Did literally *anyone* else notice the Turbolasers in TLJ arced like battleship slugs? It's a cool nod but they should go in a straight line at a constant velocity.
Yep, it was pretty weird. Never stopped wondering, what they fired, was it missiles, was it turbolasers, that are drunk, or did they actually install suiicide pilots into those beams? ^.^
That scene was such bullshit. If jumping to hyperspace does so much damage, why didnt the rebels just put a couple of Nebulon Bs through the death stars instead of going though all the trouble of the old trilogy? Hell, whats even the point of building capital ships when strapping a hyperdrive to a 5 ton hunk of steel is all it takes to one shot kill almost any ship?
First of all, the mass of the ship going into hyperspace would effect the damage done. Since the Radis was a big ship, it could do decent damage to the MSD. Then if you think about the damage done to the Supremacy in comparison to the Radis, it makes sense because while the Supremacy has a lot of area, it isn't very thick, therefor making it extremely easy to cut of the wing like it did in the movie. I wouldn't be surprised if the supremacy survived that attack and just had to be given a new wing. The Death Star was a sphere so it would be hard to break parts off of it. Not only is a Nebulon B tiny in comparison to the Death Star, but so is the supremacy (the diameter of Death Star II is 80-100 km larger the the MSD width) . I bet that if the Radis went through hyperspace on the Death Star, then it wouldn't even go through it all the way.
Hittman Gaming doesn't matter. When an object flies at the speed of light, theoretically it's mass becomes infinite. Anything impacting anything going at the speed of light or faster should theoretically destroy the universe. Theoretically.
Apparently not in the Star Wars universe because the Supremacy wasn't completely disintegrated but rather just cut through. We have seen many times that Star Wars physics are different than real physics. How else would the ships fly?
Having seen The Last Jedi, I do not agree. The Endor Fleet would win in both accounts. The First Order have ZERO Tactical flexibility and General Hux is unable to do anything but say "go there" and "fire". Admiral Piett would tear him a new one using Swarm Tactics - making sure he outnumbered each of the escort destroyers first with Task Groups comprised of multiple destroyers while the Executor and bombers focused on the Supremacy.
The First Order crew was also really young, barely having any battle experience under their belt. Their failure to cohesively work as a unit is what caused them to fail against the more battle ready ragtag group of Resistance fighters. Now that Snoke is no longer Supreme Leader, the First Order is now at a clear disadvantage because the new leadership (aka unhinged Kylo, kiss ass Hux). If Sloane or Thrawn were ever needed to make a difference, now would be the moment, but who knows what the future Star Wars movies, books, comics, etc will present.
Well Sloane is a known leader in the First Order. Her and Brendol Hux were two of the founders of it. Sadly Brendol's son is who we are stuck with now due to some things that if you have not read the Phasma book, you should. But still Armatage was trained by the two and is known for creating Simulations. So no they don't have the most experience actively. Also though the whole not taking out the resitance. You mean a group that was hand picked to fight together. The empire did not do any better. They lost to a lesser force as well, the Rebels were out gunned and the Empire had tons more experience. Hell Ackbar flew them into a death trap and the Empire still lost. I think people underestimate the First Order.
Seems like, in terms of capital ships, rather than worrying about building death stars the Empire would be better off building more Eclipse-like ships. Say, instead of one death star there was 30 eclipse-class at Endor, along with the Executor and it's escorts to protect them and just use the eclipise-class as, basically, flying super lasers. I'd imagine they'd be able to chew up the First Order fleet even faster then one death star could.
This is very true. A SW book (I know my nerd fan boy is going to pop in really quick, but hey.....fuck it I guess) came out I believe a year before Disney bought the license and made all books made prior to TFA legend called, "Star Wars: The Essential Guide To Warfare." Even though it's considered legend, it still talked about the clone wars and what happened in between the OT movies. Anyway, in the book they were talking about after the first Death Star was destroyed, many naval officers were actually glad because now the Imperial Navy was going to get a huge budget increase to fight off the now very powerful Rebels who took down the Death Star. All super star destroyers got a huge boost in construction and it's why (In Legends of course) at least 5 SSD's were built and many others were in construction around the time of ROTJ. Thrawn also made a note that if the Emperor didn't waste so much resources on making terror weapons and focused on increasing the Navy, the Rebels would have been defeated far more quickly.
The conqueror Class star Destroyer was a heavily modified Star Destroyer which was equipped with a weaker Version of the death star's Superlaser. Refitting star Destroyers is more plausible than buildings Eclipse SSD's i think.
They still need Artillery like ships to be effective against equally or larger equipped ships than the SD/SSD's. Bombers are losing their effectiveness due to the sheer numbers of fighters. Fighting the First Order with SD's only would end in heavy losses for the imperials even if they win.
3 ? You want Thrawn NOT to humiliate the first order huh ? 1 ISD, 1 Interdictor and 1 light cruiser and watch Thrawn run circles around the First Order. The first order has the latest and greatest toys but no mind to use them. Thrawn outsmarted the empire with a few berries and some rope, imagine what he could do to the sequel era people.
I like how you say it's undefeatable yet all you needed to do was fly a crusier at it at light speed to slice it in half and destroy all the other star destroyers behind it...
That scene was such bullshit. If jumping to hyperspace does so much damage, why didnt the rebels just put a couple of Nebulon Bs through the death stars instead of going though all the trouble of the old trilogy? Hell, whats even the point of building capital ships when strapping a hyperdrive to a 5 ton hunk of steel is all it takes to one shot kill almost any ship?
I've tried to figure out how to make that scene make sense with everything else in the universe, and the best I can do is to assume that it takes very precise calculations (or lots of blind stupid luck) to nail that kind of maneuver successfully. It is much more likely you will drop out of hyperspace too early and get taken out, or overshoot your target. The odds are 75 million, gobeldygooky to one against it working, so the starships tactical manual files it under "This Is A Really Stupid Idea That Probably Won't Work, So Don't Even Try."
sombodi200 the scene sure looked awesome, but it discredited every space fight in the entire star wars universe. It really goes beyond me how noone had that thought in the countless hours it must have took to animate the scene.
God, I hate how a rogue nation made out of a dozen kids and several hundred Imperial refugees with no resources amassed a fleet stronger than the Empire at it's strongest.
well when you are funded by one of the richest men in the universe, supported by several criminal organizations who essentially launder more money for you and buy off government officials, and have your ships supplied by shipwrights who were not member's of the new republic and so not bound by its laws meaning thry could sell ships to the firsts order also they had plenty of resources they strip mined every world they came across, and several mining outpost's that provide them with everything they would need to build a fleet and here is another fun fact they only have a few hundred capital ships had starkiller base not wiped out the only other fleet the posed a threat they would have gotten their asses stomped but now they have a straight shot to the core worlds and control of the galaxy
Well... if you look at the film and suppose the scenario was not writen by a drunk monkey, then you have to assume that first order fleet is totaly incompetent, you have to assume their ship are quite bad and moreover they are not numerous at all since they apparently do not have any other fleet to leave hyperspace just un front of one puny cruisier to smash it and have to follow them with their clumsy and incredibly slow cruiser with almost no fighters to use to harass it. I do not call that a fllet stronger than the empire at it strongest...
I think the empire will win, why? empire has more ships, with the new Disney way of fighting space battles, you can simply ram your way into victory. Thanks Disney, all the space battle logic we loved and hated, is now gone.
You don't even have to use a organic being, you can use a droid to do that. You don't even need to use a capitol ships to ram other ships either. And, you telling me the FO has the tech to track through hypderspace but doesn't have a gravity well generator to lock the Resistance in the first place ?!!??!
Exaclty. My last 5 salty comments were exactly like that. The Resistance had 5 Radical wings at the very least. A lot of rimworlds/planets had radical resistance that rammed cargo ships filled with explosives into victory cruisers. So why not use hyper-space ramming? It was absolutely retarded to include this in SW and basicly broke it in two.
A one, funny question. Why Resistance won't produce a fleet of cheap AI-Controlled ships outfitted with strong FTL drive, and use them as a missels from like an ege of star system. All ships in star wars have ridiculusly short ranged wepons, and VERY bad aiming systems. There would be nothing able to stop it.
I've said before, but The hyperspace ram.... Damn, it was so epic but does open a can of worms, there needs to be some technological lore built around that to explain why that can't be a normal thing (perhaps one of the encyclopedias or cross-section books could have a go) personally have a few ideas in the works, I definitely think a high tonnage ship with a beefy(new type/advanced?) Hyperdrive is required.
But Super Heavy Turbo Lasers fire a dumb beam of energy, that fly in a strait line. In space 11 light minutes is such a ridiculous range. If target moves, the ray will miss by a distance greater than a planet. A kinnetic self- guided missile is WAY better at that range. And if they cant succesfully hit an X-wing at point blanc range than I don't see why that weapon is accurate. Also Lancer737 i don't understand that ECM part, can you explain why that makes my point about short range wrong?
GruntTV 1776 to paraphrase the captain. “I want our fighters out their 5 minutes ago!” -First Order Captain, 5 Minutes after 1 X-Wing took out the majority of their tutbolasers. Why they didn’t launch their fighters instantly is a very good question.
AkiraWolf98 whats the point of a star destroyer? A carrier role. Just like the battle star, it should have launched all its fighters on first contact. The leadership of the first order is incompetece
GOD DID YOU IDIOTS EVEN WATCH THE FUCKING MOVIE!!?!! well if you had you would have noticed that massive 5th engine on his x-wing he was moving to fast for their point defense systems to track even the guy next to me in the theater who was stoned out of his mind noticed that and why would you send all your fighters out when its just 1 fighter against 25 pdc's they reasonably expected that he had no chance
Superluminal ram is the ultimate rebel suicide weapon, I mean why even bother with space battles anymore when you can just do a suicide ram, and take out anything. I mean they could have probably killed the death star this way.
In this bullshit Disney universe none of that really matters. You can come out of light speed right on top of a planet, and still be allright in the movies.
I like how in the The Last Jedi the First Order's obsession with massive ostentatious shows of power meant that their fleet had no smaller ships that could chase down the Resistance cruiser and destroy it. They haven't quite cottoned on to the idea that some problems are better solved with a scalpel than a sledgehammer.
