2:40 "ww1 is boring it was just infantry".......deployable machine guns, full auto small arms, fighters, bombers, zeppelins, flamethrowers, deadly biological warfare, submarines, battleships, landships(tanks), body armor. Quite possibly the most interesting war humanity has ever been through considering the technological jump.
from Napoleonic Line Formations to Tanks and the Dawn of Modern War, yet due to how history is taught its so deeply misunderstood to be "the boring 20th century war"
You've been playing too much Battlefield 1. Most soldiers would go through the whole war without seeing a bomber, zeppelin, tank, body armor or chemical warfare. It was 90% artillery, trenches, rifles and fixed MGs.
So true. The Founding Fathers also spoke out very harshly against a 2 party system knowing how easily corruptable it would be, yet after a few hundred years... They wanted no parties or a multi party system.
They may have wished that there would be no parties, but through their actions they created a system guaranteed to create a two party system. Somehow people still think they were omniscient galaxy brain uber mensch, though.
@@boundsgaming8827 You really asking me this question? Like these mother fuckers dont own sweatshops in other countries. But yah slavery bad man good point. Atleast George Washington didnt advocate for a 16 year long war in the middle of a desert for his own self profit. Just saying.
The Lusitania attack wasn't a false flag, but the vessel was, in fact, carrying 173 tons of "butter" on its cargo manifest. The manifest was falsified. This was actually war materiel, mostly in the form of ammunition, and slated for delivery to a British arsenal. The remains have been found in the wreckage, despite attempts at covering it up. The ship was a legitimate military target given the circumstances, and I say that as an American.
It was a 4d chess move from the British whether they meant it or not to blockade the Germans. It led them to increase unrestricted submarine warfare and the British along with the propaganda machine could easily paint them as evil when in reality it was a retaliation for the blockade knowing the Americans, their most important ally outside of Europe could be persuaded to join the war since they would get something out of it by winning. Really underrated move in the history of warfare and it’s another example of how intelligent us Brits can be when it comes to outsmarting our opponents.
@@poopshoes7579 The German Embassy published a direct warning in the New York Times the evening before the Lusitania set sail, stating that "vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or of any of her allies, are liable to destruction", in an attempt to mitigate collateral damage to US citizens. The owner of the vessel ignored the warning. If a conspiracy lies anywhere, it lies there.
it was and wasnt a False Flag though. The Germans literally published multiple warnings in the US Press saying *do not get on this ship we are 100% going to sink it* but it was still allowed to disembark, was still loaded with armaments and used a propaganda tool to position us into the war. It was easily and obviously avoidable but it was too convenient of a tool to manipulate the US populace into the war. So was it a de facto False Flag? No, it wasn't. Was it a de jure False Flag? Definitely so.
@lLoopyl On the contrary, the public was warned by the German Embassy that the Lusitania was a target before it set sail. It was even posted in the New York Times. The passengers ignored the warning.
Both Germany at its best and at its worsts is Germany, saying that Nazi Germany was "not the real Germany" ignores and hides the simple fact that any nation, no matter how civilized, or how advanced, can be victim to extreme nationalism. It is essential that we do not separate Germany from its pasts, and not just WW2, but even from before WW1 as well as its time under soviet rule, so that we realise that ANYONE is capable of atrocities in the right circonstances, and that ANYONE, no matter how intellectual or educated, can be slowly but surely pushed to extremism, like but not exclusive to, the german people.
@@daniel9485 thats not correct. Baby boom was also in germany and austria and I think nearly everywhere in europe after the world war 2. its not just an american thing
or that you could own a war ship just like the military lmao he thinks its weird to own what the governments have arms wise but in reality modern world is out of norm anyone could own cannons and early gatling gunish weapons
@@valor9996 the majority of the governments of the time would've supplied they're militaries with standard brown bess muskets. Most rifles and cannons in the new world were far superior in terms of combat capabilities.
True and the comment "guns shot like 2rounds/min not 360/min" do they think the founding fathers had no concept of technological advancement? Do they think the founders thought firearm technology would stagnate forever? Firearms advanced even in their lifetimes. These people are slow af
"Modern Paradox didn't cover WW1 in their games" there is no Paradox's Cold War game either (apart from Battle Goat Studios' Supreme Ruler), East vs West was cancelled after when alpha version was built.
I mean, hoi4 kinda has some cold war content. Paradox recently added NATO to the game and the ability to split nations, so I imagine more cold war stuff will come in the future
It's too recent IMO. A lot of the figures would still be alive. At least i think thats what would keep them from a cold war game. WW1 i have no idea why, probably because it would just be a rebranded HOI.
@@currahee they tried to publish a cold war game called hearts of iron east vs west but had a third party developer make it and unfortunately they pulled the plug on the project. so I doubt they are unwilling because of it being to recent timeline wise. I thinks it more of it would need to be a more intense geopolitical sim style game and I don't think they want to put the resources into making that since its obvious they didn't feel confident to develop on their own the first time.
"I have an issue that Americans set in stone shit said in the 1700s" If it works, it works. The US has had no major governmental change and only one civil war in the last 250 years. In the same amount of time, France has overthrown its government almost 10 times, Germany was formed and overthrew or restructured itself 5 times, Russia 5+ times (I forgot how many coupes happened in the USSR), China 5 times (possibly more I forget how many imperial dynasties they changed), and the list goes on. That "outdated" shit made the US the most stable nation in human history. We only started to have stability issues when we stopped following it.
“Most stable nation” my ass. The uk has had nothing like those nations you pointed out, nor have many other European nations. Places like Denmark, Norway and modern Germany are far more stable nowadays than the US.
Revisionist twaddle. If you'd stuck to your guns you would've had the Articles of Confederation and then collapsed. Everything that has kept America afloat has been resistance to it's "traditions" and the ideas set forth about it's past. Getting rid of the Articles of Confederation which allowed the US to really be a functional state, Andrew Jackson introducing something more akin to actually democracy, Lincoln forcing the South to remain in the Union at bayonets point and actually freeing the slaves. Trustbuster Teddy going after free Enterprise and making sure government regulations won out against corporate greed. FDR creating the US which walked into the 50s a winner. Not just by pushing against isolationism and nativism, but by creating the foundations for a functioning welfare state. These are the glue that has held America together for so long. But you haven't really bucked convention in a while. I guess ObamaCare was something, but it's obviously a drop in the bucket, meanwhile old vices, isolationism and nativism are rearing their ugly heads all the while the average person has had less and less political influence in the last decades as Super PACs buy politicians, the electoral college brings about incredibly influential presidents who did not gain the confidence of a majority of the voters and old ideas of "honorable", non-partisan or at the least bipartisan politics seem like sick jokes as the Supreme Court holds it's gavel over the nations fate. Sticking to the script is never what has made America strong, and it will not this time. Something new has to come or it won't matter how much you reinforce the dam, one day it will break.
@@Wasker20233 we're off better in many regards. And if you want to use size then why are you even flaming the French to begin with in this comment section they're not exactly gigantic compared to the UK. The US and Americans are too comfortable pretending their large size is a detriment to political stability when they've divided the country up into many smaller European nation sized states and gave them most the autonomy they'd ever want. You can't do that in Europe or you get the fucking HRE.
My uncle who recently passed was a part of big red 1’s transportation team during the Vietnam war . He never saw combat because he got crushed by a deuce and a half while someone was backing it up. Survived after multiple surgeries and learned to walk again only lost his left leg below the knee . His pastor back home in rural NC that spoke at his celebration of life was also assigned to his unit and they knew eachother before and after the war .
@@jacobthrelfall4375 that’s not what they’re saying. They’re saying because of the lack of a 2nd amendment in Germany, the Nazis were able to get into power without much resistance, and people were unable to defend themselves adequately against their tyranny.
@@yungwaifuThat's a wild take. Given what we know about the world it would've just meant that there were more armed Nazis killing Jews before they even got into power, and if a Jewish person ever retaliated the Nazis would've had a field day in the press, while of course the far left might've mobilized some sorts of stronger militias they would've only helped advance the Reichstag Fire Decree narrative of communists coming to destroy the German nation. Conservatives and the SPD voters would've maybe some of them gotten weapons for self-defense but mostly stayed out of any organized militia stuff as their ideologies sort of fundamentally opposed that. You would've just made the Nazi victory over the Weimar Republics institutions bloodier, while legitimizing the Nazis even further as an armed far leftist militia is about as bad as PR can get.
