It's because they are actually trying to change and force their own version of history and disregard an entire country's history just so they could implant their own.
she is BLACK and therefore trumps all the academics and historians from around the world .. except ofc the BLM supporting ones who propagate their baloney ..
I love how in those femminist shows, the main female protagonist is perfect in every way, extremely powerful, but at the same time the most opressed human being that ever lived.
Some women think they're the sun and everyone else is there to either reflect their brilliance or cast shadows. Those women deserve a good punch in the face to snap them back to reality.
And yet they'd need us to make a 5 part movie series to explain why a man is powerful, because men being powerful is automatically oppression or he must have gotten the power illegitimately 😂 😂 woke media is the swamp that really needed to be drained.
Did you know that Cleopatra teamed up with the Woman King to help end slavery in England after receiving a call for help from all the black nobles in Bridgerton? The rap battle between the Kleo Krew and Queenie Vic was epic!! My grandmother told me not to let evidence tell me otherwise.
Granny do be lying though 😂the old people have argued about a lot of things in the past, but never about colour. It's just crazy that they're arguing with the same Egyptians they're making a series about
It's official. The Woke culture openly said that they don't go to school so they are officially retarded. All it took was someone to say "No matter what they teach at school" and boom, that was the day humanity fucking lost its mind.
@@waltertanmusic1100 And its all because she's black and not heterosexual. Like, we fought for civil rights but now we have to fight against Reverse Racism and Reverse Sexism!
“I don’t care what they tell you in school; the Holocaust never happened.” See how when you flip the roles I sound like the worst person ever and everyone loses their minds.
We can also play their BS against them. Ancient Egyptians are black and also the furthest back known civilisation that had mass slavery in their culture.
That's actually what an african american was trying to push for on Twitter, that slavery didn't exist before 900 AD. His argument is that the word "slave" comes from the slav tribe, enslaved in ~900 AD. And therefore there couldn't have been slavery before, since the word didn't exist... *facepalms*
What's funny is that Assassin's Creed Origins was way more accurate than the so called "documentary" regarding how people (Egyptians, Greeks, & Romans) looked, dressed, and interacted with each other, the game creators had more due diligence than the "documentary" with 5 experts 😒
@Ggggggfefdff It only seems right when you see the work of Netflix 😁 And btw, their Cleopatra looked more Egyptian than Greek, but they didn't call it a documentary, so no one cared 😉
I don't like certain liberties the assins creed devs take But they openly work with historians and it shows the main templar storyline is fake off course but pretty much all assassin's Creed games before odessy where for the most part historically accurate with some liberties token here and there The accuracy in black flag assassin's Creed 3 2 and 1 is actually kind of amazing
Will Smith was named after one of his ancestors, Will Shakespeare. Four historians have been found, who have explained that his mother originally came from Africa. She actually wrote ‘ Othello’. Over time, Will’s work has been altered by wicked people who eliminated every trace of his heritage. We have never heard, for example, ‘ Yo ! Hamlet ! Wassup ?’. However, Jada might be planning to publish the real, version soon.
@@petegarnett7731 Yes. 🙂 If not for Iago winding him up a bit, Othello wouldn’t have stupidly thought that Desdemona his wife was a no good ho because she’d mislaid her hankerchief, then lost all impulse control and brutally throttled her.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.-George Orwell
While the quote is fitting, i think our current timeline fits better with Brave New World, what with smothering of truth by burying it on tons of inane 'information' and silencing the truth messenger with often pointless opinion of the masses.
I only just discovered this bloke with his break down of true detective. He said retarded half a dozen times in the first few minutes and called the two female leads cunts. Subscribe and shared. 😂❤😂
The worst part by far about this show was that Professor Shelley Haley - she represents the completely narcissistic, virulent putrid pissed off feminist that is interested in one thing and one thing alone: put everybody else down because she is constantly pissed off about past injustices, and instead of demonstrating any sense of honor or respect, act snarky and sarcastic. They trust no one but themselves and become the monsters they claim everyone else is.
this becomes even more Hilarious when you realize that Asterix and Obelix ( the French Cartoon about two Gauls that fight against Romans) have a better and more accurate depitcion of Cleopatra
Even Cleopatra Jones is way better than Netflix version of Cleopatra. I realized that whoever said Cleopatra was black, must have watched Cleopatra Jones instead of Cleopatra 1966.
As an Egyptian thank you so much for this video and for your amazing review. I am so happy that I see more and more people are clearly seeing the afro-centric agenda behind this movie. This is why the Egyptians are mad. They want to strip Cleopatra from her Heritage and her ethnicity. They want to depict all Egyptians with sub-Saharan features. They call the native Egyptians invaders, intruders and colonizers. Shredding this trash mockumentary into pieces by you warmed my heart. My Greetings and my best wishes to you from Egypt.
Sorry this is happening to your culture and history. Somebody watched this so that we don't need to stated that all the good people in this show is all sub Saharan. The one main villain is, well, Egyptian. Talk about blasphemy.
History in general should never be re-written in such a disrespectful way as it was in this so-called "docuseries." It honestly is starting to restore my faith in humanity more and more to see that falsifying history is more than problematic. Egypt has such an interesting history and culture even after the ancient time periods. Hollywood truly is full of scum.
“My grandmother told me Cleopatra was black” That’s nice, lady. My grandmother began thinking there were gremlins in the kitchen that caused food to burn
They're not just disrespecting Egyptian culture. They're also disrespecting Greek legacy because they're erasing Cleopatra's hellenistic upbringing. Alexandria was a hellenic city but they didn't even show it in the film. They also portray Egypt as dry desert area most of the time, including in big cities, when actually big cities were fertile & lush because they were either located near the Red Sea or Nile river.
and also disrespecting Rome. Like "look at the big bad evil white colonizer". Hello people, Cleopatra became queen thanks to a roman, and there were egyptians who ultimately preffered to side with Rome than with her. Hell, her very own dynasty was established through military conquest.
centuries of muslim rule turned Egypt into a wilderness with nothing but ruins. it took Europeans arriving in the 19th century onwards to rebuild it. happily for Egypt, the British stayed on for a while ( 1956) to help.. that and the Suez Canal ofc . most important canal in the world
They disrespect so many peoples. Africans, Greeks, Egyptians, Carthagians, Romans/Italians, Arabs and other mixed cultures there. Imagine disrespecting so many people with this tv show. And not even showing the right stuff.
The fact that "Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra" is not only a better movie but probably more historically-accurate than this documentary is kind of sad.
Another video pointed out how few critic reviews there actually are, since this show went so far beyond the pale with its distortions it's safer for them to say nothing at all rather than try to defend this, or get lambasted by the creators if they criticize it.
@@silentterrorhawk Oh it has plenty. This case here it involves CRT, crtical race theory. It basically says the world is bad because of whitness and that give them the justification to do literally anything in their own word
The real accolade is getting called out by native people in another country for wrongfully portraying them, their cultures & their history, then responding to them with “you’re brainwashed.”
Native people? Do you know when Cleopatra was born? It was 70 BCE she died in 30 BCE. The Arab invasion happoened in 639 AD. That was so many years after she died. You guys really need to pick up a book or 2
Wait a second, that "I don't care what they tell you in school" woman is an actual college professor, of Africana studies no less? And here I was thinking they just pulled some random dumb person to spout nonsense. How does someone who works in education say that and not immediately feel ashamed?
unfortunately when it comes to 'africana studies' in America, that's the only kind of person you can find for such a department... since they specialize in made up bullshit. Real professors specialize in the specific distinct regions of Africa and don't pretend like 'Africa' is a single country, because ever a cursory look into the subject makes it impossible for most of what 'afrocentrism' pushes to be even remotely plausible.
