Covid 19 Situational Assessment, Risk Landscape & Possible Solutions, Daniel Schmachtenberger

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @RebelWisdom
    @RebelWisdom  4 роки тому +21

    3:00 - Bias & anticipation - acting without all the knowledge.
    5:00 - Situational Assessment - The risk of quarantine v’s the risk of doing nothing.
    Addressing the difference between COVID19 & the general flu.
    11:00 - Breaking down and understanding testing/ spread and statistics around it.
    13:10 - 1 person as a super spreader in Korea. The way the virus moves in different parts of society.
    16:10 - Other reasons to slow the curve - treatment development
    19:25 - Immunity -
    Is immunity a thing? What we know & don’t know.
    How is this likely mutate?
    27:00 - Secondary Effects - if the health impact on individuals is first order - what’s the second?
    Medical system - how will it cope, what happens when hospitals are at their limits?
    Training not just for medical but for first responders, police and national guard - plus the need to protect critical workers, in the food and energy supply chain.
    34:00 - Compounding Effects.
    Flood season & wildfires - how do you manage a virus within natural disasters?
    Voting & election management
    Economic management and impact - both as individuals, states, countries & global
    38:00 - Geo-political Impacts
    Epidemiology of the virus spread
    What happens when Corona hits India?
    US/ China relations - China is at the front of the curve. Now they are leading the aid to other countries. Conversely - the US is in a vulnerable position. How will this impact security and economic predatory activity?
    45:00 - The impact of short-term measures on fundamental freedoms - Fast sensemaking and what that means.
    48:00 - Is quarantine worse that the disease itself? Short answer - NO.
    Frame control theory
    51:00 - Proposal of action -
    1) Total nationwide quarantine - Everyone that isn’t societal frontline worker, stays home - we need a radical shift. With strict levels on vulnerable communities.
    2) All frontline workers have gear & training to protect them.
    3) True Economic support for all from government.
    4) Full focus on development and distribution of a broad range of tests for everyone
    5) Come out of full quarantine to a “smart quarantine”.
    If followed properly - this could go from 1-5 in 6-8 weeks.
    6) Vaccines & Treatment
    7) National Security
    1:10 - Duplication of efforts.
    1:11 - Existential Risk - Maybe this will be a first-hand experience of what it means to be in a big deal risk situation.
    The dangers of status bias/ positivity bias.
    Fragility & efficiency + Impact

    • @elusivepastry
      @elusivepastry 4 роки тому +1

      "compounding effects" should be "confounding effects" :)

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому

      Thank you!

  • @kevingarywilkes
    @kevingarywilkes 4 роки тому +21

    One of the most pessimistic, depressing, and sobering takes on this outbreak.

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому +3

      There are 2 kinds of people:
      1. When they get more information, they feel less anxious and sad and can think more clearly and make good decisions
      2. When they get more information, they feel more anxious and sad and can not think clearly or make good decisions
      Which one are you?

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому +1

      @@DarkMoonDroid why are there only 2 types?

      @DIVISIONINCISION 4 роки тому +2

      @@Saffron-sugar 3. When they hear this new information, it confirms what they already knew, so there is no emotional response nor change in decision-making.

  • @paulpeele8387
    @paulpeele8387 4 роки тому +26

    I find I seldom agree with every idea or perspective offered even by the most brilliant and sophisticated thinker. At the same time I always learn a great deal by hearing from them. This is an extremely interesting and instructive video.

  • @Vinylistapore
    @Vinylistapore 4 роки тому +16

    Daniel is just incredible. I’m now having to rethink many of my positions on this issue.

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому +1

      I don't think positions are necessary. Only preparedness.

  • @earthgirl0225
    @earthgirl0225 4 роки тому +3

    A preventive response by governments as well as by their citizens should have happened when China's major cities were put on lockdown. A very small number of countries who did so have a relatively low number of cases until now.
    I live in one of those, Taiwan, and would like to share how decisions have been made here. It comes a lot to planning and thus what kind of procedures are in place in case of an outbreak.
    Step 1: The virus has been reported to WHO by China on December 31st. On the same day, Taiwan's health OFFICIALS were sent to the planes landed from Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak for onboard quarantine to identify those who had symptoms and quarantine them.
    Step 2. A delegation of Taiwanese experts was sent to Wuhan finding out that China's government doesn't disclose much data which gave another reason to prepare for worse (precautionary method in place).
    Meanwhile, the status of Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (a special emergency group, not a national CDC) was elevated and the center activated its plan.
    Step 3. The export of masks and other preventive supplies was banned. And the industry increased the production of that supply getting soldiers on board to help with mask production.
    Meanwhile, due to China continuously block Taiwan from entering WHO as a country, there's no much choice left. Taiwan relies on its own research and academic international exchange. To the times when China needed days to get test results, Taiwan was doing that in 4 hours with the same precision (I know Koreans have been doing those for 15 minutes but the precision is much lower).
    Taiwan was weeks ahead of other countries and cities to take the situation under control and during the last 2 months, the reported cases here were only 50 roughly. Only during the last few weeks, the cases had been increased drastically up to 298 in total, 90% of which is due to those who traveled to Europe and North Africa recently and so brought the virus home from there. The border has been closed to all foreigners (except for residence cardholders) once the cases of those who traveled to those regions had an increase.
    I’m not mentioning that testing is free here and the hospitalization is almost free as we all, who reside in Taiwan, have universal healthcare. I’m also not mentioning the flexibility and speed of new rules and laws coming into places such as heavily fining or jailing (not a real case yet) those who don’t follow quarantine’s rules and many other examples. You can read those in the international press; it has been well covered.
    This is just a brief description of the response that has been implemented in reality and mainly based on the procedures scientists would do. It isn’t perfect but it is worth researching. The minister of health and welfare here is a renowned doctor, the one who answers most of the questions from the press live while communicating the situation to the public twice a day. Accompanying him, the main 4 officials (the core of Central Epidemic Command Center) who are working on the front line of decision-making are also medics. In this emergency setting; the president of Taiwan has no power to reject their decisions, the competency comes first.
    P.S. I (Irina) tried to reach Daniel several times via email and Facebook. I'd be grateful if you pass that to him. Many thanks.

