Behind the Scenes of the Salt Lake Tabernacle Organ

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @williammitchell1864
    @williammitchell1864 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Mr. Andrew Unsworth, the concert organist for allowing me the privilege to play the Conference Center pipe organ! It was a real blast to play this pipe organ with five keyboards!

  • @allanmoore4353
    @allanmoore4353 4 місяці тому

    Very, very cool, thank you for that look "behind the scenes" . 😁

  • @johnhenryholiday4964
    @johnhenryholiday4964 11 місяців тому

    Its rather amazing that when your right on top of the pipes of a pipe organ (next to them) some can be so "unmusical" ... yet .... give them a little distance to mellow and they are magnificent either by themselves or in a combination...

  • @randonjmiller
    @randonjmiller 8 років тому +6

    What a testament to the amazing awesomeness of the Mormon Tabernacle itself, it's humble construction, and it's ability to make it's organ boast some of the most beautiful music in the world. I would so love some other pieces to be examined like this to show the buildings amazing ability to amplify and unite the sounds into these glorious compositions.

  • @tedphillips2501
    @tedphillips2501 6 років тому +7

    Anyone who has tuned chorus reed pipes (I don't know of any organ tuner that doesn't drink) knows they are much louder than can be reproduced fully with speakers. Speakers can only jiggle the air. Pipes make the wind sing.

  • @williammitchell1864
    @williammitchell1864 Рік тому +1

    Near the end of this summer, I have been granted 10 to 20 minutes on this instrument!

  • @rogersteigleman4785
    @rogersteigleman4785 Рік тому +1

    One. Of. The. Very. Best

  • @stevendrake6831
    @stevendrake6831 7 років тому

    More! We would love more! This is so special to see. Most of us will never have a chance in this lifetime to tour behind the shutters. I can only imagine that the person filming this must have had hearing protection on . Thank you so much for sharing this tiny clip.

  • @canalsantos8088
    @canalsantos8088 4 роки тому +1

    Everything very beautiful and incredible

  • @ЮрийРоговец
    @ЮрийРоговец 3 роки тому

    Beautiful sound and everithing

  • @jameswest8280
    @jameswest8280 3 роки тому

    Nothing can replace hearing it in person.

  • @daanmollema6366
    @daanmollema6366 6 років тому +4

    The echo definitely contributes

  • @Lion_McLionhead
    @Lion_McLionhead 10 років тому +5

    Now for a video of the conference center organ.

    • @jrzzrj
      @jrzzrj 9 років тому

      +heroineworshipper----------- is that the "church-like" building near the tabernacle? I was there a very long time ago...can't quite remember....

    • @ja-x327
      @ja-x327 8 років тому +1

      +J.R. Zippie No, what you are referring to is the assembly hall. The conference center is a huge building across the street from the temple.

    • @jrzzrj
      @jrzzrj 8 років тому's been a long time since I been there.....I see it on Google-maps....thanks...

    • @Grimace_Integ420
      @Grimace_Integ420 5 років тому

      PredatorDrone13 it used to be the conference center, until they had to make a bigger one to fit the amount of people they were receiving

  • @progamer0508
    @progamer0508 8 років тому +1

    whats the name of that piece?

    • @paulbrennan5646
      @paulbrennan5646 5 років тому +3

      Dear Jonas: The name of this piece is Guilmant's March on a theme of Handel.

  • @brootheboomer
    @brootheboomer 8 років тому +1

    This was filmer in the trumpet swell box

  • @cdeanneeckles
    @cdeanneeckles 6 років тому


  • @tedphillips2501
    @tedphillips2501 6 років тому

    Speakers can only jiggle the air - pipes make the wind sing.