Should tell you everything when you read "Africana studies" This is the standard behavior for "black intellectuals" in the US and even many of the regular ones. They pass around nonsense revisionist takes of history where they claim to be both the Egyptians, and the Moors. Not simply a part of the population, they just say they were ALL black, period. They even like to see themselves as arabs in an attempt to cope with how goofy it is to follow islam when the greatest African slave trade took place under the arabs and was accompanied by the forced circumcision of the slaves (which of course lead to many deaths due to infections) 2) Universities exclusively pander to ultra left wing schizo shit and trying to harm a black professor would arouse every activist nutjob around to protest and aside from that she might have tenure making her immune.
@@jodo2785 YES, the leading actress.I don't remember if it was her directly or commenting that she totally agreed with a person who had published that, referring to those who criticized her.
@@silentterrorhawk It's called logical thinking and critical thinking. You don't have to be rocket engineer to understand it's not just. Only thing you need is higher IQ ration than 70.
Well, we all know Taylor's Cleopatra was b0llocks but at least it was enjoyable - the costumes fabulous and the whole film a "luxury" experience in which to wallow. That anyone ever thought Taylor resembled a Greek/Macedonian is a laughable idea, but critically, as everyone points out when this issue is raised - it wasn't a "documentary" but a movie purely for entertainment.
And she did her own makeup, and it looks somewhat accurate. Netflix Cleopatra wears Sephora grade glitter and keeps sayng "ok". The anachronisms make me cringe
The depiction of Anthony and Octavian was absolutely shameful too. While Anthony was kind of a brute and not the greatest strategist he was very militarily competent and certainly a hundred times more than Cleopatra. Octavian hating Cleopatra somehow and being cartoonishly evil is beyond ridiculous too.
Octavian being derisive of Cleopatra isn't really that out of the question. After all she seduced a Roman and tried to make him break up with his wife. They would take issue with that and it's possible that this played a role in the decision to get rid of Julius. The delivery in this series seems a bit... stupid though.
@@kaltaron1284 He definetly played on that. There were propaganda efforts to portray Anthony has bewitched by some eastern sorceress and straying from his roman-ness. But that doesn't mean that Octavian was some rabid racist, it just means he's a good politician and conservative with traditional values like all other romans.
@@Свободадляроссии I wouldn't call him racist and didn't. Conservative and nationalistic for sure. And for extra spice Anthony's wife was Octavian's sister. Caeser had a wife too and that's what I was referring to. So to correct my earlier statement: "After all she seduced two married Romans and at least Ceasar was (allegedly) trying to break up with his wife.
Considering Octavian went on to be arguably the greatest emperor in roman history I agree. Italy ought to join the conga line and sue netflix for that depiction. I think theyd have a solid argument since this drivel is being presented as historical fact.
I haven't seen the show, but your analysis tells everything there is to know, all the while being super hilarious! Professor: "I'm not gonna study you. I'm not gonna study you." Reaper: "And it looks like you never did." 😂
I watched two episodes and I stopped, it was too bad and cringy. "most powerful woman in the world marrying the most powerful man and thus creating a most powerful child in the world" BS 😅
My grandma used to say “I don’t care what they tell you in school, Gandhi was an African who went to India to save them but not an Indian who came to Africa!” Such wise words, hope Netflix makes a documentary about Gandhi and his African heritage.
Excellent review. Things I dislike about this whole affair: 1. The Blackwashing, the attempt at erasing the culture of an ancient nation, the blatant ignoring of historical facts. 2. The expression "melanated sister" wtf? Except for those afflicted with albinism, all humans are "melanated." 3. The stupid Cleopatra dance (do those seizure like movements look feminine or seductive to ANYBODY?)
This is typical of uneducated ethnocentrics, they make up outlandish shit and claim it as fact. Seriously, the one hag apparently had a dream in which she spoke to Cleopatra.😂
If anything That "dance" isn't Egyptian lol, it has a strong sub Saharan vibe to me further proves my theory that pinkett smith wanted Egyptians to view themselves as not Africans but Sub-saharan Africans.
As an Englishman I remember my Nan saying to me growning up "I don't care what your school teaches you about Cleopatra, sit down and watch this British historical film: Carry on Cleo!" Tell you everything you need to know about ancient Egypt....You're welcome people!
As someone who completed my university studies, spent hundreds of hours studying and working on history and archeology of ancient near east... it baffles me how these so called "professors" came with such statements and why they are allowed to teach with their biased mental gymnastics.
The Dutch archeologic team were thrown out of Egypt for blackwashing last week. They had the right to work on that site since 1975, all that is gone now because some woke students who have never been near America and know nothing about our own history wanted to show how woke they are and how not-racist, so they made up some bullshit. The professors knew and were involved too. This means that all the scienticic records are contaminated and that means 47 years of research and millions gone down the drain. But hey, Dutch professors and students are woke. On a side-note, boys as young as six are getting hormone-treatment to be transitioned to girls, and their parents are praised by our government. That is the Netherlands these days.
None of this makes sense....until you realize we are living under cultural Marxism with globalists in full control. These globalists have been kicked out of over 100 countries throughout history, due to their tricks and mischief.
“I have asked Egyptians to see themselves as Africans” They already do. You’re telling them to view themselves as Sub-Saharan Africans. They don’t. They shouldn’t. And they won’t.
Britain celebrates it's neolithic history and you don't get British people trying to claim they were Romans, who were far more advanced that Britons were back then. Cultural appropriation of this level just speaks insecurity. It's just a fact that there were vast technological and cultural differences between parts of the world throughout history. It varies, Britain was tribal when Ancient Egypt were building megalithic structures and living far more civilised lifestyles, since then Britain completly outpaced Egypt in terms of development and technology level. There's nothing wrong with taking pride in all levels of technologically achievement and admiring the differences between cultures. But when you try to claim another cultures achievements as your own then it's just plain wrong.
I loved that time when Brendan Fraser played Martin Luther King Jr. and refused to give up she/her's seat in the back of the bus on the way to the million latinx march in Canada.
"Gas these black negros!" "Motherfucka... the fuck you meeeean we can't make a progress on those tea seeping cunts!?" "Okay listen mfs, we are about to ally with these katana loving mfs on east!" "Ay Joseph... Stalin my negro... I was just fucking with you maan... cmon! Ain't no way you're still mad about it!? Cmon ni**a!"
Cleopatra was quite intelligent, but she also realized what her place was and she was pretty pragmatic about it. And honestly I respect that. Making the best out of what you got and so on. Chances are that Caesar liked her and would have married her if he wasnt already in a pretty valuable political marriage, the dissolution of which would have brought a quick end to his power. And Mark Anthony was literally out of the hope that he might install her son as the ruler of Rome or at least the Heir of Caesar (and subsequent dislike of Octavian) or at least legitimize him as the ruler of Egypt. She was on the back foot the entire time and had to hope that she was able to convince more powerful men to help her, its the ancient times, people, thats just how it went back in the day Maria Theresa, another great example for a mighty female Ruler literally only inherited because she was the only heir and the Emperor changed the law to allow for the last straw of "If NOONE else is left among the Habsburgs to take the throne, then a Woman is fine too I guess". And he went through insane lengths to convice people to accept this notion he himself most likely wasnt a big fan of either.
