I personally believe that the PDA is going after Amos Miller strictly because he is Amish. The Amish and Mennonite communities were very successful in handling the C@vid mandates and medical treatments on their own. See a story that was presented on Full Measure in July 2021. The Elites are going after the last independent communities. Are there any Quakers still around? They were protected by the Constitution, too. Notice that no one seems to be addressing the importance of Miller's faith.
I remember reading this in H.S. ... wasn't it something like, "Brave New World", "Animal Farm", Fahrenheit 451" ..? In any case there are inmates running the asylum in the great state of Pennsylvania 😮
@@jedi9935that began with the removal of the germ which caused malnourishment in thousands of people. It made bread absolutely nutritionally worthless. What they do now instead is pump it full of artificial chemicals to try to add nutrients back in. It's disgusting.
The problem with Amos Miller is Swift and other packing company monopolies. Plain and simple. I grew up on barnyard processed food. NEVER GOT SICK FROM IT. Of course my father was careful. He ate the same food I ate. Commercial processed food vs Diabetis. Well when I was 16 years old it was a rare condition. 60 years ago. Yep better living through chemistry. Need more of it. Basically what learned from my 22 years in the military. Everyone is capable of making a mess. It also takes a college education to cause FUBAR conditions. The problem as I see it. Colleges and universities. They no longer graduate people who know how to think. They graduate those that know what to think and round file those that don't regurgitate. BUT to really understand why this is the current wanted conditions. You need visit the USVA near you and just watch.
The State of Pennsylvania (private for profit corporation) has no jurisdiction what-so-ever anywhere outside the District of Columbia and as soon as people discover they have been tricked into believing these private for profit corporations masquerading as government bodies, the sooner we can get back to operating this Grand Nation as a constitutional republic.
They've been trying to control food supply 100% and they don't even want you to grow your own food in your backyard now. Overall goal set in place decades ago was to control the food the weather the animals etc you control the masses completely. This is not a new agenda, they just hid it under something to appear as something else. The usual tactic
Bill Gates has been buying up farmland in the U.S. He owns more than anyone. And remember he wants you to eat bugs, not beef. That’s what this is about. Control of the food supply.
If you control the food you control the people. Backyard gardens are even being targeted in certain places already. Makes sense they go after the Amish known for their independent living away from government control as much as possible.
That judge must have known he was going to ignore all evidence and side with the oppressors, and just didn't want common sense onlookers to revolt in the court room.
The government should be the ones who are on trial. They are the ones who need to be investigated for their allowing to be put in our food. This is outrageous!
everybody likes to say it and post videos and watch videos about it but no one seems to be standing to even give a 10% fight! we are headed to the stage of being too late very fast!
It is outrageous! They didn't even provide the evidence in discovery that was required, which was the lab test results, of which the entire case relies upon. They also didn't require that at least 1, if not 2, 3rd party, impartial and unrelated labs, collect the samples and conduct all testing and provide it to the court. The tests were conducted by individuals within the Dept of Agriculture that are biased, at minimum, in that it is their case that they are bringing forth. And they took personal liberty, instead of following the law, as required, which is to provide the evidence to the defendant...."because they [unilaterally decided] that it was more important to prepare their 'defense' for the trial." Sorry, you don't get to decide if you feel like providing evidence or not prior to the hearing or trial. I feel like the judge should have thrown it out, if his attorney could have pressed for that, by filing a motion to compel the evidence prior to the hearing. They admitted publicly, at the hearing to the judge, that they deliberately withheld the lab results. They had them and didn't submit them to evidence to allow themselves to "prepare" and the opposing counsel to not be able to review or prepare?? Doesn't sound impartial, it sounds like the case waa brought due to targeted discrimination of some kind or ulterior motives that have no legal standing or bearing to allow a case to be brought to the court. It sounds like false charges of endangering the community and as a result his livelihood has been forcibly stripped and now his land.....despite the fact that their biased testing proved they were wrong. AMOS MILLER NEEDS JUSTICE. American farmers need justice.
@@lindab3630 the laws went out the window a long time ago. If people dont start waking to see whats really happening we are in deeper shiz then ever! they are stripping all farm lands! they have even started saying they are banding home gardening! they want to band meat farms, chicken farms, pig farms ect ect...are you seeing the pattern and were its going? meanwhile they are promoting lab grown meat! insects sales for food consumption... do you think this is the least of the bigger problems? we havent seen nothing yet but people are still sleeping everything is being swept off and taken 1 thing at a time! soon we will own nothing and be happy as they said and they MEANT IT! we are not at war with other countries we should be at war with our own government and their leaders! "Elites" all over the world! ASAP
Yes I know that and it’s still not nice what the ( government )agency is doing to Amos. Anyone who want food without stuff inside it . Should take notice.
Oh I agree. A little off topic. Did you see the BS with the VA? One of the most iconic photos ever. Sailor kissing nurse. Was ordered to be removed from…basically everything. The head of the VA said it was non consensual. So it wasn’t appropriate in 2024.
Unfortunately, the family farms from Spain to The Czech are fighting this in addition to even more outrageous things from the EU's Stalinist Green New Scam that is destroying their ability to stay in business. Videos of their wild protest are all over UA-cam.
Especially when Interrnational and U.S. Billionaires are buying up farm land urgently ( started just beforee Covid). Meanwhile Politicians and Bureaucrats are making it hard for farmers to stay in business. Just a "coincidence" of course.
I see this all the time but it will never happen in reality. They can lock you up in jail for whatever they like and they can take your kids away for whatever reasons the fabricated
@@Z3nHolEminD Definitely. It doesn't change the outcome though. I've personally had my life ruined by these frivolous accusations and charges. Judges are corrupt as hell
this had been happening since the 60s. NJ the garden state has been the poster child for over regulating and over taxing farms in to ruin. Having raw milk is a bigger crime than heroin injections
Keep up the good fight, this is not important, is vital. Without food independence, we are all slaves. Farmers are under attack in the entire Western world. May The Lord give you the strength needed.
totally agree it is time to stand up and be counted it is coming the government is giving it citizens and farmers no choice. The tyrannical government has reached the limits of over reach on its citizens and farmers .
@@kathleenstichter9600 Of course it is tyranny! Tyranny is the goal of the Luciferian global elite. They tell us that we will own nothing, and we will eat bugs. That is tyranny! The COVID response is tyranny. The fake climate crisis narrative is tyranny. Throughout history, the tyrannical have always disguised their tyranny with a false sense of 'caring'. Slave owners and royals argued that the people under their tyranny would be lost without them. Nothing has changed.
People are scared little kids so afraid they’ll loose something they will never own and then let the government take it still doing nothing sheep sheep stupid weak sheep
No harm No foul. No victim No crime. Cannot charge, that is a violation on their part. He would be able to sue each one of those "officials" PERSONALLY.
