The Real World Of Ham Radio

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • The Real World Of Ham Radio. Burt appears before W1AW to expose more truths about ham radio. Includes on air comments by other hams as
    See my latest video of comment on the sad state of ham radio
    • K1OIK comments on the ... well as pictures of the ordinary ham.


  • @MrBrian8749
    @MrBrian8749 6 років тому +5

    Finally someone is being truthful. Like your common sense which by the way is lacking in most people today. I used the radio because I liked to know, carry on a conversation. And maybe even make friends....I gave up, because I dislike people who act friendly but really are not. Thanks for the video

  • @Sams911
    @Sams911 15 років тому

    I am brand new to Ham Radio and frankly have learned more about the culture of Ham from you Burt than from the 3 dozen guys at the two clubs I've joined have passed on to me.. thanks for the vids, keep it up! I will have to CQ you one day and ask how you're weather is!

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому +2

    You have cited an example of the best in ham radio. I worked a ham in Japan and later his family stayed in my home for 5 days, now that was an experience.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому +2

    If my video irritate you SO bad, Why are you watching it???

  • @Skalalala
    @Skalalala 12 років тому +1

    We are all different, so let us all be the way we want and do with the hobby the way we want. You want to learn about other cultures - library, the internet, the street, trips will de finitely help you.
    FYI Ham since 9 y.o. Contester, DX and DXer, Quite a few times top ten in the world. Your call is in my black list. Sorry about that but there is nothing you can offer me that I'd feel enlightened. 73

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому +1

    @Pepsifx357 I am sadly serious but it is sad that it is humorous, but it is!

  • @jeffreypetchharrison4363
    @jeffreypetchharrison4363 5 років тому +1

    73 you are now mr burt hope you are still ok i like your talks very funny jeff ..m0prf.. from the uk

  • @Tamlin73
    @Tamlin73 12 років тому +1

    Backpacking with a Ham radio is a Sport :)
    Best regards from Norway.

  • @lizzyfan1986
    @lizzyfan1986 4 роки тому +1

    Andy Rooney lives......this is brilliant!!!!

  • @scarfprickles
    @scarfprickles 13 років тому +1

    I have no idea what you are on about though I thoroughly enjoy it.

  • @Fedupwithcrap
    @Fedupwithcrap 10 років тому +5

    God bless you sir for telling us the absolute truth of Ham Radio, how it's such a breeding ground for nonsensical conversations and communications. And I thought I was the only one. 73 de Gary/N9VU

  • @hailster
    @hailster 15 років тому +1

    I completely agree Burt. Great video and I look forward to any future ones you produce.

  • @berkmanyt
    @berkmanyt 9 років тому +2

    Burt…a lot of good points. Relax…lower the level of the wine in the bottle on your
    kitchen countertop. If venting lowers your blood pressure great…. chill ! Your
    positive videos are excellent….thanks walt

  • @nyartist
    @nyartist 2 місяці тому

    I've been a ham for 30 years and everything he says is right on! But one thing he's missing: the sheer joy of operating amazing technology and transmitting around the world with nothing but wires. The calming effect if can sometimes have after a lousy day when you put on the headphones and tune across the bands. The absolute beauty of these radios. I'm also an artist and musician and sometimes I just see ham radio as a good friend who's there when needed. And as a good friend we can be separated for periods of time knowing we will still be there when needed.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @TF856 The way I twist things? Surely you jest. You are the one who is the king of exaggeration. You say all hams complain about me, so why are there compliments from hams posted here? What articles do you think I have written? I am proud to put my name to anything I write, unlike you who hides hides hides hides hides behind the keyboard. Why would I slander certain Nationalities & Religions, they have characteristics to be proud of, they do not laugh saying HI HI or say my name is Fred for ID

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @TF856 Me a bigot? You are the one who hides your big mouth behind a blocked channel. Are you afraid to stand up like a man? Every ham you talk to complains about me, you mean EVERY SINGLE ham? Not one exception? Not only are you an ass but a lying one at that. You have never experienced such BIGOTED CRAP? You mean I am worse than the KKK and Hitler? Again you lie. I do not hurt the ham image, just listen on the air they hurt their own image all by themselves.

