Just wanted to let you guys know ☺️☺️
@@sarahschouveller1993 They actually remodeled the house a little since then, like changed up the windows & stuff so it doesnt look so creepy anymore. When I was younger I was always so intrigued by the story now it's just like well okay nothings happened since so I guess it's not haunted. But when I think about it now it makes me uneasy to think about what he did to his own family & why..
Lorraine Warren sensing Butch's spirit in the home even though he was still alive at the time is due to a soul fracture. When a person experiences trauma, it is said their soul can fracture. It seems to happen more with murderers, so the act of taking a life fractures the soul and that piece stays there and relives the act and in some cases can build energy, become cognizant, and become a poltergeist.
I definitely think Butch did the killings ALL himself, as Kendall suggested. When I was a child, if my significantly older sibling woke me up at 3am in a panic or even a mood that is out of the ordinary I would have obeyed. The children could have heard the gunshots from their parents room and even thought their big brother was coming to protect them somehow. Rockin episode as always 👌🌎💫
This story has always messed with me. Thank you for the whole episode...great work! Just found y'all! Come to Oregon friends...The Shining was also filmed up at Timberline lodge here on Mt Hood...I'll host!!! Y'all are always welcome!
I personally have always believed that Dawn killed the kids and when Butch saw that she killed the kids then he killed her. I don't think Butch cared that the parents were killed. But the kids is what sent him over the edge because that was never a part of the plan.
That's what I always thought too. I figured Dawn shot the parents because she was wanting to leave with her boyfriend I thought and parents or rather Big Ronnie flipped out so she decided to kill them. I think Butch was ok with that but when he saw that she killed the kids which he loved very much he lost it and shot her.
There's a well respected Embalmer and Funeral Director who has a channel here on UA-cam, Ask a Mortician. She would be an awesome guest on this Podcast! Great podcast this week, as usual!
You should live stream one of theses on twitch or UA-cam some time and have a section where you answer viewer comments. I think it would be good practice before doing it in real life.
1:33:00 When Kendall starts talking about how she gets a feeling that she’s not alone, I RELATE. I get this feeling ALL the time at my house. It’s worse at night and feels super strong. For people that had older TV’s (the ones that look like big boxes, not flat screens) if you ever turned it on and could almost feel the electricity turning the tv on, that’s the feeling I get. And there’s nothing around my house that would have a strong electronic energy. So weird and it scares me so bad
love the burial idea! hopefully itll cost less than funerals, since that can be very stressful and exhausting when mourning also love the set up! lowlight makes it easy to fall asleep to (:
These podcasts are my favorite thing to watch and listen to on youtube. You guys always do such a good job of telling stories in a natural way that Im always over here thinking that Im actually having a conversation about the topics with you two lol Great job as always Much love to both of you and all your animals too
I worked at a funeral home a few years ago, and just before I left they had started working with a new company that supplied caskets made from bamboo. They were actually biodegradable, so you could bury your loved one in a cemetery as normal, but they wouldn't be in this steel box forever, it would degrade into the earth in that plot of land and their body would eventually as well.
I don't think so. Everyone was asleep. They were family so probably everyone had some level of trust to each other. So even when dad would wake up and see him son in front of him he may not think that something is up. And then he was dead. And the rest of them.
I love to listen to your podcast while I do the dishes. As I started this one up I went into my kitchen to start working and checked my clock. It was 3:15. Total freakout !
There’s another option called Alkaline Hydrolysis. A body is turned into liquid and the bones are crushed and returned to relatives. Regular cremation is very bad for the environment.
So my family is catholic and anytime we would move anywhere new we would “bless” the house with holy water . And well especially if you knew someone died there I would definitely take a whole priest lmao
I freaking love your podcast! Especially enjoyed the nasa segment, my dad worked and is friends with an ex commander of the space shuttle. She was one of only two women to ever command the shuttle and continues to work towards emerging opportunities in space.
This case is the first case that got me into both paranormal and true crime. I've always been in love with this case. I've seen so many documentaries on it. Thank you for this
Also you guys should cover the Enfield Haunting! I think you would enjoy that one and it’s another one of the Warren’s cases. Really interesting one! I loved this episode of the podcast 💕
Ya'll should interview or at least check out Caitlin Doughty from Ask a Mortician here on YT. She's super informative and very pro going the natural way as well, she also makes death seem less taboo to talk about.
