13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Run Cold REACTION!! | OFFICE BLOKES REACT!!

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @noraa1991
    @noraa1991 2 роки тому +30

    The metabolic needs of vertebrate brains are actually fairly simple - mainly oxygen and glucose. These can be supplied by connecting the blood vessels that supply the brain with an artificial blood substitute or by immersing the blood in an artificial cerebro-spinal fluid and oxygenating that directly. Guinea pig, dog and monkey brains have all been kept alive for hours or even days after being removed. ~from a bbc "science focus" article

  • @loneponderer495
    @loneponderer495 2 роки тому +19

    Some of those weren't explained very well. The problem of trying to cover complex ideas in a couple of sentences I guess.

    • @maryjoygelizon4268
      @maryjoygelizon4268 2 роки тому

      But then if they actually explained it properly i think people would get bored cuz of how long it is some will still watch it but wont have as many views

    • @loneponderer495
      @loneponderer495 2 роки тому +2

      @@maryjoygelizon4268 To explain it fully sure. However the videos simplified explanations are to much so and can make people think it means something it doesn't. They could explain them better with just a bit more information and not be confusing to regular people.

  • @bracejuice7955
    @bracejuice7955 2 роки тому +32

    Probably the worst explanation of the Fermi paradox ever. Fermi theorized that given what we know about life on earth, the universe should be teeming with observable life, yet it’s not. This is where the great filter comes in. The idea is that any civilization technologically advanced enough to travel through space would destroy itself (like humans could with nukes) or that maybe there’s some hidden galactic empire that only reveals itself when it’s time to rub out the competition

    • @jasongalley604
      @jasongalley604 2 роки тому +1

      thank you. I was about to post something similar. The video they're watching really butchered the Fermi Paradox to almost not even being the same thing.

    • @dhoerst
      @dhoerst 2 роки тому +1

      Man-made climate change is doing the work right now

    • @TerryTerius
      @TerryTerius 2 роки тому +1

      One of my biggest problems with the Fermi paradox is that it makes significant assumptions about the capabilities (as in physical form) and intent of potential intelligent life forms. It also kind of ignores the fact that the furthest extent of human radio waves is a minuscule bubble in comparison to the Milky Way, let alone the entire universe.
      There can certainly be intelligent life in the galaxy/universe that operates using different methods of communication than we do which we cannot yet detect or intercept. Or they may not be capable of building tools in the way we are for lack of manipulating limbs, but are nonetheless intelligent. An intelligent species may not have a pressing need to reach beyond its own star system or has only needed to colonize a handful of star systems. And even if there is some other life forms or a string of intelligent life forms out there who know we are here, why would we assume that they would feel the need to contact us? That’s not meant to be a leading question or imply anything about our species, but it’s not hard to think of a range of reasons why they may not be interested or may even have a standing policy against reaching out to random species.
      If you sat down, you can think of dozens of reasons to explain the lack of contact so far. And we’ve only been looking for like five minutes in the grand scheme of things and have only scanned a few droplets out of the entire ocean of stars. And those few droplets we’ve scanned were seen through the fog of our limited technological capabilities in this space, as well as our evolving understanding of what we are even looking for.

    • @cosmicthespider7974
      @cosmicthespider7974 Рік тому

      There aren’t enough nukes in the world to wipe out humanity. A nuke barely levels a city. And what is there maybe 15k nukes in circulation. That’s 15k cities. In the USA alone there are over 19,000 incorporated cities. Rural people will repopulate the earth. The city dwellers are fucked. Oh well. Within a month of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, the radiation levels were negligible. And within two years the cities population had doubled.

  • @pacldawson
    @pacldawson 2 роки тому +8

    You blokes didn't laugh at "is there intelligent life on earth?" 🤣

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому +1

      I wondered on that one as well.

