Beautiful video👍 Your insight into this story is a quality I rarely see. One Piece is a story with more depth and complexity than some are willing to admit. Luffy not only embodies Freedom and Liberation, but also Childlike Wonder and Imagination. He does not judge people on their appearance or background but on their actions. For actions speak louder than words.
beautifully written, i shed a tear. I'm sick of people saying one piece always follows the same formula of : meeting a bad guy > luffy losing > luffy winnning. One piece is WAY MORE THAN THAT. Here's to hoping this video blows up🍻
I still cant believe one piece is real. there is no way someone could write this untouchable god send of a series. I get chills thinking about what is to come in future arcs. that end bit where you said king of the pirates vs. king of the world gave me goosebumps. great video 👍
'The liberator' sounds like a name the Gorosei should absolutely fear. Too bad they didn't do anything considerable to stop the remergence of that feared deity. Great video-!
Water 7 also shows they really really wouldn't have gotten as far as they did without the Ninja-Pirate-Samurai-Mink alliance. It shows how much they really would not have been ready for the New World with the mentality they already had then. If they had trouble accepting Franky, they'd have trouble accepting many of the Minks at hindsight. Look at Carrot's first introduction, and how open they became to one's who weren't apart of the original cause. They defiently grew more trusting, and I feel like that initially all starred with Law.
your insight is incredibly underrated. OP to me represents liberation in every facet and the collective joy we can all experience from unfettered freedom, and you find a way to make that message fresh every every video. Keep killing it!
I’ve never felt the need to comment under a UA-cam video until now; your content is brilliant. The depth and consistency of your analysis adds so much to the experience, I can’t wait for more.
This really shows how subtlety on par Mihawk's observation haki is to Shanks, considering how he understood Luffy's true power is that of inspiration during MF.
I really appreciate your videos and analysis. You have a great voice as well! I actually was writing about how luffy and Gol D Roger have liberators haki and not conquerors haki, since they don't want to be in charge of anyone, they just want to be free and that also means free from the responsibility of being a conqueror
Absolutely stunning content like I wanted to wait till the end of the video to comment but jesus after half of it I’m already floored yet again, as every other time with your videos before.
This is the type of OP content I love. Not the slop churned out by certain top anime UA-camrs power scaling characters or completely misreading the intent of the narrative.
I'm surprised no one else has complimented you on the perfectly worded ending. Luffy vs "The King of the World", something of which clearly implied Imu or at least his role, but since this video was released we have learned is EXACTLY what Blackbeard wants to be for himself. We can often forget how subtly in our faces Oda can be with his interconnected nature of everything. While Imu is at least a top 2 endgame villain, it seems like their role will eventually (at least temporarily) be usurped by Blackbeard. He'd probably usurp all the power that Imu has at the moment (including the WG & Marines), and rein down an even more hellish nightmare than even Imu could've ever concocted. With that, the message here remains exactly the same, but it's expanded on even further to fully accommodate the man who will undeniably be seen as the "ultimate" One Piece villain when all is said and done.
This is a truly amazing video and once again meeting and exceeding expectations. I hope you have the success you truly deserve soon. These are top notch videos! Great job!
This is how you know somebody paid attention while watching, showing true understanding of the plot/story and the real meaning, and not just the surface of it. Phenomenal video.
Another insanely good video. I am thoroughly impressed with how you keep making these, keep it up! Edit: Is the music choice intentional? It's always extremely fitting and I've gotta give you props for it.
Great video as always but this next statement might be assuming a lot but as a single person I'd like to ask that you dont completely give up on Naruto analysis if thats the plan Im not saying don't branch out and Im not saying if your not interested right now force it but Ive seen the poll ans how most people are here for mainly one piece and some less for both and even less for just Naruto but in my option you have the best narrative analysis on youtube in my opinion your like the first I've found in years that gets it and doesn't misunderstand it into being something its not and I think it would be greatly sad to lose that. So I guess I'm just asking to mot stop doing Naruto all together assuming your not planning on doing more but no matter even if you never do again I'll always be a fan thanks for the videos
Did you not see my last videos on Naruto? I explicitly stated at the end that I'd completed my take on the entire story. I didn't give up on it, I finished it. Most of the content I could do on the story from hereon would either be Boruto or a divergence from my traditional analysis videos, which I plan to test out with one more Naruto video in the near future
@HotBoySpicy I definitely did I guess the poll just gave me the wrong Idea that you had the idea of coming back to it if enough people were interested but I'm excited for whatever you plan to do, have a great day and thanks for replying
I don't think Luffy is going to go out of his way to free people solely because they are oppressed. If Luffy hears that a random country is being oppressed he isn't just gonna rush over there and go stop it. Luffy does things solely for people that he cares about and that hasn't really changed.