Steve Huff from Huff Paranormal would be super interesting as a guest. I love his approach to the paranormal, he is all about love and light! He makes spirit boxes, and has improved the ability to communicate with spirits quite a bit over the years I have watched him. He has had incredible direct conversations with spirits, his channel is awesome! 💕
Some people don’t understand that the thumbs down means a dislike. Example - my mom puts a thumbs down on things that are sad etc. not because she dislikes them.
The NASA moon thing just pissed me off! We need to focus on fixing the planet we have instead of sending people to abuse other planets 😩 On another note... love that you guys did an Amityville episode 🎉 Speaking of the paranormal... My mum always said she felt like she was being watched in the kitchen of my childhood home. She was so freaked out by it and she’s not really a believer in paranormal stuff! So creepy and I’m glad I don’t live there anymore haha... no thanks!
Well what if Butch and Dawn were planning on setting up the murders and Butch convinced Dawn to lie down to get a gun injury to collaborate with the murder spree and she thought she’s survive but he actually kills her
I’ve been on the natural burial train for a while. Just dig a hole, wrap me in shroud, and drop me in. A lot of people don’t realize that you cannot force someone to get their loved one embalmed. They can send you to another funeral home, but you legally do not have to have a loved one embalmed. I never understood the idea of spending thousands on my death...I’ve never understood the need to preserve my corpse as best possible in a box under the ground that has a vault on it to keep the rain from seeping in. I’m dead. I’m supposed to decompose. The soil thing sounds good too.
Ashes can actually be made into jewels, sculptures, & even tattoo ink. I plan on taking some of my moms ashes when she passes to be made into tattoo ink to touch up a sentimental tattoo for us (fleetwood mac rumours album). Ill essentially have the tattoo in remembrance of us while i was a child then have it touched up so she really is always with me.
Lacey Leandra how could it be unsanitary? Literally all bacteria & remnants of the body are incinerated with a temperature at least 1400 degrees fahrenheit
Kiarra Janae I LOVE this idea and absolutely want to do this with my mom. She is my absolute best friend. We also love Fleetwood Mac as well as Styx, so I feel ya. But I hope you and your mama love long and wonderful lives together! 💖
May have to talk to my kids about this one because I was just going to become jewelry but I really think that they should get the flower tattoo on the greatest hits album because my name is Rhiannon. This is perfect.
I never really believed in ghosts, but a year and a half ago I bought & moved into the home I currently live in. So many weird unexplainable things have happened. The scariest thing was that one time when I was showering my dogs started whimpering (I was home alone & wanted them in the bathroom with me to protect me cause I'm crazy hahaha) & then out of nowhere something pushed me through the shower curtain into the shower wall. It left a visible mark on the side of my abdomen where I got hit. My husband doesn't believe me, but it really happened. Other than that the things that have happened have been relatively small, but consistent. They're so small, but really cannot be explained away.
Pageanteen Yes Josh had so many topics if discussion I would have never thought of myself or heard of, just amazing stuff and very intellectual, loved it!
I'm in Houston I wish I could be there my grandfather recently passed away yesterday so I'm afraid I will not going to be able to make it but thank you so much for putting out such great content you guys are amazing and so unique and I love how y'all don't just report y'all give out y'alls opinion and are also open minded! It's so refreshing! Keep on keeping on!
Josh is so funny talking about the crazy stuff happening in the house 🤣🤣 I really enjoyed this podcast. I like y’all breaking down haunted movies based on “real” events.
It would be awesome if you guys could get Hailey Reese as a guest on here. I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with her, but she's a UA-camr who talks about paranormal topics on her channel and she's very knowledgeable about this kind of stuff. She also grew up in an incredibly haunted house and it would be great if she could share some of her stories. Several of her videos involve her going to haunted locations and using her spirit box to communicate with entities (I would love to see you guys and Hailey do a collab at the Stanley Hotel).
She's not friends with Loey anymore.... Andrew, Hailey and Loey's roommate, London all "distanced" themselves from Loey Lane a few months ago. Andrew and Hailey talked about it on Twitter not too long ago.
