Theres a show about a blind woman on CW. At one point someone asks her "Why don't you look blind" She responds "Probably the same reason you probably don't look stupid".
I have a friend who is autistic, and her main issue is hearing. Even as much as a door closing makes her freak out, and she always wore sound cancelling headphones. A lot of people thought she listened to music in school with them so they would say the school was being unfair. The final straw was a group of girls ripped them off and screamed as loud as possible in her ears, during an assembly. They were luckily expelled
I've got sensitivity to noise/sensitive hearing, but not quite as bad as your friend, and I'm hoping that it doesn't get any worse. Last thing I want is to be wearing ear defenders all the time coz I feel like it's drawing too much attention to myself
Only expelled? Suppose that is more than my school would have done. Primary school allowed two children to break another childs bones with no punishment and highschool allowed send a girl out for only a few weeks for carrying around a knife. This country certainly has some messed up children. I'm autistic so I'm not prejudice against people with mental health but some children do stuff just because they can. If their parents do anything to stop them, they will get taken away and probably throw the parents in jail. It's like Hitler's Youth except the government will claim they are pretecting the child. This stops them from stopping real abuse but they do not care.
Raymond R I have asperger and OCD traits and it sucks i feel a lot of guilt about most of things iam very concious about my thoughts and i habe to take pills. Iam very good at acting maths music but most things agter a while start to make bored anyway i wouldnt change myself even if i could even though i want to be like normal teenagers i dont want to behave like them(sorry for the long coment)
me in my head: **says something well thought out and intelligent** me out loud: **says the same thing but apparently really unnecessarily awkwardly** _talking is so fun_
@Forest Leech ugh I hate that, and the awkward jokes most people make just make it ten times worse because I never know how to respond. No, I am not dancing with you! You don't know how to walk past someone properly
TheReaverOfDarkness they seem normal to me and I don’t have autism. There is a kid in my school who has autism and that is why this seems normal to me.
Worst thing about growing up autistic and undetected is how kids your own age notice you're different to the point of bullying you and make your life hell, yet none of the adults from teachers to medical experts seem to have a damn clue about anything ever.
This was totally my school-age life! - Kind of normal, but something was "not quite right," and none of the adults were informed enough to pick up on what was really happening. I'm almost 50 years old. I had to figure out for myself very recently that I'm on the spectrum. And "That Explains Ev-er-y-thing!" What a relief! 🥹
Im Dyslexic and share alot of what they where saying, but I did manage to get into a secondary school for people with learning disabilities which is good because in normal school I was failing at everything, teachers would siy Me outide the classrooms because they didn't know how to teach Me or didn't want to.
here’s how i describe how autism is for me: imagine a conversation we are both being told the same thing, but you get the face to face version and i get the text version. i don’t get to hear the tone of voice or see the facial expression despite being there.
i'm autistic and was bullied in school for just sitting there on my own speaking to nearly no one and drawing all the time. If someone started to talk to me it wasn't like i didn't answer, i just didn't wanted to talk to these stupid kids who scream all the time and threw their food all across the classroom and were talking shit about eachother behind their backs. 2:20 my teacher said the same thing to me. That i just have to do what everyone else does, then i'll be fine. So it's wrong if i just sat there and draw? I'm sorry but NO THANKS.
How old are you by any chance? And also that depends on how you act like. Do you act like a goody two shoes? Or snitch? Because such things like that or just in general communication is the key aspect of life and if a teacher puts you in groups how do you react to it? Genuine questions. (I'm autistic as well if it wasn't obvious.)
I thought I was crazy when I was younger because I would always write a load of books and draw lots and have a mind exploding with ideas but it turns out none of the other kids had the same thing as I had
I have autism but surprisingly I was never bullied as a child, but then I get discriminated now as a 20 year old and get treated like I’m stupid. I’m mean yes I have some challenges and that I need help with some things that are considered easy for another person, that doesn’t mean I’m not any less smart.
@@Saiyan_Steph Same with me, I'm a little bit younger and I still face a lot of so called 'simple' challenges that everyone else can do, but more or less it doesn't make me generally dim-witted person :/
pro-vaxxers are the worst. Temporary infections will never be any more harmful than ableism. I suffer from ableism because of my autism, thus the pro-vaxxers antagonize me.They don't know anybody with autism.
@@a.c.5762 Yeah, Sets me off too. A dear friend of mine had people turn against them because they think they're making up excuses when they can't really handle with the situation. That's why I have trust issues at times.
LeanneVlogzFilmz Yes, but half of the times I/we did it was true. When we were at school, everytime the timetable would change: "We cannot coprehend with changes, we want to be out." as a joke of course, but sometimes it actually worked because we were ahead of schedule, haha.
I’m an autistic teenager and I feel like acting as a common person is boring, You do not ever scratch that itch in some weird spot, You never really move a little during serious times to entertain yourself. Is that actually what people don’t really talk about?
Legit had a professor try and say I don’t need accommodations in class because I “don’t look autistic.” And that I should just “try harder to be like everyone else”. Because apparently I choose to struggle in school (sarcasm)
That’s so stupid! I hope it gets better! It ticks me off that teachers would say stuff like that! That’s like saying you don’t look like you have cancer so just suck it up to someone who has cancer. Btw I really like your profile pic.
You can actually get professors like this fired if you have an official diagnosis. If this ever happens to you in the future, make sure you talk to your school board's office of student affairs (or the equivalent) and file an official complaint against the professor. Also, contact the head of your professor's department at the school. Never put up with discrimination, nobody deserves to feel less.
"You're smart and handsome, are you sure you're autistic?" No, I'm not autistic. I'm completely neurotypical. I'm only a spy for the russian government. You now know all of my secrets.
I think the best way to de-fang insults is to revel in them. Words can't hurt you, people can but if you don't let the ranged attacks have an effect, they have to come into melee. Most give up by that point.
TheReaverOfDarkness words can hurt to! Even though I’m used to taking in mutiple insults “without” being offended, the Insults still ACTUALLY hurt. Being called a piece of trash AND four-eyes isn’t fun at all. While being thrown in the dumpster. 😒 Now that I’m online schooled I’m getting cyber bullied. If I don’t do what that girl wants then she yells at me and the throws insults at me. Or she spams me until I get the job done 😒.
@@angelacavon9256 Sometimes the things people say about you can harm your image in the eyes of others. It sounds like that girl is being manipulative. If you pay close attention and pick your moves carefully, you can probably make her attacks backfire. One of the simplest ways to protect yourself is to appear different to what she claims you to be. If she says you're a piece of trash, she's insinuating to others that you're careless. Be cautious and neat. If she says you're a four-eyes, she's insinuating that your glasses are a mark of shame. Wear them as a fashion statement, and select clothing that enables the glasses to complete the ensemble. And best of all, let her know that you aren't fazed by her remarks. The fastest way to de-fang her is to let her know that her teeth don't have any bite.
@@angelacavon9256 And if you don't care about being classy, just prepare some cutting comebacks that she won't have a defense for. I'm sure if you want to get really vindictive, you can find some dirt on her to use against her if and when she tries to insult you again.
Hear hear 👍 However, there have been cases of autistic people who had no empathy, most famously Adam Lanza (the Sandy Hook shooter). However, his case was the fact that he never received treatment or help before the shooting because his mother was in denial of his mental health.
@@Tqueenboss1 True true 👍 all we know is that Adam's mum enabled all of his needs without encouraging adjustment to independence, just let him do whatever he wanted unsupervised. He did attend school, but he was pulled out due to constantly being overwhelmed, so he was homeschooled instead. Adam played tons of video games, as any introvert does, but he was particularly fond of violent r rated games and mass shootings, those two combined with isolation and no social interaction was a red flag. Now, video games don't cause violence, but they can desensitize a person's reaction to violence. While Adam didn't leave a note, it's speculated that he had grown suicidal and wanted to end his life after going on a killing spree he had long fantasized about
Yo I have aspergers and I can say that yes you can, learn how it’s not that hard. Everybody does this so so it that way. Learn about the world than having the world learn about you
Saturniid fun fact: that is called masking, and it will cause an extreme autistic burnout and sensory hangover. Don’t do that. it is *extremely* unhealthy.
I am autistic myself and I do not feel much empathy at all, so I do not see why it should be insulting. There are advantages and disadvantages of not feeling empathy. Of course it is a stereotype that autistic people do not feel empathy but it is not wrong for every autistic person so there is no reason for her to be that aggressive.
Thats what my mum got told all through primary when I was bullied every day; it was a dear diary moment when I didn't come home crying. I was "an easy target" and so i got punished and not the bullies.
"Everyone is a little autistic." Me: *becomes non-verbal again* Edit: Not too long ago, I realized that functioning labels harm our community. Now that I think about it, it's a bit annoying when people say that I'm high functioning.
I don't at all. It's useful. I have a friend who doesn't believe he is autistic precisely because he is high functioning... And only thinks of autistic people as those who can't hold conversations, yet he has many autistic traits.
@@thursoberwick1948 People typically don't like to use high-functioning/low-functioning because it's what the Nazi's used to determine which autistics were spared or not iirc
@@popsicIes "People typically" - That's a bit of a generalisation, dontcha think? Which people? Did you survey them all? Most of the people I know have no issue with it. Like I said, I know someone who is undiagnosed autistic, and won't accept it, because he can't get his head around the idea that an autistic person can get a degree from a decent university and become a journalist for major newspapers. He thinks "autistic" refers to people who are effectively locked in and can't have any kind of conversation. That is why it is useful to distinguish these things. I'm high functioning myself. It is of little use to me to be lumped in with people who can't even say their name, read/write or go to the shops by themselves. I may have some kind of relationship to them, but not that much - I can speak & understand several languages, and have held down jobs & relationships. I've known autistic people who have married, who taught, and raised children etc. Whole different ballgame from someone who needs a full time carer. The National Socialists didn't make that distinction, in fact they used much cruder terms like "useless mouths".
@@thursoberwick1948 No no, I wasn't arguing with you about having a lack of distinction -- I was saying that using high/low functioning as the distinction sucks. And for the record, at least in the area I live in, we use minimal support need (which you would call high-functioning) and higher support need (low-functioning) to differentiate.
@@popsicIes So in other words, you are expressing the same concept with a more long winded phrase. That sums up the modern age. The best part is that it means more or less the same thing.
@ Probably what is needed. The first reaction from a neurotypical is "fight or flight" - should I run away from this person? if I stay am I in danger?" followed by a bit more of the front brain switching in "Alert! Awkward moment! Can't just walk away, that would be rude! Try and be sympathetic!" followed by an attempt to be reasonable, like: "Errr... I know nothing about this - wouldn't have guessed this person is autistic - wonder what category I can put them in - hang on, I haven't actually reacted yet, I'm just sitting here with my mouth open - let's try [fill in awkward thing to say from the video here]". It's an NT thang...
One time in 8th grade, there was this one autistic kid in one of my classes. He couldn't speak normally at all, he was constantly (and I really mean constantly) making these really weird noises and he would start randomly crying. One time this other group of boys came up to me and my friends and said "I wonder what it's like to be autistic, I wonder how their brains work, if it's like they're constantly on acid" And I said: "Honestly it's pretty normal" and that's the story of how everyone found out I'm autistic, just goes to show that just because you're autistic doesn't mean you fit the stereotype.