That has changed, though. As I lay out in my video, Luffy has progressed post-timeskip to be more aware and more concerned about the broader problems. Especially because his backstory is directly tied to the state of the world. How can you read/watch wano and see luffy literally say he wants to make it a country where people can eat as much as they want and not get the fact that he's doing this for more than just his closest friends. He didn't ever bother to hear out stories even about his closest friends before, but he does for Oden. Explain that, Mr. Emperor. He was concerned about the state of the country enough to hear it out. Because he knows that's a requirement to help a whole civilization.
@@HotBoySpicy It hasn't. He planned to defeat Kaido right from the start but he wanted to help Wano because of a promise he made to TAMA. Luffy outright ignores/doesn't care about countries that are suffering or that may suffer even as a result of his actions.
@@HotBoySpicy And it seems like you just ignored what I said. Luffy does not care about the world's broader problems. Thats been consistent throughout the timeskip. Wano is a one-off exception. Which doesn't carry over to the arc that comes after.
Hmmmm it's a cool and very well done video which you've obviously put a lot of work into but honestly I do think that you make Luffy sound a tad bit more selfless than he is, even in Egghead he tells Vegapunk how it's nice if he wants to give people stuff (when the scientist talked about his dream of producing an unlimited source of energy) but he himself doesn't want to be a hero.
You're conflating my stance. His selfishness is a direct part of his journey as a liberator. I've talked about luffy being anything but selfless in previous videos. You must be new. What I'm saying is that his disposition of hating the sight of chained bodies actively affects his actions. You see this in ANY scene with luffy. Even before post-tumeskip, when luffy saw a slave in saboady about to be killed in front of his eyes, he tried to intervene despite not knowing them. You have to look at the bigger picture.
@@HotBoySpicy I'm not saying that Luffy is TERRIBLY selfish and will abandon someone who was abused to such a point like that slave at Sabaody, but he's not Naruto (as an example) who ends up developing a want to safe the world either. Luffy's dream will happen and Imu will fall alongside the rule of the Celestial Dragons, but while whathever it is that he wants is going to free the world I think it's because of him emboding freedom from his core instead of being his least I see it this way, Luffy is simple-minded but also quite complex when you think about it, Oda has written one hell of a main character.
@raulc.l7507 You are literally laying out my stance verbatim. I've talked about this very concept as early as my old luffy analysis video. It's only that more recently in the story has he taken a more active role because it's more than just the immediate people around him that matter to him. This combined with the fact that, I'll say again, Luffy hates to see it if it's before his eyes in general, which has been demonstrated to us numerous times throughout the series.
@@HotBoySpicy I still think that you make Luffy out to be more selfless than he is, and is not his goal to necesarily "fix" the world (at least directly) but I think I get your point. There's stuff like the Impel Down incident and him allying with someone like Bege in Whole Cake Island for an assassination attempt that would put all of the residents there in disarray, but Luffy ignores it both times to safe those HE cares about and his objectives, which makes said points doubtful though.
@@raulc.l7507I never said it's his goal to fix the world. I'm under the opinion that his goal is a canvas for the world that will just have an after-effect being a more free environment. Again, you are assuming a lot from my video rather than taking my points as they are.
@12:28 Yeah thats just blatantly not true. I really don't like it when people mischaracterize Luffy to suit their own narrative but there is no instance in the manga where Luffy defeats Doflamingo for the sake of the people. He did so purely because of Rebecca and how Doffy treated his friends.
It's funny how you disregard an important quote right before luffy defeats doflamingo to suit YOUR narrative. "You try to trap everything within your hands so that you can control everyone... and it's suffocating me!" This is a direct quote from the man himself. This is explicit information that Luffy's problem is broader than simply his close friends. So, tell me, Mr. "Emperor Luffy", who has the agenda here again?
