영상이 이렇게 많은 관심을 받을 줄 상상도 못했는데 우선 이렇게 많은 관심 주셔서 감사드립니다 제가 많이 미숙해서 영상이 많이 부족한 부분이 많았던 것 같아요 I never imagined that my UA-cam video would get so much attention, but first of all, thank you for your interest. I'm inexperienced with UA-cam, so I think there were a lot of things that going on in my UA-cam videos. 일단 영상에서 만든 음식은 전부 먹지는 못했어요 (우주랑 같이 먹기도 했고 남은 건 우주 아빠가 먹기도 했어요) 처음 찍어보는 일주일을 담은 영상이라 지루하지 않게 최대한 짧게 편집하다 보니 설명이 많이 부족했던 것 같아요 First of all, I couldn't eat all the food I made in the UA-cam video. (Me and Woojoo ate together, and Woojoo's father(My husband) ate the leftovers) It's the first video I've ever filmed for a week, so I edited it as short as possible so it wouldn't get boring, so I think the explanation wasn't enough. 저는 건강한 식단 레시피를 소개하는 것에 초점에 두었습니다 그 당시 짧게 설명드리기도 했지만 제가 7kg라는 어마어마한 살을 뺄 수 있었던 건 정말 급찐급빠라 가능했습니다 I have focused on introducing healthy diet recipes I briefly explained it at the time, but the reason I was able to lose the enormous weight of 7kg was because I gained weight really fast and lost weight quickly. 기름진 음식, 짜고 단 음식, 물 대신 탄산음료를 마시고 밤낮 구분 없이 잠잘 때 빼고 먹기만 했어요 (그때 물을 하루에 2L-3L를 마셨던 시기라 그만큼 음료를 마셨어요... ☆) 정말 정말! 단기간에 살이 엄청나게 쪘어요ㅜㅡㅜ 하지만 단기간에 많이 졌기 때문에 또 그만큼 많이 감량할 수 있었던 것 같아요 I had greasy food, salty and sweet food, and drinks instead of water. (At that time, I drank 2L~3L of water a day, and I drank that much drinks... ☆) I really, really, really! gained a lot of weight in a short period of time. But I think I was able to lose a lot because I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time. ☆1일-2일 정도 클렌즈 쥬스만 마시며 속을 비우는 일을 했고 탄산, 커피, 기름지고 달고 짠 음식을 전부 끊었어요 저녁 이후로는 다른 음식은 아예 안 먹었고 마시는 물양도 적당히 줄였습니다 ☆I emptied my stomach by drinking only clean juice for 1-2 days, and I cut back on soda, coffee, and all greasy, sweet, and salty foods. After dinner, I didn't eat any other food and moderately reduced the amount of water I drank. 운동은 산책하며 걷는 정도만 했습니다 I exercised just taking a walk. 사실 체중이 많이 감량한 거지 저는 살이 빠졌다고 생각하지 않아요 체지방은 식단도 중요하지만 운동하며 건강하게 빼야 합니다 저는 그러지 못해서 마른 비만이 되었어요 I actually lost a lot of weight. I don't think I'm completely healthy yet. Diet is important for body fat, but you need to lose it in a healthy way through exercise. I couldn't do that, so I became skinny and obese. 지금은 운동하며 체지방을 줄이고 건강한 몸을 만들기 위해 노력 중인데 아직 많이 어렵네요 여러분도 식단도 중요하지만 운동도 꼭 함께하시길 바랍니다 다시한번 설명이 부족했던 부분 죄송합니다 여러분의 하루하루가 행복하길 진심으로 바랍니다 Right now I'm working out to lose body fat and make a healthy body, but it's still very difficult. Diet is important to you too, but I hope you also exercise together. Again, sorry for the lack of explanation. Thank you for your understanding. I sincerely hope that you are happy everyday.
저는 6시 50분에서 7시 6분에 여러분의 메시지를 정말 좋아했습니다. 여러분은 얼마나 멀리 왔는지 매우 자랑스러워해야 합니다. 저를 포함한 많은 사람들은 극단적인 다이어트에 빨려들어가는 것 같습니다. 그래서 저는 여러분이 건강한 식습관과 짧은 다이어트를 지원하는 것을 보고 기쁩니다.(구글 번역이 내가 말하고 싶은 것을 망치지 않기를 바란다.) 영국 ��의 사랑 ��
wow she's actually eating a lot healthier and a lot more than me and loses 7 kgs in 5 days but i still got stuck in 53 kg for a month 😔 edit: i started working and even though i eat same, i lost few kilos in few months so currently i'm 47 kg sooo well done guys✌🏻
Yeah me too, I already lost 10kg in a month and a half then I decided to take it gradually, throughout the summer I shed 5 more kilo and I stumbled right there. It just fluctuates between 55 and 53, can't get any lower than that it just so frustrated and gives me so much anxious
@@rumakoji ikr it always happens like a circle i'm trying to get over that 😔 thank you for your supporter comment 💕 btw i really liked your desk makeover and i'll do some changes in mine with the things i saw on yours!
@@NguyenNgocTuAnh_ omg yes i'm the same with you, i gave my 8 kilos in a short time and then just gave up 3 kilos for 3 months and got stuck rn 🤦🏻♀️ what you planning to do? i'm so confused...
@@eceozcelik644 well, I'm in my senior year at highschool now and I don't want any weigh loss to effect my score so I was thinking of doing it in a healthy way so my weight can be permanent. 3 meals a day but dinner at 4p.m, or the intermittent fasting that I had done during the summer.
Remember, the trick to a good diet is to eat something you could see yourself eating for the rest of your life and not just for a short while. Also, there are no bad foods. You can allow yourself to eat anything you want as long as you aware of the calories you are consuming and train yourself to eat in smaller portions when you are eating things like pizza, fries, burgers, and so on. You can eat them, but in smaller quantities and less often than you eat a plate full of nutritious food with plenty of vegetables. At the end of the day what matters is that you are healthy and happy. 😉
Yes. Thank you for the reminder. But for now, I still reduce and not eat fast food for good because my weight is come to danger (80/90 kg with fat 40%)
This is so true especially if you’re struggling financially :( Most diet menu for that I’ve seen on youtube is kind of hard for me to find in my area, and if i did find it, it costs a lot of money (for me). So I just tried to eat what I usually eat but cut down on junk food, snacks, saturated fat and oily food. It helps me reach my goal weight :)
와..오로지 자신을 위해 살빼신다는 말 너무 멋있어요ㅠㅜ 남들시선 신경쓰지 않고 스스로 멋있게 살고자 다이어트하시는 모습 정말 존경합니다!!🥺저도 다이어트 중인데 맨날 시리얼, 닭가슴살같은 맛없는음식만은 먹기 싫어서 식단관리하는게 너무 힘들었는데 이렇게 다양하고 맛있는 레시피로 양껏드시면서 관리하시는거보고 진짜 많이 배웠어요!! 저도 꼭 혜미님레시피 따라서 식단관리 해볼게용 ㅎㅎㅎ 앞으로도 항상 응원합니당😍 (그리고 우주 웃는모습 너무예뻐요ㅠㅜ미소천사...💖)
It's probably water weight that you lost. Just something we ladies have to deal with sadly. I look really bloated rn because I'm at a certain point in my hormone cycle, but I know it'll be gone again in a few days. Girls, please don't worry so much. Weight fluctuations happen for us, bloating happens. It's normal and it doesn't mean that you've actually gained any body fat.