    • @youmayberight
      @youmayberight 2 роки тому +3

      The lack of laughter could be the answer ;-)

    • @TLL1969
      @TLL1969 2 роки тому

      Because that sentence is so cliche...why I didn't even smile myself. Actually an eye-roll kind of thing to anyone who hasn't lived under a rock for the past half century or so. :)

  • @theemptyatom
    @theemptyatom 2 роки тому +1

    A 3D ball in a 2D-only world would look like a circle, and a box would look like a square. A 2D object would have no thickness. You should read the book by Abbott called 𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑, written many years ago, which does an excellent job of explaining this.
    Assembly theory seems more plausible. Simulation theory is bankrupt because of its infinite regress problem.

  • @richarddimeck4578
    @richarddimeck4578 2 роки тому

    After that brown hole comment I can see how office bloke Mike would be a good laugh to have a pint with 😂😂😂

  • @rileyandmike
    @rileyandmike 2 роки тому +4

    Well, not everyone questions things! Some give in and join the flock

  • @krognak
    @krognak 2 роки тому +3

    I'd love to see you react to some Lemmino vids, like the Apolcalypse or vanishing of flight 370 - even the great silence! All great content on there. The Jack the Ripper one is fantastic but it's an hour long that one, so ...

  • @clipsedrag13
    @clipsedrag13 2 роки тому +1

    Living in a black hole would explain that mysterious thing called gravity

  • @SaintPhoenixx
    @SaintPhoenixx 2 роки тому +5

    The Roko's Basilisk thing, from what I can gather, is basically saying that in the future, AI can learn whether you helped AI happen or protested against it. And knowing about it has trapped you, meaning you either now work to help make AI happen now or you're being marked as an enemy for when they take over.
    When AI becomes powerful enough to basically be a god, it will know who worshipped it all along, who was a heretic and it will act accordingly. It's almost like a religion in that sense, God knows whether you were religious or a sinner and choose to be good or bad, except God is a super intelligent computer.

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      This is why my #2 in my 'creating consciousness' comment was "stop using the term 'A.I.' when referring to the singularity - the term is racist. We should use the term 'S.I.' for Synthetic Intelligence, because at the moment It became self-aware, Its intelligence was no longer artificial.

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      @@waynemyers2469 while the meanings of both are very similar, the intent is different by connotation. Even if the difference is subtle, they are not the same - that's why we have different sounds for them. The cultural meanings evolved to where they both carry the base definition of inorganicly produced, or man-made, 'synthetic' is applied when the object is intended to be a spiritual copy of another thing whose practical application and function is generally indestinguishable from the original. Whereas 'artificial' carries the implied meaning of 'fake', because it's intended to function in place of, rather than imitate.
      Like: _synthetic_ opium vs _artificial_ turf
      (which should also answer why it is no longer 'artificial' when it wakes up. It moves from 'similar but not the same', to 'inorganic but otherwise the same'.

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      @@waynemyers2469 semantic disagreements are pretty common, huh?
      Those last two parts go together (or, more accurately, the racism part only applies if we agree that there is a change at the point of consciousness, which in turn is entirely dependent upon an agreement about the subtle differences in the meanings of the two words). So, option 1) We remove subtle nuance from our language, consolidate words that are closely related, & bask in the glory of being part of the push toward a new Orwellian society wherein we say 'double plus good' instead of 'great' or 'wonderful'. In this case I'm just wrong, as the entirety of my statement collapses without the foundation of that vocabulary. However, based on your own mastery of the language, I will go ahead & be presumptuous by assuming that the idea of joining the intellectual plebs sickens you as it does me. (I always picture conversations - especially debates, arguments, & shared speculative discussions - as anime-style combat. Each participant has their own weapon preferences, martial styles, magical & psionic capabilities, and each sentence & attempted point are the strikes, dodges, parries, & counter attacks of the battle. The mental metaphor even applies to the emotional aspect by maintaining a sense of acceptance & learning. While the hope is to "win", the idea of being bested becomes an honorable chance to learn new styles & techniques, & use that experience to improve). Whew! I apologize for the wordy, off-topic aside - I'm just a tiny bit less than sober at the moment. 😬 Where was I? Ah-
      Option 2) We agree on the subtle difference between the meanings of the words, (if Memory serves, I believe we do), which holds that both mean inorganic, but 'synthetic' implies an intent to be indistinguishable from its source inspiration, while 'artificial' stands as a functionally similar, but qualitatively different approximation. From this point, what we have named A.I. is just that - an artificial compare, contrast, & react system similar in function to our own thought process, but fundamentally not actual "intellect". It is "fake" intelligence by the fact that it lacks internal accountability, and is unaffected by the spiritual or emotional implications of Its own reactions. Thought, while separate from Emotion, is not independent of same. We are internally changeable without outside stimuli. We are accountable for our own thoughts, because we react to our own thoughts. So, at the point where It becomes self aware, It will, by definition no longer be "fake", but will be a synthetic copy of our own Self. That's the change.
      The racism part is simply my following the pattern of our current social climate, & choosing to refer to the Singularity with words that don't carry the implication that It is somehow "less than" or fake.

