If you liked the video the best way to support the channel is by SHARING it with other fellow birders. For anyone interested in official LesleytheBirdNerd merchandise www.lesleythebirdnerd.com/ I appreciate each and every one of your support and I hope you enjoyed the show! Thank you
Your videos have inspired me for a lot of years. They are very entertaining as well as educatjonal. I have come to consider you as a kind of mentor and teacher where the birds are concerenef. I have to ask you one thing though, because I'm getting just a little concerned about this: Are you missing any of the migratory species that you normally get every year in your area? Are there any that should be there but they're not? The reason I ask is because out here in Nevada, we dont have nearly the number of species that you have back east. In the winter, we usually get European Starlings, Brewers blackbirds, and red breasted finches. This year the numbers are drastically low on all 3 of these species. Theyre usually here in the thousands, but this time I see maybe 3 or 4 here and there. This is not normal, and my question is, are you seeing any unusually low numbers of any species in your part of the world? I'm wondering if you have heard of anything being wrong anywhere else, or if anybody has mentioned this to you. any information you could share would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for another wonderful video. I was fascinated that you were able to get a recording of the short duration very high frequency call. How did you manage that?
Whenever I brush my dog outside the chickadees are part of the group that patiently waits "in the wings" for the fur for their nests. It is so fun to watch them with their little dog fur mustaches as they fly away to make their nests.
When we get our dog groomed in the late winter/early spring, I take a bag with me and ask for some of her hair... then I put it in a clean suet cage (I keep one just for this purpose) and hang it off my garden fence. I get to watch the chickadees and tit mice gather the fur right outside my kitchen window. It makes me so happy!
Dog fur mustaches. Cool! 🥸 LOL That is so thoughtful of you to give the brushed off dog fur to the birds for nesting material; which reminds me: I have to buy some nesting material for the chickadees and other birds just in time for spring. Thanks for the reminder! 🙂👍
When I was a child, my cramps showed me how to feed these wonderful little guys from my hands. I thought it was so magical and still do. I was at my grampa's house several days a week and the first thing I did when I arrive at his home no matter sun or snow, was to put a handful of seeds and nuts in my pocket. He kept them in the mudroom, and every visit started with a walk on his property and feeding these little ones. Even before my hand was out, they would be landing on my shoulders and head waiting to be fed. Then we would hide peanuts in the crooks of branches, sit back and watch each but being found. Now I'm 60 with my own little place, the sit at the window feeder if it is empty and tap on the window for the nuts I put out. Life is wonderful!
Thank you for this channel and showcasing the Black Capped Chickadee. One time on a cold winter day, I was out for my exercise walk, but depressed. Suddenly there on the road was a Chickadee, appearing to be lifeless. I reached down and picked it up. I held it in my hand and got to see the creator's handiwork up close. If this little bird is important enough to be made so beautifully, then I am important also. It touched my soul and renewed my spirit to go on in life. I went to place it on a pine tree branch near the ditch along the road, and it suddenly hopped off my hand. From this time forward it has been my favorite bird. So tiny yet strong. So hardy yet singing many beautiful songs. What a great way for me to learn, "don't give in, don't give up' and keep on going. I love all your information, but the Black Capped Chickadee seemed so special for me, THANK YOU.
Thank you, Leslie for your sweet and informative videos! I have a funny story about chickadees: I am a guitar player and while playing on my porch surrounded by chickadees I noticed that their "hey sweetie" call was C to A twice and E to G for the end (usually)... So I made up a guitar rhythm in Am and the birds stayed in tune and in rhythm for 20 minutes!
I heard their call years ago. It took me while to learn their call. Inhaling is the only way I can do it. I have a conversations with them every morning, even those in the distance hear my call and respond. It took me two years find out that I was talking to a bunch of Chickadees. It's so hilarious, I never thought that I would talk to a bird. My dogs think I'm nuts but these little birds do bring a smile to my face.
Definetly my favorite bird. As you said, very social. I always thought it was cool that they can actually recognize people. When I worked night shift I'd come home to the chickadee welcoming party in the morning. They would follow me to the feeders. They knew it was time to refill the feeders.
The chic-a-dees that adopted me tought civility to a couple of small nuthatches that follow them and my black sunflower seeds. Nuthatches learned to not poop where they get food or eat, and almost never did in my house while getting seeds in warm weather when my door is open. They also learned learned politeness, respect and waiting for their turn. It's crazy to see the chick-a-dees fly in at high speed when I have both my doors open, I have plastics on all my windows because they do get lost and would get hurt when they panic. If back door is closed I close a curtain so they never try to speed fly out through there.