She said herself the reason she lost a lot of weight fast was that she gained it fast as well. Also, some people respond to different things such as water weight or breakouts from alcohol and such as well as gain weight in different places.
@@xx-yd5mm bottom line its physically impossible to lose 14 pounds of fat in 5 days. you can go down that much on the scale but its fluid, not fat mass. Youd have to be burning over 10,000 calories a day.
@@hobi_sunshine4033 when you eat food that has high sodium content (soda, chips,etc just high salt) your body will retain water and fluids (sodium retains water) and thus you'll look and feel bloated. The water and fluid add weight that's water weight.
@@hobi_sunshine4033 for example, i binge eat a whole large pizza yesterday and the scale says i gained 1 kg overnight. Most of it is water weight. Pizza has really high carbohydrate content, and these carbs will mostly be stored as glycogen. Glycogen and water are usually bound together that's why it's called water weight. When you're dieting down (especially when restricting carbs) your body taps into your glycogen reserves as fuel, which means the water retained in your body gets released as more glycogen gets used up. That's why you lose water weight on the first week of dieting. So all these "lose xkg in a week" stuff doesnt impress me, especially since I also do frequent cheat days to fuel my workouts in the gym. It just really means "i've carbed up for a few days and now my body is depleted of carbs..." you will balloon back to your usual weight the next day.
I absolutely love the amount that she is eating compared to so many others that I've seen. Usually they survive on 5 tomato's and 3 boiled eggs a day! The fact she is eating good sized portions gives me some hope, even though the calories are obviously lower 💗
"whether you're 45kg or 65kg, you're just you" that's really beautiful, as someone who has struggled with disordered eating to the point of near death, this is really encouraging to hear, especially as now a healthier weight. Lovely message. 😘👍
❗다이어트하기 하루 전 클렌즈주스만 마시기 ❗하루 3끼 챙겨 먹는다(굶기 X) ❗하루에 물 2L는 꼭 마시기 + 한꺼번에 많이 마시는 것보다 조금씩 나눠서 마시는 게 좋다 (혜미님 댓글♡) ❗아침- 과일, 요거트, 쉐이트 ❗호박 즙 마시기(붓기 빠지는데 도움) ❗운동으로 산책 정도 ❗식단 저탄고단?? 정리해봤어요🌈 좋은영상 감사합니다!!
I legit lost 7 kgs in around a month but it doesn't even look like I lost weight. Its so disappointing despite all the hard work. Also, I didn't lose weight by eating what she ate, mine was different
I love that your diet food looks substantial and delicious! So many people who post diet videos have such unhealthy diets like half a chicken breast or 1 apple for dinner. It's so nice to see someone who is showing a balanced meal and realistic portions
몇일차, 몇시, 몇번재 끼니인지도 적어주시면 엄청 더 도움될 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 아침인지 점심인지 저녁인지 알 수 없어서 ㅠㅠ 하루 두끼 드셨는지, 세끼 드셨는지, 떄론 한끼 드신 날도 있었는 지 그런 것들이 구분이 안 가 아쉬워요 ㅠㅠ 그래두 넘 잘 봤습니다!! 식단만으로 저렇게 되돌아올 수 있다니!!
I watch diet vlogs to keep myself motivated with my own diet. I'm not on a harsh diet or anything but still my family judges me for dieting. I eat healthier and less than I used to and exercise a bit. Personally for myself I find it better if I eat a little bit more for breakfast (like yogurt or eggs) and for dinner just a salad. My body feels lighter and in general I feel that my diet makes me feel better (I also already see some changes).😄 At the end of last year my family told me how much weight I gained and that I should stop eating so much. I tried eating just a very small amount of food but nothing changed. February this year I started going on a diet again but this time for myself and like I said it works and I feel happier😊 (I'm 172cm and December 2020 I weighted 74kg, now March 2021 i weigh 70,5kg😁) now my family judges me for my diet and my dad thinks I'm going to be anorexic or something. It annoys me bc I know what I'm doing and my diet isn't unhealthy. Does some of you maybe know how I can stop listening to those comments and continue focusing on my diet? 😄
다이어트하랴고 찾아보다가 비포몸이 저랑 너무 비슷하고 6키로찐거두 너무 비슷해서 희망을 얻구가요 저도 꼭 7키로 감량했으몀 좋겠네요 항상 다이어트강박에 박햐서 남들과있을땐 조금먹다 집에오면 폭식증때매 너무 많이먹지만 그거 깨고 2주동안 7키로 꼭 감량해야겠아요ㅜㅜ 보면서 힐링대써요 구독하고갈게요❤️❤️
Maybe you need some lemon water to release all the water intake, I get that sometimes when I drank too much plain water because I love to, and my thighs went bloated and jiggling just by the next day haha
I believe that if you truly want to loose weight you should do it for yourself. Not to please anyone (so you can enjoy the journey :)) There’s an app called Loose weight in 30 days. The workouts take like 15 minutes of your time. Super convenient ‘ and you can try mixing it with the Military diet (do consume lots of water and electrolytes) And you should do whatever you want to, we are in this world to find ourselves. Not to please anyone. Stay safe
Blabla not exactly, it’s more due to genetics and the lifestyle there? Since places in the Eastern Asia tend to eat healthier than the US for me atleast TT
힐링하고 갑니다:) 댓글 같은거 진짜 안쓰는데 댓글 쓰고 싶은건 처음이에요:) 정말멋쪄요!!저두 11kg 감량하고 유지하고 있는데 요즘 풀어져서 다시 조금 쪘어요! 강박속에 살고 있었는데 요즘은 쫌 놓게 되서 오히려 건강을 찾았어요!ㅎ 정말 강박에서 빠져나와야되는거 같아요:) 힐링하고 갑니다:)
Hola muchas gracias por tu testimonio y tus consejos lo haremos. Y si tienes razón toda la gente a veces juzga o critica sin razón si la gente engorda o adelgaza. Adelgazar o engordar se puede. Pero la gente con mal corazón que critica sin razón no. Muchas gracias por ayudar a tanta gente y ser motivación de esfuerzo y constancia y fuerza de voluntad. Que deportes haces. Es muy bueno natación y spinning y andar y hacer mindfulness también es bueno animo a todas os y gracias a ti saludos cordiales desde España.