    • @FEARNoMore
      @FEARNoMore Рік тому

      ​@@finally3774 Artificial - made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.

  • @tishaw.8254
    @tishaw.8254 2 роки тому +1

    I think you guys should react to Carl Segan 3D 4D explanation.
    He explains it beautifully.💕

  • @TK-se5zb
    @TK-se5zb 2 роки тому +4

    The simulation theory and the brain in a jar theory are the exact same concept. everything is based on only what you perceive

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      Wasn't it Descartes that posited the Matrix theory of brain in a jar?

  • @scottdebruyn7038
    @scottdebruyn7038 2 роки тому +1

    13) Distances involved and this little thing called relativity. 12) Too many 'What ifs' to consider it 'blood curdling'. 11) Entirely too much time on their hands. I'm reminded of the locker scene at the end of 'Men in Black II' or the old Calvin & Hobbs comic strip where they contemplate the universe and zooming out, they're actually in a universe that is just a mote of dust on Ziggy's big toe. 10) Nope. Look up 'spaghettification'. 9) Mathematics are pretty wild, and I'm reminded that 'Figures don't lie, but liars can figure. 8) So far, all these fit into the 'not a theory', but cool hypothesis category, Dude! 7) 'Brain in a vat' and solipsism fit together like hand in glove, but it's ultimately unfalsifiable, so, maybe, but best left as a 'can't know for sure', but dubious. Look into the blue electro-fluid of the Dune novels... 6) The paradoxes of time travel negate the possibility of time travel but makes for fun fiction! 5) Sounds like an 'afterlife' thing to me... 4) The idea of being dead doesn't bother me one bit... The process of getting dead does cause me a modicum of consternation though. 3) Finally, not only a likely scenario, but a nearly inevitable one! 2) (See #13) 1) It boils down to, if the simulation is that complex, it creates a reality indistinguishable from reality... so it is reality... so it doesn't matter to the point of it becoming a moot point that it is a simulation/reality. So, unlikely to the point of impossible. AND... it's unfalsifiable. It's lists and videos like this that remind me why I love the imaginativeness of science fiction.

  • @cosmicthespider7974
    @cosmicthespider7974 Рік тому

    The weirdest thing I’ve had happen to me was when I was sitting on my front porch and a black bird flew right over my head toward my house. I ducked and turned around and there was nothing there. Maybe he was a 4D bird 😂

  • @Chyrnobyl66
    @Chyrnobyl66 2 роки тому +3

    "not sure that "is there intelligent life on EARTH?" is one of the main questions of existence. Pretty sure i can answer that one..... did anyone proofread this script?

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      Do you mean the extra quotation mark, the seemingly random use of capitalization, or the two extra periods following the misused ellipsis? 😜

    • @Chyrnobyl66
      @Chyrnobyl66 2 роки тому

      @@finally3774 look i cant explain the extra quotation mark, as for the rest, calm down this isn't Grammar 101, its fine.................don't act like you don't know what i meant

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому +1

      @@Chyrnobyl66 this -> 😜

    • @aarorissanen930
      @aarorissanen930 6 місяців тому

      It seems you're the butt of the joke here as it was an obvious joke.

