For Honor - Highlander Testing Grounds - Just scrap him already...

  • Опубліковано 29 гру 2023
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  • @havelthejock3761
    @havelthejock3761 6 місяців тому +382

    People always want reworks for characters until it's a hard rework to make. Highlander is a complicated character and has been for years. His rework needs to be well, otherwise we're falling back into that time of the conq rework where we get lazy development. This is an awful sentiment to give to the community.

    • @0scarWalsh
      @0scarWalsh 6 місяців тому +68

      Exactly this. This rework puts his offensive stance on par with other aggressive characters with full 400ms lights, feintable openers, and a roll catch. It removes the unhealthy defensive tools like unpunishable backlights and hyper armour on chain lights (also wavedashing, even if it was fun).
      Also, weird for Freeze to say it's a sunk cost fallacy where they're throwing good work after bad when it took years of consistent changes to get Lawbringer/Kensei/Shugoki into healthy states, but the second iteration of a Highlander rework since release is an insane project, idk.

    • @zhanusheaperd5728
      @zhanusheaperd5728 6 місяців тому +11

      @@0scarWalsh As he said, he does not care for Highlander in the slightest and would prefer if he got nerfed and rot away.

    • @IronTigrex
      @IronTigrex 6 місяців тому +32

      ​@0scarWalsh And while he has all the rights to have this opinion, that doesn't mean it's a good one.
      "I don't like this character so it should be unplayable" is not helpful. What about the people that like that character? What about the work that went into the character? No character is perfect but that doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to make them at least playable, and not every player that plays whatever the current broken character does it just because they want to win (who doesn't like to win?).
      It's good to offer criticism and point out what's not working, but it should be done to make things better for that character and the game overall. You can't be advocating for one character you like to be buffed on one hand and say the ones you're not playing can rot on the other.
      I like Freeze's content. He does something unique and helpful for the game. It's okay not to play or enjoy every character. Maybe he could have asked someone who plays a lot of Highlander for their opinion, so we don't end on a note that says "I don't play that character so I don't care".

    • @Karma-Larma
      @Karma-Larma 6 місяців тому +7

      Fact that they are taking their time hard working on this rework is a good thing is it not Freeze?

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 6 місяців тому

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@0scarWalshit doesn’t put him on par, it puts him ABOVE them. Like well above them in terms of how good they actually are, as his 400ms lights have GRAME ADVANTAGE. Which is fucking insane and stupid as fuck

  • @xReifox
    @xReifox 6 місяців тому +207

    "I don't play him or like him so who cares, throw it in the garbarge"
    *least selfish for honor player*

    • @KnoxKnight12
      @KnoxKnight12 6 місяців тому +2

      Least* child.

    • @TSE_WOODY
      @TSE_WOODY 6 місяців тому +17

      You know this game is a cesspit when community members like Freeze have takes like this lol

    • @xReifox
      @xReifox 6 місяців тому +11

      @@KnoxKnight12 Child? English is not my first language, chill out.

    • @KnoxKnight12
      @KnoxKnight12 6 місяців тому

      @@xReifox alright sorry, but like HL is trash. It’s not selfish just a good observation.

    • @xReifox
      @xReifox 6 місяців тому +12

      @@KnoxKnight12 I wasn't talking about his observation, I was talking about the fact he said this character should be in the garbarge and stay there since he doesn't care about it.

  • @SparkyTheWise
    @SparkyTheWise 6 місяців тому +187

    It doesn’t matter how much you may dislike a character, you shouldn’t encourage the devs to abandon this. It isn’t a matter of “sunk cost fallacy”, he is an old and beloved character with a distinct identity and play style. Yes, a rework is difficult, especially one that is well done and maintains what makes him great. That’s more reason to keep working on him, not less.

    • @rainb0wmatrix605
      @rainb0wmatrix605 6 місяців тому +4

      I completely agree with you the same advice from freeze they must have made with lawbringer he is a shell of his former self

    • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 6 місяців тому

      shut up

    • @VidalTheKing-
      @VidalTheKing- 6 місяців тому +5

      But with that we just run into another season of TG, and then the next and on and on until they finally fix it while during the entire time they could be working on other issues. They're already lazy as fuck when it comes to a lot of things that need changing

  • @simenvh2353
    @simenvh2353 6 місяців тому +359

    OK... freeze, my guy. in my eyes you've got some of the most respectable takes in all of the for honor community, but just letting a character rot in the trash seems REALLY uncharactaristic for you, and is a horrible take. What happened my man? are the afeera mains holding you hostage?

    • @zimietheclown
      @zimietheclown 6 місяців тому +9

      I wonder how he feels ab conq 🤔

    • @milky2872
      @milky2872 6 місяців тому +69

      My experience watching freeze for a bit is that while he is a great source of objective information, some of his takes are just weird even at the best of times. "Abandon this character entirely and stop putting resources into it" is almost a comically bad take. If a character freeze actively played was in such a state, he would never suggest such an idea.

    • @cathalduffy3739
      @cathalduffy3739 6 місяців тому +42

      Freeze clearly has very, very little playtime with Highlander (he even mentions it himself).
      Clearly doesn’t care for the character and is being grossly biased.

    • @monsalai
      @monsalai 6 місяців тому +8

      @@zimietheclownFRZ is a lifelong conq apologist. one of his top 3 chars

    • @tristenatorplaysgames6833
      @tristenatorplaysgames6833 6 місяців тому +6

      @@milky2872I just think freeze is bitter about playing this game you can tell because he doesn’t upload as much

  • @cdizzy35
    @cdizzy35 6 місяців тому +48

    Gotta say, as an avid Highlander main I say the opposite. Launch the thing and polish it in the regular balance changes. I had very little trouble getting the rework to do what I wanted to do with a little practice, and the fixes it brings to the live version to be able to have tools against certain matchups far outweigh the current fixes it needs.
    Wave dashing was a bug I can live on without. Having answers to dodge attacks and rolls from offensive, as well as a proper guard break punish, those are needs that highlander is well behind on getting addressed.

    • @N3gativeZer0
      @N3gativeZer0 6 місяців тому +3

      Yea, same here. Going off of what you said about the changes working, I honestly thunk that the freeze was just fudging his parry for dodge attacks because of how much he hates this hero.

  • @resspawn26
    @resspawn26 6 місяців тому +186

    Great analysis of the TG changes of a hero, but terrible suggestions. You are correct that his current state in TG is a clunky mess, but as HL player I can confidently say that most changes are hands down amazing, its just that they are implemented poorly. But abandoning/deleting the hero, simply because he is complicated to deal with? Come on.
    Even pirate doesn't deserve this, and I hate that hero with passion. Rather, I would be glad if she would receive similar care and dedication like this rework has been so far.

    • @Oznerol1234
      @Oznerol1234 6 місяців тому +22

      Pirate and especially gryphon got hated much more than they deserved for no reason which lead ubi to overnerf them.
      Thank god pirate got a few improvements that made her okay now.

    • @oIRydahKCIo
      @oIRydahKCIo 6 місяців тому +6

      Pirate just need to not have recovery cancels like she's an Orochi.

