Mass Effect 3: Renegade Mordin Choice on Tuchanka

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • :(


  • @sevofkekistan7557
    @sevofkekistan7557 10 років тому +64

    Good thing the Reapers were coming to save the galaxy from THIS Commander Shepard.

  • @RainbowLizardOne
    @RainbowLizardOne 10 років тому +22

    At least his Paragon deaths are bittersweet. He's actually achieving something, making a sacrifice. This is even worse: his death was completely in vain.

  • @TheN0username
    @TheN0username 12 років тому +19

    "I made a MISTAKE!" Gave me chills when I played through it.

  • @Rodstero6
    @Rodstero6 8 років тому +15

    WARNING: You're a goddamn monster, Shepard

  • @thehitman781
    @thehitman781 10 років тому +10

    So I did my renegade walkthrough, but at the end I just can't kill Mordin I choose to reveal the sabotage. Killing Mordin is worse than evil.

    • @LucidStrike
      @LucidStrike 7 років тому +1

      Which is why Shepard needs to foresight to keep Wrex and Eve alive.

  • @dorsk188
    @dorsk188 12 років тому +4

    I chose this moment to reveal the Salarian sabotage, so I got a lot of this great scene, but I couldn't bring myself to stop Mordin's cure.
    There are so many variables that lead to all of the the immensely satisfying endings of this quest, it makes my wonder how they could have crafted such a horrible ending of the game itself.

  • @SentinelTera
    @SentinelTera 12 років тому +3

    The classiest part of the whole thing is that it's the only cut-scene where instead of using a Predator pistol, Shepard uses a Carniflex, ie. the pistol Mordin gave her as an act of good faith when they first met in ME2.

  • @AFlamingTacos
    @AFlamingTacos 11 років тому +3

    You monster

  • @SwobyJ
    @SwobyJ 12 років тому +1

    Oh god, going non-pure paragon/renegade in ME3 is sooo epic compared to the first two games. Glad they put in the Reputation system and war assets (if only they reflected the assets in the endgame cutscenes....or had an actual good ending at alll...hmph...).

  • @MegaChibirobo
    @MegaChibirobo Рік тому +1

    I like doing the renegade conversation, but backing off and letting mordin live. I think it has a better and more dramatic ending.

  • @PoisonYouth
    @PoisonYouth 12 років тому +3

    To be fair, though, a true Renegade would've been able to talk Mordin out of curing the genophage. This scene only plays out if you waver in your morality choices (save Eve but kill Wrex, etc).

  • @ellethegreat
    @ellethegreat 12 років тому +3

    The reason why I just watched this video? I could never ever kill Mordin!

  • @NeotericToxxin
    @NeotericToxxin 11 років тому +4

    This was the hardest choice for me. Murder my favorite ME2 crew member, or lose Salarian help for Earth while also giving Krogan another chance to kill everyone. It was so hard to pull the trigger.
    THAT is why I still consider Mass Effect trilogy among the greatest games, even with the terrible ending. Very few games have made me feel this much...

  • @xShadow_God
    @xShadow_God 5 років тому +3

    This is by far the best moment in the entire ME3 renegade run. To everyone saying he is a monster, you are ignoring the entire situation at hand. Ignore the fact that none of it is real, immerse yourself into the Mass Effect universe. Shepard has to choose between curing the Krogans, a violent, brutal, war mongering species, or make sure they stay weakened to insure galactic peace. Krogan are vengeful creatures, they care little for deeper meanings or reasons. THey saw the genophage as an act of permanent war, and resent all species who were involved or allowed it to happen. They even dislike humans, who played no role in it whatsoever. They view everyone as a threat. Salarians are the exact opposite. They are intelligent creatures. They sterilized the Krogans out of necessity not hate.
    So if you let Mordin cure the Krogan all you did was doom the galaxy to fight the Krogan again. They breed rapidly and are extremely blood thirsty. The ultimate conquers. If you kill Mordin, or convince him to not cure them (the preferred method), you get the support you need from all sides to fight the reapers and did not screw over the future you are trying to save. Mordin knew this, yet was so overridden with guilt he looked past reason and was acting on emotion. And Shepard didn't want to kill Mordin. It obviously hurt Shepard a lot. Look how Shepard throws away his gun. But the greater good demanded, and that requires a strong conviction. Like Samara and the Justicar code. it's heartbreaking. I got teary eyed the first time I had to do it. I felt remorse for killing my friend. That's what makes this scene so good. It brings out real human emotion and makes you think about what is right and wrong. Basically, that shit deep. Now I've been ranting for too long, just hate how people assume you only do this if you are a heartless bastard. If you think that then you have not truly thought about it with a logical and reasonable mindset, but with an emotional one. Emotions can cloud the mind and get in the way of better judgement. Stay woke peeps.

