I had a pitocin induction 1 week ago. My waters were ruptured first due to a my cervix being 2cm dilated already and soft. I then asked my OBGYN if I could hold off pitocin for an hour or so to see if contractions would start spontaneously. Unfortunately they didn’t so I was started on pitocin. I was so upset because with my first birth I used the shower for pain relief and due to no portable telemetry I would have to stay in the room and not move more than 2metres away from the monitoring device. I had all the lights in the room turned off, used rhythmic swaying while leaning against my bed and closing my eyes and ‘aaahh-ing’ through each contraction. When the contractions became very strong I used a stress ball and hit it rhythmically against the bed until the contraction was over. My midwife stayed with me the whole time and adjusted the drip lower/higher according to the frequency/intensity of the contractions. At one point when the contractions were becoming too intense with no break between she turned off the pitocin which helped to slow the contractions down. After 4hrs of active labour my baby girl #2 arrived without the need for pain relief injections or an epidural. Just want to encourage other mummas that a positive birth experience is possible even with a pitocin induction.
I so needed this. Going in 2 days and was so stressed. Covid has made it impossible for my family to be around, and also made it tough to even have a birth plan in place since every little thing had to be changed.
I want to post a special thank you for this video. I watched many of your videos leading up to the labor of my second child with the goal of a completely unmedicated birth experience, but when my water broke at 37w5d, I found myself in the hospital for 14 hours with no signs of active labor and a doctor pressuring me to consider pitocin. I watched this video on my hospital bed multiple times as I contemplated my decision, and I ultimately decided to start on a super low dose of pitocin, which ended up quickly kickstarting labor, and I was able to complete the entire labor journey in 3 hours after that with no epidural or other meds. This video was so helpful for making an even-keeled, well-informed, empowered decision, and I am especially appreciative of your non-judgmental, objective review of this option. In the end, pitocin was the best decision for me and my baby, and I’m so glad I wasn’t too stubbornly committed to my original birth plan to make this decision. My birth experience was beautiful and empowering, and pitocin was a part of that.
Had Pitocin (1st baby) at 37 weeks, and it was the hardest experience ever but got thru it naturally within 8 hours. I avoided a c-section (luckily) by focusing on breathing and using your coping videos! Thanks for all the tips and preparation!
I’m getting induced with pitocin in 5 days, is it really that bad like worse than normal contractions? I’m terrified, I’m getting induced at 39 weeks due to Gd.
@@Theoriginalshishi It's been a few years since both of mine were induced with pitocin. So I have no comparison. For me it was like someone flipped a switch and suddenly there were contractions and they built quick! Got an epidural. From IV to baby was 8.5 hrs with first and about 5 hours with 2nd. Everyone is different though. Had a friend who said she didn't feel a difference. I think everyone is different.
I had mine too on my first baby cause my water already broke 2.30am but dont feel constraction even til 5am when we went to the hospital to check me. When i get there they checked me and still.. im on 3cm. I walked and walked but the progress is too slow. So they started giving me a pitocin. Im still walking around and bounced in a ball until i can't bare the pain. I started lying down at 12pm and checked me again.4, 5,6,7, 9,10..finally at 1.30pm i think then i start pushing...im always out of breath and getting tired cause I didnt really eat much... and finally 3.50pm baby came.thanks god.
I am the mom of 3 daughters, who are all grown with children of their own. This video caught my eye, and I wanted to watch it and see how differently things are done now, as opposed to back when I was having my babies. I’m about 11 minutes in, and I’ve realized that my experience, particularly with my 2nd birth, was night & day from how things are done now. That baby was born in 1984, and she is now a doula. She can not believe how it was for me when she was born! For one thing, they had me in bed, laying on my side throughout the entire birth. No one ever suggested I change positions, let alone get on all fours! When the Pitocin started, it was so strong right at the start that the contractions were coming with hardly any break between to allow me to catch my breath. And remember, no epidurals back then! The only pain relief offered was a shot of Demerol, which basically made me doze off for 30 seconds before the next contraction hit, which made it even harder to cope because it was on top of me before I could think straight. I watch birth videos now and I see moms get epidurals and I think to myself how I would have given ANYTHING for that!! Oh well, it all worked out, but things are sure different now, thankfully!! It would have been so wonderful to have had a resource like UA-cam back then!! This is so nice that you make these videos. God bless you.
I appreciate the encouragement about induction being the best option when the womb is no longer the safest place, and that a positive labor expeirence is still possible. I'm pregnant with my 6th and going for an elective induction this time because I've always gone past 42 weeks with my babies and I just don't want to put my baby at risk like that again. The last two births I didn't have any amniotic fluid left by the time I went into labor, and one baby inhaled meconium and spent a week in the NICU. My womb stops being a safe place for my babies before my body decides to go into labor, so I'm going to attempt to avoid that danger this time.
I'm having a surprise induction tomorrow morning... I was not prepared for it. My baby has fluid around her heart and my doctor wants to address it immediately. Watching this makes me feel a little more prepared for what's to come. Thank you
My pitocin birth was my favourite even over my waterbirth! I had these both pain med free. My birth was 57 minutes 🤣 I would never fear induction again, it went SO well for me
Thank you for explaining this! I was induced and everyone at the hospital kept demeaning me and saying “oh, pitocin is the exact same as natural oxytocin, plus, you’re a FTM so you have nothing to compare it to”. I was able to do it unmedicated but my contractions were right on top of each other the whole time, they came so close together I could barely walk to the bathroom before another came. I’m thinking now that it was the way they were administrating it. They never let me get a break or stopped to see if my body would take over, the contractions were close together for 7 hrs. Definitely going with a different practice next time. Oh and the magical Bluetooth fetal monitor I always heard about? Didn’t work at the hospital I was at they said “oh it must be this room”. Can’t wait to birth again but dang not at that same hospital, never again!