Are you serious? They just put a former President through a case where there was no victim, everyone profited including the state and city and all are paid in full. 350+million dollar fine.
It’s absolute BS!!! Government messing with an Amish farmer. They don’t even have a damaged party. It’s just “we know what’s best for you peasants.” It’s like “so doctor. Why are heathy teens and 20’s having a bunch of heart issues now?” Well, we have no idea. Oh I see here you are due for your 68th booster.”
@@backwatersage Something about the permit in that state violates his clients rights in some way, that's why he said he did not purchase one. Not sure what the permit does, but I'd like to know.
so they withheld evidence formthe courts and the defendant, isnt that cause for a mistrail, or dismissal with predidus, ;like, oh we have a bunch of evidence and scientific documents but no we arnt goignto provide them tot he grourrts, evenw hen they requested all documents
so much biased and misleading activity by PDA, yet the judge upheld their injunction. Government shall not be opposed when deciding what citizens will eat. That's not Constitutional. It only gets worse from here under the Just Us system of Lawfare.
Praying for Amos miller and his family. I'm in Australia and this could happen here or anywhere else in the world. We are all in this together wherever we live. Blessings to all
PA here. Standing behind Amos. He & his Atty are appealing & I pray they fight until they win. Even if this goes to the SCOTUS. We have every right to eat & buy the food we want! My body my choice!
@@karensmith4336oh, you don’t know Amish very well then cause they will fight to their death if their in the right which Amos is!! They are the strongest willed individuals on earth!!! I grew up with the Amish in North Central Ohio
I've been buying more and more foods from my local Amish and Mennonite farmers. It's so much cleaner and healthier than anything I'd get in my local grocery stores. Tastes better too. Plus, the better eggs I was getting were cheaper, even during the egg gauging period.
astridgalactic9336 My nephew is a milk farmer here in rural upstate NY. Guess what he can't sell? Take a wild guess. You think this is an Amish issue? Ask housewives like me why we can't sell ferments, baked goods, or any other edible. The Amish in my town have been lucky. I buy pies and pickles from them sometimes. If I sold that I'd be in jail.
The Governor should intervene and drop the case. The Governor could pardon the Amish and fire the PDA lady who seems out of control. Let the Amish alone.
ROFL... this is PA we're talking about here. Home of Philthy?? Governor is as corrupt as they come (from eastern PA) and it is HIS PDA who is pressing the issue. Only recourse is for the Amish to join everyone else... and leave PA. It's why population is shrinking in PA. Corrupt.
Why should the Amish get a free pass none of the honest English farmers get one there is a reason the Amish won’t follow the rule is they can’t prove his organic claim sorry we the English farmers say that the Amish should be treated the same as we are
The judges "stay" decision is without any merit, therefore he betrayed truth. His ruling is treasonous to justice, and should be held liable financially for it and more.
The unconstitutional acts of those in seats of authority today is appalling. If only treason was still against the law. Seems its the go to these days, to commit treason for money in their pockets cause there is nobody stopping them. How to get justice when the justice system is corrupted...🤔 seems our founders knew the answer yet to stand against a tyrannical gov today is considered treason an act of T and the msm of course for a paycheck like cops will defend the evil corrupt politicians over the people and their oath to protect them and the constitution. Something is going to give and it won't be pretty.
So whats your plan just go no regulation of any kind. Then you get poisonous snake oil stuff. The money needs to be removed from the equation to prevent incentives to convict. Return the law to moral and ethical. If this is only about a permit but chose not to get it. There probably should be a valid reason. That said their goal is to remove private farm businesses. How else can they themselves poison our food?
He's been providing these products for years without anyone getting sick from it. I don't believe a case should be allowed when no injury has occurred. Also, inform the customer the products are made of raw milk, then let the customer decide if he/she wants to consume it. We don't need government to make decisions on what we can eat. The government wants to decide whether we live or not. If ALL food is under their control, they can cut the supply off and starve people just to decrease the population.
The government can decide to jab us and make us eat bio engineered food without specifying what it contains but anything just as God made it isn't good enough... SMH
I am praying for the Judge. Hopefully he will throw the case out. The judge should fine all agencies. Give a hefty warning to all agencies to stop this attack on Amos.
@LookAtYoSelftell me where or how to become a member please. I’m on Amos Millers side and the side of the members whether or not I buy from them, it is the expansion of the government and it’s agencies that is wrong, goes against the spirit of the US Constitution and foremost the freedom the choose for each of us.
Meanwhile I can't get a Deputy out to my place to file a report and investigate a break in and burglary. Must have been a bum, because they raided our fridge, used our microwave, dropped a baggie with a nugget of weed, and managed to find $400 cash before they realized somebody was asleep in the front room and they escaped. We know it wasn't someone in the family because there were huge boot prints leading up to a window, and muddy prints left all over the kitchen and counter where he climbed in.
That is unprecedented and outrageous behavior with the note taking. The judge should be sanctioned for that. He also does not get to "pick and choose" who is and isn't media.
I thought so, too. There is too much happening in this case all at once and you can be sure that other judges will follow suit unless The People say "Enough".
People have been drinking milk for cows and goats forever without the government helping in any way. Myself My mom who is in her late 70s and my whole family have always drank what the government calls raw and we are doing just fine.
Obviously this is not about them worried about our health they are worried about us being food independent.. Food independent = healthier population and less money for the big corporations across the board..
pretty obvious raw milk is not bad. And by the concerted effort of these minions, what's become obvious is that raw milk is better for us than what they have legalized and prescribe. They're ready to outlaw potent herbs because people are learning their benefits. These agencies are attacking anything good for the population, because they want to control everything and I sense it's all for nefarious reasons.
I grew up on the family dairy farm and always drank our milk with nobody ever getting sick. Testing was required with every bulk load of milk picked up. If at any point there was something wrong, you had to buy the whole load of milk, so that was even more of an incentive for cleanliness and care into producing a quality product that was safe for consumption. We were constantly cleaning and sanitizing everything, flushing lines and equipment after each use, undergoing inspections, checking herd health, etc. We weren't allowed to sell our raw milk to the public, but it never stopped us from letting friends and family have fresh milk if they wanted. I don't believe Mr. Miller wants to get anyone sick, only give people the option of being able to purchase whole food products with no chemicals or antibiotics added that I believe themselves make people sick. This is another bureaucratic agency looking for recognition and flexing their political muscle to bully and control someone who they don't like. People had better pay attention to this because next they will be raiding people's gardens and chicken coops if these actions aren't rejected.
Gumint doesn't want us to be healthy. Only the rich and gumint creatures are allowed to eat the best food so they think. We want healthy children and we adults also want to be healthy, we are hardworking people and deserve the best food and drink.