    • @ZachSimplyZach
      @ZachSimplyZach 3 роки тому

      Goddamn, so tired of people calling renegade Shepard a monster for this decision. Glad I found your comment

    • @Athmel
      @Athmel 2 роки тому

      lol nonsense. Even if you're pro-genophage, that decision was made in remarkably different circumstances. There, the dominant species did not want to live under krogan rule. Whether that's reasonable or not, most importantly, it was actually happening in real time.
      Here, you're ignoring the real time threat of the reapers for the POSSIBLE threat of FUTURE krogans. Even if you think the krogans will definitely start another war, you're still arguing possible extermination from the reapers is preferable to a krogan led galaxy.
      Even in terms of practicality, only the turians and salarians are at risk in a krogan led galaxy. The reapers are trying to kill just about everyone.
      Shepard is denying aid, ultimately, to earth, where his people are being exterminated by the thousands because he's worried one day, at some point, the krogan might get mad.
      Also, Mordin isn't logical in that scene where he agrees either. Shepard doesn't have a plan to win the war, and there's no guarantee the sabotage won't be discovered.
      It's still ignoring a real problem where the consequences are death for everyone in lieu of a hypothetical one where the consequences are krogans in charge.

    • @xShadow_God
      @xShadow_God 2 роки тому

      @@Athmel TL;DR Curing the genophage is like opening a giant can of worms. You solved one problem, just to create more problems. Now for my point-by-point response.
      “lol nonsense. Even if you're pro-genophage, that decision was made in remarkably different circumstances. There, the dominant species did not want to live under krogan rule. Whether that's reasonable or not, most importantly, it was actually happening in real time.“
      The circumstances have not changed one bit. The decision was made because Krogan are genuinely dangerous to all other races in the galaxy. Not because there was a dominant class that just didn’t want to give up their positions. It’s their own fault the genophage was created, as that was the only means to defeat the enemy without completely eradicating them. Would the Krogan show it’s enemies the same kindness? I doubt it, more likely they would just destroy their enemies completely.
      “Here, you're ignoring the real time threat of the reapers for the POSSIBLE threat of FUTURE krogans. Even if you think the krogans will definitely start another war, you're still arguing possible extermination from the reapers is preferable to a krogan led galaxy.”
      No I am not. Regardless of what you choose, the Krogan will help. As they should, their lives depend on it. And another reason to choose to sabotage is to gain more support from the Salarians, so it’s completely logical to choose sabotage. And let’s apply the same logic to Krogan. They aren’t going to help prevent the galaxy's destruction unless they are cured? They are going to ignore the real time threat of reapers because the future of their species isn’t one of galactic domination? They won’t even have a future if the reapers destroy everything.
      “Even in terms of practicality, only the turians and salarians are at risk in a krogan led galaxy. The reapers are trying to kill just about everyone.”
      That’s just incorrect. Krogans have a natural bloodlust, it’s not just for Salarians and Turians. Sure, they do hate these two races more than the others. But if you think for a second that the Krogans are going to only attack those two then you really don’t understand the Krogan mentality. They nuked their own home planet until all that remained was rubble and ash. If they are so willing to kill each other, why do you think they won’t do the same to aliens?
      “Shepard is denying aid, ultimately, to earth, where his people are being exterminated by the thousands because he's worried one day, at some point, the krogan might get mad.”
      This is just a ridiculous statement, you are either completely ignoring or are ignorant of the nature of the Krogan and the situation at hand. Sabotage decision still grants Krogan aid, alongside Salarian aid, while also ensuring a more peaceful future that allows the races to recover after the war. It’s the logical choice. Cure the genophage and the Krogan will attack before the rest of galaxy can bounce back, ensuring their victory and allowing them to dominate and rule over all sapient life. Much like the Protheans and their galactic empire, it's a dystopian society with a ruling class of genocidal murderers. Do as I say or I will kill you, that is how both Protheans and Krogans operate.
      “Also, Mordin isn't logical in that scene where he agrees either. Shepard doesn't have a plan to win the war, and there's no guarantee the sabotage won't be discovered.”
      Mordin is logical in that scene, he only wanted to cure the genophage out of personal guilt. A selfish desire that doesn’t have the galaxy's best interest in mind. Understandable, but I don't think that is a justifiable reason. Shepard never had a real plan to win the war at any stage, the only plan was to just attempt to convince everyone to fight the reapers. And it doesn’t matter if the sabotage is discovered. In fact it’s ridiculous that we even have to cure the Krogan of a disease that they brought upon themselves just so they will help prevent the death of literally all advanced species, themselves included. They haven’t even shown they have changed. When their numbers fell, their armies just switched gears into mercs and criminals. They are a species that knows nothing but war and destruction, that is the Krogan culture. Maybe in the past they were different, but in the modern galaxy they are a threat to every other species and even themselves.
      “It's still ignoring a real problem where the consequences are death for everyone in lieu of a hypothetical one where the consequences are krogans in charge.”
      Krogan are ignoring a real problem where the consequences are death for everyone in lieu of a hypothetical one where the consequences are that the Krogan still have the genophage. The genophage isn’t making them sterile or anything. Krogan breed far faster than the other species, the genophage brings their birth rate closer to the other races. This denies the Krogan their superior numbers. The only reason Krogan are going extinct is because they only care about killing and war, if they were to focus on building up their species they would be fine.
      And I don’t think you understand what Krogans being in charge means. First, how do you think they will get that power? You think the other races are going to let them take power? Second, do you think Krogan would be fair and impartial leaders? If you cure the Krogans you are just perpetuating more war and possibly even mass genocide. As mentioned, the Krogan will help fight regardless if you sabotage the cure or not. Think about that, what is the point in curing the Krogan? Only a handful of Krogan have shown to be capable of leading their species to peace, and there is nothing stopping the other violent Krogans from overthrowing the more reasonable leaders that wish to change Krogan culture and traditions.
      To wrap this up, there is no definitive right or wrong answer. But a general theme of Mass Effect is that the paragon choices are the obvious morally correct choices, while the renegade ones are the logical “ends justifies the means” choices. (Minus the first game, renegade shep in ME1 is just a dick 90% of the time) And the main point of my original comment was to highlight this. Too many people consider this to be a completely monstrous decision, but in reality it’s the opposite. The renegade path is very nuanced, not plain evil like many people assume. Renegade shep is still trying to save the galaxy and everyone in it, they just hold a different moral philosophy than paragon shep so they take different actions.
      Even if you disagree with the choices people make, you should still be able to see that most people are only doing what they think is right. What you deem right and wrong is an unconscious factor. You can’t control your genetics or how your parents raised you. All we can do is try to understand why someone did what they did. And renegade shep sabotages the cure for the betterment of the overall galaxy, not for petty unimportant reasons. The cure can come at a later time, maybe when Krogan society has been reformed in a way where they can coexist with the other races.

