I'm just halfway through the video. But I felt like saying, just don't take girls as girls, take them as human beings, who has their own wishes and desires. After all we all have this one small life. Touched my heart when the girl from Jordan said, "sometimes I wish I was a boy so that I could play sports". Will update the rest when I see the full video.
Referring to 19:10, I thinks it's complete bs to say that nurturing a child is more in the mother than it is in the father. Last time I checked, a handbook of "how to take care of a child" doesn't come along with being a mother. Becoming a parent is a learning experience. The only reason why mothers are usually better at taking care of their children rather than fathers is because of generations and generations of teaching a girl how to take care of children instead of teaching boys as well. Just because you have breasts full of milk & ovaries that pump eggs doesn't mean you're the better parent.
Amanda Allison You just can't accept that men and women are inherently different, that mothers, especially in the early years of a child's development, are simply more important to a child's development than fathers, driven by maternal instincts. Men become more important in the later stages of childhood, when the child is less physically dependent on it's mother for food, warmth and communication. Biologically this makes sense. In nature, the males role is generally to fertilize as many females as he can. While (most) females of a species can only be fertilized once and initial child rearing represents a greater energy investment. Later in the child's life, once the male has realized his fertilization efforts have been at least mildly successfully, will take over some of the duties and invest some of his energy in the child's upbringing, in order to secure his progeny, because as infants of a species get older, they require more and more energy investment in general, more so than the female can provide by herself usually. So returning to your original point, yes nurturing of the child is more of a mother thing than a father thing, in the early years at least. Women make better parents in these early years because they simply invest more time and energy than men do, out of choice and out of instinct to raise her young, no amount of attempted social engineering by the BBC will change this.
One of the young men that said that women should not wear makeup or dress up so much if they don't want to be noticed or complimented, do not take into consideration that a lot of the times girls are also conditioned/pressured by society to care about our appearance when out in public. It can seem quite easy and effortless for the opposite sex/gender to assume that about girls. Girls still do not get the same amount of social freedom as boys to dress however they want or wanting to not dress at all. Girls clothes are also made differently in clothing companies that adds pressure for our bodies to be in shape because they are so form fitting as well as made for girls to look presentable rather than made to be functional for us.
Riiiigght Can confirm in the US, the home of over 330 million people, females can wear anything they want Women need to work on their susceptibility and suggestibility,.which they then blame on everything else but themselves I know I do whatever I want And I certainly don't need anyone telling me what to think ... about anything. Your weakness is your own issue; not anyone else's
Ok people lets clarify some things; gender roles are a pragmatic knowledge, invented by whom? god knows, but it was and is accepted by most people, though as most pragmatic rules, it is not something true nor applicable to everyone and in my opinion no one should have to try to be something they are not nor fit and idea in order to be accepted in society, that IS psychological damage, there is no other way, it must be wrong. When a men feels the need to cry, he should be allowed to do so and no one should say anything because he is being he; when a women feels like going out no matter the time or doesn't feel like cooking she should not cook and go out because she wants to, she is being free just as any human should be. Let's put things in perspective both men and women suffer whenever they have to fit an specific role because not all people are the same and thus there is always going to be SOMEONE longing to be or do the opposite of what is expected for him or her to do or be. This is not a women issue nor a men issue is a human stupidness issue, everyone should be able to do as they please when it comes to be or do as long as they do not harm anyone (physically or psychologically).
You have a valid point, ive seen that some people dont know how to act and it is not one or the other, it is both equally and both side complain about different "issues"
So at some point in the beginning our ancestors probably had the same thoughts, the gender roles we see today are reminiscent of that, they chose their roles, we get to choose ours.
but there are laws and unspoken rules and stigmas that prevent women from doing whatever they please. Your argument has many holes and is flawed edit: i realize that there is a difference between stupid gender roles and actual parallel laws.
The answer and truth is: men. But in my opinion the question is asked the wrong way. Men are not the standard to be measured by, THAT would be ludicrous.
@Morpheus You don't understand what feminism is. Or just as possible you pretend not to understand in order to provoke. Well, I'm not interested in this game.
Those two young boys from London are so sad. Their minds are so warped into actually thinking that they know what girls like. Verbal harassment is never attractive or positive feedback. What if a woman wears makeup for herself? What is so wrong with women looking how they want to look and not basing their physical style and appearance on a man's standards? This shit has to stop...men are not God's they are human beings just like women. Get over yourselves.
Epic Girl : so what is your point? Does that give you the right to treat men like shit? If you want love and respect in a relationship give love and respect. You get what you give. If I wanted an equal I'd marry a man. I wanted a loving, caring woman to build a family. Few women know what that is and fewer willing to deliver. You can't work a job, go out drinking with friends and screw other men and build trust within a marriages, never mind care for our children. The #1 job for a woman in a marriage is to love your family and make a house a home. The #1 job for a man is to make sure your wife can accomplish her #1 job.
I'm an Icelandic male and while I do agree with the good progress we've made towards gender equality, I dislike the direction feminism is going here. A boy growing up in Iceland is constantly reminded of how hard his gender has made life for girls and women, he is even taught to be ashamed of "his nature". There is a subliminal message towards men that they are nothing but violent rapists and women-haters and they need feminism to find the right way, while girls are taught that they deserve to get this and that, like they deserve to be CEOs and members of parliament because they are women, not because of their talents. Some feminists have even openly let it slip that they support "historical dept" (support for male discrimination as a punishment for female discrimination through the ages) or reverse burden of proof in sexual assault cases. The radical feminists seem to have unhindered access to the media and everyone disagreeing with their views is considered a sexist and women-hater. There have even been loud voices demanding legislation that bans "anti-feminist" discussion. This has led to a growing anger and hate towards feminism in Iceland, and sadly the voices of liberal feminists that truly want equal rights, not women-rights, are drowned in the process.
You describe a problem that is afflicting the vast majority of the western world and driving men to choose the MGTOW path. Reasonable, clear-thinking feminists - who actually perceive that the privileges of western society are now disproportionately in favor of women and detrimental to the interests of men - are drowned out by the screaming harpies who are dead set on promoting the "equality of outcome" demands of 'feminism', as opposed to equality of opportunity, which largely already exists. When you look at the degree to which feminist issues have been increasingly supported over the last 40 to 50 years and compare it to the support that men's issues have received - in both the public and state sector - the imbalance is incredible. Feminist/liberal-thinking now appears to dominate governments' policies and there is no attention paid to the injustices dealt out to men in adopting and implementing these policies. This is where feminism is most egregiously distorting society and driving the sexes apart.
Muddurinn I'm both a woman and a feminist, yet I agree with you to a certain point. I think some feminists became aggressive and confrontational in the 1970s. I was a little girl and I remember being frightened and alienated by them. But that aggression was partly a result of some men's inability to change and the whole system which seemed to be against them. Without them, we wouldn't have made such huge strides. I understand that now. In the 1970s women weren't even allowed their own bank accounts without "the permission of a man". Marital rape was still legal. But now the vast majority of women's demands have been met and I think we ought to concentrate on other parts of the world where women are REALLY oppressed. The points you made about the system being anti-man are valid. For example, there only needs to be a rape allegation (sometimes about an event 20 or 30 years ago), and the man is AUTOMATICALLY presumed guilty and his life is ruined. This is especially true about child abuse. I'm 1,000% against rape and child abuse, but I believe people are innocent until proved guilty and they should receive a fair and unbiased trial. The system is not only geared towards this third-wave feminism, but also towards political correctness, which dictates the way we live and what we can and can't do. I'm a second-wave feminist, and only believe women are EQUAL to men, and certainly not superior.
I know this is a 3 year old comment,but if you see this,how's life in Iceland now,is it worse? Or did the people finally wake up and realize that feminist are misandrist and not egalitarian ?
Muddurinn that is a shame . Iceland is home of the Vikings some of the manliest man in history . I hate to imagine what the long-term effects that will be .
strontiumXnitrate Oh, yes, _dear,_ I am fully self-aware. I merely reacted to your own hissy fit with one of my own. If you attack other people, you can't blame them for defending themselves, can you? Now let's analyse what you said. "All I had to do was to point out some unflattering facts about yourself..." What facts, exactly? You have not specified, merely told lies. "You have to run out and find convenient scapegoats to pin your own shortcomings on." Where have I done that? And what are my shortcomings, and how would you even know, since _I am a total stranger._ "Neither 'radical feminists' nor 'mgtow' can be used to excuse or hide your own bigotry." Where did I say I was a radical feminist and what am I bigoted about? Evidence, please. "If you did not hate men, you would not have identified as a member of an openly man hating female supremacist movement." I laughed out loud at this one. Where the hell did you get that from? Certainly from nothing I wrote! "No dear, don't you dare whine about 'generalizing'. You freely generalize about your scapegoats whenever it's convenient to you, you ravishing hypocrite you." Where did I "whine" about generalisations? And what generalisations did I make? Again, I have no scapegoats, although it appears you have one - feminists. Yes, you did use aggression. Your attack came out of nowhere and was completely unprovoked. I repeat, if you attack people, you must expect them to fight back. You're still assuming I'm a woman, although I have not specified my gender. Unless you can quote me, *_using my actual words,_* every single thing you have said is a lie. I smiled when you spoke of self-awareness. Other people "whine" while you "speak". You talk of other people's hatred, without recognising your own. Oh, dear, dear, you really are a pathetic little man, aren't you?
It enrages me that some of these people are passing women as weak. This is the kind of thing that women are trying to get at. WE ARE NOT WEAK!!!!! WE ARE NOT DUMB!!!!! WE ARE HUMAN, JUST THE SAME AS MEN!!!!! I don't understand why there has to be gender roles. If I wanted to be a basketball player (which I am) I should be allowed to do so. The same for a construction worker, CEO, president, mechanic, or any other sports player. The same as men should be able to garden, cook, or take care of the house.
Sophia North A sensible comment. So are you against things like affirmative action laws? Since women (in my opinion) are perfectly capable of doing a job on their own without laws giving them special benefits.
Misanthropy Man I mean its just like how blacks have to get "caught up" on education so their SAT scores don't have to be as high to get into a college but yes I do think that women are perfectly capable of going without affirmative action laws. Its just a matter of will people allow them to do so which is holding us all back.
Only if you are able to beat a man in a fair game and earn your position(without gender quotas). If you want to play for a prominent basketball team then you have to be better than your male competition. That is all. And no you can't use the "I am a woman" card because equality. Good luck.
"What stands in the way of women being equal to men?" Millions of years of evolution that created a sexually dimorphic species with specialized skills, abilities and innate preferences Aside from that, PERSONAL CHOICES. Period.
You will still be labelled "sexist" for drawing attention to that fact. Biology, and natural differences in each sex, only exists to them when it comes to getting punched in the face.
Nez Mustafa Because there's more to it than mere biology. Socialisation and indoctrination play just as much a part. Labelling all sexual differences as "biology" is inaccurate, ignorant and simplistic.
raphael44ify,,, Thank you for displaying another major difference between the genders by insinuating the male is wrong and deserves to be dismissed as stupid. Women are experts at attacking a man's manhood with nothing but words. It is an offense / defense mechanism created to equal a man's physical strength over her. It often works well in a society that tells men 'never hit a woman no matter what she does to you'.
whenever theres a video about feminism or gender equality, there's always so many pressed privileged men in the comments, it's almost like they search up the videos
Yeah I mean it's unfortunate that so many entitled women get mad whenever someone points out that they should also be responsible instead of blaming others. Other perspectives are hard for some people to handle i guess. 🤷♂️
Men work longer hours, take less time off, retire later, ask for higher and more raises, usually work in high paying jobs, more likely to move, and spend less money. Add all these factors and women are making more than men😂.
@@AliRadicali better teach women to CHOSE THAT BECAUSE THEY DONT CHOSE IT.... and you dont get equality by litigating it and destroying free choice....so you have alot of work ahead of ya...teaching women how to chose right.....