My baby wen through so much because of this drug.. i gave birth a week ago and we are visiting a cardiologist because his heart have a hole... i dont advice this drug
Thank you for this video! It helped calm my mind as I needed a pitocin induction when I was 8 days past my due date. For positivity - I was able to labor and birth with no pain medications while on pitocin. This was baby #4 for us and I thought it was similar to my last unmedicated birth without pitocin. We used lots of position changes, mediation, focused breathing and counter pressure. It’s totally doable if you are in a similar situation! I loved hearing the positive stories so I thought I would post too! I definitely wouldn’t be scared to induce with pitocin if that is necessary for you!
I’m 40+4 and stuck at 1cm the last few weeks. Couldn’t do a membrane sweep as my cervix wasn’t soft enough. My midwife has scheduled me for a couple days of cervical ripening and then an induction at 41 weeks if that doesn’t work. I was definitely feeling that sentiment of failure at the thought of not going in to labor naturally but this video really helped. My first was born at 40+6 so I’m still hopeful but either way I’m prepared to meet baby in the next few days 🙂.
Sadly my labor started with an abruption..but my body was on it and started getting ready. I went in and started pitocon immediately. Labored for 15 hours total ,pain med free, and then I decided to get an epidural after being stuck at an 8 for 7 hours, got checked and started bleeding more severely. shortly after we decided on c section. Little guy was wrapped up in his cord. Once around the neck and once around the torso. He came out screaming and beautiful and it was worth all of it.
Yes!!! Love your perspective. It is all worth it. We can get so hung up on the details of how labor went or if it went according to plan, but a safe baby in our arms is really what it's about. Congratulations!!
FTM petocin induction scheduled tonight at 40 weeks. Thank you for all of these educational videos ma’am! Wish you were in Texas and I could’ve had you as my doula!!!
I was induced with pitocin after my water broke .Although I had surges after the gush of water , the pitocin really intensified the surges more of like strong waves.I took pit at 7 and it worked well and couldn't withstand the pain so took epidural after I was 6cm dilated, the entire labour was awesome. Thank you Almighty!!
It took 24 hours for the drs to agree to induce me with pitocin... They tried to get me induced with foley balloon twice. It was horrible as my cervix was not dilated. Here Im trying to have a vbac at week 41 +1. Thank you for your videos! ❤️
Im going through the process now. My first child im having a hard time. Im tired of course and so sore down there im just ready to have him. Good luck to all the mothers cause this method is not for the weak.
I had pitocin when I was induced. And it was such a horrible experience for me and my husband. I was in labor for 4 days. They did everything they could to induce labor side by side with the pitocin and it failed every step of the way until finally by the fourth day I was dilated enough to try to push. But by this point I was exhausted starved and had absolutely no energy to push. I tried pushing for I think an hour before the nurse told me I wasn't pushing hard enough and I told her to get the doctor I won't push anymore cut him out. Come to find out after the fact my son had meconium in his lungs from the stress of our labor and low blood sugar due to my gestational diabetes hence why the induction was taking place at 38 weeks. Everybody's birth is different and experiences different but for me I would never go through an induction again if my body did not show more signs of being ready for labor. I have since had two c-sections and have been absolutely happy with them even with a couple complications I've had with my second one but I have two beautiful healthy boys that I am so grateful for.
I had to get induced. Pitocin didn’t work. Had to get a C-section. Had the worst experience of my life. Me and baby got out alive and well. Which I’m very thankful for. But the entire experience has given me nightmares it it makes me cry. My OB doctors throughout my pregnancy never took me seriously and I feel like if they had the C-section could’ve been avoided.
For my second baby I didn't think they were going to use pitocin because my water broke on its own. But they did..... They upped the dose every hour when I was checked in my room. I did fine around 3 cms I got my epidural so I could sleep before my baby came. Everything went well because I had my first with an induction. So I wasn't concerned, my body woke me up at 8 cms dilated lol 😅 they were rocking me from one side to another to get baby out of me. And it was working I was administrating my epidural strategically so I could still feel my contractions and push when I needed too. 👍 The easiest delivery so far I've had. by the way I induced my pregnancy the second time from just watching your video of natural inductions. 😅
This doesn't happen all the time by the way a friend of mine who was also induced ended up having an emergency C-section because her baby was not moving out anymore while she was on pitocin and had an epidural. Everyone's body is different. obviously I was not concerned because I had all these things already with my first and I knew that I wasn't going to have any problems.
Ugh I love youu you don’t even know how much you help me emotionally from your videos 🥺😩 I wish you were in NYC🥺 Stay safe love & Keep blessing all the mamas out there 🤞🏾✨🥰 !
I got a membrane sweep and all day i was getting contractions to the point that I went to hospital. I had dialated to 3 cm but didnt progess for 6 hours!! I was then induced with pitocin and those "contractions" were farrrr more painful to handle and I ended up gettin and epidural. Getting induced AND getting an epidural were both things I wanted to avoid but I gave birth vaginally to a healthy baby girl 💕
i had the same experience as you except i was only dilated to 1 cm and i had contractions for at least 12 hours, my doctor gave me the choice to be induced or wait a little longer which it wasn't guaranteed that my cervix would see any progress so i chose to have the pitocin which is waaay more painful and i asked also for an epidural after 2h of contractions. ended up having my baby after 3h of being induced
I had premature rupture of the membranes and my midwife let me wait 36 hours to see if labour would start naturally. I had a few contractions in the 36 hours but nothing consistent, so I was induced with pitocin. My uterus was not favourable and even at the highest rate of pitocin I was not progressing past 2cm, the pain was unbearable and there were not breaks between contractions, it was horrific. I had the epidural after breathing through 8 hours of excruciating pain at which point I was delirious, dizzy, and sick. They have to give me several extra doses of the epidural before I had any pain control. Thankfully, it finally worked and I was able to give birth pain free 6 hours later.