You've had so many chickadee friends over the years. My first and best chickadee friend was 'Beaker'. She was so sweet. We were besties for 3 years. I could write a little book about her and her antics ...like the time I offered her dried meal worms and she was so disgusted she bit my thumb! Once she was sitting in my hand eating walnuts when the neighbour's cat walked by us. We were up on the deck so the cat didn't notice us at first. Beaker started gargling and screeching at the cat. She didn't fly from my hand, she stood there and cussed at the cat. The cat was very startled and took off. Beaker looked at me and went back to her walnuts. I have lots of little 'Beaker' stories. She liked sitting on my head, she never, ever pooped on me.
I love chickadees year round, but especially in winter. When the weather is cold and grim and there’s been no sunshine for days, the sound and sight of these cheerful, brave, busy little birds always bring a smile.
I've just started to build trust with the chickadees that visit my balcony. When I hear their sounds I'd place extra peanuts on the fence for them and they'd be waiting on the trees next to the fence. I can see they are getting more comfortable being closer to me. I hope one day they'll let me hand feed them :)
Keep working on building that trust! I’ve been working with mine this past winter. They’re becoming comfortable in landing close to me (like a foot away) and just recently one fed from a ball feeder that I was holding out. I was so excited!!
I found the best time to "tame" them is when they bring young ones to the feeder in August, teaching them where to find winter seeds. The young ones are less afraid and can easily be persuaded to take seeds from a hand that lingers a LITTLE longer by the feeder . . . and voila
This bird is everything to me during my afternoon walks. I don't have earbuds in or anything because of these birds. I'd rather hear them than anything else.
Oh my goodness, these lil babies have helped me through some tough times and make my outdoor time even more precious. Thank you for your fantastic videos 🖤
Wow Leslie to have all those precious creatures by your side and in your life ! I suffer from PTSD and these and all feathered delights make the pain go away. I would like to have 500 nest boxes inside and outside my house so I could be smothered by goodness and happiness indescribable! 😂
It's always been my favorite in Minnesota. My family used to take movies in the 70's of the birds at the feeder. We would watch them on a big projector screen, and the cat would pounce on the (now 2-3' ) birds and knock it over! Your dedication here is inspiring. Thank you.
I love the chickadees too, they follow me around when I'm walking around to each bird feeder. They are friendly little cute birds. I love them. They are fun to watch.
I like the way their songs change with the seasons and that they stay around all year round. When we go to fill the feeder, they greet us as if to say thank you.
I love these cute little birds. They used to drive my dog crazy. They would fly to one tree and cheekily chirp at her and she would rush to the tree. Then the chickadee would fly to the other tree in my yard and chirp. My dog would get her exercise going back and forth .😂
My husband and I saw a White Breasted Nuthatch pair hanging out with a banditry of chickadees during the winter. We saw them at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary in Calgary, Alberta.
We’ve been enjoying starlings, sparrows, crows, redwing blackbirds, doves, towhees, and red house finches at our feeding site. I think the unusual cooler temperatures have brought in the redwing blackbirds. They are all so fun to watch!!
I've never seen a Grackle or even heard of them before until this winter when they visited our feeders! I'm in GA & we've had warmer days than usual recently & I often wonder what it means if new bird types show up in different areas! My particular area unfortunately has a lot of new construction going on & I'm sad that it means less space for wildlife even if it means I get to see some that I may not normally witness.
The sounds (and sight) of chickadees on a crisp, calm, winter day is one of life's enormous pleasures. And I'm not even a bird nerd. I just love them. To be sure, other birds that share their habitat are also fun to watch, such as creepers and wood peckers.
I have been in love with chickadees all my life. They come to my feeder daily and eat from my hand. One of my resident red squirrels, Chief Redbutt, vies for the sunflower seeds.
I started hearing the fee bee song when I walked my dog in the state park near my house. I hope my state gets a wildlife and parks license plate with the chickadee on it!
We moved to our New England homestead in 2019, and the resident chickadees quickly became my favorites. Last year, when nothing went right with my garden and I didn’t get to plant a single sunflower, I had the most magical sunflower volunteers pop up throughout my garden and around because of all the seeds they cached. I now have a chickadee sitting on a sunflower tattooed on my arm as my love note to them ❤️
One of the most common birds at our feeder and a joy the watch. They have less fear than most when I’m refilling the feeder and remain nearby closer than other birds. Didn’t know they liked bugs because they eat a good portion of seeds from our feeder. A joy to watch everyday.