I have relatively mild Asperger's, and there's a girl in my school with really severe Asperger's. She'll direct conversations off on her own tangents. Yes, it can be mildly irritating, but people at my school will laugh about her behind her back, and just be a prick about it. She has an interest in something, give her a break! At my school, the kids treat people with severe autism as someone who is 'mental', and people with mild autism as 'fakers'.
Matilda Wells I have mild Asperger’s as well. I’m sure if I were to tell people I was autistic they wouldn’t believe me and think I was a “faker”. Everyone with autism is different, but people don’t know what it’s like for people with more mild autism like you and I. When people think of autism they don’t think of Asperger’s syndrome, they think of savants and people who have severe autism, people who don’t speak. It’s gonna be even more confusing now that Asperger’s is no longer a diagnosis but rather under the general ASD.
That is literally lack of empathy! Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. If you cant put yourself in how they feel you don't have empathy. Jesus
You just have to think as if you were that person in the position they are in. Thats got nothing to do with autism, and everything to do with not being taught empathy. Empathy is as much an environmental response as it is inherent in out biological growth as humans.
I really hate it when my parents try to comfort me with the “everyone’s a little autistic”. It’s like saying “everyone’s a little schizophrenic”. Like, no, that’s not the case (I deeply apologize if I offended people with the latter, I did not mean it to be hurtful). Luckily, I haven’t heard anything else, but I JUST became open about it.
@Lina Vanilla Then they should say "I experience hallucinations too!" instead of "I'm a little bit schizophrenic". Most symptoms of mental illnesses are present in the general population to varying degrees, it's only when they rise to a level of interfering with daily life that they are classified as a disorder.
YESSSS. I had a teacher once give me typed notes because since I was on an IEP I 'couldn't' write as fast as the rest of the class.-- even though this was NOT on my IEP. (I can actually write faster than most people, and for the most part, my writing is easy to read). Basically, this ended in a meltdown because I thought that she thought that I was helpless.
@@samthetank6762 Yay! I've found out that you have 2000 IQ! It's so annoying when they do that. Like, I'm fine teachers, you don't need to baby me Dammit 😂😂😂
I hated my son's special ed preschool teacher. She is probably a narcissist, and said all kinds of stupid and inconsiderate things. During an IEP meeting she mentioned that he would only parallel play with the other children. I told her that he plays really well with his brother, so I wonder why he doesn't play with the other children. She told my "Oh, he just doesn't care. People with autism just don't care." She's lucky I didn't punch her. My son is incredibly kind and compassionate.
autistic people can learn to not care, its a rather good trait to have later in life tho.. dont think you are born with it tho.. that teacher tho, what a moron.
its understandable why its a trending insult... Some people tend to get rather offend easy, and so they get called autistic since they tend to get offend rather easy on the internet. Autisme works very well with the word cancer. you dont have to put a negative meaning into it when they use it. you could take it as a compliment when ever they fire it off :3 or grown a thicker skin or stop carring about a label that dont define you.
Logician It's entertaining to see you tough talk when you really have no idea what you're talking about. "Cancer" is a term I tolerate because it does not refer to the disease specifically; it is an adjective for something that spreads quickly and unhealthily. Autism is a mental condition and that is where the definition ends; calling someone you don't like autistic is like calling my cat water because she drinks it. Thank you. :)
Ugh all this boys at school call themselves and their actions autistic as a joke. Once I say that I'm offended and that I am actually autistic myself they never believed me as they think I'm playing along. Its so upsetting
As someone with Autism, I hate being in loud places such as at a shopping centre, pub etc because I can hear everything and can’t filter things out. It’s so intense that I can actually feel it all. On my skin etc. Kind of like someone pressing their hand really hard against my chest. When something crashes on the floor it feels like my back is being scratched by a cat or something. I find it very hard to concentrate on a conversation as a result. This often makes me quite withdrawn or quiet or I look panicky and even ill. People assume I’m being rude or I’m not showing interest when it’s actually because I’m overwhelmed with my surroundings and can’t hear a bloody word that someone is saying except mumbles.
While I also have a lot of trouble filtering out the noise, my reaction is kind of the opposite. I just feel lost in all the input and kinda stop being in the here and now (for a lack of a better description) it just hurts and I get so scared that I want to make myself as small as possible, hide and clutch myself so tight it works as a grounding mechanism. I often need a place without other people at all before I can start to progress and feel better.
I’m also really sensitive to sound, but no one knows I’m autistic so they like to sneak up and scare me a lot and they think it’s just because I’m jumpy. One time 7 people scared me all at once and I felt like crying
You would make a good hunter, if you are patient and can listen to everything that's very useful skill to have not in a supermarket but in the outdoors it can save your life.
I am not autistic but, people used autistic as an insult towards me. This happened many of times. I told them that was wrong and they never listened. I feel bad for autistic people who have experienced something like that because it shouldn’t be used as a insult.
I am 17 and I am globally delayed which means that I learn slower than the kids and teenagers my age and I have hearing loss in my left ear all my life and it's hard to express myself sometimes but I'm getting better at it and I stutter sometimes which is annoying to me because it makes it hard for me to speak to everyone and I normally hide my emotions to people and my personality is serious and passionate and laid-back and I love reading and art and animals and cartoons.
"If you just tried harder to fit in, you would." One of the most destructive things someone could ever say to you, and yet you sometimes don't even realise yourself just how much this hurt. I don't know how many times people have told me that...
Julia Prohaska My own mother said that too. It's bad enough the school bullies and insensitive bosses said that, but my mother should be more sensitive about it.
Julia Prohaska p.s. I hate "normal". I like being obsessed with certain subjects and wanting things a certain way, so I find autism comforting. The way the world is these days, *I need to tune out when the going gets tough. I'm hypersensitive and proud of it*
Oh I get other peoples' sarcasm and emotions; I just don't respond because I feel like their sarcasm and emotions are too underdeveloped to entertain in a reciprocal manner.
I have a cousin with autism. He’s a person. He is one of the strongest people I know. Sure, sometimes he doesn’t understand certain things. Neither does anyone else. I am lucky to say he is my cousin. Every morning at school he gives me a hug and reminds me to certain things, like take off my hat at school or take my sisters jacket. I don’t think about the fact that he has autism. He’s a human and he is my cousin and that’s all I care about when it comes to him. He is one of the most affectionate people I know. Whenever we see him he hugs us a lot and it’s not in an annoying way. And my sister has anxiety so he always remembers to ask before giving her a hug, as he knows that sometimes being touched can stress her out. The questions that people ask are dumb. People with autism are people. Case closed.
The first one, right off the bat. I HATE when people tell me that I don't "look" autistic. It's incredibly ignorant and such a neurotypical thing to say.
Holy crap I agree. They are like "You look like a normal person" cause people think all autistic people look the same with a visible face difference, and it pisses me off
It irritates to me to no end whenever people use autism as insult. 😡 EDIT (7/15/20): I don't even remember making this comment. I'm surprised that so many people liked it!
I remember I had this friend back in high school who would insult her "best friend" and tell her to "stop acting autistic" and that she's "autistic as fuck" like, how rude can you be? Get educated. Same with the R word. Ugh. Don't get me started. one of my good friends works with mentally challenged senior citizens and it breaks my heart.
Well, everyone was being sooo mean about them using the "r word", so they just HAD to find another disabled group to disrespect, it's only fair ya know. /sarcasm
I find that the people who say 'you must not have autism, there's nothing wrong with you' are almost inevitably the same people who when the time comes that you display any noticeable disconnect or problem - immediately jump the gun and think your crazy or just digging for attention. It's like the concept just can't fit in their heads that we are coping with this 24/7, and there isn't just a giant on/off switch we hit for fun.
Madara the OP guy >stop oppressing me because I’m different! I’m allowed to have a different opinion! Also shut up and be quiet because you’re not important enough to have a discussion It’s rude to invite yourself into conversations and make them about yourself. Your attitude towards us also exudes smug condescension. You’ve never been treated differently for being autistic so you can’t just play the victim here.
My favourite is from my mum (I completely understand why you’re so stressed out when you have to leave the house, I get socially anxious too) Meanwhile, some of my worst memories are of her forcing me into social situations with other people and then calling me a rude brat when I didn’t suddenly become extroverted.
I would describe my experience with autism as like watching a really crappy download of a movie where the visuals are blurry and the lip syncing doesn't match up. You get the basic gist of everything, but its confusing and jumbled.
Rebecca Perry I really like that explanation! Though for me its more along the lines of the imagery is too crisp so it buffers a lot and jumps around with bits of random audio while loading. I catch what people say, but sometimes the background noise is too distracting/loud for me to hear and other times i hear what they said but the audio comes several seconds after the person says it.
As someone who has autism, I relate to what they go through on a daily basis! Like if I got $1 for everytime someone says "you don't look autistic" I'd be able to buy 500 YSL lipsticks! Yes 500
Makeupartistunique if i got a dollar for every such a time, id wait till i had $1,000,000. So i could brass-knuckle the next 100 people that say that to me, and have money for bail.
My youngest brother Is autistic and my little sister is undergoing tests for autism, and they are both so different My brother struggles with so much and becomes anxious easily but what upsets me is people always stare at him, because he screams a lot and has a lot of melt downs. Where as my sister it's really hard to tell if she is or not, coz she's 4 and still struggles to speak and can get upset quite easy however she makes friends easy and is very empathetic. Proof that EVERYONE with autism is different .
Yeah, i have autism and i don't have a lot of struggles with it. While my little brother does, i feel so bad for him. It's more social issues with him he does have friends but just doesn't know how to function around strangers
fatima mubarek they can improve with therapy and and teaching them things like eight and wrong it may just take a little longer but autism cannot be cured they will ALWAYS have it but may improve overtime xxx
One of the worst things for me is being told I look normal and seem normal most of the time (probably due to vigorous mimicry and acting) so people expect me to do 'normal' things and then get pissed off when I can't.. Even after thorough, and often repetitive, explanation. Its hard work man.
When people get ticked off that you can't do certain things but when you can clearly do something they don't trust you, so you eventually tell yourself that you can't
@@jamesramsey762 excuse me but i think that's the most rudest and toxic thing I've ever seen in a comment. But who cares about your opinion, autistic people don't give a fak about toxic people like you. I feel like ur a toxic person in real life. What a shame man.
How I'd describe autism would probably be... being aware of the things others would overlook? Like, I would remember the formation of my drink's ice cubes and notice someone had stirred it if the ice cubes aren't floating the way they were before I left. Things like that.
From whose perspective, yours or the person with ASD? Autism is a neurotype, not a disease. It's about how one receives and processes stimuli. It's seen as neurodivergent, because the rest of the world is built for neurotypical people (we make things so that it doesn't bother or overwhelm us, when it may overwhelm the senses of someone who is neurodivergent). It's not inherently good or bad, it just is.
James "they definitely are a more negative hinderance" Wow. If that isn't ableism, I don't know what is. Please look up the massacre at Sagamihara, Japan. And please research how people with ASD do, in fact, have their human rights violated.