This comment section... wow! Masculine fragility at it's finest! A lot of anger coming from the men... for what? Because women want to be recognized as being valuable contributors to society, rather than just baby machines and sexual objects? Guess what? It's okay to be a successful male AND want females to be successful, too. I have a partner who loves and respects me, therefore wants to see me be successful. I reciprocate--I want to build him up and support him. He acknowledges my struggles as a female (which are, in fact, different than his.) And I acknowledge his struggles because, yes, he does have different struggles as a man. Biology, yes, difference: XX vs XY chromosome, reproduction, physiological make up, etc. However, this has become a crutch justification for oppression. I have a secret.... there are many, many women who are exceptionally intelligent and making great contributions to the world--nature hasn't stopped them. As a matter of fact, there are many women who have to work twice as hard because they're hit with the 'second shift' of 'home matters' along with work duties. And they're killing it! Gender roles, constructed. The general understanding of feminism seems to be greatly misconstrued and warped--feminism promotes the right for women to CHOOSE they're career and lifestyle choices and not have to buy into gendered stereotypes/roles that we have learned our whole lives, which become adopted as our personal belief systems. In general, feminists are NOT MAN HATERS and shame on anyone who promotes this. Harmonious and collaborative relationships are critical for well-being. But, this cannot be one-sided. Unfortunately, the nurturing/caring role tends to be heavily placed on women and if she is not fulfilling this role or would like such a role to be more equitable she is seen as anti-feminine and a man hater? Do men suffer, too? Absolutely. They suffer at the construction of patriarchal that favors yielding men with the financial power, which can also be a burden. They also suffer due to the construction of masculinity that promotes a repression of self and emotions. But, to not acknowledge that men yield the power in the US (and have throughout history) is ludicrous--hello, look at presidents, congress, justices. And to chalk this maintenance of power up to biological differences is also ridiculous. Women have proved since the beginning of recorded history that they are fully capable of accomplishing impressive and important feats that contribute to society--in which the majority of the time they have had to fight twice, (if not more) as hard as men to get recognition (if they even get it at all.) People tend to lash out when they feel like their power is being threatened, even if they do not realize that this is why they feel so angry. Most people are not able/not willing to acknowledge their privilege. It is also quite common for oppressors to blame the oppressed for their state, whatever state that may be.
I appreciate that post, but I beg to differ and here is my counter argument to everything you said. Women serve men no true purpose besides procreation in society, Women do not build, they only benefit off of what men built in society. There is a reason why women, despite being half the population and workforce, contribute only 1/3, yet take out 2/3 of value being created by society in general. Considering that birth rates in most western nations are below replenishment rates, modern women are the most expensive, yet least productive, that they ever were in human history. They literally suck at everything, yet demand as if they were the best thing there is. Feminist want the power of a man the privileges of a woman and the responsibilities of neither. Feminism was never about "equality", Women never even earned the right to vote! Men earned it via military service. Women were offered the opportunity but they refused because they didn’t want to die in war. They got the right to vote because they were an untapped voting based or useful idiots. The suffragettes were domestic terrorists (radical feminists). The suffragists were a coalition of men and women fighting for women’s right to vote, they eventually got it (to our detriment). There is nothing equal about the movement, it’s always been about female supremacy and destroying the family. This is why in current years MRA’s are fighting to get women on selective service since they are eligible for combat roles! However, it seems like they’ll just abolish it anyway because MEN AND WOMEN AREN’T EQUAL! So much for feminisms equality. It’s a Marxist hate movement meant to destroy the American way of life.
well unequal reproduction cause women to be weaker sex on average. Only enforce monogamy can make men and women equal. Also allowing women to fight in arm forces too. no doubt some women capable of great things. how ever only 1/3 of women are thinkers in mbti. this lead to minority of women in certain positions. this lead to patriarchal egalitarianism or soft patriarchy after the 2nd wave. In a soft patriarchy is which women have the same rights as men but just more men wanted to be leaders than women. In fact only 20 percent of women are in the arm forces. then you have 20 to 30 percent in engineering. so we see how personally leads to certain percent of women going in to certain jobs. This bring me to 3rd wave feminist, which these feminist feel change was not happening as fast enough they like in an egalitarian system. So in 1990s 3rd wave feminist rigged the school system to favor women over men. this lead less and less men entering college. A lot men feel 3rd wave feminist want a matriarchy. also why they wanted to destroy the family. Monogamy ensures no gender can be dominate in sexual reproduction. which ensure political equality over time. So when ployngny is out law soon women start to get equal rights over time. how ever some feminist want ploygamy which mean they are for a matriarchy. For me I am egalitarian which stare that women and men should have same rights. egalitarianism is what classical feminism is. how ever modern feminism is no longer about equality.
Reading the comments, I see lots of people has nothing better to do than writing hate speeches. Women and men aren't equal on a physical level, but we're equal on an intellectual level. Both genders need to have equal rights, equal opportunities, equal impressions and equal roles, *since the human world develops in a way that needs more brains than brawn.* It's GENDER EQUALITY, means both men and women are affected by this. Each individual should be judge by themselves, not by their gender.
yes. And gender quotas and lower barriers of entry arent equality AT ALL. And this is happening on an unprecedented scale. The very fact that in the above video, quotas for women are depicted as something that is even loosely connected to equality tells you all there is to it. It is sexism against men, plain and simple. No dicussion to be left there. And these types of double standards is what riles people up and let them commit " hate speech" as you call it.
3R45U5 Wish you can say that, but with the struggles women have to overcome. I agree men have problems relate to gender too; but look at the data, who got most of them? It's the reason why the video focus on women.
The ultimate reason I believe that low percentages of women in certain work places are because that the fact is that men are more muscular and their bodies are built to endure work that involves a lot of strength. Us women, our bodies a re built to give birth and endure the pain of giving birth.
@ mia bambina: it's not just physical structure, but that women are still primarily responsible for the family. So if the woman has children, she will devote her time to ensuring the kids are taken care of such as staying home with a sick child, leaving work early for a sick child or just other things relating to children. Because of this, women choose jobs that allow them the time off. Many of the jobs men hold do not allow for such leverages. Also, women will sacrifice higher paying jobs that are difficult in nature for a lower paying job because it's more comfortable or more interesting to her like teaching or nursing. This would also play a role. Finally, the only role of a woman is to NOT just give birth. While crucial to the survival of the human race, more women want more of a role that just that of wife and mother. This should not preclude us from achieving other things in our lives; even those things normally geared towards men.
Laura Wellington In western society, when one thinks of gender equality they immediately think of women being oppressed. I'm pretty sure that counts as something.
+fidelbogen Apparently they mean statistical parity. Even if that means discriminating against "the other". Which in this case means men. These people are willing to discriminate against men in order to create statistical parity with women.
Nexus Clarum Actually their statistical parity is a hypocrisy too because they say "we need 50% of women OR MORE in that job". So when men have less statistical parity they don't really care. And second they only care about CEO's and political position etc, but they have never expressed the least desire for statistical parity in mine workers, shipyard workers, garbage collectors, sewage maintenance workers etc. So 50% for nice jobs or publicity given jobs but yeah you men keep doing the hard dirty stuff for us.
+Anon ymous Also many women already work in, or want work in the mines etc. they do however face a lot of sexual assault. One woman i know who is a plumber, turned up for work wearing what the men wear and the men said "who ordered the stripper" their jokes went on all day, that was a good day at work, many were much worse. Many of us do not even get a job in those sectors due to discrimination even if our marks and results from trade school are above the male tradies results...
I support equal rights for women. Women deserve equal rights of power, and opportunities. Equality for women. Women should be treated with respect and dignity.
Laws around the world which restrict women from participating in society fully. Some examples around the world are not allowing them to drive, leave the house without a male guardian or make the choice to leave the house and work once married.
@Anar Haji First of all lets bring the name-calling down a few pegs. I assume i'm talking to an adult though your comment would suggest otherwise. The question didn't specify the western world but if you want an answer for that as well: Gender expectations still exist in the western world which tell women that certain professions aren't for them. The same as they do for men. How many male nursery nurses do you know for instance? Or how many female airline pilots. It's not necessarily about wanting to do something it's about being encouraged, being told it's okay to be a male nurse or a female pilot. It's slowly changing but not fast enough in my opinion.
@Anar Haji I don't study gender studies. Logically, I think it's pretty unlikely that traditions, expectations and culture don't have any impact upon male and female behavior. If we look around the world the behavior of men and women changes depending on what society you are in. This would suggest not all of it is natural and that some of what drives our decisions in life are based on what we are indoctrinated to believe is acceptable dependent on whether we are male or female. This is detrimental to both men and women.
"when you think about a plane you think about a guy as the pilot and a girl who is catering" - maybe that's because only 5.1% of pilots in the US are female pilots and results are very similar in other countries.
women started wearing make up etc because of the way men NATURALLY behave and also women. it is not a social construct. it is biology and the way things are naturally.
If your priority for gender equality is make-up then you probably have a good life. There are men and women dying for their beliefs, being abused or being raped without getting help they need.
that's true, make up is not the biggest problem. but one can't deny that there are social expectations and pressure in our society for women and girls to dress and act a certain way
Women doing the SAME job for the SAME hours should be paid the SAME, in fact it would be illegal for this not to be so in the western world. So, can the women tennis players please play a maximum of FIVE SETS of tennis during Grand Slam tournaments to earn their 'equal pay'?
0:43 Being a guy can stop me from expressing my emotions and hitting a woman even in self defense My point is she say being a girl stops her from doing certain things ITS THE SAME FOR GUYS 4:01 A guy is expected to be strong and tough and not to show emotion
I know right, it's so bloody annoying. I told one of my classes at school I was a feminist and immediately got laughed at and harshly questioned on my beliefs
Maybe because it is selective? If women want to be treated equally that is fine. But it needs to cut both ways. If a woman is abusive in a relationship this needs to be seen as abuse not always self-defense. If a divorce takes place women need to be treated equal to a man and demand that the family court not hand the kids to the mother because she's a female, not favour the mother in other words. If a female commits a crime her sex should not mean she gets a lighter sentence to jail which often happens. The problem is not women wanting to be treated equal, the problem is women and feminism wanting to be treated equal when and where it suits. Essentially it is selective. Hope this answers your question at least somewhat.
Eric Drayin I see what your saying but you see that is a misconception many people have about feminism. It's not about setting women on a rank above men ....it's about havng gender equality and sticking up for women's rights with that respect. There are different types of feminists I guess, there are 'radical feminists' for example and then 'liberal' ones.... there needs to be more awareness of this. When I told my class mates I was a feminist they immediately thought I hated men.... it's such a common misconception associated with being a feminist.
I don't think they do. I think passionate opponents are inclined to be loudly vocal in their desperation. The exception would be Thunderf00t taking on Rebecca Watson and 'Bossy', because Thunderf00t is such a classy skeptic - he's always right which annoys the fuck out of those who try to attack him.
They are sexist yet play the victim, they marginalise women and blame the "patriarchy" for their own insecurities and undoings, they pretend they want equality but they really are demanding privileges, they think quotas are the key to progress and not merit. Feminists are their own worst enemy, there's no one a feminist hates more than another feminist. They're like cats; when one enters the vicinity of another, they feel threatened and start scrapping and making weird incoherent noises at each other
All this fucking shit with Women wanting to be like Men is fucking stupid. In my school, we have to take a running test, in that running test guys have to do 4 more levels up than the girls to get the same marks. Same with on our Track and Field day. 175 = A+ for girls 315 = A+ for guys. So to get an A+ as a guy you have to basically set new records in the throwing activities and be first in the running ones. Then on top of it most of the girls in my school get higher grades because the teachers like them better. Also, in most careers girls will get picked over guys. There is also the whole thing with you can't hit girls or you'll be a tyrant. This grade 8 girls, who was native(all the natives in Manitoba think they're the shit and are invisible/know people are scared of them) and she kept giving me hooks and slapping me and pushing me so I turned around decked her right in the nose and was suspended for one month with detention for two, and I have to take anger management courses along with having to go around the school and having to do jobs without pay.