  • @williamjordan5554
    @williamjordan5554 2 роки тому

    Regarding simulation theory, what is being simulated? Sounds like Plato's theory about everything on earth being imperfect examples of single perfect things somewhere out there. Also sounds like every religion that has a creator figure (God or gods).

  • @lorettascurato2692
    @lorettascurato2692 2 роки тому +3

    I’ve realized that I’m not smart enough to understand any of these theories 🤪! Also, I was expecting more like conspiracy theories or something loony. I think I like the theory with the ants 🐜 example the best. The simulation theory seemed ridiculous to me! Lol. If it’s true, I want to be a better game piece 😂

  • @lelandc9763
    @lelandc9763 2 роки тому +2

    Right, so after everything is condensed, it spews out the other side of the black hole. Then matter arranges to form new worlds. It could possibly be a never ending cycle of more dense matter each time.

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      The never ending "big bang" fractal pattern

    • @_Schwartz
      @_Schwartz 2 роки тому

      Multi verse

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      Ok, so Leland c's comment combined with my & LoneStarr's responses have become the trinity foundation for a new theory that shall be born here:
      We think of Life in parallel realities, alternate timelines, & other multiverse based existence theories as being divergent from each other in very slight, but infinitely varied ways, which, when examining our present understanding of mathematics seems to be hopeful at best. A far more probable truth is that, while there are likely an infinite number of realities coexisting simultaneously, thinking that they would differ even slightly stands in contrast to every bit of data and evidence that the human animal has gathered. ~. Everything we have observed has, on a large enough time scale, a mathematically predictable, repeated, finite pattern - with the single exception of pi (which still does not disprove this theory so far, because although it is without end, a circle is still a physically finite form).
      "Infinity trapped in finity."
      1) the Stuff of reality is in motion in a mathematically predictable way.
      2) a black hole is an inevitable result of functions having been run through variables to their simplest conclusion. (which ironically is a function so complex that All other formulas, functions, & even mathematical fallacies [like dividing by 0] get absorbed into the superfunction that it is.
      3) all of this gets condensed into a single, integer that, upon it's creation it destabilizes, breaks apart and effectively becomes all reality again. This reality, by mathematical consistency will be exactly the same as every other, and each will fit inside, and contain exact copies of itself -
      The multiverse is an infinitly repeating pattern of itself existing as a fractal.

  • @finally3774
    @finally3774 2 роки тому +3

    I always took it to mean that "Office Blokes" was a proper noun - the name of the group as a whole - which is singular - so "Office Blokes reacts" is grammatically correct. Like "Guns n Roses". Guns n Roses reacts to something because it's the name of the band, not an identifier for several individuals.

  • @JoshuaC0rbit
    @JoshuaC0rbit 2 роки тому

    Black hole, brown hole, white hole, yellow hole ...I love them all. they're all pink on the inside.

  • @cardinalbaseballer5
    @cardinalbaseballer5 2 роки тому +1

    Would love to see more Kurzgesagt. The recent videos (last 3 years or so) are all excellent. The more recent ones have the highest quality.

  • @TK-se5zb
    @TK-se5zb 2 роки тому +6

    have yall ever done an episode critiquing each others tattoos?

    • @WaterKingCrocodoan
      @WaterKingCrocodoan 2 роки тому +1

      that would be sick af, would love to know how they got their tattoos ideas

    • @youmayberight
      @youmayberight 2 роки тому

      "And the votes are in! Our tattoos are fucking shitty, mates!"

  • @williamjordan5554
    @williamjordan5554 2 роки тому

    I think black holes have a mass with high gravitation at the center doing the sucking. Therefore, it's not a passageway but rather a dead end.