  • @intrograted792
    @intrograted792 4 роки тому +25

    Looks like you got Daniel up early for this. What time did you record? 2pm, 3pm? lol
    I imagine Daniel's been pretty busy of late. Thanks for taking the time to weigh in on this for a general audience. And well done, Rebel Wisdom, for getting him to agree to talk with you.
    Much gratitude to you both.

  • @oldnepalihippie
    @oldnepalihippie 4 роки тому +11

    Such a cohesive and contemplative summary of the situation. Only 688 views. Fight over TP, millions of views. So what does that say about the herd?

  • @swingset1969
    @swingset1969 4 роки тому +18

    At this point, it would have been economically more sound, and logistically easier to just quarantine all at-risk people for 6 months. Throwing our economy in the trash, and shuttering millions of businesses seems like the worst possible reaction to this, given the potential number of deaths.

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +6

      Agreed. Shut the borders and protect the vulnerable. Unfortunately it seems these two concepts are outside our current Overton window.

    • @jolima
      @jolima 4 роки тому +4

      Did you watch the video? E.g Herd immunity not clear, side & long term effects, collapse of health care systems if curve is not flattened...

    • @emilylowrance7930
      @emilylowrance7930 4 роки тому

      people are gathering despite the quarentine.

    • @gatherfeather3122
      @gatherfeather3122 4 роки тому +2

      Even if you would quarantine the at risk people right now, that wouldn't be enough anymore. The healthsystem would still be overwhelmed with all the oh-so-healthy people

    • @lilaschwarz1236
      @lilaschwarz1236 4 роки тому

      @@jolima At the moment, health-care systems are not overwhelmed by the ill but by the extra measures they have to take for people without symptoms. After all, hospitals were short of staff and drowned in burocracy even before.

  • @hermitthefrog8951
    @hermitthefrog8951 4 роки тому +2

    "Extremely smart fast sense-making and coordination is needed."
    And who exactly should we trust to do that? Tedros? Fauci? Birx? Gates? Musk?
    Not only "no", but "HELL NO".

  • @Omnifarious0
    @Omnifarious0 4 роки тому +5

    We need to coordinate with Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, not just the UK. We absolutely need to strengthen our relationships with our allies in Asia. And we need to strengthen their positions.

  • @minimaxx21
    @minimaxx21 4 роки тому +2

    What about the people in slums in e.g. India, the Philippines or sub Sahra Africa. What could "rich countries" ACTUALY do to help those who cannot help themselves?
    Many thanks!!!

  • @earthgirl0225
    @earthgirl0225 4 роки тому +2

    At 31:48 "2 to 21 days are asymptomatic", this statement is not accurate. It's very rare to have symptoms after 14 days of exposure, 97% of infected have those within 14 days. The rest 3% need a bit longer time, the longest incubation period has been registered not up to 21 days but up to 27 in Hubei, China.

  • @leizagato
    @leizagato 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you for providing such a clear and holistic framework for everyone to understand the complex dynamics we are facing and how hard but possible and beneficial it can be to respond appropriately.

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому

      What a bunch of word soup to avoid the obvious conclusion that if we had closed the border in time there would be no panic.

  • @zwatwashdc
    @zwatwashdc 4 роки тому +4

    Wow, this is so alarmist. The cure seems so much more destructive than the illness.

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому

      This is entirely subjective.
      Most of the people who watch this channel are probably put more at ease by this kind of analysis. Not alarmed.
      Please speak for yourself.

  • @shobvious
    @shobvious 4 роки тому +7

    Excellent video, wish we were seeing more of this on a broader variety of channels, and less repetition of a few out of context points that only confirm our status quo bias. Will be looking for more like this, thank you so much, lots of food for thought!

  • @williammaxwell2239
    @williammaxwell2239 4 роки тому +8

    Beware of technocrats with global management solutions. IT IS much bigger than Us humans, may WE learn
    to Dance.

  • @veda1166
    @veda1166 4 роки тому +1

    I have never felt so depressed as I do right now listening to this 😢 My poor children.