I love chickadees so much! Last summer we had a handful of young chickadees hanging around our yard for a few days- they would come and sit along the window sills and peak into our house. They were all over, so rowdy! It was wonderful!
just got in from working in my orchard for a break and came up with this vid in the feed. i absolutely adore the black capped chickadees in my little orchard and garden. they are always following me around the place especially if i am digging. i have mountains of aging wood chips that they love as well as there are tons of bugs to be had from them. i also have the mountain chickadee and the pygmy and red breasted nuthatches who seem to see me as a food dispenser. this may be because i usually have some sunflower seeds and peanuts in my pockets 🙂
Never imagined that Chickadees would allow a person to touch them. My backyard is full of them, and Finches but I never thought of attempting to hand feed.
I love these little birds! They are very social and vocal at my feeder and bring me so much joy😍. Your videos are so informative, fun to watch and helped me to learn so much about my favorite backyard friends. Thanks for sharing a little bit more about yourself Lesley. It’s nice that your partner is so involved and helpful as well.
Thank you so much for your informative and professional caliber videos! Your channel has become a favorite of mine, and as I've just started watching, I'm very excited about all the catching up I have to do! Im very fortunate in that I live on 18 isolated acres that are 1/3 forested and 2/3 hay fields, only a half mile from a huge lake. The variety of birds here is incredible! My favorites are the chickadee, bald headed eagle, Am. Kestrel, indigo bunting, Am. Goldfinch and most of all, ruby throated hummers. We do everything we can to provide food and nesting for our avian friends. I really appreciate all that I'm learning from your channel. Again, thank you.
One of my FAVE birds. Attracted them years ago when I put in a garden. They tend to steal my strawberries and blueberries. When I let the garden go for some years they left as well but returned when I started up again. AGREE sooo smart and can recognize the person that feeds them. They yell at me when I have not put out their good stuff in the feeders. They have come to eat niger seed as of late but it has to be fresh LOL. My life is better when they greet me each day!
I'm here because multiple black capped chickadees landed on my finger and shoulder today while I was out on a walk at my local wetlands. What beautiful little birds.
Lesley, we currently have a nestbox of Carolina chickadees in our back yard. We know from previous years that the young chickadees will be capable of leaving the nestbox in flight (albeit very slowly -- my wife says they resemble bomber aircraft!). Like the tufted titmice and Eastern bluebirds, they require protection from the invasive and non-native English sparrows, which will kill the young in the nestboxes. Please keep your videos coming: we learn something new from every one you post!
Leslie forgot mycelium as food! They look in crevices in the bark for the mushroom family growths, they love them so much, i winter when it gets humid and it grows a bit they dig again between the bark to get a few more tiny bites.
Leslie: What is your favorite thing about the friendly black-capped chickadee? Me: That they exist. Also that bit about Jamie and the end was really sweet :D
Lesley, I always love to see your posts and listen to your calm voice. But especially, I love to listen to the Birdsong of the Birds you highlight. Bless you. And much gratitude always.
Cool vid! I've noticed Chickadees are not afraid of people. I sit on my deck in October, and with a handfull of seeds or sometimes my fingers smeared with peanut butter and dipped in seeds they mob me. You appreciate their beauty when you see them up close Their tittering on a dull January afternoon at my feeder livens up the otherwise silent dead drab winter.
2023 So cool. I have 2 🦜🦜 parrots, they chatter with the locals.Just spotted a teeny tiny 'Black cap chickadee',no bigger than my 👍 thumb☃️❄️⛄ Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 (another favorite🙄)❄️
Chickadees are my favorite bird. Except, of course, our American Eagle. I just spent 2 months at my sons in N GA, able to watch the birds get food on his raised deck. Im always so amazed at how fast their movements are. There were only a few Chickadees, I could not get pictures of them. I felt like a kid when they did stop to eat. There is a man on utube who feeds his Chickadees regularly. He is in northern MI, but I can enjoy them there, too. Thanks.
Thank you, for all of the little personal stories, about you chickadee friends. I love it. I enjoy watching the beauty that God has created all around us. Birds are a special attraction. The wonderful songs that they sing, their personalities and beautiful feathers. So, many individual feathers making up their tiny bodies. It is all so amazing. Again, thank you!!!
