How The Arkham Knight was Born

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @Jay_SGE
    @Jay_SGE 2 роки тому +603

    Like you, I’m a big fan of the Arkham Knight Jason Todd but New 52 Jason and Rebirth Jason with the outlaws was the best. I prefer when he and Nightwing have a similar dynamic to Leonardo and Raphael from the turtles

    • @_Observer_961
      @_Observer_961 2 роки тому +23

      Both red and blue

    • @Jay_SGE
      @Jay_SGE Рік тому +7

      @@_Observer_961 yessir!

    • @applehazeva2739
      @applehazeva2739 Рік тому +8

      @@_Observer_961 honestly be Batfam kinda always was like DC's Approach to the Turtles

    • @_Observer_961
      @_Observer_961 Рік тому +2

      @@applehazeva2739 It goes little deeper lmao but i get what u mean

    • @Scarethelocals
      @Scarethelocals Рік тому +1

      Red Hood and The Outlaws will always be a favorite! Bizarro had the most amazing arc in that series, it even was so good . I've been reading and collecting for 30+ years and can't think of many stories I was invested in emotionally as I was with that one.

  • @wruxiz6104
    @wruxiz6104 Рік тому +72

    I love Red Hood, but damn that Arkham Knight suit is too slick.

  • @therisingsun888
    @therisingsun888 2 роки тому +196

    I think I'd have him as the first Robin, but the Arkham Knight storyline is what I'd keep him with, mainly. He's almost like a necessary warning for Bruce, that he can't be entirely cold to the people that he cares about; it's a warning that's entirely important to Batman in his early days. I also kinda see him as the reclusive older brother to the Batfamily, occasionally dropping in with pieces of advice, but doing his own thing.
    As a character, I think he would often clash with the others in the family, but I think I would change the dynamic a bit. They would be primarily negative to an extent, but everyone would take some key lessons out of it. Whilst the darkest of their bunch, and the coldest, he'd also be more rational than the rest. He's the one character that has been forced to eat Years worth of hatred to see the truth, so he's also the most likely to see through lies and manipulation.

  • @TITANia69420
    @TITANia69420 Рік тому +83

    I loved Under The Red Hood, and even more Death in The Family.
    Arkham Knight Jason was amazing, just because I felt a lot of emotions from his voice. My only complaint is that Batman got through to him too easy. He went through a bumpy road from Robin to Arkham Knight, and the road Arkham Knight to Red Hood should be a lot bumpier.
    Show us how difficult it is for Jason to realize that Batman didn't want to abandon him. Show us how hard Batman was trying to get through to him. Hell, show us Batman doubting himself or reflecting on how he might have abandoned Red Hood.
    He spent a loooooong time building up on his anger, then finally acting upon it. Only for Batman to get through to him in a couple of minutes. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it took a whole game for Batman to finally get through to him, instead of a single bossfight.

    • @Ares99999
      @Ares99999 Рік тому +1

      Why? It was unimportant. Batman had more important things to do.

    • @frostsoul4199
      @frostsoul4199 Рік тому +1

      @@Ares99999 unimportant? you say that as if Jason really didn't matter to Batman, which is fucking nonsense.

  • @ben.3237
    @ben.3237 2 роки тому +141

    as a guy who loves to mess around with different concepts and try to mock up stories of my own, Jason has always been a big target for me.
    Over the years his character has kinda declined.
    Instead of being a cold and calculating force for Gotham, he has devolved to a punching bag for the batfamily.
    As bad as this sounds, he's still my #1 and that will never change.
    as for what I'd do for him, I'd let him be the 1st Robin, I imagine when batman finally opened up to more people, there was still a darkness to him, a Vengeance.
    After all, that's why he started this crusade.
    I feel like with the implication of Jason being the 1st Robin, it'd be much faster for Bruce to realize that people like Jason aren't fed with a silver spoon, more so a silver shiv.
    It would lead to a much broader idea of a better Gotham, not a Gotham completely rid of criminals, but a Gotham completely rid of suffering.
    As for his return as Red Hood, I'd keep it simple, and stick with the "under the red hood" storyline.
    I've played around with the idea of him interacting with other younger heroes (Titans, Young Justuce, etc.)
    But I also like the idea of him playing a role within the Suicide Squad, either way, I've come to the conclusion that at some point he'd get to the bat fam, and stay.
    (Istg he jumps in and out like a grasshopper)
    I feel like with Jason being the first Robin it would be a really good dynamic for the rest of the family, Jason isn't the ideal brother, he's not well put together, he has his problems.
    He's not picture perfect like nightwing and I think that would be interesting to play around with, he doesn't know or understand how to take care of everyone around him, but with the batfam reaching out to him, (not like, yknow, beating him once a week) and helping him figure out how to let go of the past and focus on the present, he can figure how to be an almost role model for the family, someone you'd go to to have a simple smoke sesh or just to vent towards. As a guy who's much less strict he'd be more down to earth and understanding.
    It is a school night and I spent a good 20 min writing this.
    As you can see, I am the epitome of virginity.

    • @pavlemarjanovic1896
      @pavlemarjanovic1896 2 роки тому +6

      With your well written comment, i am very impressed with what you had in mind with this character and i would like to say that it would be interesting to see your take become a thing that exists.
      Therefore, i think you have dropped this 👑.
      There is an engraving that says:
      "Creative and innovative thinker".

    • @ben.3237
      @ben.3237 2 роки тому +1

      @@pavlemarjanovic1896 this is the best thing i've heard all year.

    • @pavlemarjanovic1896
      @pavlemarjanovic1896 2 роки тому +1

      @@ben.3237 Well, with this comment, you deserved it. I wish you the best and have a wonderful day.
      I am going to have a practical exam tomorrow and i calm down by making hoping someone else gets a better day than me, because i know i am fucked tomorrow.
      Anyhow, please, take care and stay cool.