Yeah most of that is true. But its 2023 and you cant tell a story on netflix where the female protagonist is reliant on the men in her life for anything. Even if it would be historically accurate for most of human history including much of the modern era. But obviously a documentary is no place for historical accuracy even if her cunning manipulation of those men would be a more compelling story and display of her political and intellectual talents. Its just too far against the modern narrative to praise a woman for utilising her femininity and beauty to rise to any position of power and respect that the real story of cleopatra was never going to see the light of day in modern hollywood. Again. Having to tell the story of a woman who ****ed her way to greater power and influence than she ever could have achieved on her own and literally tried to baby trap a man doesnt really fall in line with modern feminism. Lol
I feel like the actual history of Cleopatra makes her so much more impressive to me. Like after reading this comment and watching some legitimate tellings of her story I find what she actually had to do keep power more impressive than superwoman
Yeah Reaper definitely over-simplifies her life in this video when he says "all she had was her p****", but I suspect he did that to trigger feminists and history revisionists, and I support that whole-heartedly.
“but she also realized what her place was” There’s no objective “place” that people have. And it’s quite disgusting to imply that. It’s like saying you would respect African American slaves for knowing “their place”. Being put in a certain position doesn’t mean that’s objectively one’s place.
Finally... I found someone who is willing to be blunt and straight to the point! Thank you, you have given me hope because your not afraid to say it the way it should be. Fucking well done!
Even known the show and or movie is hard to stomach, it feels like Christmas morning to have Reaper and Critical Drinker roast it. 😂 Drinker is aware of how great this channel is as well, hopefully I get to see you on his livestream someday, your takes on the current content are gold!
This programme is about as historically accurate as I'm Gonna Git You Sucka. They even got the bloody sword wrong! She is using a falcata which was actually invented by Iberian celts.
I'm so glad you are calling out the so called experts. Most videos I've seen on the topic talk about Jada's political agenda and poor attempt that deflecting blame but don't tackle the supposed scholars she brought to "prove" her re-imagined Cleopatra.
hands down the very best video i've seen on this. thank you so much. you know, can this start uniting us all on a world wide front to stop this stupid agenda once and for all?
The woman at 10:38 looks and sounds like she's being forced to say the things she is saying, you can see in her facial expressions she doesn't believe a word of it and is in distress.
Give him time, he is slowly getting more subs anyway. It might be too blunt and crass for some but that is why i love it, i found it searching for Velma reviews and the way he insulted so much made me laugh
14:15 Actually her AND Mark fled from the battle. The thing was, Mark did the Hero thing, and stayed behind so her ship could flea. Most accounts just say that he couldn't make it though. I tend to think Cleopatra was pregnant with his child, and they were desperate to rule a kingdom. If anything is well documented, it is that; In despaire Anthony made a scuicide attempt and failed after he believed Cleopatra lost in that same battle. News soon reached Antony after his attempt, that Cleopatra was still alive, and they made plans to regroup. They reconciled and decided to flee together to Egypt. Their plan was to continue their resistance against Octavian, but they faced further defeats and the situation grew increasingly dire. In 30 BC, facing the prospect of capture by Octavian's forces, Mark Antony committed suicide by falling on his own sword. Cleopatra, devastated by Antony's death, also took her own life shortly thereafter. Cleopatra was sad to have tempted a nearby asp (extremely venomous snake) into biting her before the roman forces closed in. I am pretty sure given the width and breadth of histoirical context I have consumed on this exact moment in hisotry. Here's what really happeend; Warning, this is a bit speculative, but the vatican archives would either confirm or deny it should we ever have access. We need to think. Gaius Octavius personally oversaw this battle. He was the one to confirm Cleopatras death, announce that death to rome, and to the people of Egypt. .... Anthony caused a civil war back in rome when he did what he did, Gaius needed to fix that. He also needed Egypt to remain friendly. It was a very important strategic part of the ancient trade-route, without the goods flowing through there, the upper classes would grwo restless, and it woudl be even more chaotic in Rome. His solution, he ordered his men to capture them, went to a small dock with them both bound, and told his men to leave. There they had a conversation, and they decided the best course of action moving forward, was for anthony to fall on his own sword, and for cleopatra to drink poison. This absolves Rome from the blame for killing someone worshipped in Egypt for her beauty, this also deals a heavy moral blow to the ones back home who are proud supporters of Anthony. It essentially creates a scenarior where "it's like nothing happened" Now, why would they agree to this? Why not just kil them and dump them in the river? Weather it's 30 AD or 2023 AD, people aer just not that dumb. They would want proof from Octavia before they gave up their allegences, and accepted a sound defeat. If he framed it, he knew, getting caught doing so, from Rome's great history up to that point, that he would definetly create a full blown civil war, and this would go on for even longer. So, they agreed to it, because they really did love their peoplem, or because they wanted to be remembered well. Instead of drinkign poison, Cleopatra was bitten by an adder, instead of being told to kill himself after a humiliating defeat and capture, he fell on his sword with honor. In ancient times, this was the best they could have hoped for. They just as well could have been dragged to a public crucifixion. Their lie s and deciete exposed to everyone. How Mark betrayed rome for cleopatra, and cleopatra had betryed egypt for herself. How, all they really wanted was to rule, by any means necessary, and the many pieces of evidence that still exist today which prove they only cared about themselves the entire war. **gracefully bows**
Do these "historians" not realize that the Julian calendar was largely motivated to ensure the calendar was fixed to stay more aligned with growing seasons totally irrelevant in Egypt? And that the Egyptian calendar continued to have issues the Julian fixed, until Augustus forced calendar reforms upon them following Cleopatra's death? And it was Sosigenes of Alexandria (there's a hint somewhere in that name) who helped Julius with calculations?
@Eugene_Black Ancient Egyptian dynasties were extremely inbred. that's a fact. Although it'd need more evidence if they were any more or less inbred than the hapsburgs.
14:40 Fun fact Octavian placed Cleopatra's children by her and Mark Anthony into the care of his sister Octavia. She raised them alongside her own children and Octavian would later marry Cleopatra's daughter to King Juba II, a former ward of Julius Caesar.
Not only that but Caesarion was the only one killed due to being the child of Julius Caesar thus related to Ocatavian and so a possible political threat.
Listen videos like these definitely need so much more views it’s calling out the bullshit that these people throw at us and I love the move of showing us who the “experts” actually are
You are funny as hell. This was the funniest review I've ever seen and I laughed my f****** ass off through the whole thing. Now I'm going to watch all your videos just to hear you talk.
The moment you said "it's not like Rome brought Egypt anything good at all, like science, education..." it reminded me of that scene from Life of Brian 😂 It's funny how comedy becomes reality.
I love how quickly Cleopatra beat Velma for being the worst-rated show ever.
Milf manor is a better show than this
It's because they are actually trying to change and force their own version of history and disregard an entire country's history just so they could implant their own.
Lol the most true thing of all time 😂🤣
the little fish tale from Disney is even worse. 1% on day one with downvotes purged. hovering at 12 atm
And they cry when they are losing subs. Why should we pay for this crap?
My great grandma used to say " I don't care what they tell you in school, Martin Luther King was white" what wise words...🥹
My great grandma used to say "I don't care what they tell you in school, Abraham Lincoln was a woman.