? Was this native girl a stronger male that actually did damage to you? When she slaps you, push her back and say "stop". by the way, YOU DECKED A PERSON IN THE FACE FOR PUSHING YOU AROUND A LITTLE, would your school actually give you a different punishment if that was a guy? my school wouldn't. Why can't you understand that many women tend to be mentally and physically weaker, but that shouldn't justify them being discriminated against.
Sofia Wallisch the privilege of greater physical ability...meaning men are born better at some things and so the sexes aren't equal? great, thanks for clearing that up
Yup. I remember in college having mostly female professors, and having them insist that women are a 'minority'. It's what the sociology texts will tell you. Care to gamble which gender the author was?
Then stop being a feminist. In the first world the only thing that stops women from believing they aren't disenfranchised from society is feminism that tells women they are. They already get equal pay for the same exact job with the same education and experience level. They wage gap is the entire earnings from men vs the entire earnings from women. It doesn't compare job for job, experience for experience, hours worked, etc. Feminism is not about equality because they are only concerned with women's rights. They don't care that men are more likely to get raped in prison than women are outside of it, that men are more targeted for burglary and homicide than women, that men are 75% of suicides, 40% of the domestic abused, only have a handful of men's shelters while women have 2,000+ to escape abuse and homelessness, that men are the majority of the homeless, that men are required to be drafted into war in order to have the right to vote, that men are the majority of the drug addicted, etc. Because feminists lack empathy for men because they believe that men hold all the power when only 1% do. There are far more men suffering and living a harsh life than are billionaire CEOs. In third world countries yes women are actually oppressed but men are too. There are men that die for their beliefs. There are men that are raped (feminists get angry whenever the definition of rape includes make victims, what does that tell you?). My point is that to achieve actual gender equality, we need egalitarianism because it is gender blind and is concerned with the human rights of everyone. Feminism is only 100% concerned with women- it is in the definition.
chimchim jimin don't worry this guy who commented to you just is some loser who can't accept life, so his does what most loser do hide behind the computer/laptop/phone and blame women and feminism for his problems. These people are cowards I bet if they said this at work they get fired so their hiding and making all kind excuse for their own issues. It really pathetic.
Equal rights, opportunities and benefits is only fair. "The world of humanity has two wings - one is woman and the other man. Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly." - Abdu’l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity.
"equally developed" but You can develop in different ways, right? This don't mean equal. This is just like political crap. Anyway most women DON'T want to be equal. They want care and privileges.
The main reason women can’t enjoy equality is: men. Men’s feeling of self entitlement, men’s feeling of superiority, men’s assumption of some god given authority to control women. Religion is a big part of it. And surprise surprise most religions books are written by men. When renowned philosophers of history were debating whether women were defective males, church scholars debating if women had souls, how can you expect men as a whole to agree to equality? Those in power will NEVER willingly share that power. Revolution has to happen and it has to be the women we ourselves have to demand equality and stick by consequences if it doesn’t happen.
@@jadepixie2719 He is saying that women shame other men when they are wrong. It's true. When a woman cries, they seek comfort. When a man cries, they are shamed. You want equality, believe in Egalitarianism, not Feminism.
@@yanvysotsky3158 Men already have rights in every country, women don't - that's why it's called feminism. Women can't have multiple sexual partners without being shamed but men can, not equal pay, domestic violence all around the world, being humiliated and shamed just for being a female, getting their clit cut off in some countries,being killed but their fathers,brothers and husbands.. etc just some double standards and violence against women that happens all around the world. So no it can't be called whatever u said cause women are being discriminated not men. Men always had rights and choices and they still do women don't.
@@claudymusic1558 How about the men who are forced into war? How about the men who are shamed for being "rapists" when they did not do anything, or the fathers who have their children taken away because his crazy wife divorced him? Men suffer more than you think. I'll gladly buy you a plane ticket to the Middle East to protest women's rights there. Feminism is a useless in a first world country.
In the U.S. we need to make women register for the selective service in order for them to vote and give men some reproductive rights, thats a decent start....
Men have zero reproductive rights, women have; abortion, adoption, and safe haven law. I see you are to cowardly to use a sentence that is either a question or statement, instead you use a sentence that seems to be both, how lovely. And, who cares about what sex scientists are, my comment was about legal issues. Checkmate.
Around 20:00 in the African country - India has the opposite problem - here it is the Bride's family that pays for the groom - amazingly in both cases it is the woman that suffers it seems - in the African country, she is being bought but in India the man is being bought but still it is ok? It shows the weak will always suffer regardless of what is going on
As a man, I want to go where I want, say what I want and do what I want. Unfortunately, some of these things come with consequences & therefore I have a decision to make. Equality means there's consequences for women also. That's the way equality works.
To be honest, the only reason you think that are biased against males is the military. That's one. Put it up together with women being discriminated in political participation, economic participation, education attainment and a whole lot more. I don't think males would prefer to be the ones at home taking care of children, not being able to study, not being able to work and not being able to vote. Although this is biologically impossible, if males are able to risk their lives to give birth to children, women won't exactly mind risking their lives to go to the military.
@Demetrios Giannopoulos, you CAN hit a women AFTER she hit you, IF it's self defense. But never hit a women first. (Also, YEESH you have a complicated name!)
gman aight I mean who gives a fuck, why should we have sympathy for people seeking violence themselves? I wouldn’t do it but at the same time I wouldn’t care if someone did.
@@Latoos976 planes, internet, light bulbs, cars, Facebook, the @ thing, pcs, phones, and also um you know like the electricity you use to charge the phone your being raged on, or computer.
@@gingerchild8349 who give birth to einstein who feed him so basically his mom and his wife kept him alive to invent . women did a lot of things to men they took care of them but in return men is suffring
He is a concerned great father! Love him. Women should only have a man AFTER accomplishing things and ready to marry! That is the only way to level up with men.
Nothing, except some physical strength limitations for SOME women. Just like some men can't do those jobs either. I used to be in the infantry. And some women (and men) are just unable to carry the load you NEED to carry at all or for the extended periods needed. But I hear women make better fighter pilots, because they (on average) have better hand-eye coordination and being usually shorter is good for G tolerance. I think different people are better suited to different jobs. And its not a gender issue. Size, strength, intelligence, coordination, etc... Not every man can do every job, nor can every woman.
It's about the Choices and Desires simple. Cultures Religions Stereotypes can only affect to a certain point. You have Wmn in mostly all kinds of jobs it's just they make choice to not be in it as Majority.
Tradition, religion, and culture. I am a part of all three of those things, but I agree that those three things are what causes this gap. and sometimes, a lot of the time, I don't agree with my culture or religion. But I mean what can you do? All that we need is time. Time has always changed things. As time goes on, the older people with traditional old school beliefs will die and the younger will carry on new beliefs. With time, there will be more equality. That's just how the world works.
Nature stands in the way of women being equal to men and men being equal to women. Women can do things a man can't do, and men can do things women can't do. Together they make an amazing and strong team. Fighting to gain the other's territory makes all weak.
Making a generalized statement like that is so useless. There are plenty of XX that are BORN with more testosterone, build more muscle easier and are stronger than XY. A woman working construction will be BOUNDS ahead of a man who works at a desk job all day in terms of strength and physique. This 'nature' argument is easily the flimsiest. Even if it WAS relevant in hunter/gatherer days, why should we in ANY capacity give a shit about it today? We are so far removed from that, it's ridiculous. Being equal doesn't mean every single attribute lines up perfectly. Hell, MEN aren't even equal to one another. Some men tone up way easier than others. Whenever the conversation shifts to women being equal, one idiot always has to blurt 'BUT NATURALLY WE'RE STRONGER AND MORE DOMINATING.'
@@loreelaiii You: Making a generalized statement like that is so useless. Me: Knowledge consists of generalized statements. The video is about the average and the rule is that men are physically stronger, on average, than women are. And your exceptions prove the rule. Not better, just physically stronger. I'd doubt that you would try to disprove that statement.
I just can't back the idea of quota's. We shouldn't provide jobs based on gender, it should be based on merit, otherwise you'd have more incompetent people running things.
If women and men are equal by western formula then why women need men's protection mentorship money even in West countries and America where there are equal opportunities for women? .could some one answer me about this logic please.
I feel in Hong Kong it is the other way round and women are treated much better than men. Here women are eligable for pensions at a younger age, also it is legal for a woman to hit her partner, but not the other way round, also women are paid much more than men in most jobs.
***** Maybe it is your foreign humour, but I really cannot tell if you are serious or sarcastic. It would be like saying all Americans should be killed because for centuries they killed Native Americans, Equality isn't a pendulum that moves from one extreme to another.
***** Wow, your country's' leader is a Woman? What 3rd world, shit-hole do you live in? Don't feel sorry for me, I live in the richest nation on Earth. You should feel sorry for yourself and that women across the globe make about 1/2 the $ men make.
In my country men earn more money for the same job than women do, and if I say that I don't want to struggle in life some people recommend me to 'find a rich guy', but at the same time if I really did that people would see me as a 'gold digger'..
These girls get more rights in their household than i ever did. At 16 I had to come home before 8 pm and my mom would be still pissed off. In addition I am a man.
we are different because i prefer a women over a MEN to work in kindergarten and i prefer a men over a women to work in the military as soldiers WE ARE DIFFERENT BECAUSE WE HAVE DIFF RENTS ROLES and that is due to our different capabilities
It really is all a result of upbringing by our parents and the cultural laws that are more powerful than civil laws. In India even women are full of patriarchal attitudes. Men are not encouraged to do home chores. If he cooks he is regarded as lesser male!! My aunts and uncles laughed and mocked at my father when he learnt how to cook in the absence of the maid and mother. He was a single parent and did all that a mother does for her children. But the aunts and uncles doubted his abilities.
0:55 maybe the female stewards got the job because 1 it was what she wanted, 2 she happened to have a lesser education score? Do you think they both didn't have to work very hard for their positions?
How do you think men who want to use make up, paint their nails, use lightening creams etc are viewed by women and the society? In a very bad way....but why isn't it an issue until its the other way round. This is a disturbing bias. We suffer same fate in different ways.
First of all you need to specify where do a woman lives to know if she has equal rights as men. If she lives un north América, Europe or Australia the answer is simple: she has equal rights and opportunities. But any woman living in África, South America, Asia or The middle east does NOT have equal rights nor opportunities. That's it.
At my grans house me and my brother like sitting on the floor in front of the tv as my gran has a very nice fluffy carpet (As normal kids do) but she always says to me to sit at the table and be more ladylike (my brother is 3 years older so technically he should be more mature!) it really annoys me every time. This is just one example but she also does a lot of other things like this and it’s so annoying! She also says stuff like, help me in the kitchen and do the washing up, you shouldn’t play football because you’re a girl.
Banyana Banyana, the South African 🇿🇦 female football team play a much better game than Bafana Bafana, the male team. You'd have to degrade the women to het them equal to the men. 😊
They bring up the excuse of porn far too much, and fail to focus on the importance of parents teaching their sons even the rudiments of ethics and empathy.
Whenever ethics and empathy have to be taught, there is a far wider problem, the undermining of the natural social fabric. Personally I think this was ripped apart long, long ago. Perhaps when religion began but I can't be sure.
@@jadepixie2719 USA women's team suffer 5-2 loss to FC Dallas' U-15 boys | Daily Mail Online  Apr 7, 2017 · The USA women's football team were convincingly beaten by a team of adolescents in a embarrassing defeat for the world champions. They lost 5-2 against Dallas Under-15s.