AmethystSoldier "ableism" and that's where the conversation ends. FYI I have autism. It's not a productive disorder for the majority, stop pretending it is to look "progressive" and face facts. I have autism and it is 100% a hindrance to my life and most autistic people's. Am I happy with it? Sure. I'm glad to be alive, but people like you who defend us ALL and speak for ME about MY disorder are retarded and pretty damn pathetic.
James Then you are aware that Autism is a spectrum and not all experiences are the same. While it may cause you significant issues (which I'm not disputing that, because your experience is yours), to say that ASD in itself is a hindrance is also overgeneralizing because your experience doesn't speak for all. FYI You also don't speak for my experiences and my disabilities. It's not being "progressive" it's my experience.
I remember finding this video when I was 16 when I was still learning about what autism is to understand myself and I remember being so shocked there were adults who’s been diagnosed. This video made me feel so seen back then x
Seeing as I seem to have the same superpower I think something absurd like "I can fly." would also work very well, best said in the most deadpan voice imaginable.
In my case is ironic, I cry a lot at drama films and drama stuff and I love crying haha, but I have some trouble empathizing with real people, when they feel sad mostly, but I can usually sympathize so thats enough, but sometimes I cant even sympathize xd. For some reason I find it really easier to sympathize and empathize with people with mental disorders and other issues, but harder to do that with neurotypical people. Edit: I thought a bit about this and I realized that when I see someone sad or crying in real life I feel curiosity about their feelings but I dont actually feel them or understand them in some cases.
Diego Zarate I feel the same. If someone is crying on a TV show or I can see the bad things which have happened to them (which would make me cry or want to hurt someone) I often cry - many times out of anger - and I can see that I am empathising. But when real life people are upset I just don't seem to care. It's interesting to know why they cry but I'm not bothered about cheering them up.
2:13 No one has said this to me, but the fact that people have the audacity to even think that for a second that I need to _”just try harder”_ pisses me off so much! I have tried so, so hard to just be normal. To make everyone happy. To have lots of friends. Don’t you think for a second that I haven’t been trying since I went to school for the first time. It is not possible.
I don' t have any mental issue and I sufered in elemetal school trying to get false friends and make my parents think I developed like a 'normal' kid. It didn't word It, un fact It make my fell all about me was a mistake and nobody but my parents can stand my, wich wasn't really true. Don't try to get on well with everybody and force yourself todo act exactly like the majority, just be kind with other and try to have a talk with someone you really get on well.
I remember back in secondary school, they tried to put me in special learning just because I had Asperger's. They did not ask me for my opinion on the matter whatsoever. I literally had to protest because on the outside I looked normal. I was one of the people in primary school to get some of the top grades, especially in areas like Geography, but they just tried to put me in a classroom with people with really low IQ, people with low functioning autism and people with downs syndrome. I felt discriminated for the way I was treated, and while I did get to learn with the normal kids, I was required to have a carer in my classrooms, which made me a victim of bullying, and the school did noting about it. I left the school and transferred to a different one where nobody in an higher position than me in the school even mentions it. I really think that people with autism don't have a voice, and don't get a chance to raise up against those stereotyping and discriminating them because they aren't 'normal'.
SilverCipher- I am so sorry this has happened to you. It is so disheartening. As a child, I was told to never tell anyone I was autistic, because back then, they put you in an asylum. Progress may have been made, but your story shows how much further we have to go.
I got sent to a different school because of my autism. That school (mostly the class I was put in, which broke the school's own rule of 15 people per class at max by 2 people and consisted of 16 guys and 1 girl, me being that girl) literally gave me depression. Not to mention I didn't have any say in the matter (as a 13-year-old, who'd be turning 14 during the summer vacation), and they didn't even tell me anything about it until I was already accepted, three weeks before the summer vacation ended. That one thing was what sent me over the edge and solidified my parents (mostly my mother) as people I borderline hated. The only person I can even talk to normally at home without being treated as something I'm not is my three-and-a-half year older sister.
I have Asperger's syndrome and a few weeks back I was watching Wheel of Fortune with my mom. The theme was things and the first letter that popped up was a "Q", I instantly shouted Quantum Physics.. ...I got it right.
@@saxenart dude when i posted that it was still being called Aspeger's somewhat where I live, I say I have ASD now but that's what I was diagnosed with when I was 12 that's 8 years ago bro.
@@cadelopezzuckerb7633 Fact: People with autism are on average more rational than most people. Fact: The more rational a person is, the more likely they are to get vaccinated.
@@TheReaverOfDarkness Are you serious, that is the weakest "fact based" proof I've ever heard. Your argument is that one population of people thinks, in general, more rationally and rational people tend to follow medical guidelines so the missing factor has to be the vaccine instead of, let's say, an autistic persons general mental state and thoughts.
@@bare1330it isn’t, Autism is unique and creative, you make fun of Autistic people because you have nothing to do in life besides bully people for what they cannot control, I suggest you stop being an ass, and grow up. 😊
Same but I remember happening when I was getting sushi and I was just playing with my phone and this lady I didn’t know who she is and she started babying me
Even the one thing that everyone who was a dick to me at the middle I go to make special ed jokes about me and one girl told me to go back to special ed
I’m autistic and I have been blessed/cursed with the an amazing memory for things that I find interesting but I forget useful things that are boring A great example is that in 20 minutes I memorised the periodic table, but after about 6 years of having it explained to me over and over and over again, I still can’t do long division. It also happens with people that I like, meaning that I memorise every scrap of information about them without realising I think it’s just me though
I worked in a cafe and it took me a year to be able to make a latte. But I am in 3 samba bands and can memorise all the parts for all 7 instruments for each song in each band with not much effort.
C M some times if any understand it or I don't show it till like 3 days later. I remember this one time when a friends dog died and had to be euthanized from old age and when she came to me crying that her dog died, I don't know how to react or what to do or feel. like I know that it sucks but I don't realy understand how hard it is when a pet passes away. kinda like a child at a funeral for a family memeber who died, they don't cry even when they know or are told that something bad hapend and such but they can not realy feel it yet. I was 7 at the time and I actually feel bad about the fact that I do not understand what to feel for people who lost a pet even when I know that it's sad that it hapend to them, even after when I lost my own dog too. I just have a hard time to feel what other people are feeling. right now I feel empathy for people but I still don't know how to comfort people at times or know how to show it exactly but you can see that I do show it just a tiny bit. I remember when my gandma died but I didn't cried or felt anything for her since I don't realy know her but I know that it's very hard for the rest of my dad's side of the family and I feel extreamly horible for them yet I can't show or know how to express sympathy for them since my grandma was never there for me and I don't realy care for her becuase of that. how ever seeing my family cry made my eyes wattery a bit becuase I feel for them and know how it feels to loose a grandma and some one you love.
There was one person who said they feel they are autistic because they are a idiot. I am not autistic but I was offended because she referred as autistic people as idiots and she even said that she feels she is autistic, when she isn’t even autistic. People need to educate themselves because people can get hurt by this stuff.
normies are "normal" you can how ever learn how to act like them but you can't be like them. i do like the whole you can try atleast.. why can't they just accept one as you are? xD
Normal is boring! My son has autism and I wouldn't change him if I could, I see it as a superhero power that is present because he calls it as he sees it no sugar coating or fake interest from him, he is as real as it gets and I appreciate that in a world full of liars and posers, keep being awesome 🙂
I find living with autism is hard because of the negative image. If people would take the time to get to know us they would find that we are just normal people.
Yeah I agree, there are so many negative connotations with it; it’s the reason why I take a while to tell friends that I’m actually autistic incase they judge. Haven’t had any bad reactions yet but I choose who I tell very wisely
Dude, I literally can't control my empathy. When I was a kid I used to literally have to leave the room when one of those adverts about helping the kids in Africa came on and just bawl in the bathroom for a good 20 minutes. It's not a case of it being hard to express, it's a case of it being hard to control.
Johann Ko no kidding. I worked with autistic kids before. If I showed even the slightest emotional shift, they'll pick up on it. Which is why they usually say "if you feel angry or upset, do not show it because it can throw them off and cause them to act out" But it comes from how they react with emotions, its very different than people without the disorder.
I once had a boyfriend with ADD, depression and anxiety . I have Aspergers, so most of the time I found it very hard to undersjanger him. We broke up though, he found out he was gay and I found out I was lesbian hahah
My little brother is autistic and one day I went to his school and found out he was being bullied for it. Let's just say I had a nice long "chat" with them.
Veganluke ikr? Most people think autism is a person who gets angry really easily, doesn't talk and acts really unintelligent. But in reality, an autistic person can simply be somebody who has bad body language comprehension or doesn't quite understand emotions.
"what's your special ability?" i can ramble about halloween animatronics and haunted attractions for hours? LOVE this video, found everything so relatable and all the guests seem so cool!
One that I hate is when people accuse me of being lazy. Um no I am not lazy. Or you get the "Well I know a person with autism who has a job". Well good for them. That's great that they are employed. Most of us aren't. And then you get the whole "well you can do X so why can't you do Y" Um maybe because X and Y are differen't things? Yea I am "high functioning" but have trouble brushing my teeth. What's easy for you, might not be easy for me.
GET A JOB STOP LIVIN OF THE GOVERNMENT One sec gotta go get my disabilty check brb The first part was a joke it took 5 years to get these checks but i still want to get a job and help my government yaknow i dont want to mooch off it i want to do my part im not saying its wrong if you do
@@Incompetences If I am mistaken then TeleTrans may correct me but I think that is the case. Autism often causes sensory issues. Sometimes we are overly sensitive (or not enough sensitive) to external stimuli. Like imagine a sound you hate, it may be chalk on the black board or styrofoam brushing. Or maybe a feeling, like you hate a certain texture (certain clothing). In case of teeth brushing, some ppl find it painful, disgusting, overwhelming. Just as if you were forced to constantly listen to the sound you hate. Some things like soft toothbrushes may help, but still.
@@Incompetences To supplement what the last guy said, Autism also can come with difficulties in fine-motor skills, which can include the ability to grip items with the hands (i.e. a toothbrush). I used to have problems with this as an infant.
I have Aspergers (was diagnosed when I was 18, 19, or 20) and I'm still learning how to do things. Basically what one of my old therapists said is that...even though shes 21, she acts like shes 15. I act childish and act like an introvert but I do try to make friends and I am a bit to hyper sometime but I am happy with the way I am. If you've got Autism in any part of the spectrum..please understand that you're amazing and no matter what anyone're going to get through whatever lays ahead.
Graciebelle Wonderland Can you get diagnosed at let's say 20 years old? I ask because as a child I was tested for Aspergers and they said I was on the borderline of having it so we didn't push for a full diagnosis, although I feel like I do have it, I can never be 100% sure because we never got a full diagnosis.
I'm not on the spectrum but my husband is... I get these questions all the damn time because no one wants to ask him. I've had a DOCTOR turn around and say "but he doesn't look Autistic" and "Autistic people can't have relationships". Drives me insane... My husband is ADHD as well. Trying to explain to people what it's like in his head is so hard. It took him 4 years to be able to properly explain what happens in his head on the daily.
