For Honor - BASHES got fixed and Hitokiri is something...

  • Опубліковано 5 лип 2024
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  • @glue-eater300
    @glue-eater300 6 місяців тому +78

    when freeze starts swearing i actually feel his anger radiating from the screen into my body
    he's so real

    • @mr_ldc_killek2
      @mr_ldc_killek2 6 місяців тому +1

      For honor does that to a man, we know this lesson well.

  • @5ivesstarwill
    @5ivesstarwill 6 місяців тому +91

    Hito is really more of a ultimate noob stomper now than he ever was before in my opinion cause if I struggle with him now at a high level after the changes I could imagine what a noob player has to go through fighting him 😬

    • @atynniehawke9341
      @atynniehawke9341 6 місяців тому +11

      If you struggle WITH him that's obviously on you, if you mean AGAINST him that's another story

    • @why8298
      @why8298 6 місяців тому +22

      Hito hasn’t been fun to fight for a while the design of the character’s playstyle is inherently obnoxious.

    • @bigj9942
      @bigj9942 6 місяців тому +1

      Anyone else love heavy on red been back? I thought ubi saw it is bad for new players.
      Ubi going back to bring their old issues back.

    • @Lenown
      @Lenown 6 місяців тому +1

      Excuse you sir. ITS MAAM she's a girl

    • @atynniehawke9341
      @atynniehawke9341 6 місяців тому +4

      @@Lenown no is not, hito is a category and can be as much as male as it is female

  • @micahc8989
    @micahc8989 6 місяців тому +13

    So a cool niche for hito tier two is in breach, smack that sumabeach on an officer the frame you press one of your execution buttons the tier 2 healing goes off for your team, it’s helped win a few fights using that since you don’t have to finish the execution just start it.

    • @getyoassonsomewhere
      @getyoassonsomewhere 6 місяців тому +1

      *teammate comes in and finishes the Officer, no execution either*

  • @toetmined5299
    @toetmined5299 6 місяців тому +6

    5:18 - Actually, the Hitokiri Tier 2 is getting insane value every game the hito is played.
    In the scrims against Nemesis I got multiple 2 man (100hp from tier 2) and one 3man (150hp + exe health) tier 2 before the tourney.
    In the FG major Winners finals game with our hito we got a 2man Tier 2 that ended up winning us an unfavored 2v3 on their homepoint and we won the game.
    In our latest scrim session clutchmeister got 300hp of total value from the tier 2 in 1 game.
    Hito is not overrated.
    Imo she got one of the best tier 1s in the game
    Tier 2 is either a way better executioners respite (solo tier 2) or something that decides the outcome of a fight on its own.
    Tier 3 could be better but works with hito because she has 140hp and that tier 2 so the Tier 3 can get a lot of value
    Tier 4 is your avrg fear itself so its fine.
    Guten Tag

    • @fkkfreeze
      @fkkfreeze  6 місяців тому +2

      I'll rewatch, but my current guess is you're coping

    • @javlopez9627
      @javlopez9627 Місяць тому

      @@fkkfreezenot a very cash money thing to say.

  • @brothatscrazy3418
    @brothatscrazy3418 6 місяців тому +13

    I feel like Clutch is gonna take the entire Hito section personal lol.

  • @rylietw1725
    @rylietw1725 6 місяців тому +15

    Hito imo currently sits in a more problematic spot than old shugo. Like him its not because she's super OP - but because fighting her is so genuinely unenjoyable and frustrating that I feel it needs attention. Also doesn't sit right with me you can win by genuinely only using variable timed heavies on a large portion of the playerbase.

    • @m_hall
      @m_hall 5 місяців тому +1

      Isn't the problem that her kit literally laughs in the face of frame advantage? She never needs to stop throwing heavy after heavy. And even if she gets hit with a light attack or doge, who cares? Hyper armor through it and start again

  • @NoForksGiven
    @NoForksGiven 6 місяців тому +24

    4:10 Rep 70 Hito here for what it's worth, light into bash has never been plus. Between that and Hito lights being comically stubby, there was, and still is, no reason to press the light button when playing her.
    The only reason it worked on players is because Hito is already a rare pick, and a Hito that likes the lights is even rarer so most people just assume she's plus because it's a bash and never tried to interrupt. To be fair, it is a small window to do it

    • @honeyfro2615
      @honeyfro2615 6 місяців тому +6

      Rare? I see hito all the time. I thought % wise she was a top pick at least in matchmaking. Idk how recent it was but there’s a chart somewhere in the comp sub where she came out as the top pick for that season.

