Wish Roger read this. I have a friend who's from Tehran. He was 18 when Irak bombed Tehran and he said in the mid 90s when I hung out with him that he was listening to pink floyd Echoes while he heard the rockets whistling by and exploding in Tehran... Gives me the shivers to this day
I was there in attendance (which was of no charge) in the second/third row. He did this the night before one of his concerts and (if I recall) he wasn't paid to do this. He did it for the sake of the message, really rare of anybody these days. It was truly an amazing experience and one I think I will never get with any future concert of his. Though, I wish you didn't cut out the part where the audience asked questions. He gave incredible answers!
He is Roger Waters. He can say what he wants. He is the voice. He has the right to his opinion. If he doesn't voice out the injustices who else would!!!
@@pibroch i wish it was the truth. However, this roger , is teaming up with neonazzis, the far left and jihadists.PROUD TO BE HATED BY THIS GUY. Long live israel. Long live the state of israel. Long live the people of israel.
מיכל א.ב.ח 'proud to be hated' you clearly did not listen to anything he said or has EVER said for that matter. He is against the hatred and extremist divisions of any and all people as he stated. If wanting equality and peace for all people of all races, of all creeds, of all religious/political/social etc.. beliefs without infringing on others (which is, in itself, equality and peace) makes a person a 'neo-Nazi', 'far left' or a 'jihadi' or any other false labels you or anyone else wants to attach to people who strive for truth and the betterment of ALL humanity then I, personally, gladly accept these labels and thank you for them.
@@JL-sw8fr no he isnt. Its his fasad. When this kind of artist is promoting the b.d.s. wich is calling to the distruction of israel , so yes, he is full of shit. Look who he is teaming . jihadists, peodophiles, neo nazis. Of course i am proud to be hated by him. Imagine the opposit, Very shamefull.
מיכל א.ב.ח You're entitled to your opinion but the BDS actually calls for the end of apartheid and genocide of Palestinians and the end of illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine, end of illegal occupation of all of the Palestinian land and infrastructure, to name but a few, as for 'teaming with jihadists, paedophiles and neo-Nazis'; if trying to stop the end of war and oppression makes you one or all of these then I want a trip to your world for a bit, might be fun. Also as I've stated he isn't about hate, call it a façade if you want but hey, it takes all-sorts to make this world. I don't need to 'imagine the opposite' I only need to follow any belief system, even Judaism, they all teach love and acceptance and that's what Roger believes in, like he states in this video '...they can do what they want to blacken my name...'
unbelievable what they have done to him sabotage him and call him antisemitic cancel many contracts because he says the true he has been punished because his is a man with courage and dignity thank u again for open the eye's for those ignorant people
Roger is a rarity in show business. A guy who puts his conscience before reputation and fear of losing record sales. He is so sincere and the fact that he questioned and researched the Israel Palestine situation ( not conflict, as it’s a one sided affair towards Israel) and came to the only conclusion you can if you actually bother to research, that Israel is carrying out ethnic cleansing and war crimes. So Bon Jovi and Nick Cave could learn a lot from Roger Waters.
Clearly you and Roger are completely ignorant about what is going on in that strip of land. Spanning back into Old Testament times. Roger is a beyond brilliant musician and performer. But he is serving to wrong master. And he does not even realize it.
@@shanegriffin2215 "he is serving to wrong master" The day you people produce internationally viable performers with the same clout as Roger, you can come back and talk.
@nakedBison69 Antisemitic just because he is critical of the Israeli government? Waters does not blame the Jewish people for the oppression of Palestine. Watch this section and see what he really thinks of Jewish people today 11:30
nakedBison69 he is an antisemite for calling out a state that violates human rights and practices ethnic cleansing on a specific group of people snd treats them like second class citizens
What a great man, with his phenomenal talent and his music that may live for as long as there are people, he could have been one of the richest man on earth. He decided to live financially comfortable, while fighting for a better life of dignity for all of us. Thank you, Sir!
Thank you Mr Waters for your great empathy and for your promoting of empathy. It requires a lot for someone in your position to sacrifice as you do. I have the highest respect for this. I salute you.
@@sigmasix3719 sigma six was a waker band. Roger and David Guilmour were not pink floyd only Syd was. The other just followed his idea. Roger supports Maduro regime and thats very dumb.
I've been to the Middle East a number of times -- with Israel it is truly amazing what they have done with the little piece of land they call a country and no I am not a Jew -- they lead the world in stem cell and medical research, they lead in technology, they have first rate Orchestras, Opera houses, top ballet companies, museums, top universities and the country looks so modern, up to date infrastructure, it is very clean and there is little crime, they have a free press, freedom to protest, legit elections - i have been to Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and all you see is poverty, the streets and buildings are in disrepair, there is no freedom of speech, terrible human rights violations against gay people and those questioning their corrupt governments run by dictators are thrown in jail never to be heard from again without legal recourse. Arafat ran Palestine into the ground while stealing hundreds of millions of dollars that he put in banks around the world.