  • @Saffron-sugar
    @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому +3

    I feel that Daniel Schmachtenberger's points of view are very well thought out and put together. As he points out, he is not a medical doctor. His not knowing the difference between a ventilator and a respirator or intubation equipment and a ventilator, makes that immediately clear. - "people on intubation" which should be people on a ventilator who have, of course, been intubated-. Endotracheal intubation has many side effects, but being on a ventilator (especially long term) is the real issue.Many people are just intubated in emergency situations. A respirator is something like a face mask used to keep the wearer from inhaling hazardous materials, they are not "built" whilst a ventilator is a machine that assists breathing.
    He says flu is "not that fatal"(tell that to the 200,000 to 600,000 people worldwide who die of it every year). For example, in 2010 about 800,000 were hospitalized for flu in the U.S. I'm not saying that COVID-19 doesn't have potential to get worse, I'm saying that Mr. Schmachtenberger would not know.
    He has no medical knowledge. Mr. Schmachtenberger was homeschooled as a child and then got a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Mathematics from Maharishi (that's the guy the Beatles followed around until they decided he was a fraud) University of Management and earned the title A.B.D. in Counseling Psychology at Body Mind College. Maharishi is an accredited college, but it only has a few accredited courses. I don't know if the "title" A.B.D. is supposed to mean artium baccalaureus degree (Bachelors), but Body Mind College is not accredited anyway. *
    My point is that Daniel Schmachtenberger does not appear to be more qualified to talk about a COVID-19 than anyone else who is well read and informed on the matter. I am not sure how much microbiology, epidemiology and virology was covered in his "Science in Mathematics" Maharishi degree. However, as a medical professional, I am concerned that many unqualified people are taking it upon themselves to "educate" people and (unintentionally) doing more harm than good. Is that responsible?
    The rest is "what-if" scenarios that might occur in the face of any Pandemic and has nothing specific to COVID-19. Interesting though.

    • @MFLimited
      @MFLimited 4 роки тому +1

      Saffron Sugar, There are millions of people online like this guy, pretending to be experts. Makes me cringe.

  • @Its_RichieRich
    @Its_RichieRich 4 роки тому +3

    Sobering evaluation. Thanks for the straight talk.

  • @DarkMoonDroid
    @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому +1

    There are 2 kinds of people:
    1. When they get more information, they feel _less_ anxious and sad and can think more clearly and make good decisions
    2. When they get more information, they feel _more_ anxious and sad and can not think clearly or make good decisions
    Which one are you?
    Good epistemology now requires us to hold the possibilities and probabilities in an open hand and resist the closing of the hand around any certainties.
    Design your responses to be appropriate for both the worst and the best.
    And never sacrifice your Good Will for anyone or anything.

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      you posted this as a response as well

  • @neptune24242
    @neptune24242 4 роки тому +1

    Crucial information and perspective. Super Intelligent. Huge wake up. Very sobering.I truly hope we can ramp up to his recommendations.

  • @oneworldonehome
    @oneworldonehome 4 роки тому +11

    "Humanity is at the threshold of great global change, world change on a scale never seen before, caused now by humanity’s misuse and overuse of the world, by human ignorance and human greed. It is a condition now that will affect the lives of every person. Though few are yet aware of it, it is a global emergency. You have changed the chemistry of the atmosphere, of the waters and the soils. And now the world is changing-changing so rapidly, so dangerously, changing now in ways that will affect you more than you realize."
    "You are entering a new world-a world of environmental change, a world of violent weather, a world that is unpredictable, a world that will be unbalanced, with great political and economic difficulties. Nations will be shaken by revolution, and national economies will fail. It is the outcome of many forces at work that have been at work for some time. The wise can foresee this. For everyone else, it will be a great shock-the shock of the future. Do not look upon this as a great tragedy or something to avoid, neglect or deny, for this has your name upon it. You were sent into the world to serve the world under these conditions."
    A few quotes from The New World, one of the books from The New Message from God, given now to aid in the salvation of human civilization during the times of the Great Waves of Change. The covid-19 is one of these Great Waves that are beginning to crash at our world and creating a global crisis that will affect all peoples and all nations. I invite you to explore this New Revelation and the warning, the blessing and the preparation that it provides for each individual that is willing to study it with an open heart and mind. To read or listen it's many books for free, please visit *newmessage-org*

    • @oneworldonehome
      @oneworldonehome 4 роки тому +1

      @Winston Smith Esq "At this threshold, humanity is facing the prospect of living in a world of diminishing resources, facing the impacts of environmental destruction, of global warming, of violent weather, of pandemic disease and Intervention from forces beyond the world who are seeking to take advantage of human weakness and conflict for their own purposes."
      I was quoting The New Message above and the pandemic virus is one of the Great Waves of Change that it speaks about. Explore the link if you wish to learn more.

    • @EchadLevShtim
      @EchadLevShtim 4 роки тому +2

      This seasonal virus is just a catalyst for implementation of the NewWorldOrder and the one world Currency. Bill Gates tells us the nanochips will be in the vaccine.

    • @Charlie-zp2se
      @Charlie-zp2se 4 роки тому

      @@EchadLevShtim citation needed

  • @kkman4053
    @kkman4053 4 роки тому +10

    Such a clear and eloquent communicator.

  • @candacesimpson4500
    @candacesimpson4500 4 роки тому

    This was an interesting watch 6 months later. I liked learning about what perspectives Mr Schmactenberger had at this point and how it stacked up to the lived reality.