I was doing oke with my delivery...i was 6 cm dilated.. But to make things faster the doctor put me on pitocin with any pain killer... Omg... That was truly painful 😥 but i was lucky that my baby girl was born fast.
Being induced Monday.. I wanted to go into labor naturally to avoid Pitocin .. I have one more day to make that happen.😩 I’ve had a c section (my first kid) but had 4 VBACs after. This will be my 5th VBAC and I don’t want an epidural so if they start me off at the lowest hopefully it’ll be a successful non epidural delivery.
I had the most horrible experience with a pitocin induction. They started with a foley balloon Friday evening. Saturday morning they removed it and gave me some tablets to soften my cervix. I was only 2 cm dilated at that point. On Sunday morning they started Pitocin. They ended up giving me too much (they admitted to that) and I begged for them to lower it which they refused. After 10+ hours of non stop contractions (literally no breaks in between each one) I couldn’t take it anymore and had to have an epidural. It took them three very painful tries to set the needle. I became incredibly nauseous and started violently shaking. Eventually I started drifting in and out of consciousness due to low blood pressure and my daughter’s heart rate slowed significantly. We almost had to have an emergency c section. They managed to stabilize me and my baby and I finally gave birth on Monday at 4:30 am. She was born distressed due to all the medication and intervention and needed help breathing initially. This time I refuse to go the hospital route if I can help it and will seek out a midwife and give birth in a birthing center. I will hopefully have a more positive birth experience.
I gave birth abroad, and before inducing formally, my obgyn gave me a trial 2ml just to see how my body responded. She said she was looking to see if I dilated. Interesting to hear how it's done differently! Really loving your channel thank you.
Due today, hoping my water breaks or get contractions before Nov 1st when I’m supposed to get induced 🥺 Edit: did get pitocin, labored for about 8 hrs tried my best but got epidural for about 2 hours after, babys good and mommas good. Overall had a pretty good experience even though I was nervous to be induced
@@cheyennecomeslast72 I did get induced, currently in labor since 12 pm November 1st. They’ve given me the balloon and synotec? (No too sure how to spell it lol) now on pitocin and working through these contractions 🥴
How many weeks were you? I am 39 weeks 5 day and tomorrow I wanna get induction 🥲 she isn’t coming out bcz and no dilation at all so I decided to induce it cuz what if I wait 1 more weeks and again she doesn’t come so better not to take risk…
They gave me Pitocin without asking me if I wanted it in both labors and after they gave me Pitocin my contractions became so unbearable instantly that I was having a panic attack.
I have a friend who lost her baby and almost lost her life due to a uterine rupture. I'm really, really scared to have one and didn't know pitocin could do that....that makes me really uneasy about being induced this weekend.
First induction failed after 3 days and stopped at 6 cm. Ended in a c section. I was just induced using pitocin Monday and after over 24 hours, didn't dilate a single cm. Going back Friday to try with a Foley and pitocin. Really hoping it works since I want to avoid another c section 😕
I tried to say no when my nurse was going to give me the pitocin but she didn't listen to me and gave me it anyways. Myself and my baby both had a bad reaction to it and I ended up having an emergency csection.
Hi Bridget, thanks for all your amazing content! 🙏🏻🏆💗 Just wanted to let you know that the link to download your affirmations is broken. I’m getting a “404 page not found” message.
OB just offered me an induction before my due date, and when I was asking questions she told me that pitocin does not increase the risk for c-section. I should also mention that baby is totally safe, and there is really no reason to induce. I was already dilated over 2 cm and 60% effaced, and she offered to plan to induce for no reason..
Yea I feel like I’m getting induced for no reason as well. My first baby I never had a scheduled induction, I was over due (41 weeks and a day) and started getting contractions but since they stopped being consistent they decided to give pitocin to regulate . So basically I was induced. Now with my second I’m getting induced two days from now if my baby doesn’t come and I’ll only be 40 weeks and 4 days . My doctor set it up for me and said “we don’t want you to go past 41 weeks because more complications can happen” But what I don’t understand is why the first time they didn’t schedule an induction and let me go past 41 weeks .. (my babies are also only a year apart .. ) I’m also having a very healthy pregnancy with no complications .
Mine offered to induce me at 37 weeks and every week after that. She stressed me out to the point that I’m almost 41 weeks now and I’ve been worried about it the entire time. I should also mention there is no medical reason for this.
My first birth started with me getting sent home from a medically necessary failed pitocin induction. I had a cool doctor who said "you'll go into labor on your own within the next few days now that the hormones have been introduced" and I did! My water broke after about a day of contractions and then I went into the hospital and labored for over 40 hours post water breaking until.... Nothing. My contractions stopped. I was so physically exhausted from almost three days total of labor with insane contraction patterns where one would start before the previous had stopped. After everything petered out as a last ditch effort I finally said yes to pitocin and an epidural to try to get some rest and my contractions going again. I finally started dilating. I arrived at 2 cm, and until I got pitocin I'd only gotten to 3-4 cm. In 40 hours. Two hours later I was birthing our son. My nurse said that hail mary combo saved me from needing an emergency C-section. It was not part of my plan, but I'm so glad I had it to fall back on when all else was failing and it makes me feel so reassured going into the next one in 6 days that no matter what obstacles I face I can have a positive birth experience.