    • @Athmel
      @Athmel 2 роки тому

      @@xShadow_God Your tldr hinges on the idea that there will even be a possibility for more problems to even occur. And that's the issue.
      The krogan are generally nihilistic, they know they're unpopular, they like fighting and have convinced themselves going out in battle is honorable. Threatening them with annihilation by reaper is more "don't threaten me with a good time." They know they have the upper hand in that negotiation. It is completely foreseeable that they would be willing to go out on their own terms rather than submit to the slow genocide of the council.
      Not curing the genophage makes no sense; the threat of the reapers is too large. The consequences for losing the war is too severe. If I'm in this war, I'm concerned about the actual reality of being killed or kidnapped by reapers or Cerberus, not some future war with the krogan or geth that may not even happen.
      Finally, who cares what the salarians think/argue? They, more or less, caused the Rachni Wars and the Krogan Rebellions. They're trying to uplift the yahg, a species which slaughtered a first contact team and despite that, have the audacity to lecture Shepard about the potential threat of the krogan.
      The renegade path, like many "evil" paths in video games are iffy. Renegade Shep can watch Samara kill herself to spare her daughter and then kill said daughter anyway.
      This scene reminds me that. I don't see how even renegade Shep would bother. His main concern should be the reapers and stopping them at any cost, not involving himself in culture war crap.

  • @legoferrari14
    @legoferrari14 2 роки тому +1

    Jennifer Hale killing it as usual; you can practically hear the desperation in FemShep's voice, knowing the fate of the galaxy is dependent on her every decision, building on the trauma of escaping Earth after the Reaper attack.

  • @Epsilonic
    @Epsilonic 12 років тому +1

    Wow, hearing Mordin yell out in anger is something he has never done before.
    Either way, this is the biggest dick move in video game history, almost as much as betraying Wrex then killing him brutally.