British female football team, it's all over the news and has been in TV all spring & Summers even David Beckham was in the attending the female football match. It all over the media. And by the BBC is a British channel if you want to complain about things in America complain to the American news channel.
Because the same behavior grants boys the word "leader" and girls the word "bossy." Because society brings up women to be quiet, meek, and caring, so their leadership qualities are never fostered. Why do fewer women ask for a raise? Society tells them not to ask for things. It starts so early in life. Only when we adapt our cultural norms will opportunities for women be truly equal to men. Laws help, but they're not the only factor.
Women like you are a bunch of self-entitled brats. No one is discouraging women from asking for a raise, that is your own damn fault if you don't assert yourself. Quit blaming men and society for everything and take some responsibility for once.
Actually, I'm quite successful in my career. Not everyone argues for things because of their own situation. So, you two are trying to tell me little girls and little boys are brought up in the exact same way?
Girls, in Western Europe you can just claim your freedom. In UK, I always walked whenever, wherever and no one dared to get in trouble with me. It could be because I can't be bothered to be feminine: no shaving, no bras, no sweet attitude, no high heels etc. Au contrary, I walk in such a way than I make men move out of my way. Also, at work/ with friends/ with guys, I don't compromise on my rights. If someone dares to breach my rights, I speak up and even get aggressive, if it's the case.
i would think bras/binders can make one appear more masculine rather than without... Did you just let 'em hang...? I'm a woman too but I imagine that'd be uncomfortable, no? D:
@@loreelaiii it's uncomfortable on the beginning, but then it isn't. First time when I tried to go braless was before the pandemic, when I had to go into the office. Then yes, it was painful. But during the pandemic I worked from home, got used with them hanging and now I find the bra painful.
I am not sure about the feminine aspects, that is personal choice. But your attitude is spot on. It is nothing new that successful women I have known and worked with are direct, organised and uncompromising (as you note yourself). I have also noted that many successful women do not share this vision with other women. It is a sweeping statement but successful women are not afraid of successful men, they are often more concerned with successful women. I admire your speaking up, always important but few do. If anyone doesn't speak up then they can't care enough. Great input - thank you.
In many countries women are luckily to even be considered second class citizens. But we all should remember who cared us in their womb's who incubated us gave us what we need for life. Who heart beat nurtured us in to the begins of who we.become later. Even with the fathers lot love on top it helping our through late pregnancy giving us. Both love. Our mother still the assentle part of all of us.
"A woman is expected to..." "Women are represented as..." "Women don't often..." "Women aren't given..." Bruh. Don't give a fuck about what they expect, represent, or are given. Do what you want. Just don't expect others to support it or pay for it. It's literally not complicated.
+vera k "LETS THEN together believe you are oppressed and unprivileged here. poor men, you have it so hard :(" and here we have your answer to the question why so many men have an issue with vids like this one. Your view sums up nicely the feminist perspective: "men's issues (which are very real as detailed my stats on male homelessness and suicide) aren't my business, but women's issues should be EVERYBODY'S business!" And then you express astonishment that I called you arrogant? lol, you're hilarious!
That bugs me. Guys give girls compliments that make them seem like they want one thing. Girls like compliments like 'you're beautiful' not 'you're hot'. We girls are not temperatures. We aren't dressing to get attention from you. We dress to feel confident about ourselves.
@ dskmb3: no she does not, but I will 2nd what she says. Not once did I ever go out with a guy that tried to pick me up with any line referring to my looks. Now the guys that just came up and started talking to me without mentioning anything about my looks, they got my attention. The reason for this was because the guy was obviously interested by simply coming to talk to me. Men that rely on these cliche pick-up lines are trying too hard and for the women it does come out as "I want to fuck you". Duh, you do. But try treating me like a person and not some body you want to fuck. Tell me I'm beautiful, but don't tell me I have a nice ass or nice tits and then be, "you wanna go out with me now". We women have been taught from a young age that men only want 1 thing. And you know you taught us that: our fathers, our grandfathers, brothers, male cousins, etc. in their way of trying to protect us. So any compliments that treat us like a piece of meat (T&A) rather than a human as a whole will get you nowhere; at least not the good women.
Therefore wearing tight bikinis and short shorts tight skirts you’re wearing to “feel” confident? 😂😂😂 Nice try! Women that wear tight clothing do it for attention.
As a fifty year old, obese man, it’s proving to be practically impossible for me to secure a playing contract with a premiership football club...where’s the justice in that? ⚽️
There is a glimmer of hope that men and women in the comments disagree with this video. How about we start putting families and children first instead of this penis envy crap. Just be you stop trying to change biological and physical realities of the world.
Boys: walk around with only shorts on. Everyone: that’s fine it’s hot out anyway Girls: walk around with a tube top and shorts. Everyone (mainly other girls): oh my gosh what is she wearing that is not appropriate
I look forward to the day when the minimum wage is the same for men and women, when women are allowed to own property, when women can vote, when women can travel freely without male consent and escort, when women are allowed to attend universities, and when women are allowed to divorce their husbands, if they so desire.
Fun fact: if a woman ever pulls out a knife on you just bring out some bread eventually her female instincts will take over and she will make you a sandwich
Two people can never be equal. Two groups can never be equal. The greater the difference between the groups, the greater disparity in equality. That's not to say we can't have equal opportunity, but if you think that will lead to an equal outcome, you are wrong.
Jesus! The level of ignorance demonstrated in many of the comments here is astounding! It baffles me that any thoughtful person could possibly view feminism as something that is unnecessary or out-dated? Or something that is only a women's issue?! By eschewing feminism you are disregarding the entire feminist movement in all its gruesomeness that occurred WITHIN THE LAST 100 YEARS!
blanket Why are you so triggered? You don't even have any care to listen to objective opposition, usually someone who points the finger is really the one to blame, same case here.
The British 'rape culture' which is also evident in many British universities is also a worrying feature of our society. The fact that jokes about rape have become acceptable is horrendous. Here is a great example: www.theguardian.com/education/mortarboard/2014/jan/27/rape-culture-campus
Women can wear what they want. Lulu. You can wear skirts and trousers without getting funny looks, us boy's can only wear trousers without getting hate.
Looking at the comments it's as if a lot of guys have nothing better to do than to write vague and senseless messages under feminist videos picking out completely irrelevant points to make themselves feel superior. Feminism is the equality of all people and this video only addresses one particular area. I understand that there are issues in society for both men and women but writing posts claiming that feminism (especially in the west) is pointless and that men are biologically superior in every way is just plain immature. So to everyone who is doing these things please stop trying to big yourselves up, and if you have a valid point, please express it in a more mature and sophisticated way. Thanks :)
That's true I agree that's an issue as well. Fathers should get the same divorce rights and be able to stay at home and look after kids without being looked strangely upon. We need equality on all sides
Read the other comments I wrote about equality, I understand that many 'feminists' do not stick up for men's rights but I know that the ones who do are representing the true values. I would describe myself more as an egalitarian because I understand that feminism has a lot of shit associated with it but at its heart I agree with its core ('dictionary definition') so I am also a feminIst, and a 'manist'. Just some food for thought: what if, because of physical superiority, men have always been able to dominate from the start until it became so engrossed in all cultures for men to lead and work and have opportunities that this way of being society became the total norm? Perhaps the women you know are weak selfish shallow sexist stupid deluded and destroyers of the family unit but the ones I know are most certainly not. Yours was just the type of comment I was referring to about being hateful and angry -have you been hurt by a women recently because you seem to have a lot of anger which is genuinely concerning. I found the 'dysfunctional children' part upsetting because it sounds like a deeper and more personal issue. I'm sorry if you are hurting or angry :( Mark Graham
I am disappointed, thought he was to be asking the experts the tough question, opinion isn't that useful, i had expected to see empirical data presented to add to the narrative
Single parents, men or women, suffer the most in a society full of stereotyping of gender roles in a patriarchal system. Society and relatives pity and gossip but never assist.
I'm just halfway through the video. But I felt like saying, just don't take girls as girls, take them as human beings, who has their own wishes and desires. After all we all have this one small life. Touched my heart when the girl from Jordan said, "sometimes I wish I was a boy so that I could play sports".
Will update the rest when I see the full video.
Allways look at the bright side of life
I think, they do that for their sake
"I wish I was a girl so I could be allowed to cry."
@@puppiesarepower3682no one should cry in public
Referring to 19:10, I thinks it's complete bs to say that nurturing a child is more in the mother than it is in the father. Last time I checked, a handbook of "how to take care of a child" doesn't come along with being a mother. Becoming a parent is a learning experience. The only reason why mothers are usually better at taking care of their children rather than fathers is because of generations and generations of teaching a girl how to take care of children instead of teaching boys as well. Just because you have breasts full of milk & ovaries that pump eggs doesn't mean you're the better parent.
Amanda Allison You just can't accept that men and women are inherently different, that mothers, especially in the early years of a child's development, are simply more important to a child's development than fathers, driven by maternal instincts. Men become more important in the later stages of childhood, when the child is less physically dependent on it's mother for food, warmth and communication. Biologically this makes sense. In nature, the males role is generally to fertilize as many females as he can. While (most) females of a species can only be fertilized once and initial child rearing represents a greater energy investment. Later in the child's life, once the male has realized his fertilization efforts have been at least mildly successfully, will take over some of the duties and invest some of his energy in the child's upbringing, in order to secure his progeny, because as infants of a species get older, they require more and more energy investment in general, more so than the female can provide by herself usually. So returning to your original point, yes nurturing of the child is more of a mother thing than a father thing, in the early years at least. Women make better parents in these early years because they simply invest more time and energy than men do, out of choice and out of instinct to raise her young, no amount of attempted social engineering by the BBC will change this.
Amanda Allison Cheers.
One of the young men that said that women should not wear makeup or dress up so much if they don't want to be noticed or complimented, do not take into consideration that a lot of the times girls are also conditioned/pressured by society to care about our appearance when out in public. It can seem quite easy and effortless for the opposite sex/gender to assume that about girls. Girls still do not get the same amount of social freedom as boys to dress however they want or wanting to not dress at all. Girls clothes are also made differently in clothing companies that adds pressure for our bodies to be in shape because they are so form fitting as well as made for girls to look presentable rather than made to be functional for us.
Can confirm in the US, the home of over 330 million people, females can wear anything they want
Women need to work on their susceptibility and suggestibility,.which they then blame on everything else but themselves
I know I do whatever I want
And I certainly don't need anyone telling me what to think ... about anything.
Your weakness is your own issue; not anyone else's
Even job is likely to be given to a woman that groom herself.
@AsphodeliaD are you a woman?
Beauty standards are set by other women not men.
Girls and women might also be commented on or harassed if they walk around as "plane Jane" or something like that..
Ok people lets clarify some things; gender roles are a pragmatic knowledge, invented by whom? god knows, but it was and is accepted by most people, though as most pragmatic rules, it is not something true nor applicable to everyone and in my opinion no one should have to try to be something they are not nor fit and idea in order to be accepted in society, that IS psychological damage, there is no other way, it must be wrong. When a men feels the need to cry, he should be allowed to do so and no one should say anything because he is being he; when a women feels like going out no matter the time or doesn't feel like cooking she should not cook and go out because she wants to, she is being free just as any human should be. Let's put things in perspective both men and women suffer whenever they have to fit an specific role because not all people are the same and thus there is always going to be SOMEONE longing to be or do the opposite of what is expected for him or her to do or be. This is not a women issue nor a men issue is a human stupidness issue, everyone should be able to do as they please when it comes to be or do as long as they do not harm anyone (physically or psychologically).
your brain power is insufficient
mark 10 or A or whatever the maximum mark is
You have a valid point, ive seen that some people dont know how to act and it is not one or the other, it is both equally and both side complain about different "issues"
So at some point in the beginning our ancestors probably had the same thoughts, the gender roles we see today are reminiscent of that, they chose their roles, we get to choose ours.
but there are laws and unspoken rules and stigmas that prevent women from doing whatever they please. Your argument has many holes and is flawed
edit: i realize that there is a difference between stupid gender roles and actual parallel laws.