They have no corvette or gunships but still have a fleet of tie fighters. What boggles my mind was the lack of their deployment, first when they arrived at the resistance base and later when they were chasing down the rebel ships, even when after they destroyed the ships in the hangar. In the first instance, if they were deployed the moment the ships left hyperspace, they could have at least stopped Po from one manning all the point defence of the dreadnought. In the second instance, they could have either slowly chip away at the shields of the fleeing rebels or later use fighters to intercept the transports that are slow and have no warp drive.
My God can you imagine if Grand Admiral Thrawn shot Hux in the stomach and took command? He would just break off two star destroyers and have them micro jump to a point in front of the Resistance cruiser and wait for it there after calculating it's trajectory and velocity to a single point along it's course and pincer them in.
It worked lol. I don’t think the smaller ships had hyper drives. Badass move to make and a bit of fan service to those fans who advocate for such a tactical move
George Copers i think its kinda lame tbh. All the battles would be decided by who hyperspace rams the other first. X-wings had a hyperdrive, and more advanced TIE models had too. Imagine in the clone wars, that separatists just made 100 droid fighters with hyperdrive. It’d take like 3 fighters to take out a star destroyer.
Awesome scene, but some technological lore needs to be made around that to explain why that can't be a normal thing. Remember how they were caught offguard with it? Thinking they were just trying to distract them? I have an idea that there is a technological in-universe counter to hyperdrive ramming, they just got the jump on them because they weren't expecting it. (The hyperdrive was charging and it was facing in the other direction)
More resources than needed? They had a big chance to win the war and destroy the resistance, not sure why you would risk galactic domination just to save resources
@@craberrations The fact that you have to offer reasons and justifications shows how badly TLJ’s script is. The action makes little logical sense and the fact the fans have to offer suggestions as to why these things are the case shows how little the director cared about justifying any of the actions of the factions. Why didn’t the First Order launch TIE’s? Why didn’t they just send some Star Destroyers to intercept the resistance along their route? Just don’t think about it, just enjoy the flashes and lasers!
I've enjoyed your versus series pitting two different ships against each other and seeing which comes out on top. I think it would be fun and interesting to see two different sci-fi universess' ships during it out.
SPOILER! A few CIS ships can jump into hyperspace und ram the first order ships. A d then are just hundreds or thousands if ships of the CIS who could finish the job(if they are not destroyed)
If the First Order was smarter, they would've predicted that attack and dodged (Hux wrote the possible attack as a diversion and ignored it, that's why it worked so well). Eckharts usually assumes the commanders are equally skilled, so they would probably be ready for it, and then the CIS would just have their ships disappear for several minutes.
The Supremacy could be in danger, but keep in mind the Raddus was a large, durable ship and was by far the Resistance's best ship. A munificent-class ship is smaller, less durable, and would do much less damage. Think of how one small ship in Rogue One didn't even put a dent in Vader's Star Destroyer, and that's what happens when a small & weak ship rams into something that is far superior. A better example would be how the Millennium Falcon in TFA wouldn't just pierce right through Starkiller Base, it would just blow up on the surface because the target is too large and durable (same reason why the Death Star is safe). Yes, a bunch of munificents ramming the Supremacy could be devastating, but the CIS would lose more ships than you might think doing so. Still, I don't discredit a possible defeat of the First Order, but hyperspace ramming is definitely an "all or nothing" strategy. If the CIS ships aren't strong enough, they lose for sure.
That scene from rogue one was Not a hyperspace jump. And if a few munificent ram it at the same point there will be a hole. And the CIS can use the star fighters to destroy it from the inside.
yes, it got destroyed because the shield was down and it crashed straight into the bridge. if a super powerful dread has to shit itself because of a bomber then you've failed as a military. i can believe a bombing run taking disabling shields, i dont believe it taking out the whole thing. oh and poe blasting away those turrets with like 3 shots? get real.
the Dreadnought was hit in a "sweet spot", the bombers were chock full of munitions which could probably do serious damage regardless of shielding, and it almost didn't work
I think the Supremacy will have about the same firepower as an executor. The supremacy uses a lot of space for non-combat things like repair-and-refit. I am willing to bet it is about on par with executors.
Yeah, it's primary function was to be a mobile command and control/fleet production and maintenance center that could be moved to evade republic patrols while the first order fleet was still in its infancy... ship-based armaments were probably more defensive in nature.
I have an awesome idea for a SW verses, but it’s a reimagining of a war we have already seen but I think this could have turned out very different. The Clone wars, but if Palpatine was not controlling both sides.
But Palpatine's involvement created both armies in a way. You have to specify at what point does Palpatine become no longer involved because he created the Clone Army and started the war. He probably expanded the droid army as well but I'm not sure on that subject what the Confederacy had prior to the war etc.
All the Empire needs to do hyperspace 1 ISD and boom the whole first order fleet is gone.😂 Doesn't that scene contradict the lore? We saw in the comics that a super star destroyer get hit with 3 ISD in hyperspace and the shields wasn't even phased. The first order is over rated just like snoke and the movie.
I hope that Star Wars official will somehow explain this. If going into hyperspace was a valid tactic why not use it against the super star destroyers or even the death star. Even if it couldn't destroy the death star it would at least cripple the super laser
Seems this is WHY is why all the other major battles have taken place within the gravitational wells of planets: Naboo, Geonosis (alluded), non-rescue ops from the Clone Wars like Christophsis, Bothawui, Ryloth, Saleucami, and then Coruscant, Atollon on Rebels, Yavin (gas giant), Hoth, and Endor.
Eric Cartman the novel for the last Jedi gives a actually good answer It wasnt the Raddus that did most of the damage but its augmented one of a kind experimental shields
Eric Cartman I’m assuming because in most cases it’s a bad tactic and a waste of a perfectly good star cruiser that could be used to fight or escape. The rebellion doesn’t have great funding and mostly relies on ships they can steal or repurpose. The only reason the hyperspace tactic made sense in the last Jedi was because there wasn’t another option. The raddus only had enough fuel for one more jump, and the main objective was protecting the fleeing transports. The raddus had no chance of outgunning the supremacy, and the supremacy was focusing all fire on the transports. Fleeing would have only abandoned the transports to die, and recalling the transports to use the raddus to escape wouldnt work because they could be tracked by the supremacy’s one of a kind super computer hyperspace tracking system. The only viable option to take all fire off the transports was to pull a maneuver the supremacy couldn’t guard against and that the raddus was equipped to do. The hyperspace jump was a last ditch effort to take out a behemoth and save the last resistance transports and not only did she need a capitol ship sized ship to do it, the ship was still technically functional despite being cleaved in half. It’s a last ditch suicide technique that was only feesable in this specific instance where hyperspacing away was not viable.
One major problem with this maneuver is the physics involved. Doing so would have released more energy than a hundred death star superlaser shots. All of the mass of both ships would have been converted into superheated plasma and pretty much destroyed everything within visible range, which includes the fleeing transports. A split second and a flash of light and everything would have been gone in an instant. Even when trying to make sense of it there will always be another problem that comes up.
Yea. I thought the star war universe would have mag gun thing like in halo to snipe a command bridge from far distance away instead of broadside fighting of 18th century.
Young BZ Exactly! Listen, why do you think the rebels didn't just send one x wing into hyperspace through the death star? Because hyperspace doesn't work like that. You go to a different dimension not through space. The Raddus should have just disappeared, doing no damage to the Supremacy.
I generaly enjoy your videos, but I have to call BS on this one, if you have seen the movie you cannot seriously believe that Snoke's ships have any substantial point defense system or thousands of TIE fighters... no spoilers but you should know what I Am talking about... if ether of those two facts were true the movie would have been over in the first act.
point defense guns would by definition are short range weapons that could take out small fast moving targets such as missiles or fighters, if the first order had ANY significant point defense guns, Poe would have died about 2 minutes into the film, if they had thousands of TIE fighters then the resistance would have been defeated almost instantly when they tried to turn and run. AND the resistance would have been wiped out when they went to the old rebel base... from what we see they only have a handful of fighters because.... reasons... oh man that movie was a mess... I need my medication...
Deusmortis you know what yeah I found that really weird, I've never seen a reason for a SPACE FOCUSED ship of any design to have cannons that shoot like field artillery.
Right. If anything were to arc, it would be the big cannons from the Dreadnought when firing on the planet. If those rounds have mass, they'd slow and have an arcing trajectory, considering the angle of fire. But I can't think of any reasonable explanation for the Supremacy's guns to do that in space. Other than making something visually distinctive. But don't throw reason out the airlock just to make something different!
Could you do a video possibly explaining how turbolasers could be improved with kyber crystals? Sticking a pretty rock down the barrel of a weapon designed to lob bolts of superheated plasma seems stupid.
More advanced than the death Star, they just looked out the window XD Emperor: look at your precious rebel fleet being destroyed! muahaha Luke: where? Those tiny grey dots? Emperor: … Emperor: hang on, I'll get some binoculars
Sitting in a line and flying slowly towards an enemy that is keeping out of your range... indefinitely... with no other plan or action taken. the imperial fleet crashed 2 star destroyers into each other and they aren't half that dumb
Exile Studios >Implies the First Order Fleets weren't led by morons as well. At least we know there are competent Imperial commanders in Legends and Disney Canon. Grand Admiral Thrawn Grand Moff Tarkin Grand Moff Zsinj Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik Grand Admiral Octavian Grant Grand Moff Ardus Kaine Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus Grand Admiral Josef Grunger Grand Admiral Miltin Takel Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati Admiral Firmus Piett Admiral Voss Parck Admiral Teren Rogriss Baron Soontir Fel General Maximilian Veers High Admiral Treuten Teradoc High Admiral Kosh Teradoc High Admiral Blitzer Harrsk Superior General Sander Delvardus Grand General Cassio Tagge General Alix Balan Captain Dagon Niriz General Turr Phennir
Sean Da Sheep Considering how they lasted a while Post-Endor, fought each other while fighting the New Republic at the same time, and achieved their ranks by fighting the Rebels, hunting criminal organizations, hunting pirates, etc. then yes, they're way more competent than Disney Imperial officers.
Really? well more power too you then. I for one would probably end up force choked to death after i fuck it up. As for me, i'l stick to leading a Turbolaser battery. nothing bad ever happens to star destroyer gunners.
The one thing I truly hated about Star Wars The last Jedi was how Usless the Resurgence class was. They didint Fire once the whole film! I vote Empire because the Snokes Fleet was just Pitiful in there performance. And counting the Death Star would mean there Biggest ship would be screwed.