I’m leaving for a Colorado Roadtrip Saturday and resisting the temptation of listening to this so i can enjoy it on my drive!!! I’m sure it’ll be an amazing one!
Love the two of you together, started with lights out, rewatching my faves, now going back to the early days, Kendall, live your solo show too. Thank you for all the hard work you do
Their Blueberry Maple Pancake one is BOMB AF too! I know it sounds weird, I thought the same thing when my Mom bought if for me. Now I'm extremely sad that it's seasonal. 😭😂
Only half way through, but I just wanted to mention that many kids are really deep sleepers and often won’t wake to loud noises. I was watching something about fire alarms one day and they showed that kids (and even teens) slept right through loud fire alarms. So it’s very plausible that he did do it all on his own... parents first, then the kids.
I've been around someone who's committed suicide and it's just such a dark, heavy and empty feeling. It's scary. Definitely different than when someone passes naturally.
When I was probably 10 I was sitting on my bed watching tv and I saw a black figure run through my room. It scared me so bad that I hysterically started crying and ran to my mom. A couple minutes later, I’m still crying in my moms arms trying to explain myself and the heavy curtains in front of us start swaying and it makes me cry even more..seconds after that the doorbell rings and get even more freaked out because it’s late at night and nobody ever visits at that time so we check outside and there is not even one footstep leading up to my doorbell. Something definitely tried to make me aware of its presence that night...
Josh: "Kendall would like to be composted. Note taken" 🤣🤣
Kendall: ''I wanna turn into a succulent'' >
Donna Shopaholic 😂😂😂 I love her !
Yeah that was cute
We 100% need a T-shirt design of Kendall saying “🤔Interesting...”
Extra points if she’s also painting her nails
Hahaha yeah
We definitely need an interesting t-shirt!!! 😍
hmmm, interesting is what Little Bear says
Also we need an “At the end of the day….”:) with Mile Higher on the back. These two are just the CUTEST!
Yes 😁
Setup looks super chill and calming this week🙌🏼the lowlight makes the neon sign really pop
Rachel Fehr AGREED
Rachel Fehr RIGHT they just keep getting BETTER ❤️❤️❤️
Yes I love this. Easy on the eyes as I'm trying to fall asleep ♡
I love the vibe. Its so comforting.
I don’t know why it bothers me having people going to the moon permanently... I feel the moon is so sacred. There is something so comforting looking up at it in the night sky. It makes me feel a bit weird that I’ll be looking up and knowing there are people there. Will it cleanse my crystals the same still 😂
Morgan Valerie Rose an important question!
Will people on the mood fuck up the moons energy
lauren kate exactly!!! So weird to think about!
No more howling at the moon, no, dogs will be howling at some dudes who work for NASA.
Romantic moonlit dinner? More like romantic NASA's-new-base lit dinner.
the moon is too precious humans don’t deserve it
Josh is such a gem. He’s in such awe of Kendall’s intuition and I just feel like most guys I know would just roll their eyes or something.
Britty C agree!
Agreed!!!!! 100% he’s amazing and they’re lucky to have each other!
Relationship goals!! They are so cute together 😘
Hes seriously an amazing husband. He cares for her on a deeper level. Their connection is so genuine and pure.
I’ve had so many paranormal experiences that I don’t mess with that stuff AT ALL. None of them were asked for on my end... so I stay away. I can only imagine what would happen if I did welcome that shit.
How about A Haunting in Connecticut? The one with the family that moved into a former funeral home.
Wanda Borowy oh my gosh yes!!
Love those films!!!!! 😍💀
they recently JUST uploaded a podcast on this!!
I never knew that house was a former funeral home and I've watched that movie on multiple occasions.
I think it's great we're exploring space, but I wish we would save our own planet before going to another...
Earth is probably too far gone already
YES!! 👏🏻
Sacred Supreme The earth isn’t too far gone, but it will be in about 11-13 years. We still have time, acting as if we don’t is giving too many people the excuse to give up on this planet
I agree. Nasa is bunk. I don't trust them even a tiny bit.
How about we do both? We have enough resources just not allocated in the right place
Kendall being super Taurus: “I like to focus on real things!”