Thank you for this wonderful video.. I love these birds and their beautiful songs and endless entertainment. In return I provide food and shelter. Our winters have been changing so I make sure food is plenty….and I hang my dogs hair in mesh bags in the trees… they scoop it up it’s amazing to watch. Cooperation is the key …🙏🙌
The mighty black-capped chickadee we love the couple that chirp around our neck of the woods feeding and nesting wonderful companion feathered free Flyers!💞🕊🌍🇨🇦
I love chickadees. Seattle had a rough winter 22/23 so I provided bird food for the first time, which caused a rat problem. Bummer and now it’s Spring and I can’t find them anywhere. I don’t know where they went and I miss them a lot.
thank you! this is my favorite vid. i love black capped too but it's more of the full story you shared about their lives and behaviors and your personal experience with them! one lucky girl!
These little guys are amazing. My little flock that has been with me for almost 6 years now have grown to about 25/30 birds. I always wondered how long they live and figured there were some with me from the beginning as they always came out to the tray feeders before I even put the seed in, they loved picking through it to get all the peanuts first......now I'm pretty sure they are the same ones and all their babies. Cheers
Thank you for your work on this video, as a toddler I lived in northern Alberta and at age 3 moved to Hay River NWT, I would listen to these birds sounds not knowing what type of bird it was, it brings me back in time when I hear the Chickadee. Later moved to Inuvik NWT but i don't think Chickadees are found that far north.
If you liked the video the best way to support the channel is by SHARING it with other fellow birders.
For anyone interested in official LesleytheBirdNerd merchandise
I appreciate each and every one of your support and I hope you enjoyed the show! Thank you
Your videos have inspired me for a lot of years. They are very entertaining as well as educatjonal. I have come to consider you as a kind of mentor and teacher where the birds are concerenef.
I have to ask you one thing though, because I'm getting just a little concerned about this:
Are you missing any of the migratory species that you normally get every year in your area?
Are there any that should be there but they're not? The reason I ask is because out here in Nevada, we dont have nearly the number of species that you have back east. In the winter, we usually get European Starlings, Brewers blackbirds, and red breasted finches. This year the numbers are drastically low on all 3 of these species. Theyre usually here in the thousands, but this time I see maybe 3 or 4 here and there. This is not normal, and my question is, are you seeing any unusually low numbers of any species in your part of the world? I'm wondering if you have heard of anything being wrong anywhere else, or if anybody has mentioned this to you.
any information you could share would be greatly appreciated.
The Phoe-be-be call is also significant for being the same interval as a musical minor-third.
Thanks for another wonderful video. I was fascinated that you were able to get a recording of the short duration very high frequency call. How did you manage that?
Of course I'm gonna like the chickadee videos. Maybe I'm biased? 🤔
Whenever I brush my dog outside the chickadees are part of the group that patiently waits "in the wings" for the fur for their nests. It is so fun to watch them with their little dog fur mustaches as they fly away to make their nests.
Oh wow, that is so cool!
YES! Same here! “Dog fur mustaches”…true😂👍
When we get our dog groomed in the late winter/early spring, I take a bag with me and ask for some of her hair... then I put it in a clean suet cage (I keep one just for this purpose) and hang it off my garden fence. I get to watch the chickadees and tit mice gather the fur right outside my kitchen window. It makes me so happy!
Dog fur mustaches. Cool! 🥸 LOL That is so thoughtful of you to give the brushed off dog fur to the birds for nesting material; which reminds me: I have to buy some nesting material for the chickadees and other birds just in time for spring. Thanks for the reminder! 🙂👍
When I was a child, my cramps showed me how to feed these wonderful little guys from my hands. I thought it was so magical and still do. I was at my grampa's house several days a week and the first thing I did when I arrive at his home no matter sun or snow, was to put a handful of seeds and nuts in my pocket. He kept them in the mudroom, and every visit started with a walk on his property and feeding these little ones. Even before my hand was out, they would be landing on my shoulders and head waiting to be fed. Then we would hide peanuts in the crooks of branches, sit back and watch each but being found. Now I'm 60 with my own little place, the sit at the window feeder if it is empty and tap on the window for the nuts I put out. Life is wonderful!
