Does Tales Of Arise Deserve Best RPG?

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @ShortD3vil
    @ShortD3vil  Рік тому +2

    Thank you to anyone that has watched this video. I've been looking at it grow from 50 views to 1k views and I would like to continue making this type of content in the future. All I ask is that you give the video a like so that this video continues to grow 👍 once again thank you 😊
    Or even better subscribe so that I know to make more videos like this 😉

  • @brunopezzi671
    @brunopezzi671 11 місяців тому +5

    It deserved GOTY 2021, not just best RPG. This game is a timeless masterpiece.

  • @calculateddeclination5534
    @calculateddeclination5534 11 місяців тому +5

    I've never been too into the tales of games, but that changed with arise. It's one of my favorite games period. I don't have very many games that I call my all time favorite. I can count on one hand how many. Anyway, it's the best action rpg I've ever played. It's up there with the Ys series. Maybe even better. The story, world, voice acting and characters all make for one incredible experience you'll never forget. Also, there's a 20 hour DLC coming soon. Soooooooo excited! 😊 Also also....Kisara thicc af. Wooooooooo!! 😂

    • @adamhunter4120
      @adamhunter4120 7 місяців тому

      The game looks like actual anime but as a game and I love it the combat is amazing the story was solid and classic and the characters were relatable all things I look for in a good game and although it wasn’t open world it didn’t really need to be but that is the only thing I might’ve changed if I needed change

  • @max_reaver5548
    @max_reaver5548 7 місяців тому +3


  • @joeyisabsb1
    @joeyisabsb1 Рік тому +4

    I picked up Tales of Arise bc of Kisara, not Shionne 😂

    • @ShortD3vil
      @ShortD3vil  Рік тому

      I see, you are a man of culture as well 😆

  • @M4sterFenixBr
    @M4sterFenixBr Рік тому +6

    WTF just 277 views, this video has some damn good quality

  • @us0_tsuki
    @us0_tsuki Рік тому +6

    Short D3vil: "Did Tales Of Arise Deserve Best RPG of 2021?"
    Yes. Yes it did.
    Nice video. Have a like.

    • @ShortD3vil
      @ShortD3vil  Рік тому +1

      😂 Thank you very much 👍

  • @adamhunter4120
    @adamhunter4120 7 місяців тому +1


    • @ShortD3vil
      @ShortD3vil  7 місяців тому

      Well looks like #TeamShionne won 😅

  • @eldhand
    @eldhand Рік тому +2

    Great video!!

  • @chardgofs
    @chardgofs Рік тому +2

    Nice video

  • @joshakins4923
    @joshakins4923 Рік тому +2

    I have the same issue with the bosses just draining all my healing items while regular mobs are easy, so I beat it all on normal first time and now switch difficulty to easy on further playthroughs. It does brake the game for me but feels unbalanced

    • @ShortD3vil
      @ShortD3vil  Рік тому +1

      The bosses scaled the difficulty a bit too high but I totally get changing the difficulty

    • @joshakins4923
      @joshakins4923 Рік тому +1

      @@ShortD3vil for sure I think it was balanced oddly, I beat every boss on normal but it seems like I would have to use almost all my current life bottles and such each time and that felt odd because the mobs are so easy. Also half the side quest monsters are way higher level then when you actually accept the side quest. It's weird and the rest of the series didn't do that.

    • @ShortD3vil
      @ShortD3vil  Рік тому

      Never played the previous series 😥

    • @andersjensen7348
      @andersjensen7348 Рік тому

      Agree on this, the balance is horrible. Also the story towards the end gets a bit drawn out and the conversations repetitive imo. Not the best rpg imo

  • @tonysnapes5514
    @tonysnapes5514 Рік тому +1

    I love ff xiii under rated as fuck

    • @ShortD3vil
      @ShortD3vil  Рік тому

      Thank you 😩 I just hear a lot of people didn't like it or its the worst ff game compared to the rest

    • @tonysnapes5514
      @tonysnapes5514 Рік тому +1

      @@ShortD3vil I remember it clearly it was a victim of its time same as lost odyssey. not open world and turn based at the time meant they didn't use they awesome power of the next gen hardware lol.

  • @mohammedallha61
    @mohammedallha61 Рік тому +3

    Tales of arise put a new standards for jrpgs

  • @andersjensen7348
    @andersjensen7348 Рік тому +3

    No it does not, towards the ending all the conversations are so similar and says the same thing, it becomes too much imo. It becomes tedious and makes people want to skip cutscenes, at least thats how i felt and what I can gather from online forums. Good game though.

    • @MyNameisRevenant
      @MyNameisRevenant Рік тому

      Overly ambitious for its own good. They should had worked the story a bit more in the parts about slavery and not focus so much about the alien stuff.