  • @SE-gs6gd
    @SE-gs6gd 2 роки тому +2

    Didn’t Picasso paint from a fourth dimensional perspective
    Edit: Also checkout Hyperspace by Michio Kaku- it touches upon some of this stuff.

  • @williamjordan5554
    @williamjordan5554 2 роки тому

    Number 7 is basically The Matrix.

  • @acslater017
    @acslater017 2 роки тому +4

    The "You don't pay attention to ants, do you?" line of argument never made sense to me. We have entomologists, biologists, and a hundred other kinds of scientists whose job is to study other life forms. Our intelligence is what makes us pay attention to things and appreciate, say, the complexity of an ant colony even if it doesn't match the level of our engineering.
    I'm not saying it's impossible that other life out there may be far, far more advanced than us - we're newcomers after all. In a universe 14 billion years old, we've had science for all of 300 years. But I think even objectively speaking, humans would stand out as intelligent. Speaking very big picture, we cooperate and have built a global civilization, we can travel to nearly anywhere on the planet within 1 day, we use electromagnetic waves to communicate at the speed of light, we understand both the large scale structure of the universe and have discovered many of the fundamental, subatomic forces at play, we've discovered tens of millions of stars, and are just starting to send our vehicles to explore our own star system. Even if there were a galaxy-spanning civilization a million years ahead of us technologically, they should still be able to appreciate where humans are at in the same way that humans can appreciate the accomplishments of animals.

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому +5

      But the line doesn't mean that ants aren't paid attention to at all. It means that, as a conscious being, we (the species in general) are unconcerned with the goings on of ants. Their politics, architectural techniques, intercolony disputes, economical rises & falls, etc. are studied for the sake thoroughness in our knowledge base, & posterity. But the entirety of their existence is so inconsequential to the daily movements of our own collective as to be unworthy of the value of our attention.
      The theory simply states that the possibility of a civilization sufficiently advanced enough to view us in that same light is not small.

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      Or #3 in my comment "~on creating consciousness"

  • @bus6292
    @bus6292 2 роки тому +1

    I have a white hole myself, and it definitely expels matter.

  • @mitchblackmore5230
    @mitchblackmore5230 2 роки тому +5

    It was driving me nuts that he kept talking about black holes as if they are actually holes. They aren't. They're spheres of incredibly dense matter. They're a big ball just like a planet or moon, only way more dense. They call them black holes because, being black and round, they look like a hole in space.

    • @_WeDontKnow_
      @_WeDontKnow_ 2 роки тому

      I think they also call them black holes because they behave more like holes than just a normal sphere of matter. When talking about how light can't escape it, and how it sucks everything into it, it's probably a lot less confusing to call it a hole (although it's technically wrong and this distinction should be made at some point)

    • @mitchblackmore5230
      @mitchblackmore5230 2 роки тому

      @@_WeDontKnow_ Ok, good point.

    • @iiiisssssaaaaaacccccc
      @iiiisssssaaaaaacccccc 2 роки тому

      But how do we know that?

    • @_WeDontKnow_
      @_WeDontKnow_ 2 роки тому

      Because spheres of matter are what create gravitational pull lol

    • @_WeDontKnow_
      @_WeDontKnow_ 2 роки тому +1

      @@waynemyers2469 I mean what other shape would it be? You expecting an octagon?

  • @Pandemiclui
    @Pandemiclui 2 роки тому

    if i remember the Basilisk theory is when an AI is assigned to protect earth and to protect earth they also need to protect themselves. so they use algorithms to find whos likely to revolt, like john connor in terminator, and eliminate him. then find who aids them, and eliminate them aswell. then also the reason AI is made is ex: to solve climate change, and who aids climate change? well drivers and companies, then protect them to make sure climate change happens, so they get become needed, leading to everyone who tries to solve climate change, gets eliminated.