Time to get off our ass and do something not just hope God will stop letting innocent peoples rights get trampled. Time to remover the us government as it it a traitor to the people and clearly an enemy
@@milahu it only lasts as long as people obey the illegal demands. Had someone had the guts to drag the regional newstation camera crew in there LIVE, under protest, that demand would have been overturned. Sunlight scatters roaches.
Good farmers keep their livestock healthy because healthy livestock are more profitable. The US government and the corporations and billionaires running it are not farmers - they don't provide health care, they don't provide functional education, and now they're banning you from even attempting to provide yourselves with adequate nutrition. They don't want you profitable, they just want you weak, disempowered, ignorant, and scared.
I will be 80 years old this year, I was raised on products bought directly from farms, milk, eggs, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, vegetables, with no ill affects. My kids were also raised on farm fresh items with no ill affects. The government has overstepped our freedoms of choice and the citizens need to step up and take them back. Ray
The KNOWLEDGE this farmer has is priceless. No matter what the outcome, that knowledge of his method of this organic food craft must also be protected & preserved.
This is not out of concern for us, the public, but out of a centralised political wish to control the food supply. We must support the Amish. Our back garden produce will be next.
BINGO! Her charges are frivolous and vexatious, a waste of the Courts time! Mr. Miller should be awarded Millions for unnecessary stress and Loss of Sales! Obviously every State in the Union has to adopt the Maine Farm Gate Sales Policy along with ALL Canadian Province's! The tyranny of BiG BoX Phood Oligarchs has too be crushed! Farm Gate Sales and Markets go back to the Beginning of Time and are still much in practice in most of the World!
Somebody needs to start holding these judges accountable. Same thing these courts did when they threw Trump docs out and helped put Grandpa Biden in office. It’s such an embarrassment. These judges need to be put on trial for treason!
Those who live in Pennsylvania and support Mr. Miller need to write to all of your legislatures. Write to the governor. Write every week, or even every day. It can be the same message each time, just copy, paste and send. Overwhelm them with so much email that you crash the system. Once you do that, send letters by regular mail. If you keep this up, they'll have to either side in favor of the Amos Miller Organic Farm or face removal come election time. I used to live in Pennsylvania (Clearfield County and Bucks County). I'm in upstate NY now. I'm willing to write. Who is with me?
That would be my thought also. His lawyer needs to sue for his loss of income since there were no complaints for the justification of investigating him in the first place.
It's not about law , it's about control. Control the food control the natives. Remember how the American Indians were extinguished? Slaughtered millions of bison and handed out infected blankets. Biological warfare has always been their go to remedy when they want to steal a people's property.
They will just claim qualified immunity in some way and not let you sue. Even if you do sue and win it gets overturned on appeal because of qualified immunity. People need to stand up and get that off the books for when they make a intentional or unintentional mistake against someone. If you are in the wrong you shouldn't be shielded by your job you should actually be held to a higher standard.
Thank you young lady, for a very mature, fair and informative presentation without all the drama and opinion. This allows people to listen to facts and determine their own opinion on the matter. Praying for Mr. Miller that true justice will prevail.
We don't need to ask the thieves in government to feed each other. The FDA is poisoning us and we pay them to allow toxic ingredients. We don't need these people to regulate anything.
Yes. We pay Corporate Food Industry. With Subsidies. 😳. Our Tax Dollars. Then we pay again in the Supermarkets 🤔. Add the 2 Together it is More Expensive than Organic that gets NO Subsidies. And the Uneducated Public are Uneducated to. The Fact.
Ehhh, at least you choose not to buy crap if you don't like the ingredient list. If it was a free for all, I wouldn't eat anything from someone I don't know. The lady down the road sells her "farm" eggs at local markets where I live, and they look great in the package, all cute and farm-fresh. But she lives down the road from me and her place is a dump, and the chickens live in filth.
It's a problem of laws. As stupendously asinine the actions of Dept of Ag, law enforcement, and the judicial system are, we need to change the ridiculous laws and policies that are driving these actions.
This case needs to get appealed up to the supreme court, as this is a violation of his 4th amendment rights, the other people's 1st amendment rights, and a blatant disregard to due process. Failing to provide copies of all evidence used in a case prior to the court date is legally an automatic disqualification of that evidence from being used in the case. If they were having such a hard time preparing for the hearing, then they should have requested an extension before proceeding to trial.
This seems to be endemic of today's courts - happened in new zealand when a case was brought against Liz Gunn - withheld evidence from LIz's attorney until shown in court all elites following the same playbook!
This is so concerning on so many fronts. Big Government is trying to control what goes into our foods, and when a reputable dairy producer who offers "raw" options to his members they are trying to shut him down. The next step is shutting down your private gardens. Any producers of local products. If this is allowed pretty soon we will only be "allowed" to eat food from manufacturers that we have no idea where the food comes from. Or what is put in it before buying it.
Hey it's already starting all over the place they're trying to outlaw chickens and small dairy farms in goats you're not allowed to provide your own food anymore because the corporations own the country and if you don't think so ask Bill Gates
That’s exactly what President Trump warned us about years ago. “They aren’t coming after me, they are coming after you, I’m just standing in their way” Donald J Trump
They have been after us forever, from the time Democrats wanted slaves till now they are ruling us to death. The government has too many laws and rules for anyone to live a good life anymore every time you turn around they have a new rule. They are ruling us to our deaths, rules rules and more rules for anything you want to do. The land of the free, make me laugh.
So, even after being shown that the PDA withheld evidence, a violation of defendants rights, the judge maintains the injunction? The case should have been dismissed with prejudice. THIS IS A CORRUPT JUDGE!
most farmers stand opposed to greasy sleazy con men like miller... this however is hilarious.." In a filing Monday, Agriculture Department lawyers wrote that Miller’s efforts to have the case dismissed are based on “a barrage of facts that are not alleged in the (lawsuit) and a litany of conclusory statements of law that fail to provide any cogent argument.” " moron can't even make a valid argument to the courts
@@iLumberjack get sober if you engage in commerce you are subject to regulation on the commerce of those good.... go on try buying or selling anything and not pay tax on it
It makes one ponder the fact that it looks like the Gov is afraid of self-sufficient Americans.......i stand with Amos...wolves not sheep...gid bless 🇺🇸
You can't make people hand in their notes, We The People ARE ALL the PRESS. That's our 1st Amendment right ! This judge should read the Constitution and the bill of rights.
That case should have been dismissed at several points for violations of transparency and lack of evidence. A Common law also demands there be a victim that suffered injury or property damage. If neither exists, there is no crime.
Please join my newsletter so we don't lose touch!: bit.ly/ShepherdessNWSLTR
I personally believe that the PDA is going after Amos Miller strictly because he is Amish. The Amish and Mennonite communities were very successful in handling the C@vid mandates and medical treatments on their own. See a story that was presented on Full Measure in July 2021. The Elites are going after the last independent communities. Are there any Quakers still around? They were protected by the Constitution, too. Notice that no one seems to be addressing the importance of Miller's faith.