Joeseph Hunnicutt I have heard that the Resurgent were meant to be fast, so why didn't Hux just send them to chase the Raddus, instead of following them with the extremely slow Mega star destroyer? Why was that thing sent into the battle in the first place?
Ok that massive 60km super star destroyer can't even shoot down a SINGLE mon cal cruiser. That was rly annoying during the movie. (ALSO: why has no one made a hyperspace missile yet? A Starfighter-sized cruise missile that just rams ships at hyperspace would be pretty neat.)
To take down a mega star destroyer maybe, but imagine a Y-wing sized missile hitting an Imperial II Star destroyer. It would, if not crack it in half, at least disable it.
The MadTacoEatingFool the tie fighters would be out of range, the moment they reach their target they are at the point of no return, they would lose power and shut down, and most likely kill the pilots
No the battleships expect The sovereign where out of range of their cannons. They didn't send the fighters due to the fact the battleships could not fire on the cruiser effectively. Which should have mattered due to the fact of the sheer amount of fights that most have been onboard and the crusher had like no point def from what i could see, and the proton rocket things where fucken that cruiser up from 3 simple fighters
+Joushua what the hell do you speak about?! Tie fighters run out of energy? Since when?! Do they have like some wireless chargin instead of those SOLAR PANELS. You know the things that provide the energy to the engines, cannons and systems? How would that ever run out of energy? It doesn't. It was just a stupid plot-machine. Tie fighters can fly around for weeks without running out of fuel. With those amount of Tie-s they could've easily destroyed the Raddus. And 20 Cruser fireing at 1 Mon-Calamari is not surviveable. The Raddus could "fly" around for weeks without running out of fuel.... of course in Vacuum you don't have to worry about that.. but you know.. Plot. Also laser bolts go in a straight line unlike they did in the movie, because they are like bullets not like rockets. I do like the Star Wars universe, but there are things you can't and shouldn't even try to explain. A man shouldn't be so stupid to write such a stupid script. It's just bad. It's riddled with holes. Kylo's ship alone could've SHOT THE FUCKING ENGINE. But "oh we can't support you anymore". BS. All of it.
how are civilian ships out running dedicated warships. in fact how are they magically out of gun range. it is just silly never mind adding in running out of gas.
I couldn't believe how they handled this "chase" scene. Did any of the people involved in this have any understanding of physics. Star ships running out of fuel apparently now means they instantly loose all momentum!
The First Order has technically superior capital ships and fighters, but their command crews are clearly inexperienced and have no concept of fleet actions - in the opening battle the 3 Resurgent escorts JUST SAT THERE, while the Resistance fighters/bombers destroyed the Dreadnought and the enemy cruisers got away.
Going by what we have been shown in the movies, the FO ships are not nearly as capable as what is being sold here. The FO ships appear to have little to no shielding or armor, slow speed, and extremely limited weapon range. Hell the main guns of the Supremacy did less damage to the Raddus than what the TIE fighters did. Maybe the Supremacy isn't a warship, but a mobile factory/base instead and that's why it can't output any real firepower or survive the suicide hyperspace run from the Raddus?
Glad you listen to my suggestion on may the force be with you. I do enjoy listening to all your post and I do learn a lot about my most favorite movie of all time and the Star Wars universe. Thank you and may the force be with you, always!!!
Should be the same as round two, since his premise was that the MSD would be out instantly and the 12 Resurgents wouldn't be able to take out the Imperial fleet on their own.
[Little Spoiler] What about the attack ship in the beginning of the last jedi? The ship with the giant Canons? The one which fired on the resistence Base on d'Qar?
none, but if you havnt noticed theres only a small chance that the tank from jedha has a partikel shield since its not made for outer space battles with comets and shit. Also the abrams shoots armor piecing bullets, and sicne the jedha tank doesnt have partikel shielding it will not be able to tank thoose.
Star wars would win for 1 reason, their ship powers are over the top and ridicules. Star destroyers with power outputs equal to small stars (if memory serves me well). Pre and post war would make a big difference in the power level of the unsc ships. Star Wars galaxy is just too big.
Snoke's flagship had a woeful number of depicted weapons. The turbolasers seemed to be overly large and few in number and for some reason need to be fired in an arc and the ship possessed no ion cannons which the Executor did. The Executor had at least five thousand turbolasers and ion cannons, she would have shredded the Mega Class with a broadside. At the end of the day the Mega class was designed to be a mobile city that possessed offensive weapons, the Executor was designed as a warship that would dominate entire systems by itself without support and just happened to be city sized.
Clearly it's not mass-based, or the Raddus still would have been vaporised on impact before piercing the Supremacy (assuming physics are a thing)... and if it is then a couple of ISDs would do just fine :)
Looking at the Gulf war, there was roughly a 30 year gap between the two sides in the fighting equipment (tanks, helicopters, planes, naval assets etc etc). And the results were pretty convincing. My feeling is that assuming a 30 year difference in equipment exists, I would estimate that whichever side is using the older equipment (Endor Empire in this case) it would require a 5:1 advantage in numbers to have a chance.
Its a shame we never get to see these Star Destroyers dish out some awesome destruction. They won't show it because it would make the enemy seem too cool and have us route for them.
it's only real weapons, in terms of offensive power, are the siege cannons... and they have a very limited arc of fire and probably traverse too slowly to keep up with a moving vessel. Not a ship-fighting ship... purely an artillery platform.
1. the Dreadnaught was about to shoot at the Resistance flagship, implying it can shoot at other capital ships 2. imagine the damage that its weapons could do against the Executor or the second Death Star
I kinda like first order. No...I really like first order. Their ships are quite well designed even if Snoke has a syndrome of compensating something (something small or blown off) I really like TIE Silencer design. It has interesting function and requires actual skill. The First Order only suffers the same fate as Empire. People in power are more focused on their plans than the fleet. Force users are a good addition but problematic to keep proper chain of command. But First Order fleet is my favourite.
Windshade Tarn That’s great, but have you ever craved for a large, luxurious battleship? Did you want to blast through countless amounts of Rebel and Resistance soldiers from the comfort of your own seat? Then check out these bad girls! Execution: $4,482,748,392,930,437 (Prices is negotiable) Superior: $9,482,936,930,374 (Price is non-negotiable) Call 1800-FIRST ORDER RETAIL-007 for more info! Right, don’t call that number. Also, if no one gets it, it’s a joke. Maybe one day, some people will be willing to sell starships that large, given their... Menacing firepower...
I have a rather interesting battle that you could cover. A squad of Space Marine terminators boarding a star destroyer, an executor, a resurgence, The Supremacy, and finally the Death Star. This situation is based off the 40k games of Spacehulk. Would be interesting to see how the squad of Terminators handle themselves in a boarding action. There objective being to destroy the ship. Would love to hear feedback. ^^
lancer737 that is true, however numbers means little when dealing with tactical situations such as tight hallways and such. Not to mention Astartes of the First Company would not only have the best gear of there respected chapter but also be battle hardened veterans of possibly countless battles. Meaning they would be smart enough to locate information related to current objectives as opposed to brute forcing there way around these vessels. Sure stealth isn't really an option for the Astartes, but it's gonna be mighty difficult to bring down a Terminator.
I used to prefer the Empire, but the First Order is much better, unless you did away with Obsolete Impstars. I've come to hate those ships for their ineffectiveness.
I think the FO would take both rounds. Snoke would never move the Supremacy near the DS while it was active and would get it taken out first before he ever moved it within range. Once the DS was removed as a threat then the star fleet would be taken out just like round 1
yes but he is wright snoke is not so stupid to risk the greatest the first order has and with the rules he would position the suprimacy behind the death star and i think to it's size the death star could not take out the suprimacy one shot never if snoke would attack he would came also with dreadnought to take out the death star and maybe even some isd to confuse the empire and let the resurgants battle them near by and the suprimacy would fire from a save distance with its "superlasers " so in a real fight the empire wouldn't have a chance unless mabe if thrawn is the comander it could end diffrently
You can be present and still out of range. Could have been on the other side of Endor. Sure their ship mounted weapons would have been useless at that point, but it would still qualify as being there (and would have been a more tactical maneuver)
Imperium 10 why wouldn’t the DS take out the MSD in one shot, it can blow up planets that are much larger? Since the MSD isn’t much faster than the DS, and we don’t actually know the range of it, I’d guess the empire still has a chance. Also would the FO know that the DS is Operational? The Rebels didn’t, so why would the FO? (Well, without the force or plot lines)
snoke's fleet can't win they struggled to defeat a rebel fleeting which was running out of gas and somehow they could not catch them till they did. the ender fleet fought the rebels at there strongest.
Held back because "the fleet couldn't give covering fire" to protect them from support ships (even after support ships were down?), which makes so little sense, since 2 goddamn TIE-Fighters nearly crippled Raddus... and destroyed the bridge...
Madman loves freedom the I think problem is, that the First Order has no blockade runners. If they had Blockade runner they would have had no problems catching the resistance. Correct me if i am wrong.
Snoke is a fuckin nobody compared to Palpi. Palpi went against Yoda. Snoke *no spoilers*. Palpi had the power to resurrect and morbidly transform the force, even rip souls out of people's bodies. Palpatine had knowledge of Sith Magic, ancient holocrons, master combateer, he knows dual wielding, etz-etz. Wait, how did he lose against Mace Windu..? That stance uhh. So how about Mace Windu vs Snoke?
Can't the death star be taken out with a hyperspace kamakazi jump? You dont even need to breach the shield just go right through it and materialize inside the core, or is the gravity well too big because I know that's also a factor? Does this possibility occur to anyone else?
I'm going to see The Last Jedi for the second time today. I doubt it will change my opinion of it. All I have to say is. HELP US GEORGE LUCAS YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE... Hahahaha
If you think the movie suck, then DONT GO SEE IT AGAIN YOU MORON! Stop giving them your money and letting them know you'll pay to see whatever fucking shit they try and sell. Just fucking wait until someone pirates it or something. Fucking idiots like you are the reasons they can get away with this shit. Because you'll smear it all over your face licking your lips. Dumbass
k R Haha, you think it was the actors faults? For fucks sake man, Lucas wrote the most stale ass dialogue that’s humanly possible. Leonardo DiCaprio couldn’t act his way out do that cringey junk
I mean the only bad actors in the prequels really are the two Anakins. And I feel Haydn was fantastic in Episode 3. Lucas just is a horrible writer. Without any helps he creates trash
seeing it multiple times just gives you a greater appreciation for all the crap they did wrong and more time to think of obvious ways that you could have made a better movie.