@@HotBoySpicy Luffy doesn't like control freaks. Whats your point? Luffy says "it's suffocating ME" He explicitly says himself here. He's talking about how this personally effects HIM.
@emperorluffy6001 You are missing the forest for the tree to suit your narrative. Luffy is selfish, yes, which extends to how he views these situations. He doesn't like seeing ANYONE be controlled, friend or not. It irks him. Both if he had immense empathy or if he just does it because he hates the concept gets to the same conclusion, Luffy has progressed as a liberator OBJECTIVELY post-timeskip. No matter what you boil his motivations down to, the end result remains the same.
@@HotBoySpicy I'm literally just using the same quote you referred to. You want to say Luffy progressed a liberator thats fine. But I think it's a whole nother matter to pretend as though Luffy is willing to save people just because they're being oppressed.
Whitebeard, Garp, Rocks. Luffy is now on the same power level as these legends. Whitebeard may still kick his ass and defeat Luffy. But it would still be a mid-diff fight as a MINIMUM. High-dif fight at worst. Last War Luffy was essentially just a background character. Now he stands in the same shoes as Whitebeard. I know this happens all the time in Shounen, but this time feels more special simply because of the time taken to do so in real life. It took 12 years after Whitebeards Arc for Luffy to reach the same heights. Meanwhile, other characters each the same power level within 1-2 years. Look how quickly Goku unlocked SS1 in DBZ Kai from Ep1 of DBZ Kai. Look at how quickly Ichigo reached Captain level in Bleach. Within a few months of real life time , most shounen protags get to "Final boss" levels of power. But One Piece took 12 years to do the same basic thing. If you want to be critical, maybe that means OP is less "efficient" compared to other series? Longer time to reach the same point. But you could instead take the view, that taking your time makes it seem more worthwhile. And you get more story before the rule breaking power ups.
P.S. Luffy also likely on same level as: Kizaru, Shanks, Dragon, 5 Elder Planets, Akainu, Shiki, Big Mom,Greenbull etc I'm not saying Luffy is stronger than these guys. I'm saying he's in their league of power. He has a legitimate chance of beating them, and it would take them a LOT of effort and sweat to defeat Luffy. No one shots here.
"A Magical Crackhead travels around the world, and if you give him food he will dismantle your local government."
Is that a quote from a mr mugiwara no goofy by chance?🤣
I love that a major part of Luffy's growth is jist learning to listen to the world around him. To mature.
The goat has returned to gift us another classic 👌
Beautiful video👍 Your insight into this story is a quality I rarely see. One Piece is a story with more depth and complexity than some are willing to admit.
Luffy not only embodies Freedom and Liberation, but also Childlike Wonder and Imagination. He does not judge people on their appearance or background but on their actions. For actions speak louder than words.
beautifully written, i shed a tear. I'm sick of people saying one piece always follows the same formula of : meeting a bad guy > luffy losing > luffy winnning. One piece is WAY MORE THAN THAT. Here's to hoping this video blows up🍻
I still cant believe one piece is real. there is no way someone could write this untouchable god send of a series. I get chills thinking about what is to come in future arcs. that end bit where you said king of the pirates vs. king of the world gave me goosebumps. great video 👍
This video is just next level and words aren't enough to describe this feeling of greatness
'The liberator' sounds like a name the Gorosei should absolutely fear. Too bad they didn't do anything considerable to stop the remergence of that feared deity. Great video-!
Water 7 also shows they really really wouldn't have gotten as far as they did without the Ninja-Pirate-Samurai-Mink alliance. It shows how much they really would not have been ready for the New World with the mentality they already had then.
If they had trouble accepting Franky, they'd have trouble accepting many of the Minks at hindsight. Look at Carrot's first introduction, and how open they became to one's who weren't apart of the original cause.
They defiently grew more trusting, and I feel like that initially all starred with Law.
your insight is incredibly underrated. OP to me represents liberation in every facet and the collective joy we can all experience from unfettered freedom, and you find a way to make that message fresh every every video. Keep killing it!
