Should Christians follow Paul or Jesus?

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2024
  • This is a question asked by my congregation in 2019. I share my thought's on reconciling Paul's Gospel with Jesus' Gospel as modern Christians.


  • @Bondservant_James
    @Bondservant_James 4 місяці тому +45

    Paul was preaching the same Gospel, confirmed by the Apostles, the teachings of Paul and Jesus do not contradict each other. Enough of this false teaching.

    • @carlomendoza01
      @carlomendoza01 4 місяці тому +2

      Jesus gave 2 commandments, love God and love your neighbor, on the other hand, Paul gave many commandments, don't do this, don't do that. See the difference?

    • @Bondservant_James
      @Bondservant_James 4 місяці тому +1

      @@carlomendoza01 How does this contradict? Christ gave us commandments, the apostles gave us the church. In which Christ created. There’s no differences. Paul was an apostle to spread the Gospel to the gentiles, given authority by Jesus Himself. Read Acts.

    • @myeyepie
      @myeyepie 4 місяці тому

      @@Bondservant_JamesPaul's commandments make obeying commandments seem more like nice options not commandments, because there is no eternal difference between obeying them or not. If your saved your saved according to pauline interpretations. Christianity is in apostasy.

    • @Bondservant_James
      @Bondservant_James 4 місяці тому +1

      @@myeyepie That’s called legalism…. The whole point of Jesus was to break legalism.. Paul teaches about grace, forgiveness, and love. Following Jesus means denying yourself daily and following Him. We sorta gotta need to know how to deny ourselves in our Christian walk… Hence Paul’s letters. It’s really not that hard to understand 💀

    • @myeyepie
      @myeyepie 4 місяці тому

      @@Bondservant_James actually I think your making the videos point. Your taking your misunderstanding of Paul who can't save you, and flipping Jesus off.

  • @unholyorders82
    @unholyorders82 2 місяці тому +6

    False from the start! You said you have been studying a lot but obviously not the bible.

  • @tylertheevangelist5689
    @tylertheevangelist5689 4 місяці тому +5

    Paul said if anyone preaches a gospel other than the gospel he preached let them be accursed. Should jesus be accursed Brandan? Think about that long and hard

    • @revbrandanrobertson
      @revbrandanrobertson  4 місяці тому +2

      The fact that you asked this question shows the problem. Why are you trusting Paul over Jesus?

    • @tylertheevangelist5689
      @tylertheevangelist5689 4 місяці тому

      @@revbrandanrobertson if Paul was wrong about whether or not Jesus should be cursed then he should be abandoned completely

    • @narsakucanada154
      @narsakucanada154 4 місяці тому

      @@revbrandanrobertson "Don't call yourselves teachers, for only I am the teacher.", And Many other verses.
      So many on earth follow, "saints", anointed by neighbors due to the complete lack of knowledge of Rome's history with Jesus hundreds of years later through the formation of the bible and all of God's history as told by Man and the early Rome churches and their people-bake ovens, crusades, "chosen ones", etc.
      Most people on earth haven't read their own religious text, "Which one is right or wrong, etc, isn't the point I'm making here", and just follow whomever demands they speak for God at the head of their, "Church". Most just end up following whomever suits their personal desires then call That God.
      Most people, and I do mean MOST people on earth aren't cold-blooded, nor hot-blooded, but luke-warm.
      And certain people on earth speaking of God these last years are making the luke-warm, hot blooded, under Their demands, not God's and it's absolutely Obvious to anyone who's put real effort into becoming a disciple of Christ, for their ways are error, and we know that because it was given to us by the vocal cords of our lord as told to us by Jesus.
      If we claim to follow God through Jesus, we should do it, not Pretend to do it as the VAST majority of those who claim, actually do, but Don't.
      Jesus is the way and the light and the truth. Believe him when he says to gather up these ways, teach them, to practice them with the intention to perfect them.
      I didn't write this to be in rebuke of you Brandan, I too feel much of what you say, I just don't wish to point fingers because I don't speak for God. I Know that Everyone who reads the words God gave us through Jesus know that there's a difference between following men like Trump and following Jesus.
      A few years ago I repented to God then Prayed for help, "I was until then an Atheist."
      I then had a dream of Jesus coming before God and he spoke of the Tabernacle in Perfect context, "A word I didn't know existed.", and what I felt from Jesus when I Held him was unlike Anything I've Ever felt before - A Lifetime of Love Every Second - It brought me to Sobbing and it changed my life, Forever.
      I've had Many experiences since, "Several witnessed".
      A voice Spoke Clearly into my ear, "Go Visit Your Father Today.", hours before he passed. When I prayed if I could leave this world my body spoke a word Without My Permission I Never Heard Before, "Malarkey". Hours before a major surgery a Bright orb of light Passed across my face.
      God and Jesus ARE real! Truly Love God & Everyone!
      I believe Prayer, Following God's laws & Love is the answer, and through that, Truly becoming Humble, Merciful, Welcoming, Giving, Gentle, Respectful, Compassionate, Patient, Kind and Forgiving, To All.