To answer the videos rhetorical question: Militarily, no the US did not carry the entente to victory. In terms of Economics and Logistics, most definitely the US carried everyone.
It was also very important to force the Central Powers to concede. The extra manpower America provided added with the equipment tilted the scale just enough to make the already exhausted German empire crumble.
Also fun fact: the second amendment isn’t about having guns for self defense. The second amendment exists to give citizen the right to fight back against a tyrannical government and be prepared to do so at a moment’s notice. In the end, it doesn’t matter what the founding fathers said or what technology they had.
more specifically it has nothing to do with the rights of the Individual at all, It was as written the right of the *states* to have a well armed Militia, it was just reframed in the culture after the Civil War and Federalization of the Military.
@@katmannsson - A militia is made up of civilians. A militia is an unprofessional army meaning people can come and go. It is not based on the government at all, but the people.
@@katmannsson Lets say the government gets rid of guns, and goes tyrannical. How does a Militia arm themselves then? The Tyrannical government wont give their enemies guns to fight with, The Militia has to bring their own, and that's only possible if the people forming said militias already have them to begin with. You can't fight without the means to do so. We have had the right to bear arms since before we were a Nation, but a colony instead, and it was because of that... that we were able to even organize a resistance capable of fighting the British. Same can be applied to Modern Day.
I'm a supporter of the second amendment myself. So when I tell you that if the American government turned into a tolitarian, oppressive government there would be nothing we could do about it, I mean it. We could try to fight as hard we could, but the reality is that the military powers of today have leapt so far ahead of what we can get ahold of as citizens in terms tech that we would be completely destroyed. All the AR 15s in the world won't do anything against Bradley armored personnel carriers, M1A2 sep3 Abrams tanks, or F22s and F35s. It's just not feasible. It's a terrifying and sobering thought, but it is what it is. All we can do is be vigilant with our politicians and be careful who we vote for. And hopefully it never comes to that.
@@steventilson2154 - Not true. Guerilla warfare for United States citizens wont be the same like in Afghanistan or Iraq. Guerillas can hide EVERYWHERE. Not just in caves, cities, or hills. It doesn't matter what kind of tech they have. The point is that we don't fight conventionally against them. Hit and run attacks, capturing military bases and its equipment and getting the hell out. Not to mention, most US personnel in the United States military would NEVER support a tyrannical regime. Just because the odds are slim doesn't mean we should just throw our hands up and give up.
In my POV the Vietnam war WAS conceptually right, it was a good call. If it had gone well NOONE would be calling it a bad/injustified war, but that's how things work, after so many young men dies in the jungles no wonder people started to think that it was pointless.
And another thing, The "Germany was punished too much" myth. No it wasn't, Austria-Hungary got partitioned, same as the ottomans, germany only had to pay-up (which they didn't do in the end because they couldn't, so the reparations just stopped) and they lost some non-majority German territories that's basically it. The only reason that Germany got punished at all was because the ententes's people felt like they had fough a war for nothing, so they needed to feel like they won something (that's why the reparations and loss of territory was done) and when the people were satisfied, the elites made deals to make it so Germany didn't had to pay. Germany being punish very harshly was literally Nacional Socialist propaganda which the german people accepted and embraced, and it has being carried on even to this day. If anyone reads this just compare what the allies did to the other losers of the war, SPECIALLY the ottomans like...my god
@@lolmenx4EXACTLY the only reason no one talks about the treaty of sevres en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_S%C3%A8vres in my opinion the worst peace treaty was because the Türks won. The Germans were just extremely prideful and so much misfortune came from the reparations that they became desperate. Saint Germain-en-laye en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Saint-Germain-en-Laye_(1919) and Trianon en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Trianon, which Hungary never forgot due to cthe loss the territory they held since 1000 AD aren’t discussed as much either
@@lolmenx4buddy just because other nations got punished harder doesn't mean that Germany didn't get punished harsh too. It literally killed the economy completely, got rid of basic rights to Germany's most industrialized region, and completely cut off an entire part of Germany to mainland Germany, despite most of the land in between being German. Austria got partitioned because it was already falling apart and breaking.
Saying vietnam was a waste is a joke, over 3-4 million south vietnamesse were exterminated by the north when we pulled out. Fucking joke people say it was a waste of time.
The second amendment was for citizens to defend against government corruption, not hunting. They also had rapid fire weapons and early Gatling guns which people who say they made the amendment without rapid firing guns in mind which anti gun people choose to ignore
As far as I know, Wilson was not responsible for putting forth some of the taxing demands levied on Germany with the Treaty of Versailles. It were the French and the UK who wanted to punish Germany for their war losses. And Wilson even tried to cool down some of these demands, well aware that a humiliated Germany might turn against Europe again. It is also reflected in his idea of a democratised Europe. And if you would have been an American during that time, it wouldn't be striking to think of Europe as a warmongering, unstable continent, which needs to embrace modern political institutions.
@@UnbekannterSoldat74 Britain demanded Reperations sure, but it was french who spearheaded the idea, since german empire was built upon the ruin of the french kingdom.
@@zeppelinled3967 and the French kingdom was the reason Germainy even split in Thr first place (napoleon rise to power ) And napoleons rise to power happened cause of the revolution And the revolution happened cause of the americain revolution And the americain revolution happened because of British faxes
Sigma male energy. My great Grandad was in the og BEF at the start of the war and made it all the way through from the first battle at mons til the armistice. Had 3 wives post war and raised the kids mostly by himself then when WW2 broke out he asked to go and fight but they wouldn’t let him since he was too old. He said he must have killed more than 100 Germans. Crazy geezer.
Was thinking the same thing bro. My imperialist senses are tingling though... Feel like taking over another Nation? One that doesn't allow its citizens to protect themselves? Need to show them what kind of sitting ducks they are. 😂 I'm being real too.
@@scottbivins4758 keep living in that Hollywood movie in your head, all those guns but millions get into your country illegally every year go protect those borders 'patriot' 💀
Tommy one of my favorite series on WWI is on this playlist. Took forever to track down the physical copy of this. It has its bias's and issues but mostly does a really good job covering the war in 10 parts, each section hyper specific to a front or country. ua-cam.com/play/PLAL84qjNOq_bniVYjC6I9lHHYepbG-uLM.html
People in the chat saying that the Versailles treaty wasn’t unnecessarily harsh towards the Germans. I’ve always wondered how stupidity like that has survived evolution.
You say Hitler was the worst thing to ever happen to Germany and yet you don't know what year WW1 started. It's almost like you have no idea what you are talking about... Hitler was a product of WW1 and WW2 was an extension of that conflict. He is not free from blame, of course, but the Allied and Communist leaders seem to have escaped any type of scrutiny whatsoever from 90% of people. It baffles my mind.
Honestly I feel like people in general give Versailles too much shit. Hitler would’ve used the German economic problems and the loss of land to gain support(probably)
@@jjbolts3988the founding fathers never limited protection to muskets, flintlocks and cannons. The point of the second amendment is to allow US Citizens to defend themselves against tyrannical governments
@@jjbolts3988 where in the constitution does it say the only way you can protect yourself is with muskets flintlocks and cannons. It states the right to bear arms
1. Yes there needs to be a hoi4 that starts in ww1 and ends in ww2 or continues. I've had mods that do this but not perfectly. 2. I remember reading the Medal of Honor Wiki. It's like 35% of the medals are dudes who jumped on grenades.
You would have liked my great great grandmother Tommy. She was born in Eastern prussia in 1896, she was married in 1914 to have her husband conscripted 3 months in. She however was a trench medic, she served 4 years on the western front in the somme, verdun, over the War she would loose her parents, 3 sisters, 2 brothers, husband's mother 2 brother in laws. After the war she would be polish but her husband still worked in Germany. However in 1938 the SS took her and her husband as political prisoners. She would not see her husband agian till 1948, however she tried to kill hitler herself 8 times but killing 12 higher ss officers in the war, she would loose her youngest son at stalingrade, oldest On D-Day, middle child to the SS in the war, she would move to the united states and live her life till her death in her sleep in 2003 at 112.
I’m absolutely intrigued by WW1 because I believe it is hands down the worst living conditions humanity has ever subjected itself to. If you haven’t listened to Dan Carlin’s Blueprint for Armageddon, I highly recommend it. Very detailed and thorough while remaining entertaining and engaging.