  • @ymd2516
    @ymd2516 2 роки тому +24

    Glad someone else loved the story of Arkham Knight Jason

  • @Dragonraiser11
    @Dragonraiser11 Рік тому +60

    If I was given the chance to write a story about Jason Todd, I'd give him more father son bonding moments with batman. There's this one comic scene where Jason is too sick to go out fighting crime with batman, and instead of going out, batman stays with Jason and they watch movies together in the manor! Maybe if Jason had more moments like this, the plot points with joker would be different, and maybe, he wouldn't hate batman in the end. Maybe all his happy moments with batman would be what keeps his sanity intact during his imprisonment.

    • @lynx4082
      @lynx4082 Рік тому +8

      Thank god you aren't the ones writing the comics holy shit

    • @kayden232ou
      @kayden232ou Рік тому +1

      ​@@lynx4082 So cruel, but so true. 😂

    • @imyourrealsensei
      @imyourrealsensei Рік тому

      @@lynx4082 it ain’t bad, just seems wholesome

    • @imyourrealsensei
      @imyourrealsensei Рік тому


  • @randomanimations2591
    @randomanimations2591 Рік тому +16

    If I had to do a run on Jason Todd's story It'd be a blend of Under the Red Hood and Arkham and my own ideas.
    I'd start my story with seeing Jason raised by his mother he'd be a good-natured kid saving a squirrel from drowning and standing up to bullies. And this would be due to his mother she would do her best to raise him teaching him right from wrong and showing him genuine kindness. His father however would be a monster I'd have Jason be orphaned similar in origin to Bruce but, rather than watch his parents get killed Jason at like eight or nine would see his father brutally murder his mother and then come after him Jason however would shoot his father killing him. He'd be a street tough kid and after robbing a liquor store he ducks down an alley and finds the batmobile wanting to boost the tires he hangs out getting ready to help until the Joker in a mech suit throws batman into that alley. Jason helps and stops the joker showing his natural prowess for crime fighting and good-natured heart at his core. He is going to go to jail however for his many crimes as a minor instead bruce arranges for him to go to a boarding school paid for in full by him. Eventually the two become acquainted and Bruce becomes the loving father figure to Jason he never had eventually adopting him. After learning of Bruce's secret Jason would want to join him but is not allowed to become Robin as Dick his now brother would still be Robin. Still wanting to help however he would be given tasks around the cave and help Alfred as well. There would be a resentment between Jason and Dick. Eventually when Dick parts ways with Bruce Jason who'd also been training at this point would take up the mantel wanting to prove himself as not only Robin but a better Robin than dick Jason would push himself often past his capabilities and his old nature developed on the street would return. He would become hot headed and rash. One-night Nightwing is in Gotham helping Batman and Robin track the Joker who'd been secretly hired by Ra's Al Ghul since he's kidnapped Barbara and Jim Gordon. After a battle with the Joker Jason notices that there is a separate trail suggesting the Joker went another way. However, with Nightwing back in town and Jason's jealousy of Dick rising to the surface with his rekindled darker nature he neglects to share this information with Batman and Nightwing instead going off on his own. Where he is kidnapped by the Joker who was waiting for him. Batman and Nightwing catch up to their joker who is eventually taken down and revealed to be Clayface who'd been working for the Joker. Distraught at the loss of Jason Bruce would ask Dick stay in Gotham and help him with the search as well as guarding the city. With Jason now kidnapped Joker would beat him and torture him in unspeakable and horrific ways, ways that you can never forget (ways that would get this comment taken down). All while showing him photos and videos of Nightwing and Batman fighting together. Feeding into his resentment for Dick, the Joker would convince him that Batman knew he was chasing Clayface and allowed Jason to be taken so that he could have his favorite son back instead of Jason. He would torture the young man for a year breaking him mentally and spiritually before killing him and leaking the footage to Batman. When one of the league members learns of Jason's death Ra's Al Ghul arranges for his body to be brought back to Nada Parbat attempting to do right by Batman and return his son to him. However, Jason would be resurrected broken and as an amnesiac. Ra's Al Ghul seeing a way into the Bat family trains him as one of his agents before releasing him into the city with the goal of returning to Bruce however on his way back Jason sees the jokers gang robbing a bank and goes into a frenzy slaughtering them all. He then breaks into a library and uses the computer to research the Joker and his own death learning of Bruce's knowledge of his death and the Joker still alive Jason concocts a plan to get rid of both of them. Donning a dark and twisted version of the batsuit and joker's old persona the Red Hood (basically the Arkham knight but less camo and red instead of blue). Jason sets out upsetting the criminal underworld teaming up with two face and scarecrow to amass an army and organize crime while also starting a gang war with Black mask forcing him to hire deathstroke and break out the Joker. With Two Face, Scarecrow, and now Deathstroke all keeping Batman's attention Jason's identity would not be discovered. Instead, Batman would get a message from the Red Hood after finally defeating Two Face, Scarecrow, and Deathstroke to meet him at an abandoned warehouse where he has the Joker alive but strung up. This warehouse would be connected to the alley where they first met. However, when Batman arrives, he sees one other person there Nightwing beaten and tied to a chair. Unmasked Jason stands before Batman, Bruce a wash of emotions is unable to act fast enough and Jason shoots Joker through the lung. The two engage in a fight tearing up the warehouse while Dick attempts to escape from his bindings eventually Jason points a gun at Dick and the fight ends. He berates Bruce accusing him of wanting him gone and wanting him dead he shares his feelings his trauma the things the Joker and Ra's put him through and how Batman did nothing even after his death he allowed the Joker to live to continue taking sons from fathers. Joker would reply with a snide comment like he usually does. Jason would ignore him instead telling Bruce no more and then would shoot the Joker through the head. Jason would then aim the gun at Bruce claiming him to be weak accusing him of inaction and being a murderer the same as Joker that every death since the Jokers first escape was on Bruce's hands as well. Here Dick would speak up greeting his brother with kindness it would be Dick's words of affection toward Jason that would cut deep to his core to the good-natured kid. Despite Jason's actions despite beating his brother and kidnapping him Dick still chose to show love. Jason collapses ashamed of what he's done and who he's become Bruce would cut Dick loose and the two would embrace Jason. Taking him back to Wayne manor with them. Where he would be placed in therapy for a few years before returning to the bat family not as an active combatant but as Oracle.
    I realize this story might not work for a lot of people. But I chose to have this resolved in this way for a few reasons. One in this AU Barbara would at least be a family friend to the Waynes at most she'd become batgirl so the Oracle moniker would be up for grabs. Two there is so much tragedy and pain in the bat family already someone deserves somewhat of a happy ending and who better to get it than Jason. Three in this version of Jason's story time after time he feels shut down ignored and betrayed, he is beaten and broken he had a family that was taken from him by his birth father and then feels as though his new father has abandoned him for his favorite son. But it's Dick who saves Jason in the end. Despite Jason's hatred for Dick, Dick never hated Jason he had the foundation of loving parents and even though Bruce is tough he's able to see that in him. Dick sees the best in people, and he too was hurt by Jason's death. While he may not fully understand Jason's motives and why he's doing what he's doing he still loves his brother and sees the good in Jason and calls out to it. And it is Dick's genuine kindness that reminds Jason of his mother the only one to show him kindness and it draws out the boy he used to be.
    Jason in the batman mythos was and most often is a victim of circumstance in the argument of nature vs nurture Jason can be used to prove nurture over nature. While Dick is the parallel of this and I think if Dick were more involved in Jason's life specifically his time with Bruce as well as helping track him down and reason with him Jason would be on a different path. Not as a broody gun toting vigilante but, as a helpful guardian looking out for his family and doing the right thing. I know not as cool as the Red Hood but, dang it trauma is not an excuse for a superhero needing to be a superhero. Sometimes the "boring" resolution is the most heartwarming one and the one the audience connects with the most. Sometimes we don't want our heroes to remain heroes sometimes we wanna see them retire and find some peace. And we all know a lot of Bat family characters deserve peace and Jason is definitely number three on that list (number two being Bruce and one being Alfred). Plus, this version of Jason coupled with Alfred could serve to mentally aid not only the preexisting members of the Bat family but the new members like Tim, Damian, Duke, Stephanie, Cassie and eventually Terry as well. They'd help them to become not only better heroes but better people in general dealing with their trauma instead of letting it consume or fuel them.