    • @georgewashington1034
      @georgewashington1034 6 місяців тому +18

      Freeze has been a prick for a while now,half of his takes are just straight up dogshit cause of his personal bias.unfortunately noone else makes videos about the new changes

    • @El_Malanga02
      @El_Malanga02 6 місяців тому +6

      Pirates recoveries are stupid. I’d much rather deal with a mixup intensive ganker instead of having all these stupid recoveries that are better than orochi. Do something with her gun to make her unique instead of just feats.

    • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 6 місяців тому

      i mean pirate was fucking busted for a bit @@Oznerol1234

  • @disparu6007
    @disparu6007 6 місяців тому +240

    Freeze absolutely hates highlander.
    Hilarious listening him rip into him with un explainable hatred lmao.

    • @KnoxKnight12
      @KnoxKnight12 6 місяців тому

      Just a shit character to be honest

    • @thebrr3594
      @thebrr3594 6 місяців тому +6

      As a hl main I agree with you, overall the tg rework was good but the offensive dodge changes really fu*ked up my current playstyle.

    • @KnoxKnight12
      @KnoxKnight12 6 місяців тому +4

      @@thebrr3594 I like the concept of HL to a degree… I don’t like the players that play him because 99% of the time they are extremely toxic. I think he COULD be an interesting and unique character that I’d enjoy if they changed him appropriately.

    • @VidalTheKing-
      @VidalTheKing- 6 місяців тому +2

      He does have valid points tho

    • @disparu6007
      @disparu6007 6 місяців тому +12

      @@VidalTheKing- abandoning a character for being unique but also shity isn't a valid pint.
      The input issues and wave dashing is.

  • @GreekGeek-dh2kh
    @GreekGeek-dh2kh 6 місяців тому +131

    I feel like it says a lot that you're advocating to nerf a hero to be unusable and never touch him again just because you don't like/play him. What happened to game balance and wanting characters to be viable? That only apply to your personally preferred characters or is there some other criteria I'm missing?

    • @Jordi_214
      @Jordi_214 6 місяців тому +22

      I dont think this video was that bad, but that ending just came out of nowhere. What does he mean "be done with him" ? As if he isnt one of the most iconic characters in this game

    • @Alt0001
      @Alt0001 6 місяців тому +4

      ​@@Jordi_214yeah the ending was but weird but I kinda get it, in my opinion what he meant was stop wasting time and resources on all these reworks for Highlander if they're never going to commit. I'd much rather they start working on other characters who've been neglected.

    • @Juntou
      @Juntou 6 місяців тому +2

      @@Alt0001There’s quite literally no hero in the game as bad as HL rn though, that’s the issue. You could argue that Nobu needs a rework too, but current HL is without a doubt the worst hero ingame.

    • @shalashaskaseven4841
      @shalashaskaseven4841 6 місяців тому

      I think he just views it as a waste. It’s been taking forever to rework such a technically complicated hero, who by design didn’t play by the rules of the game. It’s going to take another tg or we risk a clunk fest on release that might be impossible to balance. Meanwhile we lost 2/3 tgs to release clunk.

  • @psfarg
    @psfarg 6 місяців тому +36

    I've never played Highlander and even I got offended by that initial statement lmao 😂

  • @Quillsword
    @Quillsword 6 місяців тому +23

    The sentiment of this video is so fucking infuriating. Whether or not you like the character is irrelevant to if they deserve a rework. We all also know if it was a character freeze liked he would swear up and down how important it is that they get a perfect testing grounds, this is some whiny shit coming from freeze and it ruins the whole video.

  • @0scarWalsh
    @0scarWalsh 6 місяців тому +53

    Yeah your attitude towards reworking one of the game's only unique specialist characters is just toxic as hell tbh. It's okay if you aren't good enough at Highlander to remember some new stance switching lockouts/limitations, you don't have to play him, but you could just let the rest of us enjoy the new version of him. You've attached your career to the health of this game, yet you cheer for a portion of the playerbase to never get their main into a viable state. Im glad that you will get the dead game and career that this attitude entails.

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 6 місяців тому +1

      The new version of him is very broken, so why don’t y’all let us enjoy playing the game without unreactable 3 direction 400ms lights that come from neutral and have frame advantage

    • @KnoxKnight12
      @KnoxKnight12 6 місяців тому +1

      I’ll say this to everyone, highlander is such a shit concept, just leave him dead in the dirt. When the stereotype of everyone highlander is either a lightspammer or extremely toxic, then ill be happy for them to rework him.

    • @0scarWalsh
      @0scarWalsh 6 місяців тому +10

      >400ms from neutral
      >900ms delay between input to enter offensive stance and the light actually flying
      Your opinion does not match reality

    • @NNaytor
      @NNaytor 6 місяців тому +4

      ​@@KnoxKnight12"Actually the character you love is trash because I don't like it" 🤓🤓🤓

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 6 місяців тому

      @@0scarWalsh consider the fact that the actual good HL players enter IF at the start of the round, or back light into it. Which then makes it from pretty much neutral. My opinion is from playing vs the best HL players like Me.MagickTrick, Uncle Rev, Chimera Shadow (overrated mid played but better than average)

  • @birbins
    @birbins 6 місяців тому +100

    Started cooking then burned bad at the end, classic freeze whining

  • @donhvc
    @donhvc 6 місяців тому +26

    Very surprised with your take on this. Regardless that I'm a hl main, You usually put better quality content and not this... Whatever this rant is.

  • @CringeConsultant
    @CringeConsultant 6 місяців тому +21

    Freeze just volunteering for these L's.
    What a shit take from someone who loves the sound of their voice.

    • @KnoxKnight12
      @KnoxKnight12 6 місяців тому

      I’ll say this to everyone, highlander is such a shit concept, just leave him dead in the dirt. When the stereotype of everyone highlander is either a lightspammer or extremely toxic, then ill be happy for them to rework him.

    • @KKris-h
      @KKris-h 6 місяців тому +12

      ⁠@@KnoxKnight12why is he a shit concept? i don’t play him because i’ve never been that good with the character but stance switchers are cool

    • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 6 місяців тому

      ever wonder why hes been unchanged sine he came out@@KKris-h

    • @HateIncarnate
      @HateIncarnate Місяць тому

      ​@@KnoxKnight12 bro definitely plays orochi

  • @hermanator157
    @hermanator157 6 місяців тому +28

    I have never seen such bad takes from freeze, Highlander isn’t a “sunk-cost” if anything he’s a fixed one. When the devs make a character (especially one that you can buy with money) they make a promise to balance the character with the changing meta. To give up on a character and hope people just “give up on it and play a better one” is part of the reasons games die

  • @gnomeunknown4717
    @gnomeunknown4717 6 місяців тому +165

    Wow this video managed to have a few worse takes than the bad slanderous videos, good job freeze.

    • @robbiex-x5579
      @robbiex-x5579 6 місяців тому +7

      I know right? 😂

    • @Alt0001
      @Alt0001 6 місяців тому +16

      Reddit hive mind is alive and well I see

    • @robertsteiner4696
      @robertsteiner4696 6 місяців тому +8

      He's just bitter at this point as a content creator. He's always hated Highlander as a character, just look how he talks about Conq for example and compare that to how he talks of HL. I think he just gets his ass absolutely handed to him in public matches against players and this is the only way he tries to push content our, it's honestly just sad to see but after him saying LB was fine not that long ago I can't help but not feel a single drop of sympathy for him since his bias the past couple months has just been on full display.