    • @Oznerol1234
      @Oznerol1234 6 місяців тому

      Until your opponent uses his brain and start throwing a lot of GB to counter you.

    • @5ivesstarwill
      @5ivesstarwill 6 місяців тому

      Agreed. There's still no encouraging changes to still use the lights when you can just throw zone, spam heavy, and you won't get punished that bad for it if you get parried and honestly, you're right I didn't even know you could light him through the bash until now. I barely see it and see hito even with the changes so it's harder to deal with him true

    • @zoddy2368
      @zoddy2368 6 місяців тому

      I’m only rep 2 and yeah I only use light attacks if I’m trying to end a combo quick

  • @hazulaf3503
    @hazulaf3503 6 місяців тому +5

    Ok I thought HL felt off, can’t wait for your video on his changes and what they janked with his kit

  • @Sisyphe__
    @Sisyphe__ 6 місяців тому

    I did a pause of for honor when they shown the first rework of highlander (no more wavedash), did something change for highlander since ?

  • @orochi4768
    @orochi4768 5 місяців тому

    How is Orochi after the changes? does his kick and stormrush work better now? need video oe explain on his offense. Seeing tiandi able to keep his dodge cancel on missed bash, orochi could use similar treatment.

  • @Xyrotec14
    @Xyrotec14 6 місяців тому +5

    As a Tiandi main:
    The delay to his forward bash was absolutely idiotic.
    He now feels more clunky to play again, his main mix up deals 10 damage and half of it is interrupted by smashing your head into the keyboard.
    Worst of all it didn't even fix the issues of the character, that being him being too safe thus encouraging just using the palm strike. Also it's just unhealthy. Buff the damage, reduce the safety.
    Also: yes, Tiandi has some interesting tracking issues on the palm strike. But the bash essentially point blank missing has been a thing ever since the rework and not new. Luckily it happens rarely

  • @stormychu5677
    @stormychu5677 6 місяців тому

    "the crumb of food had enough weight to push a random button" lmao my fucking god that actually made me crack up.

  • @Allan5889
    @Allan5889 6 місяців тому +1

    It’s honestly crazy how many teammates still scatter like fucking cockroaches during your Hito execution while that loud ass skull is up

  • @Texasmule
    @Texasmule 6 місяців тому +5

    Conq is forever

  • @ledgendamos4097
    @ledgendamos4097 6 місяців тому +1

    You can gb warlord out of his headbutt on reaction to dodge forward even if he commits as early as possible

    • @fkkfreeze
      @fkkfreeze  6 місяців тому +1

      What are you reacting to?

  • @TheCarrionKing27
    @TheCarrionKing27 6 місяців тому

    So glad you agree that the light to bash was a stupid nerf

  • @glitchyalex5098
    @glitchyalex5098 6 місяців тому +1

    Hito stuff is cool but I do feel the loss range with tiandis palm strike. Correction before people say shit, its sarcasm idk why they keep changing hito.

  • @Paladinbaroque
    @Paladinbaroque 6 місяців тому

    Cheers for the video bub

  • @aaaaaao5016
    @aaaaaao5016 6 місяців тому

    5:22 true....but i'm still a believer

  • @Jaredhenderson765
    @Jaredhenderson765 6 місяців тому

    2:12 the Irish part came out here

  • @supercharger2595
    @supercharger2595 6 місяців тому +8

    Hito never needed any buffs the bloody hero is more for people with no brain cells and needs training wheels still

    • @TheRezolver
      @TheRezolver 6 місяців тому +3

      Something tells me you get beat up by Hito a lot.