  • @HistoryWithAnthonyO
    @HistoryWithAnthonyO 14 років тому

    Nevermind as I was sending my last comment you showed exactly what I was talking about on the video.
    Maybe we could meet up on 20 meters one day and show people what a meaningful proper SSB contact with real information is about. I would love to record it and put it on youtube.
    Unfortunately in the short two year time of me being a ham the only meaningful conversations I have ever had were on 2 meters.

  • @HistoryWithAnthonyO
    @HistoryWithAnthonyO 14 років тому

    Here's one for ya Burt. (From the beginning) Go out and take the test for tech and general, buy an Icom 718, and a G5RV get on 20 meters, hear someone calling CQ DX CQ DX de KL7XX (a legitimate DX station presumably out of the country or in the country of Alaska... look it up on the new World Atlas), give your call 5 times because the "DX" station didn't get it and youll still be 59+. Can you tell me how this happens if he didnt hear my call why I am 59+?
    de W6CSA

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    Email I just received re: my commentary:
    Well, you had me rolling!
    Wwhy can't hams just speak in plain English. I understand CW, as slow as it really is, using Q-codes, etc, but why ask me "QSL?" or "We seem to have some QRM..." instead of "We seem to have some interference."
    And everybody is "5-9". No, they're not. Some are, most are not.
    And some guys have no sense of humor.. you do.. we need to laugh at ourselves. The thing about your daughter, "Roger that roadkill..." Priceless.

  • @gmcjetpilot
    @gmcjetpilot 15 років тому

    Satire? Your recurring theme, silly terminology and amateur radio is a waste, use a phone or Internet. Yes Burt common on, its a HOBBY. The challenge and mystery of "radio propagation". As you pointed out experimenting with antennas is valuable.
    The reason they don't let you post an editorial is because you'd piss people off. As far as sport, Hams have to figure out things to do with that Ham radio. That's why they make up sports, nets, contest. With that said Ham does need face lift.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    So you make comments on my videos having only watched ONE of almost 200. What SPECIFICALLY am I a hypocrite about? If I "run my mouth" about things I shouldn't how does that make me a hypocrite? Where do I say I am a ham God, why would I want to be God of a group of social losers? Identify yourself, you have NO balls

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  12 років тому

    I am a retired teacher but do some subbing in 4th grade. Kids in 6th grade or lower are not responsible for their excess weight, their parents are. Even when I taught high school I would never treat an overweight kid differently.f I did have disdain but never showed it why should I be thrown out?
    I look like I am dying of aids? Why because I am not fat?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @mike2ka I did not suggest I should be President of the ARRL, another ham made up the joke picture and sent it to me and I posted it. As I say to my students I hate the wortd sorry, because if I punched you in the nose and then said "sorrY", that would not fix it. Sorry is not doing it again, yet you continue to toss out insults after "sorry."

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @mike2ka If you did not think I was retarded why did you say so?
    I do not bash ham radio I do knock the habits of many hams. I enjoy some aspects of the hobby, in every rotten barrel they are a few good apples. I did not have to work at all to get the extra, children can pass that test. My daughter became licensed at age 8

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @mike2ka What an excuse for a man you are, you respond as my daughter did WHEN SHE WAS ELEVEN. You are proven wrong and will not admit it it. If you agree your have no more courage than Casper Milque Toast simply do not respond. I will take your lack of response as an admission of gross stupidity.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @brontoab1 You don't get exercise fishing? The boat loads itself, carries itself out to the dock, hauling in a big fish is not exercise? Fishermen wait for their catch to hop in the boat? There a few ways of getting exercise in ham radio, most hams though sit on their butts cackeling.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @kd5gua Me out of shape, yesterday I biked to two hours of volleyball the biked to softball field where I played 2 hours of softball, I weigh 182 up 4 pounds from 1980, and you?
    DX is understood as being outside the country, CQ DX means in the USA no Americans.

  • @JoeLalumia
    @JoeLalumia 11 років тому

    I get a lot of questions from hams as to why I have a "1" call here in Texas. Until I tell them it's because I like single malt Scotch. Usually they laugh! sometimes they give me a strange look. :)
    Keep the videos coming-- 73
    Joe Lalumia W1XWX