    • @MeisterSchwabbo
      @MeisterSchwabbo 6 місяців тому +5

      Slanderous tries to push ideas and the fun of for honor.... while freeze wants everything to be on the same level of viability, which means boring shiz like more UBs, more Bash undodgeable mixups, all just because the developers are unable to balance the game for PC and consoles... Pc reactards are the main reason this game has become boring, stagnant and so uncreative....

  • @0scarWalsh
    @0scarWalsh 6 місяців тому +90

    The reason why this video is so upsetting, is there is never evidence or an explanation of why this version of highlander is worse than the current one; we already have janky guardswitching in the form of wavedashing, I for one would gladly give up wavedashing for a counter to backwards rolling and feintable kick/caber, he is receiving changes that remove his least healthy mechanics (unpunishable backlights, insane wavedashing mobility, heavy armour on chain lights) in exchange for feintable openers and a roll punish. This is a healthier Highlander for the game then the one on live servers, and you are still whining. Just don't play him, no one is good enough to play every character in the game well, not everything the devs work on has to be exclusively tailor made for you personally. Crazy sense of entitlement for a game and community that have gifted you so many opportunities.

    • @lordteewurst
      @lordteewurst 6 місяців тому +13


    • @cdizzy35
      @cdizzy35 6 місяців тому +6

      Totally agree. Of course it could use polishing, but you know what would go a long way toward polishing up the live version of highlander? This rework!

    • @TheNecroFisherman
      @TheNecroFisherman 6 місяців тому +5

      Crazy folks are just now seeing this. He’s been an enemy to veteran console players ever since what he said when CCU released lol

  • @pyrothelanky7212
    @pyrothelanky7212 6 місяців тому +94

    Im sorry freeze but comparing wavedashing to shove on block is a brain dead take.
    Edit: Also, ubi trying to buff the worst character into being good while still being enjoyable is not a sunk cost fallacy. That's just how they should aim to balance things. This iteration of the rework is bad, but I don't care if Highlander ends up in the tg for the next 3 years if it means actually getting a decent iteration of the character. Damning an entire character base to playing either the garbage can tier character on live, or the clunky mess that may replace it is actually psychopathic. I remember when you made actually well informed videos and not "waaaaaa Highlander different and weird".

    • @mighty_zero
      @mighty_zero 6 місяців тому +10

      yeah, HL deserves some love

    • @bigj9942
      @bigj9942 6 місяців тому +19

      Adding to this, highlander is not on that much bad of a spot enough to rush things.
      Wave dashing is also much more beutiful to do, but also expands the skill ceiling and is what makes

    • @Juntou
      @Juntou 6 місяців тому +20

      Exactly this. HL has so many complexities, they are just trying to get him into a state where the players who are already amazing at him can enjoy it & people who are looking into playing him can find enjoyment too. This whole video is extremely toxic, i’ve only got abt 15 reps on HL and i felt offended

    • @pyrothelanky7212
      @pyrothelanky7212 6 місяців тому +20

      @@bigj9942 EXACTLY. I genuinely want to see freeze explain why tf he's so against Highlander and wavedashing. It's actually insane at this point. Is it really THAT hard for him to understand that people enjoy a technical, high risk, high reward character with high skill floor and skill ceiling? Is it really THAT hard for him to grasp?

    • @resspawn26
      @resspawn26 6 місяців тому +13

      ​@@pyrothelanky7212I think he simply hates the character, thus the reason why wavedashing in his eyes are similar to shove on block - freeze simply never plays HL, and thus doesn't know how much skill it requires to successfully pull off, as well as the satisfaction of it.
      I mean, he strait up ignored the previous TG for HL, which I'm not sure he ever did before.
      What I don't understand however, is WHY he hates HL. Maybe its something personal?...

  • @Lion_of_Sparta
    @Lion_of_Sparta 6 місяців тому +19

    I dont get why so mucch hate on highlander as a character. His rework was just not the one. But what the fuck has this guy done to you all🤣

  • @ebeaudoin8644
    @ebeaudoin8644 6 місяців тому +30

    I'd define this highlander rework as good, but in severe need of input cleaning. When stuff works, it's cool and the character is interesting. When it doesn't, it feels less like I'm fighting my opponent and more like I'm fighting the inputs.
    I don't agree on just abandoning the character. There's stuff to work with here, and while the inputs are hard to get consistently when they do work the character was fun. The only big gripe I have is that omnidirectional 400ms lights that aren't telegraphed by a prior feingt or soft feingt, or a chain attack are just bad design, and harshly discourages actually using the mixups.

    • @captainnyet9855
      @captainnyet9855 6 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, there was not need to make his top light 400ms; having it only be left or right side 400ms was more than enough, especially with the lights already being enhanced.

  • @ItsNotMyWallet
    @ItsNotMyWallet 6 місяців тому +27

    Damn freeze being miserable as always. Shocking😮

  • @siby9195
    @siby9195 6 місяців тому +14

    Not sure if you'll read this Freeze but man, just giving up on a bad hero is such a bad take, even if you don't like him.
    People have sunk hours into the character, he may be their favourite, they might have even spent real world cash on buying the skin or other cosmetics for him.
    Just saying "leave him in a broken state idc" is really childish.
    Warden has been tweaked and changed again and again probably more than any other hero I can think of. Even if his changes weren't a complete rework, I've never heard you complaining about how much attention they gave him.

    • @KanashiiKarma
      @KanashiiKarma 6 місяців тому +5

      Crazy that he downplay the people who work hard on him & the For Honor Devs on their efforts

    • @Master_of_disaster722
      @Master_of_disaster722 6 місяців тому +2

      As a pssionate HL i totaly agree and also haven’t there been a rework that was on a TG 3 times? If i recall it was shinobi (yet another character who freeze don’t play which means he hates him) another one of my mains who really needed that but i might be wrong.

  • @thekb3035
    @thekb3035 6 місяців тому +18

    I did not rep him much, but I still love the idea behind Highlander even if I struggle playing with him.
    The video was mostly well informed until that last part. Leaving the character to rot just because you do not enjoy them? Then what about other characters, what makes them more entitled? That is just harsh for no real good reason. Highlander was in a bad spot, he needs to be put up to speed with others and some changes, like the guaranteed heavy on guardbreak, really needed to happen.
    I am a Conq main from before the rework and even I realize they could have done way better, for God's sake; he is just an annoying orange now. But you don't hear me saying Highlander should rot just because he is not my main.

    • @EeveeEsp
      @EeveeEsp 6 місяців тому

      I'm on the same boat as you, but I love being an annoying orange 🥺 Just give this orange a roll chaser, and I am completely happy.

  • @JoJoFlare
    @JoJoFlare 6 місяців тому +14

    I love you freeze but shit-take no character is too far, Highlander is a character I think a lot of people gravitate to just because of the raw Scottish power and the two handed anime inspired but realistic claymore, he’s never been a top their character but people that play worse characters on purpose to beat people playing meta ones know what I’m talking about, ie orichi mains before his big rework and some would argue now still

    • @JoJoFlare
      @JoJoFlare 6 місяців тому +2

      With that being said I’m going go pub stomp so dominion with hl

    • @KnoxKnight12
      @KnoxKnight12 6 місяців тому +1

      I’ll say this to everyone, highlander is such a shit concept, just leave him dead in the dirt. When the stereotype of everyone highlander is either a lightspammer or extremely toxic, then ill be happy for them to rework him.

    • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 6 місяців тому

      "realistic claymore"

    • @JoJoFlare
      @JoJoFlare 6 місяців тому

      @@KnoxKnight12 unfortunately there’s no getting away from toxicity the game might as well have been built with toxicity in mind, Highlander being designed as he is does something to a mf when you winning that can make you feel unstoppable at times hence ‘toxicity’ leaks out, I’ve always went with the notion tho that ‘toxicity’ from someone obviously better than you, beating you in every 1v1 instance, and ‘toxicity’ from someone who runs away from every fair fight and returns with his entire team, is given and felt very differently.

    • @JoJoFlare
      @JoJoFlare 6 місяців тому

      @@LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial google is a powerful tool brother

  • @beatdeath9962
    @beatdeath9962 6 місяців тому +8

    This first half is dedicated to Freeze and the community, skip to the second half for the reason his rework actually sucks instead of saying delete him.
    Its almost like I'm watching the same Freeze who absolutely despised Shugoki and wouldn't listen to anything anyone had to say, the same hate filled words clearly showing know care for things people enjoy. If you want to delete this video or comment too, go right ahead its been years I don't really care, but I will care for the community and I will voice it how I see fit in this message. What I want to see is you not going out of your way to attack a fan favorite hero, who is clearly made for specialist players, just like old Shugoki, he is the face an entire half of the community along with Centurion he deserves the same treatment, if you wish to remove Highlander remake him or outright nerf him to be unplayable then you wish this game to die. I will give many examples how it will negatively impact the game as a whole, 1. it shows that they do not care about issues that need fixing and are content with leaving certain characters unable to be played, which doesn't only affect Highlander it affects the entire community not everyone is as dumb as you think and have said many times over the years, 2. it shows a lack of respect to the people who play the game they play, he shares the same spot as Centurion and hasn't received the same love he got, if anything it would show how they balance on their own accord instead of listening when they clearly do and try to communicate they do every-time, so if the goal is to remove the idea of respect and trust then the game is doomed despite how long their passion has outlived deletion, 3. If Highlander was a lost cause then Shugoki and Centurion would've been as well years ago, and now both of them either feel unfaithful or like a copy of another character only carried by their personalities and the fact the fans love them, the fans are the heart of any community and to simply deny them is to say you never wanted a game in the first place.
    I get you despise this beloved character, but that doesn't mean he should be ignored and left to rot, you are angry because you don't see the worth or how to run a game, you can hate him all you want it does not change the community if anything it will make you the enemy for the sheer amount of people who love him. Simply leave your comments to your own devices or don't say anything at all, you say you want to help the community but you clearly don't care for anything they want, You have nothing to say so simply do not speak it like you know anything.
    All you had to do was rephrase that last section to something more along the lines of "Highlander needs more time and I would prefer they focus priorities on more upfront problems" you effectively say the same thing, however you show no malice towards one of the most loved characters, you are purposely making yourself the enemy and thats a horrible mindset no matter what you tell yourself. No one has 100% correct takes all the time or a perfect record of knowing each and every issue, thats why we as a community speak to each other and share that passion, but knowing you and your past, the comments you have directly said, that is not your goal and you always think you are right.
    This second half will be dedicated to Highlander and why his reworks actually sucks.
    Highlander is a fan favorite and the devs don't want to break trust and respect with us so they are afraid to do a lot to him. Their hearts are in the right place and they have good ideas for him, however Highlander needs fundamental changes, his decrease in strength is not because nerfs or his power just going down, there are 2 reasons. 1. Highlander is nearly unchanged, effectively his only major change being the CCU, and as characters become more similar more advanced and share similar kits, Highlander falls behind he is from a different era that is practically an entirely different game by name, we all love Highlander he deserves good treatment for his rework no matter how long it takes I would much prefer wait like Centurion then I would to get another Conqueror rework. 2. He is incredibly specialistic, only a certain number of players are good enough to even break past the floor that makes it so you can effectively play him, he takes a lot of glitches, bugs, and not intended mechanics to work. Lowering this skill floor should be the first priority, we aren't aiming to make him easier, but rather not gatekeeping his power with unintended side effects of his kit. I know suggesting changes is not generally what devs want, they would rather be pointed in the direction of the specific issues, but considering how stuck they feel a suggested changes feels more appropriate. MY suggestion to point any future attempts in the right direction, make certain unintended mechanics into intended mechanics an example is wavedashing (I'm not saying specifically to keep it, it is an example of what can be kept to get the idea across), give Highlander the ability to actually intentionally cancel his offensive stance without using stamina he can already do this with a bug in his kit it is iffy and hard to do but good players use it its how they parry out of offensive stance, just the idea is simply use what Highlander already has going for him and then make the things that are unintended and hard to do but the only reason he is playable into either other things that achieve the same goal or make them intended and easier to use. Another goal with Highlander I think should either be clearing up animations or making him fight like he has a greatsword, this mostly would happen on a zone, however I've said this a few times Highlander is better off not getting a heavy off gb but rather a unique animation but if they still want him to get heavy off gb I would prefer it be side heavies so we go back to the time when Highlander actually had a reason to top heavy and why its so ingrained in our muscle memory.
    Feel free to reply your own feeling on the rework, Freeze is bound to get unbelievable amounts of hate now and no one deserves too much hate, it's bad to start a hate train, so I would prefer my replies on this comment to be about constructive ideas and feeling on the rework. Thank you, and if Freeze reads this part, I either expect a reply like years ago or you to go straight to deleting this comment like you did before, but I will not pursue harassing you however I urge you to look at yourself and ask yourself is being a villain really what you should strive for or should you strive to become a voice and helper of the community listening and constructing feedback in a respectful way instead of being as self centered as you have been and said you have been for years, your channel does not NEED to be exactly what you originally made it for you can make it into something positive instead of something made out of frustration and hate for people you find dumb and "needing to be educated".
    Sorry for the rant, I fully expect this to be deleted, it doesn't matter though Freeze just wants a target on his back like he is trying to cosplay Apollyon.

    • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 6 місяців тому

      hl mains are not half of the community and itd be better off if they were gone unironically

    • @beatdeath9962
      @beatdeath9962 6 місяців тому +1

      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial Highlander is loved by more than just the people who play them, many games have characters the community loves but do not play, Centurion is am example I wouldn't say his mains comprise most the community but he is another beloved character and I doubt anyone would want to see him disappear as well. Highlander and Centurion are similar in that not a lot of people main them or play them in general, but rather, the community loves them so much and wants to see them done right. Most of the community loves Highlander as a character, his personality, and everything on that end not everyone loves his game play the people who love the game play are the ones who main him. It does not matter though because if the devs were to outright remove him I would remove trust and respect that people already don't have with them, having that fear that their character could be left in the dumpster or outright deleted just because the devs don't like them or because the devs listen to a minority of the player base is a disgusting thought and many people wouldn't want to play in that environment.
      If you genuinely think Highlander should be removed, think about if they were to remove a character you either main or love the personality of, idk who that may be but I'll use a general example of Warden he is the poster knight and loved by many imagine they removed him entirely there would be outrage and no trust at all. It's not a matter of Highlander needs changes cause his mains say so, it's a matter of respect and passion to the game and community they love. If you don't want to see Highlander exist anymore, then I can't imagine the thought of someone not wanting unique characters in the game that is already straying so far away from that idea that it gets stale faster and faster.