@@UrMom-jb7vlyep. Both are bad, but it’s like how people compare Putin to Hitler. Why do people see one bad and compare it to an atrocity, a far more horrific crime against humanity
It does for many nations uk France Austria Hungary Serbia turkey belgium all lost the most troops of any war in this specific war plus the nature of the fighting was much worse than ww2
Tommy - "I have this issue with Americans that they look at stuff that was set in 1770 or some sh!t" Me, an American - *chuckles in Reinheitsgebot while sipping a well aged Oktoberfestbier* "Funny, I can think of some others that do the same" 😉😋
Tommy there is no such thing as an "Assault Rifle." The AR-15 which is commonly thought to stand for assault rifle, actually stands for the company that made the AR-15 ArmaLite an American firearms manufacturer. The platform is not deadlier than others due to the caliber either. The AR-15 is commonly loaded in 5.56 or .223 virtually the exact same round. If you did any research into American statistics then you would know that majority of firearm related killings are from handgun platforms, and the vast majority of the killings are gang related. If you were to take out the gang related killings we would be pare with Belgium, this was from a FBI UCR study can't remember the year. America has a strong check and balance system. Where each branch does not hold all power, granted they are largely corrupt due to lobbying and high funders. A check and balance like no other in this country is the fact that the government faces an armed population, an armed militia if you wish. This is not a guarantee, but a deterrent to a tyrannical government. Another issue many people bring up is that the forefathers did not imagine high capacity firearms; however, the founding fathers did have knowledge of similar power. - Girardoni Air Rifle, 1780-1815, was a firearm that was gravity fed and had the capacity to hold 20 balls in a hopper. - Puckle Gun, 1718, had a revolving cylinder that could shoot 63 shots in seven minutes (nine shots/min). -Kalthoff Repeater, 1630, between 5 to 30 rounds depending on the style of magazine. -Harominca Gun, 1742, a pistol or rifle style firearm that had a bar with x amount of chambers, IIRC 10 was the average. -Cookson Repeater, 1750, a breach-loading lever action repeater, that had a rotating drum. -Fafting Rifle, 1774, could fire 18 to 20 shots a minute, the inventor was also working on a version capable of firing 30 per minute -1789 French Rifle, a rifle that held 5 to 6 shots able to shoot 15 to 18 shots in a minute. Compare this to the Kentucky Rifle, the firearm that most would associate the founding fathers with, which was capable of firing 2 shots per minute. Then you factor that the founding fathers saw fit to the private ownership of artillery of the time as well as vessels.
@@kornsuwin I'm glad I had you with Tommy. But to be serious, the term "assault rifle" is new terminology. If you continue reading you would find out that AR in AR-15 stands for the company that made it, ArmaLite. The usage of assault rifle is to make a semi-automatic rifle sound scary. There are only semi-automatic, automatic, lever action, and bolt action in true classification of firearms. Now if you want to be against the ATF definitions you could include muzzle loading, black powder, which has flint and percussion. But this classification of Assault Rifle has no backing until recent years. If you look at crime statistics and deaths in America with firearms the majority of it is suicide/mishandling and gang violence. Lets look at firearm homicide, if we take away gang violence the U.S. is left at 1.7 firearm homicide per 100,000 people. Czech Republic is 1.7/100,000; Canada is 1.8/100,000; France is 2.6/100,000; Austria is 2.8/100,000; Finland is 6.4/100,000. American firearm homicide is majority gang related violence while the vast remaining firearm related deaths are suicide or accidental. The U.S. has 88.8 firearms/100 residents while Switzerland has 45.7 firearms/100 residents. In 2015 Switzerland had a firearm related death rate of 2.84/100,000. This included any form of death related to a firearm. That same year in Switzerland there was a firearm homicide rate of only 0.22/100,000, with a Country total of 18. Meaning in Switzerland 2.62/100,000 firearm related deaths were non homicide in 2015. The country with the highest firearm related deaths in 2019 was Brazil; the U.S. was second. In 2019 the top ten countries with highest firearm related homicides per 100k residents did not include the U.S.. The U.S. was second in countries with the highest firearm related suicides per 100k residents behind Greenland. I wonder what the U.S. would look like if we did not have gangs? I propose that we wouldn't be listed on a majority of these lists if we did not include that of gang violence. Our biggest issues around firearms are gangs and suicide/mishandling of firearms.
@@Gray777333 hasn't the term assault rifle been around since forever? and i doubt that's the true etymology of the "assault rifle" since the StG44 exists, or something
Dude Tommy talking about politics is so cringe. One of the major reasons i stopped watching Tommy was because hes extremely left wing and the crazy kind. Like any time he talks about the second amendment i want to die.
1:47 idk if tommy knows but in USA constitution it says right to bear arms and if needed, to use em against tyrannical government so doesnt that mean you could own an assault rifle or a tank. government should fear the people, not the other way around.
these videos are the only reason I passed my 10th grade history class are teacher didn't teach us anything and only watched football clips on the classroom TV if I didn't go off and learn about south america and Asia I would have failed the exam as all the questions were over things we didn't learn about as we were reading about ww2 for half the school year
Because, first they came for the socialists, and you didn't speak out because you were not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and you did not speak out because you were not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and you did not speak out because you were not a Jew. Then they came for you, and there was no one to speak for you. That's why people fight in wars that "don't concern them". Even though you may be heartless and not care for the genocides, rapes, and murders. When they start happening against you and your associates, you'll regret not stopping the lurking monster in the dark sooner when it was still bashful, scared, and a little rat that could be put down before all the suffering.
@@greystoke8234 it's so sad. He comes so close to understanding but his brain just blocks off any possibility of self-reflection. At one point he goes off about how pointless wars are but then he detects his own thought crime and corrects by saying “uh except for a war against Putin”.
nobody except ukraine and volounteers are fighting though, the us is the country that gave the most money and it is a miniscule amount of it's gdp and military spending did he say that germany should send soldiers?
I got to say. As an American born and raised in a split family and no matter what my family had, war sounds like a great way to escape. As long as it’s for a common goal of the world in general. Not just for America. But for the world, I would go to war for. These people back then only had so much information so they thought they were fighting for the world. Now a days we have a lot of information and how the governments manipulate us. I would choose to fight now a days for the simple idea of protecting what I believe is right. It’s hit that point again id think.
This honestly makes me more angry at the British than I already do United States should’ve supported the German empire The world would’ve been a better place
@@The_Mansss he doesn't especially considering how Africa would be effected, the only people who rail on Britain for Africa are the once who dont know how brutal others like Germany were in comparison.
There is no world where the British public would support Austria attacking Serbia or Germany attacking Belgium, the state Britain had been guaranteeing since 1831. Britain would be far more likely to stay out like Italy until Germany attacked Belgium, not much different than irl. France was also a democracy like Britain and had far more similar interests of preserving the balance of power and restraining German expansion, whereas Britain and Germany had very little if any room for agreement on foreign policy and were actively competing in many places.
@@bigenglishmonkey It actually would’ve changed a lot the United States is the reason why the entente won without US financial backing the entente would go bankrupt also a new front on the Canadian border means the British have to move tens of hundreds of thousands troops to defend Canadian front larger than the entirety of the eastern front of and also you cannot forget about the soldier rebellions in 1917 they were only put down through brutal means and the fact of the British and French governments promised the soldiers things would be different when tens of thousands of Americans would be arriving to relieve them and the Germans would’ve had more time to prepare for Kaiserschlacht and the British royal navy and their grand armada would have to pull ships from the blockade of Germany to confront the American great white fleet meaning the German grand high seas fleet would have less to deal with, I don’t know just my opinion I’ve always been fascinated an alternate history and lastly do you really need a reason to hate the British
10:17 not really an accurate depiction of why Germany re-introduced unrestricted submarine warfare. They did not implement it again in 1917 to prevent the US from joining the war by threatening and killing its citizen, no idea where they heard that but that is not true and makes no sense. Most german generals and admirals actually expected the US to intervene in the war because of this. However the germans estimated that they would be able to suffocate the british into a peace deal by the fall of 1917 before the US could land troops in France. Though the US did not join the war as expected by the Germans straight away, the submarine warfare did not have the expected effect on the british morale eigther. Also the opinion of Germany towards the US had become increasingly hostile towards 1917, and alot of germans already saw the US as an active partner of the allied because of their massive economic support and coorporation with them. Not to mention the domestic pressure for escalating submarine warfare due to the blockade and food shortage Germany was suffering under.