    • @andersjensen7348
      @andersjensen7348 Рік тому +1

      @@MyNameisRevenant imo they just repeat themselves sooooo much. "Hurh durh i always thought we were different hurh durh we are not so different (insert self doubt quote)"
      I am exaggerating here, i did enjoy most of the game but by the end it was just stupid with the cut scenes that didnt do anything new

  • @ifrit1937
    @ifrit1937 11 місяців тому +1

    Arise, imo, is a good game. Not the best jrpg ever (was my goty for 2021 though but my definition of goty is simply the game I enjoyed the most that released that year...Ys 9 was a very close 2nd, nearly tied and in some aspects (character development/personalities (imo after Tales of Berseria Arise's characters are very bland, same when comparing them to Ys 9...the game could've used more comedic skits/skits focused on their hobbies like past games than having as many as it did focus on the main story/slavery/renan vs dahnan skits) and side quests/content) better than Arise.
    Story/world building was good (though the story takes a hit starting around Lord 4 starting with Rinwell and Alemedria's storyline and later forgiveness given the former given to the later (in fact the whole 'i forgive you' thing done multiple times from that point onward was dumb especially given Kisara said it better tat the end of the 3rd domain where she basically said 'i don't forgive you/renans but will try to live with the renans for the sake of a better future' to Dohalim) and the story after the 5th Dohlim more or less changing the main villains from who it was to someone/thing that came out of nowhere was a bad idea imo and they should've either ended at lord 5's domain or continued the renan vs dahnan focus that was going on until then).
    Combat was solid (even with CP meaning you had HP concerns for quite a while in the game, especially if you played on harder difficulties (normal or lower it shouldn't be that much of an issue though)) and for once even on normal difficulty (I swapped difficulty a bit before settling on Hard, with the occasional drop to Int for really tanky bosses) the enemies (bosses in particular) felt far more difficult than the past few games as you couldn't just take them into the air and combo them to death and the enemies were much more aggressive on their respective difficulty than the past 5 to 10 games. Biggest combat issue though was the ally AI was trash/suicidal most of the time unless you put them into def mode and the ally AI management was party based rather than individual character based like past Tales games did it so you couldn't even curtail the allies to work the way you'd prefer the individual characters to work (you had range options, dodge options, block options, how aggressive they'd be, if they'd protect allies/team up on one enemy/attack different enemies, etc in past Tales games that you could set each character individually. This game didn't give any of that and that likely would've fixed many of the issues the game had with how allies died way too much/needed a lot of CP to heal...for example Shionne would always have been attack for range for me so she should rarely die and I'd probably put her start healing when allies are at 50% hp or less and Rinwell and maybe Dohalim probably would've been spells only while the other Alphen and Law would've been given more aggressive close up AI options while Kisara would've been protect the casters.allies/taunt enemies option).
    Art and graphics were good (best in the series imo) so no complaints there and performance held up 99.9% of the time.
    The world design visually looked great and the map layouts were a huge improvement over the last few games. If there's any complaint here'd it'd be they could've added more hidden areas/platforming sections to hide chests/other optional stuff. I also think it would've been cool if they had landmarks like Graces F/Zestiria had (could've given more extra CP when they were found too which would've helped early on CP issues a bit more). Dungeons were also also quite a bit better than the past few games but could've been improved further if they added more chests (as mentioned earlier for field maps) and if they had more puzzles or Ys style traps in the dungeon (something I think the industry as a whole need to do more, especially for jrpgs)...the final dungeon though was very meh given previous Tales games final dungeons and even other dungeons in the game itself and felt far longer than necessary. Towns while visually stunning for the most part were boring though as you barely entered any of the buildings and there wasn't much to do/find there outside a couple chests, npc side quests (fetch/hunts only for the most part), and stores/inns...granted this seems to be an industry issue as a whole as many games don't let you explore more than a couple buildings in jrpgs outside of a handful of exceptions (mostly Falcom games, granted they go with dated visuals/graphics for the msot part so they need to make the game interesting in other ways).
    Side quests/content was also meh as a whole as most side quests were fetch quests or hunts with very little lore involved especially compared to the last 4 Tales games and as far as other side content goes all there really was was hunting for owls, the Colosseum, and fishing. The best side quest it had going for it was the extra dungeon (mainly due to all the Tales callbacks that went with it (the areas are portions of maps taken from older games using Arise's engine to remake them)) and the boss rush side quest which would've been one of the last you get where you fight an AI version of all the Lords in the game and 1 extra character.
    As for rpg of 2021 I'll say it more or less earned it due to the great combat system (sides AI issues), mostly decent story (first half's good, 2nd half's meh so it falls into decent), awesome game world, and just giving the best classic rpg journey as a whole (all the other games didn't really give the same epic journey feel that older jrpgs did in comparison to Arise and that feel is the best for rpgs imo...the closest may have been Ys 9 but the setting was far more limited than Arise). If i was to rank the games I played that year it'd be: 1st Tales of Arise, 2nd ys 9, 3rd Scarlet Nexus, 4th Ender Lillies, 5th Persona 5 Strikers (any game not listed would be because I didn't play it yet though Ihave it, didn't like it, didn't buy it yet).

    • @ShortD3vil
      @ShortD3vil  11 місяців тому

      Quite a detailed review. I also agree with the 2nd half being a bit off and Rinwell's arc being weird. I've never played any of the Tales series and I enjoyed this one. Maybe if I get the chance, I'll try out Berseria and see how it compares with Arise. Never played Ys and I've only heard about it very recently. I guess that might be another JRPG that I'll jump into one day

  • @onoderaforlyfe5301
    @onoderaforlyfe5301 Рік тому +3

    Story is cringe, L in my opinion.

    • @niveyoga3242
      @niveyoga3242 Рік тому +6

      The best story in a videogame I have ever played! Loved it from the first to the last second