  • @earthgirl0225
    @earthgirl0225 4 роки тому +1

    At 1:06:00 Regarding the drive-through testing, I understand why you are praising this system; it's most likely because of its speed. However, the Korean testing system is well-known to be less accurate. There is a higher possibility of "false positives" or "false negatives". Once the general screening is performed, the test result of asymptomatic infection is highly likely to be negative, and it may become a breach of epidemic prevention. It's the main reason why in Taiwan where there are only 306 since the middle of January is not doing this limited fast screening method.
    A 1% false-positive rate would make 2970 out of 297,000 uninfected people diagnosed and they will be sent to the negative pressure isolation ward. With only 1,100 negative pressure isolation beds in Taiwan a medical overload will occur, and it will be crowded by people who are not sick.
    We have to pay more attention to the numbers and accuracy when speaking of testing systems.

  • @johnmadany9829
    @johnmadany9829 4 роки тому +5

    Incredible compilation of insights Daniel! Thank you for posting this!

  • @MarkusBohunovsky
    @MarkusBohunovsky 2 роки тому

    Oh man, listening to this and comparing it to what actually happened, is like comparing a university course by a nobel laureate to what happened in the sandbox during playtime at Kindergarten, when Jimmy realized that Johnny had a bigger tractor...but without the cuteness.
    It is just mindboggling to realize where we are really at, in terms of sensemaking and coordinated action potential, at this point in history.

  • @Orthodoxi
    @Orthodoxi 4 роки тому +3

    Sent a prayer for the comfort of God to surround you and help guide you Daniel.

    • @samvearing7692
      @samvearing7692 4 роки тому

      Send him a cape and crystal ball while you're at it.

    • @Orthodoxi
      @Orthodoxi 4 роки тому

      Sam Vearing instead I’ve sent a special prayer for salvation to you Sam Vearing. If you find yourself in trouble ask for help from Jesus with a sincere heart and you will get help. May grace and mercy find you.

    • @laz0rama
      @laz0rama 4 роки тому

      @@Orthodoxi so i guess all the folks that already died and suffering don't/didn't ever pray?

  • @jontakaki503
    @jontakaki503 4 роки тому +3

    One of the most interesting discussion l have heard so far on this topic.

  • @kbeetles
    @kbeetles 4 роки тому +3

    Thanks for you both for this thorough analysis of the situation! Pretty dire picture though..... we are well and truly exposed to the unknown.

  • @rckindkitty
    @rckindkitty 4 роки тому +2

    Very well thought out; one can only hope that more Americans take such a thorough and nuanced position on the subject. Thanks!

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому

      Only a certain % will. The rest become _more_ anxious when they are given more information, not _less._

  • @arashplz
    @arashplz 4 роки тому +3

    useful analysis. thanks so much for giving clarity

  • @LKRaider
    @LKRaider 4 роки тому +2

    Quarantine the old and the weak, keep children away, prepare normal hospital beds for 20% of the population and 5% of ICU out of those. Promote social distancing and cleaning procedures but keep the economic adults active, don't disengage your whole economy, it is not worth it.

    • @gatherfeather3122
      @gatherfeather3122 4 роки тому

      Have you calculated what 20% and 5% means? How could that be done in a timeframe that would be faster than the spread of the virus? My guess is: you'd have to start several years ago

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      So, 1.5 BILLION hospital beds? With what staff? Are you just talking about the USA? 20% of the U.S. population is 65.4 Million people. Honey, no. The U.S. is panicking about the idea of 200,000 deaths and 1M hospitalized by COVID-19. And where are you going to get 16.3 Million ventilators if 5% of the U.S. population was in the ICU ?

  • @johnellis3040
    @johnellis3040 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you, thank you guys. God bless

  • @marks7522
    @marks7522 4 роки тому +7

    Overall an interesting and worrying talk from Mr Schmachtenberger. However at 56mins he states "viruses don't give a shit about borders". If those borders are closed then how does the virus transmit? I find it so difficult to understand how a clearly intelligent man such as Mr Shcmachtenberger can make such a statement! Viruses clearly do respect borders, ask Russia, Singapore, China etc! Recent cases in Hong Kong are the result of people returning from Europe, when previously the outbreak was largely contained. To argue that borders are not an effective way to control the spread of disease in dangerously inane.
    He goes on to say that "National governments cannot respond to pandemics". Also total BS! He spent much of the previous hour describing how national governments can respond to pandemics and the consequences if they don't. This man, for all his expertise, has swallowed the globalist cool-aid and will drag us all down with him if we don't wake up.

    • @DraugUlfrMetal
      @DraugUlfrMetal 4 роки тому

      Sorry, but you are taking two sentences totally out of context.

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +1

      @@DraugUlfrMetal Sorry, but I am not.

    • @JoelChristophel
      @JoelChristophel 4 роки тому +2

      @@marks7522 The point in that viruses don't give a shit about anything. Viruses don't give a shit. Do you argue otherwise?

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +1

      @@JoelChristophel Can I summarise your point as "things which are unable to give a shit are unable to give a shit"? The point that Mr Schmachtenberger is trying to make is that borders cannot prevent the spread of disease. This is incorrect.

    • @_clipstock
      @_clipstock 4 роки тому

      Mark S I think he is making the point that borders only matter if the border first takes into account transmission. Closing borders is one of many ways of addressing transmission.

  • @bluegalactic
    @bluegalactic 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you for the good sense making.