Every time my mom makes me clean I put on my headphones and listen to you guys so I can learn new things and do my chores lol ❤
Marleenia Tømmeraas I’m a mom & that’s exactly what I do when it’s time for me to clean 😂
Marleenia Tømmeraas literally just got done doing that!
i just did this lol !
Same 😆
You guys should have Hailey Reese as a guest!! She is very involved in the paranormal world and such an amazing person, she's also a fan of Kendall
Sami and loey lane!! Either with Hailey or on a separate podcast. I love them both so much
l ppl lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
You guys should do a podcast on the Winchester house ! :)
Oh I agree!
I second this!
im from long island- one of my first drivers ed classes, we drove to this house, pulled into the driveway and sat there while our instructor explained what happened there lmao.
What?! *giggles
Drivers ed teachers are always kooky 😆
I personally want to be a tree. How beautiful would it be to have forests instead of graveyards/cemeteries. We could have gardens and forests of remembrance.
Victoria Brooks We have something like that in Germany. 😊
That is beautiful🙂
that would be amazing. it would be super pretty and good for the environment. way easier to go to a tree farm (essentially) than a cemetery.
This is what I want to do. I’d love to buy a house with some land and nice enough for my kids to keep when I pass and keep for generations. I want to be buried in the back yard and grow as a willow tree. Those are my favorite trees 💜
pretty cute, kinda crazy, but you're right ;)
Im so glad Josh started his own podcast to talk about all this haunted stuff/cases that Kendall’s not comfortable with. I personally LOVE haunted stuff. Looking forward to all the future podcasts 👻👻👻
The lighting is so good and very convenient since it’s 12 am where I live and bright light would’ve hurt my eyes at some point
peachyfeeling I was watching this last night before bed and I had to shut off till today cause I was getting a little freaked out lol 😂
The plant seems cool until you look out to your garden and see a dog peeing on grandma
The circle of life, Simba....
I’d be honored. I love dogs!
@@nosteviewonder8959 i
the audio for this made my entire day yesterday. as per usual.
This show has grown on me soooo much. Always looking forward to new episodes :p
Squidward: The phone will ring, and there will be nobody there!!
Spongebob: and the wALLS WILL OOZE GREEN SLIME?!
Oh wait, they always do that
A Bee 💀💀i was like damn was it the hash slinging slasher
Chio when in doubt, hash sling it out
Many Catholic families have their new homes blessed before they Move-in. It’s not that unusual, especially back in the 70s.
Francine Genova Devout Catholic here. Can confirm.
Francine Genova My mom used to get our house blessed yearly.
@@catherineb196 mi
Very common in the Catholic Hispanic communities in the southwest as well. Many people have shrines to the Virgin Mary in their yards as well. And have their homes re-blessed yearly.
*omg I’ve waited for u guys to cover this one!!*
I’ve had a lot of paranormal things and unexplainable things happen to me and my family and friends when I was a kid. Yet I haven’t had any incidents in years and now I’m skeptical even though I know it happened to me, and family and even friends in the past. It’s weird.
Similar situation for me
Same here however, I will no let my guard down by thinking it could never happen again..
Omg someone put it into words.
It’s almost like when it doesn’t happen for awhile you start to question your own reality. Like your brain is literally gaslighting you.
I'm the same as kendall, I hate horror movies but I love true crime 😂
Me too!
Same 💯!
Same here
the nasa thing is so dumb can we focus on the shitstorm happening on earth instead
Because he committed such a horrific act, it is possible his energy or his rage imprinted on the area. It isn’t necessarily his “spirit” but rather an energy imprint. The more powerful the emotion, the stronger the imprint and the more likely it is for that negativity to manifest itself
But energy can’t be good or bad. 🤔
@Trisha Murray I don’t accept the premise of your argument. The Law of Conservation of Energy is a scientific premise and is just dealing in Thermodynamics. I think you’re confusing the concepts of energy here but hey man to each their own. Enjoy life girlie!
@Candace Burns..yes!!
Sorry to "Burst" y'alls bubbles But the house in and never has been haunted, The son came out and told that it was nothing but a LIE! 😂
The thought of Josh and Kendall eventually becoming apart of a succulent garden together oddly sits extremely well with me...? 😳☺️
the fact that he woke up at 3:15 AM creeps me out because thats also known to be the "devils" hour
I get up at 3 am because I have to be to work at 4. Does that make me the devil?