Is there a fundraising account for this man? Is he getting help with court cost?
I remember reading this in H.S. ... wasn't it something like, "Brave New World", "Animal Farm", Fahrenheit 451" ..?
In any case there are inmates running the
asylum in the great state of Pennsylvania 😮
Acres USA has been fighting this fight for decades. Look them up. One of the most important organizations on the planet.
If people in the govt really cared about food safety, they’d stop allowing glyphosate, chlormequat, and neonicotenoids on our food.
Round up ingredients
But this way they can control the population
Our Wheat alone is a pile of poison.
@@jedi9935that began with the removal of the germ which caused malnourishment in thousands of people. It made bread absolutely nutritionally worthless. What they do now instead is pump it full of artificial chemicals to try to add nutrients back in. It's disgusting.
And lead laced cinnamon now...
I’m so glad Robert Barns is there for Miller Farms. This is such a travesty inflicted by the state of Pennsylvania!
Fbi garland
@@icydawn4257 Merrick Garfinkel is a top jew...
The problem with Amos Miller is Swift and other packing company monopolies. Plain and simple. I grew up on barnyard processed food.
NEVER GOT SICK FROM IT. Of course my father was careful. He ate the same food I ate.
Commercial processed food vs Diabetis. Well when I was 16 years old it was a rare condition. 60 years ago.
Yep better living through chemistry.
Need more of it.
Basically what learned from my 22 years in the military.
Everyone is capable of making a mess.
It also takes a college education to cause FUBAR conditions.
The problem as I see it. Colleges and universities.
They no longer graduate people who know how to think.
They graduate those that know what to think and round file those that don't regurgitate.
BUT to really understand why this is the current wanted conditions. You need visit the USVA near you and just watch.
The State of Pennsylvania (private for profit corporation) has no jurisdiction what-so-ever anywhere outside the District of Columbia and as soon as people discover they have been tricked into believing these private for profit corporations masquerading as government bodies, the sooner we can get back to operating this Grand Nation as a constitutional republic.
Pennsylvania IS a Commiewealth after all.
Glad I Left that State!!!!
We can't defend our borders but we can crucify an Amish farmer? WTF is that all about!!
He is called Comrade Biden, to let you know.
They've been trying to control food supply 100% and they don't even want you to grow your own food in your backyard now. Overall goal set in place decades ago was to control the food the weather the animals etc you control the masses completely. This is not a new agenda, they just hid it under something to appear as something else. The usual tactic
Bill Gates has been buying up farmland in the U.S. He owns more than anyone. And remember he wants you to eat bugs, not beef. That’s what this is about. Control of the food supply.
If you control the food you control the people. Backyard gardens are even being targeted in certain places already. Makes sense they go after the Amish known for their independent living away from government control as much as possible.
Look forward to the day the the good people of this country start to refuse to comply with these governmental tyrants.
Not allowing attendees to take notes and dismissing the public from a public hearing is absolutely pure tyranny.
It true because it's true. Now what?
The tyrants are immune from consequences so why would they stop?
That judge must have known he was going to ignore all evidence and side with the oppressors, and just didn't want common sense onlookers to revolt in the court room.
Prayers for Amos Miller. This man is being persecuted as an "example " to threaten other farmers.
Holocaust tactics have been in place for quite a while, certainly can't unsee that.
Does pennsylvania have any idea of the self destruction they are doing? This is a case of jealousy, and hatred towards Amos for the good he is doing.
FDA is the Feds
He's literally saving people's lives, expanding people's lives with healthy food. They can't have that!
@@TheUniverseWorksForUsBeings Exactly! The goal is depopulation, and anyone trying to help others in achieving ultimate health has to go.
They know
Bill Gates words, eat them bugs
The government should be the ones who are on trial. They are the ones who need to be investigated for their allowing to be put in our food. This is outrageous!
everybody likes to say it and post videos and watch videos about it but no one seems to be standing to even give a 10% fight! we are headed to the stage of being too late very fast!
It is outrageous! They didn't even provide the evidence in discovery that was required, which was the lab test results, of which the entire case relies upon. They also didn't require that at least 1, if not 2, 3rd party, impartial and unrelated labs, collect the samples and conduct all testing and provide it to the court. The tests were conducted by individuals within the Dept of Agriculture that are biased, at minimum, in that it is their case that they are bringing forth. And they took personal liberty, instead of following the law, as required, which is to provide the evidence to the defendant...."because they [unilaterally decided] that it was more important to prepare their 'defense' for the trial." Sorry, you don't get to decide if you feel like providing evidence or not prior to the hearing or trial. I feel like the judge should have thrown it out, if his attorney could have pressed for that, by filing a motion to compel the evidence prior to the hearing. They admitted publicly, at the hearing to the judge, that they deliberately withheld the lab results. They had them and didn't submit them to evidence to allow themselves to "prepare" and the opposing counsel to not be able to review or prepare?? Doesn't sound impartial, it sounds like the case waa brought due to targeted discrimination of some kind or ulterior motives that have no legal standing or bearing to allow a case to be brought to the court. It sounds like false charges of endangering the community and as a result his livelihood has been forcibly stripped and now his land.....despite the fact that their biased testing proved they were wrong. AMOS MILLER NEEDS JUSTICE. American farmers need justice.
@@lindab3630 the laws went out the window a long time ago. If people dont start waking to see whats really happening we are in deeper shiz then ever! they are stripping all farm lands! they have even started saying they are banding home gardening! they want to band meat farms, chicken farms, pig farms ect ect...are you seeing the pattern and were its going? meanwhile they are promoting lab grown meat! insects sales for food consumption... do you think this is the least of the bigger problems? we havent seen nothing yet but people are still sleeping everything is being swept off and taken 1 thing at a time!
soon we will own nothing and be happy as they said and they MEANT IT! we are not at war with other countries we should be at war with our own government and their leaders! "Elites" all over the world! ASAP
It is said that rat meat is used in McDonald's burgers . PDA ,FDA APPROVED
The whole country needs to stand behind Amos. We need more like him all over the country. He has my support from Idaho.
We are here to support Amos Miller. I'll bet Sherry is on Bill Gates payroll.
A Democrat for sure !!
Software control geek.
Soreass' more like it
Yes I know that and it’s still not nice what the ( government )agency is doing to Amos. Anyone who want food without stuff inside it . Should take notice.
This decision against Amos Miller Organic farm is so wrong. Could only happen in today’s America.
Oh I agree. A little off topic. Did you see the BS with the VA? One of the most iconic photos ever. Sailor kissing nurse. Was ordered to be removed from…basically everything. The head of the VA said it was non consensual. So it wasn’t appropriate in 2024.