  • @gamerguyofgamesandstuff4294
    @gamerguyofgamesandstuff4294 29 днів тому +2

    The first step down the road to apostasy is to deny the teachings of Paul.

  • @TheMatm12345
    @TheMatm12345 4 місяці тому +3

    Paul never met Jesus? 2 different gospels? You are wrong. Read the book of acts. He meets jesus. You are wrong. Not just about this.

  • @vas_526
    @vas_526 4 місяці тому +1

    Team Jesus! 🙏🏼💙

  • @LuckyEucalyptusTree-
    @LuckyEucalyptusTree- 4 місяці тому

    Paul an Jesus are both awesome once you dive into the heart ❤️ of the gospel

  • @seandenham3156
    @seandenham3156 4 місяці тому +1

    Should Christians follow Christ?...

  • @rogermetzger7335
    @rogermetzger7335 4 місяці тому

    Between 1946 and 1960, my parents had about six pastors, all of whom were accustomed to a lay elder or deacon or deaconess reading a scripture passage before the sermon and then preaching “from” that passage. They would often quote other passages as well but the theme of the message was the theme of the text that had been read before the sermon.
    Since then, I have attended the services of congregations that are accustomed to a lay person reading a passage from the Psalms and a passage from the Epistles and then the Pastor reading a passage from the Gospels and then preaching “from” (i.e. on the topic of) that passage.
    I’ve also encountered pastors who prefer to read the morning scripture passage themselves - but as part of the sermon instead of before the sermon. This is just my impression but such pastors seem to find it difficult to read more than one or two verses without inserting their own commentary into the text.
    In 1958, I announced that I had decided to subscribe to what I called, “the principle of prior reference” - the principle that anything purported to be special revelation should be evaluated and interpreted by earlier revelation.
    I realize my “principle of prior reference” is the opposite of what most clergy do - which is to (in their words), “interpret the Old Testament through the lens of the New (Testament).
    Sometimes what might appear to someone to be a contradiction is perceived by someone else as an enigma.
    Bottom line: If I could be persuaded that Jesus contradicted Moses, I would not have faith in Jesus. If I could be persuaded that Paul contradicted Jesus, I would not consider Paul’s epistles to be authoritative.

  • @DanielSturge
    @DanielSturge 2 місяці тому +1

    Brandon is a false guide. He is not born again nor does he actually understand scripture. He wishes his sins were not sins instead of praying his sins to be forgiven.

  • @JimOfTheJungle
    @JimOfTheJungle 2 місяці тому +1

    You, sir, are not qualified.

  • @stevendhall81
    @stevendhall81 4 місяці тому +1

    I have wondered, for a very long time, why there is so much emphasis on the writings of Paul.

    • @Orange6921
      @Orange6921 4 місяці тому +10

      Because Jesus hand chose Paul out of the whole world to write more than half the books of the NT and virtually all the chruch epistles to the Gentiles. The NT tells us this over and over and over again. Jesus hand chose Paul to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. We can't pretend to follow Jesus and then ignore the very person He chose to write such a large portion of His Word.

    • @Steltzzz
      @Steltzzz 4 місяці тому +6

      Oh idk, maybe because Jesus chose him to write all of these things and spread knowledge of Christ. Maybe also because almost the entirety of the NT is written by his hand, and if God is sovereign(he is), then God wanted it to be so.

    • @luisaymerich9675
      @luisaymerich9675 4 місяці тому +1

      I think much of the controversy over Paul is that he brought in the gentiles to Christianity without having them become Jews through circumcision and observance of Jewish law.
      The first Christians were Jews and followed Jesus while also maintaining observance of the law. They wanted to make the law a requirement for gentiles to become Christians.
      I think that Paul states that the doctrine of Grace overrides the law.
      When Paul became a Christian he discovered that gentiles accepting the gospel were being annointed with the Spirit without knowledge of the law.
      Paul was very faithful and zealous for the law to the point that he persecuted Christians which he believed were perverting Judaism. He found the law kept him from becoming a Christian and felt it should not be imposed on the gentiles.

    • @kaufmanat1
      @kaufmanat1 4 місяці тому +1

      Um... Because he basically brought the gospel to the gentiles.