Absolutely not the case they were treaty bound to support Austria in the event of war and Germany showed hesitation and even advised Austria to not declare war as it would of been a European war and said Serbia shouldn’t be invaded given they agreed to 90% of the demands from Austria . Austria holds more blame
I find this rather funny, as most Germans just want the Yanks to piss off with their bs and leave us be. + We have contributed plenty for your nation, and in return your government has turned Germany into America 2.0. Which nobody in this country wants… So if you and your people care so little about us, then why don’t you just fuck off then?
Not really if you compare it to ww2 usa who economically was supporting every single ally and ussr while out maneuvering the axis pretty much everywhere
L Tommy for his opinion on the 2nd amendment . The founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing it’s to fight against a tyrannical government. Not to own rocket launcher????????
@@Mmjk_12 You think that's what they thought with the Taliban and Viet Cong? Warfare isn't that simple. Especially when you can't just bomb the whole country. It really isn't as simple as you would think for the government to just roll in and destroy any uprisers,, if the right size. They run into the issue of killing citizens that are not protesting, thus causing more dismay for the regime. Also the size of America alone would cause issue. This is even more notable with the lack of numbers in the United States Armed services. Then you would have to consider outside aid. If men with AK's took on the mightiest armed forces their own people can as well. Another thing to consider would be how many of the armed men and women would stand by a government that attacks their own people.
i would like to see hoi5 be a cold war game or a ww1 game and i would like to see hoi4 and hoi5 have scenarios for example hoi4 should have starts in 1944 1945 1941 and a ww1 game should have 1914 1910 1918
For me as an american the most important war for me to learn was the American Revolutionary War, A war that was Fought by Colonist for what they believed in and were willing to die for. there is a famous saying from before the war "No taxation without representation".
I don’t get why the Germans hate the imperial German flag? The monarchy didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, I get not liking the Nazi flags but the imperial flag hate is crazy
Canada had more game impact during WW1 than America, and I refuse to hear otherwise. (btw this video is weirdly kind to Woodrow Wilson, one of if not the most damaging and terrible presidents in history)
@@painvillegaming4119 Disagree, no communism doesn't prevent the rise of facism, let alone Hitler. A change in target for their hate maybe but it will always come back to the Jews who be accused of being communists regardless. All depends on how badly Germany loses.
I agree that we hold things said hundreds of years ago too close to home, and I feel the founding fathers would actually agree. There's a big reason why the constitution is ammendable, they didn't feel like they should be able to dictate what future generations need to follow. I think there's a lot of wisdom in that.
Yeah but what you're not thinking about is if a tyrannical government really wants to come to power and take all our guns and enslave us all one will do so. So why f****** risk it. There's a reason why we haven't had a tyrant come to power yet and that is because we have the Second amendment. Don't like it fucking leave. They had goddamn Gatling guns back in the f****** day the founding fathers were most definitely thinking about guns like that. They were not stupid.
@@shaggybottomtext8363 That is not what I said. I said that they were pretty wise with making the constitution ammendable for future generations, IIRC Thomas Jefferson wanted the constitution to be rewritten every 20 years [that wouldn't have gone well], and that they would agree that what they written should 100% dictate 1:1 to our generation
You know how sad it is that the world could have been better if only ww1 never happen or atleast end in different way, one of the saddest things in ww1 is how it started, if the archduke live longer then Austria Hungary wouldn't brought so many country with it But if that happen the colonialism in Africa and Asia could be carry over into the modern era, sure they would probably gain their indepedence but it would end like Haiti who have their economy destroy by having to pay the French for independece or Vietnam style as European nation would help each other for fearing there would be uprising for independece in their colony, a domino effect
It's strange due to the large German population that has been in America for the greater portion of its existence. This was something that wouldn't make sense when America was mostly English and German.
2:40 "ww1 is boring it was just infantry".......deployable machine guns, full auto small arms, fighters, bombers, zeppelins, flamethrowers, deadly biological warfare, submarines, battleships, landships(tanks), body armor. Quite possibly the most interesting war humanity has ever been through considering the technological jump.
And the first war to feature large scale motorized infantry with trucks and armored cars
Not to mention it was the first to span as widely as it had
from Napoleonic Line Formations to Tanks and the Dawn of Modern War, yet due to how history is taught its so deeply misunderstood to be "the boring 20th century war"
he was talking about a game that dealt with the ww1 era
You've been playing too much Battlefield 1. Most soldiers would go through the whole war without seeing a bomber, zeppelin, tank, body armor or chemical warfare. It was 90% artillery, trenches, rifles and fixed MGs.
So true.
The Founding Fathers also spoke out very harshly against a 2 party system knowing how easily corruptable it would be, yet after a few hundred years...
They wanted no parties or a multi party system.
They may have wished that there would be no parties, but through their actions they created a system guaranteed to create a two party system. Somehow people still think they were omniscient galaxy brain uber mensch, though.
@@DrinkyMcBeer better than any politicians in the past couple decades...
@@leeworley6727 Current politicians own slaves?
@@boundsgaming8827 You really asking me this question? Like these mother fuckers dont own sweatshops in other countries. But yah slavery bad man good point. Atleast George Washington didnt advocate for a 16 year long war in the middle of a desert for his own self profit. Just saying.
@@leeworley6727 true
The Lusitania attack wasn't a false flag, but the vessel was, in fact, carrying 173 tons of "butter" on its cargo manifest. The manifest was falsified. This was actually war materiel, mostly in the form of ammunition, and slated for delivery to a British arsenal. The remains have been found in the wreckage, despite attempts at covering it up. The ship was a legitimate military target given the circumstances, and I say that as an American.
It was a 4d chess move from the British whether they meant it or not to blockade the Germans. It led them to increase unrestricted submarine warfare and the British along with the propaganda machine could easily paint them as evil when in reality it was a retaliation for the blockade knowing the Americans, their most important ally outside of Europe could be persuaded to join the war since they would get something out of it by winning. Really underrated move in the history of warfare and it’s another example of how intelligent us Brits can be when it comes to outsmarting our opponents.
Yes and Vietnam involvement wasn’t triggered by a false flag
@@poopshoes7579 The German Embassy published a direct warning in the New York Times the evening before the Lusitania set sail, stating that "vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or of any of her allies, are liable to destruction", in an attempt to mitigate collateral damage to US citizens.
The owner of the vessel ignored the warning. If a conspiracy lies anywhere, it lies there.
it was and wasnt a False Flag though. The Germans literally published multiple warnings in the US Press saying *do not get on this ship we are 100% going to sink it* but it was still allowed to disembark, was still loaded with armaments and used a propaganda tool to position us into the war. It was easily and obviously avoidable but it was too convenient of a tool to manipulate the US populace into the war. So was it a de facto False Flag? No, it wasn't. Was it a de jure False Flag? Definitely so.
@lLoopyl On the contrary, the public was warned by the German Embassy that the Lusitania was a target before it set sail. It was even posted in the New York Times. The passengers ignored the warning.
4:40 Germany did look good on those days, bc that was Germany, not some Nazi shit. Germany WAS that.
Both Germany at its best and at its worsts is Germany, saying that Nazi Germany was "not the real Germany" ignores and hides the simple fact that any nation, no matter how civilized, or how advanced, can be victim to extreme nationalism. It is essential that we do not separate Germany from its pasts, and not just WW2, but even from before WW1 as well as its time under soviet rule, so that we realise that ANYONE is capable of atrocities in the right circonstances, and that ANYONE, no matter how intellectual or educated, can be slowly but surely pushed to extremism, like but not exclusive to, the german people.
How does Tommy exist? A Pro Internet Boomer? The Internet ruined Boomers man.
His dad is a boomer, he’s gen x or millennial
I can’t tell if you are serious or joking, Cause that makes no sense
Boomer doesn’t really apply from where he’s from because they never really had a population boom like in the US
This guy is a millennial . And the internet ruined young plastic brains, not older people 🤦🏽♂️and I’m Gen Z myself .
@@daniel9485 thats not correct.
Baby boom was also in germany and austria and I think nearly everywhere in europe after the world war 2. its not just an american thing
Tommy does know cannons and fucking grenade launchers technically existed in 1700s lol
or that you could own a war ship just like the military lmao he thinks its weird to own what the governments have arms wise but in reality modern world is out of norm anyone could own cannons and early gatling gunish weapons
@@valor9996 the majority of the governments of the time would've supplied they're militaries with standard brown bess muskets. Most rifles and cannons in the new world were far superior in terms of combat capabilities.