I disagree with the word “only”
Unfortunately, the family farms from Spain to The Czech are fighting this in addition to even more outrageous things from the EU's Stalinist Green New Scam that is destroying their ability to stay in business. Videos of their wild protest are all over UA-cam.
No evidence present, the judge should have ruled for the farmer. Why would expect justice out of the current judicial system.
Evil corrupt system!
Especially when Interrnational and U.S. Billionaires are buying up farm land urgently ( started just beforee Covid). Meanwhile Politicians and Bureaucrats are making it hard for farmers to stay in business. Just a "coincidence" of course.
Republican judge following laws. Amazing.
We need to take our country back from these sick politicians
Now that's the real solution!
I see this all the time but it will never happen in reality. They can lock you up in jail for whatever they like and they can take your kids away for whatever reasons the fabricated
@@justins3810yes these same laws convicted and killed Jesus , but blame is frivolous
@@Z3nHolEminD Definitely. It doesn't change the outcome though. I've personally had my life ruined by these frivolous accusations and charges. Judges are corrupt as hell
@@Z3nHolEminD did they seriously delete my comment again?
Jesus was still murdered for being right.
Sick of government overreach.
not overreach...N6zi behavior. Lets use the language appropriately.
Ungodly communists the lot. Communist ideology is everywhere now. Not jut Cuba, Russia and China. New evil world order.
@@lesseirgpapers9245 Merrick Garland is to Merrick Garfinkle as Judeo is to Justice...
All by design by potato. Disgusting to say the least.
this had been happening since the 60s. NJ the garden state has been the poster child for over regulating and over taxing farms in to ruin. Having raw milk is a bigger crime than heroin injections
Keep up the good fight, this is not important, is vital. Without food independence, we are all slaves. Farmers are under attack in the entire Western world. May The Lord give you the strength needed.
Unfortunately not just Western the whole world now but more so in the western side.
Time to resist. This is not law. This is tyranny.
totally agree it is time to stand up and be counted it is coming the government is giving it citizens and farmers no choice. The tyrannical government has reached the limits of over reach on its citizens and farmers .
They lie with impunity and threaten us with jail if we tell the truth .
we are way overdo.
@@kathleenstichter9600 Of course it is tyranny! Tyranny is the goal of the Luciferian global elite. They tell us that we will own nothing, and we will eat bugs. That is tyranny! The COVID response is tyranny. The fake climate crisis narrative is tyranny. Throughout history, the tyrannical have always disguised their tyranny with a false sense of 'caring'. Slave owners and royals argued that the people under their tyranny would be lost without them. Nothing has changed.
People are scared little kids so afraid they’ll loose something they will never own and then let the government take it still doing nothing sheep sheep stupid weak sheep
No harm No foul. No victim No crime. Cannot charge, that is a violation on their part. He would be able to sue each one of those "officials" PERSONALLY.
Are you serious? They just put a former President through a case where there was no victim, everyone profited including the state and city and all are paid in full. 350+million dollar fine.
Just like Donald in NYC amazing hatred of liberty.
He could but most government officials are side stepping the constitution. This is a private club, so the pda is violating the 4th amendment!
Same with Trump, no harm or victims. There is no justice with the devils children
I agree no victim no crime. But . . . Can’t you go to Jail for planning to murder someone? I think it’s called intent?
We stand with Amos Miller! This is an infringement on ALL of our American rights!
It’s absolute BS!!! Government messing with an Amish farmer. They don’t even have a damaged party. It’s just “we know what’s best for you peasants.” It’s like “so doctor. Why are heathy teens and 20’s having a bunch of heart issues now?” Well, we have no idea. Oh I see here you are due for your 68th booster.”
@@backwatersage Something about the permit in that state violates his clients rights in some way, that's why he said he did not purchase one. Not sure what the permit does, but I'd like to know.
The Khazars are coming
Stop standing and put money to the mouth...all these epeop.just standing around smh
All the permit does is ensure proper handling procedures and prevent harm. It is neccessary.
"No evidence provided." [Intentionally]. Disgusting. Thanks for the report. God Bless Amos Miller. -Dusty
so they withheld evidence formthe courts and the defendant, isnt that cause for a mistrail, or dismissal with predidus, ;like, oh we have a bunch of evidence and scientific documents but no we arnt goignto provide them tot he grourrts, evenw hen they requested all documents
Free masonic evil. Luciferian hatred of any form of Christianity
so much biased and misleading activity by PDA, yet the judge upheld their injunction. Government shall not be opposed when deciding what citizens will eat. That's not Constitutional. It only gets worse from here under the Just Us system of Lawfare.
I stand with Amos and his wonderful way of life. The government needs to STAY OUT OF their lives. They are good HONEST hard working folks.
I stand for free Americans!
I shop from all of my local Amish.😊😊😊
Funny how a recent study found out that cancer rates in Amish communities are way lower than average
The Amish make better food than any chinese manipulated producer.
I can't believe this entire case. Wow just wow😮
Sick & tired of these corrupted SCIENTISTS/ EXPERTS all around!
Today all expert scientists have been paid off to have the findings match the main stream narrative 😢
They studied for years and got their diplomas and know better for how to poison you so you better shut up... Sarcasm
They will be the same ones demanding you stop eating meat and eat bugs instead, or lab grown meats.
Don't forget to add corrupt government officials (bribery, extortion ?) to the list.
Sick and tired of the whole government system period.
Let the Amish live their life
Let all people live their lives.
@@bobmephitis8206 exactly, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." how hard is that to understand?
Praying for Amos miller and his family. I'm in Australia and this could happen here or anywhere else in the world. We are all in this together wherever we live. Blessings to all
Let us all
This is way bigger than the Amish at this point. Farmers are protesting around the world.
The law REQUIRES that all evidence be presented, and available to the defense...BEFORE any hearing or trial.
PA here. Standing behind Amos. He & his Atty are appealing & I pray they fight until they win. Even if this goes to the SCOTUS.
We have every right to eat & buy the food we want! My body my choice!
I'm not in PA, not familiar with the laws there. Amish will probably not 'fight back.' Can the club members take legal action?
@@karensmith4336oh, you don’t know Amish very well then cause they will fight to their death if their in the right which Amos is!! They are the strongest willed individuals on earth!!! I grew up with the Amish in North Central Ohio
I've been buying more and more foods from my local Amish and Mennonite farmers. It's so much cleaner and healthier than anything I'd get in my local grocery stores. Tastes better too. Plus, the better eggs I was getting were cheaper, even during the egg gauging period.
