  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @benjaminlambert8944
    @benjaminlambert8944 Рік тому +5

    I have the same truck but with a 6” coil over lift kit and 35 12.5 20’s. Renegade rt’s have been better for me than nitto ridge grapplers by far. 25k miles on these and they are still going strong. Super impressed and in my opinion best looking. I also drive a ton in the snow. Never felt sketchy in 4x4.

  • @alpha2047
    @alpha2047 Рік тому +2

    For winter they are good at slow speed and deep snow but for hwy driving on ice they are really sketchy, so I put my Winterforce LT's back on until spring.

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  Рік тому +1

      I live in Altona and drive lots of highway I haven't noticed anything to concerning yet but I have also been driving with M/T tires for a long time and understand how quickly they can't get away from you on ice so definitely drive with a but of caution in winter.

  • @fivoskarakitsos6567
    @fivoskarakitsos6567 6 місяців тому +2

    I have the Radar RENEGADE RTs 275/65/20 and they are stunning. So much joy, strong in rigid terrain, working well with low air, capable in mud, sand, snow. And what about the looks! 👍 I think they only you have to improve is the handling in wet, which is poor, with less performance than the overall. I strongly suggest it!!

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  6 місяців тому +2

      I agree for the price of the tire they're very impressive! 🙌

  • @ricke.5821
    @ricke.5821 5 місяців тому

    I have 33x12.50 RT on a F250 superduty and last winter doing 55mph they turned into Ski’s and put me in a off road ditch. Im switching back to AT Tires.

  • @joem5447
    @joem5447 6 місяців тому +2

    Do you know the difference between the rt and the rt +? Website doesn’t really say. I think the rt are m and s rated and the rt + is t. Which seems illogical lol. Plus id think would be better?!?

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  6 місяців тому +1

      I believe the RT+ are snowflake rated and the RT are not. The RT+ also offer sizes the RT does not.

  • @mitvc67
    @mitvc67 2 місяці тому

    Thanks for the video! I’m looking for this tire, but we don’t have vídeos explaning here in Brazil. They are cheaper here than BF Goodrich, Goodyear, Pirelli and General Tire.

  • @Hangin_With_My_Gnomies
    @Hangin_With_My_Gnomies 2 місяці тому

    Ever have balancing problems with them? I have had my 33x12.50 radars balanced twice and they still ride like absolute crap.. thinking about ditching them!

  • @geometro9769
    @geometro9769 Рік тому +1

    I live in saskatchewan an can get -50 somtimes. How are they then?

  • @bobbaldwin8369
    @bobbaldwin8369 9 місяців тому

    Why did you go back to Amp tires after these? Which Amps did you go with? Thanks

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  9 місяців тому

      I figured a new set of wheels should be paired with a new set of tires. There wasnt anything wrong with the Radars and I sold them with my old wheels. I went with the Amp Terrain Attack

    • @bobbaldwin8369
      @bobbaldwin8369 9 місяців тому

      How about a comparison between Amps and Radars??? Ride, mpg, etc

  • @gdbunn
    @gdbunn 11 місяців тому

    what year truck and what lift or leveling kit do you have on it? Like the stance. THANKS

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  11 місяців тому

      Setup is 3 Inch Rancho Suspension, I have since gotten new wheels and tires. And I'm currently running @vortekoffroad wheels 20x10-18 with 33 inch Amp tires

  • @alecchildress4514
    @alecchildress4514 Рік тому

    hey what psi do u run the tires at, not sure what I should run on my 33x12.50r20

  • @domingod4648
    @domingod4648 Рік тому

    I’m really debating on these because of the price and my buddy recently got the Renegades… Or spending the money and going with the MT Baja Boss AT’s…. I’m so torn!

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  Рік тому

      Ya it's tough to say. Unless I have some sort of sudden catastrophic failure on these tires I'd certainly buy them again. I have no complaints

  • @KeatsKeats
    @KeatsKeats Рік тому

    Do u remember the company or name of that raptor grill?

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  Рік тому

      I got it from a company called XpriteUSA but it seems like theu have since stop selling them

  • @Cue3224
    @Cue3224 Рік тому

    How are they for wet
    ainy season?

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  Рік тому

      I have noticed on wet roads they have trouble hooking up sometimes but idk if that's so much tires or the lighter rear ends on the aluminum bodies.

  • @wesleyturner8951
    @wesleyturner8951 Рік тому

    Surprised u didn't get stuck there Jeff? Lol 😆

  • @dmgomez100974
    @dmgomez100974 Рік тому +1

    Do yoi have story of your dog?
    Don't forget the title/preface/parody/intro/foreword/table of contents/

  • @nomad8160
    @nomad8160 Рік тому

    nice video 👍👍 I am thinking about it. do you recomended me for Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 as the all season tire for everyday using ? thanks 😊😊

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  Рік тому +1

      My opinion may be a bit biased. I think they're great tires and have worked for me on my day to day drives winter and summer. And they would certainly look awesome on your Land Cruiser 🙌

    • @nomad8160
      @nomad8160 Рік тому

      @@fiftynation thanks 😊😊

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  Рік тому

      @@nomad8160 Radar also has an M/T and A/T tire that are very reasonably priced. Just as other options to look at

    • @nomad8160
      @nomad8160 Рік тому

      @@fiftynation thank you I will check it 😊😊👍👍

  • @JeffreyStrader
    @JeffreyStrader 9 місяців тому

    I had to warranty out 2 complete sets (4 tires per set) of the 275/65/R20 RADAR Renegade RT's within 2 months. How does a company sell DEFECTIVE TIRES and not expect anyone to say anything???..............""RADAR RENEGADES ARE 100% ABSOLUTE GARBAGE TIRES!!!!!""

    • @fiftynation
      @fiftynation  9 місяців тому

      There's always someone 🙄 I have had 2 sets of these tires and know numerous people running Radars with zero issues.