True and the comment "guns shot like 2rounds/min not 360/min" do they think the founding fathers had no concept of technological advancement? Do they think the founders thought firearm technology would stagnate forever? Firearms advanced even in their lifetimes. These people are slow af
Mortars, cannons, grenade launchers(kind of), muskets, pistols, early mines, gunboats.
@@yungwaifu Exactly. Most of the founding fathers lived to see the first bolt action rifle.
"Modern Paradox didn't cover WW1 in their games" there is no Paradox's Cold War game either (apart from Battle Goat Studios' Supreme Ruler), East vs West was cancelled after when alpha version was built.
I mean victorias time frame covers ww1 and the interwar period. they just dont have a hoi style combat focused game for it.
I mean, hoi4 kinda has some cold war content. Paradox recently added NATO to the game and the ability to split nations, so I imagine more cold war stuff will come in the future
It's too recent IMO. A lot of the figures would still be alive. At least i think thats what would keep them from a cold war game. WW1 i have no idea why, probably because it would just be a rebranded HOI.
@@currahee they tried to publish a cold war game called hearts of iron east vs west but had a third party developer make it and unfortunately they pulled the plug on the project. so I doubt they are unwilling because of it being to recent timeline wise. I thinks it more of it would need to be a more intense geopolitical sim style game and I don't think they want to put the resources into making that since its obvious they didn't feel confident to develop on their own the first time.
Victoria II , they axed East Vs West development tho
"I have an issue that Americans set in stone shit said in the 1700s"
If it works, it works. The US has had no major governmental change and only one civil war in the last 250 years.
In the same amount of time, France has overthrown its government almost 10 times, Germany was formed and overthrew or restructured itself 5 times, Russia 5+ times (I forgot how many coupes happened in the USSR), China 5 times (possibly more I forget how many imperial dynasties they changed), and the list goes on.
That "outdated" shit made the US the most stable nation in human history. We only started to have stability issues when we stopped following it.
Right? Super frustrating that Tommy is always commenting on topics he knows nothing about.
“Most stable nation” my ass. The uk has had nothing like those nations you pointed out, nor have many other European nations. Places like Denmark, Norway and modern Germany are far more stable nowadays than the US.
@@Chineseconcreteyou gotta remember yall have a tiny island the size of one state and I wouldn’t say yall are off any better than the US
Revisionist twaddle. If you'd stuck to your guns you would've had the Articles of Confederation and then collapsed. Everything that has kept America afloat has been resistance to it's "traditions" and the ideas set forth about it's past. Getting rid of the Articles of Confederation which allowed the US to really be a functional state, Andrew Jackson introducing something more akin to actually democracy, Lincoln forcing the South to remain in the Union at bayonets point and actually freeing the slaves. Trustbuster Teddy going after free Enterprise and making sure government regulations won out against corporate greed. FDR creating the US which walked into the 50s a winner. Not just by pushing against isolationism and nativism, but by creating the foundations for a functioning welfare state. These are the glue that has held America together for so long. But you haven't really bucked convention in a while. I guess ObamaCare was something, but it's obviously a drop in the bucket, meanwhile old vices, isolationism and nativism are rearing their ugly heads all the while the average person has had less and less political influence in the last decades as Super PACs buy politicians, the electoral college brings about incredibly influential presidents who did not gain the confidence of a majority of the voters and old ideas of "honorable", non-partisan or at the least bipartisan politics seem like sick jokes as the Supreme Court holds it's gavel over the nations fate. Sticking to the script is never what has made America strong, and it will not this time. Something new has to come or it won't matter how much you reinforce the dam, one day it will break.
@@Wasker20233 we're off better in many regards. And if you want to use size then why are you even flaming the French to begin with in this comment section they're not exactly gigantic compared to the UK. The US and Americans are too comfortable pretending their large size is a detriment to political stability when they've divided the country up into many smaller European nation sized states and gave them most the autonomy they'd ever want. You can't do that in Europe or you get the fucking HRE.
My uncle who recently passed was a part of big red 1’s transportation team during the Vietnam war . He never saw combat because he got crushed by a deuce and a half while someone was backing it up. Survived after multiple surgeries and learned to walk again only lost his left leg below the knee . His pastor back home in rural NC that spoke at his celebration of life was also assigned to his unit and they knew eachother before and after the war .
holy shit. what a story
15:57 having a child will change one's perspective on a lot of things.
With all due respect a germain shouldn’t speak up about gun laws
Cause you guys are kind the best exemple on why it need it
What ? U mean wars that were declared by higher commands well of cause guns would be used in wars and most Germans fought because they had to
@@jacobthrelfall4375 the first thing the moustache man Did when he took control was to confiscate all Jewish owned Weaponery
@@jacobthrelfall4375 that’s not what they’re saying. They’re saying because of the lack of a 2nd amendment in Germany, the Nazis were able to get into power without much resistance, and people were unable to defend themselves adequately against their tyranny.
@@yungwaifuThat's a wild take. Given what we know about the world it would've just meant that there were more armed Nazis killing Jews before they even got into power, and if a Jewish person ever retaliated the Nazis would've had a field day in the press, while of course the far left might've mobilized some sorts of stronger militias they would've only helped advance the Reichstag Fire Decree narrative of communists coming to destroy the German nation. Conservatives and the SPD voters would've maybe some of them gotten weapons for self-defense but mostly stayed out of any organized militia stuff as their ideologies sort of fundamentally opposed that. You would've just made the Nazi victory over the Weimar Republics institutions bloodier, while legitimizing the Nazis even further as an armed far leftist militia is about as bad as PR can get.
1912 to 1950 would be a grear timespan for HOIV
world war 1 to and through the cold war.
Ah well, what's 7 more hours of my life...
To answer the videos rhetorical question: Militarily, no the US did not carry the entente to victory. In terms of Economics and Logistics, most definitely the US carried everyone.
It was also very important to force the Central Powers to concede. The extra manpower America provided added with the equipment tilted the scale just enough to make the already exhausted German empire crumble.
They sold arms etc. to the Entente. I wouldn’t really describe that as carrying as they were making a profit from it.
@@hailhydra7959 It's still carrying, even if it came at a large price
1:49 'Bazooka' and 'Assault rifle'. Tommy is proof that ignorant people should not be allowed to talk about a topic.
Very free speech of you
@@justsomeeggsinapot1784Tommy lives in Germany. Free speech doesn't exist
Also fun fact: the second amendment isn’t about having guns for self defense. The second amendment exists to give citizen the right to fight back against a tyrannical government and be prepared to do so at a moment’s notice. In the end, it doesn’t matter what the founding fathers said or what technology they had.
more specifically it has nothing to do with the rights of the Individual at all, It was as written the right of the *states* to have a well armed Militia, it was just reframed in the culture after the Civil War and Federalization of the Military.
@@katmannsson - A militia is made up of civilians. A militia is an unprofessional army meaning people can come and go. It is not based on the government at all, but the people.
@@katmannsson Lets say the government gets rid of guns, and goes tyrannical. How does a Militia arm themselves then? The Tyrannical government wont give their enemies guns to fight with, The Militia has to bring their own, and that's only possible if the people forming said militias already have them to begin with. You can't fight without the means to do so. We have had the right to bear arms since before we were a Nation, but a colony instead, and it was because of that... that we were able to even organize a resistance capable of fighting the British. Same can be applied to Modern Day.
I'm a supporter of the second amendment myself. So when I tell you that if the American government turned into a tolitarian, oppressive government there would be nothing we could do about it, I mean it. We could try to fight as hard we could, but the reality is that the military powers of today have leapt so far ahead of what we can get ahold of as citizens in terms tech that we would be completely destroyed. All the AR 15s in the world won't do anything against Bradley armored personnel carriers, M1A2 sep3 Abrams tanks, or F22s and F35s. It's just not feasible. It's a terrifying and sobering thought, but it is what it is. All we can do is be vigilant with our politicians and be careful who we vote for. And hopefully it never comes to that.
@@steventilson2154 - Not true. Guerilla warfare for United States citizens wont be the same like in Afghanistan or Iraq. Guerillas can hide EVERYWHERE. Not just in caves, cities, or hills. It doesn't matter what kind of tech they have. The point is that we don't fight conventionally against them. Hit and run attacks, capturing military bases and its equipment and getting the hell out. Not to mention, most US personnel in the United States military would NEVER support a tyrannical regime. Just because the odds are slim doesn't mean we should just throw our hands up and give up.
In my POV the Vietnam war WAS conceptually right, it was a good call.
If it had gone well NOONE would be calling it a bad/injustified war, but that's how things work, after so many young men dies in the jungles no wonder people started to think that it was pointless.