Tazz Leineweber I totally get what you mean just always reassure him you’re there for him and he’s awesome confidence is extremely important trust me I have Aspergers and only recently conquered my lack of confidence shortly after my 20th birthday
I have autism myself and I cannot tell you how much I relate to these people. I almost felt like saying, 'OH HELL NO!' when they read a new statement that offends autistics.
"Everyone is a little bit Autistic" is simply a *misrepresentation* on the premise that everyone can and does exhibit one (or more) of the traits associated with being on the Autistic Spectrum 👍
"I'VE LET DOWN AUTISM, I'M SHIT AT MATHS" I've never felt anything so deeply
🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry.
same 😂
Same, *SAME*
I’m terrible at math as well, I had to take summer school because of that and because of my terrible math teacher
I was great at math until I got a shitty algebra teacher who would count points off if I did equations in my head.
I write too big for paper!
Theres a show about a blind woman on CW. At one point someone asks her "Why don't you look blind" She responds "Probably the same reason you probably don't look stupid".
That is an awesome reply. XD
Okay that's a great comeback but why how is that person that dumb lmao
you cant see if i look stupid or not because you're blind
@@andresnavarro5978 The joke was that she said probably, you PROBABLY don't look stupid
I have a friend who is autistic, and her main issue is hearing. Even as much as a door closing makes her freak out, and she always wore sound cancelling headphones. A lot of people thought she listened to music in school with them so they would say the school was being unfair. The final straw was a group of girls ripped them off and screamed as loud as possible in her ears, during an assembly. They were luckily expelled
nice one..kicking some rude people out
I've got sensitivity to noise/sensitive hearing, but not quite as bad as your friend, and I'm hoping that it doesn't get any worse. Last thing I want is to be wearing ear defenders all the time coz I feel like it's drawing too much attention to myself
Scxxr Roxmeave Mxcormick
That’s horrible:(
I used to have the same problem when I was younger. Still have it a bit but you learn to live with it
Only expelled? Suppose that is more than my school would have done. Primary school allowed two children to break another childs bones with no punishment and highschool allowed send a girl out for only a few weeks for carrying around a knife. This country certainly has some messed up children. I'm autistic so I'm not prejudice against people with mental health but some children do stuff just because they can. If their parents do anything to stop them, they will get taken away and probably throw the parents in jail. It's like Hitler's Youth except the government will claim they are pretecting the child. This stops them from stopping real abuse but they do not care.
"so what's it like having autism"
me: well imagine being bullied, stereotyped, and misunderstood for your whole life then multiply that by 1000.
Im getting bullied for misunderstanding. They know I have autism but they hide the knowing and keep throwing me down on the ground...
And you have to deal with everybody saying that you can't do the things that you do subconciously and they're always trying to make you less weird.
As an autistic person, i get names like stupid, and stinky face, Yet some people just deadass think i'm on drugs
@@Jewel_Man_Kisserwow- I feel with u how u have to go trough all those things all day-
Thats also being any other minority if you want to go down that road
I'd describe autism as living in a world without a map that everyone else seems to have.
Hannah Davis I see it as I have a spoon to mine through a Boulder and other people have a jackhammer
Raymond R I have asperger and OCD traits and it sucks i feel a lot of guilt about most of things iam very concious about my thoughts and i habe to take pills.
Iam very good at acting maths music but most things agter a while start to make bored anyway i wouldnt change myself even if i could even though i want to be like normal teenagers i dont want to behave like them(sorry for the long coment)
Nicely Put Man Thats Exactly How I Feel
Using this
Ernie the Fox Thanks
"What's your special power?" I can make everyone uncomfortable in less than 5 seconds
Oh God, yes😂 Relatable
me in my head: **says something well thought out and intelligent**
me out loud: **says the same thing but apparently really unnecessarily awkwardly**
_talking is so fun_
@Forest Leech ugh I hate that, and the awkward jokes most people make just make it ten times worse because I never know how to respond. No, I am not dancing with you! You don't know how to walk past someone properly
thats a good power. (aspergers syndrom here)
I was going to say these people seem perfectly normal, then I realized they seem more normal than normal people. And then I remembered I have autism.
Well. They don't see so extrange to me either.
TheReaverOfDarkness they seem normal to me and I don’t have autism. There is a kid in my school who has autism and that is why this seems normal to me.
R Stoner same
Can this be, yes it must.
This is Advanced Autism
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Worst thing about growing up autistic and undetected is how kids your own age notice you're different to the point of bullying you and make your life hell, yet none of the adults from teachers to medical experts seem to have a damn clue about anything ever.
Wow thanks for sharing this, it's true! And not only for Autistics (gifted, too).
Couldn’t be anymore spot on
This was totally my school-age life! - Kind of normal, but something was "not quite right," and none of the adults were informed enough to pick up on what was really happening.
I'm almost 50 years old. I had to figure out for myself very recently that I'm on the spectrum. And "That Explains Ev-er-y-thing!"
What a relief! 🥹
Even worse, the adults did, yet the clinical psychologist didn’t and recommended NO SCHOOL SUPPORT because of “stigmatism”
Im Dyslexic and share alot of what they where saying, but I did manage to get into a secondary school for people with learning disabilities which is good because in normal school I was failing at everything, teachers would siy Me outide the classrooms because they didn't know how to teach Me or didn't want to.
here’s how i describe how autism is for me:
imagine a conversation
we are both being told the same thing, but you get the face to face version and i get the text version. i don’t get to hear the tone of voice or see the facial expression despite being there.
That is so bloody perfect I struggle with that all the time !!!! #autismstruggle
Not really accurate to me its just hard to describe because ill never be "normal" ill never be able to compare you know
What if your phone died in the middle of the conversation?
@@catherinezwart well hes dead now
@@catherinezwart THANKS
My personal favorite: “That school shooter had Aspergers! You’re so nice though! You can’t have that!”
Lmao wtf
Wait what?
Was there an autistic school shooter
This one really annoys me, because people automatically think that all people with autism are all homicidal maniacs. It's just not true.
@@blakethecommunist3301yes, in Miami a few years ago.
“What’s your special ability” being a gifted child for years and then growing up and letting everyone down
Jillian Taylor I relate to this on such a high level
THIS! Oh sorry, I actually peaked at age 5. Sozsozsoz
Oh my God that's spot on mate.
This is literally me, unfortunately
i'm autistic and was bullied in school for just sitting there on my own speaking to nearly no one and drawing all the time. If someone started to talk to me it wasn't like i didn't answer, i just didn't wanted to talk to these stupid kids who scream all the time and threw their food all across the classroom and were talking shit about eachother behind their backs.
2:20 my teacher said the same thing to me. That i just have to do what everyone else does, then i'll be fine. So it's wrong if i just sat there and draw? I'm sorry but NO THANKS.
How old are you by any chance? And also that depends on how you act like. Do you act like a goody two shoes? Or snitch? Because such things like that or just in general communication is the key aspect of life and if a teacher puts you in groups how do you react to it? Genuine questions. (I'm autistic as well if it wasn't obvious.)
I thought I was crazy when I was younger because I would always write a load of books and draw lots and have a mind exploding with ideas but it turns out none of the other kids had the same thing as I had
@Lady O that’s nice :)
I have autism but surprisingly I was never bullied as a child, but then I get discriminated now as a 20 year old and get treated like I’m stupid. I’m mean yes I have some challenges and that I need help with some things that are considered easy for another person, that doesn’t mean I’m not any less smart.
@@Saiyan_Steph Same with me, I'm a little bit younger and I still face a lot of so called 'simple' challenges that everyone else can do, but more or less it doesn't make me generally dim-witted person :/
"What's your special ability?"
Dude, I'm autistic... not an X-Man.
I have autism... But I would love to have a "special ability" like X-men... Thst would be cool af😂
I have anxiety and have the ability to have an attention seeking mother who says I'm autistic lol
pro-vaxxers are the worst. Temporary infections will never be any more harmful than ableism. I suffer from ableism because of my autism, thus the pro-vaxxers antagonize me.They don't know anybody with autism.
The Other Devil 😂😂😂
yea i think the word they mean is special interest
Has anyone heard this one?
Unbelievable at time 🙄
Ooooo I get this a lot.... It really riles me up lol
@@a.c.5762 Yeah, Sets me off too. A dear friend of mine had people turn against them because they think they're making up excuses when they can't really handle with the situation. That's why I have trust issues at times.
LeanneVlogzFilmz I’ve heard that one too many times. It sucks
Yes, but half of the times I/we did it was true.
When we were at school, everytime the timetable would change: "We cannot coprehend with changes, we want to be out." as a joke of course, but sometimes it actually worked because we were ahead of schedule, haha.
yeah my dad every single day.. lmfao 10 years of being diagnosed and he still doesn't believe shit
"If I had a pound for every time someone said I don't look autistic, I could afford a real tan" SKSKSKS I LOVE HER ATTITUDE
Proof that autistic people can be sarcastic
@@kaymel9786 Loads can. A lot of us just struggle with rhetorical questions. I get that a lot.
I mean what does a autistic Person have to Look Like anyways? Nothing of this makes any Sense.
Kay Mel
I don’t have problems being sarcastic I just have a hard time understanding when other people are being sarcastic
"Yeah i know i don't look autistic. God ran out of autistic facial features when he made me."
"How would you describe autism?"
It's like being expected to act in a play where you are the only one who doesn't know the script.
why are you assuming others have a script?
@@Andybaby He said he doesn't *know* the script.
@@supraknightly27 there is no script.
@@Alrightythen-es4gv Yes, a dangerously deceptive metaphor, based on a lie.
In My opinion its the fact that I'm the only one who can actually read the script and everyone eles cant so they are doing things wrong together.
Autism is like you skipped the tutorial in life but everyone’s gone through it like 17 times.
Very true.
I’m an autistic teenager and I feel like acting as a common person is boring, You do not ever scratch that itch in some weird spot, You never really move a little during serious times to entertain yourself. Is that actually what people don’t really talk about?
I was told “If she were to just fit in more, she wouldn’t be bullied.” Casual ableism I dealt with daily as a child.
Hemp Rope ah one of those. Blocked
@Hemp Rope Um... we aren't monsters, you know
@Hemp Rope Yeah, but not all the time, and not with everyone. It's called a spectrum disorder for a reason.
@Hemp Rope And it is NOT called a tantrum
As a person who have autism
Legit had a professor try and say I don’t need accommodations in class because I “don’t look autistic.” And that I should just “try harder to be like everyone else”. Because apparently I choose to struggle in school (sarcasm)
How can anybody say something that mean and stupid! That professor is just👎. I hope you get the help you need. You're👍 hugs from a stranger💞
That’s so stupid! I hope it gets better! It ticks me off that teachers would say stuff like that! That’s like saying you don’t look like you have cancer so just suck it up to someone who has cancer. Btw I really like your profile pic.
You can actually get professors like this fired if you have an official diagnosis. If this ever happens to you in the future, make sure you talk to your school board's office of student affairs (or the equivalent) and file an official complaint against the professor. Also, contact the head of your professor's department at the school. Never put up with discrimination, nobody deserves to feel less.