    • @蓮90
      @蓮90 5 місяців тому

      ​@@TheRezolver You do realize Hitokiri has the lowest skill ceiling in the game, yes? Along with Warlord. You don't have to make reads or outplay your opponents at all. You just throw heavies and win. You're in denial if you think otherwise. I quit playing Hito a long time ago because it was so boring and drab.

    • @TheRezolver
      @TheRezolver 5 місяців тому

      @@蓮90 you’re just objectively wrong. If that’s all it took then they wouldn’t have to adjust her so she could compete with the rest of the cast. Shut up and get better at the game😂.

  • @Wraith_of_Storm
    @Wraith_of_Storm 6 місяців тому

    Highlander is my top Hero with Jörm bringing up the rear. I haven't played Highlander much recently, but he definitely feels clunky as fuck... more so than usual. I hate the fact that they took out his chain light armor, because that allowed you to effectively trade with someone mashing armored heavies, if you couldn't get into your own armored heavies. It also let you trade with dodge-happy morons. I question why they did that; just fucking leave it be, because it's not as strong as people complain about. I do like that his heavies are sped-up a bit now, because wall-splats with his heavies have always been hit or miss, even in Offensive Stance.
    It feels like they reduced the tracking on Highlander's Caber Toss, but that could just be me.

  • @kreiskhaos8516
    @kreiskhaos8516 6 місяців тому

    Hito is a HA character that now only can use heavies despite her bash being an important part of her mixup. Wow Ubi

  • @MugApwool
    @MugApwool 6 місяців тому +3

    I personally dislike the Hito changes a lot. It feels like they're incentivising players to use the variable time charge heavies and ONLY those heavies, essentially making the rest of her VERY limited kit completely useless.

    • @oIRydahKCIo
      @oIRydahKCIo 6 місяців тому

      I would rather someone spam heavies instead of that god awful crisis of a time when everyone was light spamming

    • @MugApwool
      @MugApwool 6 місяців тому +2

      @@oIRydahKCIo I suppose. Although light spam never really existed for hitokiri, it's moreso the bash I'm referring to just having no reason to exist anymore.

    • @oIRydahKCIo
      @oIRydahKCIo 6 місяців тому

      @@MugApwool oooooh ok I see

  • @craziun4292
    @craziun4292 5 місяців тому

    Conqu got a nerf in this patch. Ill say it
    No ones going to see this because its an old video, but hitting anything from nuteral has gone down dramatically after this one

  • @vextay7199
    @vextay7199 6 місяців тому

    Tiandi had an easier time to land a bash before his rework. I completely stopped using him because of that input change for bash

    • @shalashaskaseven4841
      @shalashaskaseven4841 6 місяців тому

      As much as I miss the old input, people who just stared counter it completely

  • @GriefPB
    @GriefPB 6 місяців тому

    That War fashion is ELITE

    • @fkkfreeze
      @fkkfreeze  6 місяців тому +1

      it's the ogrelord

  • @benniebees
    @benniebees 6 місяців тому +1

    about hitos chainlink from light to kick: I felt like it added more uniqueness to the game. Hito's variably timed bash is now in more ways different from the other ones than before. Before you could light on heavy parries and go into offense, now you first need to do a heavy, react to the fact that the opponent didn't dodge it, and then go for a kick. The offense takes a lot more skill now. Ok, spamming heavies against opponents that try to react to them giving you free damage isn't very skillful sure. But the kick usage takes a lot more focus now.

    • @shalashaskaseven4841
      @shalashaskaseven4841 6 місяців тому

      It cripples the utility of various reads as your punish now cripples one of only two (and kick is the better one) forms of offense.
      It’s like the Zhanhu situation when his light would make him be interruptible. Sure you can do other moves, but you have to give up your better mix just because your kit is defective by design.