@@astridgalactic9336that is why govt does not want this unadulturated real food consumed.
astridgalactic9336 My nephew is a milk farmer here in rural upstate NY. Guess what he can't sell? Take a wild guess. You think this is an Amish issue? Ask housewives like me why we can't sell ferments, baked goods, or any other edible. The Amish in my town have been lucky. I buy pies and pickles from them sometimes. If I sold that I'd be in jail.
Our judicial system is a joke, this system is broken. No justice
The Governor should intervene and drop the case. The Governor could pardon the Amish and fire the PDA lady who seems out of control. Let the Amish alone.
Don't expect that from a tyrant Democrat governor. 😢
I agree fully
ROFL... this is PA we're talking about here. Home of Philthy?? Governor is as corrupt as they come (from eastern PA) and it is HIS PDA who is pressing the issue. Only recourse is for the Amish to join everyone else... and leave PA. It's why population is shrinking in PA. Corrupt.
Why should the Amish get a free pass none of the honest English farmers get one there is a reason the Amish won’t follow the rule is they can’t prove his organic claim sorry we the English farmers say that the Amish should be treated the same as we are
@@rickdunn7585 it’s the raw milk products we enjoy.
The judges "stay" decision is without any merit, therefore he betrayed truth. His ruling is treasonous to justice, and should be held liable financially for it and more.
The unconstitutional acts of those in seats of authority today is appalling. If only treason was still against the law. Seems its the go to these days, to commit treason for money in their pockets cause there is nobody stopping them. How to get justice when the justice system is corrupted...🤔 seems our founders knew the answer yet to stand against a tyrannical gov today is considered treason an act of T and the msm of course for a paycheck like cops will defend the evil corrupt politicians over the people and their oath to protect them and the constitution. Something is going to give and it won't be pretty.
Cal Washington of INPOWER knows how to do it.
Too bad, the judge most likely has judicial immunity from prosecution.
Government needs to stay OUT of our business and do what WE the people say!!!
So whats your plan just go no regulation of any kind. Then you get poisonous snake oil stuff. The money needs to be removed from the equation to prevent incentives to convict. Return the law to moral and ethical. If this is only about a permit but chose not to get it. There probably should be a valid reason. That said their goal is to remove private farm businesses. How else can they themselves poison our food?
Somebody wants some lettuce & milk to have the covid vaccine in them???!!!🤔🤫
He's been providing these products for years without anyone getting sick from it. I don't believe a case should be allowed when no injury has occurred. Also, inform the customer the products are made of raw milk, then let the customer decide if he/she wants to consume it. We don't need government to make decisions on what we can eat. The government wants to decide whether we live or not. If ALL food is under their control, they can cut the supply off and starve people just to decrease the population.
Just like Stalin did.
The government can decide to jab us and make us eat bio engineered food without specifying what it contains but anything just as God made it isn't good enough... SMH
Holodomor, here we come!
They're working to cut world population to 1 half billion., and it's now about 16 billion.
@JP-uk9uc the whole world is going Stalingrad communist! Hateful system.
Praying for Amos Miller and family. Favor of God to allow him to keep his LIVELYHOOD AND HELP OTHERS. 🙏🙏🙏
Texas Nana
Psalm 91
My 13 year-old daughter's life verse. May we see her again in the life to come.
I am praying for the Judge. Hopefully he will throw the case out. The judge should fine all agencies. Give a hefty warning to all agencies to stop this attack on Amos.
@LookAtYoSelftell me where or how to become a member please. I’m on Amos Millers side and the side of the members whether or not I buy from them, it is the expansion of the government and it’s agencies that is wrong, goes against the spirit of the US Constitution and foremost the freedom the choose for each of us.
60 years ago none of these agencies existed and we were better off for it.
It is a travesty of justice!!
Persecuting the innocent and releasing the guilty... 😡 Prayers for Amos Miller.
Maybe just a permit instead of prayers
It’s socialist democrat law.
@howardvanderhoef7495 we don't need permission slips to choose or produce food.
Meanwhile I can't get a Deputy out to my place to file a report and investigate a break in and burglary. Must have been a bum, because they raided our fridge, used our microwave, dropped a baggie with a nugget of weed, and managed to find $400 cash before they realized somebody was asleep in the front room and they escaped. We know it wasn't someone in the family because there were huge boot prints leading up to a window, and muddy prints left all over the kitchen and counter where he climbed in.
@@LeAnn610Democratic Socialists started 2 world wars in the last 112 years.
With no permits the government has no jurisdiction. The case should be thrown out.
lol last I checked states control commerce within them... but hey in your meth fueled delusions that may be different
There is no "case." The government needs to be thrown out.
Moral of this case is: You can NOT trust a government entity in a court case to be honest about their findings.
That is unprecedented and outrageous behavior with the note taking. The judge should be sanctioned for that. He also does not get to "pick and choose" who is and isn't media.
That's a blatant 1st amendment violation. Judge needs removed from office and imprisoned for life.
I thought so, too. There is too much happening in this case all at once and you can be sure that other judges will follow suit unless The People say "Enough".
1st amendment violation.
Very good point
@@rcar9115 our forefathers would already be shooting...
People have been drinking milk for cows and goats forever without the government helping in any way. Myself My mom who is in her late 70s and my whole family have always drank what the government calls raw and we are doing just fine.
Obviously this is not about them worried about our health they are worried about us being food independent.. Food independent = healthier population and less money for the big corporations across the board..
We drank our raw milk from our cows too, till we sold the last ones in 2017
pretty obvious raw milk is not bad. And by the concerted effort of these minions, what's become obvious is that raw milk is better for us than what they have legalized and prescribe. They're ready to outlaw potent herbs because people are learning their benefits. These agencies are attacking anything good for the population, because they want to control everything and I sense it's all for nefarious reasons.
I grew up on the family dairy farm and always drank our milk with nobody ever getting sick. Testing was required with every bulk load of milk picked up. If at any point there was something wrong, you had to buy the whole load of milk, so that was even more of an incentive for cleanliness and care into producing a quality product that was safe for consumption. We were constantly cleaning and sanitizing everything, flushing lines and equipment after each use, undergoing inspections, checking herd health, etc. We weren't allowed to sell our raw milk to the public, but it never stopped us from letting friends and family have fresh milk if they wanted. I don't believe Mr. Miller wants to get anyone sick, only give people the option of being able to purchase whole food products with no chemicals or antibiotics added that I believe themselves make people sick. This is another bureaucratic agency looking for recognition and flexing their political muscle to bully and control someone who they don't like. People had better pay attention to this because next they will be raiding people's gardens and chicken coops if these actions aren't rejected.
Gumint doesn't want us to be healthy.
Only the rich and gumint creatures are allowed to eat the best food so they think.
We want healthy children and we adults also want to be healthy, we are hardworking people and deserve the best food and drink.
I stand with the Amish. They may save America by saving our food supply!
This is a ridiculous kangaroo court! How can this still be taking place in this day and age?