  • @cyberorchid5543
    @cyberorchid5543 2 роки тому

    I know this is old but I have a question for anyone who has ever gone renegade:

  • @stickshaka2
    @stickshaka2 11 років тому +1

    I was renegade to get the max war asset until I realised I had to shoot Mordin in the back. That's not an interrupt, that's fucked up. Even if you destroyed Maleon's data ME2 to talk him down Eve dies, the Krogan are still decimated & you lose Mordin's trust. Also if Wrex is in charge he discovers the betrayal & you lose the Krogan assets. Wreav won't discover it, but that means losing Wrex in ME1. Clearly they were going for a Spock in Wrath of Kahn needs of the many.. needs of the few thing.

  • @pr0ject240sx
    @pr0ject240sx 12 років тому +1

    omg, why would anyone want to do that to mordin?!?!

  • @voncho1
    @voncho1 12 років тому +1

    I did this on my second playthrough as a full renegade and i have to say i saw this was coming but did it anyway and i hate myself for it.

  • @JamesGeraldEckertJr
    @JamesGeraldEckertJr 10 місяців тому

    Same play through here. Sad video game

  • @rockleetlotus
    @rockleetlotus 12 років тому

    Im disliking this for i am appalled and offended by it. WHY WOULD ANYBODY DO THIS

  • @Tent316
    @Tent316 12 років тому

    Man that is fucked could anyone choose this?

  • @GabrielLyrio369
    @GabrielLyrio369 12 років тому

    Son of a mother duck, HOW COULD YOU

  • @rayjinflo
    @rayjinflo 12 років тому

    Either way Mordin is a badass.

  • @ThePsychicPineapple
    @ThePsychicPineapple 3 роки тому

    Wait, isn't that the Carfiex. The gun he gave you on Omega?

  • @Frankensteincze
    @Frankensteincze 12 років тому

    This video ruined me because i was Mordin Friend and his dead was for me very emoted in my story he sacrifice himself for krogan future he Was HERO !

  • @Tlevids
    @Tlevids 12 років тому

    Agreed, this quest was easily the best part of the game (and in my opinion the best part of the series). Most of the rest of the game was meh IMO.

    @RHCPndRATM 12 років тому

    @186mjn Yea true dude, i understand trying to be a badass, shooting your friend in the back from ME2.... Cant describe

  • @Koelker12
    @Koelker12 12 років тому

    i was doing a full renegade playthrough, but I just couldn't do this. I stood down at the last second.

  • @scinex
    @scinex 12 років тому

    I didn't shoot Mordin. My Shep was a renegade, but she respected Mordin too much to pull the trigger.

  • @ConstantinDumitru
    @ConstantinDumitru 12 років тому

    I was gonna try a renegade play also but after seeing about Mordin/Wrex I simply can't do it.

  • @CyricZ
    @CyricZ 12 років тому

    1:22 The first time Mordin has ever said a complete sentence. Very powerful.

  • @INKY8U
    @INKY8U 12 років тому

    I did the same thing and afterwards I thought to myself "what have I done I truly have become evil"

  • @Salitance
    @Salitance 12 років тому

    @rockleetlotus Because. Renegade :D But I never wanted to kill Mordin.

  • @GoldGregory
    @GoldGregory 12 років тому

    @nevrest you gain the Salarian armada if you save their councilor too.

  • @benzilabane
    @benzilabane 12 років тому

    Giant bitch tears everywhere, It's raining tonight. ;_;

  • @rimservices
    @rimservices 12 років тому

    What, being bad guy is not cool?

  • @Rickyroo6
    @Rickyroo6 12 років тому

    I did this, not knowing he would die.DDD': I thought Id cry.

  • @Nicsienieda06
    @Nicsienieda06 12 років тому

    I did it because I wanted to stop the genophage, jeez...

  • @WeissXIV
    @WeissXIV 12 років тому

    This saddens me greatly.

  • @Spatan95
    @Spatan95 12 років тому

    Now that just pure evil.

  • @YorkJonhson
    @YorkJonhson 12 років тому

    Manly tears..

  • @gv1955
    @gv1955 12 років тому

    Ahh the tention.

  • @Fatmanfromfallout3
    @Fatmanfromfallout3 12 років тому


  • @aceshighh1
    @aceshighh1 12 років тому

    I can't stand to see Mordin get killed by a female..

  • @lovesbitch
    @lovesbitch 12 років тому +1

    Oh god, how could someone do that to poor Mordin? That is just evil.

  • @Fektthis
    @Fektthis 8 років тому

    Only way I ever see these choices is through UA-cam videos. I just don't have it in me to take the renegade options and always play the good guy. Unless I really dislike someone and talk shit it almost never happens. Unless they sneak it in on you.