I don't care what they tell you in school, Benjamin Franklin was a yellow penguin.
I remember my great grandmother telling me very fondly "I don't care what they tell you, native Americans are Mexican"
@@azurelectrium1100 while yes Mexicans are native not all natives are Mexican
She actually gave a political answer, not a historical answer.
I love how this old woman's grandmother is more reliable as a source than thousands of scientists, archaeologists and historians. Remarkable woman...
another black queen
she is BLACK and therefore trumps all the academics and historians from around the world .. except ofc the BLM supporting ones who propagate their baloney ..
is it racist to say that that woman isn't that black and obviously has some white ancestry
But but but, it's her Truth and it's obviously correct. 😂 😂 😂
The wise all knowing minority archetype. It's embarrassing
As my great grandma said; “I don’t care what they tell you in school, Julius Caesar founded Little Caesar’s Pizza.
Not to mention Caesar also had a palace in Las Vegas
Probably the best one yet!
Nice burgers 😋
Your great grandma was right
I am now truly woke and enlightened 🧘🏻 I always new there was something Asian about little Caesars
I love how in those femminist shows, the main female protagonist is perfect in every way, extremely powerful, but at the same time the most opressed human being that ever lived.
Some women think they're the sun and everyone else is there to either reflect their brilliance or cast shadows.
Those women deserve a good punch in the face to snap them back to reality.
Quite the contradiction isn't it? Seems to be the case when your whole ideology is rooted in complete falsehoods.
And yet they'd need us to make a 5 part movie series to explain why a man is powerful, because men being powerful is automatically oppression or he must have gotten the power illegitimately 😂 😂 woke media is the swamp that really needed to be drained.
@@Cub__ It's how they pretend things are. They pretend they are perfect, but that their failures are still not their fault.
@@TheStraightestWhitest Amén my fellow straight white male
Did you know that Cleopatra teamed up with the Woman King to help end slavery in England after receiving a call for help from all the black nobles in Bridgerton? The rap battle between the Kleo Krew and Queenie Vic was epic!! My grandmother told me not to let evidence tell me otherwise.
Tell me more
If people support stupid show like perhaps that is what you will see soon ..
"Well, your grandmother was a stupid b***, now wasn't she"
Holly shit men I laughed so hard at this
@AzureWolf You don't comfort anyone by lying to them.
@AzureWolf ...which in turn, is lying.
haahhah omg. my man's delivery is so crisp and firm hahah
Granny do be lying though 😂the old people have argued about a lot of things in the past, but never about colour.
It's just crazy that they're arguing with the same Egyptians they're making a series about
What else can you expect from mama Twerkeesha?
I’ll never forget the wise words my grandmother said to me when I was a kid. “Not matter what they tell you, Abraham Lincoln was a single mother”
Lol was your grandma yoda? “Not matter it does”
It's official. The Woke culture openly said that they don't go to school so they are officially retarded. All it took was someone to say "No matter what they teach at school" and boom, that was the day humanity fucking lost its mind.
Not just a single mother, a gay black trans queer lesbian individual self made millionaire entity person
@@waltertanmusic1100 And its all because she's black and not heterosexual. Like, we fought for civil rights but now we have to fight against Reverse Racism and Reverse Sexism!
My grandma always said: "I don't care what they tell you in school; Slavery did not happen"
“I don’t care what they tell you in school; the Holocaust never happened.” See how when you flip the roles I sound like the worst person ever and everyone loses their minds.
My grandma always said: "I don't care what they tell you in school; Hitler was Black"
@@blob643 My grandma always said: "I don't care what they tell you in school; Galadriel was a black lesbian feminist"
We can also play their BS against them. Ancient Egyptians are black and also the furthest back known civilisation that had mass slavery in their culture.
That's actually what an african american was trying to push for on Twitter, that slavery didn't exist before 900 AD.
His argument is that the word "slave" comes from the slav tribe, enslaved in ~900 AD. And therefore there couldn't have been slavery before, since the word didn't exist... *facepalms*
What's funny is that Assassin's Creed Origins was way more accurate than the so called "documentary" regarding how people (Egyptians, Greeks, & Romans) looked, dressed, and interacted with each other, the game creators had more due diligence than the "documentary" with 5 experts 😒
It only seems right when you see the work of Netflix 😁
And btw, their Cleopatra looked more Egyptian than Greek, but they didn't call it a documentary, so no one cared 😉
@Ggggggfefdff Ubisoft does a lot right. They just are waaaay too greedy.
Same thing with GOW and Norse mythology. I'm talking to you Marvel.
I don't like certain liberties the assins creed devs take
But they openly work with historians and it shows the main templar storyline is fake off course but pretty much all assassin's Creed games before odessy where for the most part historically accurate with some liberties token here and there
The accuracy in black flag assassin's Creed 3 2 and 1 is actually kind of amazing
love that game
Hearing Jada Pinkett Smith’s voiceover talking about how these women “bowed to no man” makes me think of what a beta male Will Smith must actually be.
Will Smith was named after one of his ancestors, Will Shakespeare. Four historians have been found, who have explained that his mother originally came from Africa. She actually wrote ‘ Othello’. Over time, Will’s work has been altered by wicked people who eliminated every trace of his heritage. We have never heard, for example, ‘ Yo ! Hamlet ! Wassup ?’. However, Jada might be planning to publish the real, version soon.
@@genny9026 That explains why the villain in Othello was a sneaky jealous white guy.
Jada giving bj to august by standing position doesn't count as "bowing down" as her head moves only foward-backward
@@petegarnett7731 Yes. 🙂 If not for Iago winding him up a bit, Othello wouldn’t have stupidly thought that Desdemona his wife was a no good ho because she’d mislaid her hankerchief, then lost all impulse control and brutally throttled her.
@@genny9026 wasn't Will Smith named after his another ancestor, Would Smith?
"2+2= 4?"
"Well that depends.. are you a racist?"
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.-George Orwell
While the quote is fitting, i think our current timeline fits better with Brave New World, what with smothering of truth by burying it on tons of inane 'information' and silencing the truth messenger with often pointless opinion of the masses.
When assassins creed is more accurate than “documentaries” we have a problem
You are a fucking legend mate!
Swearing like a sailor while presenting an impeccably well researched topic is genius, chef's kiss!
Guys got balls of Steele for this video, Bravo!
Speaking like a sailor ! 😂 😂 😂
When you realise 99% the channels we watch are submissive biitches self censoring 🤦♂️
I only just discovered this bloke with his break down of true detective.
He said retarded half a dozen times in the first few minutes and called the two female leads cunts.
Subscribe and shared.
I'm glad all of Egypt sued these people
That woman saying how her gran said Cleopatra was black, therefore it must be true is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. And I've seen a lot.
Oh it get's even better, she's a professor for ''African studies''!!
Agreed. This is a case of "Source: Trust me bro" at its worst.
Oh yeah as soon as I heard that line. I swear, I screamed inside in disbelief that I just heard her saying this.
That's how Scientology started,😂
@@MrOx85 ah, no, that is not how shlt works my guy.
Lice was a HUGE problem in ancient egypt. The less hair you had, the less you had to deal with it. Having an afro would've been a legit nightmare
They literally shaved their head clean because of it too
@@maychenwoo9205 Ah, so they were clearly Nazi skinheads. Looks like that dumb bitch's grandmother didn't know everything.
That's too fact-based for this bitch bus.