Wonder what they will advise for me. My cervix is already thin. It's holding but just barely. I am excited and nervous. I feel like it won't take much. I'm almost at 38 weeks.
I had a nurse tell me that pumping your breasts is a natural pitocin if I wanted to speed up my labor which I did not need to but then she made me want to and I did it and it definitely made me have contractions that I wasn't having before so I definitely regret doing that I should have let my body do what my body needed cus I got an epidural after
I’m in a tough situation due to the holidays/desired VBAC & only 2 doctors in my practice that I’m literally only being given 2 options & thankful for my doula who has explained my options!! I didn’t know about a lot of drs don’t want to use pitocin after a c-section or I would have asked more questions prior to choosing my dr office! My body has never started labor on it’s own even up to 41 weeks with my 1st! Tho this is my 4th! Don’t get me wrong I ❤️ my Dr but she’s only in the hospital 1 day a week & the other Dr is NOT willing to do an induction post c-section.... I know the risks but for me personally the risks are worth not having a C-section! So here’s my options, given the 4 variables...a c-section on my actual due date or 3 days prior because of they holidays they say they can’t schedule the day of or after Christmas & New Year’s!?!? SMH And seeing that they don’t want me going past 41 weeks & I desperately don’t want a c-section I’m now whittled down to only 1 option! Scheduled induction at 39w4d! Tho my doula said I can refuse/not show up for an Inuit or or c-section & logically discussed my risks in doing so, but Dr’s certainly don’t tell you about your rights! Moral of the story.... GET A DOULA!! Im so glad I did!
Why don’t you tell the truth about cytotec? I almost lost my life and my child’s life using that medication!! At the age of 22 I had to have my uterus and cervix removed, never could have another child and my baby suffered from seizures. Wasn’t our lives important????
Same here. I’m 36 and pregnant with my fourth baby. Never had any complications with any of them but doc wants to induce at 39 weeks simply because of my age.
That's ridiculous! I was 39 when I had my first baby, at 41w+3, sweep done 5 days before. That's it. Great birth experience without epidural. Now I am 40, and I am.due in a few days, they want to induce me due to my age. No medical conditions and all healthy with both mum and baby. I am hoping and praying that if won't be necessary.
I'm 35 but my blood pressure has been getting too high so I get induced in 9 days. I don't like how nervous I am about it and can't tell if it's my gut screaming at me or if I'm just nervous cuz its my first child. I'm damn near panicked.
Was induced with my first Never again After 2 pessaries didn’t open my cervix and had my waters broke I had 12 hours of the pain fluid oxytocin it was horrendous and my baby’s heart rate dropped I was only 2 cm dilated and ended up having ban emergency c section The cord was round his neck
No child likes interventions 😪 I had a horrible experience too, thankfully my second labour was all natural from start to an end, maybe your next one will be better 😉
@@JJJakubiec sorry to hear that yes it wasn’t good not too bad but who knows I ended up having c section because I got weak from pushing though I was 9 cm he wasn’t that low .
@@gaya1070 he’s doing great. Meeting his milestones and he’s sweet as pie. I’m just worried that the medication is having effects on me. Tbh it made me feel high so I told the doctor to take me off. I’m researching right now if it’s that or postpartum anxiety.
I had a pitocin induction 1 week ago. My waters were ruptured first due to a my cervix being 2cm dilated already and soft. I then asked my OBGYN if I could hold off pitocin for an hour or so to see if contractions would start spontaneously. Unfortunately they didn’t so I was started on pitocin. I was so upset because with my first birth I used the shower for pain relief and due to no portable telemetry I would have to stay in the room and not move more than 2metres away from the monitoring device.
I had all the lights in the room turned off, used rhythmic swaying while leaning against my bed and closing my eyes and ‘aaahh-ing’ through each contraction. When the contractions became very strong I used a stress ball and hit it rhythmically against the bed until the contraction was over.
My midwife stayed with me the whole time and adjusted the drip lower/higher according to the frequency/intensity of the contractions. At one point when the contractions were becoming too intense with no break between she turned off the pitocin which helped to slow the contractions down.
After 4hrs of active labour my baby girl #2 arrived without the need for pain relief injections or an epidural.
Just want to encourage other mummas that a positive birth experience is possible even with a pitocin induction.
Thanks for this, I will be going in tomorrow for a pitocin induction. Never thought to use a stress ball
Did you deliver with Kaiser ?
@@melt9863 I live in Sydney and gave birth in a private hospital here.
I so needed this. Going in 2 days and was so stressed. Covid has made it impossible for my family to be around, and also made it tough to even have a birth plan in place since every little thing had to be changed.
Wow my last induction lasted 19 hours 😭
I have been prayed over. The delivery will be safe. Don’t be anxious.
I want to post a special thank you for this video. I watched many of your videos leading up to the labor of my second child with the goal of a completely unmedicated birth experience, but when my water broke at 37w5d, I found myself in the hospital for 14 hours with no signs of active labor and a doctor pressuring me to consider pitocin. I watched this video on my hospital bed multiple times as I contemplated my decision, and I ultimately decided to start on a super low dose of pitocin, which ended up quickly kickstarting labor, and I was able to complete the entire labor journey in 3 hours after that with no epidural or other meds. This video was so helpful for making an even-keeled, well-informed, empowered decision, and I am especially appreciative of your non-judgmental, objective review of this option. In the end, pitocin was the best decision for me and my baby, and I’m so glad I wasn’t too stubbornly committed to my original birth plan to make this decision. My birth experience was beautiful and empowering, and pitocin was a part of that.