Thank you for this channel and showcasing the Black Capped Chickadee. One time on a cold winter day, I was out for my exercise walk, but depressed. Suddenly there on the road was a Chickadee, appearing to be lifeless. I reached down and picked it up. I held it in my hand and got to see the creator's handiwork up close. If this little bird is important enough to be made so beautifully, then I am important also. It touched my soul and renewed my spirit to go on in life. I went to place it on a pine tree branch near the ditch along the road, and it suddenly hopped off my hand. From this time forward it has been my favorite bird. So tiny yet strong. So hardy yet singing many beautiful songs. What a great way for me to learn, "don't give in, don't give up' and keep on going. I love all your information, but the Black Capped Chickadee seemed so special for me, THANK YOU.
Beautiful story
Thank you, Leslie for your sweet and informative videos! I have a funny story about chickadees: I am a guitar player and while playing on my porch surrounded by chickadees I noticed that their "hey sweetie" call was C to A twice and E to G for the end (usually)... So I made up a guitar rhythm in Am and the birds stayed in tune and in rhythm for 20 minutes!
Wow! that's incredible
Thanks for sharing
Omg. That is pretty amazing!
I have to try this out next time I hear them in my yard now
@@LesleytheBirdNerd I love chickadees now☺️ that I saw some
I heard their call years ago. It took me while to learn their call. Inhaling is the only way I can do it. I have a conversations with them every morning, even those in the distance hear my call and respond. It took me two years find out that I was talking to a bunch of Chickadees. It's so hilarious, I never thought that I would talk to a bird. My dogs think I'm nuts but these little birds do bring a smile to my face.
The babies flapping their wings inside the nestbox is hilariously cute.
I agree, me and Jamie always laugh at that little guy
Definetly my favorite bird. As you said, very social. I always thought it was cool that they can actually recognize people. When I worked night shift I'd come home to the chickadee welcoming party in the morning. They would follow me to the feeders. They knew it was time to refill the feeders.
The chic-a-dees that adopted me tought civility to a couple of small nuthatches that follow them and my black sunflower seeds. Nuthatches learned to not poop where they get food or eat, and almost never did in my house while getting seeds in warm weather when my door is open. They also learned learned politeness, respect and waiting for their turn. It's crazy to see the chick-a-dees fly in at high speed when I have both my doors open, I have plastics on all my windows because they do get lost and would get hurt when they panic. If back door is closed I close a curtain so they never try to speed fly out through there.
You've had so many chickadee friends over the years. My first and best chickadee friend was 'Beaker'. She was so sweet. We were besties for 3 years. I could write a little book about her and her antics ...like the time I offered her dried meal worms and she was so disgusted she bit my thumb! Once she was sitting in my hand eating walnuts when the neighbour's cat walked by us. We were up on the deck so the cat didn't notice us at first. Beaker started gargling and screeching at the cat. She didn't fly from my hand, she stood there and cussed at the cat. The cat was very startled and took off. Beaker looked at me and went back to her walnuts. I have lots of little 'Beaker' stories. She liked sitting on my head, she never, ever pooped on me.
My chickadee friend, Swee-dee, isn’t crazy about my dog either. My Swee-dee is quite the character too!!!
This is making me cry I just love chickadees so much
I love chickadees year round, but especially in winter. When the weather is cold and grim and there’s been no sunshine for days, the sound and sight of these cheerful, brave, busy little birds always bring a smile.
the 'fee bee' sound is so soothing in the spring mornings, makes them my favorite local bird
I love these little birds. So cheerful sounding and friendly.
They don’t fly away when I refill the feeders. The sit on a nearby branch. They are darling. I loved this video.
I've just started to build trust with the chickadees that visit my balcony. When I hear their sounds I'd place extra peanuts on the fence for them and they'd be waiting on the trees next to the fence. I can see they are getting more comfortable being closer to me. I hope one day they'll let me hand feed them :)
I whistle the "fee-bee" after I fill the bird feeder to let them know I'm done... They've started to land on the porch railing to wait 😂
Keep working on building that trust! I’ve been working with mine this past winter. They’re becoming comfortable in landing close to me (like a foot away) and just recently one fed from a ball feeder that I was holding out. I was so excited!!
I found the best time to "tame" them is when they bring young ones to the feeder in August, teaching them where to find winter seeds. The young ones are less afraid and can easily be persuaded to take seeds from a hand that lingers a LITTLE longer by the feeder . . . and voila
Keep in mind that once you lose interest or die, the explosion in population will die from starvation
@@dba750 wow that is a bit dark lol
This bird is everything to me during my afternoon walks. I don't have earbuds in or anything because of these birds. I'd rather hear them than anything else.