I’ve never felt the need to comment under a UA-cam video until now; your content is brilliant. The depth and consistency of your analysis adds so much to the experience, I can’t wait for more.
This really shows how subtlety on par Mihawk's observation haki is to Shanks, considering how he understood Luffy's true power is that of inspiration during MF.
I really appreciate your videos and analysis. You have a great voice as well! I actually was writing about how luffy and Gol D Roger have liberators haki and not conquerors haki, since they don't want to be in charge of anyone, they just want to be free and that also means free from the responsibility of being a conqueror
These have become some of the best One Piece videos i've seen. Looking forward to more.
The Boi is backk! Im so excited 😊
Absolutely stunning content like I wanted to wait till the end of the video to comment but jesus after half of it I’m already floored yet again, as every other time with your videos before.
This is the type of OP content I love. Not the slop churned out by certain top anime UA-camrs power scaling characters or completely misreading the intent of the narrative.
Damn, this video explains luffys character development well, contrary to what some other youtubers believe. 😀
I'm surprised no one else has complimented you on the perfectly worded ending. Luffy vs "The King of the World", something of which clearly implied Imu or at least his role, but since this video was released we have learned is EXACTLY what Blackbeard wants to be for himself. We can often forget how subtly in our faces Oda can be with his interconnected nature of everything. While Imu is at least a top 2 endgame villain, it seems like their role will eventually (at least temporarily) be usurped by Blackbeard.
He'd probably usurp all the power that Imu has at the moment (including the WG & Marines), and rein down an even more hellish nightmare than even Imu could've ever concocted. With that, the message here remains exactly the same, but it's expanded on even further to fully accommodate the man who will undeniably be seen as the "ultimate" One Piece villain when all is said and done.
Only one piece creator I’ve liked the vids enough to subscribe to. Keep it up!
This is a truly amazing video and once again meeting and exceeding expectations. I hope you have the success you truly deserve soon. These are top notch videos! Great job!
You’re definitely going to blow up man… it’s only a matter of time❤️
This was an amazing essay
This is how you know somebody paid attention while watching, showing true understanding of the plot/story and the real meaning, and not just the surface of it. Phenomenal video.
Luffy always Bring out the best of people to live out their dream that what best thing about him
Another amazing video,thank you sir
Edit: Finished the video holy mother of kino
Your videos are always so good I NEED MORE
The Pirates King vs The King of The World is sure to be the buggest showdown in fiction
Another insanely good video. I am thoroughly impressed with how you keep making these, keep it up!
Edit: Is the music choice intentional? It's always extremely fitting and I've gotta give you props for it.
yup, hes very consistent with OST choices.
as too, he looks upon lesser known ones to distinguish the nostalgic tense.
Keep it up man you're good at this
Amazing video
“I was right, no surprise there” ok dude 😂
I dont know who this man is but ive been binging his content for like qn hour now and subscribed. Shits fire af
I saw this in my notifications but the title cut off at Lib, and for a second I thought this was going to be about Luffy being liberal.
oh yeahhhhhhh this was gas
What a truly amazing content creator. Please sir, never stop
Keep up the good work spicy You da realest 🌶️🔥
pog, this is gonna be a good video
Let's goooo more spicy
dam thats rly well written like rly rly well writtenso much wordplay but still accurate hats up
Such a beautiful video
What is the music that that plays at 10:01 ?
And could you send me a list of the soundtracks you used in the video?
Another great video keep up the good fight i know you will make it big
You're so cool! Thank you for the video and many other ones too!
Maybe this goes tie and tie with Joyboy and Nika.
The ultimate freedom of joy, and the ultimate liberator.
What is the music that that plays at 10:01 ?
This is a really well-made analysis.
Bro your videos are so good
i fucking love this channel
Goated video keep this going
Great video
great video as usual Mr. Spice, love it all.
Renewed and insightful.
