疫境快靚正 10/ 蓮藕花生眉豆雞腳湯 | Bean Soup with Chicken Feet and Lotus Root

  • Опубліковано 20 кві 2020
  • 雞腳有豐富的鈣質及骨膠原,它潤燥,可保持皮膚彈性,減少皺紋;湯濃稠滋潤、軟綿綿的,那骨膠原黏住嘴巴,加上有火腿味的蓮藕,有什麼理由你不自己做一個呢!?
    Chicken feet are rich in calcium and collagen. It helps dehumidifying your body, keeping your skin fresh, and reducing wrinkles. The soup is sticky and tender. When your mouth is full of collagen and lotus root with ham flavor, why don’t you make one for yourself!?
    二月中,有個老表和朋友問我,疫情時要減少外出,但要上班,晚上回家又要煮飯,究竟有什麼「快、靚、正」的菜適合在家做呢??很簡單,買些可存放久些的(粵:襟擺),醃、煮可分開兩天做的,這個菜,可以嗎 …
    Two weeks ago, a cousin and a friend asked me … During the pneumonia outbreak, we have to reduce going out, but we still need to work, and then cook at night. Is there anything which is fast, yummy and good? It’s simple indeed. Here’s a movie about a dish with ingredients which could be stored for a longer period, while seasoning and cooking could be done on separate days.
    - Scripts: compiled from information of various websites, coupled with my own writings
    - Music: “Cats Searching For The Truth”, from UA-cam’s Library
    - Photos & Movies: from my own cameras