  • @TheUnfortunateMejic
    @TheUnfortunateMejic 6 місяців тому +4

    Freeze would be the kind of guy to play Ryu in street fighter and scream to the devs that Zangief's spd needs to be replaced with a fireball and a dp.

  • @Sisyphe__
    @Sisyphe__ 6 місяців тому +27

    I have 3000h on for honor and highlander is my only rep 70, if you don't understand the importance of wavedashing for HL you don't understand the character

  • @themmeatsweats
    @themmeatsweats 6 місяців тому +15

    I mean, I get that highlander has some polarizing input fuckery, and I also get and appreciate you pointing out the little niche situations where unintended things happen like being unable to parry when recovering from OS lights into DS. But sure you can say something more than "don't hold heavy when you're doing a GB punish" because my man that's just obvious. next you're going to tell me I can't crushing counter unblockables. Also, where is the context for these changes being made into the current duel meta or how they compare to other cast member's kits? you've identified holes in the kit, but you usually offer fixes or define limitations for fixes and both of these things are valuable contributions. I'm sad to see you basically reading the ingredients instead of telling me about the recipe.
    If you're burnt out by the game and making these vids, take a break dude.

  • @sir_lancelot01
    @sir_lancelot01 6 місяців тому +34

    This rework for Highlander is a very good step in the right direction, it gives him more options than he had before "e.g. A Roll catch move" and helps him to move around the opponent with more Dodge Attack's and I-Frames. however, removing the Wave Dash is a very big mistake considering that is what makes Highlander a skill-based hero. As I have said before and will say again, For Honor is a fighting game and should be developed and treated as such; and I believe that a lot of players "Including Freeze" forget that. Wave Dashing is a big part of Highlander, being able to use and understand it in a fight is amazing to only watch but also fight; so, by removing the Wave Dash from Highlander you're not only taking the fun away from him, but also the skillful part as well.
    P.s. Saying Highlander should not be played or is a waste of resources is very selfish. We are all welcome to think what we want about other heroes, but comments like this are not only rude but not needed or funny.

  • @stormychu5677
    @stormychu5677 6 місяців тому +78

    highlander should do big damage caus of sword is big and heavy need be strong to lift and swing

    • @jeanvaljean6433
      @jeanvaljean6433 6 місяців тому +37

      comp gamers be like why is the claymore doing more damage than a kitchen knife bro that's so unfair

    • @dontcare537
      @dontcare537 6 місяців тому +5

      comp players be like why you did light i parried you u noob why u did heavy i parried you why did you play i defeated you because i predicted my dad's abandonment

    • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 6 місяців тому


  • @MaximusValor
    @MaximusValor 6 місяців тому +8

    7:38 - 8:02 Bait used to be believable -I

  • @thehotcoco6428
    @thehotcoco6428 6 місяців тому +7

    don't compare wave dash to shove on block it makes no sense one takes skill the other is just shub. You said you don't play hl so you won't understand

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 6 місяців тому

      It taking skill doesn’t change that it’s inherently unhealthy and shouldn’t be in the game!

  • @m.deadly5952
    @m.deadly5952 6 місяців тому +6

    I'm not surprised. It's practically woven into the DNA of Conq mains to have a grudge against their Achilles' heel - the villainous Highlanders. 😈

    • @craziun4292
      @craziun4292 6 місяців тому

      I originated conq main (now just all heavies)
      Biggest enemy of all is the lack of undodgables/ roll catches. Idk how they would even fix that. They would have to make a new move.
      Highlanders are perfectly fine to fight, a 2 light chain can break even a dodge kick, we both be set to nuteral (conqu coming on top due to 12 damage light)

  • @aersla1731
    @aersla1731 6 місяців тому +15

    Just giving us a heavy on gb was nice.. the chain zone into heavies was fun. I don't even know anymore this is by far one of the most divided communities on everything.

  • @Naruhiu
    @Naruhiu 6 місяців тому +12

    Theres a certain joy in playing something meta chasers call trash and beating them with said thing

    • @captainnyet9855
      @captainnyet9855 6 місяців тому

      Probably the main reason I got into HL (and Shugoki/Conqueror before their big reworks) was taking a hero that's generally considered to be bad and finding ways to make them work; it's not always easy, but all the more satisfying when you manage to pull ahead.

  • @OldBoyCarlos
    @OldBoyCarlos 6 місяців тому +5

    What an absolute L of a take.
    He tells the highlander mains that if they complain about the wavedashing being gone, they have a low intellect but he proceeds to say he doesn't play the hero at all... the irony.
    You don't have to like the hero Freeze, you just have to not shit on your own viewers...

  • @lordteewurst
    @lordteewurst 6 місяців тому +8

    I politely disagree with you Freeze.

  • @thewolfgirlexpert
    @thewolfgirlexpert 6 місяців тому +59

    How they managed to go back so many steps after the first TG is amazing. And honestly, that's a horrible sentiment to have towards balancing, every hero should at the very least be viable. No exceptions, no matter how much the community hates the hero, etc etc. Starting to sound like an Overwatch player lmao.

    • @theswiftphil8789
      @theswiftphil8789 6 місяців тому

      Highlander as is is Viable he's always been viable.... Youre foolish and don't know tf youre talking about at all

    • @tristenatorplaysgames6833
      @tristenatorplaysgames6833 6 місяців тому +1

      I don’t understand what’s wrong with version besides the wave dashing not still being in his kit

  • @connorwilcox146
    @connorwilcox146 6 місяців тому +8

    With the amount of work that most heroes need (that being minimal timing changes and maybe some extra chain links), I’m happy to see them put some more work into HL. I just wanna see them actually implement more minor/safe changes straight into the game rather than only allowing us to use them for two weeks and then being stuck waiting forever for their implementation. Medjay, PK, and Nuxia all had such minor, ubiquitously positive changes that there really was no risk in just putting them into the game without a TG.

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 6 місяців тому

      I mean PK’s was not good though, and would’ve had 0 impact on gameplay at really any level. That’s WHY they have the TG, to buff/nerf things like that

    • @connorwilcox146
      @connorwilcox146 6 місяців тому +2

      ⁠@@ficedulamortis64340 impact meaning no danger to adding it straight in. I wouldn’t have cared if they later removed it.

  • @Karma-Larma
    @Karma-Larma 6 місяців тому +15

    Highlander identity to me is variable timing mix up like another characters from other games with wave-dash
    - Tekken
    Jin Kazama
    Kazuya Mishima
    Heihachi Mishima
    - Smash Bro Melee
    Heck Multiverse
    - Batman
    Mortal Kombat
    - Block wave dash
    & ETC
    Like wave-dashing is a staple in fighting games there’s documentaries on it

    • @FiveFootFall
      @FiveFootFall 6 місяців тому +2

      Bro it's not a real wavedash, people just called it that. It's not very effective and the advantage is marginal at best. Let it go cuz it's gone and good riddance.

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 6 місяців тому

      For honor isn’t a fighting game. Sure on a base level it tries to be, but it fails at every turn

    • @sir_lancelot01
      @sir_lancelot01 6 місяців тому +12

      I 100% agree, a lot of people who play this game "Like Freeze" tend to forget that For Honor is a fighting game, and it should be developed and treated as such. And yes, the timings are very specific with Highlander's offence, but that is what makes Highlander who he is as a hero. Removing the Wave Dash from Highlander, is the same as removing the skill needed to play him at a decent level.