Thank you for this! I was induced with pit and had an epidural and my birth experience was amazing!!!
Thank you for this positive story
how many times have you given birth? how many other ways have you tried it?
Had Pitocin (1st baby) at 37 weeks, and it was the hardest experience ever but got thru it naturally within 8 hours. I avoided a c-section (luckily) by focusing on breathing and using your coping videos! Thanks for all the tips and preparation!
I’m getting induced with pitocin in 5 days, is it really that bad like worse than normal contractions? I’m terrified, I’m getting induced at 39 weeks due to Gd.
@@Theoriginalshishi It's been a few years since both of mine were induced with pitocin. So I have no comparison. For me it was like someone flipped a switch and suddenly there were contractions and they built quick! Got an epidural. From IV to baby was 8.5 hrs with first and about 5 hours with 2nd. Everyone is different though. Had a friend who said she didn't feel a difference. I think everyone is different.
I had mine too on my first baby cause my water already broke 2.30am but dont feel constraction even til 5am when we went to the hospital to check me. When i get there they checked me and still.. im on 3cm. I walked and walked but the progress is too slow. So they started giving me a pitocin. Im still walking around and bounced in a ball until i can't bare the pain. I started lying down at 12pm and checked me again.4, 5,6,7, 9,10..finally at 1.30pm i think then i start pushing...im always out of breath and getting tired cause I didnt really eat much... and finally 3.50pm baby came.thanks god.
malpractice lawsuits happen over this all the time.
Omg im 37 weeks 1st child im so scared. Im and so much pain. I just need to get the epidural. Im so tired😪
I am the mom of 3 daughters, who are all grown with children of their own. This video caught my eye, and I wanted to watch it and see how differently things are done now, as opposed to back when I was having my babies. I’m about 11 minutes in, and I’ve realized that my experience, particularly with my 2nd birth, was night & day from how things are done now. That baby was born in 1984, and she is now a doula. She can not believe how it was for me when she was born! For one thing, they had me in bed, laying on my side throughout the entire birth. No one ever suggested I change positions, let alone get on all fours! When the Pitocin started, it was so strong right at the start that the contractions were coming with hardly any break between to allow me to catch my breath. And remember, no epidurals back then! The only pain relief offered was a shot of Demerol, which basically made me doze off for 30 seconds before the next contraction hit, which made it even harder to cope because it was on top of me before I could think straight. I watch birth videos now and I see moms get epidurals and I think to myself how I would have given ANYTHING for that!! Oh well, it all worked out, but things are sure different now, thankfully!! It would have been so wonderful to have had a resource like UA-cam back then!! This is so nice that you make these videos. God bless you.
I appreciate the encouragement about induction being the best option when the womb is no longer the safest place, and that a positive labor expeirence is still possible.
I'm pregnant with my 6th and going for an elective induction this time because I've always gone past 42 weeks with my babies and I just don't want to put my baby at risk like that again. The last two births I didn't have any amniotic fluid left by the time I went into labor, and one baby inhaled meconium and spent a week in the NICU. My womb stops being a safe place for my babies before my body decides to go into labor, so I'm going to attempt to avoid that danger this time.
I'm having a surprise induction tomorrow morning... I was not prepared for it. My baby has fluid around her heart and my doctor wants to address it immediately. Watching this makes me feel a little more prepared for what's to come. Thank you
2 pitocin inductions here! My second one in august of this yr was a beautiful experience ❤️
Did you get an epidural?
My pitocin birth was my favourite even over my waterbirth! I had these both pain med free.
My birth was 57 minutes 🤣
I would never fear induction again, it went SO well for me
@@EnjoyBARCELONAWhy are you here lol
So happy for you!!
Thank you for explaining this! I was induced and everyone at the hospital kept demeaning me and saying “oh, pitocin is the exact same as natural oxytocin, plus, you’re a FTM so you have nothing to compare it to”. I was able to do it unmedicated but my contractions were right on top of each other the whole time, they came so close together I could barely walk to the bathroom before another came. I’m thinking now that it was the way they were administrating it. They never let me get a break or stopped to see if my body would take over, the contractions were close together for 7 hrs. Definitely going with a different practice next time. Oh and the magical Bluetooth fetal monitor I always heard about? Didn’t work at the hospital I was at they said “oh it must be this room”. Can’t wait to birth again but dang not at that same hospital, never again!
My baby wen through so much because of this drug.. i gave birth a week ago and we are visiting a cardiologist because his heart have a hole... i dont advice this drug
Thank you for this video! It helped calm my mind as I needed a pitocin induction when I was 8 days past my due date. For positivity - I was able to labor and birth with no pain medications while on pitocin. This was baby #4 for us and I thought it was similar to my last unmedicated birth without pitocin. We used lots of position changes, mediation, focused breathing and counter pressure. It’s totally doable if you are in a similar situation! I loved hearing the positive stories so I thought I would post too! I definitely wouldn’t be scared to induce with pitocin if that is necessary for you!
I’m 40+4 and stuck at 1cm the last few weeks. Couldn’t do a membrane sweep as my cervix wasn’t soft enough. My midwife has scheduled me for a couple days of cervical ripening and then an induction at 41 weeks if that doesn’t work. I was definitely feeling that sentiment of failure at the thought of not going in to labor naturally but this video really helped. My first was born at 40+6 so I’m still hopeful but either way I’m prepared to meet baby in the next few days 🙂.
