Luka’s Statement and Dave's Apology: Unraveling the Truth & What's Next

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @victoriar7855
    @victoriar7855 27 днів тому +62

    I think the only reason Dave has taken any accountability for the family blessing comment is because he had to. He got caught with Luka’s statement. He would have never have apologized for that if it was never brought up. Either way, he should be shitting bricks along with HQ.

    • @Watchingvids01
      @Watchingvids01 26 днів тому +4

      Spot on

    • @Kookaburra19
      @Kookaburra19 26 днів тому +2

      Especially with the speed it came out! He clearly knew he had to do it, but just hadn't.

  • @Quadslikero
    @Quadslikero 26 днів тому +15

    If Luka wanted to he could tore down multiple people at CrossFit by name. But he didn’t. Luka is upset, angry, and hurt. Which honestly he has every right to be. A lot of people keep questioning why it took him so long to make this post. I think he’s been a bit occupied with grief, and his brother’s funeral etc. honestly, he’s probably hearing people spreading rumors, like that he had a cardiac event etc and wanted to stomp those rumors. All these trolls on social media need to stop judging Lukas intent with this. And show some grace, compassion and empathy for him. Rant over.

    • @abstractgeniuscomments
      @abstractgeniuscomments 26 днів тому

      ....and for how long will you keep the "emotional reactions" argument?
      People get's killed, robbed and so forth all the time and there are trials and judicial actions taken and perps are getting convicted. Should we halt all this, since the victims side are "emotional" involved?

  • @CliveBixby0214
    @CliveBixby0214 26 днів тому +7

    Forgiveness is great, but I think CFHQ still needs to move on from Dave. In light of Luka’s statement, it’s clear Dave made a series of objectively poor judgment calls and lied to the athletes and community. Sure, anyone can make a professional judgment call and be wrong, but these actions raise clear character issues for Dave.

  • @davidftlauderdale
    @davidftlauderdale 26 днів тому +8

    Castro called his malfeasance a “mistake.”
    A mistake is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.”
    The definition of “lying” is a statement “marked by or containing untrue statements.”
    Castro was never misguided by making his statements as he had actual full knowledge they were not true. This is a lie, untruthful, deceitful and deceptive. End of story, period and full stop.
    His PR spin describing his actions as something they were not is a further deceitful act in and of itself. It’s another lie compounded by his further lie. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. And Castro, you can call it want you want, but you are a pathetic liar and should not be involved in our community. I know John has suggested forgiveness on some level, but what you did was done with gross negligence and is unforgivable given the circumstances.

    • @jater10
      @jater10 26 днів тому

      Dave has undermined trust from among the CF community. This just adds to the mis-steps CF has done since that fateful day.
      At this point, if he was real with his apology he would step aside from the Games and CF pending the outcome of the investigation - which I think he and Don Faul should have done.

  • @johnhopkins7131
    @johnhopkins7131 27 днів тому +18

    John, I agree with nearly everything you say here. My issue with this situation is that for some reason the community thinks they have a "right "to know anything around what happened. The only people that have a right to the full results of the investigation is the people who are paying for it. Crossfit should be as transparent as possible with the results but they don't owe the community anything.
    I think the problem started when there was even a discussion about whether or not to continue the Games. That should have been a given. It is a "professional" sport, you don't cancel your world championship due to the death of an athlete. The World Series, the Super Bowl, the World Cup, the Stanley Cup; none of those would be cancelled. Most people won't remember but in 1972 nearly if not all of the Israeli Olympic athletes were killed by terrorists. The Olympic Games continued.
    People want the Crossfit Games to become more professional. The more that happens the less the feelings of the "community" can matter. They have to do what is best for the business. Sometimes it will line up with what the community thinks, most times it will not. An example of this is people thinking Crossfit HQ should be coming out with statements and that their silence is deafening. No, they are being told by their lawyers to keep their mouths shut beyond the general statements they have made.
    Lastly, I agree with your point about forgiveness. Forgiveness is not for the people that you forgive; it is for you. If you can't forgive it will turn to bitterness which will rot you from the inside out.