Exacto, para mi ha sido muy complicado durante cuarentena (normalmente cuando pequeña era rellenita pero cuando fui creciendo estaba bien de peso) Y ahora subí bastante gracias a la pandemia, y realmente mi salud mental ha estado muy mal :(
Her loses Weight after having restaurant quality meals then there’s me, eating once a day(because I don’t really get hungry) but still remains at the same weight😩😂
Divide that once a day into several smaller meals/snacks a day. I went from eating twice a day, to 3 and lost a little bit of weight passively. My body didn't need to store incase of longer periods without food
Ahhh that's why you are not losing any weight, if you don't eat at all oe maybe just once a day your body starts believing that there might be no food for you to eat at all so it starts storing fats. This is very unhealthy you should eat wether it's just 1 apple but try to eat healthy and 3 times a day! 💜
@@akitoentt There is evidence that eating once a day isn't neccesarily unhealthy, at least for men but for women it's reccomended to eat in a 8/10 hours window (because our hormones are sensitive to stress). So if your first meal it's at 10 am then your last will be at 6 pm. You can investigate about intermittent fasting and about its benefits, better in scientific sites than youtube. There is even a nobel prize about autophagy wich occurs when you fast and let your body rest from digesting food. I at least try to let my body rest from food for 13 hours everyday.
@@Kapschan of course you can but please don't be underweighr as someone who has been anorexic and boulimic i can tell you that this is one of the worst "life style" ever
to anyone who sees this: eating healthy is so important to nourish yourself, have energy, build immunity, etc. don’t make weight loss your sole focus. do it to feel like a better you. do it as self love. and it’s okay to cheat every now and then. there’s some things a scale can never measure like mental clarity. and if weight loss comes with caring for yourself, great. but if not thats okay. you don’t need to restrict unhealthily.
okay so I used to weight 58kg which meant I was on my weight but literally on the limit, but now during quarantine I have gained a lot of weight and I’m currently at 63kg, which is the worst I’ve ever been in my whole life. So I saw people on the comments saying how they lost certain amounts, but I saw one saying she or he lost 5kg in 7 days just by cutting diary, salt, sugar and she said starch, which I think means carbohydrates, so I’m gonna try it cause it would actually be perfect due to it would left me at my past weight, and then I also wanna get to 52-54kg, so I would not be at the limit of my weight, but we will see that later. So today’s October 5th and I guess I’m gonna come back the 13th so that you guys can see if it worked! okay hi!, I'm sorry I'm a day late, but I actually forgot to update lmao,, anyways, did it work? YES, just that I'm at 59kg anf not 58, which I expected, but it's okay,, the thing is that it was like way too difficult, cause I didn't realize all the things in my diet that are carbohydrates or that I put salt into, but If you can do it, there you go, you are gonna get results (but I also did a little exercise everyday)
남들의 시선으로부터, 낮은 자존감으로 인해 그 자존감을 다이어트로 채우기 위해 다이어트를 결심한다는것이 속상하고 너무 공감이 가요. 저도 자존감이 무지하게 낮았고 그런적이 많았던 사람이었기에 .. 🥲 모든분들이 다이어트로 인해 극심하게 강박받지않고 오로지 내 몸을 위해 내 자신을 위해 다이어트하는 순간이 왔으면 좋겠어요. 화이팅! 자존감도 회복하고! 💪🏻
Every one is beautiful the way they are, no matter you are fat or skinny ,your complexion is dark or white, tall or short people won't stop commenting about you it's just that we live between narrow minded people you don't live for the people of society who comments bad about you So love yourself no one can play your role better than your self❤️
This was a joy to watch, and your message is calming to the heart. So refreshing to see a video that doesn’t have a word-for-word “plan” but more of a self love and nutrients kind of message. ❤️
U know this quarantine is totally opposite for me...like i used to have more weight and unhealthy skin but..when quarantine started i started to glow up...i lost some weight (its 42 kg ) and now I also took care of my skin ita look great now( still have some fadding spots) i feel soo good... quarantine really helped me a lot...
@@jinniesmoll4272 hehehhe my actual weight is 42 kg before it was 46kg bcz of my height i always used to look overweight...but now its good now....and thank you for your kind words...☺️ *Blessings to you*❤️
@@its_taz6717 okay...so i used LOA.... subliminals....u can search on UA-cam what it is u will know...and some exercises and the most important thing is....self love.... change is necessary but it doesn't mean that you are not beautiful....✨🎗️
For me the same, I had 62 kg I looked so bad (for myself) and I wanted to change for myself. I ate sweets, a little bread. I didn't drink juices or eat snacks, I ate only homemade food. I lost 10 kg and had 52. Then I went on IU extreme diet and I had maybe around 50 kg. I went on Lisa's Blackpink diet and lost 4 kg and now I have 46kg. I am so proud of myself now even though my goal is to have 43 kg. I want to lose 3 kg more and also even though I lose weight, I still have fat and I want to lose fat. ❤️
I love that you understand that no matter your weight you should love yourself, however the reality is losing 7kg in 5 days is received in an opposite manner, it forces people to do a diet they can't hold on to, or encourages eating disorder, a lot of young girls will look up to your channel, hope to see more healthy meals 😊.
Reminder! every body is different. even if you follow the same exact diet as Hyemi your results can vary a lot or just a bit it does not mean it doesn't work, sometimes it just takes more time, sometimes you need to exercise a bit more also every body is different but it does not mean that you have to hate it for the way it is, it will not change anything at all just focus on your overall health and journey I know you can do it! don't give up! 💕
7kg in 5days????? I hope you’re doing good and eating enough🥺💜remember that it’s okay to eat and enjoy every meal without regret and weight is just a number🥰 I know how horrible the beauty standards are in Korea and Asia in general (especially in my home country China) but you’re beautiful just the way you are💛
I like her video’s content a lot but this video is somehow hard to believe... i mean it’s really impossible to lose 7kg in 5 days with this menu even if she eats once a day. Even if her first weight (53kg) was water weight or bloating or etc., starving herself could not make her lose that much🤔she didn’t refer about her workout, time of eating etc. though If you say this is water lose, then she couldn’t gain that much weight in just some day of binging.
Exactly my point even if it was juice or water fasting maximum wt loss would be between 3 to max 5 KGS its hard to believe also it confuses me how many meals she's having each day as she's not showing next DAy or anything so confusing...
As a mom of a small baby, I would say it would have been hard for her to film well. And I think this type of vegan diet can be gaining or losing weight fast, once you’re off the diet.(depending on the muscle mass)
@@breeze3596 its not vegan at all. She eats eggs, yogurt, cheese, ... I agree with this people, imposible this weight loss, even if she eats once a day (which Id found irresponsable)
I felt so down today because of my weight but you motivated me. So thank you so much and stay healthy and happy and let's cheer up each other in our journey . FIGHTING . 😊😊
@@jessymedilina8759 welcome. I have to lose 55 pounds..I take birth control pills to heal enometriose and it's difficult to lose weight..but I'm trying..without damaging my body and metabolism.