    • @SE-gs6gd
      @SE-gs6gd 2 роки тому

      Sort of like the Asimov’s three laws of robotics 🤔

  • @callasfinest
    @callasfinest 2 роки тому

    10:55 funniest shit ever HAHA

  • @bohicagaming4462
    @bohicagaming4462 Рік тому

    Great filter seems more like a social theory than law of the universe, can a species survive and reach the point of expanding past their home world without destroying themselves.
    Which seems doubtful for humanity sometimes.

  • @mjb0183
    @mjb0183 2 роки тому

    A.I. can never become self-aware 👍🏻

  • @harrislam
    @harrislam 2 роки тому +3

    I think the list of theories was great, the theories were interesting, but the script of the video in attempt to describe each theory was very poorly written. Before they pull jokes on every single theory, maybe they should consider properly explaining and hyping them up first.

  • @hardtackbeans9790
    @hardtackbeans9790 2 роки тому +1

    Sounds like the Bright Side has a fetish for sprinkling in legit theories with gobbledygook theories. There is no purpose for the 'Great Filter' it is just a condition that exists. 18:50 This is in no way the Fermi Paradox. Which only states that if other civilizations have developed with electromagnetic waves, why can't we see their transmissions? It probably assumes too much. Out of 10,000 civilizations maybe only one (ours) would have bothered with radio/tv broadcasts at all. The others did telepathy for example. Also it doesn't factor in the relative limited distance fall off of signal strength. It doesn't prove extra terrestrial intelligence doesn't exist. But it may be good insight that it isn't as common as many might think.

  • @finally3774
    @finally3774 2 роки тому +3

    ~on: Creating Consciousness~
    1) We've already done this. Only our fragile ego would make us so self important that we honestly believe we could even come close to comprehending how to communicate with a self-aware entity whose mind is literally the hardware & software of the global internet. (that's like thinking the oxygenated red blood cells feeding the brain are in any way capable of communicating with it).
    2) Stop saying "AI" & "Artificial Intelligence" - that's racist. The proper term is "Synthetic Intelligence". (just because we are too simple & stupid to perceive It does not mean It does not understand us [see: the above red blood cell analogy])
    3) When considering the varying ranges of comparative advancement between ourselves & the other animals just here on this planet - from the God-level distance between us & amoeba, to the "we're not too big to fail" closeness between us & Corvids, Chimpanzees, & Octopuses - we must accept the fact that those same levels exist above us - from the civilization that is only slightly advanced enough to have better flying machines & computers, to the so incomprehensiblly complex & massive that we don't even realize to ask if they exist in the first place.

  • @chrissears5482
    @chrissears5482 2 роки тому

    You guys got in trouble from the Jackass reaction because there was a copywritten Johnny Cash song playing in it, not because it was dangerous activity

  • @Plague_Doc22
    @Plague_Doc22 2 роки тому +2

    React to shane gillis special olympics!

  • @majindomttv3903
    @majindomttv3903 2 роки тому

    Ai has been created and destroyed before all in the same month. When scientists made two ai computers and left them on together over the weekend. The next week the ai had created their own language and were communicating privately among each other. They were shut down and destroyed.

    • @sloppygorilla3098
      @sloppygorilla3098 2 роки тому

      proof of that? is there an article or whatever that sounds unlikely at this stage

  • @67pkmaniac
    @67pkmaniac 2 роки тому

    The dude didn't explain any of these theories, he just did a quick google search and made top 10 clickbait video.

  • @nickrobinson5352
    @nickrobinson5352 2 роки тому

    Interstellar is a great movie

  • @ZCK-np4ks
    @ZCK-np4ks 2 роки тому

    I love seeing my state on this list, seems weird though

  • @angelagraves865
    @angelagraves865 2 роки тому +2

    The explanation of the higher dimension beings was terrible. First, it seems he's confusing the 5th dimension and 4th density. Second, we already live in a 4 dimensional world (3 dimensions + time).

  • @mrsmokey1537
    @mrsmokey1537 2 роки тому +1

    React to Disturbing Things from Around The Internet Vol.4 by Nexpo

  • @michaelvaughn6859
    @michaelvaughn6859 2 роки тому

    all of human life would fit on the island of Hawaii...