What a dick! I hope he gets fired.
scmnz that’s a class action lawsuit
"You're smart and handsome, are you sure you're autistic?" No, I'm not autistic. I'm completely neurotypical. I'm only a spy for the russian government. You now know all of my secrets.
The worst part is when people use it as an insult
I think the best way to de-fang insults is to revel in them. Words can't hurt you, people can but if you don't let the ranged attacks have an effect, they have to come into melee. Most give up by that point.
TheReaverOfDarkness words can hurt to! Even though I’m used to taking in mutiple insults “without” being offended, the Insults still ACTUALLY hurt. Being called a piece of trash AND four-eyes isn’t fun at all. While being thrown in the dumpster. 😒 Now that I’m online schooled I’m getting cyber bullied. If I don’t do what that girl wants then she yells at me and the throws insults at me. Or she spams me until I get the job done 😒.
@@angelacavon9256 Sometimes the things people say about you can harm your image in the eyes of others. It sounds like that girl is being manipulative. If you pay close attention and pick your moves carefully, you can probably make her attacks backfire. One of the simplest ways to protect yourself is to appear different to what she claims you to be. If she says you're a piece of trash, she's insinuating to others that you're careless. Be cautious and neat. If she says you're a four-eyes, she's insinuating that your glasses are a mark of shame. Wear them as a fashion statement, and select clothing that enables the glasses to complete the ensemble. And best of all, let her know that you aren't fazed by her remarks. The fastest way to de-fang her is to let her know that her teeth don't have any bite.
@@angelacavon9256 And if you don't care about being classy, just prepare some cutting comebacks that she won't have a defense for. I'm sure if you want to get really vindictive, you can find some dirt on her to use against her if and when she tries to insult you again.
Or "I sort all my clothes yeah I'm autistic." That's like saying "I ate at Dominos tonight yeah I'm Italian."
Or like saying “I got an A on a maths test so I must be Asian”
I have Asperger's and I don't sort my clothes, actually my room is a one big mess😂
"i use chopsticks to eat my food therefore i am japanese"
@@bojobadger5924 Oh my God🤣
I get talked to and treated like I'm a child or I'm incompetent. I hate that.
Same man
AAHHH- I always get talked to like this during fire drills... “Oh it’s fine! You’re fine it’s all okay just go over there” YES! I’m okay miss teacher
That really sucks, that happened at my old school, everyone talked to me like I was some child who didn't know what they were doing
@@duxghost3985 And it even happens at my work place. Sucks indeed.
“ i think Autistic people feel too much empathy”
We just don’t know how to express it most of the time. People might say like oh you’re so rude but we just don’t know what to say
@@SalemSaberhegan We have difficulty communicating a lot of the time, which makes it hard for people to understand what we're feeling.
Hear hear 👍
However, there have been cases of autistic people who had no empathy, most famously Adam Lanza (the Sandy Hook shooter). However, his case was the fact that he never received treatment or help before the shooting because his mother was in denial of his mental health.
@@SleepySloth2705 but we don't know for sure ASD causes the lack of empathy. Could've been sociopathic.
@@Tqueenboss1 True true 👍 all we know is that Adam's mum enabled all of his needs without encouraging adjustment to independence, just let him do whatever he wanted unsupervised. He did attend school, but he was pulled out due to constantly being overwhelmed, so he was homeschooled instead. Adam played tons of video games, as any introvert does, but he was particularly fond of violent r rated games and mass shootings, those two combined with isolation and no social interaction was a red flag. Now, video games don't cause violence, but they can desensitize a person's reaction to violence. While Adam didn't leave a note, it's speculated that he had grown suicidal and wanted to end his life after going on a killing spree he had long fantasized about
"YoU cAn Be NoRmAl iF yOu TrY"
Yo I have aspergers and I can say that yes you can, learn how it’s not that hard. Everybody does this so so it that way. Learn about the world than having the world learn about you
@@saturniidmoff you have a huge lack of emphaty, you know?
Saturniid fun fact: that is called masking, and it will cause an extreme autistic burnout and sensory hangover. Don’t do that. it is *extremely* unhealthy.
@@mrsmamaloveI have ASD and I can't stop doing it I don't know how to
"Autistic people dont feel empathy"
I literally died
Big Poppa Sorry but I don't get it. Why does she react in an aggressive way to this sentence?
Loli Queen I don't think you know what you are talking about. Do some research please.
Big Poppa 101st LIKE ZOE 101 FANS WHERE YOU AT???
+JonasSkillsHD Because saying that is very insulting to an autistic person, that's why.
I am autistic myself and I do not feel much empathy at all, so I do not see why it should be insulting. There are advantages and disadvantages of not feeling empathy. Of course it is a stereotype that autistic people do not feel empathy but it is not wrong for every autistic person so there is no reason for her to be that aggressive.
If someone told me my child "brought the bullying upon themselves" I'd slap the shit out of them and told them "you brought it upon yourself".
Thats what my mum got told all through primary when I was bullied every day; it was a dear diary moment when I didn't come home crying. I was "an easy target" and so i got punished and not the bullies.
Amanda Hernandez haha I literally swore I would yell the crud out of anyone who messed with NY friends. No joke.
Amanda Hernandez
Perfect response. No Mercy to those Idiots.
this comment is the best cooment ever
That's just dumb that's like saying to people to stay home because they could get raped.
"Everyone is a little autistic."
Me: *becomes non-verbal again*
Edit: Not too long ago, I realized that functioning labels harm our community. Now that I think about it, it's a bit annoying when people say that I'm high functioning.
I don't at all. It's useful. I have a friend who doesn't believe he is autistic precisely because he is high functioning... And only thinks of autistic people as those who can't hold conversations, yet he has many autistic traits.
@@thursoberwick1948 People typically don't like to use high-functioning/low-functioning because it's what the Nazi's used to determine which autistics were spared or not iirc
@@popsicIes "People typically" - That's a bit of a generalisation, dontcha think? Which people? Did you survey them all? Most of the people I know have no issue with it.
Like I said, I know someone who is undiagnosed autistic, and won't accept it, because he can't get his head around the idea that an autistic person can get a degree from a decent university and become a journalist for major newspapers. He thinks "autistic" refers to people who are effectively locked in and can't have any kind of conversation. That is why it is useful to distinguish these things.
I'm high functioning myself. It is of little use to me to be lumped in with people who can't even say their name, read/write or go to the shops by themselves. I may have some kind of relationship to them, but not that much - I can speak & understand several languages, and have held down jobs & relationships. I've known autistic people who have married, who taught, and raised children etc. Whole different ballgame from someone who needs a full time carer.
The National Socialists didn't make that distinction, in fact they used much cruder terms like "useless mouths".
@@thursoberwick1948 No no, I wasn't arguing with you about having a lack of distinction -- I was saying that using high/low functioning as the distinction sucks. And for the record, at least in the area I live in, we use minimal support need (which you would call high-functioning) and higher support need (low-functioning) to differentiate.
@@popsicIes So in other words, you are expressing the same concept with a more long winded phrase. That sums up the modern age. The best part is that it means more or less the same thing.
"Autistic people don't feel empathy."
"OH, FUCK OFF!!!!!"
I just can't help but laugh at her reaction. XD
Mittz The Trash Lord Same lol
The worst one I get as someone with aspergers is "But that happens to everyone/everyone feels like that" -_-
@ Probably what is needed. The first reaction from a neurotypical is "fight or flight" - should I run away from this person? if I stay am I in danger?" followed by a bit more of the front brain switching in "Alert! Awkward moment! Can't just walk away, that would be rude! Try and be sympathetic!" followed by an attempt to be reasonable, like: "Errr... I know nothing about this - wouldn't have guessed this person is autistic - wonder what category I can put them in - hang on, I haven't actually reacted yet, I'm just sitting here with my mouth open - let's try [fill in awkward thing to say from the video here]". It's an NT thang...
@@jeremywilliams5107 that literally happened to me today haha
Oh, my yes! I've heard this at least twice this year alone, and I don't even go out much. It almost feels like an attempt to keep from understanding.
Meeeee! 🤣
*A S S B U R G E R S*
One time in 8th grade, there was this one autistic kid in one of my classes. He couldn't speak normally at all, he was constantly (and I really mean constantly) making these really weird noises and he would start randomly crying. One time this other group of boys came up to me and my friends and said "I wonder what it's like to be autistic, I wonder how their brains work, if it's like they're constantly on acid" And I said: "Honestly it's pretty normal" and that's the story of how everyone found out I'm autistic, just goes to show that just because you're autistic doesn't mean you fit the stereotype.
I'm 19 and still nobody knows lololo
People have come close tho
I have relatively mild Asperger's, and there's a girl in my school with really severe Asperger's. She'll direct conversations off on her own tangents. Yes, it can be mildly irritating, but people at my school will laugh about her behind her back, and just be a prick about it. She has an interest in something, give her a break! At my school, the kids treat people with severe autism as someone who is 'mental', and people with mild autism as 'fakers'.
Matilda Wells I have mild Asperger’s as well. I’m sure if I were to tell people I was autistic they wouldn’t believe me and think I was a “faker”. Everyone with autism is different, but people don’t know what it’s like for people with more mild autism like you and I. When people think of autism they don’t think of Asperger’s syndrome, they think of savants and people who have severe autism, people who don’t speak. It’s gonna be even more confusing now that Asperger’s is no longer a diagnosis but rather under the general ASD.
Matilda Wells I have autism and to be honest i don’t want to risk having a autistic child.
Glazed Donut I just want to say this, maybe the guy had Tourette’s? Not to like diagnose someone but I’m just wondering 😁
‘What’s your special ability?’ I can make people fly. Like when I kick you through the window.
Autism is like having a constant headache (mostly in public) that everyone else seems to be immune to, because they're used to being so damn loud!
OH, nO! PoOR yOu!
Haha nice! Can relate ✊
I don't even have autism and I still think people these days are too damn loud.
Yeah theyre way to loud, people scream for 3-4 hours constantly, you tell them to be quiet, they tell you that you need deal with it
"For me, it's hard to put myself in another person's shoes, and people mistake that for a lack of empathy."
Quote of the year.
A true autist would note that he can, in fact, put himself in another's shoes, provided that they are at least his size.
That is literally lack of empathy! Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. If you cant put yourself in how they feel you don't have empathy. Jesus
@@improbablehumanity9719 exactly lol,
You just have to think as if you were that person in the position they are in. Thats got nothing to do with autism, and everything to do with not being taught empathy. Empathy is as much an environmental response as it is inherent in out biological growth as humans.
I really hate it when my parents try to comfort me with the “everyone’s a little autistic”. It’s like saying “everyone’s a little schizophrenic”. Like, no, that’s not the case (I deeply apologize if I offended people with the latter, I did not mean it to be hurtful). Luckily, I haven’t heard anything else, but I JUST became open about it.
Yeah. People have to stop using brain disorder as emotions and feelings
god i hate that like are you jealous that i have a developmental disorder????
Lina Vanilla also NO.