Israelis are prosperous, partly because of their conquering of Palestinian Land, and the exploiting of Palestinian labour. Palestinian's misery and dispossession is mainly because of Israel's apartheid.
Just love you Roger...its been over 25 years eversince i know Pink Floyd and you. I feel happy that things been changed on me over years except my passion and love and emotion for you and Pink Floyd...just like any other fan.
their dream is to grab what ever they can common thifs and the world stays idol and watching those crimes unbelievable thank u Roger and keep going ...
Comfortably Numb, Wish You Were Here, Shine On..., The Happiest Days of Our Lives, Brain Damage, Welcome to The Machine, The Gunner's Dream, The Final Cut... - was Wish You Were Here the most evocative? ... what a list... so many people have been touched by this music...
I think Roger has and always will be principled on issues he feels passionately about. It is not for publicity purposes but his conviction that appears to lead him down roads that most of us are less inclined to get so involved in. His writing genius has a tendency to be wearing his heart on his sleeve. It has made admirers of music revere him and polarised others. He doesn't care about whether people like him or not. His pride has come before many falls (imo) in his musical career, falling out with bandmates, angry and (again imo) childish. Choosing a "cause" to defend is a personal choice, I respect anyone of conviction to stand up for what they believe in. In all of us, concern is a human instinct but don't vilify any group of people when it's better to understand it is usually beyond any of us to change fate, we can only individually look at ourselves.
Conan O’Brien made some very good travel videos. He went to Israel, saw this big wall with barb wire, armed soldiers and warning signs etc.. He wants to go visit the other side. They tell him no way, it’s too dangerous. Eventually he gets in, and is greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of Arabs who can’t believe they are hanging with Conan ! Israelis were not impressed. I think he also goes to Cuba. Great series.
Douglas Waterman Islam exists long ago by the name of Muslim..Only Prophet Muhammad get the revelation from God that complete and refine the Islamic way
Isn't London England, Rome,District of Columbia, Singapore, New York, Taiwan. All countries apart.Their each a country Not Under Law or part.of the U.N.Sooo.
Jeezo - back in 1881 this was being said: "We shall now touch slightly upon the curious question, whether the Jews did ever in reality possess any territory not subject to a higher power. The narrative of their colonisation by Cyrus is liable to much doubt and objection. No authentic historian of ancient times, Josephus excepted, has ever in any way mentioned them as an independent nation or state, or as being in possession of Palestine, or any part of Great Syria, before or in the time of Alexander. As a nation they appear to have been entirely unknown to Herodotus, and all other Greek historians. What had become of them when Xenophon wrote of the eastern nations, which was only 150 years after their alleged return from Babylon? He mentions the Syrians of Palestine as under the Persian government, but not a word about the Jews. Herodotus mentions two invasions of the Scythians, through Syria, even to the borders of Egypt; but acknowledges no Jews or Israelites. In the fragments that remain of Sanchoniatho, Ctesias, Berosus, and Manetho, they are not noticed even as a petty or subject state, so that we have the fullest negative evidence that in the times of these historians, no part of Syria was a Jewish country. Didorus, in detailing the events in that country, the siege of Tyre, etc., during Alexander's conquests, says not a word of the Jews as forming a state or colony, or of their boasted city of Jerusalem: and he is equally silent as to their existence as a nation during the times of Alexander's immediate successors; nor have we any historical account of them deserving of credit until the time of Antiochus the 4th (Epiphanes), under whom they lived, and he was subject to the Romans. If the territory of Judea was given to them by the King of Babylon, only about 200 years before the Macedonian conqueror went to the east, why did not he and his historians find them there? The plain and simple truth is, the Jews NEVER formed an independent state; and that part of Syria called Palestine, was, in all known ages, subject either to the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks or Romans (according to the tide of conquest), as it now is to the Turks." RELIGION IN THE HEAVENS OR MYTHOLOGY UNVEILED by Logan Mitchell 1881. If Mitchell wasn't so in contempt of the Jews, undermining his valid points and facts, I would recommend the book. because it goes a long way to prove "historical" figures such as Abraham and Moses never existed, and were merely representations of the planet Saturn. Well, to spell that out to you, the Phoenicans and Chaldees referred to the planet Saturn as ISRAEL (Yesreile), Abraham shared one too many attributes with the god Saturn's mythology, and Moses. Well, Moses goes a long way to tell you that a god that can create a universe, planets, suns, stars, moons in six days, but takes 40 days to make two tablets of stone, miscalculates whether a human can carry them, then has to take another forty days to make another set of tablets because of his error ..... is kind of a made up god. Or as Mitchell puts it "Never were higher