I thought the same thing!
I get up to pee a lot of nights at 3:15 am…so, I guess I’m the devil? Or controlled by the devil? Hhhmmm…???
@@amandaburnham8124 🤣
They've proven that this story is false. George and Kathy Lutz made up the story because they got in way over their head financially by buying this home. And since they knew that that guy killed his family in this house that's how it began. They decided to make money by saying the house was haunted and all this stuff was going on in it. None of it was true.
loveeee the vibes of the room and background
Please do some paranormal podcasts! So many of us have had paranormal experiences!
i would love a paranormal podcast tbh
You guys should do a collab with Haley Reese! I love her paranormal videos on UA-cam
The "t" in Amityville is not silent btw. Its said exactly way that it's spelled. I grew up in Av & now I live like 10mins away lol Just wanted to let you guys know ☺️☺️
Nice thanks
I’m a long islander and I’m cracking up at them struggling to pronounce amityville 😅
Is it creepy living there or no?
Sarah Schouveller no and everyone on that street says the house really isn’t haunted.
@@sarahschouveller1993 They actually remodeled the house a little since then, like changed up the windows & stuff so it doesnt look so creepy anymore. When I was younger I was always so intrigued by the story now it's just like well okay nothings happened since so I guess it's not haunted. But when I think about it now it makes me uneasy to think about what he did to his own family & why..
Lorraine Warren sensing Butch's spirit in the home even though he was still alive at the time is due to a soul fracture. When a person experiences trauma, it is said their soul can fracture. It seems to happen more with murderers, so the act of taking a life fractures the soul and that piece stays there and relives the act and in some cases can build energy, become cognizant, and become a poltergeist.
This Is very interesting WOW!!
Or it's due to fraud.
I think you are thinking of Voldemort.
No, it's just more of her complete nonsense!
Just finished watching the case on Alyssa and received this notification, I’m sooo ready for more !! Love you guys so much 😭❤️
Please do the Magdalene laundries in Ireland! It NEEDS to be spoken about ✨
I left trisha crying to watch this. Love you guys xxoo wassup MH Fam?
Might just go
Blu DeLo I left Trisha ordering food from the drive through to watch this
Who is Trisha?
trisha paytas
I definitely think Butch did the killings ALL himself, as Kendall suggested. When I was a child, if my significantly older sibling woke me up at 3am in a panic or even a mood that is out of the ordinary I would have obeyed. The children could have heard the gunshots from their parents room and even thought their big brother was coming to protect them somehow. Rockin episode as always 👌🌎💫
This story has always messed with me. Thank you for the whole episode...great work! Just found y'all! Come to Oregon friends...The Shining was also filmed up at Timberline lodge here on Mt Hood...I'll host!!! Y'all are always welcome!
I personally have always believed that Dawn killed the kids and when Butch saw that she killed the kids then he killed her. I don't think Butch cared that the parents were killed. But the kids is what sent him over the edge because that was never a part of the plan.
That's what I always thought too. I figured Dawn shot the parents because she was wanting to leave with her boyfriend I thought and parents or rather Big Ronnie flipped out so she decided to kill them. I think Butch was ok with that but when he saw that she killed the kids which he loved very much he lost it and shot her.
this podcast deserves much more appreciation.
There's a well respected Embalmer and Funeral Director who has a channel here on UA-cam, Ask a Mortician. She would be an awesome guest on this Podcast! Great podcast this week, as usual!
You should live stream one of theses on twitch or UA-cam some time and have a section where you answer viewer comments. I think it would be good practice before doing it in real life.
Project Bolts that’s a good suggestion!
Great idea!
1:33:00 When Kendall starts talking about how she gets a feeling that she’s not alone, I RELATE. I get this feeling ALL the time at my house. It’s worse at night and feels super strong. For people that had older TV’s (the ones that look like big boxes, not flat screens) if you ever turned it on and could almost feel the electricity turning the tv on, that’s the feeling I get. And there’s nothing around my house that would have a strong electronic energy. So weird and it scares me so bad
Your whole setup and MH sign look so much better with this lighting. It’s all very calming, and I love it! :)
Josh talking about being credit-carded by a ghost absolutely SENT me
I'm going to the moon... To be composted!!!