  • @RUGER5264
    @RUGER5264 6 місяців тому +1

    Oof. Hito got hit

  • @Master_Of_The_Universe
    @Master_Of_The_Universe 6 місяців тому

    My hatred of Hito deepens

  • @teo9619
    @teo9619 6 місяців тому

    good, hope they buff hitokiri and nerf medjay

  • @YoshiIsHitokiri
    @YoshiIsHitokiri 6 місяців тому +3

    As I hito main I honestly hate the change to the bash. The worst thing about hito is heavy spammers. Now ubi literally made every hito a heavy spammer. When playing I try my a absolute hardest to rely on the bashes for a better experience. Now that’s gone..

  • @Spahki
    @Spahki 6 місяців тому

    In my mind, anyone with 2 or more reps in hitokiri officially qualifies for the bad person title.
    She's so boring to play, or play against. 70% of hitokiri players I've fought against don't even consciously change their guard direction, they just mash heby, hold heby (timings may vary), or unmash heby. And it just works, because the least skilled player on your team (admittedly sometimes me) will crumble in seconds if faced with hito and another enemy, which leads to an immediate snowball.

  • @tabula_rosa
    @tabula_rosa 6 місяців тому

    The last hero i bought before i quit was griffin &, tbh when i never used his bash or his heal feats he was my favorite character to play bc he lacked (or was close enough that i could get him there without feeling like i was leaving much on the tool rack) gimmicks
    I wasn't beating people bc i was playing someone that disabled a core mechanic of the game or introduced a mechanic unique to that char that most players just didn't boot the game up to play against, i wasnt turning people's huds off or whipping a move over & over that will kill you dead if you miss it but rewards you nothing if you do counter it
    It was just pure, honest to god, having fun with the fun part at the heart of the game. Every time I'd play him against another player playing the same way I'd have a blast, but the 99% of players running autoparry & blinds & feats that chunk your entire healthbar off & hyperarmor variable timed heavies, just constantly reminded me that if you want the game to be fun, and not a "ruining other people's fun simulator", ubisoft fucking hates you

  • @tonistreams
    @tonistreams 6 місяців тому +1

    Hito just fell off after her rework
    Before her rework she was more rewarding and now she is just a brainless hero that needs to be changed entirely to be fun again.

    • @shalashaskaseven4841
      @shalashaskaseven4841 6 місяців тому

      Hito was non functional to anyone with game knowledge before the rework.

  • @theswiftphil8789
    @theswiftphil8789 6 місяців тому

    Hitos not so much overpowered as she is stupidly easy to use effectively.... And my poor highlander lost his skill ceiling so I'm sad this patch

  • @ogmudbone9093
    @ogmudbone9093 6 місяців тому +11

    Pk bash is good for its intended purpose of opening up people in teamfights, and hito is just unpunishable with the heavy buffs.

    • @machachacha3628
      @machachacha3628 6 місяців тому +7

      How is she unpunishable? In ones she is just worse than she was before due to bash change. It is only noticeable in 4s, where now the HA is standardized to that of other HA moves

    • @Alt0001
      @Alt0001 6 місяців тому +2

      No it's not stop sucking up to the devs

  • @romanusmercenarius255
    @romanusmercenarius255 6 місяців тому +1

    if they dont bring back highlanders high skill floor and ceiling i will leave for honor. no other character feels as rewarding or fun.
    (old lb did)

    • @shalashaskaseven4841
      @shalashaskaseven4841 6 місяців тому +2

      Old LB was the opposite of high skill ceiling. His skill floor was just a reaction check.

    • @romanusmercenarius255
      @romanusmercenarius255 6 місяців тому

      @@shalashaskaseven4841 tell me you've never played lb without telling me you've never played lb. Mans had no openers compared to the rest of the cast and had zero monkey armor but with this he felt unique. Also you can say that about bp, or conq, or shaolin, or cent llitterly any character with a good parry punish. lb thrived on reaction checks which mind you relied on YOU making good reads. other wise youd empty dodge and eat a light cuz they read your bash or empty dodge to gb. Not only that but the amount of different things you'd need to know when and how to do in certain situations. and did i mention he actually had TO WORK FOR HIS UNBLOCKABLE? unlike orochi, pirate, conq, jj, jorm, raider, or litterly any other character with an unblockable fron neutral or first chain. In my years of playing this game i have never heard such a goofy comment as yours as it basically applies to the entire cast especially orochi and bp. Gooday to you sir