qualities and powers ascribed to any god; and never were they so badly sustained; he is represented as omniscient, yet always taken by surprise; an omnipotent being whose designs are commonly frustrated; immutable, yet ever changing; sufficient to his own happiness, yet always "jealous;" perfection itself yet continually making imperfections, and repenting of that which he had previously approved; finally, he makes an eternal Being, about as powerful as himself, and for no other apparent purpose than to be crossed and circumvented in all his projects." Reference to the Turks in 1881 meaning THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. A short history of Palestine's rule (SEE WIKI) "Region of Palestine was conqueredby the Islamic Empire following the 636 CE Battle of Yarmouk during the Muslim conquest of Syria, and the Muslims gave relief from burdensome Roman taxes and religious persecution of Christian heretics.[citation needed] The country was incorporated into Bilad al-Sham Province as military districts of Urdunn and Filastin. In 661 CE, with the assassination of Ali, Muawiyah I became the uncontested Caliph of the Islamic World after being crowned in Jerusalem. In 691, the Dome of the Rock became the world's first great work of Islamic architecture. The Umayyads were replaced by the Abbasids in 750. From 878 Palestine was ruled from Egypt by semi-autonomous rulers for almost a century, beginning with Ahmad ibn Tulun and ending with the Ikhshidid rulers who were both buried in Jerusalem. The Fatimids conquered the region in 969. In 1073, Palestine was captured by the Great Seljuq Empire, only to be recaptured by the Fatimids in 1098, who then lost the region to the Crusaders in 1099. Crusader control of Jerusalem and most of Palestine as the Kingdom of Jerusalem lasted almost a century until defeat by Saladin's forces in 1187, after which most of Palestine became controlled by the Ayyubids. A rump Crusader state in the northern coastal cities survived for another century, but despite seven further Crusades, the Crusaders were no longer a significant power in the region. The Mamluk Sultanate was indirectly created in Egypt as a result of the Seventh Crusade. The Mongol Empire reached Palestine for the first time in 1260, beginning with the raids into the Levant under Nestorian Christian general Kitbuqa and reaching an apex at the pivotal Battle of Ain Jalut. In 1486, hostilities broke out between the Mamluks and the Ottoman Turks and the Ottomans captured Mamluk Palestine and Syria in 1516. The Ottoman rule of the country lasted for four centuries, administratively included in the provinces of Ottoman Syria. In 1832, the region was conquered by Muhammad Ali's Egypt, but, in 1840, Britain intervened and returned control of the Levant to the Ottomans in return for further capitulations.[citation needed] The turbulent period of Egyptian rule experienced two major revolts (the 1834 Arab Peasants revolt and 1838 Druze revolt) and a significant demographic change in coastal areas, repopulated by Egyptian Arab peasants and former soldiers of Muhammad Ali. Late 19th century was the timing for regional migrations of Druze, Circassians and Bedouin tribes and also the spike of Jewish immigration and the revival of the Hebrew language. Increasing Jewish immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries added considerably to the Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Jaffa. During World War I the British government issued the Balfour Declaration of 1917, stating that the British Government favors the establishment of national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The British captured Jerusalem a month later. The League of Nations formally awarded Britain a mandate over Palestine in 1922. The land west of the Jordan River was under direct British administration until 1948, while the land east of the Jordan was a semi-autonomous region known as Transjordan Emirate, under the rule of the Hashemite family from the Hijaz, and gained independence in 1946. The 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine was a nationalist uprising by Palestinian Arabs against British colonial rule and mass Jewish immigration. After the Nazi Holocaust, pressure grew for the international recognition of a Jewish state in Palestine. In 1947, the British Government announced its intention to terminate the Mandate. The United Nations General Assembly voted to partition British Palestine into independent Arab and Jewish states, with a special international regime for Jerusalem. The Arabs rejected the partition of Palestine and civil war erupted in the immediate aftermath. The Jews of British Palestine declared the independence of the State of Israel in May 1948." So basically you've had a region that's been battled over for centuries, CENTURIES, changing rulership as often as people change underwear (if they had them back then) and a "nation" of people claiming it was theirs from the beginning, who no one at the time of those beginnings thought to include them in history or show any proof they were anywhere at all near that region or in possession of it. And centuries after there is still no proof anyone was enslaved by so and so, or went on an exodus for xxx many years, or there was ever a town called Nazareth, and STILL NO proof whatsoever in the one hundred and almost fifty years since Logan Mitchell wrote this book SAYING there's no proof anywhere they have claim to anything .... Well, just saying, WELCOME TO THE CON. WELCOME TO THE MACHINE.