    • @constantlyvariedconversations
      @constantlyvariedconversations  26 днів тому

      Appreciate your thoughts

    • @jater10
      @jater10 26 днів тому

      To a degree, the community is owed as much information from the investigation that can be shared - after all the members pay their memberships to affiliates, who in turn pay the affiliate fees. There are also coaches at non-affiliates who do pay to get their certifications like L1s. The same members and affiliates $$$ - along with Open registrations - ends up being used to fund the Games.
      I also see the sports as professionalized. Its much better for HQ to get away from the Games and let the PFAA, athletes, coaches, managers, and others who have a stake in the sport side form their own pro leagues. CF HQ is trying to promote fitness and health, while the Games is anything but those two values.
      It would be another bad PR move by CF HQ to omit information from the investigation only for things to come out in podcasts or from the CF UA-camrs. That would add to the list of mistakes HQ has made which is just gonna further erode trust in them going forward.

  • @coachlazar
    @coachlazar 27 днів тому +11

    Luka is written with an „k“ :) thank you for the video ❤

  • @joesumma4493
    @joesumma4493 26 днів тому +7

    CF was "not prepared" because adequate preparation costs too much.

    • @jater10
      @jater10 26 днів тому

      Too much into "known and unknowable."

  • @jeffreycooper9567
    @jeffreycooper9567 26 днів тому +3

    Forgiveness? Dave needs to move on to something else. Anywhere else, his employment would’ve been terminated.

  • @pascaledaviau1363
    @pascaledaviau1363 27 днів тому +10

    Not just lack of proper planning but also... lack of compassion and empathy. Clearly, motivation should be questioned here ! Actually horrible crisis management from CF overall

  • @paulcharlwood702
    @paulcharlwood702 26 днів тому +5

    A man died, and it is clear to see from the video footage that things were BADLY wrong with the response of the 'lifeguards' on the paddleboards. Was it preventable? we will never know because no attempt was made to prevent it by the people on the scene nearest to the event, including some of the competitors. Trust in this situation can only be rebuilt after justice is done and is seen to be done. And given the consequences it is hard to see how that can happen without heads rolling (figuratively) and not just one or two, and not just the little people at the bottom of the pile. Honestly, even setting aside possible criminal charges, the first thing anyone even marginally involved with the safety aspects of 'The Games' should have done was tender their resignation immediately. That was, is and always will be the decent, morale, honourable thing to do. But then if a person is prepared to lie about whether the family of the deceased blesses the continuation of the games or not then he has no honour, no decency, no morality. How can such a person EVER be trusted with anything important again?

    • @RogueCylon
      @RogueCylon 26 днів тому +2

      Let’s not assume they were actually Lifeguards. They acted like no professional Lifeguard I’ve ever seen.

  • @ColinBroadwaterRealtor
    @ColinBroadwaterRealtor 26 днів тому +3

    I started my CF training waaaay back in the day at CF Seattle around 2007 or 2008. I owned/operated two affiliates for a while and met Dave in person. Never got a good feeling from the guy.

  • @IsitriOm
    @IsitriOm 26 днів тому +12

    Respectfully, in your divorce analogy, I’m presuming your physical life wasn’t in danger as a result of your marriage. If your ex-wife’s fault was habitually putting your physical safety at risk, not as a one-time thing, but embedded in the culture of the household she was trying to create, despite repeated and public attempts to get her to change her behavior, what then? If there was a way you were being abused, by design, through withholds that put you at greater risk, through exploitative ways your household was organized, what then?
    No, you had to get out of that marriage in order to grow into the person you are today. You didn’t become this person in that marriage.
    This is where we get into that culture conversation we talked about a few weeks ago. This is that second tier out stuff. Folks in coercive control environments cannot heal AND stay in the environment. They cannot change the environment from inside. When they think they can, what’s happening is another kind of equivocation that’s a type of ego defense mechanism to keep them from having to be with their own complicity in the system.
    To jump slightly ahead to a neighboring equivocation: the “tech” is sound, the leader is bad. Separate the art from the artist. No, the art is embedded IN the artist. The art is wielded as a tool of control, and there is no reclaiming it. Fitness is good. Cross-functional fitness is good. But you can ask any number of informed physical therapists and kinesiologists (and let’s go ahead and get open water swim experts on the horn, while we’re at it) outside the cult and they’ll readily have valid critiques of this approach on the tip of their tongue. Is it safer than a sedentary lifestyle? All data says yes. But is it safe? There are often some logically fallacious leaps in there, not least of which: the false binary that it’s either CF or the couch. Those leaps are baked into the culture, from leadership, by design.
    I keep framing this in terms of cult recovery bc that’s what it is, and because it’s an area of my expertise. That expertise is somewhat borne of my own recovery, from a cult that, as bad luck would have it, was largely designed by CrossFit HQ. They consulted heavily to help develop my former cult’s business model, and the leader is presently under federal indictment in NY facing trial in January for… the equivalent of having volunteers on unequipped paddle boards. People, my friends, died in that one too. They always do. It’s (horrifically) baked in.

