How To Fix Loose Vinyl Siding

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Loose Siding Fasteners:
    This is the best and fastest method I’ve found for fixing loose vinyl siding pieces.
    🛠️Siding removal & pull tool:
    Above are Amazon affiliate links. If you complete the purchase I will receive a commission. Thank you.


  • @Chirita008
    @Chirita008 5 місяців тому

    Great information! Once again you make it look so easy. 😁 I have small piece of siding that has been driving me crazy, so I'll give it a shot. Thx! 👍

    • @HomeRapidRepair
      @HomeRapidRepair  5 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for watching. Good luck. 🛠️🏠

  • @unclerichard6729
    @unclerichard6729 23 дні тому

    That's interesting, someone has marketed this idea now. When I was a little younger, about 40 years ago, I helped my uncle fix loose siding on my grandmothers house. He cut pieces from a roll of 2" (I think) flashing and bent them into roughly this same shape. He called them spacers.

  • @NongNongHead
    @NongNongHead 6 місяців тому +3

    Interesting. Didn’t know that existed. Good tip!

  • @tailzzzzz
    @tailzzzzz 3 місяці тому

    These didn't work for me. I'm not sure if it's because my neighbor (after fishing and bending all of the fasteners correctly...I watched, and he did do that correctly) decided to hammer each piece tight, tops ONLY where those nail slots are located. 1:41
    He got one end to attach, but all of the others won't attach because the metal edge of all other fasteners are MUCH too high to where the lip of the loose siding is unable to snap onto anything. If the fasteners were lower by maybe 1/4" to 1/2", they would snap on.
    Could his hammering them tight be the reason they're not working? I can lift the piece of siding, but when I look underneath, the metal fastener is too high up.
    Please help. I'm afraid to detach that one end because we're not talking anymore. He knew I was mad that he didn't follow the instructions to the T, told me I'd need to hire a handyman (which I can't afford), and I ended up storming into the house.
    The winds whip along this side of the house all winter and during the spring. I can't plant any wind barriers because they would be too close to the septic. I've gotten so desperate that I may have to buy enough bags of topsoil and pile them high enough to prevent that piece from blowing off.
    Also, any videos on how to attach a damaged piece of siding, bottom piece, without having to remove the entire corner piece? Not exactly sure how the horizontal laps attach to the corners.
    Removing all of the siding to replace one corner piece will have to wait until next year, but I'm hoping I can replace the horizontal piece this year.

    • @HomeRapidRepair
      @HomeRapidRepair  3 місяці тому

      Hello. Sorry you’re having that problem. By the way on the question about replacing a bottom piece of siding without taking off the corner piece. You should be able to do that.
      Don’t stress too much. Vinyl siding honestly is the easiest siding product ever invented. The metal clips you’re referring to are very easy to bend and change and deform shape, so you might want to take them off and try again. But yeah, definitely get everything secured down before winter. Individual pieces of siding can be changed out by just affecting the top & the bottom you don’t have to remove entire rows of siding

  • @johnsonsmith4462
    @johnsonsmith4462 23 дні тому

    I wish I had seen your video 4 years ago. I had to replace the entire siding of my house because of loose vinyl siding.

  • @clarencemumphrey
    @clarencemumphrey 5 місяців тому +1

    Great Tip!! Thanks.

    • @HomeRapidRepair
      @HomeRapidRepair  5 місяців тому

      Thank you for watching and commenting 👍🏼😊🛠️

  • @brianhowcroft3335
    @brianhowcroft3335 22 дні тому

    Where can I buy these?

    • @HomeRapidRepair
      @HomeRapidRepair  22 дні тому

      As far as I know only on Amazon
      Loose Siding Fasteners:
      This is the best and fastest method I’ve found for fixing loose vinyl siding pieces.
      Above are Amazon affiliate links. If you complete the purchase I will receive a commission. Thank you.

  • @gulliver3644
    @gulliver3644 3 місяці тому

    Nice tip. I miss Texas. Brick home. Vinyl siding. Not my favorite.

    • @HomeRapidRepair
      @HomeRapidRepair  3 місяці тому

      Oh I hear you on brick. Although I’m up north and the few brick homes we have sometimes have terrible spalling / water damage 😳

  • @bobkucharski9425
    @bobkucharski9425 5 місяців тому +1

    I was surprised at the cost, $28

    • @HomeRapidRepair
      @HomeRapidRepair  5 місяців тому +1

      Honestly, me too. I feel you. But they do have a patent on this product and there’s not much in the way of competition. Thanks for watching.

  • @rdwakefield
    @rdwakefield 23 дні тому

    Nice chem trail

  • @plantcitychuck2551
    @plantcitychuck2551 25 днів тому

    Damn 30$ for ten.

    • @HomeRapidRepair
      @HomeRapidRepair  24 дні тому

      I agree with you 😳. I’m thinking of manufacturing a similar product and selling for much less 👍🏼

  • @johnsonsmith4462
    @johnsonsmith4462 23 дні тому

    I wish I had seen your video 4 years ago. I had to replace the entire siding of my house because of loose vinyl siding.

    • @HomeRapidRepair
      @HomeRapidRepair  22 дні тому

      Thanks for watching and taking time out of your day for responding to my video. I appreciate it.