  • @kryl0b
    @kryl0b Рік тому +13

    My favourite version of Jason Todd is the one seen in "Under the Red Hood". I feel that Jason's grudge in that movie is so much more interesting. It's not that Batman didn't save him that he's angry about, but the fact that despite the Joker beating Jason to near death with a crowbar and blowing up the building, killing him, Batman still let the Joker live.
    "You know, I thought... I thought I'd be the last person you'd ever let him hurt. If it had been you he beat to a bloody pulp, if he had taken you from this world, I would've done nothing but search the planet for this pathetic pile of evil death-worshiping garbage, and sent him off to Hell. [...] I'm not talking about killing Penguin, or Scarecrow, or Dent. I'm talking about him. Just him. And doing it because... because he took me away from you..."
    What I really like about that movie is that Jason gets no redemption in it. His reason for hating Batman doesn't change at the end. Jasons larger goal is to supplant Black Mask as the kingpin of crime in Gotham, in the belief that crime cannot be stopped. It can only be controlled. He'll clean up Gotham, and unlike Batman, when dealing with people who aren't afraid, he'll "do what Batman won't" and kill them.
    I think that idea of the Red Hood, as a crime lord with much the same martial training and affinity for gadgetry as Batman, is much more interesting than hom being an gritty anti-hero.

  • @marciawilliams2499
    @marciawilliams2499 Рік тому +7

    I'd take the movie 'under the red hood' version of jason, and make him the anti-hero of a city near gotham. He would use his more lethal methods, to reduce crime while tormenting batman. He would do so by luring batman's rogues into his territory, and killing them. Since in gotham he has to play by bruce's rules, while here he can play by his own rules. After killing them he would confront batman amongst the bodies, this would be the first ever fight between this red hood and batman.

  • @VantommHD
    @VantommHD Рік тому +7

    i like every Jason story where he becomes a part of the Bat family again and they are an all happy messed up mini family.
    so...basicly the Webtoon one xD

  • @kolel1565
    @kolel1565 Рік тому +4

    If this was in the Arkham knight game it easily would’ve been the best conclusion to the series

  • @iamnotbrucewayne-r9v
    @iamnotbrucewayne-r9v 9 місяців тому +2

    In Arkham knight the story “the fall” reveals Jason went after joker in the first place because he killed a bunch of kindergarteners and stitched their mutilated corpses together

  • @ajmair3792
    @ajmair3792 2 роки тому +9

    W video Keep up the W Content 👍

  • @HDRcade
    @HDRcade Рік тому +1

    As cold as it sounds I would simply have him die by Joker's hand and keep him that way. No resurfacing as AK/RH. I just feel it would have been more impactful.

  • @godai6203
    @godai6203 Рік тому +3

    Personally, I’d have him die and be resurrected by the League of Assassins via Lazarus Pit, but he then undergoes ruthless training from them alongside the son of Thalia Al Ghul, Damian (who he doesn’t know is Bruce’s son). Then they get dispatched to Gotham to take Batman out, but while Jason remains dedicated to the task, Damian has a change of heart after discovering his relation to Bruce, and together they convince Jason to stand down and join them against the league

  • @jm5855
    @jm5855 4 місяці тому +1

    There’s actually another version of Arkham Knight where it isn’t Jason Todd but rather a daughter of a psychiatrist who worked in Arkham Asylum. The dad worked with the villains and would take her daughter to his job and all the villains befriended the girl. Then one day Batman was in Arkham, which led to the dad dying and the villains would put things in her mind to hate Batman. Then she would believe Arkham is her castle and must protect, thus becoming the Arkham Knight.