I stand with Mr. Miller and especially with the PEOPLE's RIGHT to freely chose for themselves! Freedom over all.
God Help us all. How could we possibly make decisions without some fat chick with bad hair telling us what's best for us.
COMMON LAW and COMMON SENSE...NOT something, the government EVER wants back in force.
Time to get off our ass and do something not just hope God will stop letting innocent peoples rights get trampled. Time to remover the us government as it it a traitor to the people and clearly an enemy
I'm praying with you! ❤ from Québec, Canada.
0:44 amen...the government needs to stop stealing
What this man needs is a dang good lawyer & judge not on the take.
It is all about the money, there is so much greed in this country, we should all stand by Miller.
Welcome to Fallout capitalism, next we know Vault-tec will be a thing
Interfernce from the Communist Party against a poor Amish Farmer
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 commie’s huh? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 you know who is a communist your leader dump trump this all just sickening laughably cut it out.😂😂😂😂😂😂
Haha! I stand with the farmer and his rights as well... but would hardly call him "poor"!
@@Smedley-gr3gm Do you think Monsanto is at the same level of wealth with this Farmer???
@@ravenalbj 🎯
kind of ironic as the Amish are communists. I actually hate the amish. They hide behind religion and their exeptions but they are shady child abusers
There should NEVER be a court hearing where taking notes is not permitted.
Yeah. What to hell was that about.
PA Court you have gone too far!
But PA is a corrupt Democratic state so nothing they do should surprise me.
this just demonstrates the increased insanity and loss of priveleges and rights in this country.
such illegal demands have no effect. why are people so afraid/stupid and obey?
@@milahu it only lasts as long as people obey the illegal demands. Had someone had the guts to drag the regional newstation camera crew in there LIVE, under protest, that demand would have been overturned. Sunlight scatters roaches.
That is a trait of a tyrannical government........
So the judge knew the state was full of BS but still ruled in their favor. Typical
He’s afraid of losing his job and comfortable pension.
@@RocketPipeTV He will be a homeless man living on the street if he goes againt the 1 percent Elite.
Fire the judge!
Wants to keep his job.
I Stand with the Amish.
Prayers to the Miller's and all God fearing beings around the world
Support farmers always! This is war against the people.
The government doesn't want us to be well and healthy. May God bless and protect this farmer.
They want the Amish to go the way of the Native American
They also don't want us self sufficient! Because people that can do things for themselves don't need the government to do it for them!
Good farmers keep their livestock healthy because healthy livestock are more profitable. The US government and the corporations and billionaires running it are not farmers - they don't provide health care, they don't provide functional education, and now they're banning you from even attempting to provide yourselves with adequate nutrition. They don't want you profitable, they just want you weak, disempowered, ignorant, and scared.
I will be 80 years old this year, I was raised on products bought directly from farms, milk, eggs, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, vegetables, with no ill affects. My kids were also raised on farm fresh items with no ill affects. The government has overstepped our freedoms of choice and the citizens need to step up and take them back.
The KNOWLEDGE this farmer has is priceless. No matter what the outcome, that knowledge of his method of this organic food craft must also be protected & preserved.
We must stand with our farmers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is happening is disturbing and disgusting! Prayers for Amos
There needs to be audio and video in all government operations! Transparency is a must to keep tyrants accountable!
I'm here from the government, and I'm here to help. Run, Amos Run!
No truer words were ever writ!
The scariest words in the English language.
Stand Amos Stand and hold your ground.❤
After hearing this there was no probable cause and should have been dismissed.
Everyone that supports the farmer, should file charges against the DA who filed charges on the farmer.
I bet the major supermarkets are in on this.
They are attacking farmers over here in Oregon as well, never would have imagined they would attack the Amish. Ridiculous overreach of the government.
God bless the AMISH farmers.
This is not out of concern for us, the public, but out of a centralised political wish to control the food supply. We must support the Amish. Our back garden produce will be next.
Sorry, Billy goat Gates is already 100 steps ahead of you. He's already working on outlawing home gardens.
Sherry Morris should probably be fired and go to jail🤷🏻♂️. What an enormous waste of taxpayer dollars.
Why is it always WOMEN who are the most rigid, unfriendly, non-accepting, closed-minded group of disruptive harpies - EVER!?!??
BINGO! Her charges are frivolous and vexatious, a waste of the Courts time! Mr. Miller should be awarded Millions for unnecessary stress and Loss of Sales!
Obviously every State in the Union has to adopt the Maine Farm Gate Sales Policy along with ALL Canadian Province's! The tyranny of BiG BoX Phood Oligarchs has too be crushed!
Farm Gate Sales and Markets go back to the Beginning of Time and are still much in practice in most of the World!
Somebody needs to start holding these judges accountable. Same thing these courts did when they threw Trump docs out and helped put Grandpa Biden in office. It’s such an embarrassment. These judges need to be put on trial for treason!
That’s the thing nobody is gonna do what anybody and everybody should be doing
Those who live in Pennsylvania and support Mr. Miller need to write to all of your legislatures. Write to the governor. Write every week, or even every day. It can be the same message each time, just copy, paste and send. Overwhelm them with so much email that you crash the system. Once you do that, send letters by regular mail. If you keep this up, they'll have to either side in favor of the Amos Miller Organic Farm or face removal come election time. I used to live in Pennsylvania (Clearfield County and Bucks County). I'm in upstate NY now. I'm willing to write. Who is with me?
By the way. I did write. They'll ignore it no doubt because of my upstate NY zip code, but it added to the number of emails they received.
People go out of their way to buy this stuff, it should be legal. We don't need a nanny state. We demand freedom.
People went out of their way to by weed when I was young
We support the MILLERS farm
Government and corporations need to leave Amish farmers alone.
Thank you for the support!
Praying for a favorable outcome. Government overreach!
Whoever placed the injunction on a man's property without rights is personally liable for all financial loss incurred.
That would be my thought also.
His lawyer needs to sue for his loss of income since there were no complaints for the justification of investigating him in the first place.
It's not about law , it's about control. Control the food control the natives. Remember how the American Indians were extinguished? Slaughtered millions of bison and handed out infected blankets. Biological warfare has always been their go to remedy when they want to steal a people's property.
@@pamelacoles7140 Yes!!!
They will just claim qualified immunity in some way and not let you sue. Even if you do sue and win it gets overturned on appeal because of qualified immunity. People need to stand up and get that off the books for when they make a intentional or unintentional mistake against someone. If you are in the wrong you shouldn't be shielded by your job you should actually be held to a higher standard.
Thank you for your reporting on this. We don’t have real journalists anymore, but we have great citizen journalists. 🙏
citizen journalists are the only true journalists.