I was so upset with the opening space battle. I was so pumped to see the resurgent in action. I wanted to see the significant fire power and star fighter upgrades. Instead we see 12... 12!!!! Star destroyers sitting back and watching their dreadnought get taken out by the smallest Rebellion fleet we have ever seen with the most pathetic bombers we have ever seen. Fuck they barely even did the pizza slice justice. I hated the ship but I liked the idea of a mobile orbital bombardment capital ship. But no. We have an 8km long ship that has 26 PDC's (pathetic), that apparently has no shields??? and can be taken out by a single "bomber" (wtf were those bombers seriously) Rian Johnson absolutely butchered the idea of WW2 in space. If you want WW2 style battles then you have captial ships slugging it out with broadsides. Not big, slow, unshielded? bombers that drop a "payload" in space with no gravity. I know SW is fantasy, they always stretch the sci fi side of things but it still sticks to the general rules of sci fi and space i.e. no gravity, something in hyperspace can't interact with real space and exposure to hard vacuum kills you (even jedi). TLJ was sloppy
Also let's not forget lobbing shots from the first order, as they make a lot of sense in space... Yeah nah. And agreed on the bombers, they look much worse than Y-wings and in general an engineering crime.
I think a closer match in round one as the empire has TIE Interceptors and TIE Defender + others such as Blastboats, Starwings etc. Round 2 to Empire for same reason plus Death star.
First Order takes down death star - First Order gets defeated - Emperor died on death star - Emperor's contingency plans kick in - Empire is reformed to First Order - First Order won
Jesse12489 yes but the other ships were split in half. And if you can destroy ten ships with better fire power than yours and the entire crew at the cost of one ship and one person its worth it
Samurai Trooper The Raddas was a big ship. It hyperspace into a much larger ship so aiming was not a problem. At that speed at that size is pretty much like a bullet. Small but does a lot of impact damage. Plus Ramming a much smaller ship into a smaller big ship isn't going to have the same effect. Think logically. So if Hammerhead corvette hyperspace into a Star Destroyer,will that take out 5 Star Destroyers? Hell no. Will it greatly damage it? Yes and cripple it. Ramming a Mon calamari Cruiser in hyperspace,yes and damage near by ships? Oh yes. It's called shock wave.
Samurai Trooper Easy. Death Star Shields,plus Death Star too damn thick to reach reactor. Loss of life and a damn good cruiser to fight back Star Destroyers. HyperSpace to take out Super Super Destroyer? Let's see. Loss of life on both sides,too many Star Destroyers left,Death Star will finnish remaining ships. And yes there was Kamikaze runs in Battle of Endor but they didn't hyper space big ass cruiser to take out 1 or 2 ships. If the rebels do suicide runs, there won't be any Rebels left.
Did literally *anyone* else notice the Turbolasers in TLJ arced like battleship slugs? It's a cool nod but they should go in a straight line at a constant velocity.
Yep, it was pretty weird. Never stopped wondering, what they fired, was it missiles, was it turbolasers, that are drunk, or did they actually install suiicide pilots into those beams? ^.^
yeah, it both annoyed me by being inexplicable, and impressed me by looking cool.
That's just the new upgrades the FO use now, catapult turbo lasers!
My only guess is that they were like plasma guns or something. *shrugs*
one more Thing i hate
Which side is willing to hyperspace kamikaze? Cuz that side wins.
That scene was such bullshit. If jumping to hyperspace does so much damage, why didnt the rebels just put a couple of Nebulon Bs through the death stars instead of going though all the trouble of the old trilogy?
Hell, whats even the point of building capital ships when strapping a hyperdrive to a 5 ton hunk of steel is all it takes to one shot kill almost any ship?
First of all, the mass of the ship going into hyperspace would effect the damage done. Since the Radis was a big ship, it could do decent damage to the MSD. Then if you think about the damage done to the Supremacy in comparison to the Radis, it makes sense because while the Supremacy has a lot of area, it isn't very thick, therefor making it extremely easy to cut of the wing like it did in the movie. I wouldn't be surprised if the supremacy survived that attack and just had to be given a new wing. The Death Star was a sphere so it would be hard to break parts off of it. Not only is a Nebulon B tiny in comparison to the Death Star, but so is the supremacy (the diameter of Death Star II is 80-100 km larger the the MSD width) . I bet that if the Radis went through hyperspace on the Death Star, then it wouldn't even go through it all the way.
Hittman Gaming doesn't matter. When an object flies at the speed of light, theoretically it's mass becomes infinite. Anything impacting anything going at the speed of light or faster should theoretically destroy the universe. Theoretically.
Apparently not in the Star Wars universe because the Supremacy wasn't completely disintegrated but rather just cut through. We have seen many times that Star Wars physics are different than real physics. How else would the ships fly?
Riesenfriese Can you stop copying your Bullshit comment. >.>...
Having seen The Last Jedi, I do not agree. The Endor Fleet would win in both accounts. The First Order have ZERO Tactical flexibility and General Hux is unable to do anything but say "go there" and "fire".
Admiral Piett would tear him a new one using Swarm Tactics - making sure he outnumbered each of the escort destroyers first with Task Groups comprised of multiple destroyers while the Executor and bombers focused on the Supremacy.
If the first order is more advanced, we did not see it in this garbage movie.
Can't shoot down those puny resistance fleet and somehow magically the supremacy get one shot by the raddus
The First Order crew was also really young, barely having any battle experience under their belt. Their failure to cohesively work as a unit is what caused them to fail against the more battle ready ragtag group of Resistance fighters. Now that Snoke is no longer Supreme Leader, the First Order is now at a clear disadvantage because the new leadership (aka unhinged Kylo, kiss ass Hux). If Sloane or Thrawn were ever needed to make a difference, now would be the moment, but who knows what the future Star Wars movies, books, comics, etc will present.
Omnes D. Stahl yeah, hope it goes well.
Well Sloane is a known leader in the First Order. Her and Brendol Hux were two of the founders of it. Sadly Brendol's son is who we are stuck with now due to some things that if you have not read the Phasma book, you should. But still Armatage was trained by the two and is known for creating Simulations. So no they don't have the most experience actively. Also though the whole not taking out the resitance. You mean a group that was hand picked to fight together. The empire did not do any better. They lost to a lesser force as well, the Rebels were out gunned and the Empire had tons more experience. Hell Ackbar flew them into a death trap and the Empire still lost. I think people underestimate the First Order.
Simple. The imperial fleet ram one of its star destroyer into the Supremacy at hypervelocity. The entirety of the first order fleet is destroyed. End.
Will work perfectly ;)
Mmmmh... it’s almost like the last Jedi was a stupid movie, riddled with universe-breaking inconsistencies and nonsensical plotlines....
+Nihl Uxler That was a comic book that made absolutely no sense
The supremacy rams the entire imperial fleet at hipervelocity and all the imperial fleet is gone :D
vicente sanchez
Yeah, they all ram eachother at hypervelocity and they all die in a giant explosion who looks really cool and make no sense.
The first order would be easily defeated if Grand admiral thrawn Commands the empire :)
Vinny Rivas
Thanks bro At least Someone with Positive Minded
MechanizedMCPE make that two people I agree with you
I don't agree
MechanizedMCPE the first order would be destroyed down to one Starfighter
Do u know GAT?
Seems like, in terms of capital ships, rather than worrying about building death stars the Empire would be better off building more Eclipse-like ships. Say, instead of one death star there was 30 eclipse-class at Endor, along with the Executor and it's escorts to protect them and just use the eclipise-class as, basically, flying super lasers.
I'd imagine they'd be able to chew up the First Order fleet even faster then one death star could.
This is very true. A SW book (I know my nerd fan boy is going to pop in really quick, but hey.....fuck it I guess) came out I believe a year before Disney bought the license and made all books made prior to TFA legend called, "Star Wars: The Essential Guide To Warfare." Even though it's considered legend, it still talked about the clone wars and what happened in between the OT movies. Anyway, in the book they were talking about after the first Death Star was destroyed, many naval officers were actually glad because now the Imperial Navy was going to get a huge budget increase to fight off the now very powerful Rebels who took down the Death Star. All super star destroyers got a huge boost in construction and it's why (In Legends of course) at least 5 SSD's were built and many others were in construction around the time of ROTJ. Thrawn also made a note that if the Emperor didn't waste so much resources on making terror weapons and focused on increasing the Navy, the Rebels would have been defeated far more quickly.
The conqueror Class star Destroyer was a heavily modified Star Destroyer which was equipped with a weaker Version of the death star's Superlaser. Refitting star Destroyers is more plausible than buildings Eclipse SSD's i think.
Forget about superlasers, the materials from the death stars could be used to make dozens of Executors or hundreds to thousands of ISD's.
They still need Artillery like ships to be effective against equally or larger equipped ships than the SD/SSD's. Bombers are losing their effectiveness due to the sheer numbers of fighters. Fighting the First Order with SD's only would end in heavy losses for the imperials even if they win.
If you have limited resources, you can not waste them on expensive dreadnoughts and superweapons.
"Mega Star destroyer" sounds lame. "Super dreadnought" sounds much better
u're wright
Robert Supremacy-Class.
Super Overcompensation-Class perhaps?
Robert hyper star destroyer
Supremacy class star destroyer sounds great... but they can't name it that for some reason... ... even though its the things name.
Give thrawn 3 ISD’s and he would beat the mega class every time lol
McGyver would build a bigger Mega Star Destroyer out of 2 Imperial Star Destroyers and an X-Wing
Can you imagine if in the Thrawn trilogy books that Grand Moff Kaine of the Pentastar Alignment loaned his SSD the Reaper to him?
or give gilead palleon 5 victory 2s same effect
lol, judging by the tactical ability shown in the Last Jedi, Thrawn wouldn't even need all 3.
3 ? You want Thrawn NOT to humiliate the first order huh ?
1 ISD, 1 Interdictor and 1 light cruiser and watch Thrawn run circles around the First Order.
The first order has the latest and greatest toys but no mind to use them.