I clicked on this video for recipe ideas for my weight loss journey, and your words really inspired me! Weightloss shouldn't be for others or to become prettier, but to become healthier and happier! Thank you for your video~
Sería genial que pusieras los tiempos que les das a la comida en el microondas por favor 🥺 se que es muy difícil con tu baby pero me animas mucho todo lo que comes de ve muy rico 🤤 GRACIAS 🥰 por tomarte el tiempo de hacer estos blog
덕분에 들어야 했을 것 같아요 3개월 동안 살빼려고 노력했고 나 자신을 좋게 하기 위해 많은 것을 요구했는데 자신도 모르는 사이에 저를 학대했습니다 감사합니다 감사합니다 그 동안 반성하는데 많은 도움이 되었습니다 다이어트를 해서 불안할 때가 있어서 제 자신이 안타까웠어요 감사합니다😭😭😭
영상이 이렇게 많은 관심을 받을 줄 상상도 못했는데
우선 이렇게 많은 관심 주셔서 감사드립니다
제가 많이 미숙해서 영상이 많이 부족한 부분이 많았던 것 같아요
I never imagined that my UA-cam video would get so much attention, but first of all, thank you for your interest.
I'm inexperienced with UA-cam, so I think there were a lot of things that going on in my UA-cam videos.
일단 영상에서 만든 음식은 전부 먹지는 못했어요
(우주랑 같이 먹기도 했고 남은 건 우주 아빠가 먹기도 했어요)
처음 찍어보는 일주일을 담은 영상이라 지루하지 않게 최대한 짧게 편집하다 보니 설명이 많이 부족했던 것 같아요
First of all, I couldn't eat all the food I made in the UA-cam video.
(Me and Woojoo ate together, and Woojoo's father(My husband) ate the leftovers)
It's the first video I've ever filmed for a week, so I edited it as short as possible so it wouldn't get boring, so I think the explanation wasn't enough.
저는 건강한 식단 레시피를 소개하는 것에 초점에 두었습니다
그 당시 짧게 설명드리기도 했지만 제가 7kg라는 어마어마한 살을 뺄 수 있었던 건 정말 급찐급빠라 가능했습니다
I have focused on introducing healthy diet recipes
I briefly explained it at the time, but the reason I was able to lose the enormous weight of 7kg was because I gained weight really fast and lost weight quickly.
기름진 음식, 짜고 단 음식, 물 대신 탄산음료를 마시고 밤낮 구분 없이 잠잘 때 빼고 먹기만 했어요
(그때 물을 하루에 2L-3L를 마셨던 시기라 그만큼 음료를 마셨어요... ☆)
정말 정말! 단기간에 살이 엄청나게 쪘어요ㅜㅡㅜ
하지만 단기간에 많이 졌기 때문에 또 그만큼 많이 감량할 수 있었던 것 같아요
I had greasy food, salty and sweet food, and drinks instead of water.
(At that time, I drank 2L~3L of water a day, and I drank that much drinks... ☆)
I really, really, really! gained a lot of weight in a short period of time.
But I think I was able to lose a lot because I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time.
☆1일-2일 정도 클렌즈 쥬스만 마시며 속을 비우는 일을 했고 탄산, 커피, 기름지고 달고 짠 음식을 전부 끊었어요
저녁 이후로는 다른 음식은 아예 안 먹었고 마시는 물양도 적당히 줄였습니다
☆I emptied my stomach by drinking only clean juice for 1-2 days, and I cut back on soda, coffee, and all greasy, sweet, and salty foods.
After dinner, I didn't eat any other food and moderately reduced the amount of water I drank.
운동은 산책하며 걷는 정도만 했습니다
I exercised just taking a walk.
사실 체중이 많이 감량한 거지 저는 살이 빠졌다고 생각하지 않아요 체지방은 식단도 중요하지만 운동하며 건강하게 빼야 합니다 저는 그러지 못해서 마른 비만이 되었어요
I actually lost a lot of weight. I don't think I'm completely healthy yet. Diet is important for body fat, but you need to lose it in a healthy way through exercise. I couldn't do that, so I became skinny and obese.
지금은 운동하며 체지방을 줄이고 건강한 몸을 만들기 위해 노력 중인데 아직 많이 어렵네요
여러분도 식단도 중요하지만 운동도 꼭 함께하시길 바랍니다 다시한번 설명이 부족했던 부분 죄송합니다
여러분의 하루하루가 행복하길 진심으로 바랍니다
Right now I'm working out to lose body fat and make a healthy body, but it's still very difficult.
Diet is important to you too, but I hope you also exercise together.
Again, sorry for the lack of explanation. Thank you for your understanding.
I sincerely hope that you are happy everyday.
좋은 정보 감사합니다♡ 혹시 클렌즈주스는 어떤 제품인지 알 수 있을까요!?
서정 '더맛있는주스'라고 검색하면 나와요!
저는 6시 50분에서 7시 6분에 여러분의 메시지를 정말 좋아했습니다. 여러분은 얼마나 멀리 왔는지 매우 자랑스러워해야 합니다. 저를 포함한 많은 사람들은 극단적인 다이어트에 빨려들어가는 것 같습니다. 그래서 저는 여러분이 건강한 식습관과 짧은 다이어트를 지원하는 것을 보고 기쁩니다.(구글 번역이 내가 말하고 싶은 것을 망치지 않기를 바란다.) 영국 ��의 사랑 ��
혹시 키가 몇이예요?
이 댓글 고정하면 다른 분들이 더 잘 볼 수 있을 것 같아요! ^^ 영상 잘 봤습니다! 건강하려고 다이어트 중인데 영상 참고 많이 됐어요. 감사합니다~!
Wow she got hate cuz of weight , How humans lost humanity
its always been like that
and its lost hope
How you know she got hate? Not trying to be rude just saying cuz I wanna know what I missed
@@ivethpena5991 she put that in the subtitles of the video
@@ivethpena5991 she said in the video
wow she's actually eating a lot healthier and a lot more than me and loses 7 kgs in 5 days but i still got stuck in 53 kg for a month 😔
edit: i started working and even though i eat same, i lost few kilos in few months so currently i'm 47 kg sooo well done guys✌🏻
You just might be in a plateau 😊 You’ll lose weight fast once you get past 53kg
Yeah me too, I already lost 10kg in a month and a half then I decided to take it gradually, throughout the summer I shed 5 more kilo and I stumbled right there. It just fluctuates between 55 and 53, can't get any lower than that it just so frustrated and gives me so much anxious
@@rumakoji ikr it always happens like a circle i'm trying to get over that 😔 thank you for your supporter comment 💕 btw i really liked your desk makeover and i'll do some changes in mine with the things i saw on yours!
@@NguyenNgocTuAnh_ omg yes i'm the same with you, i gave my 8 kilos in a short time and then just gave up 3 kilos for 3 months and got stuck rn 🤦🏻♀️ what you planning to do? i'm so confused...
@@eceozcelik644 well, I'm in my senior year at highschool now and I don't want any weigh loss to effect my score so I was thinking of doing it in a healthy way so my weight can be permanent. 3 meals a day but dinner at 4p.m, or the intermittent fasting that I had done during the summer.