Remind me to watch the last minute in the next month
I would love to see a mega video of you breaking down one piece similar to the one you made on Naruto titled ‘meaning of Naruto’
😍😍😍 I'm speechless 😍😍😍💯💯💯👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🔥🔥🔥
Great video as always but this next statement might be assuming a lot but as a single person I'd like to ask that you dont completely give up on Naruto analysis if thats the plan Im not saying don't branch out and Im not saying if your not interested right now force it but Ive seen the poll ans how most people are here for mainly one piece and some less for both and even less for just Naruto but in my option you have the best narrative analysis on youtube in my opinion your like the first I've found in years that gets it and doesn't misunderstand it into being something its not and I think it would be greatly sad to lose that. So I guess I'm just asking to mot stop doing Naruto all together assuming your not planning on doing more but no matter even if you never do again I'll always be a fan thanks for the videos
Did you not see my last videos on Naruto? I explicitly stated at the end that I'd completed my take on the entire story. I didn't give up on it, I finished it.
Most of the content I could do on the story from hereon would either be Boruto or a divergence from my traditional analysis videos, which I plan to test out with one more Naruto video in the near future
@HotBoySpicy I definitely did I guess the poll just gave me the wrong Idea that you had the idea of coming back to it if enough people were interested but I'm excited for whatever you plan to do, have a great day and thanks for replying
6:46 yo does anyone know where that scene is from? i dont remember Sanji pinning Usopp like that, would like to know the context
please hotboy can we get more Boruto content your narrating style is awesome 🥺🙏
Luffy is a amazing character
Let's goo!
UHHHH am excited
There is no better art piece than OnePiece
One piece channels love to remind you if they’re right about the smallest things lol
So, one piece is about the Big S word, "SOCIETY".
Hey man, is there any reason to why you deleted the debate with dygoknight?
Huh? I thought you were going to make this video, when Gear Fifth gets introduced in the anime, like what you did for Sanji and Zoro?
I'll be making another video for that too :)
God I fucking love One Piece.
Great video.
Can u do a main one for katakuri
i thought the video said “luffys journey as a lubricator”
Youre like an anime english teacher but cool
If kinemon had died, wano would be near perfect.
Dawg read or watch Ashita No Joe.
If you see this comment, who do you think will be the one to defeat Akainu: Luffy or Sabo?
luffy is a liberar
I don't think Luffy is going to go out of his way to free people solely because they are oppressed. If Luffy hears that a random country is being oppressed he isn't just gonna rush over there and go stop it. Luffy does things solely for people that he cares about and that hasn't really changed.
That has changed, though. As I lay out in my video, Luffy has progressed post-timeskip to be more aware and more concerned about the broader problems. Especially because his backstory is directly tied to the state of the world. How can you read/watch wano and see luffy literally say he wants to make it a country where people can eat as much as they want and not get the fact that he's doing this for more than just his closest friends. He didn't ever bother to hear out stories even about his closest friends before, but he does for Oden. Explain that, Mr. Emperor. He was concerned about the state of the country enough to hear it out. Because he knows that's a requirement to help a whole civilization.
@@HotBoySpicy It hasn't. He planned to defeat Kaido right from the start but he wanted to help Wano because of a promise he made to TAMA.
Luffy outright ignores/doesn't care about countries that are suffering or that may suffer even as a result of his actions.
@@emperorluffy6001 You failed to answer my question. Try again.
@@HotBoySpicy And it seems like you just ignored what I said.
Luffy does not care about the world's broader problems. Thats been consistent throughout the timeskip. Wano is a one-off exception. Which doesn't carry over to the arc that comes after.
@emperorluffy6001 Again, refusing to answer the question. Try again.
sasuke was the one to be rescued
Hmmmm it's a cool and very well done video which you've obviously put a lot of work into but honestly I do think that you make Luffy sound a tad bit more selfless than he is, even in Egghead he tells Vegapunk how it's nice if he wants to give people stuff (when the scientist talked about his dream of producing an unlimited source of energy) but he himself doesn't want to be a hero.
You're conflating my stance. His selfishness is a direct part of his journey as a liberator. I've talked about luffy being anything but selfless in previous videos. You must be new. What I'm saying is that his disposition of hating the sight of chained bodies actively affects his actions. You see this in ANY scene with luffy. Even before post-tumeskip, when luffy saw a slave in saboady about to be killed in front of his eyes, he tried to intervene despite not knowing them. You have to look at the bigger picture.