Thrawn outsmarted the empire with a few berries and some rope, imagine what he could do to the sequel era people.
I like how you say it's undefeatable yet all you needed to do was fly a crusier at it at light speed to slice it in half and destroy all the other star destroyers behind it...
Undefeatable in *_traditional_* combat haha
That scene was such bullshit. If jumping to hyperspace does so much damage, why didnt the rebels just put a couple of Nebulon Bs through the death stars instead of going though all the trouble of the old trilogy?
Hell, whats even the point of building capital ships when strapping a hyperdrive to a 5 ton hunk of steel is all it takes to one shot kill almost any ship?
Riesenfriese That's why a lot of Scifi writers stay aways from FTL methods in real space, and instead use some form of alternate space or wormholes.
I've tried to figure out how to make that scene make sense with everything else in the universe, and the best I can do is to assume that it takes very precise calculations (or lots of blind stupid luck) to nail that kind of maneuver successfully.
It is much more likely you will drop out of hyperspace too early and get taken out, or overshoot your target. The odds are 75 million, gobeldygooky to one against it working, so the starships tactical manual files it under "This Is A Really Stupid Idea That Probably Won't Work, So Don't Even Try."
sombodi200 the scene sure looked awesome, but it discredited every space fight in the entire star wars universe.
It really goes beyond me how noone had that thought in the countless hours it must have took to animate the scene.
God, I hate how a rogue nation made out of a dozen kids and several hundred Imperial refugees with no resources amassed a fleet stronger than the Empire at it's strongest.
well when you are funded by one of the richest men in the universe, supported by several criminal organizations who essentially launder more money for you and buy off government officials, and have your ships supplied by shipwrights who were not member's of the new republic and so not bound by its laws meaning thry could sell ships to the firsts order also they had plenty of resources they strip mined every world they came across, and several mining outpost's that provide them with everything they would need to build a fleet and here is another fun fact they only have a few hundred capital ships had starkiller base not wiped out the only other fleet the posed a threat they would have gotten their asses stomped but now they have a straight shot to the core worlds and control of the galaxy
Well... if you look at the film and suppose the scenario was not writen by a drunk monkey, then you have to assume that first order fleet is totaly incompetent, you have to assume their ship are quite bad and moreover they are not numerous at all since they apparently do not have any other fleet to leave hyperspace just un front of one puny cruisier to smash it and have to follow them with their clumsy and incredibly slow cruiser with almost no fighters to use to harass it.
I do not call that a fllet stronger than the empire at it strongest...
The Grand Admiral except we never see this so hard to take that claim seriously
You could say snoke got... MAULED!
nice one
Snoke is Darth Maul confirmed
Snoke felt like half a character by the end of the movie .
I felt like Snoke as a villain kinda just... _flopped_ in the movie.
I’m subbing to you
Who would win?
First Order dreadnought (The best of the best in the galaxy)
1 X shaped boi
I think the empire will win, why? empire has more ships, with the new Disney way of fighting space battles, you can simply ram your way into victory. Thanks Disney, all the space battle logic we loved and hated, is now gone.
that's a last resort type strategy, you only use it if you have few ships left
and doing that wasnt an option before because.....?
You don't even have to use a organic being, you can use a droid to do that. You don't even need to use a capitol ships to ram other ships either. And, you telling me the FO has the tech to track through hypderspace but doesn't have a gravity well generator to lock the Resistance in the first place ?!!??!
Exaclty. My last 5 salty comments were exactly like that.
The Resistance had 5 Radical wings at the very least. A lot of rimworlds/planets had radical resistance that rammed cargo ships filled with explosives into victory cruisers.
So why not use hyper-space ramming? It was absolutely retarded to include this in SW and basicly broke it in two.
The First Order has more TIE Fighters
A one, funny question. Why Resistance won't produce a fleet of cheap AI-Controlled ships outfitted with strong FTL drive, and use them as a missels from like an ege of star system. All ships in star wars have ridiculusly short ranged wepons, and VERY bad aiming systems. There would be nothing able to stop it.
Nirred yepp, very good question. The film was well acted, although inconsistent with overall lore. Referring to that particular lightspeed-move
same thought i had since the beginning of star wars. probably because it'll make larger ships useless.
I've said before, but The hyperspace ram.... Damn, it was so epic but does open a can of worms, there needs to be some technological lore built around that to explain why that can't be a normal thing (perhaps one of the encyclopedias or cross-section books could have a go) personally have a few ideas in the works, I definitely think a high tonnage ship with a beefy(new type/advanced?) Hyperdrive is required.
Nothing can fix that giant mega plot hole Disney created. Rip
But Super Heavy Turbo Lasers fire a dumb beam of energy, that fly in a strait line. In space 11 light minutes is such a ridiculous range. If target moves, the ray will miss by a distance greater than a planet. A kinnetic self- guided missile is WAY better at that range. And if they cant succesfully hit an X-wing at point blanc range than I don't see why that weapon is accurate.
Also Lancer737 i don't understand that ECM part, can you explain why that makes my point about short range wrong?
1 x wing took out the lasers of a star destoryer....... when disney takes over magic happens.
GruntTV 1776 ikr where are the shields and armour?
So the first order just sat there. what was the other star destoryers doing? why dint they just shoot down the bombers....
GruntTV 1776 to paraphrase the captain.
“I want our fighters out their 5 minutes ago!”
-First Order Captain, 5 Minutes after 1 X-Wing took out the majority of their tutbolasers.
Why they didn’t launch their fighters instantly is a very good question.
AkiraWolf98 whats the point of a star destroyer? A carrier role. Just like the battle star, it should have launched all its fighters on first contact. The leadership of the first order is incompetece
GOD DID YOU IDIOTS EVEN WATCH THE FUCKING MOVIE!!?!! well if you had you would have noticed that massive 5th engine on his x-wing he was moving to fast for their point defense systems to track even the guy next to me in the theater who was stoned out of his mind noticed that and why would you send all your fighters out when its just 1 fighter against 25 pdc's they reasonably expected that he had no chance
Maybe the Executor could do a superluminal ram and take out the FO fleet all at once :>
Superluminal ram is the ultimate rebel suicide weapon, I mean why even bother with space battles anymore when you can just do a suicide ram, and take out anything. I mean they could have probably killed the death star this way.
+MLW!!9 have your forgotten that interdicitors are a thing? you know those ships that prevent other ships from entering hyperspace
In this bullshit Disney universe none of that really matters. You can come out of light speed right on top of a planet, and still be allright in the movies.
I like how in the The Last Jedi the First Order's obsession with massive ostentatious shows of power meant that their fleet had no smaller ships that could chase down the Resistance cruiser and destroy it. They haven't quite cottoned on to the idea that some problems are better solved with a scalpel than a sledgehammer.
They have no corvette or gunships but still have a fleet of tie fighters. What boggles my mind was the lack of their deployment, first when they arrived at the resistance base and later when they were chasing down the rebel ships, even when after they destroyed the ships in the hangar. In the first instance, if they were deployed the moment the ships left hyperspace, they could have at least stopped Po from one manning all the point defence of the dreadnought. In the second instance, they could have either slowly chip away at the shields of the fleeing rebels or later use fighters to intercept the transports that are slow and have no warp drive.
Yeah I think Hux is a mite bit incompetent. Hence why that dreadnought captain couldn't stop muttering about all his mistakes.
My God can you imagine if Grand Admiral Thrawn shot Hux in the stomach and took command? He would just break off two star destroyers and have them micro jump to a point in front of the Resistance cruiser and wait for it there after calculating it's trajectory and velocity to a single point along it's course and pincer them in.
Thrawn is dead in canon at this point in time
What episode of Rebels did this happen?
Who ever decides to hyperspace launch a single ship into the other side's fleet first.
Brings a single Interdictor.
It worked lol. I don’t think the smaller ships had hyper drives. Badass move to make and a bit of fan service to those fans who advocate for such a tactical move
George Copers i think its kinda lame tbh. All the battles would be decided by who hyperspace rams the other first. X-wings had a hyperdrive, and more advanced TIE models had too. Imagine in the clone wars, that separatists just made 100 droid fighters with hyperdrive. It’d take like 3 fighters to take out a star destroyer.
Awesome scene, but some technological lore needs to be made around that to explain why that can't be a normal thing.
Remember how they were caught offguard with it? Thinking they were just trying to distract them? I have an idea that there is a technological in-universe counter to hyperdrive ramming, they just got the jump on them because they weren't expecting it. (The hyperdrive was charging and it was facing in the other direction)
All the empire need to do is go into lights speed towards other star destroyers then boom
I see your play and I raise you 2 First Order Interdictor-class Star Destroyers.
That happened in the movie I heard.
Gerardo Reyes Yup, the First Order fleet was destroyed by a mon calamari cruiser because of this
And then all their ships would be gone
first of all the resistance only had the raddus left they are pretty desprate they would try something like that
10's of thousands of Tie Fighters that they didn't use just for the sake of the story. God this movie bothered me
it was because they didn't want to use extra resources that might've been needed
More resources than needed?
They had a big chance to win the war and destroy the resistance, not sure why you would risk galactic domination just to save resources
I saw tie fighters go out the hanger in finns execution. Why are they flying?
Peter Otto I agree. That movie is nothing more than a glorified parody of Star Wars and the fans.
@@craberrations The fact that you have to offer reasons and justifications shows how badly TLJ’s script is. The action makes little logical sense and the fact the fans have to offer suggestions as to why these things are the case shows how little the director cared about justifying any of the actions of the factions.
Why didn’t the First Order launch TIE’s? Why didn’t they just send some Star Destroyers to intercept the resistance along their route?
Just don’t think about it, just enjoy the flashes and lasers!
I've enjoyed your versus series pitting two different ships against each other and seeing which comes out on top. I think it would be fun and interesting to see two different sci-fi universess' ships during it out.
What about the First Order fleet vs the CIS invasion fleet at Coruscant.
A few CIS ships can jump into hyperspace und ram the first order ships. A d then are just hundreds or thousands if ships of the CIS who could finish the job(if they are not destroyed)
If the First Order was smarter, they would've predicted that attack and dodged (Hux wrote the possible attack as a diversion and ignored it, that's why it worked so well). Eckharts usually assumes the commanders are equally skilled, so they would probably be ready for it, and then the CIS would just have their ships disappear for several minutes.