@@maychenwoo9205 and eyebrows and the whole rest of their body
Which was why they had such long toothed combs.
The worst part by far about this show was that Professor Shelley Haley - she represents the completely narcissistic, virulent putrid pissed off feminist that is interested in one thing and one thing alone: put everybody else down because she is constantly pissed off about past injustices, and instead of demonstrating any sense of honor or respect, act snarky and sarcastic. They trust no one but themselves and become the monsters they claim everyone else is.
That is one dangerous professor , I dont want my kids to be in her class ..
I'd have dropped out from the uni if she was one of my lectures.
She is one of many unqualified professors who taint the halls of higher education in this country.
Right on
Next, The Great Queen Alexandra of Macedon who end Persian Kingdom 😅😅
Imagine if in history books they cited proof of something as "Someone's Grandmother said so."
Source: bro trust me
It was revealed to me in a dream
You don't have to imagine it, there are already countless "professors" in colleges and universities that teach feelings over facts.
My grandmother believes in lizard people and that extra terrestrials built the pyramids of Egypt….
The Production team basically said "Trust me Bro" on Cleopatra
Egypt said "Stop the cap."
They’re like:
“The source is that I made it the **bleep** up!”
The fact that this feels like it should be a 1970s Blacksploitation film, but is meant to be a serious documentary, is truly hilarious.
this becomes even more Hilarious when you realize that Asterix and Obelix ( the French Cartoon about two Gauls that fight against Romans) have a better and more accurate depitcion of Cleopatra
Even Cleopatra Jones is way better than Netflix version of Cleopatra. I realized that whoever said Cleopatra was black, must have watched Cleopatra Jones instead of Cleopatra 1966.
@@gouravchakraborty9801 So THAT'S what grandma was talking about!
Clone high had a better interpretation of Cleopatra.
Ya blacksploitation is the right word. I mean she was a great queen but all woke lies insults her legacy and Egypt at that time also.
As an Egyptian thank you so much for this video and for your amazing review. I am so happy that I see more and more people are clearly seeing the afro-centric agenda behind this movie. This is why the Egyptians are mad. They want to strip Cleopatra from her Heritage and her ethnicity. They want to depict all Egyptians with sub-Saharan features. They call the native Egyptians invaders, intruders and colonizers. Shredding this trash mockumentary into pieces by you warmed my heart. My Greetings and my best wishes to you from Egypt.
Sorry this is happening to your culture and history. Somebody watched this so that we don't need to stated that all the good people in this show is all sub Saharan. The one main villain is, well, Egyptian. Talk about blasphemy.
History in general should never be re-written in such a disrespectful way as it was in this so-called "docuseries." It honestly is starting to restore my faith in humanity more and more to see that falsifying history is more than problematic. Egypt has such an interesting history and culture even after the ancient time periods. Hollywood truly is full of scum.
You think you're inconvenienced? We have to live with these Left fascist lunatics running our urban centers.
@@sobek4548 They're Left fascists. Their Critical Race Theory is a Marxist-friendly form of National Socialism.
young americans really believe egypt was black.
this documentary just bends over backwards to support that
“My grandmother told me Cleopatra was black”
That’s nice, lady. My grandmother began thinking there were gremlins in the kitchen that caused food to burn
My grandma said - "Nothing happened in Tianmen Square in 1989"
@@austria-hungary4981 And she's right, don't think otherwise.
I tend to believe your grandmother.
My gremlin always told me "Lets burn her food, i want everyone to think she's fucking crazy"
my grandma also told me that the aryan race is the master race.
They're not just disrespecting Egyptian culture. They're also disrespecting Greek legacy because they're erasing Cleopatra's hellenistic upbringing. Alexandria was a hellenic city but they didn't even show it in the film.
They also portray Egypt as dry desert area most of the time, including in big cities, when actually big cities were fertile & lush because they were either located near the Red Sea or Nile river.
and also disrespecting Rome. Like "look at the big bad evil white colonizer". Hello people, Cleopatra became queen thanks to a roman, and there were egyptians who ultimately preffered to side with Rome than with her. Hell, her very own dynasty was established through military conquest.
@@benjaminthibieroz4155Also, Julius Caesar HAD a child with Cleopatra. Pretty BIG FUCKIN' DEAL that they seemed to ignore. Fuck Netflix.
centuries of muslim rule turned Egypt into a wilderness with nothing but ruins. it took Europeans arriving in the 19th century onwards to rebuild it. happily for Egypt, the British stayed on for a while ( 1956) to help.. that and the Suez Canal ofc . most important canal in the world
@@benjaminthibieroz4155 She also married and had a son with Rome's ruler at that time Caesar.
They disrespect so many peoples.
Africans, Greeks, Egyptians, Carthagians, Romans/Italians, Arabs and other mixed cultures there.
Imagine disrespecting so many people with this tv show.
And not even showing the right stuff.
The fact that "Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra" is not only a better movie but probably more historically-accurate than this documentary is kind of sad.
The producers of this swill probably have no clue who Asterix & Obelix are. I'm not sure whether they can even pinpoint Alexandria on a map.
Just saw a meme with Cleopatra from the movie pop up on UA-cam. She's 100% more accurate than this BS.
Oh how I loved reading Asterix, as a Lad.
yes asterix actually depicted history, though in a comedic exaggeration
If even professional critics, who are usaly defenders of wokeness, gave this show 11% is truly saying something
Another video pointed out how few critic reviews there actually are, since this show went so far beyond the pale with its distortions it's safer for them to say nothing at all rather than try to defend this, or get lambasted by the creators if they criticize it.
This has nothing to do with “wokeness”
@@silentterrorhawk Oh it has plenty. This case here it involves CRT, crtical race theory. It basically says the world is bad because of whitness and that give them the justification to do literally anything in their own word
@@silentterrorhawk True, it's political agenda to prefere some sort of people and changing facts despite the truth.
Yeah, it's still saying something about them when they give this show more than a 1%
The same people saying "Cleopatra can be any skin color we want her to be" are the same people that say "Paintings of a white Jesus are racist"
The real accolade is getting called out by native people in another country for wrongfully portraying them, their cultures & their history, then responding to them with “you’re brainwashed.”
Amazing isn’t it
Welcome to America 2023!
That's American Foreign Policy for ya.
@@Jabbaerwocky it’s social engineering, been going on for a while now
Native people? Do you know when Cleopatra was born? It was 70 BCE she died in 30 BCE. The Arab invasion happoened in 639 AD. That was so many years after she died. You guys really need to pick up a book or 2
Wait a second, that "I don't care what they tell you in school" woman is an actual college professor, of Africana studies no less? And here I was thinking they just pulled some random dumb person to spout nonsense. How does someone who works in education say that and not immediately feel ashamed?
unfortunately when it comes to 'africana studies' in America, that's the only kind of person you can find for such a department... since they specialize in made up bullshit. Real professors specialize in the specific distinct regions of Africa and don't pretend like 'Africa' is a single country, because ever a cursory look into the subject makes it impossible for most of what 'afrocentrism' pushes to be even remotely plausible.
Agenda, front men/women
She’s clearly as senile as her grandmother was when the woman said that Cowshit!