@Lina Vanilla Then they should say "I experience hallucinations too!" instead of "I'm a little bit schizophrenic". Most symptoms of mental illnesses are present in the general population to varying degrees, it's only when they rise to a level of interfering with daily life that they are classified as a disorder.
One of the things that drive me crazy is when people say things like "Autism is caused by vaccines" or "Autism is fake".
Lol it also drives me crazy
I definitely agree.
OMG YES I HATE THAT!!! It's like saying drinking coke gives u aids. It just doesn't happen.
The conversation would end there for me
Well some Autistic people and those on the spectrum are using more of there brain thwn the average person and there for cant really funtion woth them.
Autism for me is like everyone is in on some kind of inside joke except for me.
Haha, my family basically talks in only sarcasm so it's like learning a different language living with them
Shae Oliver
Omg same
Shae Oliver I agree completely
I feel lonely whenever the room is full
I felt her finger touching my soul
I am a savage autistic sarcasm queen!!!
I have autism, my sister has autism, my uncle has autism, and my nan has autism.
Does that make us less as people? No, it just makes us different.
autistic people
I’m glad people get it! (And I’m autistic too!)
PuppyPoolYT No, it makes you less.
I have autism
PuppyPoolYT that must clash 😂 I have the same situation with me and my dad
I was just diagnosed with autism a few days ago so seeing this video and comment section have been incredibly validating. Y’all are awesome
Most of the comments are good there are a few horrible ones though.
Nicco Rameirez cool, I had no idea you could be 'dieing'
thanks :D
Sir Cuntalotte EATHAN is dad
Oh fuck off.
I'm sick of special ed teachers thinking us students are all helpless and not educated.
@@rockyandyipper thanks beast!
@@samthetank6762 ;)
YESSSS. I had a teacher once give me typed notes because since I was on an IEP I 'couldn't' write as fast as the rest of the class.-- even though this was NOT on my IEP. (I can actually write faster than most people, and for the most part, my writing is easy to read). Basically, this ended in a meltdown because I thought that she thought that I was helpless.
@@samthetank6762 Yay! I've found out that you have 2000 IQ! It's so annoying when they do that. Like, I'm fine teachers, you don't need to baby me Dammit 😂😂😂
My girlfriend has Asperger's and if I got an Euro everytime she's heard these annoying ass phrases, we could plan the best wedding ever.
Everyone without autism: jUsT tRy To Be NoRmAl
Everyone with autism (including me): what is normal?
Being able to get your leg over easily
Being able to have a conversation without it turning awkward.
Getting into a mainstream school
Normal doesn't exist
Thats What I question all the time: What is it to be normal How Does it feel like it?
I hated my son's special ed preschool teacher. She is probably a narcissist, and said all kinds of stupid and inconsiderate things. During an IEP meeting she mentioned that he would only parallel play with the other children. I told her that he plays really well with his brother, so I wonder why he doesn't play with the other children. She told my "Oh, he just doesn't care. People with autism just don't care." She's lucky I didn't punch her. My son is incredibly kind and compassionate.
What is parallel playing?
google it?
autistic people can learn to not care, its a rather good trait to have later in life tho.. dont think you are born with it tho.. that teacher tho, what a moron.
Who here's tired of autism becoming a trending insult?
its understandable why its a trending insult... Some people tend to get rather offend easy, and so they get called autistic since they tend to get offend rather easy on the internet. Autisme works very well with the word cancer.
you dont have to put a negative meaning into it when they use it. you could take it as a compliment
when ever they fire it off :3 or grown a thicker skin or stop carring about a label that dont define you.
Logician It's entertaining to see you tough talk when you really have no idea what you're talking about.
"Cancer" is a term I tolerate because it does not refer to the disease specifically; it is an adjective for something that spreads quickly and unhealthily. Autism is a mental condition and that is where the definition ends; calling someone you don't like autistic is like calling my cat water because she drinks it.
Thank you. :)
Ugh all this boys at school call themselves and their actions autistic as a joke. Once I say that I'm offended and that I am actually autistic myself they never believed me as they think I'm playing along. Its so upsetting
As someone with Autism, I hate being in loud places such as at a shopping centre, pub etc because I can hear everything and can’t filter things out. It’s so intense that I can actually feel it all. On my skin etc. Kind of like someone pressing their hand really hard against my chest. When something crashes on the floor it feels like my back is being scratched by a cat or something.
I find it very hard to concentrate on a conversation as a result. This often makes me quite withdrawn or quiet or I look panicky and even ill. People assume I’m being rude or I’m not showing interest when it’s actually because I’m overwhelmed with my surroundings and can’t hear a bloody word that someone is saying except mumbles.
Same. I get in trouble cause of my hearing, and then when I try to explain it, I get in trouble for using my autism as an excuse.
While I also have a lot of trouble filtering out the noise, my reaction is kind of the opposite. I just feel lost in all the input and kinda stop being in the here and now (for a lack of a better description) it just hurts and I get so scared that I want to make myself as small as possible, hide and clutch myself so tight it works as a grounding mechanism. I often need a place without other people at all before I can start to progress and feel better.
I’m also really sensitive to sound, but no one knows I’m autistic so they like to sneak up and scare me a lot and they think it’s just because I’m jumpy. One time 7 people scared me all at once and I felt like crying
You would make a good hunter, if you are patient and can listen to everything that's very useful skill to have not in a supermarket but in the outdoors it can save your life.
I hate being in loud places to I'm also autistic but I love heavy metal it's so weird
I am not autistic but, people used autistic as an insult towards me. This happened many of times. I told them that was wrong and they never listened. I feel bad for autistic people who have experienced something like that because it shouldn’t be used as a insult.
I am 17 and I am globally delayed which means that I learn slower than the kids and teenagers my age and I have hearing loss in my left ear all my life and it's hard to express myself sometimes but I'm getting better at it and I stutter sometimes which is annoying to me because it makes it hard for me to speak to everyone and I normally hide my emotions to people and my personality is serious and passionate and laid-back and I love reading and art and animals and cartoons.
The UK has a serious problem with bullying
The uk is worse than u think
I live in the u.s and ppl will stand up for others or they will fight back
Blackwolverine 31 not only in the uk
Minato Namikaze I also live in us but kids don't stand up for others or fight back where I am
Romain Savioz I know that, but the uk seriously have a problem
Person: you don’t look autistic
Me: you don’t look stupid yet here we are
That,s the point they will actually what they think off you in retaliation. Every thing is not what it seems
Classic autistic response.
"If you just tried harder to fit in, you would."
One of the most destructive things someone could ever say to you, and yet you sometimes don't even realise yourself just how much this hurt.
I don't know how many times people have told me that...
TheLonely Otaku autism and add are two different things
Julia Prohaska My own mother said that too. It's bad enough the school bullies and insensitive bosses said that, but my mother should be more sensitive about it.
Julia Prohaska p.s. I hate "normal". I like being obsessed with certain subjects and wanting things a certain way, so I find autism comforting. The way the world is these days, *I need to tune out when the going gets tough. I'm hypersensitive and proud of it*
Max Gron you're so cruel I could faint.
Max Gron normal is boring.
Asking them to be normal like asking cat to be a dog for a moment.
Couldn't have said it better myself
I just got some kittens and they lick my hand though.
I have autsim and get sarcasm and people's emotions and it's really sad that People used to think we all Are one same.
If everyone who is on the spectrum was they same then it wouldn't be a spectrum
@Hemp Rope
It's a spectrum, not everyone with it is like that actually.
Oh I get other peoples' sarcasm and emotions; I just don't respond because I feel like their sarcasm and emotions are too underdeveloped to entertain in a reciprocal manner.
I'm autistic and I use /j and /s all the time. /s
ASD literally has the word spectrum in it
I have a cousin with autism. He’s a person. He is one of the strongest people I know. Sure, sometimes he doesn’t understand certain things. Neither does anyone else. I am lucky to say he is my cousin. Every morning at school he gives me a hug and reminds me to certain things, like take off my hat at school or take my sisters jacket. I don’t think about the fact that he has autism. He’s a human and he is my cousin and that’s all I care about when it comes to him. He is one of the most affectionate people I know. Whenever we see him he hugs us a lot and it’s not in an annoying way. And my sister has anxiety so he always remembers to ask before giving her a hug, as he knows that sometimes being touched can stress her out. The questions that people ask are dumb. People with autism are people. Case closed.
Aww! That's so cute! :)
The first one, right off the bat. I HATE when people tell me that I don't "look" autistic. It's incredibly ignorant and such a neurotypical thing to say.
It's bot neurotypical, it's just offensive full stop
i HATE that so much
Holy crap I agree. They are like "You look like a normal person" cause people think all autistic people look the same with a visible face difference, and it pisses me off
I usually go off my head and chairs and tables magically float through the air!
I get it 95% of the time when I tell a new person that I'm autistic. Like, so much I actively anticipate it every time I tell someone.
"What's your special ability? "
Enraging anyone I meet in under one minute.
Its just annoying that people say: WOW! U must have a special ability! Like: stfu u dont know How it is to be autistic
Mine too. I am an EXPERT at pissing people off...not that I ever intend to do so.
It irritates to me to no end whenever people use autism as insult. 😡
EDIT (7/15/20): I don't even remember making this comment. I'm surprised that so many people liked it!
Yeah it's so annoying
I don’t even care. I use it as a insult.
I remember I had this friend back in high school who would insult her "best friend" and tell her to "stop acting autistic" and that she's "autistic as fuck" like, how rude can you be? Get educated. Same with the R word. Ugh. Don't get me started. one of my good friends works with mentally challenged senior citizens and it breaks my heart.
This is so autistic
I make use of my weaponized autism.
i absolutely DESPISE the recent trend about calling stupid things "autistic". do these people even know what that means?
THANK YOU!!! Thank God there's someone I can relate with to this statement!
Well, everyone was being sooo mean about them using the "r word", so they just HAD to find another disabled group to disrespect, it's only fair ya know. /sarcasm
Unpopular opinion, but as a person on the spectrum, i don't really care that much. I personally think it's funny to poke fun at serious subjects.
I didn't even know this was a trend omfg -.-
They must expect Stephen Hawking or something
I find that the people who say 'you must not have autism, there's nothing wrong with you' are almost inevitably the same people who when the time comes that you display any noticeable disconnect or problem - immediately jump the gun and think your crazy or just digging for attention. It's like the concept just can't fit in their heads that we are coping with this 24/7, and there isn't just a giant on/off switch we hit for fun.
Emily Christman I hate those kind of people, makes me angry just reading this
I love how this applies to almost every mental illness
+Madara the OP guy, Why do you feel the need to insert yourself into a conversation where you opinion is not relevant?
Madara the OP guy
>stop oppressing me because I’m different! I’m allowed to have a different opinion! Also shut up and be quiet because you’re not important enough to have a discussion
It’s rude to invite yourself into conversations and make them about yourself. Your attitude towards us also exudes smug condescension.
You’ve never been treated differently for being autistic so you can’t just play the victim here.
AI G - relax. You'll get over it. If you need a hug, let me know!
My favourite is from my mum (I completely understand why you’re so stressed out when you have to leave the house, I get socially anxious too)
Meanwhile, some of my worst memories are of her forcing me into social situations with other people and then calling me a rude brat when I didn’t suddenly become extroverted.