Wolfgod 64 but how can you doge so many ships with a ship which is 60km large
The Supremacy could be in danger, but keep in mind the Raddus was a large, durable ship and was by far the Resistance's best ship. A munificent-class ship is smaller, less durable, and would do much less damage. Think of how one small ship in Rogue One didn't even put a dent in Vader's Star Destroyer, and that's what happens when a small & weak ship rams into something that is far superior. A better example would be how the Millennium Falcon in TFA wouldn't just pierce right through Starkiller Base, it would just blow up on the surface because the target is too large and durable (same reason why the Death Star is safe). Yes, a bunch of munificents ramming the Supremacy could be devastating, but the CIS would lose more ships than you might think doing so. Still, I don't discredit a possible defeat of the First Order, but hyperspace ramming is definitely an "all or nothing" strategy. If the CIS ships aren't strong enough, they lose for sure.
That scene from rogue one was Not a hyperspace jump. And if a few munificent ram it at the same point there will be a hole. And the CIS can use the star fighters to destroy it from the inside.
one first order dread got taken out by one bomber. the first order is a joke. empire wins every time
Aidan McInnis one Corvette sized bomber being mostly filled with bombs
Aidan McInnis don't forget the much bigger imperial star dreadnought, the executor got destroyed by 1 small a-wing
yes, it got destroyed because the shield was down and it crashed straight into the bridge. if a super powerful dread has to shit itself because of a bomber then you've failed as a military. i can believe a bombing run taking disabling shields, i dont believe it taking out the whole thing. oh and poe blasting away those turrets with like 3 shots? get real.
the Dreadnought was hit in a "sweet spot", the bombers were chock full of munitions which could probably do serious damage regardless of shielding, and it almost didn't work
well you guys can rationalize anything you want and make an otherwise god awful film palatable. empire still wins.
*Supremacy drops in from Hyperspace*
"WTF kind of ship is that?!?!"
"Who cares. F*** it."
*Death Star fires*
Snoke's fleet vs Republic's Coruscant defense fleet pre separatist attack
Juan Cruz Marolda that would be small af for the republic, the supremacy itself could destroy it all probs
Just ram a single Venator in and you win though ^^ Also there were possibly thousands of those so I don't know if that qualifies as small
Lilin no... the supremacy had a ship hyperspace into it, and it was still semi functional.
I think the Supremacy will have about the same firepower as an executor. The supremacy uses a lot of space for non-combat things like repair-and-refit. I am willing to bet it is about on par with executors.
Me too
Yeah, it's primary function was to be a mobile command and control/fleet production and maintenance center that could be moved to evade republic patrols while the first order fleet was still in its infancy... ship-based armaments were probably more defensive in nature.
UNSC invasion of starkiller base
I have an awesome idea for a SW verses, but it’s a reimagining of a war we have already seen but I think this could have turned out very different. The Clone wars, but if Palpatine was not controlling both sides.
But Palpatine's involvement created both armies in a way. You have to specify at what point does Palpatine become no longer involved because he created the Clone Army and started the war.
He probably expanded the droid army as well but I'm not sure on that subject what the Confederacy had prior to the war etc.
Yes a real battle a true battle with no plot armor yay just cold hard facts and Technology and bloodlust
All the Empire needs to do hyperspace 1 ISD and boom the whole first order fleet is gone.😂 Doesn't that scene contradict the lore? We saw in the comics that a super star destroyer get hit with 3 ISD in hyperspace and the shields wasn't even phased. The first order is over rated just like snoke and the movie.
I hope that Star Wars official will somehow explain this. If going into hyperspace was a valid tactic why not use it against the super star destroyers or even the death star. Even if it couldn't destroy the death star it would at least cripple the super laser
Seems this is WHY is why all the other major battles have taken place within the gravitational wells of planets: Naboo, Geonosis (alluded), non-rescue ops from the Clone Wars like Christophsis, Bothawui, Ryloth, Saleucami, and then Coruscant, Atollon on Rebels, Yavin (gas giant), Hoth, and Endor.
Eric Cartman the novel for the last Jedi gives a actually good answer
It wasnt the Raddus that did most of the damage but its augmented one of a kind experimental shields
Eric Cartman I’m assuming because in most cases it’s a bad tactic and a waste of a perfectly good star cruiser that could be used to fight or escape. The rebellion doesn’t have great funding and mostly relies on ships they can steal or repurpose. The only reason the hyperspace tactic made sense in the last Jedi was because there wasn’t another option. The raddus only had enough fuel for one more jump, and the main objective was protecting the fleeing transports. The raddus had no chance of outgunning the supremacy, and the supremacy was focusing all fire on the transports. Fleeing would have only abandoned the transports to die, and recalling the transports to use the raddus to escape wouldnt work because they could be tracked by the supremacy’s one of a kind super computer hyperspace tracking system. The only viable option to take all fire off the transports was to pull a maneuver the supremacy couldn’t guard against and that the raddus was equipped to do. The hyperspace jump was a last ditch effort to take out a behemoth and save the last resistance transports and not only did she need a capitol ship sized ship to do it, the ship was still technically functional despite being cleaved in half. It’s a last ditch suicide technique that was only feesable in this specific instance where hyperspacing away was not viable.
One major problem with this maneuver is the physics involved. Doing so would have released more energy than a hundred death star superlaser shots. All of the mass of both ships would have been converted into superheated plasma and pretty much destroyed everything within visible range, which includes the fleeing transports. A split second and a flash of light and everything would have been gone in an instant. Even when trying to make sense of it there will always be another problem that comes up.
Considering all it took to beat Snoke's fleet is one ship going through Hyper Space it it i'm gonna have to say the Empire.
Young BZ It's not canon
Yea. I thought the star war universe would have mag gun thing like in halo to snipe a command bridge from far distance away instead of broadside fighting of 18th century.
I don't give a fuck about what Disney calls canon.
Young BZ Exactly! Listen, why do you think the rebels didn't just send one x wing into hyperspace through the death star?
Because hyperspace doesn't work like that. You go to a different dimension not through space. The Raddus should have just disappeared, doing no damage to the Supremacy.
Activate Halo the fuck you mean it's not canon?
I generaly enjoy your videos, but I have to call BS on this one, if you have seen the movie you cannot seriously believe that Snoke's ships have any substantial point defense system or thousands of TIE fighters... no spoilers but you should know what I Am talking about... if ether of those two facts were true the movie would have been over in the first act.
I think that was only long range weapon like that. It could have smaller, more numerous guns
point defense guns would by definition are short range weapons that could take out small fast moving targets such as missiles or fighters, if the first order had ANY significant point defense guns, Poe would have died about 2 minutes into the film, if they had thousands of TIE fighters then the resistance would have been defeated almost instantly when they tried to turn and run. AND the resistance would have been wiped out when they went to the old rebel base... from what we see they only have a handful of fighters because.... reasons... oh man that movie was a mess... I need my medication...
They called the fighters back when they got out of range.
yeah all three of them
I know I am exaggerating... but they showed maybe 20 fighters
I still want to know why the MSD's guns lob shots in arcs. Makes no sense. But a lot of things made no sense... Will stop there.
Deusmortis you know what yeah I found that really weird, I've never seen a reason for a SPACE FOCUSED ship of any design to have cannons that shoot like field artillery.
Also, shooting in an arc requires a gravitational force to pull the shot down, which isn't present in space
Right. If anything were to arc, it would be the big cannons from the Dreadnought when firing on the planet. If those rounds have mass, they'd slow and have an arcing trajectory, considering the angle of fire. But I can't think of any reasonable explanation for the Supremacy's guns to do that in space. Other than making something visually distinctive. But don't throw reason out the airlock just to make something different!
Maybe that are massdriver(i don't know how to spell in english) cannons.
Could you do a video possibly explaining how turbolasers could be improved with kyber crystals? Sticking a pretty rock down the barrel of a weapon designed to lob bolts of superheated plasma seems stupid.
Using crystal as power source maybe perhaps ?
This would be like clone wars : "Palpatine vs Palpatine"
I know this is totally off-topic for what you just said but do you possibly know the background music at 0:30 the song is not in the description
@@s0what1mdead No idea, the voice is louder than the tune.
Up to date technology...
It has a magnifying glass... oooohhhhhhhh....
+Revan Tobias lmao
Mirrors reflecting mirrors.... Huuuh advanced technology. Lowtech Bender.
More advanced than the death Star, they just looked out the window XD
Emperor: look at your precious rebel fleet being destroyed! muahaha
Luke: where? Those tiny grey dots?
Emperor: …
Emperor: hang on, I'll get some binoculars
Revan Tobias To be fair it would be awesome to have that in a battle so I can see everything
Imperial fleet would devastate Fieet Order fleet. Better leadership.
no they don't the empire of old was run by morons the first order would wipe the floor with them in space and on the ground
Sitting in a line and flying slowly towards an enemy that is keeping out of your range... indefinitely... with no other plan or action taken. the imperial fleet crashed 2 star destroyers into each other and they aren't half that dumb
Exile Studios >Implies the First Order Fleets weren't led by morons as well.
At least we know there are competent Imperial commanders in Legends and Disney Canon.
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Grand Moff Tarkin
Grand Moff Zsinj
Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik
Grand Admiral Octavian Grant
Grand Moff Ardus Kaine
Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin
Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon
Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus
Grand Admiral Josef Grunger
Grand Admiral Miltin Takel
Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati
Admiral Firmus Piett
Admiral Voss Parck
Admiral Teren Rogriss
Baron Soontir Fel
General Maximilian Veers
High Admiral Treuten Teradoc
High Admiral Kosh Teradoc
High Admiral Blitzer Harrsk
Superior General Sander Delvardus
Grand General Cassio Tagge
General Alix Balan
Captain Dagon Niriz
General Turr Phennir
Most of those aren't really competent
Sean Da Sheep Considering how they lasted a while Post-Endor, fought each other while fighting the New Republic at the same time, and achieved their ranks by fighting the Rebels, hunting criminal organizations, hunting pirates, etc. then yes, they're way more competent than Disney Imperial officers.
I'd say the Empire would win by the fact that they have some brains, unlike the First Order in the Last Jedi.
First Order Swarms the imperials. First Order Wins.