Should tell you everything when you read "Africana studies" This is the standard behavior for "black intellectuals" in the US and even many of the regular ones. They pass around nonsense revisionist takes of history where they claim to be both the Egyptians, and the Moors. Not simply a part of the population, they just say they were ALL black, period. They even like to see themselves as arabs in an attempt to cope with how goofy it is to follow islam when the greatest African slave trade took place under the arabs and was accompanied by the forced circumcision of the slaves (which of course lead to many deaths due to infections)
2) Universities exclusively pander to ultra left wing schizo shit and trying to harm a black professor would arouse every activist nutjob around to protest and aside from that she might have tenure making her immune.
I don't think I've ever seen the star of a show running around calling people "white devils". So it's groundbreaking in that way I guess
wait did that happen?
Cleopatra clearly wrote history there is no doubt
She also called Egyptians racist for pointing out the fact that Cleopatra wasn't black.
YES, the leading actress.I don't remember if it was her directly or commenting that she totally agreed with a person who had published that, referring to those who criticized her.
@juan jose leon varea yeah, someone else said it in a tweet and she commented "thank you so much" or something along those lines.
Cleopatra was a Greek-Macedonian princess, a descendant of general Ptolemaios of Alexander III of Macedonia's army.
Cast Adam Sandler as Malcolm X and watch the internet implode.
The rage would literally end mankind
Did you know that Malcolm X was actually antisemitic? I don’t think even Sandler would be comfortable being that guy.
Eh Ryan Gosling as Martin Luther king jr would be better
Or Peter Dinklage as Black Panther. Wakanda forever!
Can’t wait to see the live action mein kampf staring Morgan freeman.
It's concerning af, that pseudo-historical revisionist woke propaganda is getting a platform as huge as Netflix. Thanks for this carthatic video.
There is an agenda behind it and bigger plans at work.
You can see it everywhere. Just watch an ad these days.
@@Paratzo-t4k evidence or you’re just trying to sound smarter than you are.
That’s not “woke” do better racist
@@silentterrorhawk It's called logical thinking and critical thinking. You don't have to be rocket engineer to understand it's not just. Only thing you need is higher IQ ration than 70.
Basically, this show renewed my love for Elizabeth Taylor’s Cleopatra. These people are evil.
That's being nice. These people are simply dumb and proud of it.
It is surprisingly very accurate, probably the most accurate telling of the story ever made.
Well, we all know Taylor's Cleopatra was b0llocks but at least it was enjoyable - the costumes fabulous and the whole film a "luxury" experience in which to wallow. That anyone ever thought Taylor resembled a Greek/Macedonian is a laughable idea, but critically, as everyone points out when this issue is raised - it wasn't a "documentary" but a movie purely for entertainment.
That's what woke IS.
And she did her own makeup, and it looks somewhat accurate. Netflix Cleopatra wears Sephora grade glitter and keeps sayng "ok". The anachronisms make me cringe
Apparently Egypt are going to put together there own documentary on this subject using the work of real scholars & not that bunch of hacks.
"2+2=4? Well that depends, are you a racist?"
lol Brilliantly said
The depiction of Anthony and Octavian was absolutely shameful too. While Anthony was kind of a brute and not the greatest strategist he was very militarily competent and certainly a hundred times more than Cleopatra.
Octavian hating Cleopatra somehow and being cartoonishly evil is beyond ridiculous too.
even worse, is that they do not make Cleopatras sluttyness a running joke like how it was in actual history
Octavian being derisive of Cleopatra isn't really that out of the question. After all she seduced a Roman and tried to make him break up with his wife. They would take issue with that and it's possible that this played a role in the decision to get rid of Julius.
The delivery in this series seems a bit... stupid though.
@@kaltaron1284 He definetly played on that. There were propaganda efforts to portray Anthony has bewitched by some eastern sorceress and straying from his roman-ness. But that doesn't mean that Octavian was some rabid racist, it just means he's a good politician and conservative with traditional values like all other romans.
@@Свободадляроссии I wouldn't call him racist and didn't. Conservative and nationalistic for sure. And for extra spice Anthony's wife was Octavian's sister.
Caeser had a wife too and that's what I was referring to.
So to correct my earlier statement: "After all she seduced two married Romans and at least Ceasar was (allegedly) trying to break up with his wife.
Considering Octavian went on to be arguably the greatest emperor in roman history I agree. Italy ought to join the conga line and sue netflix for that depiction. I think theyd have a solid argument since this drivel is being presented as historical fact.
I haven't seen the show, but your analysis tells everything there is to know, all the while being super hilarious!
Professor: "I'm not gonna study you. I'm not gonna study you."
Reaper: "And it looks like you never did."
Reaper seems to be the only one besides the Egyptians who actually studied Cleopatra!
I watched two episodes and I stopped, it was too bad and cringy. "most powerful woman in the world marrying the most powerful man and thus creating a most powerful child in the world" BS 😅
@@Ronin-bt1fj Honestly, I'd like to see Netflix one day yeeting themselves with a snake like Cleopatra did in real life history.
My grandma used to say “I don’t care what they tell you in school, Gandhi was an African who went to India to save them but not an Indian who came to Africa!” Such wise words, hope Netflix makes a documentary about Gandhi and his African heritage.
He also used the african comb, in fact he overused it, so he got bold. Word
Blackwashing is an evil trend in Hollywood rn. It’s out of control
Excellent review. Things I dislike about this whole affair:
1. The Blackwashing, the attempt at erasing the culture of an ancient nation, the blatant ignoring of historical facts.
2. The expression "melanated sister" wtf? Except for those afflicted with albinism, all humans are "melanated."
3. The stupid Cleopatra dance (do those seizure like movements look feminine or seductive to ANYBODY?)
This is typical of uneducated ethnocentrics, they make up outlandish shit and claim it as fact. Seriously, the one hag apparently had a dream in which she spoke to Cleopatra.😂
Also whole woke washing the history. Emasculating the historical figures just like she did to her husband Will. 🤦
Melanated sister... Woketards obsession with skin color never ceases to amaze me
If anything That "dance" isn't Egyptian lol, it has a strong sub Saharan vibe to me further proves my theory that pinkett smith wanted Egyptians to view themselves as not Africans but Sub-saharan Africans.
3:06 "2+2 equals 4? Well, that depends. Are you a racist?" I cried laughing😂😂
LOVE that you kept showing the director lol. She's EXACTYLY how I expected her to look lol.
PLEASE make a backup of this video. I already know this is gonna be awesome.
it'll be on rumble
As an Englishman I remember my Nan saying to me growning up
"I don't care what your school teaches you about Cleopatra, sit down and watch this British historical film: Carry on Cleo!"
Tell you everything you need to know about ancient Egypt....You're welcome people!
Infamy infamy they've all got it in for me 😂
England got most of the stolen artifacts
Miss Cleo was a psychic fake Jamaican woman who ran the Psychic Readers Network.
"OOO..Matron "
a far more historically accurate movie than this tv show :D .. it was ofc a parody of Cleopatra the hollywood movie..
As someone who completed my university studies, spent hundreds of hours studying and working on history and archeology of ancient near east... it baffles me how these so called "professors" came with such statements and why they are allowed to teach with their biased mental gymnastics.
Liberal colleges.
"Years of academy training, wasted!" - Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story
The Dutch archeologic team were thrown out of Egypt for blackwashing last week. They had the right to work on that site since 1975, all that is gone now because some woke students who have never been near America and know nothing about our own history wanted to show how woke they are and how not-racist, so they made up some bullshit. The professors knew and were involved too. This means that all the scienticic records are contaminated and that means 47 years of research and millions gone down the drain. But hey, Dutch professors and students are woke. On a side-note, boys as young as six are getting hormone-treatment to be transitioned to girls, and their parents are praised by our government. That is the Netherlands these days.