And another thing, The "Germany was punished too much" myth.
No it wasn't, Austria-Hungary got partitioned, same as the ottomans, germany only had to pay-up (which they didn't do in the end because they couldn't, so the reparations just stopped) and they lost some non-majority German territories that's basically it.
The only reason that Germany got punished at all was because the ententes's people felt like they had fough a war for nothing, so they needed to feel like they won something (that's why the reparations and loss of territory was done) and when the people were satisfied, the elites made deals to make it so Germany didn't had to pay.
Germany being punish very harshly was literally Nacional Socialist propaganda which the german people accepted and embraced, and it has being carried on even to this day.
If anyone reads this just compare what the allies did to the other losers of the war, SPECIALLY the ottomans like...my god
@@lolmenx4 I mean they destroyed the empire
@@lolmenx4 yeah the treaty of Brest-litovsk was way more punishing than Versailles
@@lolmenx4EXACTLY the only reason no one talks about the treaty of sevres en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_S%C3%A8vres in my opinion the worst peace treaty was because the Türks won. The Germans were just extremely prideful and so much misfortune came from the reparations that they became desperate. Saint Germain-en-laye en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Saint-Germain-en-Laye_(1919) and Trianon en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Trianon, which Hungary never forgot due to cthe loss the territory they held since 1000 AD aren’t discussed as much either
@@lolmenx4buddy just because other nations got punished harder doesn't mean that Germany didn't get punished harsh too. It literally killed the economy completely, got rid of basic rights to Germany's most industrialized region, and completely cut off an entire part of Germany to mainland Germany, despite most of the land in between being German. Austria got partitioned because it was already falling apart and breaking.
Saying vietnam was a waste is a joke, over 3-4 million south vietnamesse were exterminated by the north when we pulled out. Fucking joke people say it was a waste of time.
The second amendment was for citizens to defend against government corruption, not hunting. They also had rapid fire weapons and early Gatling guns which people who say they made the amendment without rapid firing guns in mind which anti gun people choose to ignore
As far as I know, Wilson was not responsible for putting forth some of the taxing demands levied on Germany with the Treaty of Versailles. It were the French and the UK who wanted to punish Germany for their war losses. And Wilson even tried to cool down some of these demands, well aware that a humiliated Germany might turn against Europe again. It is also reflected in his idea of a democratised Europe. And if you would have been an American during that time, it wouldn't be striking to think of Europe as a warmongering, unstable continent, which needs to embrace modern political institutions.
I thought it was French who demanded the german pockets to be turned upside down permanently?
@@zeppelinled3967 yeah, they were by far the harshest. Britain was more reluctant but still demanded high reparations from Germany
@@UnbekannterSoldat74 Britain demanded Reperations sure, but it was french who spearheaded the idea, since german empire was built upon the ruin of the french kingdom.
A lot easier to be more lenient when you didn't have millions die or your country turned upside down
@@zeppelinled3967 and the French kingdom was the reason Germainy even split in Thr first place (napoleon rise to power )
And napoleons rise to power happened cause of the revolution
And the revolution happened cause of the americain revolution
And the americain revolution happened because of British faxes
paradox should combine all of their games into one mega timeline game without mods
My great great grandfather was a medic during ww1 and he was not grossed out
Sigma male energy. My great Grandad was in the og BEF at the start of the war and made it all the way through from the first battle at mons til the armistice. Had 3 wives post war and raised the kids mostly by himself then when WW2 broke out he asked to go and fight but they wouldn’t let him since he was too old. He said he must have killed more than 100 Germans. Crazy geezer.
Tommy my Great Grandfather was in the "Big Red One" in WW2 he fought in Europe in France and Germany.
your grandpa is in HOI 4 pog
Shall not be infringed
hell yea
I want a Hearts of Iron setting in March 12, 1947 - December 26, 1991 the entire cold war
I think there is a Mod called “Iron Curtain” which starts in January 1948 or 9 and ends in 1991
Just give us the whole century lol shit was wild across the board
I’m glad we don’t have to care about European opinions on weapons.
Was thinking the same thing bro. My imperialist senses are tingling though... Feel like taking over another Nation? One that doesn't allow its citizens to protect themselves? Need to show them what kind of sitting ducks they are. 😂 I'm being real too.
@@scottbivins4758 keep living in that Hollywood movie in your head, all those guns but millions get into your country illegally every year go protect those borders 'patriot' 💀
Tommy one of my favorite series on WWI is on this playlist. Took forever to track down the physical copy of this. It has its bias's and issues but mostly does a really good job covering the war in 10 parts, each section hyper specific to a front or country. ua-cam.com/play/PLAL84qjNOq_bniVYjC6I9lHHYepbG-uLM.html
You should check out the great war, best ww1 channel
@@duncandl910 Oh I have, I've been following it since 2014
@@BlueViper8907 it's so good!! I'm glad for you
16:30 "Wars are bad except for the ones the media tells me are good"
Hes german, obviously sided with the west and US fanboy
@@reidavi9156There is no world where you can be completely pacifist. That’s not how humans operate.
Cry about it
People in the chat saying that the Versailles treaty wasn’t unnecessarily harsh towards the Germans. I’ve always wondered how stupidity like that has survived evolution.
You say Hitler was the worst thing to ever happen to Germany and yet you don't know what year WW1 started. It's almost like you have no idea what you are talking about... Hitler was a product of WW1 and WW2 was an extension of that conflict. He is not free from blame, of course, but the Allied and Communist leaders seem to have escaped any type of scrutiny whatsoever from 90% of people. It baffles my mind.
Well there wouldn’t be any Allies in Germany if Hitler didn’t piss off the entire world with his invasions
@@tankfist2593 I mean his brain is completely rotted out by German left wing politics. What Angela Merkel will do to a mf 😭
Honestly I feel like people in general give Versailles too much shit. Hitler would’ve used the German economic problems and the loss of land to gain support(probably)
1:52 , agreed , only muskets or flintlocks should be allowed , and cannons
*insert 4chan musket green text*
@@LiamSGue home defense, just as the founding Fathers intended
@@jjbolts3988the founding fathers never limited protection to muskets, flintlocks and cannons. The point of the second amendment is to allow US Citizens to defend themselves against tyrannical governments
@@Xtyy Ok , but if you do it with anything but a musket , flintlock and cannon , you are un patriotic
@@jjbolts3988 where in the constitution does it say the only way you can protect yourself is with muskets flintlocks and cannons. It states the right to bear arms
1. Yes there needs to be a hoi4 that starts in ww1 and ends in ww2 or continues. I've had mods that do this but not perfectly. 2. I remember reading the Medal of Honor Wiki. It's like 35% of the medals are dudes who jumped on grenades.
I think a HOI game that takes place from November 12th, 1918 to December 31st, 1935 would be interesting.
You would have liked my great great grandmother Tommy. She was born in Eastern prussia in 1896, she was married in 1914 to have her husband conscripted 3 months in. She however was a trench medic, she served 4 years on the western front in the somme, verdun, over the War she would loose her parents, 3 sisters, 2 brothers, husband's mother 2 brother in laws.
After the war she would be polish but her husband still worked in Germany.
However in 1938 the SS took her and her husband as political prisoners. She would not see her husband agian till 1948, however she tried to kill hitler herself 8 times but killing 12 higher ss officers in the war, she would loose her youngest son at stalingrade, oldest On D-Day, middle child to the SS in the war, she would move to the united states and live her life till her death in her sleep in 2003 at 112.
What a life
I’m absolutely intrigued by WW1 because I believe it is hands down the worst living conditions humanity has ever subjected itself to. If you haven’t listened to Dan Carlin’s Blueprint for Armageddon, I highly recommend it. Very detailed and thorough while remaining entertaining and engaging.
do not equate ww2 and this russian intervention today
Very different in both scope and circumstance
@@UrMom-jb7vlyep. Both are bad, but it’s like how people compare Putin to Hitler. Why do people see one bad and compare it to an atrocity, a far more horrific crime against humanity
It does for many nations uk France Austria Hungary Serbia turkey belgium all lost the most troops of any war in this specific war plus the nature of the fighting was much worse than ww2
Tommy - "I have this issue with Americans that they look at stuff that was set in 1770 or some sh!t"
Me, an American - *chuckles in Reinheitsgebot while sipping a well aged Oktoberfestbier* "Funny, I can think of some others that do the same" 😉😋
Tommy there is no such thing as an "Assault Rifle." The AR-15 which is commonly thought to stand for assault rifle, actually stands for the company that made the AR-15 ArmaLite an American firearms manufacturer. The platform is not deadlier than others due to the caliber either. The AR-15 is commonly loaded in 5.56 or .223 virtually the exact same round. If you did any research into American statistics then you would know that majority of firearm related killings are from handgun platforms, and the vast majority of the killings are gang related. If you were to take out the gang related killings we would be pare with Belgium, this was from a FBI UCR study can't remember the year.