The imperials simple use a Stardestroyer to destroy the First Order Fleet by making it jump to hyperspace in the First Order direction
If the empire (especially palpatine) had brains the rebellion wouldn't have and shouldn't have won.
GenericGamer283 that's why I said (some) brains, not full brains. The brains in the Last Jedi are simply non-existent😂
first order could do ecaxtly the same to the imperial fleet
Empire commanders: real tactics in battle.
First Order commanders: fire this ship (no tactics)
Covenant Battleship vs Resurgent battlecruiser
I would led a imperial fleet.
all the way!!!
I would lead a Grammar class for you.
Really? well more power too you then. I for one would probably end up force choked to death after i fuck it up. As for me, i'l stick to leading a Turbolaser battery. nothing bad ever happens to star destroyer gunners.
Not until the ship crashes.
hes not a native speaker, jackass
The one thing I truly hated about Star Wars The last Jedi was how Usless the Resurgence class was.
They didint Fire once the whole film!
I vote Empire because the Snokes Fleet was just Pitiful in there performance.
And counting the Death Star would mean there Biggest ship would be screwed.
Joeseph Hunnicutt I heard it got destroyed. Is it true?
yes ripped in half by a kamikaze attack from the raddus
Gerry6336 Nooooooooooooooo fuck is like the prequels all over again was it just the wing or the whole ship?
Ivan Martinez one wing
Joeseph Hunnicutt I have heard that the Resurgent were meant to be fast, so why didn't Hux just send them to chase the Raddus, instead of following them with the extremely slow Mega star destroyer? Why was that thing sent into the battle in the first place?
Ok that massive 60km super star destroyer can't even shoot down a SINGLE mon cal cruiser. That was rly annoying during the movie. (ALSO: why has no one made a hyperspace missile yet? A Starfighter-sized cruise missile that just rams ships at hyperspace would be pretty neat.)
Because you would need an enormous ship to do that.
To take down a mega star destroyer maybe, but imagine a Y-wing sized missile hitting an Imperial II Star destroyer. It would, if not crack it in half, at least disable it.
A mac gun isnt exactly the same as a ship going through it in hyperspace
Didn’t the Executor get hit by 3 ISDs exciting Hyperspace at the same time, without sustaining critical damage?
I totally agree...the resistance has so many cheap ships that it can use to ram star destroyers,they could win battles just by doing that.
“As long as the Empire is smart…” basically the First Order wins both rounds.
I really love how your channel focuses on factions fleets and forces. I love that shit man.
Thunderbolt starfury from Babylon 5 vs the Sabre from Halo Reach.
Don't understand in the movie how they have allllllllll those ships and don't just send all the fighters to blow up that ship. Pissed me off so bad
The MadTacoEatingFool the tie fighters would be out of range, the moment they reach their target they are at the point of no return, they would lose power and shut down, and most likely kill the pilots
No the battleships expect
The sovereign where out of range of their cannons. They didn't send the fighters due to the fact the battleships could not fire on the cruiser effectively. Which should have mattered due to the fact of the sheer amount of fights that most have been onboard and the crusher had like no point def from what i could see, and the proton rocket things where fucken that cruiser up from 3 simple fighters
+Joushua what the hell do you speak about?! Tie fighters run out of energy? Since when?!
Do they have like some wireless chargin instead of those SOLAR PANELS.
You know the things that provide the energy to the engines, cannons and systems?
How would that ever run out of energy? It doesn't.
It was just a stupid plot-machine. Tie fighters can fly around for weeks without running out of fuel. With those amount of Tie-s they could've easily destroyed the Raddus. And 20 Cruser fireing at 1 Mon-Calamari is not surviveable.
The Raddus could "fly" around for weeks without running out of fuel.... of course in Vacuum you don't have to worry about that.. but you know.. Plot.
Also laser bolts go in a straight line unlike they did in the movie, because they are like bullets not like rockets.
I do like the Star Wars universe, but there are things you can't and shouldn't even try to explain. A man shouldn't be so stupid to write such a stupid script. It's just bad.
It's riddled with holes.
Kylo's ship alone could've SHOT THE FUCKING ENGINE. But "oh we can't support you anymore". BS. All of it.
how are civilian ships out running dedicated warships. in fact how are they magically out of gun range. it is just silly never mind adding in running out of gas.
I couldn't believe how they handled this "chase" scene. Did any of the people involved in this have any understanding of physics.
Star ships running out of fuel apparently now means they instantly loose all momentum!
3 executors vs 1 supremacy star destroyer
empire a massive fleet come out of hyperspace
death star: hold my beer
now do one with with ground forces since we now know what walkers the first order uses
The First Order has technically superior capital ships and fighters, but their command crews are clearly inexperienced and have no concept of fleet actions - in the opening battle the 3 Resurgent escorts JUST SAT THERE, while the Resistance fighters/bombers destroyed the Dreadnought and the enemy cruisers got away.
Fleet Admiral pieet admiral slone and admiral versio are far more competent then general hux and all his officers
I feel like you need to do a full vid on the mon cal ramming Snokes ship. Boy there's a lot of talk about just that right now.
Yeah, that confused me too.
Going by what we have been shown in the movies, the FO ships are not nearly as capable as what is being sold here. The FO ships appear to have little to no shielding or armor, slow speed, and extremely limited weapon range. Hell the main guns of the Supremacy did less damage to the Raddus than what the TIE fighters did. Maybe the Supremacy isn't a warship, but a mobile factory/base instead and that's why it can't output any real firepower or survive the suicide hyperspace run from the Raddus?
If Hux is leading the fleet, the First Order is useless!
The Empire would win anytime!
Glad you listen to my suggestion on may the force be with you. I do enjoy listening to all your post and I do learn a lot about my most favorite movie of all time and the Star Wars universe. Thank you and may the force be with you, always!!!
How about a round 3: Without the Supremacy and the Death Star, just the ships themselves?
Should be the same as round two, since his premise was that the MSD would be out instantly and the 12 Resurgents wouldn't be able to take out the Imperial fleet on their own.
No,Round 2 still had the Death Star active. Without the Death Star the FO Resurgent Battlecruisers are far superior to the Imperial Star Destoryers
[Little Spoiler]
What about the attack ship in the beginning of the last jedi? The ship with the giant Canons? The one which fired on the resistence Base on d'Qar?
Max Izzda the dreadnought
James Dunn yeah
Max Izzda it’s called a dreadnaught
Joshua Purdy thanks
Joshua Purdy Im german and in this Version they said attack ship
Zerg vs Yuuzhan Vong
The Protoss would win with Mandalorian reinforcements
Long live the Queen of Blades.
Except she's dead.
-She's dead right?-
No she is a god.
Eckart, I just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to Home - Resonance it’s a great song also I always love your videos
You forgot one thing - the first order is lead by General Hux.
He could lose a fight with a cockroach. Empire wins everytime.
do the imperial tank from jedha vs m1a3 abrams pls^^
how many lasers does the abrams have
none, but if you havnt noticed theres only a small chance that the tank from jedha has a partikel shield since its not made for outer space battles with comets and shit. Also the abrams shoots armor piecing bullets, and sicne the jedha tank doesnt have partikel shielding it will not be able to tank thoose.
Samuel Cid I’m pretty sure a army in space would have better armour too protect against ballistic weapons
MC 85 vs Resurgent Class Battle Cruiser
Joe Diuguid Idk Resurgent had like 2100 turbo lasers
MC 85 hyperspace ram
Toxic UA-cam
I know but it is all you need to do
Ship with amazing shields but few weapons vs ship with many weapons but crap shields
Could the halo universe withstand an full on attack from the star wars universe all factions included on both sides
Which timeline (of both universes), that would be the defining thing.
Absolutely not if it was just the pre war unsc and covenant or post war. Only the forerunners would be able to
Star wars would win for 1 reason, their ship powers are over the top and ridicules. Star destroyers with power outputs equal to small stars (if memory serves me well). Pre and post war would make a big difference in the power level of the unsc ships. Star Wars galaxy is just too big.
lancer737 Not a chance, you gave them Precursors too? With Forerunners? Now then they would stomp the SW verse. Technological difference is vast.
Legends is awesome and filled with technological power houses but The Forerunners would beat them.
I think my favorite moment in the sequels is the hyperspace kamikaze, as it was so so so so so freaking cool.
Snoke's flagship had a woeful number of depicted weapons. The turbolasers seemed to be overly large and few in number and for some reason need to be fired in an arc and the ship possessed no ion cannons which the Executor did. The Executor had at least five thousand turbolasers and ion cannons, she would have shredded the Mega Class with a broadside. At the end of the day the Mega class was designed to be a mobile city that possessed offensive weapons, the Executor was designed as a warship that would dominate entire systems by itself without support and just happened to be city sized.
Ok, in a previous video you say endor is the biggest battle in star wars, but in this one you say the empire only has 30 star destroyers at Endor???
You forgot the dreadnaught.
Or alternatively send a ssd and have it hyperspace into the smokes ship therefore crippling the ship just a suggestion
Cameron Gooch wouldn't do as much damage as the Raddus
Clearly it's not mass-based, or the Raddus still would have been vaporised on impact before piercing the Supremacy (assuming physics are a thing)... and if it is then a couple of ISDs would do just fine :)
Looking at the Gulf war, there was roughly a 30 year gap between the two sides in the fighting equipment (tanks, helicopters, planes, naval assets etc etc). And the results were pretty convincing. My feeling is that assuming a 30 year difference in equipment exists, I would estimate that whichever side is using the older equipment (Endor Empire in this case) it would require a 5:1 advantage in numbers to have a chance.
Its a shame we never get to see these Star Destroyers dish out some awesome destruction. They won't show it because it would make the enemy seem too cool and have us route for them.
Scarab walker from halo vs umbaran walker from clone wars
Why did you exclude the "Mandator IV" drednaught?
Wasn't in the fleet he is referring to.
it's only real weapons, in terms of offensive power, are the siege cannons... and they have a very limited arc of fire and probably traverse too slowly to keep up with a moving vessel. Not a ship-fighting ship... purely an artillery platform.
1. the Dreadnaught was about to shoot at the Resistance flagship, implying it can shoot at other capital ships
2. imagine the damage that its weapons could do against the Executor or the second Death Star
I kinda like first order. No...I really like first order. Their ships are quite well designed even if Snoke has a syndrome of compensating something (something small or blown off)
I really like TIE Silencer design. It has interesting function and requires actual skill. The First Order only suffers the same fate as Empire. People in power are more focused on their plans than the fleet. Force users are a good addition but problematic to keep proper chain of command. But First Order fleet is my favourite.