None of this makes sense....until you realize we are living under cultural Marxism with globalists in full control. These globalists have been kicked out of over 100 countries throughout history, due to their tricks and mischief.
Communist historical revision.
Funny how you can't draw a fictional character with slightly lighter skin, but a real historical figure can be "however you imagine her".
Twitter in a nutshell.
The double standards are real
As an Egyptian, really thanks for debunking this sh*t
I love Egypt!
@@ZirahPastel sad that the government and Egyptians are intolerant to tourists.
@@compound118 "They did something bad so I don't trust them even if they're fighting the good fight."
I'm quoting you, btw.
@@XiaoyuuuYT what
“Evil is not capable of creating anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.” jrr tolkien
Worst part is, there will be thousands and thousands of parents globally that will teach this shit to their kids
I’m so glad I found this channel after the atrocity that is Night Country. This had me dying and this is the channel I needed.
Welcome, you will love it. Its what makes me being able to laugh about the absolute fall and decay of Hollywood.
As a Greek I thank you! I really laughed so hard!! There is much more credibility in Ancient Aliens than in Netflix Queen Cleopatra!
Greek is not a race btw
@Bobby Hands so what is it then?
@@Frog_king11 Nationality. Greeks are white. Also, she is half greek- half macedonian ! NOT 100% greek !
@@Frog_king11 a place
“I have asked Egyptians to see themselves as Africans”
They already do. You’re telling them to view themselves as Sub-Saharan Africans. They don’t. They shouldn’t. And they won’t.
Well said👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Britain celebrates it's neolithic history and you don't get British people trying to claim they were Romans, who were far more advanced that Britons were back then. Cultural appropriation of this level just speaks insecurity. It's just a fact that there were vast technological and cultural differences between parts of the world throughout history. It varies, Britain was tribal when Ancient Egypt were building megalithic structures and living far more civilised lifestyles, since then Britain completly outpaced Egypt in terms of development and technology level. There's nothing wrong with taking pride in all levels of technologically achievement and admiring the differences between cultures. But when you try to claim another cultures achievements as your own then it's just plain wrong.
With great wokeness comes great irresponsibility.
asterix and obelix: mission cleopatra unironically feels more historically accurate
My favorite part of Cleopatra was when Cleopatra said, "It's Cleopatring Time." and Cleopatrad all over the place.
*Mighty Morphin Cleopatra theme kicks in* GO, GO, CLEOPATRA!!!!
@@luurchifylol i get it
I am surprised Jada didn’t just play the part herself. I haven’t seen a self insert this hard, since Rey from Star wars run my Kathleen Kennedy.
I'm kinda surprised myself. But maybe she acknowledge that she is a bad actress(?)
She can't she has to watch Will.
That old lady belongs in a dementia asylum. WHo let her out for this?
I remember when my grandmother told me “no matter what school tells you, Barack Obama was white.” Those wise words have changed my life
The classic "she was stronger and more powerful then all men but at the same time, very very opressed" trope...
I loved that time when Brendan Fraser played Martin Luther King Jr. and refused to give up she/her's seat in the back of the bus on the way to the million latinx march in Canada.
Up next: A documentary retelling the horrors of the second world war starring Samuel L. Jackson as Adolf Hitler.
Would actually be hilarious. “What the motherfucking fuck do you mean that Steiner didn’t attack?!”
"Gas these black negros!"
"Motherfucka... the fuck you meeeean we can't make a progress on those tea seeping cunts!?"
"Okay listen mfs, we are about to ally with these katana loving mfs on east!"
"Ay Joseph... Stalin my negro... I was just fucking with you maan... cmon! Ain't no way you're still mad about it!? Cmon ni**a!"
Fucking hell man 😂 @@kingofsomething3250
Nah, Hitler would be a white man because he's evil.
When someone makes it all about race, they're never white European.
Cleopatra was quite intelligent, but she also realized what her place was and she was pretty pragmatic about it. And honestly I respect that. Making the best out of what you got and so on.
Chances are that Caesar liked her and would have married her if he wasnt already in a pretty valuable political marriage, the dissolution of which would have brought a quick end to his power.
And Mark Anthony was literally out of the hope that he might install her son as the ruler of Rome or at least the Heir of Caesar (and subsequent dislike of Octavian) or at least legitimize him as the ruler of Egypt.
She was on the back foot the entire time and had to hope that she was able to convince more powerful men to help her, its the ancient times, people, thats just how it went back in the day
Maria Theresa, another great example for a mighty female Ruler literally only inherited because she was the only heir and the Emperor changed the law to allow for the last straw of "If NOONE else is left among the Habsburgs to take the throne, then a Woman is fine too I guess". And he went through insane lengths to convice people to accept this notion he himself most likely wasnt a big fan of either.
Yeah most of that is true. But its 2023 and you cant tell a story on netflix where the female protagonist is reliant on the men in her life for anything. Even if it would be historically accurate for most of human history including much of the modern era. But obviously a documentary is no place for historical accuracy even if her cunning manipulation of those men would be a more compelling story and display of her political and intellectual talents. Its just too far against the modern narrative to praise a woman for utilising her femininity and beauty to rise to any position of power and respect that the real story of cleopatra was never going to see the light of day in modern hollywood. Again. Having to tell the story of a woman who ****ed her way to greater power and influence than she ever could have achieved on her own and literally tried to baby trap a man doesnt really fall in line with modern feminism. Lol
I feel like the actual history of Cleopatra makes her so much more impressive to me. Like after reading this comment and watching some legitimate tellings of her story I find what she actually had to do keep power more impressive than superwoman
Cleopatra irl - *literally had Caesar as her boyfriend*
Cleopatra in Netflix - *so I started blasting the whites*
Yeah Reaper definitely over-simplifies her life in this video when he says "all she had was her p****", but I suspect he did that to trigger feminists and history revisionists, and I support that whole-heartedly.
“but she also realized what her place was”
There’s no objective “place” that people have. And it’s quite disgusting to imply that. It’s like saying you would respect African American slaves for knowing “their place”.
Being put in a certain position doesn’t mean that’s objectively one’s place.
Finally... I found someone who is willing to be blunt and straight to the point! Thank you, you have given me hope because your not afraid to say it the way it should be. Fucking well done!
"Imagine all you want, fuckface" 😂 absolutely made my day. Well done mate !
Yup, you get an autosub for that comment alone
I love how this UA-camr JUST SAYS what we’re all thinking
"You only say 'her truth' when you are lying"
True whenever it's used.
I laughed so hard on how brutally candid and straightforward of this commentary.🤣🤣
Fucking finally, someone used the meme in its proper context
Best reviewer, hands down. Speaks truth when everyone else is always spouting BS. Seems like every show and movie now gets the same treatment
Egypt and Greece need to speak out about this self evidently racist shit.😠😠😠😠
They are, I believe there’s a lawsuit filed against Netflix from someone in Egypt.
Didn't you watch the video? An Egyptian professor did.
@@andreas956 In which case I must have missed it. Clearly. 🙄
What's funny is that Gal Gadot will be starring in a Cleopatra movie, and her casting flies in the face of all this nonsense.
Depends if its a historical drama or documentary
Gal Gadot, who is an Israeli woman and has the Mediterrenean features, looks much closer to what Cleopatra would have looked irl, that's for sure.