Sadly my labor started with an abruption..but my body was on it and started getting ready. I went in and started pitocon immediately. Labored for 15 hours total ,pain med free, and then I decided to get an epidural after being stuck at an 8 for 7 hours, got checked and started bleeding more severely. shortly after we decided on c section. Little guy was wrapped up in his cord. Once around the neck and once around the torso. He came out screaming and beautiful and it was worth all of it.
Yes!!! Love your perspective. It is all worth it. We can get so hung up on the details of how labor went or if it went according to plan, but a safe baby in our arms is really what it's about. Congratulations!!
FTM petocin induction scheduled tonight at 40 weeks. Thank you for all of these educational videos ma’am! Wish you were in Texas and I could’ve had you as my doula!!!
Being induced with Pit tomorrow!!! Wish me luck!
How did it go? Congratulations!
I’m getting induced tomorrow but I’m gonna have a vaginak exam first to check my cervix i hope it’s ready so they induce me and everything goes fast😩
Thank you so much for sharing. I have 3 kids but never induced with Pitocin. This was very helpful and informative. I feel better.
I was induced with pitocin after my water broke .Although I had surges after the gush of water , the pitocin really intensified the surges more of like strong waves.I took pit at 7 and it worked well and couldn't withstand the pain so took epidural after I was 6cm dilated, the entire labour was awesome.
Thank you Almighty!!
It took 24 hours for the drs to agree to induce me with pitocin... They tried to get me induced with foley balloon twice. It was horrible as my cervix was not dilated.
Here Im trying to have a vbac at week 41 +1.
Thank you for your videos! ❤️
Im going through the process now. My first child im having a hard time. Im tired of course and so sore down there im just ready to have him. Good luck to all the mothers cause this method is not for the weak.
I had pitocin when I was induced. And it was such a horrible experience for me and my husband. I was in labor for 4 days. They did everything they could to induce labor side by side with the pitocin and it failed every step of the way until finally by the fourth day I was dilated enough to try to push. But by this point I was exhausted starved and had absolutely no energy to push. I tried pushing for I think an hour before the nurse told me I wasn't pushing hard enough and I told her to get the doctor I won't push anymore cut him out. Come to find out after the fact my son had meconium in his lungs from the stress of our labor and low blood sugar due to my gestational diabetes hence why the induction was taking place at 38 weeks. Everybody's birth is different and experiences different but for me I would never go through an induction again if my body did not show more signs of being ready for labor. I have since had two c-sections and have been absolutely happy with them even with a couple complications I've had with my second one but I have two beautiful healthy boys that I am so grateful for.
I had to get induced. Pitocin didn’t work. Had to get a C-section. Had the worst experience of my life. Me and baby got out alive and well. Which I’m very thankful for. But the entire experience has given me nightmares it it makes me cry. My OB doctors throughout my pregnancy never took me seriously and I feel like if they had the C-section could’ve been avoided.
Ugh that makes me so furious. I'm so sorry. I too have felt neglected by healthcare and it's especially scary when it comes to your kids
Same. Why do you think inductions fail though. I never got any contractions let alone painful
For my second baby I didn't think they were going to use pitocin because my water broke on its own. But they did..... They upped the dose every hour when I was checked in my room. I did fine around 3 cms I got my epidural so I could sleep before my baby came. Everything went well because I had my first with an induction. So I wasn't concerned, my body woke me up at 8 cms dilated lol 😅 they were rocking me from one side to another to get baby out of me. And it was working I was administrating my epidural strategically so I could still feel my contractions and push when I needed too. 👍 The easiest delivery so far I've had. by the way I induced my pregnancy the second time from just watching your video of natural inductions. 😅
This doesn't happen all the time by the way a friend of mine who was also induced ended up having an emergency C-section because her baby was not moving out anymore while she was on pitocin and had an epidural. Everyone's body is different. obviously I was not concerned because I had all these things already with my first and I knew that I wasn't going to have any problems.
This is great! I'm being induced with pitocin on Tuesday with my first child! I'll be 38 weeks and 3 days. 😊
I am as well!! Prayer to you and your baby and mine as we both get induced Tuesday! 🧡
Ugh I love youu you don’t even know how much you help me emotionally from your videos 🥺😩 I wish you were in NYC🥺 Stay safe love & Keep blessing all the mamas out there 🤞🏾✨🥰 !
I got a membrane sweep and all day i was getting contractions to the point that I went to hospital. I had dialated to 3 cm but didnt progess for 6 hours!! I was then induced with pitocin and those "contractions" were farrrr more painful to handle and I ended up gettin and epidural. Getting induced AND getting an epidural were both things I wanted to avoid but I gave birth vaginally to a healthy baby girl 💕
i had the same experience as you except i was only dilated to 1 cm and i had contractions for at least 12 hours, my doctor gave me the choice to be induced or wait a little longer which it wasn't guaranteed that my cervix would see any progress so i chose to have the pitocin which is waaay more painful and i asked also for an epidural after 2h of contractions. ended up having my baby after 3h of being induced
Currently studying to be a medical assistant! Thanks for this helpful video
I had premature rupture of the membranes and my midwife let me wait 36 hours to see if labour would start naturally. I had a few contractions in the 36 hours but nothing consistent, so I was induced with pitocin. My uterus was not favourable and even at the highest rate of pitocin I was not progressing past 2cm, the pain was unbearable and there were not breaks between contractions, it was horrific. I had the epidural after breathing through 8 hours of excruciating pain at which point I was delirious, dizzy, and sick. They have to give me several extra doses of the epidural before I had any pain control. Thankfully, it finally worked and I was able to give birth pain free 6 hours later.