You guys should do a podcast on the Sallie House! That's the most convincing haunting I've heard about, I'd love to hear your guys's take
I work as body removal for the Coroners Service!! I picked up dozens of dead bodies everyday. It's definitely not a job for everyone but I love it!
Jennifer Whatley uhm...good for you to find something you love to do. i for one wouldn’t be able to do that. but good for you😂
Thats so cool! i mean like deaths not cool but id love to do it because its not your everyday job!
This podcast is amazing. I'm a nursing assistant and I love chilling on my breaks listening to these podcasts! ❤
Josh talking about the Calm app was so soothing. He should do a guided meditation haha
The Strangers Is legit the scariest “based on a true story” movie I have ever seen.
love the burial idea! hopefully itll cost less than funerals, since that can be very stressful and exhausting when mourning
also love the set up! lowlight makes it easy to fall asleep to (:
ooooooof I am DIGGING this lighting
-only seconds into the podcast but I had to let y'all know
Kendall and Josh are the only reason i get anything done around my house 😂 love you guys 💜
Couldn’t agree more! I always put on a episode I haven’t seen/heard when I’m doing house work lol 😂
Josh has such a funny dad sense of humor. 😂 Love you guys!
These podcasts are my favorite thing to watch and listen to on youtube. You guys always do such a good job of telling stories in a natural way that Im always over here thinking that Im actually having a conversation about the topics with you two lol
Great job as always
Much love to both of you and all your animals too
I worked at a funeral home a few years ago, and just before I left they had started working with a new company that supplied caskets made from bamboo. They were actually biodegradable, so you could bury your loved one in a cemetery as normal, but they wouldn't be in this steel box forever, it would degrade into the earth in that plot of land and their body would eventually as well.
Did they find any drugs in the family member's systems? Maybe he dosed them with sleeping medicine to prevent them from waking up.
I have never heard , nor have I ever heard anyone else ask that question.
I've seen documentaries and they say the toxicology reports say there were no drugs in their systems.. makes it even more confusing! !
I don't think so. Everyone was asleep. They were family so probably everyone had some level of trust to each other. So even when dad would wake up and see him son in front of him he may not think that something is up. And then he was dead. And the rest of them.
I love to listen to your podcast while I do the dishes. As I started this one up I went into my kitchen to start working and checked my clock. It was 3:15. Total freakout !
There’s another option called Alkaline Hydrolysis. A body is turned into liquid and the bones are crushed and returned to relatives. Regular cremation is very bad for the environment.
How do they turn you into liquid?
Alyssa Brown-Carleton Using a pressure vessel, heat and potassium hydroxide. The process breaks down tissues to their chemical components.
So my family is catholic and anytime we would move anywhere new we would “bless” the house with holy water . And well especially if you knew someone died there I would definitely take a whole priest lmao
It's also done frequently in the Pentecostal community. To do do a blessing and to anoint the doorways with oil.
Lmfao Josh casually breaking out into Ocean Avenue killed me. 😂 “that’s a good song”
He reawakened the Yellowcard fan in me
You guys are so chill and talk about such cool stuff. You’re the only podcast I can listen to!
I like the idea of speeding up the decomposition process! However, this will eliminate the choice of exhuming a body.
SunSinger so true! I didn’t even think about that!
My thought exactly!!
We are from Austin Texas. We WILL BE THERE to support you ❤❤❤❤❤
Josh lowkey hited the “and I opp-“ at 34:11 🤣🤣
Your studio set-up is the best I've seen!
I freaking love your podcast! Especially enjoyed the nasa segment, my dad worked and is friends with an ex commander of the space shuttle. She was one of only two women to ever command the shuttle and continues to work towards emerging opportunities in space.
This case is the first case that got me into both paranormal and true crime. I've always been in love with this case. I've seen so many documentaries on it. Thank you for this
Lol I like how dark you guys have it this time, it makes the sign look rlly nice 👍
I thought it was my screen brightness gone wrong 😂
Donna Shopaholic i thought the same thing 😂😂
Kendall it is SO validating to hear your take on horror movies! I am the EXACT same way!