    • @shalashaskaseven4841
      @shalashaskaseven4841 6 місяців тому +1

      @@romanusmercenarius255 Man had zero openers, but super high punishes. So you stared. You reacted and punished.
      Midchain offense was a psuedo bash undodgable mix, the easiest and strongest kind of mix up in the game. His finisher was just a unblockable. Nothing complex in chain. Besides on his midchain bash before the nerf he could just parry the dodge attack on reaction if you dodge attacked his bash. Super complex, just reacting.
      His punishes weren’t thy complex either. Wall with-in a mile of the opponent? Impale. Light parry? Top heavy. Heavy parry no wall? Light riposte.
      Does that sound complex?
      Besides after the bash nerf he had a opener. Dodge forwards heavy/light similar enough to the bash that majority of the player base couldn’t tell the difference. It was a opener at that point.
      Before then you just turtled.
      You may have not heard of a comment like mine, but the rest of the community has heard comments like yours, a delusion Lawbringer. Between the “Lawbringer is bad” victim mentality and pretending like he was complex, you guys annoyed everyone else for years.

  • @fearlessretaliator4997
    @fearlessretaliator4997 6 місяців тому

    Hiiiii mr.Freeeeze.

  • @Aloofasf
    @Aloofasf 6 місяців тому

    It doesnt sound like you really enjoy this game anymore

    • @EnthuZee
      @EnthuZee 6 місяців тому

      What kind of person does? Like it doesn't really reward you enough for playing.

  • @godofhonor
    @godofhonor 6 місяців тому

    Unpopular opinion: Hito is very good now, I’ve held more anti ganks than ever before, I feel like I don’t get peeled out of attacks anymore, the hit box is decent now, using the kicks is more important than anything else, when feinted properly to bait everything feels good

  • @spacemonkey9000
    @spacemonkey9000 6 місяців тому

    Hito is too tough already and i think heros are not punishable enough. GBs are too rare. A fights more interesting when it foes back and forth for a minutes and not a one sided pummel like street fighter. Just my opinion.

  • @thecenturiongod
    @thecenturiongod 6 місяців тому +4

    I feel like the best solution for Tiandi would be to remove the undodgeable state from the dodge forward light attack. They did the same to orochi when giving him his dodge forward bash so that his offense wouldn't be too oppressive. Why is Tiandi special enough to keep it?

    • @Wraith_of_Storm
      @Wraith_of_Storm 6 місяців тому +1

      Why would you do that? Tiandi is not so oppressive, dude. I've played every Hero in the game, and while Tiandi is annoying to play against, he's nowhere near "oppressive" at all.

    • @thedarkprince6
      @thedarkprince6 6 місяців тому +3

      ​@Wraith_of_Storm then you are playing bad tiandis, he's super safe able to counter most people's counters( cc on dodge attack, beats feint to gb , dodge cancel to gb for bashes) and depending on match up some heros that lack range just can't reach him and are forced to play defensively and counter for damage

    • @oIRydahKCIo
      @oIRydahKCIo 6 місяців тому +2

      Tiandi is the new brain dead Orochi. With more advantages on dodge attack that can be feinted 😒 not to mention he has recovery cancels after missing anything offensive input 😤 im just getting upset thinking about everything he can do

    • @tristenatorplaysgames6833
      @tristenatorplaysgames6833 6 місяців тому +1

      @@oIRydahKCIoyea his dodge light doesn’t do as much as orchid

    • @Wraith_of_Storm
      @Wraith_of_Storm 6 місяців тому

      @thedarkprince6 you do realize that playing defense is part of the game, correct? It's not about being able to cope with something; it's about strategic gameplay, predicting what they'll do and reacting accordingly. Not my fault you people can't think 2x steps ahead.

  • @robinrademacher7984
    @robinrademacher7984 6 місяців тому

    Hito should not have the neutral hyper armor besides that the character is okay in my eyes

    • @fkkfreeze
      @fkkfreeze  6 місяців тому +3

      she doesn't have neutral HA