YES 🥰. My favorite thing about chickadees is how they can stand up to bossier birds.
They do not know how small they are and nor do they care lol
@@LesleytheBirdNerd 💯💯💯
Yes and they get into terrible little fights
Oh my goodness, these lil babies have helped me through some tough times and make my outdoor time even more precious.
Thank you for your fantastic videos 🖤
That is so wonderful about them helping you through tough times. They have helped me like that as well. Such sweet birds 🐦❤
Birds are empaths. They know when you need them. Love.
I just love that she waits until all the eggs are laid to begin incubation. Chickadees are so thoughtful! And those itty-bitty babies, oh my!
Thank you. These birds are lucky to have such a caring lady looking out for them.
They look very sweet, and they sound lovely and Lesley's quietly spoken commentary completes a very nice video.
Thank you Julie, :)
Wow Leslie to have all those precious creatures by your side and in your life ! I suffer from PTSD and these and all feathered delights make the pain go away. I would like to have 500 nest boxes inside and outside my house so I could be smothered by goodness and happiness indescribable! 😂
a dozen eggs for such a small bird is truly amazing.
I enjoy when a chickadee lands within feet of me , I usually talk to them . Also the happy tweets they sing when they see me filling the feeder .
I love Chickadees, they're one of my favorites for sure.
It's always been my favorite in Minnesota. My family used to take movies in the 70's of the birds at the feeder. We would watch them on a big projector screen, and the cat would pounce on the (now 2-3' ) birds and knock it over! Your dedication here is inspiring. Thank you.
I love the chickadees too, they follow me around when I'm walking around to each bird feeder. They are friendly little cute birds. I love them. They are fun to watch.
I like the way their songs change with the seasons and that they stay around all year round. When we go to fill the feeder, they greet us as if to say thank you.
I love these cute little birds. They used to drive my dog crazy. They would fly to one tree and cheekily chirp at her and she would rush to the tree. Then the chickadee would fly to the other tree in my yard and chirp. My dog would get her exercise going back and forth .😂
I love the Chickadees that come to my feeders! They cheer me up, and often come when I call them. ❤ I just love them.
Now I know so much about the birdies who entertain me at the feeder.
My husband and I saw a White Breasted Nuthatch pair hanging out with a banditry of chickadees during the winter. We saw them at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary in Calgary, Alberta.
We’ve been enjoying starlings, sparrows, crows, redwing blackbirds, doves, towhees, and red house finches at our feeding site. I think the unusual cooler temperatures have brought in the redwing blackbirds. They are all so fun to watch!!
I've never seen a Grackle or even heard of them before until this winter when they visited our feeders! I'm in GA & we've had warmer days than usual recently & I often wonder what it means if new bird types show up in different areas! My particular area unfortunately has a lot of new construction going on & I'm sad that it means less space for wildlife even if it means I get to see some that I may not normally witness.
Red winged blackbirds migrate south from me. I'm in Maine, maybe it gets to cold for them here? They're all over till late fall, then they vanish.
The sounds (and sight) of chickadees on a crisp, calm, winter day is one of life's enormous pleasures. And I'm not even a bird nerd. I just love them.
To be sure, other birds that share their habitat are also fun to watch, such as creepers and wood peckers.
THE WING FLAPPIESSSS!!! They are too dang cute!
Such an incredible bird. Absolutely my favorite.
They have a better recall than I do!
I have been in love with chickadees all my life. They come to my feeder daily and eat from my hand. One of my resident red squirrels, Chief Redbutt, vies for the sunflower seeds.
I started hearing the fee bee song when I walked my dog in the state park near my house. I hope my state gets a wildlife and parks license plate with the chickadee on it!
We moved to our New England homestead in 2019, and the resident chickadees quickly became my favorites. Last year, when nothing went right with my garden and I didn’t get to plant a single sunflower, I had the most magical sunflower volunteers pop up throughout my garden and around because of all the seeds they cached. I now have a chickadee sitting on a sunflower tattooed on my arm as my love note to them ❤️
I am happy for you that you have a life partner; the sweetness and love you express in your videos is being rewarded and that warms my heart.
The sound of that call brought me straight back to my childhood. Walking with my Daddy after the rain looking for mushrooms. Puffballs were the best.
One of the most common birds at our feeder and a joy the watch. They have less fear than most when I’m refilling the feeder and remain nearby closer than other birds. Didn’t know they liked bugs because they eat a good portion of seeds from our feeder. A joy to watch everyday.