  • @susan174
    @susan174 4 роки тому +2

    A calm, clear-sighted narrative. While our circumstance could devolve into Steven King’s The Stand (unexpurgated version), this interview lays out constructive approaches to the multilayered challenge we now face

  • @willwalthamforest8706
    @willwalthamforest8706 4 роки тому +1


  • @earthgirl0225
    @earthgirl0225 4 роки тому +1

    At 17:45 Not only in Italy; in France, more than half of the coronavirus patients in intensive care are under 60.

  • @danielleconroy
    @danielleconroy 4 роки тому +3

    This is such good information however while I am sending it to everyone I know and posting it on my social media accounts - I am concerned that people to not want to watch 1.27hrs, even though it is SO worthwhile.....for some of us our media saturation point is already overridden - any chance for a condensed version please?

    • @LynnRoseWOW
      @LynnRoseWOW 4 роки тому

      i agree! (and then can point to this longer one - perhaps even a soundbytes/highlights reel that gets folks to then choose to go deeper!)

    • @altonbailey9702
      @altonbailey9702 4 роки тому +1

      Lol, we live in a world where people can scroll a single feed on a social media outlet full of all the same drivel for an 8 hour day, but can't sit and listen to 1.2 hours of important content.

    • @LynnRoseWOW
      @LynnRoseWOW 4 роки тому

      Alton, your point is well taken but it’s the paradigm of how folks operate these days and this video of Daniels is so important to see and understand. Praying we don’t need to reach the extreme ripple effect potential he lays out but grateful for his perspective & foresight in all this.

    • @altonbailey9702
      @altonbailey9702 4 роки тому +1

      Lynn Rose I can agree with you. Just think it’s a sad state of affairs. Thanks for your input

  • @claireemma4516
    @claireemma4516 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much. I appreciate all the work you've done throughout your life to be able to synthesise this much knowledge/information and share it with integrity. Cheers.

  • @marykochan8962
    @marykochan8962 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you Rebel wisdom. You guys have knocked it out of the park with this.

  • @learningthroughdoing1641
    @learningthroughdoing1641 4 роки тому

    The data of 50% of those in ICU in Italy under the age of 60 is not something that is appearing here - where did that come from? Testing is still poor here and therefore death rates are higher than elsewhere.

  • @cfcreative1
    @cfcreative1 4 роки тому +1

    Well done. I think a positive is we are given a break to evaluate or re-evaluate.

  • @digitt2
    @digitt2 4 роки тому +2

    A clear concise summary of Where We Are at this moment in time.

  • @brookestabler3477
    @brookestabler3477 4 роки тому

    Would it be so horrifically bad for the US and UK to lose the geo political dominance they've held in the world for a while?

  • @user-by8pu5bx1x
    @user-by8pu5bx1x 4 роки тому +14

    I'm a simple guy, whenever I see Daniel Schmachtenberger, I click

    • @alexandria5758
      @alexandria5758 4 роки тому +1

      Same lol

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +3

      You publicly celebrate your own simplicity, well done.

  • @robtdocher8051
    @robtdocher8051 4 роки тому +3

    there are sttill far too many variables to be in anyway certain what the outcome of this will be ...but this guy is the most depressing yak ive heard -. speculative worst case scenarios are raising anxiety levels wwide

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому +1

      Speak for yourself.
      Worst Case Scenarios help many of us organize our thoughts and actions better so we spend less energy and time fearing improbables and distracting ourselves with impossibilities.
      Go back to watching Walt Disney movies on Netflix.

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому +1

      The man knows nothing about medicine. Nothing about medical equipment, procedures or statistics. Many people are thanking him for knowledge he does not have. Imagining what could happen (with ANY pandemic actually) is basically the same as writing science fiction. If the rest of his knowledge is as amateur as his medical knowledge, then he is just some guy who knows how to google talking shite in his living room.

  • @kachapah
    @kachapah 4 роки тому +6

    Human activity has not been in harmony with nature. We are also viruses of sorts. Our consumption is unprecedented. Great video. Keep up your great work!

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +1

      Utter nonsense. Are we not nature?

  • @rgt4848
    @rgt4848 4 роки тому

    I'll have to listen to this again and take notes.

    • @gregutz4284
      @gregutz4284 4 роки тому +1

      No need. He's talking about worst-case scenario.

  • @pilartamtam
    @pilartamtam 4 роки тому

    Would like to hear what you think about this interview two months on. What about Sweden and Great Britain? The Imperial College peace that is referred to wasn't peer reviewed. As GB decided to take a different path after that piece came out, Sweden decided not to take drastical measures and did not go into lockdown. No catastrophy there, as far as I know. Countries like Italy, France and Spain had the strictest shutdown and the worst outcome in Europe. How come? Germanys shutdown came after the curve had already reached it highest point. Now we know giving the patients oxygen masks instead of putting them on ventilators is more effective and a lot more that went wrong on the medication side. I think sensemaking went wrong here and sorry Daniel as much as I like what you usually say and think. Hearing that talk two months later your different approach does not translate and only reflects common mainstream thinking. So nothing new or different here. You talk vaccines that once ready will genetically modify our immune system and that is great as far as I understand combining this with man made climate change which is horrible. May I suggest you get out of your own bubble from time to time.

  • @basscataz
    @basscataz 4 роки тому

    I wonder if he has an opinion on who will be better able to scale up quickly, countries with free(ish) market healthcare or countries like Britain with their NIH and Canada?

  • @kjaze
    @kjaze 4 роки тому

    What about casualty figures adjusted for concurrent serious health conditions?
    What about the fact that our current germ theory couldn't withstand in Germany's Supreme court?