  • @homomagii
    @homomagii 2 роки тому +5

    I like your content

  • @gyanclips860
    @gyanclips860 2 роки тому +20

    In my opinion I would keep the Arkham Knight Jason Todd but that would lead him to kill all the villain's in Gotham and expand his empire and then tat will lead him to imprison Bruce and rule Gotham as the Arkham Knight.

  • @ajra6143
    @ajra6143 Рік тому +5

    I once toyed with the idea that if Jason was in the Batman Beyond era, he might’ve cut ties with Bruce like everyone else and would become a shadow crime lord in Gotham operating with such secrecy, even his own underlings don’t know the true identity. Imagine an older Jason at his most cynical, learning that Bruce had taken in Terry as the new Batman and deciding to “show the newbie the ropes”.

  • @wookiee4145
    @wookiee4145 Рік тому +9

    I love Jason and I would change his story but not too much at least not up until he became this anti hero Red Hood phase, I would honestly keep him as a villain to Batman from time to time but mainly a villain to Nightwing out of a rivalry, and keep him as a true arch nemesis to Nightwing, I would have Jason be the most bloody and murderous character in DC only holding back on children as he will still save and protect the innocent more like keeping them out of harms way so they don’t get in his way, but show no mercy to the evil, cruel and just those who get in his way and fuck up his plans, I want him to be ruthless only coming to comprises rarely so it holds wait when he does, I want him to be as blood thirsty as the Joker to the point where Bruce has to put him down but can’t bring himself to do it, I don’t want this watered down anti hero it just doesn’t suit Jason if you ask me, yes I could understand him working with certain heroes from time to time but Jason as a hero just doesn’t sit right with me, his aim and master plan would kinda be similar to his Arkham knight phase but on a larger scale and it wouldn’t be to get back at Bruce but to organize and control criminal underworld using everything he learned from Batman, while still being able to kill those who get in his way, very similar to the Titans TV show season 4 I think but definitely more like that.

  • @radical7628
    @radical7628 Рік тому +5

    Despite how mixxed people feel about death in the family the panel of bruce holding a dead jason saying he failed is one of the most iconic comic book moments ever, kinda wished the story wasn't a jumbled mess and disaster

  • @DannDorito
    @DannDorito 2 роки тому +4

    well there was a mommy arkham knight and a daddy arkham knight
    and they did a little chogo
    and now there's Jason.

  • @IronboyvsThanos
    @IronboyvsThanos 4 місяці тому

    Arkham knight one was the best. It was like Jason was planning to become the next batman but a killer and he even made a symbol behind one of his crates, showing he already wanted to be one. And why would he have a backup red hood helmet? Vigilante suit. God, I love arkham knight Jason so much

  • @r.babylon2885
    @r.babylon2885 Рік тому

    I like this Jason origin and transformation much more than what they did in the comics.

  • @blakehazel2159
    @blakehazel2159 2 роки тому +4

    Personally I love all the versions

  • @praetorian9823
    @praetorian9823 Рік тому +1

    I’d personally expand Jason’s motivation to become the Red Hood, show just how flawed Batman’s philosophy is in some regards, but also showing how Jason *still* made his own path, and has to deal with the consequences of his own decisions.
    Bring him back, have Talia offer to give him training for revenge against Bruce, but despite just how angry he’d be at Batman for not saving him, he’d realise what he’d always known since the days he wandered the streets stealing and robbing just to barely survive, that you can’t save everyone. Someone always has to pay a price.
    So he declines, instead trying to make something of himself, trying to move past his hate, and healing.
    But it wouldn’t last. For 2 years, he’s find his own semblance of peace, acceptance, but one fateful day he’s see that after all these years, the Joker was *finally* facing his end, being put in Death Row and being scheduled for a pretty quick execution.
    And Jason watches as Bruce lobbies, pulling every stop he can to save the Joker, get him back in Arkham so he can try to save and heal him, because to Bruce anyone can be redeemed.
    But for Jason, it was the final, ultimate betrayal. What had happened to him always hung over him, Joker still being out there making it all the worse. Seeing Batman’s justice being dished out as his greatest nightmare fell was the final piece Jason needed to truly embrace his life, the peace of a simple living.
    And Bruce stole that from him, only for the Joker to escape once again, and kill more people in a shorter span than he ever had before.
    So Jason takes up Talia’s offer, and dons his armor, throwing himself into the training, becoming the terror to Batman’s fear.
    Jason would decline from there, all the healing, love, compassion he gained burning away as he slowly hunts Joker down, slaughtering dozens of criminal heads and dismantling organization after organization in a violent spree unlike any other the city had seen.
    Batman meanwhile would desperately try to catch up, learn anything he can about this new killer, who seems to know almost all of his tricks, who’s done everything he can to be just like Batman without the restrictions.
    The story, like Jason’s entire life, would end in tragedy, in it’s own way. Batman learning of Jason’s identity he would grow desperate to help his adopted son, but realising just how dangerous he was, he’d give him a final choice, leave the Joker alone, walk away, take his piece. Even if they never said another word to each other Bruce would do nothing but support him for the rest of his life.
    If Jason persisted, he’d be hunted down and turned into the authorities, no matter where he’d run, Batman would find him. He could never rest from that moment.
    Jason would kill Joker, blowing his head open with a pistol, but in that final moment, for the first time, he wouldn’t feel rage, a boiling hate or desire to see his nightmare suffer.
    He felt a quiet pride, not because he killed him, but because he realised he was doing the right thing. He didn’t kill him in that moment for himself, but because he realised that the cost of his own peace would be the lives of hundreds if not thousands of more innocents.
    He know that he’d be running for probably the rest of his life.

