It’s interesting that these kind of art presentations take a lot from religious rites, with the ritualistic nature, the choir, etc, etc. When i met mister Jansen he struck me as a very down to earth person, _nuchter_ as we say in Dutch but with humor and fantasy in his work. Getting blown out of your pants on the beach for “a living” must refresh the mind a lot.
It’s interesting that these kind of art presentations take a lot from religious rites, with the ritualistic nature, the choir, etc, etc.
When i met mister Jansen he struck me as a very down to earth person, _nuchter_ as we say in Dutch but with humor and fantasy in his work. Getting blown out of your pants on the beach for “a living” must refresh the mind a lot.
What you do just thrills me at 77 something utterly new
Im interested in how the pieces are put together. Is it joints or glue or nails or what? So beautiful!
Les sculptures sont tops mais c'est quoi ce montage claqué au sol ??
You teased me and did not show me the Beast.
Why crap?
Ah, you poor cranky thing...