    • @sir_lancelot01
      @sir_lancelot01 6 місяців тому +2

      @@ficedulamortis6434 How does it fail at being a Fighting Game?

    • @Karma-Larma
      @Karma-Larma 6 місяців тому +2

      @@FiveFootFallWave dash mix up timing, it can dodge some moves, rob your turn back by fake dash like a fake walk up in a fighting game, catch I frames dodging & you tell me it’s useless I know it not a 1 answer move but player that put blood, sweat & tears lab it understand it to the fullest
      Have you done that? Because sound like you havent broke it down to it core why it useful

  • @Brawn618
    @Brawn618 6 місяців тому +4

    Saying this about highlander when shinobi exists amazes me

  • @TV---
    @TV--- 6 місяців тому +8

    Damn huge L opinion.

  • @GrantGuy1
    @GrantGuy1 6 місяців тому +8

    Hey Freeze,
    I know I speak for everyone when I say you should just stick to the frame-check videos. It's obvious that you have no business offering commentary on the game, and it's astounding how ill-informed you are on the subject of balancing. Highlander deserves a proper rework as much as any other character and I'm happy the developers don't listen to you.
    guten Beschluss und VG

  • @raisenboy7847
    @raisenboy7847 6 місяців тому +13

    The happy new year send off at the end was the best part of the video

  • @megafrankenstien8049
    @megafrankenstien8049 6 місяців тому +1

    Sarcasm and highlander are definitely two of my favorite combinations but fr they must struggle when it comes to inputs and stances

  • @JohnnyBGoode1122
    @JohnnyBGoode1122 6 місяців тому +3

    Freeze is the Ben Shapiro of For Honor. Just imagine this video in Ben's voice.

  • @krantinebhwani6125
    @krantinebhwani6125 4 місяці тому

    Just returned to the game recently since years, have a tiny bit of time finally. Do these changes not go live if it didn't make it to the current patch, or theres still a chance? I can't even find the results of this testing grounds

  • @Blurgamer17
    @Blurgamer17 6 місяців тому +8

    I didn't expect such a Slanderous HL take from Freeze. 😮

    • @georgefeldman5647
      @georgefeldman5647 6 місяців тому +12

      Slanderous has better takes on HL than this lol. Freeze's idea is just to soft delete the character from the game. At least Slanderous tries to make recommendations to make the character better.

  • @1ofthelastrockers
    @1ofthelastrockers 6 місяців тому +6

    Slanderous gonna be big mad

  • @faraoh700
    @faraoh700 6 місяців тому +2

    Show us on the doll where the Highlander hurt you, Freeze…

  • @extremefire-gfxandmore6669
    @extremefire-gfxandmore6669 6 місяців тому +3

    The fact that he no longer dodges with the same dodge recovery is not really any major highlander main concern. It's the delay after dodging before you can input any attack. The dodge after any attack also feels sluggish. Highlander really doesn't play like he's intended without wavedash, seriously. It's only a defensive mechanism, that was utilized back when highlander had a not so strong offensive side.

  • @EGB_469
    @EGB_469 6 місяців тому +3

    Truly a FH video. Shit on other player whenever you see an opportunity, then top it off with a selfish shit take. Ah, what a great game and community.

  • @MrMag1cTr1ck
    @MrMag1cTr1ck 5 місяців тому +2

    Wave Dashing is actually very important with this character for alot of reasons, starters when you mentioned that you cant parry a dodge attack after using offensive lights after exiting offensive stance, this is because they removed wave dashing, wave dashing lets you refresh your recoveries faster for guard swapping in offensive stance which allows you to parry that dodge attack almost if not every time, with the removal of wave dashing you can no longer sit backwards in offensive stance unless you are just waiting for your opponent to whiff something and you get a free kick which is even better in the tg with the addition of highlander having 2x as much forward momentum on his kick, if you were to instead DODGE FORWARD in offensive stance in this tg, your opponent gets a free light attack every time, with the removal of wave dashing you can no longer dodge forward switch guards and feint (doing this removes the 300ms delay from offensive stance to defensive stance) and parry that light, so your opponent can simply react to you dodge forward and throw a light attack and you are back to neutral with no reliable way to get into offensive stance with the removal of back step light, wave dashing is nothing like shove on block it is something that is very important and makes highlander playable while giving him flexibility and room to breathe while being in offensive stance, now in the tg if you simply make 1 mistake its back to neutral with 0 pressure, 0 reliable way to get into offensive stance, currently highlanders BIGGEST issue is offensive lights, but its not the offensive lights themselves, its a certain bug that is used within them by very few people that make them game breaking, its makes them fully unreactable, ontop of this it punishes reacting to highlander swapping guards, which is a HUGE DEAL, but this tg and last tg were mostly just improvements on highlanders offense, while they did massively succeed giving him EXTREMELY strong offensive in offensive form ontop of leaving the offensive light guard switch in the game (this is the bug I previously mentioned) it adds more pressure then needed, I wish that ubisoft in the future will touch up his defensive stance more then his offensive stance, as it only needed some touching here and there. At high level highlander is actually very decent due to this singular bug being available at use, which adds so much use and flexibility with wave dashing being a mechanic, rather it was intended or not which it wasnt, but a large amount of issues is because of the removal of wave dashing, but more on the matter this isnt a rant, more of just explaining why wave dashing is so important on the character then what you bring credit to it, I am more then happy to show in a private session, nice vid!

    • @vapor_snake920
      @vapor_snake920 5 місяців тому

      At high levels, it doesn’t.

    • @wizardswine
      @wizardswine 4 місяці тому +1

      Or how about we don't balance characters around janky bugs that change at a whim, and you simply balance offence form recoveriesm, cancels, and timings to allow you to correctly punish anyway.

  • @clarkedawe3464
    @clarkedawe3464 2 місяці тому +1

    I called it a long time ago: you like the smell of your own farts waaayyy too much

  • @candidosilva7389
    @candidosilva7389 6 місяців тому +8

    As as highlander main i like the rework. Its feels like all he needs. The only thing i could ask for is execution off zone.... but thats a strech to ask. As for the clunkiness its good. Its a skill curve because iv noticed as you get better its not clunky its quite fluid

    • @resspawn26
      @resspawn26 6 місяців тому +2

      If you mean clunkiness of HL on live, I agree, I remember I felt the same when I first started playing on him. But for TG HL? No, that is not okay. 3 buttons to press in a 400ms window, just to simply feint into OFS will never feel fluid and is unnecessary complication.
      Ideally, I would like these new feints to work similarly to his celtic curse - just hold heavy to fast flow into OFS and thats it

  • @Osman1c57
    @Osman1c57 6 місяців тому +3

    berserker still having hyperarmor with 400ms lights is ridiculous

  • @michaelsilverdahl2175
    @michaelsilverdahl2175 6 місяців тому +4

    Freeze is a professional hater on anything related to Highlander

  • @wanhedasbro2194
    @wanhedasbro2194 6 місяців тому +3

    So used to your videos being based on objectivity and clear explanation along with reasoning. Admittedly it was informative but saying to abandon the character isn't like you. He is a technical character and thus hard to rework. I say refining is more important then throwing out out half done reworks

  • @donsimons9810
    @donsimons9810 6 місяців тому +1

    Huh? he’s one of the most interesting and fun characters. What character is worth the resources more?