America has a strong check and balance system. Where each branch does not hold all power, granted they are largely corrupt due to lobbying and high funders. A check and balance like no other in this country is the fact that the government faces an armed population, an armed militia if you wish. This is not a guarantee, but a deterrent to a tyrannical government. Another issue many people bring up is that the forefathers did not imagine high capacity firearms; however, the founding fathers did have knowledge of similar power.
- Girardoni Air Rifle, 1780-1815, was a firearm that was gravity fed and had the capacity to hold 20 balls in a hopper.
- Puckle Gun, 1718, had a revolving cylinder that could shoot 63 shots in seven minutes (nine shots/min).
-Kalthoff Repeater, 1630, between 5 to 30 rounds depending on the style of magazine.
-Harominca Gun, 1742, a pistol or rifle style firearm that had a bar with x amount of chambers, IIRC 10 was the average.
-Cookson Repeater, 1750, a breach-loading lever action repeater, that had a rotating drum.
-Fafting Rifle, 1774, could fire 18 to 20 shots a minute, the inventor was also working on a version capable of firing 30 per minute
-1789 French Rifle, a rifle that held 5 to 6 shots able to shoot 15 to 18 shots in a minute.
Compare this to the Kentucky Rifle, the firearm that most would associate the founding fathers with, which was capable of firing 2 shots per minute. Then you factor that the founding fathers saw fit to the private ownership of artillery of the time as well as vessels.
@@kornsuwin okay?
@@Gray777333 you lost me at "there's no such thing as an assault rifle"
@@kornsuwin I'm glad I had you with Tommy. But to be serious, the term "assault rifle" is new terminology. If you continue reading you would find out that AR in AR-15 stands for the company that made it, ArmaLite. The usage of assault rifle is to make a semi-automatic rifle sound scary. There are only semi-automatic, automatic, lever action, and bolt action in true classification of firearms. Now if you want to be against the ATF definitions you could include muzzle loading, black powder, which has flint and percussion. But this classification of Assault Rifle has no backing until recent years.
If you look at crime statistics and deaths in America with firearms the majority of it is suicide/mishandling and gang violence. Lets look at firearm homicide, if we take away gang violence the U.S. is left at 1.7 firearm homicide per 100,000 people. Czech Republic is 1.7/100,000; Canada is 1.8/100,000; France is 2.6/100,000; Austria is 2.8/100,000; Finland is 6.4/100,000. American firearm homicide is majority gang related violence while the vast remaining firearm related deaths are suicide or accidental. The U.S. has 88.8 firearms/100 residents while Switzerland has 45.7 firearms/100 residents. In 2015 Switzerland had a firearm related death rate of 2.84/100,000. This included any form of death related to a firearm. That same year in Switzerland there was a firearm homicide rate of only 0.22/100,000, with a Country total of 18. Meaning in Switzerland 2.62/100,000 firearm related deaths were non homicide in 2015.
The country with the highest firearm related deaths in 2019 was Brazil; the U.S. was second. In 2019 the top ten countries with highest firearm related homicides per 100k residents did not include the U.S.. The U.S. was second in countries with the highest firearm related suicides per 100k residents behind Greenland. I wonder what the U.S. would look like if we did not have gangs? I propose that we wouldn't be listed on a majority of these lists if we did not include that of gang violence. Our biggest issues around firearms are gangs and suicide/mishandling of firearms.
@@Gray777333 hasn't the term assault rifle been around since forever? and i doubt that's the true etymology of the "assault rifle" since the StG44 exists, or something
For some reason, I'm interested to see Tommy react to the mandela catalogue and stuff like that if he didn't already
Dude Tommy talking about politics is so cringe. One of the major reasons i stopped watching Tommy was because hes extremely left wing and the crazy kind. Like any time he talks about the second amendment i want to die.
i highly recommend the netflix version of all quiet on the western front
is it out yet? I know some local theatres are playing it
@@TheMonkeygoneape yes sir
1:47 idk if tommy knows but in USA constitution it says right to bear arms and if needed, to use em against tyrannical government so doesnt that mean you could own an assault rifle or a tank. government should fear the people, not the other way around.
There wont be ww1 hoi becuz victoria and such ww1 games exist
Paradox make sure to develop two world wars separately
Oi tommy it’s my god damn American right to own a bazooka!
Victoria 3 covers ww1, and it will hopefully get better
Victoria 3 fucking sucks. Its and economy simulator presented as a grand strategy game
@@jacobjones4766 cope
L take on the 2nd amendment
Don't care
Huh? Did you even watch the video
Pay him no mind he’s too dumb to write simple english nonetheless understand the amendments.
Anti gun ccp comi
these videos are the only reason I passed my 10th grade history class are teacher didn't teach us anything and only watched football clips on the classroom TV if I didn't go off and learn about south america and Asia I would have failed the exam as all the questions were over things we didn't learn about as we were reading about ww2 for half the school year
What a teacher lmao
Why does Tommy insist that people fight in wars that don't concern us?
Because, first they came for the socialists, and you didn't speak out because you were not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and you did not speak out because you were not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and you did not speak out because you were not a Jew. Then they came for you, and there was no one to speak for you. That's why people fight in wars that "don't concern them". Even though you may be heartless and not care for the genocides, rapes, and murders. When they start happening against you and your associates, you'll regret not stopping the lurking monster in the dark sooner when it was still bashful, scared, and a little rat that could be put down before all the suffering.
The propaganda machine is strong in Germany
@@greystoke8234 it's so sad. He comes so close to understanding but his brain just blocks off any possibility of self-reflection. At one point he goes off about how pointless wars are but then he detects his own thought crime and corrects by saying “uh except for a war against Putin”.
nobody except ukraine and volounteers are fighting though, the us is the country that gave the most money and it is a miniscule amount of it's gdp and military spending
did he say that germany should send soldiers?
Yeah, why would Russia going on the march to the west concern a country that was half ruled by Russia just 30 years ago?
I got to say. As an American born and raised in a split family and no matter what my family had, war sounds like a great way to escape. As long as it’s for a common goal of the world in general. Not just for America. But for the world, I would go to war for. These people back then only had so much information so they thought they were fighting for the world. Now a days we have a lot of information and how the governments manipulate us. I would choose to fight now a days for the simple idea of protecting what I believe is right. It’s hit that point again id think.
I agree that WW2 happens no matter what as a result of the end of WW1.
Unless The Germain wins but it another problem
This honestly makes me more angry at the British than I already do United States should’ve supported the German empire The world would’ve been a better place
hate seems unwarranted but also it wouldn't have changed anything anyway the entente still would have won.
@@bigenglishmonkey Yeah exactly also how does he know that the world would be a better place if Germany won World War I
@@The_Mansss he doesn't especially considering how Africa would be effected, the only people who rail on Britain for Africa are the once who dont know how brutal others like Germany were in comparison.
There is no world where the British public would support Austria attacking Serbia or Germany attacking Belgium, the state Britain had been guaranteeing since 1831. Britain would be far more likely to stay out like Italy until Germany attacked Belgium, not much different than irl. France was also a democracy like Britain and had far more similar interests of preserving the balance of power and restraining German expansion, whereas Britain and Germany had very little if any room for agreement on foreign policy and were actively competing in many places.