The answer is, nothing.
There, i just saved you 43 minutes.
Misogyny Man Thanks
Kirby Man-hating man. Thanks princess
The answer and truth is: men. But in my opinion the question is asked the wrong way. Men are not the standard to be measured by, THAT would be ludicrous.
Celisar1 But Feminism's perfect woman is a man, so where does that leave that movement?
You don't understand what feminism is. Or just as possible you pretend not to understand in order to provoke. Well, I'm not interested in this game.
Those two young boys from London are so sad. Their minds are so warped into actually thinking that they know what girls like. Verbal harassment is never attractive or positive feedback. What if a woman wears makeup for herself? What is so wrong with women looking how they want to look and not basing their physical style and appearance on a man's standards? This shit has to stop...men are not God's they are human beings just like women. Get over yourselves.
I agree completely girls sometimes do it for themselves
there are talking about how "oppressed" they are, while having a song in the background claiming they run the world.
+Epic Girl Who cares?
Epic Girl Yeah, no place in the western world
Epic Girl : so what is your point? Does that give you the right to treat men like shit? If you want love and respect in a relationship give love and respect. You get what you give. If I wanted an equal I'd marry a man. I wanted a loving, caring woman to build a family. Few women know what that is and fewer willing to deliver. You can't work a job, go out drinking with friends and screw other men and build trust within a marriages, never mind care for our children. The #1 job for a woman in a marriage is to love your family and make a house a home. The #1 job for a man is to make sure your wife can accomplish her #1 job.
Bruce Trahan
I'm sorry, did you just say men are treated like shit?
Joumana Rashad : yes I did
I'm an Icelandic male and while I do agree with the good progress we've made towards gender equality, I dislike the direction feminism is going here. A boy growing up in Iceland is constantly reminded of how hard his gender has made life for girls and women, he is even taught to be ashamed of "his nature". There is a subliminal message towards men that they are nothing but violent rapists and women-haters and they need feminism to find the right way, while girls are taught that they deserve to get this and that, like they deserve to be CEOs and members of parliament because they are women, not because of their talents. Some feminists have even openly let it slip that they support "historical dept" (support for male discrimination as a punishment for female discrimination through the ages) or reverse burden of proof in sexual assault cases. The radical feminists seem to have unhindered access to the media and everyone disagreeing with their views is considered a sexist and women-hater. There have even been loud voices demanding legislation that bans "anti-feminist" discussion. This has led to a growing anger and hate towards feminism in Iceland, and sadly the voices of liberal feminists that truly want equal rights, not women-rights, are drowned in the process.
You describe a problem that is afflicting the vast majority of the western world and driving men to choose the MGTOW path. Reasonable, clear-thinking feminists - who actually perceive that the privileges of western society are now disproportionately in favor of women and detrimental to the interests of men - are drowned out by the screaming harpies who are dead set on promoting the "equality of outcome" demands of 'feminism', as opposed to equality of opportunity, which largely already exists. When you look at the degree to which feminist issues have been increasingly supported over the last 40 to 50 years and compare it to the support that men's issues have received - in both the public and state sector - the imbalance is incredible.
Feminist/liberal-thinking now appears to dominate governments' policies and there is no attention paid to the injustices dealt out to men in adopting and implementing these policies. This is where feminism is most egregiously distorting society and driving the sexes apart.
Muddurinn I'm both a woman and a feminist, yet I agree with you to a certain point. I think some feminists became aggressive and confrontational in the 1970s. I was a little girl and I remember being frightened and alienated by them. But that aggression was partly a result of some men's inability to change and the whole system which seemed to be against them. Without them, we wouldn't have made such huge strides. I understand that now. In the 1970s women weren't even allowed their own bank accounts without "the permission of a man". Marital rape was still legal. But now the vast majority of women's demands have been met and I think we ought to concentrate on other parts of the world where women are REALLY oppressed. The points you made about the system being anti-man are valid. For example, there only needs to be a rape allegation (sometimes about an event 20 or 30 years ago), and the man is AUTOMATICALLY presumed guilty and his life is ruined. This is especially true about child abuse. I'm 1,000% against rape and child abuse, but I believe people are innocent until proved guilty and they should receive a fair and unbiased trial. The system is not only geared towards this third-wave feminism, but also towards political correctness, which dictates the way we live and what we can and can't do. I'm a second-wave feminist, and only believe women are EQUAL to men, and certainly not superior.
I know this is a 3 year old comment,but if you see this,how's life in Iceland now,is it worse? Or did the people finally wake up and realize that feminist are misandrist and not egalitarian ?
Muddurinn that is a shame . Iceland is home of the Vikings some of the manliest man in history . I hate to imagine what the long-term effects that will be .
strontiumXnitrate Oh, yes, _dear,_ I am fully self-aware. I merely reacted to your own hissy fit with one of my own. If you attack other people, you can't blame them for defending themselves, can you? Now let's analyse what you said.
"All I had to do was to point out some unflattering facts about yourself..." What facts, exactly? You have not specified, merely told lies.
"You have to run out and find convenient scapegoats to pin your own shortcomings on." Where have I done that? And what are my shortcomings, and how would you even know, since _I am a total stranger._
"Neither 'radical feminists' nor 'mgtow' can be used to excuse or hide your own bigotry." Where did I say I was a radical feminist and what am I bigoted about? Evidence, please.
"If you did not hate men, you would not have identified as a member of an openly man hating female supremacist movement." I laughed out loud at this one. Where the hell did you get that from? Certainly from nothing I wrote!
"No dear, don't you dare whine about 'generalizing'. You freely generalize about your scapegoats whenever it's convenient to you, you ravishing hypocrite you." Where did I "whine" about generalisations? And what generalisations did I make? Again, I have no scapegoats, although it appears you have one - feminists.
Yes, you did use aggression. Your attack came out of nowhere and was completely unprovoked. I repeat, if you attack people, you must expect them to fight back. You're still assuming I'm a woman, although I have not specified my gender. Unless you can quote me, *_using my actual words,_* every single thing you have said is a lie. I smiled when you spoke of self-awareness. Other people "whine" while you "speak". You talk of other people's hatred, without recognising your own. Oh, dear, dear, you really are a pathetic little man, aren't you?
love when the guy with two daughters becomes a reporter
It enrages me that some of these people are passing women as weak. This is the kind of thing that women are trying to get at. WE ARE NOT WEAK!!!!! WE ARE NOT DUMB!!!!! WE ARE HUMAN, JUST THE SAME AS MEN!!!!! I don't understand why there has to be gender roles. If I wanted to be a basketball player (which I am) I should be allowed to do so. The same for a construction worker, CEO, president, mechanic, or any other sports player. The same as men should be able to garden, cook, or take care of the house.
Sophia North A sensible comment. So are you against things like affirmative action laws? Since women (in my opinion) are perfectly capable of doing a job on their own without laws giving them special benefits.
Misanthropy Man
I mean its just like how blacks have to get "caught up" on education so their SAT scores don't have to be as high to get into a college but yes I do think that women are perfectly capable of going without affirmative action laws. Its just a matter of will people allow them to do so which is holding us all back.
Sophia North
I wish the average western adult women were half as wise and mature as you, you already figured it out, brilliant.
Only if you are able to beat a man in a fair game and earn your position(without gender quotas). If you want to play for a prominent basketball team then you have to be better than your male competition. That is all. And no you can't use the "I am a woman" card because equality. Good luck.
Sophia North haha then Sophia if you want basketball as man and woman are equal there shouldn't be different teams for man and woman..
"What stands in the way of women being equal to men?"
Millions of years of evolution that created a sexually dimorphic species with specialized skills, abilities and innate preferences
Aside from that, PERSONAL CHOICES. Period.
You will still be labelled "sexist" for drawing attention to that fact. Biology, and natural differences in each sex, only exists to them when it comes to getting punched in the face.
Morpheus X What an absolutely crap argument.
and why is that
Nez Mustafa Because there's more to it than mere biology. Socialisation and indoctrination play just as much a part. Labelling all sexual differences as "biology" is inaccurate, ignorant and simplistic.
raphael44ify,,, Thank you for displaying another major difference between the genders by insinuating the male is wrong and deserves to be dismissed as stupid. Women are experts at attacking a man's manhood with nothing but words. It is an offense / defense mechanism created to equal a man's physical strength over her. It often works well in a society that tells men 'never hit a woman no matter what she does to you'.
anyone else watching this for homework-?
whenever theres a video about feminism or gender equality, there's always so many pressed privileged men in the comments, it's almost like they search up the videos
It’s bbc you dumbass. Most subscribers are men.
Yeah I mean it's unfortunate that so many entitled women get mad whenever someone points out that they should also be responsible instead of blaming others. Other perspectives are hard for some people to handle i guess. 🤷♂️
Yes, and so many chivalrous men and narcissistic, feminist ideology brainwashed women making the videos and commenting too.
Lesotho is 2 places higher than UK, really!?
Also, men in UK are paid 1/3 more for same work - again, really? that's illegal
Peter Robinson
But True
Now women are given a 50% on screen quota at the BBC. Remember that next time some feminist starts whining.
@@jaz093 that myth of paygap has been debunked a million times. still using that myth as a evidence of oppression is stupid
@UA-camLoser the fact that men are paid more than women has been debunked so many times
Men work longer hours, take less time off, retire later, ask for higher and more raises, usually work in high paying jobs, more likely to move, and spend less money.
Add all these factors and women are making more than men😂.
while feminists in the West are moaning about sexist emojis, anti feminists are creating charities to help women in the east who really need it.
so how that going
Biology? Gynocentric culture? Modern feminism?
***** Once women have achieved numerical parity in all the choice professions/positions of power, we can start addressing equality for men, shitlord.
lets start with equality of miners and ditch diggers.
@@AliRadicali better teach women to CHOSE THAT
BECAUSE THEY DONT CHOSE IT.... and you dont get equality by litigating it and destroying free choice....so you have alot of work ahead of ya...teaching women how to chose right.....
AliRadicali modern feminism? Really? What an idiotic thing to say!
This comment section... wow! Masculine fragility at it's finest! A lot of anger coming from the men... for what? Because women want to be recognized as being valuable contributors to society, rather than just baby machines and sexual objects? Guess what? It's okay to be a successful male AND want females to be successful, too. I have a partner who loves and respects me, therefore wants to see me be successful. I reciprocate--I want to build him up and support him. He acknowledges my struggles as a female (which are, in fact, different than his.) And I acknowledge his struggles because, yes, he does have different struggles as a man.
Biology, yes, difference: XX vs XY chromosome, reproduction, physiological make up, etc. However, this has become a crutch justification for oppression. I have a secret.... there are many, many women who are exceptionally intelligent and making great contributions to the world--nature hasn't stopped them. As a matter of fact, there are many women who have to work twice as hard because they're hit with the 'second shift' of 'home matters' along with work duties. And they're killing it!
Gender roles, constructed.
The general understanding of feminism seems to be greatly misconstrued and warped--feminism promotes the right for women to CHOOSE they're career and lifestyle choices and not have to buy into gendered stereotypes/roles that we have learned our whole lives, which become adopted as our personal belief systems. In general, feminists are NOT MAN HATERS and shame on anyone who promotes this.
Harmonious and collaborative relationships are critical for well-being. But, this cannot be one-sided. Unfortunately, the nurturing/caring role tends to be heavily placed on women and if she is not fulfilling this role or would like such a role to be more equitable she is seen as anti-feminine and a man hater?
Do men suffer, too? Absolutely. They suffer at the construction of patriarchal that favors yielding men with the financial power, which can also be a burden. They also suffer due to the construction of masculinity that promotes a repression of self and emotions. But, to not acknowledge that men yield the power in the US (and have throughout history) is ludicrous--hello, look at presidents, congress, justices. And to chalk this maintenance of power up to biological differences is also ridiculous.