I was doing oke with my delivery...i was 6 cm dilated.. But to make things faster the doctor put me on pitocin with any pain killer... Omg... That was truly painful 😥 but i was lucky that my baby girl was born fast.
Being induced Monday.. I wanted to go into labor naturally to avoid Pitocin .. I have one more day to make that happen.😩 I’ve had a c section (my first kid) but had 4 VBACs after. This will be my 5th VBAC and I don’t want an epidural so if they start me off at the lowest hopefully it’ll be a successful non epidural delivery.
Wow momma you are so strong. I had one c sections and two vbacs. I’m scheduled for an induction next Friday, hoping my labor can start before than.
Why did you guys have a first c section though? So inspiring that you had vbac .hope i have too
I had the most horrible experience with a pitocin induction. They started with a foley balloon Friday evening. Saturday morning they removed it and gave me some tablets to soften my cervix. I was only 2 cm dilated at that point. On Sunday morning they started Pitocin. They ended up giving me too much (they admitted to that) and I begged for them to lower it which they refused. After 10+ hours of non stop contractions (literally no breaks in between each one) I couldn’t take it anymore and had to have an epidural. It took them three very painful tries to set the needle. I became incredibly nauseous and started violently shaking. Eventually I started drifting in and out of consciousness due to low blood pressure and my daughter’s heart rate slowed significantly. We almost had to have an emergency c section. They managed to stabilize me and my baby and I finally gave birth on Monday at 4:30 am. She was born distressed due to all the medication and intervention and needed help breathing initially. This time I refuse to go the hospital route if I can help it and will seek out a midwife and give birth in a birthing center. I will hopefully have a more positive birth experience.
I gave birth abroad, and before inducing formally, my obgyn gave me a trial 2ml just to see how my body responded. She said she was looking to see if I dilated. Interesting to hear how it's done differently! Really loving your channel thank you.
Was your cervix soft and effaced before you were started on pitocin? Did pitocin help with dilation?
Thank you for all your work!
Thank you for sharing! Im getting Induced at 37 weeks.3 more weeks to go!!
VBAC 17.5 months gap… thnks to you
Due today, hoping my water breaks or get contractions before Nov 1st when I’m supposed to get induced 🥺
Edit: did get pitocin, labored for about 8 hrs tried my best but got epidural for about 2 hours after, babys good and mommas good. Overall had a pretty good experience even though I was nervous to be induced
Update? Did you have baby on your own or get induced?
@@cheyennecomeslast72 I did get induced, currently in labor since 12 pm November 1st. They’ve given me the balloon and synotec? (No too sure how to spell it lol) now on pitocin and working through these contractions 🥴
How many weeks were you? I am 39 weeks 5 day and tomorrow I wanna get induction 🥲 she isn’t coming out bcz and no dilation at all so I decided to induce it cuz what if I wait 1 more weeks and again she doesn’t come so better not to take risk…
Water broke at 40 weeks 3days and got pitocin. It was so painful. Contractions lasted for over 12hrs so I decided to get epidural.
They gave me Pitocin without asking me if I wanted it in both labors and after they gave me Pitocin my contractions became so unbearable instantly that I was having a panic attack.
I have a friend who lost her baby and almost lost her life due to a uterine rupture. I'm really, really scared to have one and didn't know pitocin could do that....that makes me really uneasy about being induced this weekend.
I'm nervous..I literally go in some hours for induction
Thanks a lot
First induction failed after 3 days and stopped at 6 cm. Ended in a c section. I was just induced using pitocin Monday and after over 24 hours, didn't dilate a single cm. Going back Friday to try with a Foley and pitocin. Really hoping it works since I want to avoid another c section 😕
I tried to say no when my nurse was going to give me the pitocin but she didn't listen to me and gave me it anyways. Myself and my baby both had a bad reaction to it and I ended up having an emergency csection.
Thats pretty messed up! Why didn’t they listen to u? I don’t want to take petocin!
Same here. I had a bad reaction as well.
Hi Bridget, thanks for all your amazing content! 🙏🏻🏆💗 Just wanted to let you know that the link to download your affirmations is broken. I’m getting a “404 page not found” message.
can u talk about pitocin after birth , it’s routinely administered in the hospital i consult?
OB just offered me an induction before my due date, and when I was asking questions she told me that pitocin does not increase the risk for c-section. I should also mention that baby is totally safe, and there is really no reason to induce. I was already dilated over 2 cm and 60% effaced, and she offered to plan to induce for no reason..
Yea I feel like I’m getting induced for no reason as well.
My first baby I never had a scheduled induction, I was over due (41 weeks and a day) and started getting contractions but since they stopped being consistent they decided to give pitocin to regulate . So basically I was induced.
Now with my second I’m getting induced two days from now if my baby doesn’t come and I’ll only be 40 weeks and 4 days . My doctor set it up for me and said “we don’t want you to go past 41 weeks because more complications can happen”
But what I don’t understand is why the first time they didn’t schedule an induction and let me go past 41 weeks .. (my babies are also only a year apart .. ) I’m also having a very healthy pregnancy with no complications .
Mine offered to induce me at 37 weeks and every week after that. She stressed me out to the point that I’m almost 41 weeks now and I’ve been worried about it the entire time. I should also mention there is no medical reason for this.
@@mirandacollins624 yes it's weird
Same here, they wanted to induce me at 40w1d without medical reason
I’ll be induced with foley balloon on Sunday night then Monday morning with Pitocin. So nervous!