    • @davidj.steiger3178
      @davidj.steiger3178 4 місяці тому +2

      Paul was THE Apostle to the Gentiles. Start there, work your way outwards…

  • @user-wh8cm1uw1d
    @user-wh8cm1uw1d 4 місяці тому +1

    You're correct about there being two gospels, but you're wrong about Paul! Jesus taught an earthly kingdom gospel to the jews and Paul taught the heavenly gospel of faith in Christ's finished works that justifies and saves us apart from the Law! Jesus's early ministry was to the Jews, (He came unto his own and they rejected Him) while Paul's was to the Gentiles. You simply don't have Christianity if you reject Paul's teaching. If you don't accept Paul's teaching then all you have is Christ's teaching of the totality of the law that says ..."Be as perfect as your father in heaven, nothing less will do!" If that's still true, then we're all doomed to hell, for there are ...No righteous no, not one! Those who have faith in Christ are made righteous by His works, not ours. Here's my challenge to you... You seem to agree with Peter's. So, then how do you reconcile that in his last book he instructs us to Listen to Paul, who tells us things "Hard to Understand?" 2 Peter 3:15-16

    • @narsakucanada154
      @narsakucanada154 4 місяці тому

      Jesus spoke of practicing, teaching and perfecting the Way, and he also declared that even the apostles were not to call themselves teachers for Only Jesus is the teacher.
      You're right that, "christianity", is mainly Saul's teachings.
      They're Not Jesus's teachings. Not entirely. On dozens of things.
      You either accept that Jesus is the way and the light or not, and that all those who come after you'll know by the fruits. Fruits aren't works, they're results that come from the choices of a born again person. Are they like sheep or figs, or thorns and ravenous wolves?
      The sheep and the goats is a very easy to understand teaching of God through Jesus.
      PS: Nobody is to agree with Anyone but Jesus. He Truly was sent by God, I don't believe this, I know it. As for how many end up going to heaven, I don't know. I never pretend I'm good enough to go there yet I keep getting signs while discipling that God and Jesus are with me so I carry on.
      Pray for those who mistreat you, pray for those you love. Remember the 12 who failed to rebuke a demon and Jesus's words about faith and also his words on asking and you shall receive.
      A few years ago I repented to God then Prayed for help, "I was until then an Atheist."
      I then had a dream of Jesus coming before God and he spoke of the Tabernacle in Perfect context, "A word I didn't know existed.", and what I felt from Jesus when I Held him was unlike Anything I've Ever felt before - A Lifetime of Love Every Second - It brought me to Sobbing and it changed my life, Forever.
      I've had Many experiences since, "Several witnessed".
      A voice Spoke Clearly into my ear, "Go Visit Your Father Today.", hours before he passed. When I prayed if I could leave this world my body spoke a word Without My Permission I Never Heard Before, "Malarkey". Hours before a major surgery a Bright orb of light Passed across my face.
      God and Jesus ARE real! Truly Love God & Everyone!
      I believe Prayer, Following God's laws & Love is the answer, and through that, Truly becoming Humble, Merciful, Welcoming, Giving, Gentle, Respectful, Compassionate, Patient, Kind and Forgiving, To All.

  • @charlesbadrock
    @charlesbadrock 4 місяці тому

    Neither all based in World Mythology

  • @1900intz
    @1900intz 4 місяці тому

    If follower of Paul, they’re Paulstians.

    • @louistart1173
      @louistart1173 4 місяці тому +2

      Paul knew Jesus personally. Jesus spoke directly to Paul. Not second hand knowledge, but direct.

    • @1900intz
      @1900intz 4 місяці тому

      @@louistart1173 Still - if Christian, they follow the Christ. Not Paul.

    • @louistart1173
      @louistart1173 4 місяці тому

      @@1900intz "I have not come to revoke the Law, but to fulfill it." - Jesus the Christ

    • @dannyarcher6370
      @dannyarcher6370 4 місяці тому

      @@louistart1173 Personally? LMAO. You mean in the same way YOU know him personally? PMSL!
      Tell him I said hi the next time you see him. LOL!

    • @louistart1173
      @louistart1173 4 місяці тому

      Acts 13

  • @carlomendoza01
    @carlomendoza01 4 місяці тому

    Jesus gave 2 commandments, love God and love your neighbor, on the other hand, Paul gave many commandments, don't do this, don't do that. See the difference?

    • @carlomendoza01
      @carlomendoza01 4 місяці тому

      Read it again, you dont understand math either, how come 2 is the same as many duh. I will know how much your IQ if u tell me what you do for a living, will u tell me or you're afraid?@@amt4653

  • @Djr67
    @Djr67 4 місяці тому

    I want you as my boyfriend Brandon xx

    • @barrycashman2782
      @barrycashman2782 4 місяці тому +1

      Were you even listening to what he said?

    • @Djr67
      @Djr67 4 місяці тому +1

      @@barrycashman2782 wasn't interested in what he was saying

    • @Djr67
      @Djr67 4 місяці тому +1

      @@barrycashman2782 what business is it of yours anyway?

    • @kaufmanat1
      @kaufmanat1 4 місяці тому +1


    • @Djr67
      @Djr67 4 місяці тому +1

      @@kaufmanat1 😂😂