Remember, the trick to a good diet is to eat something you could see yourself eating for the rest of your life and not just for a short while. Also, there are no bad foods. You can allow yourself to eat anything you want as long as you aware of the calories you are consuming and train yourself to eat in smaller portions when you are eating things like pizza, fries, burgers, and so on. You can eat them, but in smaller quantities and less often than you eat a plate full of nutritious food with plenty of vegetables. At the end of the day what matters is that you are healthy and happy. 😉
Agreed! Good reminder 👍
Nope. The trick is being able to enjoy eating whatever foods on the menu but still be able to maintain your bf% at a healthy range.😮🤯
Yes. Thank you for the reminder. But for now, I still reduce and not eat fast food for good because my weight is come to danger (80/90 kg with fat 40%)
This is so true especially if you’re struggling financially :( Most diet menu for that I’ve seen on youtube is kind of hard for me to find in my area, and if i did find it, it costs a lot of money (for me). So I just tried to eat what I usually eat but cut down on junk food, snacks, saturated fat and oily food. It helps me reach my goal weight :)
"In the past, my body goals were solely based on how others viewed me. But now, I only do it for myself."
Yesss, go girl ! So happy for you ❤
와..오로지 자신을 위해 살빼신다는 말 너무 멋있어요ㅠㅜ 남들시선 신경쓰지 않고 스스로 멋있게 살고자 다이어트하시는 모습 정말 존경합니다!!🥺저도 다이어트 중인데 맨날 시리얼, 닭가슴살같은 맛없는음식만은 먹기 싫어서 식단관리하는게 너무 힘들었는데 이렇게 다양하고 맛있는 레시피로 양껏드시면서 관리하시는거보고 진짜 많이 배웠어요!! 저도 꼭 혜미님레시피 따라서 식단관리 해볼게용 ㅎㅎㅎ 앞으로도 항상 응원합니당😍 (그리고 우주 웃는모습 너무예뻐요ㅠㅜ미소천사...💖)
축하합니다 당신은 한국댓글을 발견 했습니말미잘
뀨뀨 이게 뭐라고 웃기냐곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뜬금 없는데 너무 웃기네..
좀만내려가도한국인댓 개많은데
It's probably water weight that you lost. Just something we ladies have to deal with sadly. I look really bloated rn because I'm at a certain point in my hormone cycle, but I know it'll be gone again in a few days. Girls, please don't worry so much. Weight fluctuations happen for us, bloating happens. It's normal and it doesn't mean that you've actually gained any body fat.
She said herself the reason she lost a lot of weight fast was that she gained it fast as well. Also, some people respond to different things such as water weight or breakouts from alcohol and such as well as gain weight in different places.
@@xx-yd5mm bottom line its physically impossible to lose 14 pounds of fat in 5 days. you can go down that much on the scale but its fluid, not fat mass. Youd have to be burning over 10,000 calories a day.
@@TheKeaneKat Oh yea for sure it's not all fat loss.
@@hobi_sunshine4033 when you eat food that has high sodium content (soda, chips,etc just high salt) your body will retain water and fluids (sodium retains water) and thus you'll look and feel bloated. The water and fluid add weight that's water weight.
@@hobi_sunshine4033 for example, i binge eat a whole large pizza yesterday and the scale says i gained 1 kg overnight. Most of it is water weight. Pizza has really high carbohydrate content, and these carbs will mostly be stored as glycogen. Glycogen and water are usually bound together that's why it's called water weight. When you're dieting down (especially when restricting carbs) your body taps into your glycogen reserves as fuel, which means the water retained in your body gets released as more glycogen gets used up. That's why you lose water weight on the first week of dieting. So all these "lose xkg in a week" stuff doesnt impress me, especially since I also do frequent cheat days to fuel my workouts in the gym. It just really means "i've carbed up for a few days and now my body is depleted of carbs..." you will balloon back to your usual weight the next day.
I absolutely love the amount that she is eating compared to so many others that I've seen. Usually they survive on 5 tomato's and 3 boiled eggs a day! The fact she is eating good sized portions gives me some hope, even though the calories are obviously lower 💗
"whether you're 45kg or 65kg, you're just you" that's really beautiful, as someone who has struggled with disordered eating to the point of near death, this is really encouraging to hear, especially as now a healthier weight. Lovely message. 😘👍
You made 65 kg seem like a weight limit when you compared 45 kg to it 😖😖 that hurt
@@urmom1983 I'm just quoting, either way the message is clear regardless of weight or size being healthier is better. ♥️
My weight is 40 and i wanna lose 5kl I am not tall jejeje
@@katsukimin5981 that is NOT normal. That is SEVERELY underweight, take care of your health and GAIN weight instead please
@@elizaandreadaki9942 it depends on their height
❗다이어트하기 하루 전 클렌즈주스만 마시기
❗하루 3끼 챙겨 먹는다(굶기 X)
❗하루에 물 2L는 꼭 마시기
+ 한꺼번에 많이 마시는 것보다 조금씩 나눠서 마시는 게 좋다 (혜미님 댓글♡)
❗아침- 과일, 요거트, 쉐이트
❗호박 즙 마시기(붓기 빠지는데 도움)
❗운동으로 산책 정도
❗식단 저탄고단??
정리해봤어요🌈 좋은영상 감사합니다!!
그냥 이 분은 살이 안찌는 체질인거같아,,,,
I legit lost 7 kgs in around a month but it doesn't even look like I lost weight. Its so disappointing despite all the hard work. Also, I didn't lose weight by eating what she ate, mine was different
Keep going on.!! Don't give up!
It's okay ..try working out it helps you burn more fat and you'll see your face gets slimmer
Don't give Up I loose 5 kg in 3 month with cheat meal☺️☺️
please don't give up!!!! please I loose
4 kg in 3 months.So I think I am not better than you☺️
@@FluffyCloud_-1407 thank you for encouraging! I won't, I'm still going :)
Guys, maybe she is short so she can be 46kg, but don’t try to be 46 kg while you’re tall
Yessss 5"9 and 8 1/2 stone and all the girls at my school act like im fat when in reality if i was anything less than that I'd be underweight
I weigh 44kg at 5'5 and I get made fun of for being 'skinny' beauty standards are different everywhere.
*me reading this being 12 and 5’4
@@ga8208 Same, I weigh 44kg but i'm underweight.
@@user-wv2ly1rl6t tbh I would rather be underweight-
I love that your diet food looks substantial and delicious! So many people who post diet videos have such unhealthy diets like half a chicken breast or 1 apple for dinner. It's so nice to see someone who is showing a balanced meal and realistic portions
몇일차, 몇시, 몇번재 끼니인지도 적어주시면 엄청 더 도움될 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 아침인지 점심인지 저녁인지 알 수 없어서 ㅠㅠ 하루 두끼 드셨는지, 세끼 드셨는지, 떄론 한끼 드신 날도 있었는 지 그런 것들이 구분이 안 가 아쉬워요 ㅠㅠ 그래두 넘 잘 봤습니다!! 식단만으로 저렇게 되돌아올 수 있다니!!
