Salam from Riyadh. Removal of old films can be annoying but it is what it is somebody has to do it anyway counting man-hour put in to the job. What's the best way of cleaning the glue while preserving paint condition??
Waalaikumusalam…Yes, this job is very annoying, but we have a way to open it by using hot steam and to clean the remaining glue we use Tar Glue brand thinner which is safe for car paint.
wow such a great job my friend, makasih uda berbagi ilmu
Mantap terus semangat berbagi videonya saudaraku👍🙏👍
Goog Job bro
How to removed expired paint protection film
Good job friend
Hadir nyimak sobat semoga selalu di sehatkan di tambahkan rejeki Nya sukses selalu aamiin
Sehat selalu
Very nice video that I love ! Thank you for sharing its with pleasure . I don't know how to pain my car yet . Happy week to you !
Assalamualaikum hadir selalu dengan kerja yg fantastis dari si abang
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, makasih sudah berbagi ilmunya dan informasi nya sobat 🙏👍
Tutorialnya sangat bagus dan bernanfaat
L 24 harus telaten dan sabar buka dikit dikit dipasang dilepas lagiii ...semangat
Woow goood niche uncle
Kerja yang bagus kawan top
Great job 👍
Great job 👍 keep it up!
Waw Keren sskalai❤❤
Assalamu'alaikum sukses selalu ya bg
terimakasih udah berbagi vdeo cara membuka peindung cat mobil yang sudah expired
Sehat selalu,dilimpahkan rezeqi❤
Terima kasih Mas🙏🙏❤
Mengganti PPF body mobil.. pekerjaan yang membutuhkan skill yang baik 👍
keren dah kerjaan nya
Like 8
Salam from Riyadh. Removal of old films can be annoying but it is what it is somebody has to do it anyway counting man-hour put in to the job.
What's the best way of cleaning the glue while preserving paint condition??
Waalaikumusalam…Yes, this job is very annoying, but we have a way to open it by using hot steam and to clean the remaining glue we use Tar Glue brand thinner which is safe for car paint.
@@Worldecor we're using steam for removal and MA FRA deca flash tar remover to remove the remaining glue