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @mike2ka I cannot believe there is anyone this stupid. When you say I seem to be full of myself you somehow think that is not an insult? Saying I have a problem, that is somehow a kind thing to say? Even my 4th graders would realize what an insult is.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @mike2ka This was not an insult, " i dont know what your problem is anyway?"
    Or this, " you are pretty full of yourself?" What exactly do you call it? You did SAY you were sorry for calling me retarded but proceeded to continue the name calling.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @69furball69 Both stations were strong, signals travel BOTH ways. If you call CQ DX while in the USA and I hear you in the USA and you do not answer it means in all probability you were discriminating assuming I was not running QRP or a poor antenna.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @69furball69 you should know that if you can hear a person trying to make contact, it is likely that the person calling DX can hear the person trying to respond, this is pretty basic propagation fundamentals.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @kaboooom2000uk One should ask for your name because they want to know, the log does not give a damn
    When a ham has worked you twice or more he has to prove either his memory or his quick access to his log, but you too have a point

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    Thrill? Surely you jest. By the time she was 10 she became totally bored with hams. Hams ARE NOT SPECIAL. They define boring. You need to see my video on the beauty in ham radio. I look at both sides. Can you give an example of a "thrill" in ham radio?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    I had said, "Email I just received re: my commentary:" Looks pretty clear to me that I was forwarding you an email.
    If you do not "waste" your time on You Tube, you win the award for the most comments I have received from any one person

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    What parts are NOT correct?
    I never said all hams were anything.
    I never said hams were indecent.
    What errors have I made as a ham?
    My comments are to help others become other hams to show them what they sound like.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    The "unarmed" comment is so old a cliché. I will know it's you at the door when I answer and say, "boo" and there is urine at the base of your pant leg (or petticoat). And I am the one that is "unarmed!"

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    The word is whole, not hole. the word is slandering, not slating, the word is you're not your, the word is it's, not its, your English as not much better than the children in your video.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @g4snu Actually the word is "whiner."
    So I should quit being a ham because I do not like some aspects of it?
    Maybe you should leave England or do you agree with all the policies?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @neo42 Tell me one thing I said that was not based on fact.
    What does my You Tube opinion have to do with you calling me a "poor operator?"
    I am not on the air with my opinion

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    You think I am a racist! My elmer was Dan Carter, who was quite black. My best friend as a child was Leroy Davis, also black. I intergrated the Little League in my town and you did what?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    We cannot call it even because what I say is opinion, saying your name Hamilton is a lie. You can easily identify me, you, like the typical ham, hide behind an anonymous keyboard.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    You are speaking of 1% of hams. So if I disagree with Obama I should leave the country? Or should I offer a different view. I should be a ham ass kisser?
    You are 138? That is rare.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  16 років тому

    You are the poster child for the pot calling the kettle black. I looked at your videos, they are awful. Readers check his videos out.
    I have over 20,000 views on mine and you have 100

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @TF856 The fact is you found no articles. You are just a weak mealy mouthed CBer with no guts. I NEVER submit anything anonymously LIKE YOU. YOu accuse me of ehat you are.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @artifactingreality Hate is a term I reserve for Hitler. So if I do not say nice things about you, I hate you? You did not say anything nice about me, so you hate me?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    There is no need to honor a person because he is white. White people had no discrimination to overcome. Black people have no reason to be proud of skin pigmentation.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    You are a real potty mouth. You need to have your mouth washed out with soap. At a ratio of 30:1 my ham radio videos are positive, how do you explain that?

  • @KelvinAnderson
    @KelvinAnderson 10 років тому +1

    Spot on.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @trylleklovn If the responder heard the CQ, then there is propagation BOTH ways. The CQer was too lazy to work a weak station ir prefix not to his liking.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    You should not make charges of racism without facts.
    The lack of black hikers was noted on my hike, which the video was also about. Not just ham radio.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    I do not dread the hobby. I dislike some of the inane habits of hams. There are more stupid things with some hams than in most other areas of life.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @imowtflol I would love to meet.
    So if there is something you do not lke about your wife, rather than air out your concerns you leave her?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    Liars are rarely hurt. It is clear you cannot stand behind anything you say. I will give you one more chance to give your call and or real name.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    No one has control over their basic skin color. Why would I be proud of something I have no control over? I do not hate myself or any ham.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    The whole country? That includes EVERY last person. Some are honoring him because of race. Clearly you are not, so what country are you in?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    Have you graduated any school? Your English is not too good, unless you are from out of country.
    I have other videos, search k1oik flex

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  12 років тому

    What did I post that was off topic? Why shoud I sell my "gear" when you act like the ass on the air (HI HI, FOR ID, CQ CONTEST etc)