I love chickadees so much! Last summer we had a handful of young chickadees hanging around our yard for a few days- they would come and sit along the window sills and peak into our house. They were all over, so rowdy! It was wonderful!
Ever since I started hand-feeding them, chickadees have become one of my all time favorites.
just got in from working in my orchard for a break and came up with this vid in the feed. i absolutely adore the black capped chickadees in my little orchard and garden. they are always following me around the place especially if i am digging. i have mountains of aging wood chips that they love as well as there are tons of bugs to be had from them. i also have the mountain chickadee and the pygmy and red breasted nuthatches who seem to see me as a food dispenser. this may be because i usually have some sunflower seeds and peanuts in my pockets 🙂
I was fill my bird feeder and held my hand out then one flew into my hand and starting eating, my favorite bird right now 👍
7:05 this is my favorite call of any bird. when i hear it i know its springtime 😄
My family call it the Nelson Muntz bird/call as it sounds just like the Simpsons character Nelson's common Haw-Haw taunt.
@@Ranma1981 hah, thats true
We really love chickadees and we're good at drawing them.
Never imagined that Chickadees would allow a person to touch them. My backyard is full of them, and Finches but I never thought of attempting to hand feed.
My favorite little birds. I luv to see the parents raising the young. Then when the babies take their first flight. ☮️💗🐦
☀️🍃🍂”My yard is, happily, filled with these birds, too!”🕊🎶🐝💚💙💛
I can't help feeling jealous of the fact that birds come to you!
I placed bird feeders all around my garden....I absolutely love them!!
Simply adorable! Love Chickadees
I love these little birds! They are very social and vocal at my feeder and bring me so much joy😍. Your videos are so informative, fun to watch and helped me to learn so much about my favorite backyard friends. Thanks for sharing a little bit more about yourself Lesley. It’s nice that your partner is so involved and helpful as well.
Their call is a sound that I heard often in my home state of Maine. Lovely creatures
living in the south is nice, we have little carolina chickadees
higher-pitched and faster calls, very squeaky, very cute
Thank you so much for your informative and professional caliber videos! Your channel has become a favorite of mine, and as I've just started watching, I'm very excited about all the catching up I have to do! Im very fortunate in that I live on 18 isolated acres that are 1/3 forested and 2/3 hay fields, only a half mile from a huge lake. The variety of birds here is incredible! My favorites are the chickadee, bald headed eagle, Am. Kestrel, indigo bunting, Am. Goldfinch and most of all, ruby throated hummers. We do everything we can to provide food and nesting for our avian friends. I really appreciate all that I'm learning from your channel. Again, thank you.
I have a pair on my property, they had a batch of babies. The sweetest lil sounds. I love them so much
This is swiftly becoming one of my favourite bird channels, no pun intended 🙃 Thank you, greetings from UK 🇬🇧
One of my FAVE birds. Attracted them years ago when I put in a garden. They tend to steal my strawberries and blueberries. When I let the garden go for some years they left as well but returned when I started up again. AGREE sooo smart and can recognize the person that feeds them. They yell at me when I have not put out their good stuff in the feeders. They have come to eat niger seed as of late but it has to be fresh LOL. My life is better when they greet me each day!
Lots of great info Leslie. You're a great ambassador for these sweet little birds. I love watching them peck away at a sunflower seed.
I'm here because multiple black capped chickadees landed on my finger and shoulder today while I was out on a walk at my local wetlands. What beautiful little birds.
Ever since I was little I found the cheeburger call so relaxing and I’ve been trying to figure out the bird for so long
Lesley, you are amazing. Thank you so much for all you have done. Enjoy your life.
I've watched and fed these birds casually for over 30 years. Much of this was new information to me. Such incredible little birds!
so jealous they trusted you so well. that'd be so cool
Love the video. Watch them every day Feeder hangs in front of. Window❤❤❤❤
Thank you so much Leslie for the chickadee story I really enjoy them
what a sweet experience
Thank you for doing what you do!
my pleasure and thank you
Lesley, we currently have a nestbox of Carolina chickadees in our back yard. We know from previous years that the young chickadees will be capable of leaving the nestbox in flight (albeit very slowly -- my wife says they resemble bomber aircraft!). Like the tufted titmice and Eastern bluebirds, they require protection from the invasive and non-native English sparrows, which will kill the young in the nestboxes. Please keep your videos coming: we learn something new from every one you post!