Thank you young lady, for a very mature, fair and informative presentation without all the drama and opinion. This allows people to listen to facts and determine their own opinion on the matter. Praying for Mr. Miller that true justice will prevail.
thank you for the update. may Amos and family prevail against this travesty of justice
We don't need to ask the thieves in government to feed each other.
The FDA is poisoning us and we pay them to allow toxic ingredients. We don't need these people to regulate anything.
Yes. We pay Corporate Food Industry. With Subsidies. 😳. Our Tax Dollars. Then we pay again in the Supermarkets 🤔. Add the 2 Together it is More Expensive than Organic that gets NO Subsidies. And the Uneducated Public are Uneducated to. The Fact.
Ehhh, at least you choose not to buy crap if you don't like the ingredient list. If it was a free for all, I wouldn't eat anything from someone I don't know. The lady down the road sells her "farm" eggs at local markets where I live, and they look great in the package, all cute and farm-fresh. But she lives down the road from me and her place is a dump, and the chickens live in filth.
I stand with Amos Miller. Free him and let him be a farmer. She violated his rights under a search warrent.
They did not obey the rules of " The Village " bwahaha 🧛♂️ 🤑
It's a problem of laws. As stupendously asinine the actions of Dept of Ag, law enforcement, and the judicial system are, we need to change the ridiculous laws and policies that are driving these actions.
I wish they would leave this guy alone. None of his customers have complained, therefore no issue should be taken with this Amish farmer.
Yeah, nobody has been sick, but Big Government wants to control EVERYTHING we do. SCREW 'em.
They are after all healthy food.
Big pharma hates organic, natural, holistic, they want us jabbed & sick
The government should stay out of this man's business. Disgusting.
The government doesn't want us to have access to anything healthy. It's plain as day. They are evil and want us sick and dead!
Prayers for the Amish. Prayers for all farmers.
God Bless Robert Barnes! He is one of the Best !
Watching from 🇨🇦.
Our governments have lost their minds.
They haven't. This is a plan in motion.
Welcome to the New World Order……. Had enough yet people?
What a travesty of Justice.
Let's do this Amish,win win win,from Australia 😊
Good day mate; from the land up over!
This case needs to get appealed up to the supreme court, as this is a violation of his 4th amendment rights, the other people's 1st amendment rights, and a blatant disregard to due process. Failing to provide copies of all evidence used in a case prior to the court date is legally an automatic disqualification of that evidence from being used in the case. If they were having such a hard time preparing for the hearing, then they should have requested an extension before proceeding to trial.
You said it.
Case dismissed.
This seems to be endemic of today's courts - happened in new zealand when a case was brought against Liz Gunn - withheld evidence from LIz's attorney until shown in court all elites following the same playbook!
This is so concerning on so many fronts. Big Government is trying to control what goes into our foods, and when a reputable dairy producer who offers "raw" options to his members they are trying to shut him down. The next step is shutting down your private gardens. Any producers of local products. If this is allowed pretty soon we will only be "allowed" to eat food from manufacturers that we have no idea where the food comes from. Or what is put in it before buying it.
You're absolutely right ✅️
Hey it's already starting all over the place they're trying to outlaw chickens and small dairy farms in goats you're not allowed to provide your own food anymore because the corporations own the country and if you don't think so ask Bill Gates
It will be full of all kinds of chemicals, toxins and carcinogens!!
Yes, that's Bill's plan. Didn't Klaus tell you that you were going to eat bugs? It's already hidden in foods.......right Tyson.
Control the food- control the people!😡
Henry Kissinger?
Same with the Trump case out of NYC: no victim, no crime! They can’t be allowed to get away with this! They’ll be coming after all of us next!
That’s their plan
The Trump case in NYC just proved that the whole real estate development industry is corrupt to the core...
That’s exactly what President Trump warned us about years ago.
“They aren’t coming after me, they are coming after you, I’m just standing in their way”
Donald J Trump
They ARE definitely coming after all of us. Freedom isn't free!!!! You have to fight for ir
They have been after us forever, from the time Democrats wanted slaves till now they are ruling us to death. The government has too many laws and rules for anyone to live a good life anymore every time you turn around they have a new rule. They are ruling us to our deaths, rules rules and more rules for anything you want to do. The land of the free, make me laugh.
Amos Miller, you’re welcomed in Tennessee! ❤️This is PREPOSTEROUS!!!🤬
So, even after being shown that the PDA withheld evidence, a violation of defendants rights, the judge maintains the injunction?
The case should have been dismissed with prejudice.
All of them are
Corruption at work, should be signage on that court house.
Same thoughts here... Ridiculous, just completely ridiculous.
My guess it boils down to lack of the raw milk permit.
Dismissing the case won't fix the underlying issue. They'll just do another raid and start the whole circus all over again.
Such criminal actions under the guise of Healthcare...Sickening...how many are adversely affected by this Injustice.
I support Mr. Miller and ALL farmers! 🙏
Well, ORGANIC farmers...not the GMO's and chemical owned farmers.
@@johndouai4833 agree
Are you shopping with them??
@@deirdrewhippen4575 I will be when he can sell again.
most farmers stand opposed to greasy sleazy con men like miller...
this however is hilarious.." In a filing Monday, Agriculture Department lawyers wrote that Miller’s efforts to have the case dismissed are based on “a barrage of facts that are not alleged in the (lawsuit) and a litany of conclusory statements of law that fail to provide any cogent argument.” " moron can't even make a valid argument to the courts
Everything Amos sold seemed ethical safe and organic. Where is the problem? Godspeed Miller's justice.
Not allowing citizens to record is a violation of the 1st amendment. Lock up the judge and police officers for infringing on their federal rights.
Amen! Citizen's arrests en masse.
4th Amendment, too.
@@iLumberjack get sober if you engage in commerce you are subject to regulation on the commerce of those good.... go on try buying or selling anything and not pay tax on it
@@dsndicmsa7141 I don't generally take advice from people who don't speak and complete sentences.
@@dsndicmsa7141 leave me alone. I'm not talking to you and your opinion is irrelevant. Go harass somebody else.
Supporting Amos miller from the Bahamas and the farmers United Association.
It makes one ponder the fact that it looks like the Gov is afraid of self-sufficient Americans.......i stand with Amos...wolves not sheep...gid bless 🇺🇸
*god bless*
We stand with and support Amish farmers 🥰
You can't make people hand in their notes, We The People ARE ALL the PRESS. That's our 1st Amendment right ! This judge should read the Constitution and the bill of rights.
The locals need to get rid of that Judge.
@@sammerjay8128 I would like to see Ted Nugent get into this, this is his kind of windmill to tilt.
That case should have been dismissed at several points for violations of transparency and lack of evidence. A Common law also demands there be a victim that suffered injury or property damage. If neither exists, there is no crime.
What a shame for the Millers. They have better products than you would get at any store ! Shame on you Pa.