I enjoyed your video every time, and I also enjoyed cafetalk with Christian every week like grandson and grandma. He is very kind and great teacher. I hope both have great success in the future.
This sort of " How to use / respond to ..” or " the meaning of .." is pretty helpful for me. How to respond to greetings is sometimes kind of difficult, because I just don't know what to say to it, like Christian-san says in this video. So the knowledge this video gives us is very, very useful !! Now I understood "what's up" better !! Thanks a lot Christian-san and Jun-san !!
This is pretty much an American way to saying Hi. in the UK, i barely hear people saying what's up, or much less than in the States. We say Hi mate, how's it going?
I enjoyed your video every time, and I also enjoyed cafetalk with Christian every week like grandson and grandma. He is very kind and great teacher. I hope both have great success in the future.
This sort of " How to use / respond to ..” or " the meaning of .." is pretty helpful for me. How to respond to greetings is sometimes kind of difficult, because I just don't know what to say to it, like Christian-san says in this video. So the knowledge this video gives us is very, very useful !! Now I understood "what's up" better !! Thanks a lot Christian-san and Jun-san !!
This video was really interest. Thank you for sharing this topic.
I thought it was just a greeting man! I’ll give it a try to use what’s up another situation to my friends! Thx
ok. l understood that “What's up” has a lot of meaning. Thanks!
ちょうどwhat's up sir?の動画見てそこで議論してるのを見たところで
the skyとかの冗談とか興味深
丁度What's up の使い方が気になってた所でした🍀Timely!!
昔 What's up? と聞かれたら The sky. と答えると笑いが取れると習いましたが、もう古いんですね・・・
日本の人に元々の事をお伝えします。"What's up"は40年、50前までは『どうしたの?』と言う、相手を心配したり、何が起きたの?と言う意味で使われていました。挨拶ではありませんでした。日本語も同じように、例えば、パーティ会場で思いがけなく会った時に『キャー、えみこ、どうしたの?』という様に感激を表し、『どうしたの?』と使いますよね。"What's up?"もそんな感じで使われ方が変化してきました。"awesome"も40年、50年前は良い意味で使われていませんでした。
Are you OK?との違いが分かってよかったです。(^o^)
Chiristian 先生の英語がJapanishで先生の顔を2度見しました!
The sky!!!🤣 It's not old at all to me because I heard such an answer for the first time just now! It's so funny!! It still works on me😉
昔ハマってみていたyoutubeのアニメannoying orange でWhazzzzzup!!!!がめっちゃ使われてました、そういえば😂
This is pretty much an American way to saying Hi. in the UK, i barely hear people saying what's up, or much less than in the States. We say Hi mate, how's it going?
A: Hey what's up?
B: Not much. Wazap!
A: What is Wazap🤔
whats up? 皆既月食中です。 とかならいいですか笑
What is happening? What has happened? と言うことですね。