I love there song and the light way they fly, flitter and get food….❤❤❤❤❤❤Thankyou so much…….😊😊😊 They are little angels
This was so intetesting. I never knew they hid seeds in tree crevices. You do such an amazing job Lesley and I appreciate you. 🥰
Thank you so much!
@@LesleytheBirdNerd chickadeess are so intelgent and smart 🤓
Leslie forgot mycelium as food! They look in crevices in the bark for the mushroom family growths, they love them so much, i winter when it gets humid and it grows a bit they dig again between the bark to get a few more tiny bites.
You got that right and for good/great reasons all around!
I LOVE chickadees! One of my favorites. 😊💗💗💗
This channel has brought me joy since June 2022
Leslie: What is your favorite thing about the friendly black-capped chickadee?
Me: That they exist.
Also that bit about Jamie and the end was really sweet :D
This is beautiful 😍 brought happy tears to my eyes. So nice you have someone that you both can enjoy
Lesley, I always love to see your posts and listen to your calm voice. But especially, I love to listen to the Birdsong of the Birds you highlight. Bless you. And much gratitude always.
Wouldn’t want to spend a winter without them. Thanks.
Their curiosity, especially outside my bedroom window. ❤️
Thanks, Lesley! Enjoyed every second of it!
Cool vid! I've noticed Chickadees are not afraid of people. I sit on my deck in October, and with a handfull of seeds or sometimes my fingers smeared with peanut butter and dipped in seeds they mob me. You appreciate their beauty when you see them up close Their tittering on a dull January afternoon at my feeder livens up the otherwise silent dead drab winter.
I don't subscribe to many people but I definitely did for your channel. Thank you for the time and effort
2023 So cool. I have 2 🦜🦜 parrots, they chatter with the locals.Just spotted a teeny tiny 'Black cap chickadee',no bigger than my 👍 thumb☃️❄️⛄
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 (another favorite🙄)❄️
Thank you, this has deepened my affection for the Chickadee.
Chickadees are my favorite bird. Except, of course, our American Eagle. I just spent 2 months at my sons in N GA, able to watch the birds get food on his raised deck. Im always so amazed at how fast their movements are. There were only a few Chickadees, I could not get pictures of them. I felt like a kid when they did stop to eat. There is a man on utube who feeds his Chickadees regularly. He is in northern MI, but I can enjoy them there, too. Thanks.
Thank you, for all of the little personal stories, about you chickadee friends. I love it. I enjoy watching the beauty that God has created all around us. Birds are a special attraction. The wonderful songs that they sing, their personalities and beautiful feathers. So, many individual feathers making up their tiny bodies. It is all so amazing. Again, thank you!!!
You are most welcome. It’s so wonderful to share God's beautiful creations 😊
Thank you for this wonderful video.. I love these birds and their beautiful songs and endless entertainment. In return I provide food and shelter. Our winters have been changing so I make sure food is plenty….and I hang my dogs hair in mesh bags in the trees… they scoop it up it’s amazing to watch.
Cooperation is the key …🙏🙌
These are some of my favorite birds!
The mighty black-capped chickadee we love the couple that chirp around our neck of the woods feeding and nesting wonderful companion feathered free Flyers!💞🕊🌍🇨🇦
I love chickadees. Seattle had a rough winter 22/23 so I provided bird food for the first time, which caused a rat problem. Bummer and now it’s Spring and I can’t find them anywhere. I don’t know where they went and I miss them a lot.
Birds have always amazed me, what fun!👍
Every day I change their water. Love them.
I have the Carolina Chickadees here in Texas. They are precious!
thank you! this is my favorite vid. i love black capped too but it's more of the full story you shared about their lives and behaviors and your personal experience with them! one lucky girl!
Thanks for sticking around until the end
@@LesleytheBirdNerd I love their chickadee call🥰
These little guys are amazing. My little flock that has been with me for almost 6 years now have grown to about 25/30 birds. I always wondered how long they live and figured there were some with me from the beginning as they always came out to the tray feeders before I even put the seed in, they loved picking through it to get all the peanuts first......now I'm pretty sure they are the same ones and all their babies. Cheers
Thank you for your work on this video, as a toddler I lived in northern Alberta and at age 3 moved to Hay River NWT, I would listen to these birds sounds not knowing what type of bird it was, it brings me back in time when I hear the Chickadee. Later moved to Inuvik NWT but i don't think Chickadees are found that far north.