  • @firstdime6357
    @firstdime6357 2 роки тому +7

    Never forget the Possible arkham asylum easter eggs. the child drawing, Jason peter name and a possible smeared R, Bloodstains on a wall in the vr game that are actual location on the old Arkham asylum .

  • @PCMan8922
    @PCMan8922 5 місяців тому +1

    I also like Arkham Knight storyline, but I prefer Jason Todd becoming the Red Hood more,
    than the Arkham Knight.

  • @setuser777
    @setuser777 Рік тому

    I feel like there's a way to connect all (my favorite) storylines.
    Starting with Jason Todd being taken in by Batman at a young age, then getting killed as Robin (as much as I like his fall-to-death, he'd have to be tortured by the joker for this to work). He'd come back as Red Hood. He'd still be an anti-hero, but not as brutal as he is in the comics. Somewhat toned down, so that Batman hears of him, but they never really meet.
    Eventually, he get's curious to check on Batman. So, he does. He finds his Robin suit, his memorial, all of it. He appreciates the gesture, and leaves quickly. Maybe shortly after the visit, Joker comes up with some huge mind-boggling plan that would require all Gotham heroes to team together; Red Hood included.
    Fast forward, the heroes plan carefully, and launch their attack. It's all going well until Red Hood sees Joker vulnerable, and attacks. Jason gets hit down, so Joker tries to escape. Batman comes just in time to see Joker running, so he begins his assault. Jason gets back up, catches up with Bruce and Joker; Now the three of them are singled out, together.
    They all have that weird dialogue chat heroes seem to have with their nemesis before a big confrontation. It's here where Joker points out he's still alive, and Jason realizes Batman would've never avenged him and kill the Joker (not to make him seem stupid, but the rage makes the scene all the more interesting). It's also here, at Red Hood's outrage, that Bruce realizes that that's Jason.
    Jason gets furious with Bruce, but redirects his anger to Joker. Batman kind of just steps aside and watches Jason fight Joker. He watches what Jason's become as they fight, and kind of let his failure to protect Jason simmer in. Jason pins Joker, holds a gun to his head, and turns to ask Bruce a question (probably something like "Still thinkin' about keeping him alive?", for the sole purpose of making Joker's death feel even more fulfilling). Joker decides to toy with Jason one last time, and drops the line, "I may have beaten you, but I never abandoned you like Batman."
    Jason pulls the trigger; Batman is stunned.
    Jason takes his leave, and Batman's left to take care of the mess. How was he supposed to just drop to everyone that Jason, the "dead", was alive and just killed Joker?
    Batman takes care of everything, but in the mean time, Jason countlessly recalls Batman's unwillingness to kill Joker, even after all that had happened to him in Arkham. He decides to get some twisted revenge from Bruce all by himself, for himself. The revenge turns into vengeance, and it builds to the Arkham Knight.
    This is quite a lot, but there's just so many ways to connect Jason's stories and reuse plots to create something fresh, even if it's by the slightest gasp of air.

  • @kandi32
    @kandi32 Рік тому +1

    I think Jason Todd is best Robbin after Grayson bro really wanted him dead after finding out there’s a whole thing detached to him

  • @diorwaul3425
    @diorwaul3425 Рік тому +1

    I just want an under the red hood movie with John boyega

  • @jacksoncaswell2.0
    @jacksoncaswell2.0 Рік тому

    Daredevil getting pretty into reading dc

  • @Geo34
    @Geo34 6 місяців тому

    The Arkham Knight is super awesome.

  • @Og_lil_nutt
    @Og_lil_nutt 2 роки тому +3

    I agree please do way more longer videos pleaeeeeee!!!!!

  • @LeonardoHamato
    @LeonardoHamato Рік тому +4

    I'd give Jason some psychological help and a big hug, cause that's what he deserves

  • @9leazy
    @9leazy 2 роки тому +1

    Bro your goated

  • @Nothing_happening_here_go_away
    @Nothing_happening_here_go_away 7 місяців тому +1

    Under the Red Hood was my first introduction to Jason Todd and its still my favorite

  • @japz321
    @japz321 Рік тому +1

    Arkham Knight should've been advertised as jason and be transparent about it or at least was teased back in arkham city to have a proper build up and not as a "original villain made within the arkham universe"

  • @brutalbubby_
    @brutalbubby_ Рік тому +2

    As much as I think, the Arkham knight is cool red hood is more badass

  • @Me-wx1mt
    @Me-wx1mt Рік тому +8

    honestly I really like the injustice storyline, but the white knight storyline is one I haven't heard and is pretty interesting

    @DOMENRAMEN Рік тому

    4:40 jason would have been raised by scarecrow and became his labrat because of this Jason gained a few powers such as invisibility, possess and control, intangibility and teleportation he would use these powers to try to kill scarecrow and succeeding after this he decide to try to take over Gotham as black ghost

  • @nicholasmartins3030
    @nicholasmartins3030 Рік тому +1

    Arkham knight works in the dark knight continuation by Nolan

  • @ianchoi4646
    @ianchoi4646 Рік тому +2

    I don't like how he didn't have any repercussions for killing and is on good terms with the family. I would have him join the suicide squad or make his own team that mirrors the justice league members.