Women have proved since the beginning of recorded history that they are fully capable of accomplishing impressive and important feats that contribute to society--in which the majority of the time they have had to fight twice, (if not more) as hard as men to get recognition (if they even get it at all.)
People tend to lash out when they feel like their power is being threatened, even if they do not realize that this is why they feel so angry. Most people are not able/not willing to acknowledge their privilege. It is also quite common for oppressors to blame the oppressed for their state, whatever state that may be.
I appreciate that post, but I beg to differ and here is my counter argument to everything you said.
Women serve men no true purpose besides procreation in society, Women do not build, they only benefit off of what men built in society. There is a reason why women, despite being half the population and workforce, contribute only 1/3, yet take out 2/3 of value being created by society in general. Considering that birth rates in most western nations are below replenishment rates, modern women are the most expensive, yet least productive, that they ever were in human history.
They literally suck at everything, yet demand as if they were the best thing there is.
Feminist want the power of a man the privileges of a woman and the responsibilities of neither.
Feminism was never about "equality", Women never even earned the right to vote! Men earned it via military service. Women were offered the opportunity but they refused because they didn’t want to die in war. They got the right to vote because they were an untapped voting based or useful idiots. The suffragettes were domestic terrorists (radical feminists). The suffragists were a coalition of men and women fighting for women’s right to vote, they eventually got it (to our detriment). There is nothing equal about the movement, it’s always been about female supremacy and destroying the family. This is why in current years MRA’s are fighting to get women on selective service since they are eligible for combat roles! However, it seems like they’ll just abolish it anyway because MEN AND WOMEN AREN’T EQUAL! So much for feminisms equality. It’s a Marxist hate movement meant to destroy the American way of life.
@Tsots loot Thanks for reading
well unequal reproduction cause women to be weaker sex on average. Only enforce monogamy can make men and women equal. Also allowing women to fight in arm forces too. no doubt some women capable of great things.
how ever only 1/3 of women are thinkers in mbti. this lead to minority of women in certain positions. this lead to patriarchal egalitarianism or soft patriarchy after the 2nd wave. In a soft patriarchy is which women have the same rights as men but just more men wanted to be leaders than women. In fact only 20 percent of women are in the arm forces. then you have 20 to 30 percent in engineering. so we see how personally leads to certain percent of women going in to certain jobs.
This bring me to 3rd wave feminist, which these feminist feel change was not happening as fast enough they like in an egalitarian system. So in 1990s 3rd wave feminist rigged the school system to favor women over men. this lead less and less men entering college. A lot men feel 3rd wave feminist want a matriarchy. also why they wanted to destroy the family. Monogamy ensures no gender can be dominate in sexual reproduction. which ensure political equality over time. So when ployngny is out law soon women start to get equal rights over time. how ever some feminist want ploygamy which mean they are for a matriarchy.
For me I am egalitarian which stare that women and men should have same rights. egalitarianism is what classical feminism is. how ever modern feminism is no longer about equality.
One word: themselves.
Reading the comments, I see lots of people has nothing better to do than writing hate speeches. Women and men aren't equal on a physical level, but we're equal on an intellectual level. Both genders need to have equal rights, equal opportunities, equal impressions and equal roles, *since the human world develops in a way that needs more brains than brawn.* It's GENDER EQUALITY, means both men and women are affected by this. Each individual should be judge by themselves, not by their gender.
yes. And gender quotas and lower barriers of entry arent equality AT ALL.
And this is happening on an unprecedented scale.
The very fact that in the above video, quotas for women are depicted as something that is even loosely connected to equality tells you all there is to it.
It is sexism against men, plain and simple. No dicussion to be left there.
And these types of double standards is what riles people up and let them commit " hate speech" as you call it.
Wish you can say that, but with the struggles women have to overcome. I agree men have problems relate to gender too; but look at the data, who got most of them? It's the reason why the video focus on women.
The ultimate reason I believe that low percentages of women in certain work places are because that the fact is that men are more muscular and their bodies are built to endure work that involves a lot of strength. Us women, our bodies a re built to give birth and endure the pain of giving birth.
@ mia bambina: it's not just physical structure, but that women are still primarily responsible for the family. So if the woman has children, she will devote her time to ensuring the kids are taken care of such as staying home with a sick child, leaving work early for a sick child or just other things relating to children. Because of this, women choose jobs that allow them the time off. Many of the jobs men hold do not allow for such leverages.
Also, women will sacrifice higher paying jobs that are difficult in nature for a lower paying job because it's more comfortable or more interesting to her like teaching or nursing. This would also play a role.
Finally, the only role of a woman is to NOT just give birth. While crucial to the survival of the human race, more women want more of a role that just that of wife and mother. This should not preclude us from achieving other things in our lives; even those things normally geared towards men.
I had a stroke while trying to read this
And sitting in AC room without doing any hardwork
@strontiumXnitrate LMAO...love your response mate!
Women deserve to have equal rights, but if we only focus on the issues of a single gender, we will never have gender equality
This is one documentary about gender equality just because it centres around girls guys get so butthurt. can't we have anything?
Laura Wellington In western society, when one thinks of gender equality they immediately think of women being oppressed. I'm pretty sure that counts as something.
What stands in the way? In a word, semantics.
What the hell do they mean by "equal", anyway?
+fidelbogen Nailed it on the head.
+fidelbogen Apparently they mean statistical parity. Even if that means discriminating against "the other". Which in this case means men. These people are willing to discriminate against men in order to create statistical parity with women.
Nexus Clarum Actually their statistical parity is a hypocrisy too because they say "we need 50% of women OR MORE in that job". So when men have less statistical parity they don't really care.
And second they only care about CEO's and political position etc, but they have never expressed the least desire for statistical parity in mine workers, shipyard workers, garbage collectors, sewage maintenance workers etc.
So 50% for nice jobs or publicity given jobs but yeah you men keep doing the hard dirty stuff for us.
+Anon ymous Also it removes people choices. Do women want 50 percent equality in waste disposal?
+Anon ymous Also many women already work in, or want work in the mines etc. they do however face a lot of sexual assault. One woman i know who is a plumber, turned up for work wearing what the men wear and the men said "who ordered the stripper" their jokes went on all day, that was a good day at work, many were much worse. Many of us do not even get a job in those sectors due to discrimination even if our marks and results from trade school are above the male tradies results...
I support equal rights for women. Women deserve equal rights of power, and opportunities.
Equality for women.
Women should be treated with respect and dignity.
im crying
The fact that you have to support women means they can’t be equal to men.
What prohibits women from doing what they want other than themselves?
So what stops you from snatching the controller back?
What stops you from driving?
Laws around the world which restrict women from participating in society fully. Some examples around the world are not allowing them to drive, leave the house without a male guardian or make the choice to leave the house and work once married.
@Anar Haji First of all lets bring the name-calling down a few pegs. I assume i'm talking to an adult though your comment would suggest otherwise. The question didn't specify the western world but if you want an answer for that as well:
Gender expectations still exist in the western world
which tell women that certain professions aren't for them. The same as they do for men. How many male nursery nurses do you know for instance? Or how many female airline pilots. It's not necessarily about wanting to do something it's about being encouraged, being told it's okay to be a male nurse or a female pilot. It's slowly changing but not fast enough in my opinion.
@Anar Haji I don't study gender studies.
Logically, I think it's pretty unlikely that traditions, expectations and culture don't have any impact upon male and female behavior.
If we look around the world the behavior of men and women changes depending on what society you are in. This would suggest not all of it is natural and that some of what drives our decisions in life are based on what we are indoctrinated to believe is acceptable dependent on whether we are male or female. This is detrimental to both men and women.
"when you think about a plane you think about a guy as the pilot and a girl who is catering" - maybe that's because only 5.1% of pilots in the US are female pilots and results are very similar in other countries.
Let us ask ourselves why.
Like a woman will just drop the plane from the air if she had a bad night...
"Don't wear make up, don't dress your self up?" - Dafuq changes need to be made so boys think differently.
women started wearing make up etc because of the way men NATURALLY behave and also women. it is not a social construct. it is biology and the way things are naturally.
If your priority for gender equality is make-up then you probably have a good life.
There are men and women dying for their beliefs, being abused or being raped without getting help they need.
that's true, make up is not the biggest problem. but one can't deny that there are social expectations and pressure in our society for women and girls to dress and act a certain way
Make up ages the skin of women...
@@lemonli1749 Why can't women think for themselves?
Women doing the SAME job for the SAME hours should be paid the SAME, in fact it would be illegal for this not to be so in the western world.
So, can the women tennis players please play a maximum of FIVE SETS of tennis during Grand Slam tournaments to earn their 'equal pay'?
0:43 Being a guy can stop me from expressing my emotions and hitting a woman even in self defense
My point is she say being a girl stops her from doing certain things
4:01 A guy is expected to be strong and tough and not to show emotion
Why do feminists get such a bad rep? I really don't understand it.
I know right, it's so bloody annoying. I told one of my classes at school I was a feminist and immediately got laughed at and harshly questioned on my beliefs
Maybe because it is selective? If women want to be treated equally that is fine. But it needs to cut both ways. If a woman is abusive in a relationship this needs to be seen as abuse not always self-defense. If a divorce takes place women need to be treated equal to a man and demand that the family court not hand the kids to the mother because she's a female, not favour the mother in other words. If a female commits a crime her sex should not mean she gets a lighter sentence to jail which often happens. The problem is not women wanting to be treated equal, the problem is women and feminism wanting to be treated equal when and where it suits. Essentially it is selective. Hope this answers your question at least somewhat.
Eric Drayin I see what your saying but you see that is a misconception many people have about feminism. It's not about setting women on a rank above men ....it's about havng gender equality and sticking up for women's rights with that respect. There are different types of feminists I guess, there are 'radical feminists' for example and then 'liberal' ones.... there needs to be more awareness of this. When I told my class mates I was a feminist they immediately thought I hated men.... it's such a common misconception associated with being a feminist.
I don't think they do. I think passionate opponents are inclined to be loudly vocal in their desperation. The exception would be Thunderf00t taking on Rebecca Watson and 'Bossy', because Thunderf00t is such a classy skeptic - he's always right which annoys the fuck out of those who try to attack him.
They are sexist yet play the victim, they marginalise women and blame the "patriarchy" for their own insecurities and undoings, they pretend they want equality but they really are demanding privileges, they think quotas are the key to progress and not merit.
Feminists are their own worst enemy, there's no one a feminist hates more than another feminist. They're like cats; when one enters the vicinity of another, they feel threatened and start scrapping and making weird incoherent noises at each other
All this fucking shit with Women wanting to be like Men is fucking stupid.
In my school, we have to take a running test, in that running test guys have to do 4 more levels up than the girls to get the same marks.
Same with on our Track and Field day.
175 = A+ for girls
315 = A+ for guys.
So to get an A+ as a guy you have to basically set new records in the throwing activities and be first in the running ones.
Then on top of it most of the girls in my school get higher grades because the teachers like them better.
Also, in most careers girls will get picked over guys.
There is also the whole thing with you can't hit girls or you'll be a tyrant. This grade 8 girls, who was native(all the natives in Manitoba think they're the shit and are invisible/know people are scared of them) and she kept giving me hooks and slapping me and pushing me so I turned around decked her right in the nose and was suspended for one month with detention for two, and I have to take anger management courses along with having to go around the school and having to do jobs without pay.
? Was this native girl a stronger male that actually did damage to you? When she slaps you, push her back and say "stop". by the way, YOU DECKED A PERSON IN THE FACE FOR PUSHING YOU AROUND A LITTLE, would your school actually give you a different punishment if that was a guy? my school wouldn't. Why can't you understand that many women tend to be mentally and physically weaker, but that shouldn't justify them being discriminated against.