Seems fishy to me that NASA is suddenly so interested in colonizing the moon.
Shouldnt everyone be focusing on the one we're killing?
I think NASA is trying to go back to the moon because of the conspiracies about the first moon landing. I think they are covering their asses.
Earth is not a moon lol XD
Also you guys should cover the Enfield Haunting! I think you would enjoy that one and it’s another one of the Warren’s cases. Really interesting one! I loved this episode of the podcast 💕
Ya'll should interview or at least check out Caitlin Doughty from Ask a Mortician here on YT. She's super informative and very pro going the natural way as well, she also makes death seem less taboo to talk about.
I love her videos!
Love her!!!
That would be such a great collaboration!
Steve Huff from Huff Paranormal would be super interesting as a guest. I love his approach to the paranormal, he is all about love and light! He makes spirit boxes, and has improved the ability to communicate with spirits quite a bit over the years I have watched him. He has had incredible direct conversations with spirits, his channel is awesome! 💕
10 minutes since it's been uploaded, almost two hours long. Why is there already a dislike?! I just don't get some people
SuperBrina 12987 it don’t make no damn sense at all how some people are
Doesn't matter though. Engagement is engagement.
People be hatin
sometimes dislikes are clicked on accident when you’re doing stuff and grabbing your phone, it happens to me and i’m like wait noooo❤️
Some people don’t understand that the thumbs down means a dislike. Example - my mom puts a thumbs down on things that are sad etc. not because she dislikes them.
How many people fall asleep by Kendall and Josh 😊❤ I need them every night
Yes!! So excited that you’re covering material like this! Keep up the amazing podcasts❤️
The NASA moon thing just pissed me off! We need to focus on fixing the planet we have instead of sending people to abuse other planets 😩
On another note... love that you guys did an Amityville episode 🎉
Speaking of the paranormal... My mum always said she felt like she was being watched in the kitchen of my childhood home. She was so freaked out by it and she’s not really a believer in paranormal stuff! So creepy and I’m glad I don’t live there anymore haha... no thanks!
The moon is not a planet dumdum lol XD
Well what if Butch and Dawn were planning on setting up the murders and Butch convinced Dawn to lie down to get a gun injury to collaborate with the murder spree and she thought she’s survive but he actually kills her
I’ve been on the natural burial train for a while. Just dig a hole, wrap me in shroud, and drop me in.
A lot of people don’t realize that you cannot force someone to get their loved one embalmed. They can send you to another funeral home, but you legally do not have to have a loved one embalmed.
I never understood the idea of spending thousands on my death...I’ve never understood the need to preserve my corpse as best possible in a box under the ground that has a vault on it to keep the rain from seeping in. I’m dead. I’m supposed to decompose.
The soil thing sounds good too.
Ashes can actually be made into jewels, sculptures, & even tattoo ink. I plan on taking some of my moms ashes when she passes to be made into tattoo ink to touch up a sentimental tattoo for us (fleetwood mac rumours album). Ill essentially have the tattoo in remembrance of us while i was a child then have it touched up so she really is always with me.
Lacey Leandra how could it be unsanitary? Literally all bacteria & remnants of the body are incinerated with a temperature at least 1400 degrees fahrenheit
Lacey Leandra it’s not a body any more
Kiarra Janae I LOVE this idea and absolutely want to do this with my mom. She is my absolute best friend. We also love Fleetwood Mac as well as Styx, so I feel ya. But I hope you and your mama love long and wonderful lives together! 💖
May have to talk to my kids about this one because I was just going to become jewelry but I really think that they should get the flower tattoo on the greatest hits album because my name is Rhiannon. This is perfect.
I never really believed in ghosts, but a year and a half ago I bought & moved into the home I currently live in. So many weird unexplainable things have happened. The scariest thing was that one time when I was showering my dogs started whimpering (I was home alone & wanted them in the bathroom with me to protect me cause I'm crazy hahaha) & then out of nowhere something pushed me through the shower curtain into the shower wall. It left a visible mark on the side of my abdomen where I got hit. My husband doesn't believe me, but it really happened. Other than that the things that have happened have been relatively small, but consistent. They're so small, but really cannot be explained away.