@@HotBoySpicy I'm not saying that Luffy is TERRIBLY selfish and will abandon someone who was abused to such a point like that slave at Sabaody, but he's not Naruto (as an example) who ends up developing a want to safe the world either. Luffy's dream will happen and Imu will fall alongside the rule of the Celestial Dragons, but while whathever it is that he wants is going to free the world I think it's because of him emboding freedom from his core instead of being his least I see it this way, Luffy is simple-minded but also quite complex when you think about it, Oda has written one hell of a main character.
@raulc.l7507 You are literally laying out my stance verbatim. I've talked about this very concept as early as my old luffy analysis video. It's only that more recently in the story has he taken a more active role because it's more than just the immediate people around him that matter to him. This combined with the fact that, I'll say again, Luffy hates to see it if it's before his eyes in general, which has been demonstrated to us numerous times throughout the series.
@@HotBoySpicy I still think that you make Luffy out to be more selfless than he is, and is not his goal to necesarily "fix" the world (at least directly) but I think I get your point. There's stuff like the Impel Down incident and him allying with someone like Bege in Whole Cake Island for an assassination attempt that would put all of the residents there in disarray, but Luffy ignores it both times to safe those HE cares about and his objectives, which makes said points doubtful though.
@@raulc.l7507I never said it's his goal to fix the world. I'm under the opinion that his goal is a canvas for the world that will just have an after-effect being a more free environment. Again, you are assuming a lot from my video rather than taking my points as they are.
@12:28 Yeah thats just blatantly not true. I really don't like it when people mischaracterize Luffy to suit their own narrative but there is no instance in the manga where Luffy defeats Doflamingo for the sake of the people. He did so purely because of Rebecca and how Doffy treated his friends.
It's funny how you disregard an important quote right before luffy defeats doflamingo to suit YOUR narrative.
"You try to trap everything within your hands so that you can control everyone... and it's suffocating me!"
This is a direct quote from the man himself. This is explicit information that Luffy's problem is broader than simply his close friends. So, tell me, Mr. "Emperor Luffy", who has the agenda here again?
@@HotBoySpicy W
@@HotBoySpicy Luffy doesn't like control freaks. Whats your point? Luffy says "it's suffocating ME" He explicitly says himself here. He's talking about how this personally effects HIM.
@emperorluffy6001 You are missing the forest for the tree to suit your narrative. Luffy is selfish, yes, which extends to how he views these situations. He doesn't like seeing ANYONE be controlled, friend or not. It irks him. Both if he had immense empathy or if he just does it because he hates the concept gets to the same conclusion, Luffy has progressed as a liberator OBJECTIVELY post-timeskip. No matter what you boil his motivations down to, the end result remains the same.
@@HotBoySpicy I'm literally just using the same quote you referred to. You want to say Luffy progressed a liberator thats fine. But I think it's a whole nother matter to pretend as though Luffy is willing to save people just because they're being oppressed.
Conclusion One piece best anime ever
Whitebeard, Garp, Rocks. Luffy is now on the same power level as these legends.
Whitebeard may still kick his ass and defeat Luffy. But it would still be a mid-diff fight as a MINIMUM. High-dif fight at worst.
Last War Luffy was essentially just a background character. Now he stands in the same shoes as Whitebeard. I know this happens all the time in Shounen, but this time feels more special simply because of the time taken to do so in real life. It took 12 years after Whitebeards Arc for Luffy to reach the same heights. Meanwhile, other characters each the same power level within 1-2 years. Look how quickly Goku unlocked SS1 in DBZ Kai from Ep1 of DBZ Kai. Look at how quickly Ichigo reached Captain level in Bleach. Within a few months of real life time , most shounen protags get to "Final boss" levels of power. But One Piece took 12 years to do the same basic thing.
If you want to be critical, maybe that means OP is less "efficient" compared to other series? Longer time to reach the same point. But you could instead take the view, that taking your time makes it seem more worthwhile. And you get more story before the rule breaking power ups.
P.S. Luffy also likely on same level as: Kizaru, Shanks, Dragon, 5 Elder Planets, Akainu, Shiki, Big Mom,Greenbull etc
I'm not saying Luffy is stronger than these guys. I'm saying he's in their league of power. He has a legitimate chance of beating them, and it would take them a LOT of effort and sweat to defeat Luffy.
No one shots here.
Amazing video
What is the music that that plays at 10:01 ?