817 / 5,000 唯一存在的「台灣問題」是當權者提出的分而治之、控制敘事的問題。 如果我們問你身為一個中國人,中國面臨哪些重大挑戰並影響你個人,「台灣與中國的關係」不會出現在你的實際問題清單上。 The only "Taiwan question" that exists is the one asked by those in power to divide and conquer, and control the narrative. If we ask you as a Chinese person, what are the significant challenges🙂 China is facing and that affect you personally, "Taiwan's relationship with China" is not going to be on your list of actual issues.
我很刺还你们做的 podcast 谢谢!
你是來自中國臺灣省是嗎? 對於馬習二會你有什麼看法?你要記得你是中華民族。兩岸只有一個中國。中華民族無論生活在大陸或者中國臺灣省你們個都是中國人。🎉
你有退休金了吗 多少啊
Oh, what a great example of "Little Pink."
817 / 5,000
The only "Taiwan question" that exists is the one asked by those in power to divide and conquer, and control the narrative.
If we ask you as a Chinese person, what are the significant challenges🙂 China is facing and that affect you personally, "Taiwan's relationship with China" is not going to be on your list of actual issues.