All other 67 episodes: “why aren’t we going to space?”
Kendall this episode: “why are we going to mars?”
Ugh I love these type of podcasts. You guys are the best. Good vibes
I just started the video, but I already know it's gonna be LIT!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥 One of my favorite true crime/ paranormal cases
Fellow Coloradan from the San Luis Valley here! Your content is so interesting and I'm obsessed!
I’ve been rewatching your podcasts all this week. I’m pregnant and super nauseous so I’m stuck in bed 😩
Feel better soon sweetie! I remember those early 1st trimester days! That morning sickness was the death of me!!
Congrats as well! 💛👶💛
Ashley Nicole thank you ❤️ it sucks not having motivation to do anything especially when you have other kids to attend too 😩
congratulations! Hope you feel better ❤️
The McGregors thank you 💕
What happened to Josh’s UA-cam!!? I miss his videos I need more content from you guys I listen to you every night 😭😭
Pageanteen Yes Josh had so many topics if discussion I would have never thought of myself or heard of, just amazing stuff and very intellectual, loved it!
I'm in Houston I wish I could be there my grandfather recently passed away yesterday so I'm afraid I will not going to be able to make it but thank you so much for putting out such great content you guys are amazing and so unique and I love how y'all don't just report y'all give out y'alls opinion and are also open minded! It's so refreshing! Keep on keeping on!
Josh is so funny talking about the crazy stuff happening in the house 🤣🤣 I really enjoyed this podcast. I like y’all breaking down haunted movies based on “real” events.
It would be awesome if you guys could get Hailey Reese as a guest on here. I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with her, but she's a UA-camr who talks about paranormal topics on her channel and she's very knowledgeable about this kind of stuff. She also grew up in an incredibly haunted house and it would be great if she could share some of her stories. Several of her videos involve her going to haunted locations and using her spirit box to communicate with entities (I would love to see you guys and Hailey do a collab at the Stanley Hotel).
She's not friends with Loey anymore.... Andrew, Hailey and Loey's roommate, London all "distanced" themselves from Loey Lane a few months ago. Andrew and Hailey talked about it on Twitter not too long ago.
@@user-hw5ys6ng1l Oh I didn't know that. That's so unfortunate. I'm sure gonna miss their "soul sibling" videos.
@@christinanguyen4715 I know girl, I was shocked too. I wonder what Loey did for all 3 of her best friends to drop her at the same time like that...
The intro gets me so hyped up for the chat every week. Love it
I’m leaving for a Colorado Roadtrip Saturday and resisting the temptation of listening to this so i can enjoy it on my drive!!! I’m sure it’ll be an amazing one!
Love the two of you together, started with lights out, rewatching my faves, now going back to the early days, Kendall, live your solo show too. Thank you for all the hard work you do
Their Blueberry Maple Pancake one is BOMB AF too! I know it sounds weird, I thought the same thing when my Mom bought if for me. Now I'm extremely sad that it's seasonal. 😭😂
I'll have to check it out.
been here from day 1 just gets better and better
Love listening to these in the morning before work!
Only half way through, but I just wanted to mention that many kids are really deep sleepers and often won’t wake to loud noises. I was watching something about fire alarms one day and they showed that kids (and even teens) slept right through loud fire alarms. So it’s very plausible that he did do it all on his own... parents first, then the kids.
Yup my daughter will sleep thru anything
I've been around someone who's committed suicide and it's just such a dark, heavy and empty feeling. It's scary. Definitely different than when someone passes naturally.
Hi Josh & Kendall. Love your podcasts. I would love for you both to cover the John List murders. Just a suggestion. Thanks.
When I was probably 10 I was sitting on my bed watching tv and I saw a black figure run through my room. It scared me so bad that I hysterically started crying and ran to my mom. A couple minutes later, I’m still crying in my moms arms trying to explain myself and the heavy curtains in front of us start swaying and it makes me cry even more..seconds after that the doorbell rings and get even more freaked out because it’s late at night and nobody ever visits at that time so we check outside and there is not even one footstep leading up to my doorbell. Something definitely tried to make me aware of its presence that night...
Awesome podcast! I’ve been binge watching these and I just ordered my first Monq’s freaking excited💛