Sofia Wallisch funny how you only want equality when you get the easy task
Sofia Wallisch the privilege of greater physical ability...meaning men are born better at some things and so the sexes aren't equal?
great, thanks for clearing that up
Yup. I remember in college having mostly female professors, and having them insist that women are a 'minority'. It's what the sociology texts will tell you. Care to gamble which gender the author was?
Valchrist1313 Edmonton Alberta?
Biology. Thousands and thousands of years of evolution. Sacrifice.
They've got to do a follow up with all these people within the next couple of years.
This comments section triggers me as a girl/woman
Then stop being a feminist.
In the first world the only thing that stops women from believing they aren't disenfranchised from society is feminism that tells women they are. They already get equal pay for the same exact job with the same education and experience level. They wage gap is the entire earnings from men vs the entire earnings from women. It doesn't compare job for job, experience for experience, hours worked, etc.
Feminism is not about equality because they are only concerned with women's rights. They don't care that men are more likely to get raped in prison than women are outside of it, that men are more targeted for burglary and homicide than women, that men are 75% of suicides, 40% of the domestic abused, only have a handful of men's shelters while women have 2,000+ to escape abuse and homelessness, that men are the majority of the homeless, that men are required to be drafted into war in order to have the right to vote, that men are the majority of the drug addicted, etc. Because feminists lack empathy for men because they believe that men hold all the power when only 1% do. There are far more men suffering and living a harsh life than are billionaire CEOs.
In third world countries yes women are actually oppressed but men are too. There are men that die for their beliefs. There are men that are raped (feminists get angry whenever the definition of rape includes make victims, what does that tell you?).
My point is that to achieve actual gender equality, we need egalitarianism because it is gender blind and is concerned with the human rights of everyone. Feminism is only 100% concerned with women- it is in the definition.
chimchim jimin don't worry this guy who commented to you just is some loser who can't accept life, so his does what most loser do hide behind the computer/laptop/phone and blame women and feminism for his problems. These people are cowards I bet if they said this at work they get fired so their hiding and making all kind excuse for their own issues. It really pathetic.
same, it's incredible with how much information you can have access to nowadays... you'd think some people would be less ignorant
Equal rights, opportunities and benefits is only fair. "The world of humanity has two wings - one is woman and the other man. Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly." - Abdu’l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity.
Anyone who does not pass the physical requirements for a job should not get it. Another equal right for women is the right to chose their career path.
i noticed u left out equal responsibilities,treatment under law,and gov help
Deborah, those are also excellent points. (Many things are not stated as there is not too much space here for easy viewing.)
I applaud this and completely agree. 👏👏👏👏
"equally developed" but You can develop in different ways, right? This don't mean equal. This is just like political crap.
Anyway most women DON'T want to be equal. They want care and privileges.
This is why a lot of people aren't going to care when you get shut down.
The main reason women can’t enjoy equality is: men. Men’s feeling of self entitlement, men’s feeling of superiority, men’s assumption of some god given authority to control women. Religion is a big part of it. And surprise surprise most religions books are written by men. When renowned philosophers of history were debating whether women were defective males, church scholars debating if women had souls, how can you expect men as a whole to agree to equality? Those in power will NEVER willingly share that power. Revolution has to happen and it has to be the women we ourselves have to demand equality and stick by consequences if it doesn’t happen.
common sense is standing in the way. Get rid of it.
Cry baby.
What you just said makes no sense.
@@jadepixie2719 He is saying that women shame other men when they are wrong. It's true. When a woman cries, they seek comfort. When a man cries, they are shamed. You want equality, believe in Egalitarianism, not Feminism.
@@yanvysotsky3158 Men already have rights in every country, women don't - that's why it's called feminism. Women can't have multiple sexual partners without being shamed but men can, not equal pay, domestic violence all around the world, being humiliated and shamed just for being a female, getting their clit cut off in some countries,being killed but their fathers,brothers and husbands.. etc just some double standards and violence against women that happens all around the world. So no it can't be called whatever u said cause women are being discriminated not men. Men always had rights and choices and they still do women don't.
@@claudymusic1558 How about the men who are forced into war? How about the men who are shamed for being "rapists" when they did not do anything, or the fathers who have their children taken away because his crazy wife divorced him? Men suffer more than you think. I'll gladly buy you a plane ticket to the Middle East to protest women's rights there. Feminism is a useless in a first world country.
In the U.S. we need to make women register for the selective service in order for them to vote and give men some reproductive rights, thats a decent start....
Men have zero reproductive rights, women have; abortion, adoption, and safe haven law. I see you are to cowardly to use a sentence that is either a question or statement, instead you use a sentence that seems to be both, how lovely. And, who cares about what sex scientists are, my comment was about legal issues. Checkmate.
Please, BBC, CAPTION this so I can take advantage of it in my college classroom--thank you!
Around 20:00 in the African country - India has the opposite problem - here it is the Bride's family that pays for the groom - amazingly in both cases it is the woman that suffers it seems - in the African country, she is being bought but in India the man is being bought but still it is ok?
It shows the weak will always suffer regardless of what is going on
As a man, I want to go where I want, say what I want and do what I want. Unfortunately, some of these things come with consequences & therefore I have a decision to make. Equality means there's consequences for women also. That's the way equality works.
To be honest, the only reason you think that are biased against males is the military. That's one. Put it up together with women being discriminated in political participation, economic participation, education attainment and a whole lot more.
I don't think males would prefer to be the ones at home taking care of children, not being able to study, not being able to work and not being able to vote. Although this is biologically impossible, if males are able to risk their lives to give birth to children, women won't exactly mind risking their lives to go to the military.
Why can I not hit a girl after she's hit me? Respect eh
@Demetrios Giannopoulos, you CAN hit a women AFTER she hit you, IF it's self defense. But never hit a women first.
(Also, YEESH you have a complicated name!)
Paige Rocharz Why then can a woman hit a man first? I don’t think anyone should be able to hit anyone first.
@@paigerocharz3807 LOL...you say this, but the man will be locked up with action against the woman.
gman aight
I mean who gives a fuck, why should we have sympathy for people seeking violence themselves? I wouldn’t do it but at the same time I wouldn’t care if someone did.
Maybe if a man who wants to hit girl a girl should carry a gun in her purse a shot him. In defence.
answer: women
@@elliottuberbacher1354 sexism isn't tolerated.
@Louie Anderson no u
@@Latoos976 The lists of inventions created suggests otherwise.
@@Latoos976 planes, internet, light bulbs, cars, Facebook, the @ thing, pcs, phones, and also um you know like the electricity you use to charge the phone your being raged on, or computer.
@@gingerchild8349 who give birth to einstein who feed him so basically his mom and his wife kept him alive to invent . women did a lot of things to men they took care of them but in return men is suffring
"When I think about the girls, having a man will only slow them down." 😂 What a guy!
He is a concerned great father! Love him. Women should only have a man AFTER accomplishing things and ready to marry! That is the only way to level up with men.
Until they all move out of the glass cellar jobs and the infrastructure immediately collapses.
Nothing, except some physical strength limitations for SOME women. Just like some men can't do those jobs either.
I used to be in the infantry. And some women (and men) are just unable to carry the load you NEED to carry at all or for the extended periods needed.
But I hear women make better fighter pilots, because they (on average) have better hand-eye coordination and being usually shorter is good for G tolerance.
I think different people are better suited to different jobs. And its not a gender issue. Size, strength, intelligence, coordination, etc... Not every man can do every job, nor can every woman.
It's about the Choices and Desires simple. Cultures Religions Stereotypes can only affect to a certain point. You have Wmn in mostly all kinds of jobs it's just they make choice to not be in it as Majority.
Tradition, religion, and culture. I am a part of all three of those things, but I agree that those three things are what causes this gap.
and sometimes, a lot of the time, I don't agree with my culture or religion. But I mean what can you do? All that we need is time. Time has always changed things. As time goes on, the older people with traditional old school beliefs will die and the younger will carry on new beliefs. With time, there will be more equality. That's just how the world works.
It's like a pigeon trying to be a dinosaur 😂
Nature stands in the way of women being equal to men and men being equal to women. Women can do things a man can't do, and men can do things women can't do. Together they make an amazing and strong team. Fighting to gain the other's territory makes all weak.
Making a generalized statement like that is so useless. There are plenty of XX that are BORN with more testosterone, build more muscle easier and are stronger than XY. A woman working construction will be BOUNDS ahead of a man who works at a desk job all day in terms of strength and physique.
This 'nature' argument is easily the flimsiest. Even if it WAS relevant in hunter/gatherer days, why should we in ANY capacity give a shit about it today? We are so far removed from that, it's ridiculous.
Being equal doesn't mean every single attribute lines up perfectly. Hell, MEN aren't even equal to one another. Some men tone up way easier than others. Whenever the conversation shifts to women being equal, one idiot always has to blurt 'BUT NATURALLY WE'RE STRONGER AND MORE DOMINATING.'
You: Making a generalized statement like that is so useless.
Me: Knowledge consists of generalized statements. The video is about the average and the rule is that men are physically stronger, on average, than women are. And your exceptions prove the rule. Not better, just physically stronger. I'd doubt that you would try to disprove that statement.
@@loreelaiiiwomen can never be truly equal to men, it’s not possible.
I just can't back the idea of quota's. We shouldn't provide jobs based on gender, it should be based on merit, otherwise you'd have more incompetent people running things.
thats already happening now. sickness.
If women and men are equal by western formula then why women need men's protection mentorship money even in West countries and America where there are equal opportunities for women? .could some one answer me about this logic please.
This is UK not America.
The question is Who benefits from Women not being equal to men?
I feel in Hong Kong it is the other way round and women are treated much better than men.
Here women are eligable for pensions at a younger age, also it is legal for a woman to hit her partner, but not the other way round, also women are paid much more than men in most jobs.
They won't listen.
Maybe overall it is equality.
But one country that favours men and one that favours women cannot be seen as an acceptable outcome.
Maybe it is your foreign humour, but I really cannot tell if you are serious or sarcastic.
It would be like saying all Americans should be killed because for centuries they killed Native Americans,
Equality isn't a pendulum that moves from one extreme to another.
***** Wow, your country's' leader is a Woman? What 3rd world, shit-hole do you live in? Don't feel sorry for me, I live in the richest nation on Earth. You should feel sorry for yourself and that women across the globe make about 1/2 the $ men make.
***** It's 2016. - This is only one statement that is right.
In my country men earn more money for the same job than women do, and if I say that I don't want to struggle in life some people recommend me to 'find a rich guy', but at the same time if I really did that people would see me as a 'gold digger'..
Just stfu, why dont they do one of these for men?
These girls get more rights in their household than i ever did. At 16 I had to come home before 8 pm and my mom would be still pissed off. In addition I am a man.
Lol I can’t even go to my friends I am male too.
we are different because i prefer a women over a MEN to work in kindergarten and i prefer a men over a women to work in the military as soldiers WE ARE DIFFERENT BECAUSE WE HAVE DIFF RENTS ROLES and that is due to our different capabilities
Two things I know of:
Religion and Women.
probably the media as well
women: humans not objects men: humans who objectify: tradition is the problem
Women literally have more rights than men in the UK.
It really is all a result of upbringing by our parents and the cultural laws that are more powerful than civil laws.
In India even women are full of patriarchal attitudes.
Men are not encouraged to do home chores.
If he cooks he is regarded as lesser male!!
My aunts and uncles laughed and mocked at my father when he learnt how to cook in the absence of the maid and mother.
He was a single parent and did all that a mother does for her children.
But the aunts and uncles doubted his abilities.
I don't think they would have doubted it. They probably wanted him to get another wife.
0:55 maybe the female stewards got the job because 1 it was what she wanted, 2 she happened to have a lesser education score? Do you think they both didn't have to work very hard for their positions?