The fact that she has only tummy problem but there you're a whole potato 🤧
I wanted to workout, but I’m a lazy af😭💔
@@parkmochimin891 then put a challenge do it for 10days and have fun while doing it endure the paib and love it then u will get motivation
@@shaaly4072, I really wanted to do that, but I have classes all day so I can’t do it I’m really busy
@@parkmochimin891 then start with actively participating in gym class! And put ur all into it, then move on to small workouts and move from there!
the way you hold the spoon is so cute 😭😭😭
I watch diet vlogs to keep myself motivated with my own diet. I'm not on a harsh diet or anything but still my family judges me for dieting. I eat healthier and less than I used to and exercise a bit. Personally for myself I find it better if I eat a little bit more for breakfast (like yogurt or eggs) and for dinner just a salad. My body feels lighter and in general I feel that my diet makes me feel better (I also already see some changes).😄
At the end of last year my family told me how much weight I gained and that I should stop eating so much. I tried eating just a very small amount of food but nothing changed. February this year I started going on a diet again but this time for myself and like I said it works and I feel happier😊
(I'm 172cm and December 2020 I weighted 74kg, now March 2021 i weigh 70,5kg😁)
now my family judges me for my diet and my dad thinks I'm going to be anorexic or something. It annoys me bc I know what I'm doing and my diet isn't unhealthy. Does some of you maybe know how I can stop listening to those comments and continue focusing on my diet? 😄
다이어트하랴고 찾아보다가 비포몸이 저랑 너무 비슷하고 6키로찐거두 너무 비슷해서 희망을 얻구가요 저도 꼭 7키로 감량했으몀 좋겠네요 항상 다이어트강박에 박햐서 남들과있을땐 조금먹다 집에오면 폭식증때매 너무 많이먹지만 그거 깨고 2주동안 7키로 꼭 감량해야겠아요ㅜㅜ 보면서 힐링대써요 구독하고갈게요❤️❤️
저는 영상 보고 댓글 보다가 훈훈한 콩쓰님 댓글 보고 힐링하고 가요ㅜㅜ다이어트 파이팅 하세요!! 저도 응원할게요!
7:01 gaining weight doesn't make you a failure
i love the way you put such a deep and meaningfull message for all of us♡
요즘 다시 살찌고 시작하기 막막했는데 혜미님 영상 덕에 의지를 얻었어요ㅎㅎ 항상 감사해요💕 저랑 비슷한 나이대이셔서 더 친근하고 힘이돼요🤍🤍
the maximum we can burn per week is 5 kilos according to science
저도 언니보면서 힘내고있어요~그리고 님들앙 정체기 오면은 보조제 꼬옥 챙겨 먹으삼 개인적으로 효과 본 보조제 활력포션모로실임,정체기 극복하고 체중 유지 중이자낭
모로실 어때요? 얼만큼 먹어야 효과 보나요?
my mom while watching this w me in 3:19 be like:
"sHe aTe ThAt sPoOn ??"
Lol 🤣🤣🤣
LOL 😂😂
I was thinking about that too😂😂😳
@@febriantisioyen4334 woy nyasar, balik2 heh😭
Yoo your comment made me laugh hard lol
와....원래 잘 빠지시는 체질인가..??
I'm here cuz I got called out for looking like an inflated balloon.
Can't even fit into my uniform anymore
Maybe you need some lemon water to release all the water intake, I get that sometimes when I drank too much plain water because I love to, and my thighs went bloated and jiggling just by the next day haha
I believe that if you truly want to loose weight you should do it for yourself. Not to please anyone (so you can enjoy the journey :))
There’s an app called Loose weight in 30 days. The workouts take like 15 minutes of your time. Super convenient ‘ and you can try mixing it with the Military diet (do consume lots of water and electrolytes)
And you should do whatever you want to, we are in this world to find ourselves. Not to please anyone. Stay safe
when i saw that her thighs got slimmer i automatically got motivated
남을 위해서가 아니라 자신을 위해서만 살을 빼는 게 너무 좋아요... 왕따를 그만둘 생각으로 최근에 살을 빼려고 했는데 나 자신을 위해 살을 빼야 하니까 정말 완벽한 사람이 되었어요 🥹❤
How can her legs can slim down in just 5 days... Me be like 1 months later still big thigh 😭... You are perfect alreadyyy💜
Asians are blessed I swear 😭
@@zehradurmus6262 im an Asian but I don't have thin legs 😂
@@zehradurmus6262 not all asians bro...only ppl in china,korea,japan,Malaysia are blessed with the perfect body
@@Blabla-dz8vy that's true, sorry, I didn't really think about what I said
Blabla not exactly, it’s more due to genetics and the lifestyle there? Since places in the Eastern Asia tend to eat healthier than the US for me atleast TT
다이어트랑 육아까지 👍🏻대단하세요 !
힐링하고 갑니다:) 댓글 같은거 진짜 안쓰는데 댓글 쓰고 싶은건 처음이에요:) 정말멋쪄요!!저두 11kg 감량하고 유지하고 있는데 요즘 풀어져서 다시 조금 쪘어요! 강박속에 살고 있었는데 요즘은 쫌 놓게 되서 오히려 건강을 찾았어요!ㅎ 정말 강박에서 빠져나와야되는거 같아요:) 힐링하고 갑니다:)
가슴 유지 되시나요..? 가슴 안빠지셨는지 궁금해요
Hola muchas gracias por tu testimonio y tus consejos lo haremos. Y si tienes razón toda la gente a veces juzga o critica sin razón si la gente engorda o adelgaza. Adelgazar o engordar se puede. Pero la gente con mal corazón que critica sin razón no. Muchas gracias por ayudar a tanta gente y ser motivación de esfuerzo y constancia y fuerza de voluntad. Que deportes haces. Es muy bueno natación y spinning y andar y hacer mindfulness también es bueno animo a todas os y gracias a ti saludos cordiales desde España.
Exacto, para mi ha sido muy complicado durante cuarentena (normalmente cuando pequeña era rellenita pero cuando fui creciendo estaba bien de peso) Y ahora subí bastante gracias a la pandemia, y realmente mi salud mental ha estado muy mal :(
God bless you l, Jesus loves you! ✝️🤍🕊️
Her loses Weight after having restaurant quality meals then there’s me, eating once a day(because I don’t really get hungry) but still remains at the same weight😩😂
Divide that once a day into several smaller meals/snacks a day. I went from eating twice a day, to 3 and lost a little bit of weight passively. My body didn't need to store incase of longer periods without food
Me too huhu
Ahhh that's why you are not losing any weight, if you don't eat at all oe maybe just once a day your body starts believing that there might be no food for you to eat at all so it starts storing fats. This is very unhealthy you should eat wether it's just 1 apple but try to eat healthy and 3 times a day! 💜
@@akitoentt There is evidence that eating once a day isn't neccesarily unhealthy, at least for men but for women it's reccomended to eat in a 8/10 hours window (because our hormones are sensitive to stress). So if your first meal it's at 10 am then your last will be at 6 pm.
You can investigate about intermittent fasting and about its benefits, better in scientific sites than youtube. There is even a nobel prize about autophagy wich occurs when you fast and let your body rest from digesting food.
I at least try to let my body rest from food for 13 hours everyday.
Keto and intermittent fasting (you can do one meal a day (OMAD)). You're welcome.
You must have been extra bloated to loose 7kg in 5 days. I lost 5kg in 7 days but that was because i cut sodium, starch, sugar and dairy.
I m not able lose belly fats
Omg... I'm like 55 kg can I lose 5 kgs too?