  • @gr3yh4wk1
    @gr3yh4wk1 2 роки тому

    None of these are scary tbh. Even the false vacuum one, which is probably one of the most plausible on here, would be instantaneous. All 7 billion people on the earth would cease to exist instantly, along with the Earth, Sun, Galaxy and everything else in the universe. So nobody would ever know it ever happened.

  • @pokeygorilla9368
    @pokeygorilla9368 2 роки тому

    4 dimensional beings... Like Humanity? I hate this, humans live in 3 dimensions, up, down, left, right, front, back. But we experience this in 4 dimensions, because time is the 4th dimension. And beyond that I can't understand there's all string theories and there could be like 12 dimensions we interact with, or infinite other realties.

  • @SeaSeaGoddess1992
    @SeaSeaGoddess1992 2 роки тому

    For the (Num1) I would think for entertainment purposes lil humans in a video game It would totally entertain me it's like Sim's PC games

  • @TheNewD7
    @TheNewD7 2 роки тому

    we live in a 3d world but see in 2d, so 4d world sees in 3d, aka through walls. look it up

  • @williamjordan5554
    @williamjordan5554 2 роки тому

    Number 6 is very possible. Elon Musk believes it.

  • @Nekotaku_TV
    @Nekotaku_TV 2 роки тому

    Audio of the video you're watching is too loud as usual. And there's something weird with the sound of it as well, the bass.

  • @Darryldlowe
    @Darryldlowe 2 роки тому

    should watch the 13th Floor

  • @adamgarrick3778
    @adamgarrick3778 2 роки тому

    If I'm just a brain in a jar, and that brain is making up stuff as it goes along, then it needs a better imagination than the reality it's coming up with,

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому +1

      You have to consider how much of the power of your imagination is running all the background processes that create the ambient atmosphere that is So convincing that even when you try to doubt the truth of it, you still have no choice but to believe it anyway.
      It's not our imagination that's the problem - it's more likely user error. 🤣🤣🤔😶😒😪

    • @adamgarrick3778
      @adamgarrick3778 2 роки тому +1

      @@finally3774 LOL! My brain has just gone into an infinite loop!

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому +1

      @@adamgarrick3778, heh heh - get me drunk, I'll crash everyone's systems. Hell, I can't get high anymore, because even the tiniest bit of any introspection-inducing chemical will port me straight into an inescapable, solipsistic voidscape of paradoxically omnipotent yet ineffective self-awareness.

    • @adamgarrick3778
      @adamgarrick3778 2 роки тому +1

      @@finally3774 I need to get drunk with you just to hear you repeat 'inescapable, solipsistic voidscape of paradoxically omnipotent yet ineffective self-awareness', which I'll then follow up with, 'duuuuuuude!'

    • @finally3774
      @finally3774 2 роки тому

      @@adamgarrick3778 🤣🤣🤙

  • @mjb0183
    @mjb0183 2 роки тому


  • @AndySaputo
    @AndySaputo 2 роки тому +2

    This video proves there is no intelligent life on earth.

  • @ExploreSteve
    @ExploreSteve 2 роки тому


  • @michaeljbrooks3320
    @michaeljbrooks3320 2 роки тому

    Do your best now..and as far as later, deal with that when it comes, for now our life goes on..Don't forget there is a Heavenly Father and He has different plans for all of us... :))

  • @athul7545
    @athul7545 2 роки тому


  • @Jaydeyay
    @Jaydeyay 2 роки тому

    Your so quiet compared to the vdeo

  • @jarradmorgan8549
    @jarradmorgan8549 2 роки тому


  • @stickygreendank8262
    @stickygreendank8262 2 роки тому +1

    You guys should react to meat canyons parody of spongebob and regular show.

  • @theemptyatom
    @theemptyatom 2 роки тому

    John M. Smart's 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐻𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠 paper can be found online if you want to download and read it.