I would describe my experience with autism as like watching a really crappy download of a movie where the visuals are blurry and the lip syncing doesn't match up.
You get the basic gist of everything, but its confusing and jumbled.
Rebecca Perry/ yes yes and yes again
Rebecca Perry I really like that explanation! Though for me its more along the lines of the imagery is too crisp so it buffers a lot and jumps around with bits of random audio while loading. I catch what people say, but sometimes the background noise is too distracting/loud for me to hear and other times i hear what they said but the audio comes several seconds after the person says it.
As an autistic, this makes so much sense!
That sounds about right, actually. Very well put!
As someone who has autism, I relate to what they go through on a daily basis! Like if I got $1 for everytime someone says "you don't look autistic" I'd be able to buy 500 YSL lipsticks! Yes 500
Makeupartistunique I’m not on the spectrum, but my cousin is! This comment is honestly too true!
Makeupartistunique if i got a dollar for every such a time, id wait till i had $1,000,000. So i could brass-knuckle the next 100 people that say that to me, and have money for bail.
How would they imagine autistic people to look like? Have tendrils on top of their head?
jeremiaster 2000 How???
My youngest brother Is autistic and my little sister is undergoing tests for autism, and they are both so different
My brother struggles with so much and becomes anxious easily but what upsets me is people always stare at him, because he screams a lot and has a lot of melt downs. Where as my sister it's really hard to tell if she is or not, coz she's 4 and still struggles to speak and can get upset quite easy however she makes friends easy and is very empathetic.
Proof that EVERYONE with autism is different .
I love them both very much
Yeah, i have autism and i don't have a lot of struggles with it. While my little brother does, i feel so bad for him. It's more social issues with him he does have friends but just doesn't know how to function around strangers
Daddy's home you're a strong person. And I appreciate you and I don't see you different
fatima mubarek they can improve with therapy and and teaching them things like eight and wrong it may just take a little longer but autism cannot be cured they will ALWAYS have it but may improve overtime xxx
fatima mubarek how old is he coz with therapy and lots of hard work he maybe able to speak I hope it goes well xxx
while I’m here I just wanna say don’t support autism speaks 😗
Peter A. Ok Peter
Same here
One of the worst things for me is being told I look normal and seem normal most of the time (probably due to vigorous mimicry and acting) so people expect me to do 'normal' things and then get pissed off when I can't.. Even after thorough, and often repetitive, explanation. Its hard work man.
Anna Moomin SAME
Anna Moomin THANK YOU!!!! SAME!
Normal things like what? Could you please give me an example
Arielle Fenix Ikr but they also think we are actually normal or neurotypical just because we seem it or fake being neurotypical
When people get ticked off that you can't do certain things but when you can clearly do something they don't trust you, so you eventually tell yourself that you can't
"How would you describe Autism?"
😂 Very true 😎 Autism rocks!
Its cancer lmfao
James Ramsey you say that because you’re not autistic...
@@jamesramsey762 excuse me but i think that's the most rudest and toxic thing I've ever seen in a comment. But who cares about your opinion, autistic people don't give a fak about toxic people like you. I feel like ur a toxic person in real life. What a shame man.
How I'd describe autism would probably be... being aware of the things others would overlook? Like, I would remember the formation of my drink's ice cubes and notice someone had stirred it if the ice cubes aren't floating the way they were before I left. Things like that.
Positive but for classic autism the cons heavily outweigh the pros.
From whose perspective, yours or the person with ASD? Autism is a neurotype, not a disease. It's about how one receives and processes stimuli. It's seen as neurodivergent, because the rest of the world is built for neurotypical people (we make things so that it doesn't bother or overwhelm us, when it may overwhelm the senses of someone who is neurodivergent). It's not inherently good or bad, it just is.
James "they definitely are a more negative hinderance" Wow. If that isn't ableism, I don't know what is. Please look up the massacre at Sagamihara, Japan. And please research how people with ASD do, in fact, have their human rights violated.
AmethystSoldier "ableism" and that's where the conversation ends.
FYI I have autism. It's not a productive disorder for the majority, stop pretending it is to look "progressive" and face facts.
I have autism and it is 100% a hindrance to my life and most autistic people's. Am I happy with it? Sure. I'm glad to be alive, but people like you who defend us ALL and speak for ME about MY disorder are retarded and pretty damn pathetic.
James Then you are aware that Autism is a spectrum and not all experiences are the same. While it may cause you significant issues (which I'm not disputing that, because your experience is yours), to say that ASD in itself is a hindrance is also overgeneralizing because your experience doesn't speak for all.
FYI You also don't speak for my experiences and my disabilities. It's not being "progressive" it's my experience.
I remember finding this video when I was 16 when I was still learning about what autism is to understand myself and I remember being so shocked there were adults who’s been diagnosed. This video made me feel so seen back then x
“What’s your special skill?”
Sarcasm, bad jokes and making a decent cup of tea. 😂😂
Seeing as I seem to have the same superpower I think something absurd like "I can fly." would also work very well, best said in the most deadpan voice imaginable.
@Starcat productions that everyone
Doodars As somebody who has autism i want to understand sarcasm so bad i cry abt it smh
Same 👍 (I am also autistic, in case you were wondering)
It is like they think we are superheroes
I have autism and anxiety...
What a pair...
Pokémon Lover omg same! Severe anxiety
Pokémon Lover I do as well. It’s hard
Pokémon Lover same here
Nope. Went to someone.
fun fact about my empathy levels: literally cried over just about any movie show and book i've seen
Even about comedies? (Don't want to be rude, just asking)
Flori Albert yeah, sometimes for laughter or i would find something sad
In my case is ironic, I cry a lot at drama films and drama stuff and I love crying haha, but I have some trouble empathizing with real people, when they feel sad mostly, but I can usually sympathize so thats enough, but sometimes I cant even sympathize xd. For some reason I find it really easier to sympathize and empathize with people with mental disorders and other issues, but harder to do that with neurotypical people.
Edit: I thought a bit about this and I realized that when I see someone sad or crying in real life I feel curiosity about their feelings but I dont actually feel them or understand them in some cases.
Diego Zarate I feel the same. If someone is crying on a TV show or I can see the bad things which have happened to them (which would make me cry or want to hurt someone) I often cry - many times out of anger - and I can see that I am empathising. But when real life people are upset I just don't seem to care. It's interesting to know why they cry but I'm not bothered about cheering them up.
I cry a lot...
"What's your special ability?"
i can fail a math class faster than you could imagine.
Someone: "Autistic people can't feel empathy"
Me: We do for everybody but the people who say shit like that
Elliot Rodger mood tbh
No I feel empathy for them too.
Elliot Rodger As much as I wish I didn’t, I feel empathy for them too... Am I a bad person?
Chesterson Jack you're a better person than I am then lmao.
Disturbed Cat Oh, well thank you.
2:13 No one has said this to me, but the fact that people have the audacity to even think that for a second that I need to _”just try harder”_ pisses me off so much! I have tried so, so hard to just be normal. To make everyone happy. To have lots of friends. Don’t you think for a second that I haven’t been trying since I went to school for the first time. It is not possible.
Cynthia Brogan thays like telling someone with depression to cheer up
I don' t have any mental issue and I sufered in elemetal school trying to get false friends and make my parents think I developed like a 'normal' kid.
It didn't word It, un fact It make my fell all about me was a mistake and nobody but my parents can stand my, wich wasn't really true. Don't try to get on well with everybody and force yourself todo act exactly like the majority, just be kind with other and try to have a talk with someone you really get on well.
@@sil9526 I have depression and that part angered me so much. I'm not sure whether I have autism, but that phrase annoys me to no end.
It's like telling a disabled person to "try harder so (s)he could stand"
Cynthia Brogan love the pan flag
I remember back in secondary school, they tried to put me in special learning just because I had Asperger's. They did not ask me for my opinion on the matter whatsoever. I literally had to protest because on the outside I looked normal. I was one of the people in primary school to get some of the top grades, especially in areas like Geography, but they just tried to put me in a classroom with people with really low IQ, people with low functioning autism and people with downs syndrome. I felt discriminated for the way I was treated, and while I did get to learn with the normal kids, I was required to have a carer in my classrooms, which made me a victim of bullying, and the school did noting about it. I left the school and transferred to a different one where nobody in an higher position than me in the school even mentions it. I really think that people with autism don't have a voice, and don't get a chance to raise up against those stereotyping and discriminating them because they aren't 'normal'.
SilverCipher your profile pic is terrifying
SilverCipher- I am so sorry this has happened to you. It is so disheartening. As a child, I was told to never tell anyone I was autistic, because back then, they put you in an asylum. Progress may have been made, but your story shows how much further we have to go.
I got sent to a different school because of my autism. That school (mostly the class I was put in, which broke the school's own rule of 15 people per class at max by 2 people and consisted of 16 guys and 1 girl, me being that girl) literally gave me depression. Not to mention I didn't have any say in the matter (as a 13-year-old, who'd be turning 14 during the summer vacation), and they didn't even tell me anything about it until I was already accepted, three weeks before the summer vacation ended.
That one thing was what sent me over the edge and solidified my parents (mostly my mother) as people I borderline hated. The only person I can even talk to normally at home without being treated as something I'm not is my three-and-a-half year older sister.
Had similar treatment as well it was very lonely and emotionally degrading 💔
Lorna_RoseFoX yeah...
I have Asperger's syndrome and a few weeks back I was watching Wheel of Fortune with my mom. The theme was things and the first letter that popped up was a "Q", I instantly shouted Quantum Physics..
...I got it right.
QUANTUM PHYSICS! YES 🤘🏻😁omg I hope you have a wonderful life whoever you are !
@@lynnp456 lmao I hope you do too!!
@@saxenart dude when i posted that it was still being called Aspeger's somewhat where I live, I say I have ASD now but that's what I was diagnosed with when I was 12 that's 8 years ago bro.
I was expecting a card to say, "were you vaccinated?"
Autism causes vaccination!
@@TheReaverOfDarkness I'd like some fact based proof that supports your idiotic idea.
@@cadelopezzuckerb7633 Fact: People with autism are on average more rational than most people.
Fact: The more rational a person is, the more likely they are to get vaccinated.
@@TheReaverOfDarkness Are you serious, that is the weakest "fact based" proof I've ever heard. Your argument is that one population of people thinks, in general, more rationally and rational people tend to follow medical guidelines so the missing factor has to be the vaccine instead of, let's say, an autistic persons general mental state and thoughts.
@@cadelopezzuckerb7633 Are you arguing the factfulness of the two facts, or do you think it's the chain of logic that doesn't hold up?
What I hate is when people think calling me autistic is an insult???
the3pic1 it's not an insult, I feel like being called special is a insult or offensive cause it has been misused
People who use it as an insult need to die in a hole. I'm not joking.
it is
@@bare1330it isn’t, Autism is unique and creative, you make fun of Autistic people because you have nothing to do in life besides bully people for what they cannot control, I suggest you stop being an ass, and grow up. 😊
Who’s tired of being treated like a baby?
Waifu Pennywise
Me! I hate it!