  • @ernestberry-songsrestored5637
    @ernestberry-songsrestored5637 4 роки тому +2

    I think from this we can understand exactly where this Chanel comes from. He blinded me with science..Bill gates is god for sure ..

  • @antonyliberopoulos933
    @antonyliberopoulos933 4 роки тому

    Thank you Daniel and David.

  • @matthewshorney268
    @matthewshorney268 4 роки тому

    We do now have effective mass quarantine in the UK from the government through shutdown of non essential private businesses/forced working from home. There is no official lockdown because of generally high social compliance with social distancing and the worry about police and army being more exposed.

    • @gatherfeather3122
      @gatherfeather3122 4 роки тому

      Doesn't look like a lockdown for me... We'll have to see during the next weeks what kind of lock down we need. Especially after letting it ascalate so far... and with such a poor healthsystem like the UK unfortunately has...

  • @cynanomite
    @cynanomite 4 роки тому +5

    "China's Private sector" @ 46:05. Oxymoron much?

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +3

      @@runethorsen8423 All land in China is owned by the state. CCP is evil. Is this western media propaganda?

  • @veda1166
    @veda1166 4 роки тому

    So basically we are completely fucked! Absolutely no hope.

  • @jhonnyfromme2109
    @jhonnyfromme2109 4 роки тому

    A really good show thank you.

  • @markdaoust4598
    @markdaoust4598 4 роки тому +1

    At 1:20:00, what does he mean by “dozens of catastrophic weapons, that are easy to produce, and are in the hands of non state actors”

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +1

      he doesn't define this, it's a shame the interviewer isn't curious to ask.

    • @gregorymoats4007
      @gregorymoats4007 4 роки тому +1

      I interpret that as socio and psychopathic rogue actors capable of globally disruptive actions

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому

      @@gregorymoats4007 meaning what?

    • @gregorymoats4007
      @gregorymoats4007 4 роки тому

      Mark S it’s fairly easy to fill in the blanks. I’m going to leave it to you to do your own homework. I’ll give you one free: computer hacking

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому

      Are you unaware of what happened after Glasnost?
      The Soviet nukes were smuggled off and sold to the highest bidder. They're everywhere now.
      In addition, the kinds of nuclear weapons made now, by the U.S. at least, that are not necessarily of the mushroom-cloud type are loaded with enriched uranium and can be used at any time on anyone. Not necessarily by "noble" young American people who are "risking their lives for their Country" but by "Contractors" who are just working for the people who pay them the most (That would be the American Tax Payer). Who knows whether or not they are actually using, storing or selling these weapons to outside bidders? But be realistic. They prolly are.
      Did you not know this?

  • @thisdoesntseemphysicallypo3969
    @thisdoesntseemphysicallypo3969 4 роки тому +1

    Really respect Daniel, but this just hasn't aged well

  • @Duritahish
    @Duritahish 4 роки тому +2

    The blind spot of Rebel Wisdom is becoming very apparent these days. You’re in your head! ❤️ You need embodied wisdom, feminine energy. This overrepresentation of rationalism and facts gives me a headache.

    • @ryandavis6660
      @ryandavis6660 4 роки тому

      Rationalism and facts have there place, current circumstances require such discernment...grounded in embodment. Might you share what you mean by femaine wisdon? Kind regards Ryan

    • @Duritahish
      @Duritahish 4 роки тому +1

      Ryan Davis
      Feminine wisdom lies in feeling in to the greater balance that is arising as a result of the C virus.
      Also, being aware that you are always projecting your own shadow on to any circumstance. Seeing it through your own lens of previous experiences.
      When we are talking about catastrophic possible outcomes, we are in our heads.
      Discernment is also knowing that you do not need to talk on end about things that you have no control over. You will see more of what you focus on.

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      the facts are mostly wrong here. So, there is no real wisdom either feminine or masculine. Women are not irrational and full of lies. To say that rationalism and facts is masculine is to say that women are all nuts and/or incapable o functioning in the world. That sounds like misogyny Ryan. Sancta Sophia

  • @GuidetotheBuddhistPath
    @GuidetotheBuddhistPath 4 роки тому +1

    Perhaps an opportunity?

  • @NancyLebovitz
    @NancyLebovitz 4 роки тому

    It's something to see someone who's that much better at reasonable worrying than I am.
    The one point I'm dubious about is the possibility of a rise in Chinese power. I think they're going to get re-infected and they're not going to have a lot to spare for belt and road.

  • @terry4137
    @terry4137 4 роки тому +8

    It is the end of the world as we know it, or knew it!

    • @chrisneedham5803
      @chrisneedham5803 4 роки тому +1

      Sounds as though you are correct in your assumption. It's worse than I thought

    • @SpikeTFA
      @SpikeTFA 4 роки тому +2

      And I feel fiiiiiiine

    • @kjaze
      @kjaze 4 роки тому +3

      At every moment, it is the end of the world as we know it.

    • @gatherfeather3122
      @gatherfeather3122 4 роки тому

      And the beginning of a new world! Very much looking forward to it! But that's easy to say from Ireland, in self-isolation, relying on income from software industry and working from home...