How do you think men who want to use make up, paint their nails, use lightening creams etc are viewed by women and the society? In a very bad way....but why isn't it an issue until its the other way round. This is a disturbing bias. We suffer same fate in different ways.
Yeah if Men wear Dress they are called Cross Dressers but Wmn while wearing jeans are not 🤷
First of all you need to specify where do a woman lives to know if she has equal rights as men. If she lives un north América, Europe or Australia the answer is simple: she has equal rights and opportunities. But any woman living in África, South America, Asia or The middle east does NOT have equal rights nor opportunities. That's it.
The only thing stopping you is you.
All these opportunities, and she chooses to smoke
That was funny as fuck. had me laughing my ass off
At my grans house me and my brother like sitting on the floor in front of the tv as my gran has a very nice fluffy carpet (As normal kids do) but she always says to me to sit at the table and be more ladylike (my brother is 3 years older so technically he should be more mature!) it really annoys me every time. This is just one example but she also does a lot of other things like this and it’s so annoying! She also says stuff like, help me in the kitchen and do the washing up, you shouldn’t play football because you’re a girl.
Banyana Banyana, the South African 🇿🇦 female football team play a much better game than Bafana Bafana, the male team. You'd have to degrade the women to het them equal to the men. 😊
The only thing that is different from women and men is women don't have a sad limpy thing in between their legs.
They bring up the excuse of porn far too much, and fail to focus on the importance of parents teaching their sons even the rudiments of ethics and empathy.
Whenever ethics and empathy have to be taught, there is a far wider problem, the undermining of the natural social fabric. Personally I think this was ripped apart long, long ago. Perhaps when religion began but I can't be sure.
Men have plenty of empathy. Men work very hard for the benefit of women - their wives.
Women do not get payed a third less for the same work... what a load of bollocks !!!!
If men and women are equal, why not combined the sports leagues? Where are the female chess and Billiards players?
There are female footballers.
USA women's team suffer 5-2 loss to FC Dallas' U-15 boys | Daily Mail Online

Apr 7, 2017 · The USA women's football team were convincingly beaten by a team of adolescents in a embarrassing defeat for the world champions. They lost 5-2 against Dallas Under-15s.
British female football team, it's all over the news and has been in TV all spring & Summers even David Beckham was in the attending the female football match. It all over the media. And by the BBC is a British channel if you want to complain about things in America complain to the American news channel.
@@jadepixie2719 that makes total sense, thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding
Because the same behavior grants boys the word "leader" and girls the word "bossy." Because society brings up women to be quiet, meek, and caring, so their leadership qualities are never fostered. Why do fewer women ask for a raise? Society tells them not to ask for things. It starts so early in life. Only when we adapt our cultural norms will opportunities for women be truly equal to men. Laws help, but they're not the only factor.
Women like you are a bunch of self-entitled brats. No one is discouraging women from asking for a raise, that is your own damn fault if you don't assert yourself. Quit blaming men and society for everything and take some responsibility for once.
Actually, I'm quite successful in my career. Not everyone argues for things because of their own situation.
So, you two are trying to tell me little girls and little boys are brought up in the exact same way?
Girls, in Western Europe you can just claim your freedom. In UK, I always walked whenever, wherever and no one dared to get in trouble with me. It could be because I can't be bothered to be feminine: no shaving, no bras, no sweet attitude, no high heels etc. Au contrary, I walk in such a way than I make men move out of my way.
Also, at work/ with friends/ with guys, I don't compromise on my rights. If someone dares to breach my rights, I speak up and even get aggressive, if it's the case.
i would think bras/binders can make one appear more masculine rather than without... Did you just let 'em hang...? I'm a woman too but I imagine that'd be uncomfortable, no? D:
for reference I also hate appearing feminine.. I don't wear makeup or anything like that.
@@loreelaiii it's uncomfortable on the beginning, but then it isn't. First time when I tried to go braless was before the pandemic, when I had to go into the office. Then yes, it was painful. But during the pandemic I worked from home, got used with them hanging and now I find the bra painful.
@@chopper1lady Fair enough!!
I am not sure about the feminine aspects, that is personal choice. But your attitude is spot on. It is nothing new that successful women I have known and worked with are direct, organised and uncompromising (as you note yourself). I have also noted that many successful women do not share this vision with other women. It is a sweeping statement but successful women are not afraid of successful men, they are often more concerned with successful women. I admire your speaking up, always important but few do. If anyone doesn't speak up then they can't care enough. Great input - thank you.
In many countries women are luckily to even be considered second class citizens. But we all should remember who cared us in their womb's who incubated us gave us what we need for life. Who heart beat nurtured us in to the begins of who we.become later. Even with the fathers lot love on top it helping our through late pregnancy giving us. Both love. Our mother still the assentle part of all of us.
What stands in the way of the BBC being equal to other TV corporations?
They dont have the deep pockets like nbc and abc
"A woman is expected to..." "Women are represented as..." "Women don't often..." "Women aren't given..."
Bruh. Don't give a fuck about what they expect, represent, or are given. Do what you want. Just don't expect others to support it or pay for it. It's literally not complicated.
But it is because if we don’t do something right we get in trouble
And we can’t do things with out getting judged on it because we should not do it but if we do do it we get in a lot of trouble
+vera k "LETS THEN together believe you are oppressed and unprivileged here. poor men, you have it so hard :(" and here we have your answer to the question why so many men have an issue with vids like this one.
Your view sums up nicely the feminist perspective: "men's issues (which are very real as detailed my stats on male homelessness and suicide) aren't my business, but women's issues should be EVERYBODY'S business!"
And then you express astonishment that I called you arrogant? lol, you're hilarious!
Wow you sound so desperate for a girlfriend.
A woman’s place is where she chooses And society shouldn’t have to tell who does what and where they should be
That bugs me. Guys give girls compliments that make them seem like they want one thing. Girls like compliments like 'you're beautiful' not 'you're hot'. We girls are not temperatures. We aren't dressing to get attention from you. We dress to feel confident about ourselves.
@ dskmb3: no she does not, but I will 2nd what she says. Not once did I ever go out with a guy that tried to pick me up with any line referring to my looks. Now the guys that just came up and started talking to me without mentioning anything about my looks, they got my attention. The reason for this was because the guy was obviously interested by simply coming to talk to me. Men that rely on these cliche pick-up lines are trying too hard and for the women it does come out as "I want to fuck you". Duh, you do. But try treating me like a person and not some body you want to fuck. Tell me I'm beautiful, but don't tell me I have a nice ass or nice tits and then be, "you wanna go out with me now". We women have been taught from a young age that men only want 1 thing. And you know you taught us that: our fathers, our grandfathers, brothers, male cousins, etc. in their way of trying to protect us. So any compliments that treat us like a piece of meat (T&A) rather than a human as a whole will get you nowhere; at least not the good women.
Therefore wearing tight bikinis and short shorts tight skirts you’re wearing to “feel” confident?
Nice try!
Women that wear tight clothing do it for attention.
Until women start asking men out on first dates, they are not equal.
As a fifty year old, obese man, it’s proving to be practically impossible for me to secure a playing contract with a premiership football club...where’s the justice in that? ⚽️
Men and women are equal but different
In the west they are already equal if not superior for at least a decade or two
There is a glimmer of hope that men and women in the comments disagree with this video. How about we start putting families and children first instead of this penis envy crap. Just be you stop trying to change biological and physical realities of the world.
Boys: walk around with only shorts on.
Everyone: that’s fine it’s hot out anyway
Girls: walk around with a tube top and shorts.
Everyone (mainly other girls): oh my gosh what is she wearing that is not appropriate
because we don't have tits dipshit
@@ceoofcringe6296 You know that tube top is for your breasts.
I look forward to the day when the minimum wage is the same for men and women, when women are allowed to own property, when women can vote, when women can travel freely without male consent and escort, when women are allowed to attend universities, and when women are allowed to divorce their husbands, if they so desire.
Fun fact: if a woman ever pulls out a knife on you just bring out some bread eventually her female instincts will take over and she will make you a sandwich
I bet you 2 are as fat as this m.ua-cam.com/video/6A_Xh80z5CY/v-deo.html
I am a women with knife, wanna prove this fact with me
Two people can never be equal. Two groups can never be equal. The greater the difference between the groups, the greater disparity in equality. That's not to say we can't have equal opportunity, but if you think that will lead to an equal outcome, you are wrong.
Jesus! The level of ignorance demonstrated in many of the comments here is astounding!
It baffles me that any thoughtful person could possibly view feminism as something that is unnecessary or out-dated? Or something that is only a women's issue?!
By eschewing feminism you are disregarding the entire feminist movement in all its gruesomeness that occurred WITHIN THE LAST 100 YEARS!
blanket Why are you so triggered? You don't even have any care to listen to objective opposition, usually someone who points the finger is really the one to blame, same case here.
The British 'rape culture' which is also evident in many British universities is also a worrying feature of our society. The fact that jokes about rape have become acceptable is horrendous. Here is a great example: www.theguardian.com/education/mortarboard/2014/jan/27/rape-culture-campus
Women can wear what they want. Lulu. You can wear skirts and trousers without getting funny looks, us boy's can only wear trousers without getting hate.
Incoming lies about the non existent wage gap.
You probably look like this m.ua-cam.com/video/9rg0OgsjsuQ/v-deo.html
Looking at the comments it's as if a lot of guys have nothing better to do than to write vague and senseless messages under feminist videos picking out completely irrelevant points to make themselves feel superior. Feminism is the equality of all people and this video only addresses one particular area. I understand that there are issues in society for both men and women but writing posts claiming that feminism (especially in the west) is pointless and that men are biologically superior in every way is just plain immature. So to everyone who is doing these things please stop trying to big yourselves up, and if you have a valid point, please express it in a more mature and sophisticated way. Thanks :)
That's true I agree that's an issue as well. Fathers should get the same divorce rights and be able to stay at home and look after kids without being looked strangely upon. We need equality on all sides
***** ^
Read the other comments I wrote about equality, I understand that many 'feminists' do not stick up for men's rights but I know that the ones who do are representing the true values. I would describe myself more as an egalitarian because I understand that feminism has a lot of shit associated with it but at its heart I agree with its core ('dictionary definition') so I am also a feminIst, and a 'manist'. Just some food for thought: what if, because of physical superiority, men have always been able to dominate from the start until it became so engrossed in all cultures for men to lead and work and have opportunities that this way of being society became the total norm? Perhaps the women you know are weak selfish shallow sexist stupid deluded and destroyers of the family unit but the ones I know are most certainly not. Yours was just the type of comment I was referring to about being hateful and angry -have you been hurt by a women recently because you seem to have a lot of anger which is genuinely concerning. I found the 'dysfunctional children' part upsetting because it sounds like a deeper and more personal issue. I'm sorry if you are hurting or angry :( Mark Graham
+Emily Barber Well said! You put into words what I was feeling while reading the comments :)
Thanks! :) Afshan Afzaly
What stands in the way of women being equal to men? Nothing.
One word answer?
A: Religion
hello fellow Bolshevik, when do we start the mass killings?
the religion of sexism that is used against both women and men
Especially Islam, which is still being romanticized by the way
"...how much you want it to happen..." Or better, what is fair and right and inalienable for any gender.
I am disappointed, thought he was to be asking the experts the tough question, opinion isn't that useful, i had expected to see empirical data presented to add to the narrative
how many feminist does it take to change a light bulb?
they need a man to do it becausd they are to busy complaining about the wage gape
I bet you look like this m.ua-cam.com/video/6A_Xh80z5CY/v-deo.html
I loved the last sentence, and I couldn't agree more with it...
No two people are equal never mind genders.The whole concept is incoherent.
Single parents, men or women, suffer the most in a society full of stereotyping of gender roles in a patriarchal system.
Society and relatives pity and gossip but never assist.
The first one was doomed to sexism because she lives in Africa where men have extremely more power