Same but I remember happening when I was getting sushi and I was just playing with my phone and this lady I didn’t know who she is and she started babying me
ye that's bullshit, some people treat me like I'm stupid smh
You can say that again
Even the one thing that everyone who was a dick to me at the middle I go to make special ed jokes about me and one girl told me to go back to special ed
"you could be normal if you tried"
Is just like saying to a diesel car : "you could work also on gasoline if you tried"
My older brother is autistic
I love him a lot, He's the sweetest guy. I just feel bad because people don't understand what he goes through
Should’ve aborted
@@0IIIIII Is there something you need to tell us?
Emanating Faucet i am violently pro-choice
Autistic people are human and should not be tortured why would you say that it makes me mad
No he shouldn’t of been his brain is just wired differently that is all.
I’m autistic and I have been blessed/cursed with the an amazing memory for things that I find interesting but I forget useful things that are boring
A great example is that in 20 minutes I memorised the periodic table, but after about 6 years of having it explained to me over and over and over again, I still can’t do long division.
It also happens with people that I like, meaning that I memorise every scrap of information about them without realising
I think it’s just me though
I think I may be similar.
Me too lol, me too. I will forget most math formulas within 2 weeks of seeing them, unless they are involved in my own testing.
I could remember everything about a person, a book but completely forgot the most important science formula in my mock exam
Same here
I worked in a cafe and it took me a year to be able to make a latte. But I am in 3 samba bands and can memorise all the parts for all 7 instruments for each song in each band with not much effort.
I'm Autistic and I have empathy, I just don't know how to show it so it might look like I don't have empathy.
same, especially since lots of others with autism have anxiety/depression etc, we don't know how to show it
guy im seeing is like that... its confusing i dont know how he feels about me he never talks about it hes a sweatheart though
sky z ahh.. talk to him please. I acted like that when i had a crush, and i wish she talked to me more
I'm autistic and same yeah
C M some times if any understand it or I don't show it till like 3 days later. I remember this one time when a friends dog died and had to be euthanized from old age and when she came to me crying that her dog died, I don't know how to react or what to do or feel. like I know that it sucks but I don't realy understand how hard it is when a pet passes away. kinda like a child at a funeral for a family memeber who died, they don't cry even when they know or are told that something bad hapend and such but they can not realy feel it yet. I was 7 at the time and I actually feel bad about the fact that I do not understand what to feel for people who lost a pet even when I know that it's sad that it hapend to them, even after when I lost my own dog too. I just have a hard time to feel what other people are feeling. right now I feel empathy for people but I still don't know how to comfort people at times or know how to show it exactly but you can see that I do show it just a tiny bit. I remember when my gandma died but I didn't cried or felt anything for her since I don't realy know her but I know that it's very hard for the rest of my dad's side of the family and I feel extreamly horible for them yet I can't show or know how to express sympathy for them since my grandma was never there for me and I don't realy care for her becuase of that. how ever seeing my family cry made my eyes wattery a bit becuase I feel for them and know how it feels to loose a grandma and some one you love.
There was one person who said they feel they are autistic because they are a idiot. I am not autistic but I was offended because she referred as autistic people as idiots and she even said that she feels she is autistic, when she isn’t even autistic. People need to educate themselves because people can get hurt by this stuff.
"You could be normal if you tried."
Normal doesn't exist, nobody can be normal.
normies are "normal" you can how ever learn how to act like them but you can't be like them.
i do like the whole you can try atleast.. why can't they just accept one as you are? xD
Normal is boring! My son has autism and I wouldn't change him if I could, I see it as a superhero power that is present because he calls it as he sees it no sugar coating or fake interest from him, he is as real as it gets and I appreciate that in a world full of liars and posers, keep being awesome 🙂
So right. Thank God not everybody is normal.
SpongeBob was
I think we should start with your definition of normal since normal is relative.
I find living with autism is hard because of the negative image. If people would take the time to get to know us they would find that we are just normal people.
Andrew Reichler.. How true good comment..😀👍.. Im autistic too..
Yeah I agree, there are so many negative connotations with it; it’s the reason why I take a while to tell friends that I’m actually autistic incase they judge. Haven’t had any bad reactions yet but I choose who I tell very wisely
HellomynameisDaisy.. If they judge you for your autism..they never were your friends to begin with..
Andy Norvell yeah that’s true
robert Reichler: Normal people with different functioning brains.
Autistic people feel empathy it's just hard to express it
you can get better at it tho.
Dude, I literally can't control my empathy. When I was a kid I used to literally have to leave the room when one of those adverts about helping the kids in Africa came on and just bawl in the bathroom for a good 20 minutes.
It's not a case of it being hard to express, it's a case of it being hard to control.
YEEESSSSS!!!! whenever I try it gets locked up and awkward cause the other person is staring at you waiting for a response!
Johann Ko no kidding. I worked with autistic kids before. If I showed even the slightest emotional shift, they'll pick up on it. Which is why they usually say "if you feel angry or upset, do not show it because it can throw them off and cause them to act out" But it comes from how they react with emotions, its very different than people without the disorder.
I don’t tho
Not everyone
“What’s your special ability?” Annoying my friends so much that they friendship break up with me and me having absolutely no idea what happened
My boyfriend has Aspergers and I have ADHD and honestly he is the most sweet and kind boy I’ve ever met
Aw that's so sweet, I'm in the almost exact situation but it's the opposite way around haha (He has ADD and I have Aspergers)
I once had a boyfriend with ADD, depression and anxiety . I have Aspergers, so most of the time I found it very hard to undersjanger him. We broke up though, he found out he was gay and I found out I was lesbian hahah
what is aspergers?
@@alienkeee6305 that's disgusting
Autistu 1 it’s almost the same as autism (it’s on the autism spectrum or whatever you call it)
My little brother is autistic and one day I went to his school and found out he was being bullied for it. Let's just say I had a nice long "chat" with them.
Potato Ninja good
Potato Ninja if you're implying that you hurt them you're worse than the bully tbh
Evan Hodnett stfu
Yesenia Reyes rustled?
K sure
I'm autistic and it's really great to see a video like this! So thank you very much to the makers of this!
+Michal Wubs There's always one isn't there...
+Veganluke We've got a Vegan film coming out soon aswell! :)
I look forward to seeing this :)
Veganluke ikr? Most people think autism is a person who gets angry really easily, doesn't talk and acts really unintelligent. But in reality, an autistic person can simply be somebody who has bad body language comprehension or doesn't quite understand emotions.
Me too
"what's your special ability?"
i can ramble about halloween animatronics and haunted attractions for hours?
LOVE this video, found everything so relatable and all the guests seem so cool!
One that I hate is when people accuse me of being lazy. Um no I am not lazy. Or you get the "Well I know a person with autism who has a job". Well good for them. That's great that they are employed. Most of us aren't. And then you get the whole "well you can do X so why can't you do Y" Um maybe because X and Y are differen't things? Yea I am "high functioning" but have trouble brushing my teeth. What's easy for you, might not be easy for me.
If you put in more effort you get shit done. I dont use autism as an excuse and I hate it being used as such.
One sec gotta go get my disabilty check brb
The first part was a joke it took 5 years to get these checks but i still want to get a job and help my government yaknow i dont want to mooch off it i want to do my part im not saying its wrong if you do
Could you explain why autism affects your ability to brush your teeth? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to understand better.
@@Incompetences If I am mistaken then TeleTrans may correct me but I think that is the case. Autism often causes sensory issues. Sometimes we are overly sensitive (or not enough sensitive) to external stimuli. Like imagine a sound you hate, it may be chalk on the black board or styrofoam brushing. Or maybe a feeling, like you hate a certain texture (certain clothing). In case of teeth brushing, some ppl find it painful, disgusting, overwhelming. Just as if you were forced to constantly listen to the sound you hate. Some things like soft toothbrushes may help, but still.
@@Incompetences To supplement what the last guy said, Autism also can come with difficulties in fine-motor skills, which can include the ability to grip items with the hands (i.e. a toothbrush). I used to have problems with this as an infant.
My special talent is being overly untalented, its amazing!
lmao me too
Akroma Jones Same!
My brain hurts omg
Same. I don't even have the "memory". so unfair
I have Aspergers (was diagnosed when I was 18, 19, or 20) and I'm still learning how to do things. Basically what one of my old therapists said is that...even though shes 21, she acts like shes 15. I act childish and act like an introvert but I do try to make friends and I am a bit to hyper sometime but I am happy with the way I am. If you've got Autism in any part of the spectrum..please understand that you're amazing and no matter what anyone're going to get through whatever lays ahead.
Graciebelle Wonderland Can you get diagnosed at let's say 20 years old? I ask because as a child I was tested for Aspergers and they said I was on the borderline of having it so we didn't push for a full diagnosis, although I feel like I do have it, I can never be 100% sure because we never got a full diagnosis.
Alfred Armour lock You can. It can be difficult and take a while to find a doctor willing but it's definitely possible.
That's when I was diagnosed. It was missed because i'm high functioning. And also a massive lack in services.
yep same here
Graciebelle Wonderland one of the costs of a late diagnosis unfortunately.
Omg the worst one is that "Autustic people don't feel empathy" my autistic brother was once crying because of the Ukraine war.
I'm not on the spectrum but my husband is... I get these questions all the damn time because no one wants to ask him. I've had a DOCTOR turn around and say "but he doesn't look Autistic" and "Autistic people can't have relationships". Drives me insane...
My husband is ADHD as well. Trying to explain to people what it's like in his head is so hard. It took him 4 years to be able to properly explain what happens in his head on the daily.
Tazz Leineweber I totally get what you mean just always reassure him you’re there for him and he’s awesome confidence is extremely important trust me I have Aspergers and only recently conquered my lack of confidence shortly after my 20th birthday
King TJ I reassure him everyday 😊
He's ego and confidence is 100 times higher than mine lol. He is very confident
Wow I'm on my 6th year of trying to understand and I still don't, haha. He's doing a great job and has put in a lot of work to get where he is.
I have autism myself and I cannot tell you how much I relate to these people. I almost felt like saying, 'OH HELL NO!' when they read a new statement that offends autistics.
LaLa Verdecia
same, I can relate
LaLa Verdecia I hate autistic people.🖕
Uni horse Robin Uni horse Robin hate you right back
Uni horse Robin Uni horse Robin you need jesus 🙄
I have autism and I nearly cried when I thought I ran over a butterfly.
Erin Miller but thats normal autistic ppl feel emotion too
1253252 1213 That's exactly her point. Some people think an autistic person just wouldn't care.
Erin Miller oh ok ty ur awesom
Roxie Canon I cried because I killed a hornet for a biology project
"Everyone is a little bit Autistic" is simply a *misrepresentation* on the premise that everyone can and does exhibit one (or more) of the traits associated with being on the Autistic Spectrum 👍
Its like saying everyone is a little bit Somali
@@sabrin2578 Ah... but didn't homosapiens originate from Africa originally?
@@SpectreOZ what do you mean
@@sabrin2578 Current evolutionary theory states our closest ancestors (modern human or Homosapiens) originated in Africa 300,000 years ago.
@@SpectreOZevolution is a myth