  • @ruthie2222
    @ruthie2222 4 роки тому +1

    Now I’m scared 😪

  • @jacobckhippy
    @jacobckhippy 4 роки тому

    Love the new outro David

  • @TheRrxing
    @TheRrxing 4 роки тому

    If this man would have had the presidential seal behind him during this video we would not be in the horrific mess we are in now. V neck T and all! It’s hard to listen to his common sense and productive ideas knowing all that hadn’t taken place so far today. It’s actually quite disgusting.

  • @dukballa8214
    @dukballa8214 4 роки тому

    Expert to unknown rain shine or cloud one for sure

  • @mikesmith22050
    @mikesmith22050 4 роки тому

    A sharp analytical guy and he’s probably right about quarantines as “we are where we are” now, but for such a great brain he doesn’t want to talk about where it came from or why and am I the only one who gets an uncomfortable feeling when the phrase “a meaningfully decreasing population phenomena” and Bill Gates get mentioned in the same presentation?

    • @gatherfeather3122
      @gatherfeather3122 4 роки тому +1

      This is not a time to be comfortable, right? ;)

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому +1

      Answering the questions of "Who benefits?" does not necessarily = knowing who/what is causing this. It's a possibility. Not a certainty.
      Good epistemology now requires us to hold the possibilities and probabilities in an open hand and resist the closing of the hand around any certainties. Design your responses to be appropriate for both the worst and the best. And never sacrifice your Good Will for anyone or anything.

  • @lambertronix
    @lambertronix 4 роки тому +1

    interview vinay gupta

  • @marcusallen1567
    @marcusallen1567 4 роки тому

    But who is going to make these changes to the rules that go against larger and larger market forces? A politician?

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому

      If he were in the position of advising governors and rulers, his recommendations make sense.
      But what can the average person do besides make a run on Walmart and buy up all the toilet paper?
      I, too, see a bias in this group towards governmental, top-down solutions. People who Think Big tend to do that - leaving the rest of us to deal with reality. I don't think he necessarily believes that politicians are going to save us. But I think he sees what the best solution is if they actually did want to do what is right....
      ...which they don't.

  • @hermitthefrog8951
    @hermitthefrog8951 4 роки тому

    You totally lost me at getting *all the celebrities out to tell everyone* .......

  • @gregutz4284
    @gregutz4284 4 роки тому

    We're not testing everyone, so how are these numbers at all valid?

    • @gatherfeather3122
      @gatherfeather3122 4 роки тому

      I believe the most accurate numbers are the deaths. Although they are following 2 weeks after the case numbers.

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      they aren't

  • @martinpeppe79
    @martinpeppe79 4 роки тому +1

    3D printet respirator could schale

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      @Timothy Newitt Ventilators! Respirators are face masks to protect from infection. A ventilator is a machine that breaths for a person. I know this David guy kept saying respirator, but he got all of his medical terms and statistics wrong. He's clearly spreading his ignorance. Splitters? Not sure how people could share a ventilator unless they were using the exact same settings. I suppose they could compromise if they had similar settings. Respiratory therapists nightmare.

  • @josaelizondo6773
    @josaelizondo6773 4 роки тому

    Y'all did it. :]

  • @petrahilbig9434
    @petrahilbig9434 4 роки тому

    47:30 > extremely smart fast sense making and coordination....😱
    Germany is definitely f...ed 😖

  • @istvantoth7431
    @istvantoth7431 4 роки тому +3

    Waow, the guy has his head screwed on properly it sounds...

  • @JonathanNation
    @JonathanNation 4 роки тому

    The one disappointing thing in all this is a lack of defining "Quarantine" ... This term is different to different people, and he even used modifiers on it at times. This shows a lack of clarity.
    Other terms I've heard in society are:
    Stay at home order
    Soft Quarantine
    Hard Quarantine
    He requests a national Quarantine then basically in the next breath talks about all the people who are going to work out of necessity, so which is it?
    For clarity & sincemaking ... I wish that definition would have been stated early on because the one you use throughout really changes the meaning of the whole video.

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +4

      Yes I agree there is confusion in his position. at 56mins he states ""National governments cannot respond to pandemics" yet also praises China's response earlier. Also at 56 mins he says "viruses don't give a shit about borders" yet what is quarantine if not the imposition of borders? I think Mr Schmachtenberger is hostage to unstated political assumptions which severely undermine his otherwise insightful message.

    • @iloveanthonyhill
      @iloveanthonyhill 4 роки тому

      Mark S I think the point about responding to pandemics he makes is about the need to cooperate as a global unit, to transcend national level intervention and sensemaking. My interpretation is that this still includes national level intervention and sensemaking, and so if this is done well, great, it will make a huge difference - especially if the country is a big as China, Ultimately though it’s not enough to stabilise the global system.

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому

      @@iloveanthonyhill I agree with how you describe his point, and it is this point that I disagree with. It is this very idea that has contributed to the woeful response in Europe. Transcend national level intervention? Better to act as nations and take practical steps like border controls. Stabilise the global system? It is the global system that will spread the virus.

  • @rikardstevvon3618
    @rikardstevvon3618 4 роки тому

    17:44 Half of them are under 60. How many are in the age 50-60?

  • @Miketrt
    @Miketrt 4 роки тому

    Wow, I'd be changin' the name stat.

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому

      Too late.
      Many people have already memorized the spelling.