@@bigenglishmonkey It actually would’ve changed a lot the United States is the reason why the entente won without US financial backing the entente would go bankrupt also a new front on the Canadian border means the British have to move tens of hundreds of thousands troops to defend Canadian front larger than the entirety of the eastern front of and also you cannot forget about the soldier rebellions in 1917 they were only put down through brutal means and the fact of the British and French governments promised the soldiers things would be different when tens of thousands of Americans would be arriving to relieve them and the Germans would’ve had more time to prepare for Kaiserschlacht and the British royal navy and their grand armada would have to pull ships from the blockade of Germany to confront the American great white fleet meaning the German grand high seas fleet would have less to deal with, I don’t know just my opinion I’ve always been fascinated an alternate history and lastly do you really need a reason to hate the British
10:17 not really an accurate depiction of why Germany re-introduced unrestricted submarine warfare. They did not implement it again in 1917 to prevent the US from joining the war by threatening and killing its citizen, no idea where they heard that but that is not true and makes no sense. Most german generals and admirals actually expected the US to intervene in the war because of this. However the germans estimated that they would be able to suffocate the british into a peace deal by the fall of 1917 before the US could land troops in France. Though the US did not join the war as expected by the Germans straight away, the submarine warfare did not have the expected effect on the british morale eigther. Also the opinion of Germany towards the US had become increasingly hostile towards 1917, and alot of germans already saw the US as an active partner of the allied because of their massive economic support and coorporation with them. Not to mention the domestic pressure for escalating submarine warfare due to the blockade and food shortage Germany was suffering under.
Tommy should debate/talk to a casual right leaning gun owner
Austria got the Go from Germany without germany ww1 would have never started Austria would have just had to accept it
Absolutely not the case they were treaty bound to support Austria in the event of war and Germany showed hesitation and even advised Austria to not declare war as it would of been a European war and said Serbia shouldn’t be invaded given they agreed to 90% of the demands from Austria . Austria holds more blame
A German arguing that we should get involved in German affairs is always funny to me, what have they ever done for us?
I find this rather funny, as most Germans just want the Yanks to piss off with their bs and leave us be. + We have contributed plenty for your nation, and in return your government has turned Germany into America 2.0. Which nobody in this country wants… So if you and your people care so little about us, then why don’t you just fuck off then?
They gave you hamburger that you Americans are dying about
The car
They also helped you idiots a few little in your dumb revolution of freedom
@@auserwithcommonsense6369 "They" I'm talking about the German government, not all of the intelligent Germans who fled Germany.
Not really if you compare it to ww2 usa who economically was supporting every single ally and ussr while out maneuvering the axis pretty much everywhere
12:10 actually the serbians did ww1.
L Tommy for his opinion on the 2nd amendment . The founding fathers knew exactly what they were doing it’s to fight against a tyrannical government. Not to own rocket launcher????????
19:00 should do Victoria crosses as well
2:28 dommy, victoria 3 exist and it's covering world war I
They do it just encompasses the end of the Napoleonic up to World War II. It’s called Victoria.
Tommy enjoy your secret labs chair. Mine has been great for my back.
Victoria 3 will feature WW1 it seems. The game ends in 1936.
what this is just getting uploaded here? damn markoni you slacking or something ?
Ah yes, Germany's brilliant plan of attacking American merchant ships. My family were dock workers during both wars. They witnessed German attacks.
germany warned the americans..
1:41 Typical Tommy bad take, but you can't really fix what has been broken to this degree.
The problem with this style of teaching for kids isn’t what school is for. It wants to make workers not thinkers
You say that as if we didn't carry every world war
americans should have bazookas
You can own military cannons without a license so we realistically don’t need them
1:50 an armed population is a population the government won't mess with
I don't think government tanks and strike drones give a shit about what a untrained american with a rifle can do...
Why is the US kinda the most unstable Western country at the moment?
@@Mmjk_12 this guy thinks we only have rifles🤣
@@Mmjk_12 I've seen people with tanks, mines, aircraft and rocket launchers.
@@Mmjk_12 You think that's what they thought with the Taliban and Viet Cong? Warfare isn't that simple. Especially when you can't just bomb the whole country. It really isn't as simple as you would think for the government to just roll in and destroy any uprisers,, if the right size. They run into the issue of killing citizens that are not protesting, thus causing more dismay for the regime. Also the size of America alone would cause issue. This is even more notable with the lack of numbers in the United States Armed services. Then you would have to consider outside aid. If men with AK's took on the mightiest armed forces their own people can as well. Another thing to consider would be how many of the armed men and women would stand by a government that attacks their own people.
The first yes, the second nope.
so fucking cool seeing you look at the medal of honor wiki and my great uncle is there. Sylvester Antolak
a summary of The United States and why we go to war
This made me read the 14 points, none of it concerned germany except alsace-lorraine
Nice vid
i would like to see hoi5 be a cold war game or a ww1 game and i would like to see hoi4 and hoi5 have scenarios for example hoi4 should have starts in 1944 1945 1941 and a ww1 game should have 1914 1910 1918
yes ofc they did now if you'll excuse me im gonna get back to my chesseburgers and moonlandings
For me as an american the most important war for me to learn was the American Revolutionary War, A war that was Fought by Colonist for what they believed in and were willing to die for. there is a famous saying from before the war "No taxation without representation".
Hardcore History blueprint for armegeddon
I don’t get why the Germans hate the imperial German flag? The monarchy didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, I get not liking the Nazi flags but the imperial flag hate is crazy
mfs in chat and these comments dont know that since its illegal to fly a nazi flag in germany people use the imperial flag as a standin
12:18 random Tommy ADHD moment.
Before I even watch the video, I'm just gonna say that America didn't carry WW1.
But it certainly did end it.
You just had history teached the wrong way then, there is so much more context to the class history itself then just bare facts.
The Great War mod for hoi4 is kinda scripted but it starts in 1912 and ends in the 50s
Canada had more game impact during WW1 than America, and I refuse to hear otherwise. (btw this video is weirdly kind to Woodrow Wilson, one of if not the most damaging and terrible presidents in history)
@crassgop Naïve and short sighted in foreign policy and cruel and pompous in domestic policy. How great the country could have been if Teddy won...
@@jakemurray2635 if teddy won we would pontielly not deal with the communist and without communist no hitler
@@painvillegaming4119 Disagree, no communism doesn't prevent the rise of facism, let alone Hitler. A change in target for their hate maybe but it will always come back to the Jews who be accused of being communists regardless. All depends on how badly Germany loses.
@@jakemurray2635 fair
Lol homies mad that we as americans will out live any second rate country he is in
Key thing was that USA wanted to protect their BET in form of loans given to GB. And France.
Its just politic man, no need for emotion.
I agree that we hold things said hundreds of years ago too close to home, and I feel the founding fathers would actually agree. There's a big reason why the constitution is ammendable, they didn't feel like they should be able to dictate what future generations need to follow. I think there's a lot of wisdom in that.
dawg it's literally giving us the right to protect ourselves from invaders and tyrannical government
Yeah but what you're not thinking about is if a tyrannical government really wants to come to power and take all our guns and enslave us all one will do so. So why f****** risk it. There's a reason why we haven't had a tyrant come to power yet and that is because we have the Second amendment. Don't like it fucking leave. They had goddamn Gatling guns back in the f****** day the founding fathers were most definitely thinking about guns like that. They were not stupid.
>feels the founders would agree with no more second amendment
>they literally fought a goddamn war over tyrannical government
@@shaggybottomtext8363 That is not what I said. I said that they were pretty wise with making the constitution ammendable for future generations, IIRC Thomas Jefferson wanted the constitution to be rewritten every 20 years [that wouldn't have gone well], and that they would agree that what they written should 100% dictate 1:1 to our generation
You know how sad it is that the world could have been better if only ww1 never happen or atleast end in different way, one of the saddest things in ww1 is how it started, if the archduke live longer then Austria Hungary wouldn't brought so many country with it
But if that happen the colonialism in Africa and Asia could be carry over into the modern era, sure they would probably gain their indepedence but it would end like Haiti who have their economy destroy by having to pay the French for independece or Vietnam style as European nation would help each other for fearing there would be uprising for independece in their colony, a domino effect
World war 1 was inevitable thr archduke death was simply a excuse
We def should be able to own anything the gov can
9:00 Who didn't expect them to lynch them. They've been doin that for years and with the kuklux i mean yeah, average american society
It's strange due to the large German population that has been in America for the greater portion of its existence. This was something that wouldn't make sense when America was mostly English and German.
@@Gray777333 yeah i find it really strange as well
I don’t get why this guy hates the imperial German flag
Communists. A socialist. Them are the only people that hate that kind of stuff. And to be honest they are despicable.
@@scottbivins4758 sad he is a leftie... german...
Hitler was not in WW1 but in 2
I mean, as a soldier...
@@isimperialist you gotta be deficient mentally
ww1 from 1914 to 1918
Man, it just pains to realize that if it wasn't for US' usual meddling the era after the Victorian would've been the Teutonic/Wihlemic Era.
Didn't Tommy like Vicky3 though? :P
2:00 Tommy jelly of our 2nd amendment rights 😏😏😏
Lmao future of education