  • @theycallmeblu1961
    @theycallmeblu1961 6 місяців тому +18

    I don’t think the dude with the biggest sword in the game should be wave dashing but pk can’t wave dash that doesn’t make sense

    • @izrealtruefelicis3309
      @izrealtruefelicis3309 6 місяців тому +3

      You’re wrong. He’s the only one who deserves to wavedash

    • @theycallmeblu1961
      @theycallmeblu1961 6 місяців тому

      @@izrealtruefelicis3309 no…he does not and if he does then Errbody deserves wavedash cus ain’t no way you telling me this dude has a sword that’s taller than my character and he’s fazing through time and swinging that sword like it’s a pencil

    • @theycallmeblu1961
      @theycallmeblu1961 6 місяців тому

      He is not doodlebob, doodlebob is the only character that deserves wave dash 😂

    • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 6 місяців тому

      tf even is wavedashing and why do hl players treat it like a sacred deity

    • @izrealtruefelicis3309
      @izrealtruefelicis3309 6 місяців тому

      @@LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial because it is…wave dashing a gift from the creator.

  • @StormKnight1
    @StormKnight1 5 місяців тому

    Someone dunned his glasses so he decided to break the glasses.

  • @Raytanix
    @Raytanix 6 місяців тому +3

    His hitboxes were still trash too. Hitting people from out side of his sword range

  • @moistwindow6094
    @moistwindow6094 6 місяців тому +6

    All in all, i like this iteration of the highlander testing grounds, at the very least much more than the first testing grounds for him

  • @smirokgambeson3020
    @smirokgambeson3020 6 місяців тому +3

    Ad hominem (usually regarding intelligence or discrediting an opinion purely because it’s popular)
    Useful information, literally the only reason people watch Freeze’s videos
    Emotionally biased shitty take
    More vague insults

  • @TheEMan621
    @TheEMan621 5 місяців тому +1

    Did Slanderous use AI to make this video with your voice bro?

  • @highlander6573
    @highlander6573 6 місяців тому +3

    Did your girl get stolen by a highlander main

  • @ashesonwool1077
    @ashesonwool1077 6 місяців тому

    the input wasnt changed, you could still use back x to use it.

  • @iwantcider
    @iwantcider 6 місяців тому

    besides his lack of a stance change button like medjay, I like this rework over his live build. feels less like I'm relaying on hyperarmour and more on his offensive stance

  • @bluetreatrick
    @bluetreatrick 6 місяців тому +1

    I absolutely love how Freeze started to roast every character in his vids and wish him a qucik death

  • @IssaUserName
    @IssaUserName 6 місяців тому

    I like the concept of a lot of the changes, I have not been able to play the PT myself, but awkwardness of the timings have always been my frustration even with current HL. Some days I get the flow, some days I just randomly fuckin swap guards weird lmfao. I think the feel is even different controller to MnK. The attenuation of the trigger on controllers is.. more finicky IMO. Id take wave dashing being removed for a lot of these changes if they could tighten up the inputs.

  • @levoweal
    @levoweal 6 місяців тому +2

    You forgot to mention that his input timings for offensive stance heavy on gb and light parry are also ridiculously tight. Not even "highlander things", just the most basic punish that every hero should have, yet it's fucked by timings too.

    • @thedarkprince6
      @thedarkprince6 6 місяців тому +1

      But you can side heavy on a light parry for more damage

    • @levoweal
      @levoweal 6 місяців тому +1

      @@thedarkprince6 I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying timing to do is way too tight. What are you talking about.

    • @0scarWalsh
      @0scarWalsh 6 місяців тому +1

      Yes it is a Highlander thing, that is how his punishes have always worked. The fact that you can get a top heavy off GB without a wall bounce is new altogether, learn the timings and stop whining 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @levoweal
      @levoweal 6 місяців тому +2

      @@0scarWalsh What are you talking about. None of the characters have this issue and there is zero reason to have it at the first place. I'm not whining, I'm stating the fact.

    • @themmeatsweats
      @themmeatsweats 6 місяців тому

      @@levoweal I don't think the timing is all that tight, or at least it's not more demanding than quite a few OoS punishes. You'll get used to it after a while

  • @YouTubeguy4200
    @YouTubeguy4200 6 місяців тому +1

    I’m almost rep 70 for my highlander, and I have mixed emotions about the rework.

  • @CoulierCuts
    @CoulierCuts 6 місяців тому

    This is a tough watch Freeze

  • @kasuto4811
    @kasuto4811 4 місяці тому +1

    i bet he felt the same way about lb
    my mans probs contributed in getting lb gutted and now hes coming for hl

  • @Inward_Outward
    @Inward_Outward 6 місяців тому +2

    "I don't want to see anymore resources wasted on this abomination; and hope that people will not play him."
    Jeez, man. He's not even my main and that's way too far. Do you have that kind of attitude in all your videos?
    Edit: For the most part, yep.

  • @Muciatneh
    @Muciatneh 6 місяців тому +1

    Just use his first TG and remove the dodge-to-toss and he's all set

  • @readyness
    @readyness 6 місяців тому +11

    man people hate this character so much but he’s so bad lol.

  • @Rif_Tv_Gaming
    @Rif_Tv_Gaming 6 місяців тому +1

    Special Devs from Ubisoft made him from Lightlander to Clunkylander now. Good Work 👏 The fanboy kids will also celebrate

  • @aramasai6878
    @aramasai6878 6 місяців тому +1

    Please someone tell me was it sarcasm, him saying about the animations and stuff ?
    I would be so happy if they stopped balancing hero’s for a year and just sorted out the lazy animations for some of the newer hero’s and tweaking some of the older ones like most zone attacks and “flickering” animations it would be a dream for this game to not be a buggy mess and be cleaner and more polished it’d bring more players and make the game feel better in general

    • @aramasai6878
      @aramasai6878 6 місяців тому

      EDIT: I meant I’d be happy them not releasing or balancing anyone for the next year

  • @10pcWings
    @10pcWings 6 місяців тому

    Damn freeze mad as hell lmao

  • @brodygates7535
    @brodygates7535 2 місяці тому

    I’m really not trying to complain about the video but it’s funny to see the way he looks at playing Highlander, not a fucking clue what he’s doing.

  • @robbiex-x5579
    @robbiex-x5579 6 місяців тому +4

    Ive started to realize freeze is just whiny at this point, I can't take anything he says about the meta seriously

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 6 місяців тому +1

      I mean what he says about the meta is significantly more informed than any other current day UA-camr. He actually talks to competitive players regularly, so who else would you take seriously?

    • @robbiex-x5579
      @robbiex-x5579 6 місяців тому +6

      @@ficedulamortis6434 i dunno, maybe someone who doesn't suggest just undoing a rework entirely because he's pouty about a character he openly hates?