  • @marccas10
    @marccas10 4 роки тому +2

    Don't wish to comment bomb but I am so angry about this! The Chinese wailed about America and Europe (more slowly) stopping flights. So I imagine that the Chinese would now bee cool with as many Northern Italians flying in to Beijing from tomorrow? No they won't because they are not mug$!

  • @christunnock2719
    @christunnock2719 4 роки тому +1

    I hope Daniel 's sniffles were not indicative

  • @TheCjbowman
    @TheCjbowman 4 роки тому +2

    Sobering content to be sure...

  • @naughteedesign
    @naughteedesign 4 роки тому +1


  • @terryobrien9846
    @terryobrien9846 4 роки тому

    While he's wrong about the Australian fires, and wrong about China, this remains one of the more common sense publications on CLOVID-19 currently on the internet.

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      wrong about medical procedures, medical terms, medical statistics, medical history..........

  • @joedirt431
    @joedirt431 4 роки тому +1

    turning into a cult of free thinkers, interesting

  • @jasonshaw7590
    @jasonshaw7590 4 роки тому +1

    Haha super spreaders, a bit like the super predators hrc mentioned a few years back.

  • @rajahSufiji
    @rajahSufiji 4 роки тому

    I have lost all respect for daniel for not naming the right wing disinfo campaign that began with the president. Shame on you.

  • @shobvious
    @shobvious 4 роки тому +4

    "Then it could be a meaningfully population-decreasing phenomena". Nice framing dude. It's OK, you can say it.

    • @gregorymoats4007
      @gregorymoats4007 4 роки тому +1

      Indeed. I do not say this as a snark or otherwise, but when he said that I immediately thought ‘survival of
      the fittest is really real’. Even as an empathic and compassionate person I fully realize the capacity of ‘nature’ to unleash its full fury on humans in the most cold dark and killing ways...

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому

      ​@@gregorymoats4007 Indeed. I'm glad you put "nature" in quotes.

  • @EchadLevShtim
    @EchadLevShtim 4 роки тому +4

    I never expected Rebel Wisdom to jump on the media narrative. Sorry, Unsubscribed.

    • @RebelWisdom
      @RebelWisdom  4 роки тому +14

      You are an idiot. Goodbye

    • @kkman4053
      @kkman4053 4 роки тому +3

      @@RebelWisdom forgive them because they do not know

    • @matthewrichmond4139
      @matthewrichmond4139 4 роки тому

      Not only will the likes of you kill many people, but you are ignorant beyond words.

    • @marks7522
      @marks7522 4 роки тому +10

      @@RebelWisdom great argument, I see your personal growth has really paid off. What an example for all of us.

    • @gregorymoats4007
      @gregorymoats4007 4 роки тому

      Rebel Wisdom thank you! Ha!! That’s my favorite thing to say to people when I’ve politely had enough. The look on their face is priceless...except I don’t say goodbye. I just stand there until they leave...

  • @kkman4053
    @kkman4053 4 роки тому

    I wonder how it will affect obese America?

    • @matthewrichmond4139
      @matthewrichmond4139 4 роки тому

      4 from one obese family in NY already died if that gives you any indication.

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 4 роки тому

      Hyper-glycemics will have a greater risk of infection.

  • @naughteedesign
    @naughteedesign 4 роки тому

    China did not do a good job at containing this.

  • @Alex-gu5ei
    @Alex-gu5ei 4 роки тому

    Veeery waffly. Too long

  • @avatarofenlightenment386
    @avatarofenlightenment386 4 роки тому +1

    Typical academic: can only ask questions. Useless discussion.

  • @rawgarlic9234
    @rawgarlic9234 4 роки тому +1

    So many scary unknowns! brrr Doctors, priests, sjamans and gurus all feed of the fear for the unknown. The freemason triangle in the logo is not a coincidence it appears.

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      I do not "feed off the fear of the unknown". Wow! I'm just a person, trying to take care of my patients and either maintain or improve their health to the best of my ability. I go home, eat dinner, watch Netflix. I'm not part of some mythical dark side of the force.

  • @jtulley2839
    @jtulley2839 4 роки тому

    THIS GUY for President ! GOds Judgement on Trump and his false Christianity :)

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      I mean, just like Trump, Daniel Schmachtenberger talks with authority on subjects he knows absolutely nothing about, thinks he understands science and medicine when he gets everything wrong but knows his base is full of dumb dumbs who won't bother to fact check anything he says. From false Christianity to fake Science. No thank-you

  • @MarioSpassov
    @MarioSpassov 4 роки тому

    Guys. Seriously. I've been enjoying following your discussions. But now is not the time for trivia. Get to the point. There is no time for hour-long musings and scratching of tongues. If people don't sync their collective efforts to build new ways of communicating more effectively, of reducing complexity, of helping each other now, we might not get the chance to do so anytime soon. Come up with strategies how to distribute intelligence and unify. Like yesterday.

    • @amybaccellini5438
      @amybaccellini5438 4 роки тому

      Proper nonence a outbreak pandemic always attacks the children babies with fatality none have caught it that's all a scientific fact he's a schill

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar 4 роки тому

      It's worse than that. He's spouting fake medical info and statistics in the midst of all the blathering. Very irresponsible.

  • @sentryogmixmaster
    @sentryogmixmaster 4 роки тому

    so you are going to try to sound like a legitimate source of some sort of information...but you can't take 5 minutes to shave, comb your hair and put on a decent shirt at least. fear mongering speculation for attention right here.