    • @billyboleson2830
      @billyboleson2830 Рік тому

      Honestly i agree red hood should either stay as an antagonist to batman or at least just not be on good terms with the bat crew

  • @jyeboi8022
    @jyeboi8022 Рік тому +1

    I'd have jason be tortured like usual but in the way it happened in the arkham verse then once he sees the picture of batman with robin he would break out hitting joker and making joker look even more deranged upon seeing what he did jason would go crazy run and infiltrate the league of assassins. They would learn he wanted to kill everyone of batman villains leaving just joker and himself but would be almost killed and only survive by using the Lazarus pit and becoming more deranged breaking out destroying all of the assassins and their gear. He would go on to become the arkham knight owning the militia and attacking gotham personally going after batman and all of his team mates first taking robin (Tim) then Alfred this would go on for weeks Alfred realising because jason would go to Wayne manor as jason taking both robin and Alfred. Nightwing would investigate so batman can stop his villains as jason broke them out of the asylum. While going and investigating he and Barbara (recently recovered from the wheelchair) would find the batcave copy that jason owns and find the missing suit of jason realising it is jason he'd try to convince him to stop jason would do to them what joker did yo jason but only for a week leaving Alfred and nightwing to watch but batman would find him after investigating where Jim Gordon went(jason took him) and he'd fight jason and jason would reveal its him. Batman would convince him but jason would go away punishing himself for what he did slowly withdrawing the militia and ending all that he did. Batman would eventually find him and jason would become the red hood as seen in arkham knight and almost kill scarecrow for revealing batman identity batman would stop him and jason helps them out and eventually live with them. Gordon would die years later and jason would become the commissioner as an undercover for him being the red hood and for information

  • @biggypupps9628
    @biggypupps9628 Рік тому +4

    How tf did Batman not find jason

    • @billyboleson2830
      @billyboleson2830 Рік тому

      plot convenience despite being worlds greatest detective

  • @Y_ANDZ
    @Y_ANDZ Місяць тому

    Turns out there IS a lore reason.

  • @Chilick
    @Chilick Рік тому

    What never made sense to me was Jason working with scarecrow and the villains when they actively helped tortured him,

  • @ChannalWatcher
    @ChannalWatcher 4 місяці тому

    I would do what they should've done in the game. Keep Jason Todd as Red Hood and let someone else be the Arkham Knight (for example, Astrid Arkham) like they've done in the comics

  • @The_Punisher
    @The_Punisher 5 місяців тому

    Pretty interesting Scrarecrow helped beat Jason but they teamed up in Arkham Knight

    • @D0NC0C0
      @D0NC0C0 Місяць тому

      Joker says that scarecrow just stared at him the entire time so that may be the reason they teamed up maybe Scarecrow saw in him something in that moment

  • @thehalfnegativeoptimist4578
    @thehalfnegativeoptimist4578 Рік тому +5

    I’d still keep him as the second robin, but I would make it to where someone that he was close with was killed during a robbery gone wrong. After this, Jason would do everything he could to meet Batman personally in hopes of getting training to avenge his friend. Batman would be reluctant for multiple reasons, the main one being that Batman doesn’t want to rob Jason of a normal life. But ultimately Batman accepts and takes Jason in as the new Robin.
    Fast forward a bit and Jason is horrified by what he’s seen Joker do and confronts Batman on why he won’t make an exception to his no-kill rule for The Joker. Batman explains that he worries that killing the joker would set him on a path and Jason goes to kill the joker himself.
    After this it plays as a cross between the Gotham Knight and Under the Red Hood timelines (with some extra stuff thrown in). Joker fakes Jason’s death and tortures him for a while in order to get some ammunition to harm Batman. After about a year of doing this robin manages to escape, but finds out that Batman has moved on and has a new robin. In response to this, he becomes The Red Hood. Now he is dead set on killing the Joker and destroying Batman (not killing him, just making it to where Bruce Wayne be Batman anymore).

  • @serPomiz
    @serPomiz Рік тому

    arkham knight is a perfectly fine version. if WBGames didn't try to gaslight with their campaign of "he's not jason todd, it's anew charther never made before", everyone would have been perfectly fine with him (not with the game, but that's another story altogether)

  • @ajmair3792
    @ajmair3792 2 роки тому

    You Should Make a Flash Point Batman Thomas Wayne Video

  • @davidkun123
    @davidkun123 Рік тому

    i think i would change the torture to 3 years because of the character develement

  • @santicollectionprime7128
    @santicollectionprime7128 Рік тому

    I like the newest one that's still an antyhero but he's still inbolved with batman in the good way.

  • @roiking2740
    @roiking2740 Рік тому

    i would have liked the arkham knight version to remain a villian.

  • @Zeestar-_-
    @Zeestar-_- Рік тому

    BECAUSE everyone confuse me with arkham jason
    and DC jason

  • @charlietownsend4416
    @charlietownsend4416 Рік тому +1

    Arkham Knight just fundamentally shouldn't work at all because it's mixing Under The Red Hood, which is about Jason not hating Batman because he let him die but because he let Joker live, and the Scarecrow storyline about Batman confronting his inner demons over KILLING THE JOKER! Its a complete contradiction

    • @billyboleson2830
      @billyboleson2830 Рік тому +1

      And now people these days think that Akham knight is Red hoods origin ....