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    You said days ago, "I'm not going to sit here and try to battle wits with you any longer", don't you ever keep your word hider?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    So if I call CQ on HF I should say nothing heard if I get no answer? Of course not, no answer in BOTH cases serves that purpose.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    It is NOT supposed to be a hobby according to the FCC, it is a service. But it is a hobby as most hams serve only themselves.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    Do you realize most of my ham videos are positive? So if someone wants to cheat to get more points in an exam, it is ok?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    Explain how I am a hypocrite. Explain how you are not (you watch my videos even though you do not agree with them)

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @siquijorisland1 wining?, there was no game to win.
    My "moth"? I do not own a moth
    Who is the "we" YOU speak of?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @davetrek1962 I do live alone but as an elementary teacher I get hugs on a regular basis from wonderful children.

  • @furonwarrior
    @furonwarrior 8 років тому

    The more I watch your video, the more you look and act like Robin Williams. Great video

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @eibeer So why you call me a name? You censor comments on your uploads but I have the courage not to censor.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @HerbBeamish Let us see a picture of you. I weigh 180, same as in 1980, and you? Let us see your "real chicks?"

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  16 років тому

    I see You Tube are deleting your videos. As far as your profanity please do not use a word you have never done.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    The soap is ready, my call is obvious, how about your call? Oh, you are a wimp, you hide behind "32Gofast"

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @mike2ka I believe the word is spelled business, the word is spelled mentally. And you call me retarded!

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @vermontcreekbed Surely you are joking, "Radiosport", that term is an oxymoron. What is the "6'6" band.?"

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  16 років тому

    Hams are not concerned enough that we ought to welcome all races. Your "favorite" tells a lot about you

  • @ardrhi
    @ardrhi 14 років тому

    @burt2481 It's odd...I played this over again, and didn't hear any qualifiers like "a majority of..." or "many hams say..." or even "my research shows that a large percentage of hams". No, it's "hams, do they ever care about you?" or "hams, do they ever ask..." or that the"person who keeps talking to you even when you're no longer interested...that would be a ham, wouldn't it?" Where are the qualifiers to restrict it to "many"?

  • @ardrhi
    @ardrhi 14 років тому

    @burt2481 I'm sorry, Burt, but that's a little obtuse of you. If the calling station is running a KW and is distant, and the responding station is running 50w and is close to you, you might hear both, but the distant station might well not hear the responding station regardless of conditions. I know you find these things annoying, but there are alternate explanations for them besides "hams being stupid". By Occam's Razor, it's more reasonable to assume one ham being oversensitive.

  • @divinecontemplation
    @divinecontemplation 14 років тому

    You should use your skills to build advanced RC flying surveillance machines. Then you can show us how its done. That would be very very cool.
    You know what, Ham radio is a really fun hobby (for a few) or a really effective way to establish emergency communications. I don't get the point of this video. You are going to find freaks in every crowd. I bet the folks at the ARRL are just as uptight as you are.
    Its a free country, so keep on talking and we'll keep on rockin' in the free world.

  • @xdude45
    @xdude45 16 років тому

    I'm Brad, KM5WN. Your videos crack me up. The reason why they crack me up is because they are so true. By the way, my wife Kathy is KD5JHB. Neither one of us could be classified at typical hams. I never have understood why the "typical" ham group has to be so weird. All a person has to do is go to a ham fest after getting their license and they would wonder what they have gotten themselves into. Take Care.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    I must be very important to be the cause of people not getting a license. You are still a hiding wimp

  • @Skalalala
    @Skalalala 12 років тому

    Dear Burt,
    After watching several of your post, I decided to comment.
    The guide line of your posts is your loneliness which is the result of your somewhat peculiar social interaction skills. If you want someone to talk about your hobbies, employment, etc. go to a bar, or join a club, or find other hams willing to ragchew with YOU, or get a shrink.

  • @imowtflol
    @imowtflol 14 років тому

    @burt2481 We should meet one day Burt. I would be interested to see what it has been that makes you so cynical in your ageing years, maybe a fellow ham professed his everlasting carrier and then broke your oscillator.
    But it begs one question-if you don't like the habits of hams why do you hang around. If it is only to stir you would be better off doing it on CB.