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 6 місяців тому

      @@robbiex-x5579 I mean it’s not just that he’s pouty. The rework is BAD. Every single top player agrees it’s bad. It’s overtuned, does not feel great to play, and they DO need to redo it. He just interjected his personal opinion in this as well

  • @pivotmaster351
    @pivotmaster351 6 місяців тому +2

    highlander moves are bordering on esoteric knowledge at this point with how weird everything is
    also, they keep removing hyper armor from stuff, god I hope they leave berserk intact, hes like the last fun character in the game, manages to be viable with no bashes and to play him well you actually have to press more than one button

    • @0scarWalsh
      @0scarWalsh 6 місяців тому +2

      >last fun character in the game
      You sure you didn't mean least fun character? Because berserker has been a disease on all console players since he originally got his rework

    • @Juntou
      @Juntou 6 місяців тому +4

      @@0scarWalshsounds like a skill issue ngl

    • @pivotmaster351
      @pivotmaster351 6 місяців тому +1

      @@0scarWalsh lmao everything is cancer on console, dont blame the one well designed character in this game

    • @0scarWalsh
      @0scarWalsh 6 місяців тому

      @@pivotmaster351 real and understandable

    • @gigachad4306
      @gigachad4306 6 місяців тому

      Nah man, zerker is too much. He has more HA than any other character and 400 ms lights to it. Remove some of this shit

  • @daug3607
    @daug3607 6 місяців тому +4

    Im astonished ubi thought this character doesnt need jorm level overhauling despite being the most broken (as in the amount of bugs, not viability) mess in the game and instead tried to build on his existing kit, fixed none of the bugs bar wavedashing and even added more bugs on top with shit like the shenanigans in feinting the kick to a gb, all the shitty old stuff like original caber toss input and the useless forward dodge softfeints are still there to cause moveset bloat, character still doesnt have a proper opener, the new entrances to offensive stance are both useless and so on
    This is the laziest excuse of a rework they have ever done and I think it even surpasses conquerors in terms of that. They had 0 vision with this hero, waste of 2 testing grounds

  • @tristenatorplaysgames6833
    @tristenatorplaysgames6833 6 місяців тому

    They need to keep wave dashing in his kit becasue he feels so clunky on offensive stance it doesn’t feel right. I like the testing ground changes are great besides that

  • @SoI_Badguy
    @SoI_Badguy 6 місяців тому +1

    I'm so glad I broke this game off from my life and stopped playing it like a year ago. I can sit by and watch the fire without a care in the world.

    • @vapor_snake920
      @vapor_snake920 6 місяців тому +1

      Feed the fire
      Let the last cinders burn

  • @commodorekhan8602
    @commodorekhan8602 6 місяців тому +1

    This video is honestly surprising to me. As much as I agree with many of the points about HL TG, it just feels like this video is so forced and also just a form of giving up.
    There isn't enough explanation of whether the kit is effective or not even if the inputs would be improved, and the "solution" given is to just forget about the hero altogether.
    I agree the rework has taken far too much time to get correct, but I thought the lesson we learned from Conq and LB was that we want it done right and not screwed up on release. I myself am not really a HL player either, so I understand how frustrating it was to use TG HL, but it honestly only made me want to play him more, hoping that they fix the input issues.

  • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
    @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 6 місяців тому

    hl needs to be redone from the ground up

  • @BlicedSread
    @BlicedSread 6 місяців тому

    I'm kinda disappointed you didn't mention how all the new feigns, soft feigns, and fast flow after a feing don't really serve a purpose. There is no reason to go for a complicated: feign -> tight af parry window -> offensive form -> punish when you can: heavy -> caber -> punish. There's no reason to feign and fast flow back into offensive form if you're not able to use the kick to punish after a dodge. You just may as well parry what you just baited out or gb them.

  • @austinmatthews7319
    @austinmatthews7319 6 місяців тому +8

    I think it would be great if they ditched the 2 heroes model this year and spent it making map content and the like while the animation teams fixed up on old characters. That would be better than spending months of resources to make some one off Halloween event that only lasted 2 weeks. And no the playerbase wont die. They come back for new and refreshing content not just for a new hero to beat up on noobs for.

    • @oIRydahKCIo
      @oIRydahKCIo 6 місяців тому

      I just ask they give Zerk the 360 feint animation back. That was beautiful 😢

    • @themmeatsweats
      @themmeatsweats 6 місяців тому

      That does sound nice, but new maps and cleaning up animations and whatnot don't get people to buy steel and buying steel is what keeps the lights and the servers on for this 7 year old niche game. the fact that it still has a team working on it actively is kind of amazing tbh

    • @deusvult6938
      @deusvult6938 6 місяців тому

      @@oIRydahKCIoi still have no clue why they even removed it. they remove a bunch of things silently for no fucking reason.

  • @truedarklander
    @truedarklander 6 місяців тому

    Freeze talking straight Yappanese

  • @tjhall42
    @tjhall42 6 місяців тому +2

    This feels like a ragebait video considering the title & extreme takes at the end of it. I would honestly enjoy the TG version of the hero in live if they clean up the inputs

  • @GodsHeart-ej9ti
    @GodsHeart-ej9ti 6 місяців тому

    1:00 I agree the Heavy->Feint->Held Heavy feels clunky. I feel it would feel better if they treated it like a Soft Feint instead of a hard feint and cut out the feint input so it Heavy->(mid swing) Held Heavy

    • @vapor_snake920
      @vapor_snake920 6 місяців тому

      Actually that isn’t a bad idea. Kinda like how Valk does with entering into her shield stance

  • @Skdntplay
    @Skdntplay 6 місяців тому +2

    if HL gets gutted the game is cooked cause then it could happen to any char

  • @morle2009
    @morle2009 6 місяців тому +2

    Freeze really hates this character lol

  • @frogaroach
    @frogaroach 6 місяців тому +1

    the "ancient texts" and "apocrypha texts" jokes made me lol

  • @oIRydahKCIo
    @oIRydahKCIo 6 місяців тому

    So, can someone answer me this; after light parry, i was supposed to puniah with a defensive heavy, not offensive UB heavy?
    A PK was able to recover fast enough and dodge attack me after I would get a light parry. 🙃

    • @themmeatsweats
      @themmeatsweats 6 місяців тому +3

      the non-TG punish is currently to hold the heavy input and use an offensive heavy. in TG you could get away with a defensive heavy, but you have to be pretty specific about when you input the heavy and that you don't hold it for too long. no other character in the game has this kind of input sensitivity for a parry punish, but it is what it is

    • @OneBadGrimbo
      @OneBadGrimbo 6 місяців тому

      Pk has buggy recoveries seen a pk get wallspalted by a HL kick and was able to dodge attack the confirmed heavy, its a really strong thing which isnt intended and is thanks to her recoveries after heavy inputs.

  • @lapusso3704
    @lapusso3704 6 місяців тому

    the only change i like is the zone having hyperarmor and chaining/fainting into heavy or OS
    the rest is giga bullcrap

    • @yeahthatstrue3157
      @yeahthatstrue3157 6 місяців тому

      Something needs to be done about his kick/grab mixup, every character can roll away from it, too many characters can dodge attack both options.

  • @jonmann4980
    @jonmann4980 6 місяців тому +1

    1:02 there’s the problem right there

  • @wizardswine
    @wizardswine 4 місяці тому

    Generally one of the best mouth pieces in FH with an excellent set of takes and a quality in-between the competitive and casual community, dealing in hard facts and no casual pandering.
    This didn't feel very right or good, and I would expect better for someone who rarely lets personal feelings get in the way of based opinions (besides ofc rightfully dismissing most of the player base's takes, as these animals deserve.)
    Just a bad take, I understand being frustrated one hero is eating up resources for years but we can get something good out of this.