  • @MasterTemplar781
    @MasterTemplar781 Рік тому +1

    if i were to create my own jason todd story i would take the origin of jason todd from the comics with stealing wheels of the batmobile but he torturing i would make it the same as in the arkham verse and i would then make it that the villains break out of arkham instead of taking it over after a few days with jason about to die in arkham bc of hunger and thirst the gaurds would find him seeing as jason isnt a criminal they released him and gave him food and water to survive jason now in all his anger and rage goes and attacks the joker capturin joker and torturing the clown then going on a killing spree killing all the villains who tortured him or most of them penguin riddler black mask scarecrow would all be killed by jason jason would also kill a few more batman villains like killer moth scarface firefly dottler the eraser maroni falcone batman would track down the new killer finding out his name to be the red hood after jason kills a few mobsters and wipes out gangs the people of gotham get split in two one side is the people who agree with batman and the no killing rule wanting to arrest the red hood the other are the people who agree with red hood as villains break out of jail always and torture and kill get captured break out again and the cycle starts over they say red hood is a better hero then batman starting a war between the people of gotham as nightwing oracle alfred robin and the GCPD deal with that batman goes after red hood in a fight similiar to the fight in arkham knight with batman figuring out red hood is jason batman tries to talk jason back to the light leaving jason doubting if he is doing the right thing still agreeing with the killing he fights batman later and this will end in the under the red hood movie with red hood batman and joker with the explosion in the building happening with batman saving jason as joker barely escapes on his own batman would look at jason who has a mental breakdown with bruce trying to comfort jason even showing jason the memorial saying he always loved jason and that he is sorry jason leaves saying he doesnt know if he is ready to return with the story arc ending as tim bruce dick alfred and barbara all sit down at the dining table in wayne manor as bruce looks at a tree seeing jason in the tree watching from a distance bruce smirks and jason smirks as jason leaves jason tries the best he can to stop killing using non lethal bullets and when damien becomes robin jason decides to join the batfamily again

  • @WeLoveYouAdotty
    @WeLoveYouAdotty Рік тому

    I would love to see a version of Jason if batman was the 1 to die

  • @benettybrito
    @benettybrito Рік тому +1

    What about the version were he kills joker

  • @michi4624
    @michi4624 Рік тому

    Jason Todd, He was tortured by joker until he was infused with joker toxin creating the monster batman underestimated, The laughing knight. He killed all the robins in jealousy of him being replaced. As batman found his hide out below the arkham asylum he was sneak attacked by jason as they fought a piece of jason's armour fell as joker toxin flew into the air creating, The batman who laughs.

    @RGTGYATT Рік тому +1

    Me personally I would change it

  • @ButchersBoxingShop
    @ButchersBoxingShop Рік тому

    I would do to Jason what I think should happen to each of the Robin's. Their new identities need to stop being wholy part of the bat mythos and instead apart of their own mythos. Push the outlaws, Give Jason his new biker look back. Make Jason specific side characters like Roy and Artemis and bizzaro show up. Give him his own mythology akin to Batman's. Then of course you can have his fleshed out mythology interact not only with Batman's established one, But with nightwings fleshed out mythology, and red robins mythology, And Damian's. DC needs to make Batmen out of these characters, Narratively.

  • @rsxt6224
    @rsxt6224 Рік тому

    i love arkham knight jason todd but thought of my own backstory..
    so joker puts batman into a trap with all the villains including ra al ghul and then they would take batmans helpers and kill batman infront of them
    thus fueling rage into jason and then jason would take all of bruce's money to become his own superhero.. after that arkham knight is born but he didnt kill ppl first so what happened was jason convinced slade into helping him kill joker somehow but slade would end up betraying him cuz he was there when batman died and even helped joker so then slade kills alfred and then jason because he completely lost 2 ppl turns into an anti hero and believes in killing bad guys

  • @foxythejokerfox87
    @foxythejokerfox87 3 місяці тому

    funny thing about my fnaf oc i did actually based her origin story over Jason Todd but not being killed by the joker tho as my oc's story does follows the fnaf lore with being killed by William which is what drove my oc insane due to them constantly reminded to how they exactly died and that there was no hero to same them and take on the persona of The Joker but a vigilante version of him but my fnaf oc does shares a lot in common with Jason aka Red Hood tho

  • @istoleyunomilesbigmac
    @istoleyunomilesbigmac Рік тому

    luckily its not the videogame

  • @istoleyunomilesbigmac
    @istoleyunomilesbigmac Рік тому

    the thing is this story doesn't make sense: Batman would have searched for his robin and not just give him up

  • @jonmiller8430
    @jonmiller8430 2 роки тому +1

    try not to change the video title challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

  • @Saboteur4
    @Saboteur4 Рік тому

    Say what you want about Akrham Knight. But that suit of his is amazing

  • @Nobodycares167
    @Nobodycares167 Рік тому

    And by the way in the Arkham series Jason was resurrected via Lazarus pit idk about comics

  • @Q1081thegamer
    @Q1081thegamer 2 роки тому

    Arkham is my fave

  • @Reyzor06
    @Reyzor06 6 місяців тому

    Where did Jason got the Arkham Knight suit

  • @elingzz6008
    @elingzz6008 Рік тому

    Personally, I would have kept him alive and then after a confrontation with joker as robin , Jason would snap and kill him.Then take up his red hood persona

  • @Nobodycares167
    @Nobodycares167 Рік тому

    Arkham knight in the games was such a good character. They ruined him when Batman found out his identity tho. He went from cool and mysterious to whiny teenager

    • @ysurf
      @ysurf Рік тому

      he was always a whiny teen from literally the first moment he was introduced in the game

  • @ronin6033
    @ronin6033 Рік тому +1

    I think Zack Snyder was gonna do a White Knight storyline. Shame…. Jared fits the part of a sane Joker.

  • @PoeticSonic
    @PoeticSonic 7 місяців тому +2

    it pretty much shows how batman in extention the writers and the fanboys have BS hypocritical morality, yes in fact batman is VERY much at fault and a perverted dirt bag for taking the death of the joker harder than jason.
    do this thought experiment with me, after the video was sent the video what happened? batman found the joker (probably killing a few dozen people in torturus ways) beat him up a bit and sent him on his way to arkham asylam as always which is basically a hotel for the joker where he gets to sleep, eat and get entertained by the sacrafical lamb sorry i mean asylam workers and whenever he wants to he can get out, torture jason todd and there are some things that were not said but u can read between the lines, ur telling me he was never raped or sexually assulted?! of course he was and even after knowing all of that batman didn't feel bad enough to change his ways not even a bit.