@@Kapschan of course you can but please don't be underweighr as someone who has been anorexic and boulimic i can tell you that this is one of the worst "life style" ever
What did you eat then 💀 air???
요리전에 무슨요리하는지 자막에 살짝 넣어주시면 좋을것같단 생각이 들어용🙏
DONT let any comment like this affect you, you don’t need anyone’s approval, you are GORGEUS, and if you are doing it for yourself AMAZING
to anyone who sees this: eating healthy is so important to nourish yourself, have energy, build immunity, etc. don’t make weight loss your sole focus. do it to feel like a better you. do it as self love. and it’s okay to cheat every now and then. there’s some things a scale can never measure like mental clarity. and if weight loss comes with caring for yourself, great. but if not thats okay. you don’t need to restrict unhealthily.
I can’t believe people were rude to you about your figure! You’re beautiful, before and after!
The beauty standards in Korea are really… not it
okay so I used to weight 58kg which meant I was on my weight but literally on the limit, but now during quarantine I have gained a lot of weight and I’m currently at 63kg, which is the worst I’ve ever been in my whole life. So I saw people on the comments saying how they lost certain amounts, but I saw one saying she or he lost 5kg in 7 days just by cutting diary, salt, sugar and she said starch, which I think means carbohydrates, so I’m gonna try it cause it would actually be perfect due to it would left me at my past weight, and then I also wanna get to 52-54kg, so I would not be at the limit of my weight, but we will see that later.
So today’s October 5th and I guess I’m gonna come back the 13th so that you guys can see if it worked!
okay hi!, I'm sorry I'm a day late, but I actually forgot to update lmao,, anyways, did it work? YES, just that I'm at 59kg anf not 58, which I expected, but it's okay,, the thing is that it was like way too difficult, cause I didn't realize all the things in my diet that are carbohydrates or that I put salt into, but If you can do it, there you go, you are gonna get results (but I also did a little exercise everyday)
please come back....
I need updates
how did it go?
You work so hard, stay healthy and smile🥰
육아하면서 영상 힘드실텐데 ㅠㅠ 고생하셨어요! 급찐급빠 -7kg대단해요! 혹시 얼마만큼 드시고 급찐급빠 하신건지 알 수 있을까요?
이 분이 단기가 확 찐거라서 몸의 항산성 때문에 이렇게 빼실 수 있었던거지 대부분의 분들은 단기가 저렇게 빼면 요요와요. 정상적인 다이어트는 일주일에 일키로도 많이 뺀 거예요.
남들의 시선으로부터, 낮은 자존감으로 인해
그 자존감을 다이어트로 채우기 위해
다이어트를 결심한다는것이 속상하고
너무 공감이 가요. 저도 자존감이 무지하게 낮았고 그런적이 많았던 사람이었기에 .. 🥲
모든분들이 다이어트로 인해 극심하게 강박받지않고 오로지 내 몸을 위해 내 자신을 위해 다이어트하는 순간이 왔으면 좋겠어요. 화이팅!
자존감도 회복하고! 💪🏻
5日で脚に隙間が出来るぐらい痩せるなんてすごいです‼︎ 私もダイエット始めて2週間経ちますが同じような食事をとっているのにまだあまり効果がありません😭 諦めずに頑張ってみます😣!
Chloe /mama なるほど!筋肉量が少なく脂肪が多いので筋トレする事ばかり考えていました💦 ストレッチもしっかりするようにします!! ありがとうございます😊🙏
역시 식단관리의 좋은예를 보여주셨네요 ㅎㅎ 다이어트는 식단과 운동을 놓고보면 거의 8:2인것 같아요^^ 애기엄마지만 20대 초반이시기 때문에 살도 금방빼신듯 합니다. 이쁘고 건강하게 다이어트하시길~~ 브이로그 너무 잘보고갑니다. 아들도 넘 귀엽네요^^
와 기본적으로 몸이 진짜 탄탄하신데, 운동 오래하셨나요..?? 속근육이 짱이신것 같아요.. 물론 타고나신 체형도 그렇겠지만.. 자전거의 힘인가요!! ☺️
구독하고 갑니다 혜미님 건강한 마인드가 너무 좋네요 앞으로의 영상들도 기대하겠습니다
me;' 7kg in 5 days that's unhealthy
also me: *doies everything she did*
yes, the maximum we can burn per week is 5 kilos according to science
나는 이 다이어트가 나를 위해 효과가 있을 것이라고 확신한다👍🏻
와 진짜 저도 분명 165에 53.8나갔었는데 갑자기 167에 61됐네요 ,, 화이팅 해보겠습니다!!
When I saw the title. *jaw dropped*.... healthy weightloss is like loosing 1 kg per week.
It's not physically possible regardless what the title says
is probably not fat lost at all it will all come back later :/
@@juhaineem7938 fast metabolism doesn't make you burn 7,700 calories in a day, you loss water weight not fat weight
I heard 1kg in a month 😐
@@susanalima1676 exactly
when she said that’s just you that’s makes me so happy
I saw the yoghurt and I thought it was ice cream 😂
Same as me I thought it's 🍦
아기보랴 영상찍으랴 편집하랴 살림하랴 바쁘신데 열심히 영상 올려주셔서 감사해요 ㅎㅎ 이영상보고 자극받아서 오늘부터 다이어트 시작하려구용 성공하길기도해주세여ㅜㅜ
Every one is beautiful the way they are, no matter you are fat or skinny ,your complexion is dark or white, tall or short people won't stop commenting about you it's just that we live between narrow minded people you don't live for the people of society who comments bad about you So love yourself no one can play your role better than your self❤️
True ❤️
Remember u lose weight and gain weight for ur self :) so do not care about ppl
이렇게 다 챙겨먹으면서 어떻게 7키로를 뺄 수 있지......?
그냥 사람마다 체질차이죠..
원래 챙겨먹어야 요요없이 빠져요. 대신 무슨 음식을 먹느냐 차이
그니까요. . .
아예 안 먹어야 그나마 저렇게 빠지던데
챙겨먹으면 아무리 적어도 처음 이틀 정도만 많이 빠지고 그것도 적응되서 빠지는 무게가 줄어들던디
정제탄수화물을 안드시네요 보니까..
단호박은 복합탄수화물이니 살안쪄요.
저렇게 질적으로 건강하게 먹으니..예쁘게 빠질수밖에 없을듯요
This was a joy to watch, and your message is calming to the heart. So refreshing to see a video that doesn’t have a word-for-word “plan” but more of a self love and nutrients kind of message. ❤️
Y’all hating on her she had a literal child, not all bodies are gonna be exactly the same
몸매 너무 예쁘세요!!! 남들시선을 떠나서 나를 위해 살을 뺀다는 말 너무 와닿네용 저랑 입맛이 비슷하신거같아서 오늘도 식단잘보구감니당 ❣
7일동안 몇시쯤 뭘 먹었는지가 넘 애매해요 ㅜㅜ 그냥 식단 뿐이네요 ㅜㅜ 구체적인 기록이 아니고 ㅜㅜ
다이어트하러 이 영상 들어오신 분들! 제 댓 보신다면 평생 가족과 함께 행복하길 바라요!!