Oh yes, and they improved on the Tie-Fighter design too.
You can see Tie-s being more capable now and even shooting down X-Wings.
Windshade Tarn That’s great, but have you ever craved for a large, luxurious battleship? Did you want to blast through countless amounts of Rebel and Resistance soldiers from the comfort of your own seat?
Then check out these bad girls!
Execution: $4,482,748,392,930,437 (Prices is negotiable)
Superior: $9,482,936,930,374 (Price is non-negotiable)
Call 1800-FIRST ORDER RETAIL-007 for more info!
Right, don’t call that number. Also, if no one gets it, it’s a joke. Maybe one day, some people will be willing to sell starships that large, given their... Menacing firepower...
Random Guy Well, they proved you wrong.
Seeing the Supremacy hyperspace-kamikaze through the Death Star would be so dope
Awesome! Great job at no spoilers!
please bring back voting and that In the next video you show the what we voted at the end of the video
You forgot about the First Order dreadnought not that it changes the outcome though
He didn't, that was not in the fleet.
Mega Star Destroyer vs 3 Mon Cala Star Defender
The malevolence vs snoke’s mega star destroyer
This is one way to give this ship hype it does saddly lack and does deserve because it's beast of a ship and is so underrated .
I have a rather interesting battle that you could cover. A squad of Space Marine terminators boarding a star destroyer, an executor, a resurgence, The Supremacy, and finally the Death Star. This situation is based off the 40k games of Spacehulk. Would be interesting to see how the squad of Terminators handle themselves in a boarding action. There objective being to destroy the ship. Would love to hear feedback. ^^
lancer737 that is true, however numbers means little when dealing with tactical situations such as tight hallways and such. Not to mention Astartes of the First Company would not only have the best gear of there respected chapter but also be battle hardened veterans of possibly countless battles. Meaning they would be smart enough to locate information related to current objectives as opposed to brute forcing there way around these vessels. Sure stealth isn't really an option for the Astartes, but it's gonna be mighty difficult to bring down a Terminator.
I'd want to command a imperial fleet over first order any day
Meme Lord vlogs n sht the Executor always has a special place in my heart.
I used to prefer the Empire, but the First Order is much better, unless you did away with Obsolete Impstars. I've come to hate those ships for their ineffectiveness.
Cylons vs the Geth (mass effect)
Can Reach or Coruscant survive a Zerg invasion
Could you do an ETA-2 Jedi Star Fighter vs Delta 7 Jedi Star Fighter video?
Who would win in a war between the Rebels and the Empire vs The CIS and the Republic?
Marcelo Saunders he did that
I think the FO would take both rounds. Snoke would never move the Supremacy near the DS while it was active and would get it taken out first before he ever moved it within range. Once the DS was removed as a threat then the star fleet would be taken out just like round 1
ventuviper the rules say there is no hyper speeding and all ship must be present at the battle
yes but he is wright snoke is not so stupid to risk the greatest the first order has
and with the rules he would position the suprimacy behind the death star and i think to it's size the death star could not take out the suprimacy one shot never
if snoke would attack he would came also with dreadnought to take out the death star and maybe even some isd to confuse the empire and let the resurgants battle them near by and the suprimacy would fire from a save distance with its "superlasers "
so in a real fight the empire wouldn't have a chance unless mabe if thrawn is the comander it could end diffrently
You can be present and still out of range. Could have been on the other side of Endor. Sure their ship mounted weapons would have been useless at that point, but it would still qualify as being there (and would have been a more tactical maneuver)
ventuviper well, in that case it’s irrelevant since the supremacy isn’t involved either way.
Imperium 10 why wouldn’t the DS take out the MSD in one shot, it can blow up planets that are much larger? Since the MSD isn’t much faster than the DS, and we don’t actually know the range of it, I’d guess the empire still has a chance. Also would the FO know that the DS is Operational? The Rebels didn’t, so why would the FO? (Well, without the force or plot lines)
snoke's fleet can't win they struggled to defeat a rebel fleeting which was running out of gas and somehow they could not catch them till they did. the ender fleet fought the rebels at there strongest.
That's because the Resistance kept out of range all the time.
That was pathetic, where are those swarm of the fighter?
Held back because "the fleet couldn't give covering fire" to protect them from support ships (even after support ships were down?), which makes so little sense, since 2 goddamn TIE-Fighters nearly crippled Raddus... and destroyed the bridge...
I guess our "hero" got the best armor in the galaxy, "PLOT ARMOR".
Madman loves freedom the I think problem is, that the First Order has no blockade runners. If they had Blockade runner they would have had no problems catching the resistance. Correct me if i am wrong.
Palpatine Vs Snoke
Snoke is a fuckin nobody compared to Palpi.
Palpi went against Yoda. Snoke *no spoilers*. Palpi had the power to resurrect and morbidly transform the force, even rip souls out of people's bodies.
Palpatine had knowledge of Sith Magic, ancient holocrons, master combateer, he knows dual wielding, etz-etz.
Wait, how did he lose against Mace Windu..? That stance uhh.
So how about Mace Windu vs Snoke?
Can't the death star be taken out with a hyperspace kamakazi jump? You dont even need to breach the shield just go right through it and materialize inside the core, or is the gravity well too big because I know that's also a factor? Does this possibility occur to anyone else?
I tend to agree with the analysis of Round 1 and Round 2. Interesting comparison around the dynamics of each fleet.
I'm going to see The Last Jedi for the second time today. I doubt it will change my opinion of it. All I have to say is. HELP US GEORGE LUCAS YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE... Hahahaha
I wasn't too impressed with the prequels, but I'm sure he still has some world building left in him.
If you think the movie suck, then DONT GO SEE IT AGAIN YOU MORON! Stop giving them your money and letting them know you'll pay to see whatever fucking shit they try and sell. Just fucking wait until someone pirates it or something. Fucking idiots like you are the reasons they can get away with this shit. Because you'll smear it all over your face licking your lips. Dumbass
k R Haha, you think it was the actors faults? For fucks sake man, Lucas wrote the most stale ass dialogue that’s humanly possible. Leonardo DiCaprio couldn’t act his way out do that cringey junk
I mean the only bad actors in the prequels really are the two Anakins. And I feel Haydn was fantastic in Episode 3. Lucas just is a horrible writer. Without any helps he creates trash
seeing it multiple times just gives you a greater appreciation for all the crap they did wrong and more time to think of obvious ways that you could have made a better movie.
I was so upset with the opening space battle. I was so pumped to see the resurgent in action. I wanted to see the significant fire power and star fighter upgrades. Instead we see 12... 12!!!! Star destroyers sitting back and watching their dreadnought get taken out by the smallest Rebellion fleet we have ever seen with the most pathetic bombers we have ever seen.
Fuck they barely even did the pizza slice justice. I hated the ship but I liked the idea of a mobile orbital bombardment capital ship. But no. We have an 8km long ship that has 26 PDC's (pathetic), that apparently has no shields??? and can be taken out by a single "bomber" (wtf were those bombers seriously)
Rian Johnson absolutely butchered the idea of WW2 in space. If you want WW2 style battles then you have captial ships slugging it out with broadsides. Not big, slow, unshielded? bombers that drop a "payload" in space with no gravity.
I know SW is fantasy, they always stretch the sci fi side of things but it still sticks to the general rules of sci fi and space i.e. no gravity, something in hyperspace can't interact with real space and exposure to hard vacuum kills you (even jedi). TLJ was sloppy
Lol space cloud.
Also let's not forget lobbing shots from the first order, as they make a lot of sense in space... Yeah nah. And agreed on the bombers, they look much worse than Y-wings and in general an engineering crime.
Daniel Ellerton the best WWII style space battle was honestly the battle of coruscant
Lilin it was the perfect opportunity to really show off b-wings!
How much difference would the dreadnought from the beginning of TLJ have made?
Going by its film use... none...
kieran allen It can be taken out by one x-wing and a few bombs.
They knew it's weakspot.
they call it a fleet killer so i can assume that it would have wiped the floor with the resistance
Not Todd Howard I thought the whole point of the Dreadnought was how it had longer range than the other ships.
I think a closer match in round one as the empire has TIE Interceptors and TIE Defender + others such as Blastboats, Starwings etc. Round 2 to Empire for same reason plus Death star.
First Order takes down death star - First Order gets defeated - Emperor died on death star - Emperor's contingency plans kick in - Empire is reformed to First Order - First Order won
Well , fair enough .
2 Harrower Dreadnaught vs Imperial Star Destroyer
isd for the win
star wars galaxy during the republic era(united) vs transformers galaxy with 100 titans
Apparently you just need to crush a ship and you win
Samurai Trooper That be costly. Plus The Supremacy wasn't Destroyed
It was damage on 1 side.
Jesse12489 yes but the other ships were split in half.
And if you can destroy ten ships with better fire power than yours and the entire crew at the cost of one ship and one person its worth it
Samurai Trooper The Raddas was a big ship. It hyperspace into a much larger ship so aiming was not a problem. At that speed at that size is pretty much like a bullet. Small but does a lot of impact damage. Plus Ramming a much smaller ship into a smaller big ship isn't going to have the same effect. Think logically. So if Hammerhead corvette hyperspace into a Star Destroyer,will that take out 5 Star Destroyers? Hell no. Will it greatly damage it? Yes and cripple it. Ramming a Mon calamari Cruiser in hyperspace,yes and damage near by ships? Oh yes. It's called shock wave.
Jesse12489 i have just one question for you then. Why didn't the rebels hyperspace a mon calamari into the death star, or the executor for that matter
Samurai Trooper Easy. Death Star Shields,plus Death Star too damn thick to reach reactor. Loss of life and a damn good cruiser to fight back Star Destroyers. HyperSpace to take out Super Super Destroyer? Let's see. Loss of life on both sides,too many Star Destroyers left,Death Star will finnish remaining ships. And yes there was Kamikaze runs in Battle of Endor but they didn't hyper space big ass cruiser to take out 1 or 2 ships. If the rebels do suicide runs, there won't be any Rebels left.
But What about star killer base?!
It can take out multiple targets?!
Hey, could you do the hierarchy of the Empire in Legends?