  • @klasholmertz7351
    @klasholmertz7351 26 днів тому +1

    Seems the algorithm over at Instagram likes drama. When I went over there to read the two posts it showed that Jeff Adler (and thousands of nameless others) liked Luka’s post, over at Dave’s post it was thousands of nameless ones, but right in front of that long queue was Tia-Clair Toomey. Guess you got to know how your bread gets buttered 😂

  • @tighecrovetti2844
    @tighecrovetti2844 27 днів тому +18

    Fire Dave yesterday.

  • @abstractgeniuscomments
    @abstractgeniuscomments 27 днів тому +6

    As we get more and more into the handeling from CFHQ, it must become harder and harder to defend his holyness Saint Castro.
    Also check out Moritz Fiebigs Vlog on his experience at 2024; the athletes where lied to again and again. Now, the cult followers of Sevan and his gang will start throwing hate towards Luka, just you wait and see.

    • @JavierAcosta-fd4rd
      @JavierAcosta-fd4rd 27 днів тому

      You should change your handle to "speculativeloosecomments".

    • @constantlyvariedconversations
      @constantlyvariedconversations  26 днів тому

      What part wasn’t specific enough for you?

    • @abstractgeniuscomments
      @abstractgeniuscomments 26 днів тому

      ​@@constantlyvariedconversations oh, nothing on your side, things are just getting unearthed and we see the picture, even though CFHQ are trying to silence everything away.

  • @jater10
    @jater10 26 днів тому +1

    9:37 - Forgiveness should be given IF there are real and visible changes. Along with accountability.
    CF HQ needs to fix things fast as it jeopardizes not just the Games, but the whole CF down to the affiliates,

    • @constantlyvariedconversations
      @constantlyvariedconversations  26 днів тому


    • @jater10
      @jater10 26 днів тому

      @@constantlyvariedconversations Dave's mistake here was he had no clear approval/blessing from Luka during that conversation. Sure more athletes could have withdrawn and more people would be upset, it would have been better to deal with it then than having people more upset now.
      It should have never been presented that Luka gave the blessing for it to go on in the first place.

  • @paulwilliams6827
    @paulwilliams6827 27 днів тому +1

    An open an honest view refreshing, priority is and was the family corporate forces forced the commencement without a doubt , sponsors etc;
    The fact they’re using a contractor for the investigation who has worked with them previously is a joke.
    Also this guy has a very dubious past from sim initial research so they will get what they want to get from the report.
    It’s not independent as they are portraying it, so it will deliver what they want to see?
    I would love to see their so called documentation H&S stating the event was fit for purpose.
    Again just corporate minimum requirement like an amateur triathalon event.

  • @certainzee
    @certainzee 26 днів тому +1

    I have no problem with forgiveness as long as there is changed behavior from individuals as well as the organization.

  • @katefoster9743
    @katefoster9743 24 дні тому

    Rational and thought out clip John. Despite your Memes (which I have loved for years now), your business maturity shines through here. Bravo John.
    whilst the loudest speaker in the room has the maturity of a 5 year old whilst he defends his insider meal ticket to the ends of the world (yes Sevan, I am talking about you), I don’t think the Community can heal as one.

  • @brightbeauty3927
    @brightbeauty3927 26 днів тому +1

    Appreciate, as always, the prompt video with constructive and open dialogue about what’s going on. I agree that Luka has no motive to lie, and Dave’s admission shows the truth of his breach of trust, yet again.
    Thanks again for having these convos! 👏🏼👏🏼

  • @michaelguest4247
    @michaelguest4247 26 днів тому

    Just an incredible video. In the toughest of situations there is always a way through it that can make both CrossFit and the PFAA stronger, more resilient, and most importantly flourish from situations such as these. It takes incredibly self aware and spiritual people to make this work but it is certainly possible when forgiveness is present. It does not mean in the end that Dave Castro has to stay or leave, but rather that it is a decision made between both CrossFit and the PFAA. Do I think such a solution probable under the circumstances? No, probably not. I do not see Dave doing what amounts to a capitulation of his ego to the demands of the PFAA. However, what is going to happen is still to be written at this point.