  • @pacificmangoez5507
    @pacificmangoez5507 Рік тому

    great vid. not to be a hater or anything but u forgot about the movie one where joker kills him and is ressurected just to torture batman sum more. that wuz my personal favourite

  • @BillBurrCasper
    @BillBurrCasper Рік тому

    I would turn Jason Todd in the dc phoenix-verse into hush

  • @mike14987
    @mike14987 Рік тому

    Your leaving out the part about what Joker did to a Kindergarden class.

  • @PickleMeat
    @PickleMeat 2 роки тому +12

    Red hood the goat 🐐

  • @shlokwaghela9560
    @shlokwaghela9560 Рік тому

    Honestly while the idea was cool they barely did anything for him in the game, and even then you end up feeling bad for him so I wonder what would be the case if they actually you know, went all in

  • @sssavage6596
    @sssavage6596 Рік тому

    so this is injustice todd?

  • @Wooshey_Wooj
    @Wooshey_Wooj 10 місяців тому

    Why would he team up with the villains of Gotham if they were there to beat him up? I get it. You need to keep your enemies closer, but I have to read the Arkham run. I just have the first issue with the variant cover from Gamestop. That was the only reason why I picked it up. 😂

  • @enzomarques7334
    @enzomarques7334 Рік тому +1

    man thats so dumb i wish in the game and comics jason still kept being the arkam knight and being nothing like robin or red hood i mean seriously he had every right to stay a villan

  • @Edwardcole40
    @Edwardcole40 Рік тому +3

    He was created in the comics not born he’s fictional character sir

    • @GT_Mr.C
      @GT_Mr.C Рік тому +1

      basically the same thing but ight

  • @faithhewitt7277
    @faithhewitt7277 Рік тому

    I would change his name to blue hood

  • @beeaggressive160
    @beeaggressive160 3 місяці тому

    Is there a lore reason why he’s called the Arkham Knight?

  • @lucidvic1034
    @lucidvic1034 Рік тому

    I thank red hood is bad ass but idk I fw the Arkham knight more imo

  • @Daanyaal_
    @Daanyaal_ Рік тому

    So did Jason kill arkhamverse catman?

  • @Gnarfledarf
    @Gnarfledarf 7 місяців тому

    Is the on-screen text AI-generated?

  • @themask3559
    @themask3559 Рік тому +2

    I would keep his story the same up to when Jason would die. Instead of killing Jason, the joker would spray him with a unique joker gas that’ll back him go insane, forcing Batman to put him in Arkham asylum. After some years pass, the doctors managed to find a medicine that’ll temporarily cure Jason from the gas. After finding out about how Batman didn’t punish the joker for turning him into in insane person, he dons the red hood persona and goes out hunting down the joker and Batman’s villains.

  • @nicholasmartins3030
    @nicholasmartins3030 Рік тому +1


  • @hivenwiseatangan5587
    @hivenwiseatangan5587 Рік тому

    Zack Snyder has the best red hood

  • @stephenthecreator_
    @stephenthecreator_ Рік тому

    Tbh, i wouldn’t be surprised if AK was r@ped off comic bc that’s probably something the joker would make a female villain do.
    Jason should be the first robin but arkham knight tourture

  • @steamdenis2984
    @steamdenis2984 Рік тому

    if it was up to me batman would have saved him from the joker, ultimatly fucking up his life, as the joker will proceed on mentaly tormenting him to the point where he will have only one mission: to Kill both batman and the joker ass they where the ones responsibble for his scarred mentality and i will call him ,,NoSon"

  • @FirstnameLastname-my7bz
    @FirstnameLastname-my7bz Рік тому

    This is really good story if you absolutely hate the very concept of Batman itself. And him as a compelling 3D character.
    In general Red Hood is a complete disaster as a concept, especially his original Judd Winnick story/intro. Not only it is completely rеtardеd story on itself, with Batman slicing Jason's neck with batarang. It is also shitting within continuity, especially Second Chances. Judd Winnick's stories in general are pretty stupid. Like his Superman Batdick story.
    Under the Red Hood cartoon version is the best one, as it doesn't have Any tie-ins to any other story, except if you decide that it is BTAS connected, even then it works because there is no Second Chances or any W. Barr stories (although there is Mad Love ending) .
    His designs are all cool, I like especially cartoon and original comics one as Batman trained guy using normie military tools mimicking as batgear and jacket mimicking as utility belt.

  • @Everycomic159
    @Everycomic159 10 місяців тому

    I’d let the character grow and change and not just leave him a little kid still made at the man that let him die in Bosnia all those years ago and one final thing I’d let the joker stay dead for once

  • @misterturtle
    @misterturtle Рік тому

    I would only change one part and that is a death in the family taking place in the middle east. Think about it someone would notice bruce Wayne if he was somewhere like the middle east, and then just as he appears there batman seems to leave Gotham to. Its just a really stupid plot hole in an otherwise fantastic comic book story.

  • @Eli-as12
    @Eli-as12 Рік тому

    I'm a big fan of red hood. He's honestly one of the coolest characters I've read and watched about in different media. Imo I would change his journey to his death, in the comics he was lead there by Joker through his mother. I'd change it to instead of having it be his real mother, I'd have it be a fake. Then have it be where even after all that he's done to save his "mother" by the end, she would accept Joker's payment with 0 remorse of what she did because she isn't really his mother. Then just have the Joker kill her to make it be that the last memory for Jason's "mother" is her taking the money for her "son".
    I'd also have it be like how it happened in the Arkham games where Joker would mentally and physically torture Jason then it would lead to Joker showing Jason the picture of the new Robin.
    Like have Jason feel replaced, his "mother" exchanging him for money and then Batman replacing him. I'd also have it where Joker would further psychologically torture him by kind of breaking his perception of time where it would his abduction up to where Jason sees the new Robin have it be in a span of a few months instead of a year, therefore further fueling his rage for Batman for immediately replacing him in only a few months when in actuality its been a year or more.