Here in the us …. In Alabama specifically…. Once our water is broken we’re not allowed out of the hospital bed :/
I just moved to Alabama 4 months ago and get induced in 5 hrs thank you for this 🙏🏾I had no knowledge of this
Omg thank you for writing this. We just moved to N AL too and I’m being induced tonight. Praying everything goes well.
very helpfull !!
My first birth started with me getting sent home from a medically necessary failed pitocin induction. I had a cool doctor who said "you'll go into labor on your own within the next few days now that the hormones have been introduced" and I did! My water broke after about a day of contractions and then I went into the hospital and labored for over 40 hours post water breaking until.... Nothing. My contractions stopped. I was so physically exhausted from almost three days total of labor with insane contraction patterns where one would start before the previous had stopped. After everything petered out as a last ditch effort I finally said yes to pitocin and an epidural to try to get some rest and my contractions going again. I finally started dilating. I arrived at 2 cm, and until I got pitocin I'd only gotten to 3-4 cm. In 40 hours. Two hours later I was birthing our son. My nurse said that hail mary combo saved me from needing an emergency C-section. It was not part of my plan, but I'm so glad I had it to fall back on when all else was failing and it makes me feel so reassured going into the next one in 6 days that no matter what obstacles I face I can have a positive birth experience.
Wonder what they will advise for me. My cervix is already thin. It's holding but just barely. I am excited and nervous. I feel like it won't take much. I'm almost at 38 weeks.
This video stressed and worried me lol I understand that's not your intention 😅
is there anything a doctor can say has to be done that actually has to be?? Like what if I dont wanna do the pill but they say thats my only option??
I had a nurse tell me that pumping your breasts is a natural pitocin if I wanted to speed up my labor which I did not need to but then she made me want to and I did it and it definitely made me have contractions that I wasn't having before so I definitely regret doing that I should have let my body do what my body needed cus I got an epidural after
Nipple stimulation releases natural Oxytocin 💜
I’m in a tough situation due to the holidays/desired VBAC & only 2 doctors in my practice that I’m literally only being given 2 options & thankful for my doula who has explained my options!!
I didn’t know about a lot of drs don’t want to use pitocin after a c-section or I would have asked more questions prior to choosing my dr office!
My body has never started labor on it’s own even up to 41 weeks with my 1st! Tho this is my 4th!
Don’t get me wrong I ❤️ my Dr but she’s only in the hospital 1 day a week & the other Dr is NOT willing to do an induction post c-section.... I know the risks but for me personally the risks are worth not having a C-section!
So here’s my options, given the 4 variables...a c-section on my actual due date or 3 days prior because of they holidays they say they can’t schedule the day of or after Christmas & New Year’s!?!? SMH
And seeing that they don’t want me going past 41 weeks & I desperately don’t want a c-section I’m now whittled down to only 1 option! Scheduled induction at 39w4d!
Tho my doula said I can refuse/not show up for an Inuit or or c-section & logically discussed my risks in doing so, but Dr’s certainly don’t tell you about your rights! Moral of the story.... GET A DOULA!! Im so glad I did!
Why don’t you tell the truth about cytotec? I almost lost my life and my child’s life using that medication!! At the age of 22 I had to have my uterus and cervix removed, never could have another child and my baby suffered from seizures. Wasn’t our lives important????
I'm so sorry...that is horrifying what you went through...God Bless you and your child
I wish I wouldve watched this on monday 😂😂😂😂
I had got pitocin but i didn't feel my contractions
With no epidural? And you still didn’t feel your contractions with Pitocin? I’m shooketh.
I am being induced simply because I am 37 and I don't want to be but I am being forced to.
Same here. I’m 36 and pregnant with my fourth baby. Never had any complications with any of them but doc wants to induce at 39 weeks simply because of my age.
That's ridiculous! I was 39 when I had my first baby, at 41w+3, sweep done 5 days before. That's it. Great birth experience without epidural. Now I am 40, and I am.due in a few days, they want to induce me due to my age. No medical conditions and all healthy with both mum and baby. I am hoping and praying that if won't be necessary.
I'm 35 but my blood pressure has been getting too high so I get induced in 9 days. I don't like how nervous I am about it and can't tell if it's my gut screaming at me or if I'm just nervous cuz its my first child. I'm damn near panicked.
I haven’t watched yet, I’ll watch later. But we’re all the risks and side effects listed spoken about in this video?
i’m being induced on sunday 😭😭😭😭
Was induced with my first Never again After 2 pessaries didn’t open my cervix and had my waters broke I had 12 hours of the pain fluid oxytocin it was horrendous and my baby’s heart rate dropped I was only 2 cm dilated and ended up having ban emergency c section The cord was round his neck
Also you talk so fast that it makes it hard to take notes or to really absorb what your saying. Love learning from you but also so overwhelming "(
What are your thoughts/professionalisms on Pitocin causing Autism?
Good question, I'd like to know more about this too. I have read about a lot of midwifes coming out saying that Pitocin is linked to autism.
My baby boy didn’t like the pitocin
No child likes interventions 😪 I had a horrible experience too, thankfully my second labour was all natural from start to an end, maybe your next one will be better 😉
Same here his heart rate dropped
@@JJJakubiec sorry to hear that yes it wasn’t good not too bad but who knows I ended up having c section because I got weak from pushing though I was 9 cm he wasn’t that low .
@@georgiamitchell7948 sorry to hear too, how is baby now .
@@gaya1070 he’s doing great. Meeting his milestones and he’s sweet as pie. I’m just worried that the medication is having effects on me. Tbh it made me feel high so I told the doctor to take me off. I’m researching right now if it’s that or postpartum anxiety.