  • @ileneyarnoff9793
    @ileneyarnoff9793 26 днів тому

    Thank you for this. On a more business side we cannot forget that CF is a company with a board (I believe Eric Rosa on it?) If we compare how other companies respond to catastrophes, the court of public opinion prevails and C level and other leadership accountable for the disaster are removed and replaced. What are your thoughts on that.

  • @ShawnIsBatman
    @ShawnIsBatman 26 днів тому

    Accountability -- accountability for the person(s) who designed the workout where you had an open water swim after a run, accountability for the person(s) who ignored or chose to ignore the extreme conditions (water temp) for the event when the temps were outside of acceptable safety levels, accountability for the person(s) who were in charge of the lifeguards, number of lifeguards, placement of the lifeguards and instructions to those lifeguards, accountability for the person(s) in charge of overall athlete safety for the games, accountability for the person(s) who made decisions about the funding for the games and how that may have impacted athlete safety.
    In determining accountability I do not believe that any consideration should be given to a persons historical contributions to the games or the CF movement/organization, accountability needs to happen for the specific acts and decisions that lead to this tragedy. Decisions about how/if CF and the CF Games may go forward need to happen as well, however, those should be secondary to the enforcement of accountability for this incident.

  • @karolinamackiewicz514
    @karolinamackiewicz514 26 днів тому +3

    It wasn't "quote-and-quote lie", it was a BIG FAT LIE. And I choose forgiveness but divorce. I cannot imagine DC playing any important role in the community. Not now, now in the next year or two. Low profile, work your trust back. But not in a director position, not as a leader. The leader don't lie to the whole world when he does not know how to behave.

    • @RogueCylon
      @RogueCylon 26 днів тому

      It was a manipulated event. Planned to continue the games. Just like the so called “independent third party” is there to control the narrative.

  • @beckjacob
    @beckjacob 26 днів тому

    Great summation John, thanks! I think this is yet another example of CrossFit's continued erosion of trust with the athletes, the community, and the fan base collectively. I'm not sure why CrossFit as a company cannot see, or acknowledge that their handling of a wide range of issues from selectively enforcing standards during qualifying events to inadequate safety protocols during Games competitions (bearing in mind that there have been multiple instances of athletes almost drowning during open water swims in previous Games, or sustaining potentially career ending injuries i.e. Rich Froning falling off the rope climb years ago) is continuing to marginalize and delegitimize CrossFit as a sport. This may sound harsh, but if I were the private equity firm with majority stake in CrossFit, there would be a reckoning from the CEO on down, and we would be entering a three-year rebuild cycle.

  • @ALewisTech
    @ALewisTech 27 днів тому

    People are nuanced and often the truth is too. Dave’s apology fell short and came off insincere, and shouldn’t absolve him or CrossFit of any responsibility or consequences, but I don’t think we’ve seen any evidence that Dave or CrossFit have acted maliciously.

  • @kevinschoepp
    @kevinschoepp 26 днів тому

    I just wish Dave would resign- I expect a massive lawsuit to come out of this, and it won´t be pretty for Crossfit.

    • @ainokea4u
      @ainokea4u 25 днів тому

      Maybe if you wish harder

  • @alextibbits
    @alextibbits 26 днів тому

    Thank you John

  • @stephanelarochelle747
    @stephanelarochelle747 26 днів тому

    Keep up the great work John. I'll be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of yours in the past but the work you've put in the past few months has really converted me to your side. Keep at it.

  • @rjm656
    @rjm656 26 днів тому

    CrossFit will make a change when sponsors eject and gyms disaffiliate like the glassman debacle.

  • @loganhetzner6259
    @loganhetzner6259 26 днів тому +2

    Everyone in the comments calling for Dave’s head on a pike is incredibly short sighted.

  • @pascaledaviau1363
    @pascaledaviau1363 27 днів тому +4

    Also, CF's silence if deafening

  • @austinchilds2265
    @austinchilds2265 27 днів тому +9

    I haven't lost trust in crossfit or Dave. Bad things happen and many times are unpreventable, it's called life.

    • @MD-lb1oz
      @MD-lb1oz 26 днів тому +3

      True that not everything is preventable. But when there is a lack of preparation with for example untrained volunteers on paddle boards and not lifeguards, then it is not just called life.

    • @veronicazimmerman3294
      @veronicazimmerman3294 26 днів тому +6

      This was so preventable. Brent pulled Mat out of a bad situation in the water just a few years prior. They should’ve learned from that.

    • @IsitriOm
      @IsitriOm 26 днів тому +5

      If this were unpreventable, we’d all be having a very different conversation.