Even known the show and or movie is hard to stomach, it feels like Christmas morning to have Reaper and Critical Drinker roast it. 😂
Drinker is aware of how great this channel is as well, hopefully I get to see you on his livestream someday, your takes on the current content are gold!
Oh man that would be awesome 👍✊🤝
I think you're my new favorite youtuber, those one-liners of yours are nothing but pure creative funny anger. Love it.
This programme is about as historically accurate as I'm Gonna Git You Sucka. They even got the bloody sword wrong! She is using a falcata which was actually invented by Iberian celts.
Not a single person on the show cared about accuracy
I'm so glad you are calling out the so called experts. Most videos I've seen on the topic talk about Jada's political agenda and poor attempt that deflecting blame but don't tackle the supposed scholars she brought to "prove" her re-imagined Cleopatra.
hands down the very best video i've seen on this. thank you so much.
you know, can this start uniting us all on a world wide front to stop this stupid agenda once and for all?
The woman at 10:38 looks and sounds like she's being forced to say the things she is saying, you can see in her facial expressions she doesn't believe a word of it and is in distress.
She's blinking weird, do you think she's asking for help?
I can't explain to you how much I appreciate your Ricky and Karl edits. 😂 excellent stuff as usual 😊
The Inbetweeners stuff is hilarious, as well.
Most underrated channel on UA-cam. You deserve so many more subscribers
Give him time, he is slowly getting more subs anyway. It might be too blunt and crass for some but that is why i love it, i found it searching for Velma reviews and the way he insulted so much made me laugh
As an Egyptian Thank you for making this
i remember when my grandma said to me "no matter what they tell you in school austrian painter was asian" such wisdom
This is right up there with your black panther wakanda forever hilarious- please reupload that one!
Cleopatra was homosexual Chinese man..... Facts, this guy on the city bus told me.
My god this channel is hilarious lol. So glad I accidentally found it just now. I wish you 1 million subscribers buddy. Never stop making these.
Actually her AND Mark fled from the battle.
The thing was, Mark did the Hero thing, and stayed behind so her ship could flea.
Most accounts just say that he couldn't make it though. I tend to think Cleopatra was pregnant with his child, and they were desperate to rule a kingdom.
If anything is well documented, it is that;
In despaire Anthony made a scuicide attempt and failed after he believed Cleopatra lost in that same battle.
News soon reached Antony after his attempt, that Cleopatra was still alive, and they made plans to regroup. They reconciled and decided to flee together to Egypt. Their plan was to continue their resistance against Octavian, but they faced further defeats and the situation grew increasingly dire. In 30 BC, facing the prospect of capture by Octavian's forces, Mark Antony committed suicide by falling on his own sword. Cleopatra, devastated by Antony's death, also took her own life shortly thereafter.
Cleopatra was sad to have tempted a nearby asp (extremely venomous snake) into biting her before the roman forces closed in. I am pretty sure given the width and breadth of histoirical context I have consumed on this exact moment in hisotry.
Here's what really happeend;
Warning, this is a bit speculative, but the vatican archives would either confirm or deny it should we ever have access.
We need to think. Gaius Octavius personally oversaw this battle. He was the one to confirm Cleopatras death, announce that death to rome, and to the people of Egypt.
.... Anthony caused a civil war back in rome when he did what he did, Gaius needed to fix that. He also needed Egypt to remain friendly. It was a very important strategic part of the ancient trade-route, without the goods flowing through there, the upper classes would grwo restless, and it woudl be even more chaotic in Rome.
His solution, he ordered his men to capture them, went to a small dock with them both bound, and told his men to leave. There they had a conversation, and they decided the best course of action moving forward, was for anthony to fall on his own sword, and for cleopatra to drink poison. This absolves Rome from the blame for killing someone worshipped in Egypt for her beauty, this also deals a heavy moral blow to the ones back home who are proud supporters of Anthony. It essentially creates a scenarior where "it's like nothing happened"
Now, why would they agree to this? Why not just kil them and dump them in the river? Weather it's 30 AD or 2023 AD, people aer just not that dumb. They would want proof from Octavia before they gave up their allegences, and accepted a sound defeat. If he framed it, he knew, getting caught doing so, from Rome's great history up to that point, that he would definetly create a full blown civil war, and this would go on for even longer.
So, they agreed to it, because they really did love their peoplem, or because they wanted to be remembered well. Instead of drinkign poison, Cleopatra was bitten by an adder, instead of being told to kill himself after a humiliating defeat and capture, he fell on his sword with honor.
In ancient times, this was the best they could have hoped for. They just as well could have been dragged to a public crucifixion. Their lie s and deciete exposed to everyone. How Mark betrayed rome for cleopatra, and cleopatra had betryed egypt for herself. How, all they really wanted was to rule, by any means necessary, and the many pieces of evidence that still exist today which prove they only cared about themselves the entire war.
**gracefully bows**
Jesus, take a breath bud.
Goddamn, man. This one was absolutely savage, major props!
As an Egyptian i thank you for this review, you said exactly what i wanted to say, especially the “curses”, so 🙏 😂
Reaper has done more research into the experts than the producers of this show did into the history of Egypt.
😂😂 yeesssss
💐💐💐 Your reviews are absolutely brilliant - thank you so much for them! 🙂
Do these "historians" not realize that the Julian calendar was largely motivated to ensure the calendar was fixed to stay more aligned with growing seasons totally irrelevant in Egypt? And that the Egyptian calendar continued to have issues the Julian fixed, until Augustus forced calendar reforms upon them following Cleopatra's death? And it was Sosigenes of Alexandria (there's a hint somewhere in that name) who helped Julius with calculations?
for anyone who thinks she was mixed race, cleopatra was inbred as well, i'm surprised no one has mentioned this lol
@@JB-lp9xr Even funnier is that most Egyptian dynasties were so inbred the Hapsburgs would look like genetic marvels when compared to them.
@@Fregler did you learn that or did your grandma tell you?
@Eugene_Black Ancient Egyptian dynasties were extremely inbred. that's a fact. Although it'd need more evidence if they were any more or less inbred than the hapsburgs.
14:40 Fun fact Octavian placed Cleopatra's children by her and Mark Anthony into the care of his sister Octavia. She raised them alongside her own children and Octavian would later marry Cleopatra's daughter to King Juba II, a former ward of Julius Caesar.
Not only that but Caesarion was the only one killed due to being the child of Julius Caesar thus related to Ocatavian and so a possible political threat.
Listen videos like these definitely need so much more views it’s calling out the bullshit that these people throw at us and I love the move of showing us who the “experts” actually are
You are funny as hell. This was the funniest review I've ever seen and I laughed my f****** ass off through the whole thing. Now I'm going to watch all your videos just to hear you talk.
This has to be the greatest most honest review I’ve seen of this show so far 😂
The moment you said "it's not like Rome brought Egypt anything good at all, like science, education..." it reminded me of that scene from Life of Brian 😂 It's funny how comedy becomes reality.
What have the Romans done for us?
@@ultimatefantasyy1966 the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health.
@@Kureemy *guys, nothing happened in Pompeii in 79 AD*
@@austria-hungary4981 Did you ever read about the graffiti they found when excavating Pompeii and Herculaneum?
It's degenerate comedy gold.
"...that he sounds like he belongs in slytherin" xD that's pure gold man lmao
This guy is the goat