@xAntiformsorax Oh, I used the command Break Time. :] I melded it, but you can get it (HELL OF AN EASIER WAY) at Disney Town at Pete's Rec Room (At the pinball area). :3
@Artist13Namine xD It is one of the coolest commands in BBS. XD I used RemoteJoy lite. I would explain how I installed/used it, but I'm a pretty lousy teacher so I'd recommend you watch a tutorial, cause you won't be able to get it if I taught you how. XD
@xAntiformsorax You're always welcome. :]
@xAntiformsorax Oh, I used the command Break Time. :] I melded it, but you can get it (HELL OF AN EASIER WAY) at Disney Town at Pete's Rec Room (At the pinball area). :3
@Artist13Namine xD It is one of the coolest commands in BBS. XD I used RemoteJoy lite. I would explain how I installed/used it, but I'm a pretty lousy teacher so I'd recommend you watch a tutorial, cause you won't be able to get it if I taught you how. XD
@YungxKizzy Actually, victory pose triples the experience you get after defeating the unversed. :)
@Luisinthehouse Victory pose triples the experience you get after defeating the unversed. :)
@YungxKizzy oh my bad. Spelling error. What I meant to say was...*clear throat*
@TheStarsAreWatchingx i dont understand........my jumps are too low.......AND IM USING HIGH JUMP!
@YungxKizzy Yep. :) There's a video about leveling up faster using Ven. I would post the link here, but YT wouldn't let me. Sorry XD
wwooooahhhhh somebody likes to breakdance!!!
SWAG ven is my new favorite gangster :3
@Artist13Namine its curaga + renewel block i warn you tho theres only a 20 percent chance of it working
@nudae777 Are you sure you equipped it? Or maybe you equipped both jumps (Is that even possible? lol sorry. It's been a long time since I played BBS)
wow :3
@TheStarsAreWatchingx yea high jump is eqquipted....and you cant get high jump twice...ive tried
What does Victory Pose do anyways? :o
@nudae777 Have you tried leveling up high jump?
ahaha ven.. he is amazing :P
What this? Cico vs Roxas
@xAntiformsorax Do what? :D