선 댓 후 감상~
1:00 애기 머리카락 잡는거 너무 귀여워요👍😍
U know this quarantine is totally opposite for me...like i used to have more weight and unhealthy skin but..when quarantine started i started to glow up...i lost some weight (its 42 kg ) and now I also took care of my skin ita look great now( still have some fadding spots) i feel soo good... quarantine really helped me a lot...
you've lost 42kg or your weight is now 42kg?
but anyways, you are amazing ✨💛
@@jinniesmoll4272 hehehhe my actual weight is 42 kg before it was 46kg bcz of my height i always used to look overweight...but now its good now....and thank you for your kind words...☺️ *Blessings to you*❤️
That’s amazing plzz give us some tips and just advice how did you do it
@@its_taz6717 okay...so i used LOA.... subliminals....u can search on UA-cam what it is u will know...and some exercises and the most important thing is....self love.... change is necessary but it doesn't mean that you are not beautiful....✨🎗️
For me the same, I had 62 kg I looked so bad (for myself) and I wanted to change for myself. I ate sweets, a little bread. I didn't drink juices or eat snacks, I ate only homemade food. I lost 10 kg and had 52. Then I went on IU extreme diet and I had maybe around 50 kg. I went on Lisa's Blackpink diet and lost 4 kg and now I have 46kg. I am so proud of myself now even though my goal is to have 43 kg. I want to lose 3 kg more and also even though I lose weight, I still have fat and I want to lose fat. ❤️
I love that you understand that no matter your weight you should love yourself, however the reality is losing 7kg in 5 days is received in an opposite manner, it forces people to do a diet they can't hold on to, or encourages eating disorder, a lot of young girls will look up to your channel, hope to see more healthy meals 😊.
Great words👌🏽😊
I was just watching Nino’s Home... what’s with this algorithm 😂
Oh i watch nino's home too
hfjkdbfjlkasdl same
A weird way of going to food and then diet but it’s your way so no ones algorithm will be the same as someone else’s
@@seoyounleed3367 you do realize many have the option of “play next”
Almost impossible not to have it. I guess ppl still stream music in this app.
정성이 보통이 아니네요.
그나저나 간식같은 식사라 즐거움도 배가 되겠네어요.
다이어트 시작한지 이제 5일째인데
샐러드만 먹다가
만드시는 메뉴들이 너무 맛있어 보여서 꼭 만들어먹어야겠다생각했어요 !
항상 행복하세요 정보감사합니다 :)
Your peach/orange shirt is so cutee🍑🍊
every body is different. even if you follow the same exact diet as Hyemi your results can vary a lot or just a bit
it does not mean it doesn't work, sometimes it just takes more time, sometimes you need to exercise a bit more also
every body is different but it does not mean that you have to hate it for the way it is, it will not change anything at all
just focus on your overall health and journey
I know you can do it! don't give up! 💕
7kg in 5days????? I hope you’re doing good and eating enough🥺💜remember that it’s okay to eat and enjoy every meal without regret and weight is just a number🥰 I know how horrible the beauty standards are in Korea and Asia in general (especially in my home country China) but you’re beautiful just the way you are💛
저도 꼭 5일동안 7kg가 빠졌으면 좋겠네요ㅜㅜ 화이팅!!
Update ?
Have you ever thought about making a PDF recipe book? I love these creative ideas and also love to try!
I like her video’s content a lot but this video is somehow hard to believe... i mean it’s really impossible to lose 7kg in 5 days with this menu even if she eats once a day.
Even if her first weight (53kg) was water weight or bloating or etc., starving herself could not make her lose that much🤔she didn’t refer about her workout, time of eating etc. though
If you say this is water lose, then she couldn’t gain that much weight in just some day of binging.
Exactly my point even if it was juice or water fasting maximum wt loss would be between 3 to max 5 KGS its hard to believe also it confuses me how many meals she's having each day as she's not showing next DAy or anything so confusing...
Yess I agree with you. I used to like her videos. But this video is non sense.
Isn’t it more like people lose weight differently? Even in the before she was skinny, her body probably loses weight fast
As a mom of a small baby, I would say it would have been hard for her to film well. And I think this type of vegan diet can be gaining or losing weight fast, once you’re off the diet.(depending on the muscle mass)
@@breeze3596 its not vegan at all. She eats eggs, yogurt, cheese, ... I agree with this people, imposible this weight loss, even if she eats once a day (which Id found irresponsable)
is this one meal a day diet,or three meal a day diet? I am confused 😅
식단 너무 건강하면서도 맛있어보여서 따라해보고싶어요 ^^ 영상 잘봤어요 ♥
It’s sad how people literally bully others because of their weight like it’s so stupid. We’re all human no one is perfect💃🏻
급찐급빠라고 하지만 너무 대단하신 것 같아요 🥺 영상에 식사할 때 날짜 기록하면 더 좋을 것 같아요 ❤️
I’m so proud of you 👍🏻🥺💕💕 ان شاء الله ببدا الاثنين شكراً على التحفيز استمري 🇸🇦💚❤️
I felt so down today because of my weight but you motivated me. So thank you so much and stay healthy and happy and let's cheer up each other in our journey . FIGHTING . 😊😊
💪 we can do it
@@monikasoltani7680 thank u for cheering me up . 🥰
@@jessymedilina8759 welcome. I have to lose 55 pounds..I take birth control pills to heal enometriose and it's difficult to lose weight..but I'm trying..without damaging my body and metabolism.
Did you manage to lose weight?
다이어트 성공 실화 리스팩합니다.
유지 홧팅~
노력이 보이는듯해요^^ 멋지고 예쁜영상 잘보고갑니다!
Lost 7kg in 5days
Next video that ill find : Lost 10 kg in 2 days
I clicked on this video for recipe ideas for my weight loss journey, and your words really inspired me! Weightloss shouldn't be for others or to become prettier, but to become healthier and happier! Thank you for your video~
어떻게 볼륨은 유지하시고 다이어트하셨나요..ㅠㅜ
옆구리가 쏙 들어갔네요!! 대단해요… 다이어트 자극 받고 갑니다!! 화이팅!!
나도 따라하기엔 영상에 자료가 너무 부족한느낌..ㅠㅠ
Ladies remember that your health is far more important than being "beautiful" so consult your doctor before any diet ❤❤
Sería genial que pusieras los tiempos que les das a la comida en el microondas por favor 🥺 se que es muy difícil con tu baby pero me animas mucho todo lo que comes de ve muy rico 🤤 GRACIAS 🥰 por tomarte el tiempo de hacer estos blog
como 10 a 15 minutos
덕분에 들어야 했을 것 같아요 3개월 동안 살빼려고 노력했고 나 자신을 좋게 하기 위해 많은 것을 요구했는데 자신도 모르는 사이에 저를 학대했습니다 감사합니다 감사합니다 그 동안 반성하는데 많은 도움이 되었습니다 다이어트를 해서 불안할 때가 있어서 제 자신이 안타까웠어요 감사합니다😭😭😭