  • @artifactingreality
    @artifactingreality 14 років тому

    Hate, dislike, use whatever words you want. Fact is you painted a pretty grim picture of ham radio. And I don't dispute the things you said, I'm sure they're 100% true, my question is why would you involve yourself with it?
    If it's only "some of their habits" that you don't like, which of their habits DO you like? Serious question.

  • @HammyLarry
    @HammyLarry 15 років тому

    nothing you say is ever based on pure fact. Its all your opinion. And you know what they say about opinions. I just can't figure out why you stick around if you hate ham radio so much. I guess its just for the attention. Its just so you can tell us all the things you do and you have accomplished. You are no better than the ones you criticize.

  • @piplol2468
    @piplol2468 15 років тому

    well fine maybe i was wrong but i still i just don't get it, dose it amuse you or what its just funny that your part of a hobby that you seem to just dread, i know there some stupid things on the ham bands but it just like saying there is stupid things on the internet, but i am just curious
    73's :)

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    And you are who and where? Of course you are hiding, before u grow a pair, you need to grow one.

  • @JoeLalumia
    @JoeLalumia 11 років тому

    Burt, I love your videos! :) 73 from Texas. W1XWX - ask me why this is my vanity call sign.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  11 років тому

    that is not nice. Where did I say ham radio was crap, but some of your videos have almost 10 views

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @HerbBeamish You feel sorry for me! You are a riot, you are the one hiding behind your keyboard.

  • @ezio2altair
    @ezio2altair 12 років тому

    Lot of meaningful conversations with people around the world--on VoIP Ham programs. Echolink, CQ100, HamSphere. I became a Ham when I was 13, got my Advanced class ticket at 14. Then I lost interest. I am 29 now and hearing your videos makes me remember why I became fed up with the hobby years ago.

  • @neo42
    @neo42 14 років тому

    For a guy that makes a point of identifying himself as a ham, you spend a lot of time running the hobby down. Maybe you should experiment with a facet of the hobby you've never tried. That might give you something to do besides kvetching about a hobby you're either tired of or don't understand. LID.

  • @HammyLarry
    @HammyLarry 15 років тому

    No Burt. I'm implying that the country isn't racist and honoring the first white kid isn't either. The Black people are proud and rightly so. Why can't someone be proud for the first white kid in somewhere and not be called a racist. Its not racist at all.

  • @n8vzl
    @n8vzl 15 років тому

    I admit I dislike admitting Burt is right, but he is right about CQDX. I love talking to dx stations, but I am not into discriminating against my own countrypersons. Burt is also right about my former religious bigotry. Burt I do like most of your videos, especially the hiking videos.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @KC9SYJ Where did I say you do not get exercise fishing?
    Walking has nothing to with ham radio

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @artifactingreality Where exactly did I say I hated hams?
    I do not like some of their habits.

  • @Evolvedprimate
    @Evolvedprimate 13 років тому

    Burt, on 9:45 there was an opening between you and the answering station but no opening between the caller and the answering station, not to mention tight filtering by the caller and slightly of frequency tuning by the answering station.

  • @HammyLarry
    @HammyLarry 15 років тому

    Yup I do Burt. You said honoring the first white kid born in a state was racist. The whole country is honoring our first black president. If one is racist then so is the other. If one is not then neither is. It can't be both ways.

  • @zo6vetteman2003
    @zo6vetteman2003 15 років тому

    Greetings from Cape Cod. Great stuff. I got a kick out of how boring ham can be. I noticed when talking to Europe, they care more about talking about what equipment they are running and what the weather is. I can relate. Funny stuff.

  • @HammyLarry
    @HammyLarry 15 років тому

    Someone had control of it. Aren't you proud of what you are. If you're not maybe that is your whole problem. Maybe you just hate yourself Burt. Maybe thats why you are so big on telling everyone else what you think.

  • @HammyLarry
    @HammyLarry 15 років тому

    Dude, My name is Hamilton. Hammy is my nickname. I don't preach anything on the bands. I just like to get on the net and show how much of a jerk some people are. If you don't like ham lingo go play bingo.

  • @HammyLarry
    @HammyLarry 15 років тому

    Why do you care? I spin through the bands. Its not like they are crowded. Who cares what they do? You don't have to listen to crap. You can change freqs or turn it off and get on you tube and annoy people.

  • @piplol2468
    @piplol2468 15 років тому

    this vid was sorta funny compared to others but i am just curious are you still active ham are you like not involved any more or what don't get it like you dis what apears to be your own hobby why?