I agree with Roger re Palestine, it was your own country though that invented ethnic cleansing in Ireland and the brits built the first concentration camps during the Boer war, they gave the Nazi's their ideas. look at the apartheid and the orange ruled statelet that the brits created in the six occupied counties in north east Ulster? look closer to home, no need to go as far as the middle east.
POINTTWOFIVEMOA why does that mater so much to you? You hate roger because you don't agree on the same politics? If you don't like his music that's one thing, but you said that he's a great artist.
I wonder, who is responsible for subtitles, if one chooses to read them ? I chose so, cause I am neither english nor american, yet when I read " super cats have not painted Guernicca ", even with my poor understanding of english I am pretty sure that what he actually said was: " Should Piccasso have not painted Guernicca " . And there are lots more of mis-translations, so I realy wonder. Who does it ?
Floyd Pink is up there with the biggest names in music & Roger could care less like most of his fellow wealthy celebrities. But he refuses to quit being a voice of the voiceless.
Jews and Palestinians have more similarities than differences. Both very proud people. Equally strong and unique. Neither party comprise their values and their integrity. Both extremely passionate , intense, highly intelligent and influential . The list of similarities is endless....
The Italian guy who used to say RESTIAMO UMANI (Stay Human) was VITTORIO ARRIGONI. He sacrificed his life for Palestinian Freedom and for Justice. Please let's not forget him and his message. Here's a video to know more about his battle: ua-cam.com/video/CXdYizS-L6w/v-deo.html
How to stop the killing and suffering? Unfortunately I haven’t got any ideas that could possibly help. People are uneasy about it, because they don’t know what kind of direction the final outcome could go in, If there’s to be one. Here’s hoping they will just become more united as time goes by.
Israel's military has gone as far as to penetrate their neighbors borders dressed in that country's uniforms in order to carry out raids and false flag operations. Most Americans see the conflict in the black-and-white terms presented by the mainstream media. Americans are not shown the images of Israelis perpetrating a holocaust on the displaced Palestinian people who were driven Eastward after the U.N., under U.S. & U.K. direction, carved up their nation in order to create a Jewish state that would act as a foothold for Western oil interests. Israel has now become the abusers, seeking to commit genocide. They seek to drag as many countries as possible into their unholy and undeclared war on civilians.
You NAILED IT! Heavy on the eyes rolling. Lyrical genius? YES... Political genius? More like mental midget. Roger Waters is a fool about real world views and devoid of common sense or sense of reality.
Love from Vancouver, unceded First Nations Territory of the Musqueam, Capilano, and Tseil-watuth peoples. Best wishes to IJV and Roger Waters, and everyone who champions human rights and international law. “From the river to the sea, Palestine will SOON be free!”
one of his anecdotes about a trip that really made a profound impact on his views on this subject - this anecdote was rather telling in relation to his position as a priviledged Brit: If he and his cohorts were treated so coldly in their UN marked vehicles at checkpoints, how must those average palestinians going through those checkpoints every day must be treated? Well, you are a famous entertainer going the easy route with your connections by travelling under the protection of UN logos on the sides of your vehicles, certainly another rock star with Bono syndrome, to badmouth the Israeli military and government. I don't disagree for Palestinians its terrible. But those guards and Palestinians deal with each other every day; you are an outsider. You are not there every day; apparently you went through just a few times. "Well, if wonderful famous me who made such a difference in so many peoples younger lives with my music...If I got treated so, well imagine how these nameless Palestinians are treated." Roger, I guess you will never know, because you are not there everyday. You should go live in Israel and the Occupied Territories for at least five years, and see what it is really like for EVERYONE that lives there. To take such a public, vociferous stand, being an outsider...Roger, I really hope you have all your ducks in a row on the subject. Sanctions against Israel? What will that do to get Israels government to do what you want them to? What about the multicultural society that struggles to get by as regular people throughout the world do every day? Won't sanctions just hurt them?
What?, so want him to live in Palestine?, "he's famous, he doesn't suffer that everyday ", what a whiner, what do you want from him ?, you belong to to the crowd of people who spend their time crying about everything, you should fund an organization called "Cryers of the world against Roger Waters and Bono ".
Roger Waters should be prime minister of Britain! What a better world we would be living in . Appreciate everytime he speaks be that in interview or song, it is straight from the heart 💓 The world should be sanctioning the hell out of Israel, whom is comitting genocide in full view of the watching world. Stay Human 💜
Even though I`m not at all familiar with David Gilmore`s political beliefs and views , I am somewhat more enlightened about what Roger Waters has on his mind about such things. Albeit from this one shout interview I do have some small understandings that he obviously embraces close to his heart. Even if I did not know anything about Roger Waters or David Gilmores political or humanitarian beliefs from tidbits & tadbits I`ve gathered like from this interview here hope that I and others would still have the human decently to still love and respect and admiration for these men ( and women ) for the beautiful human beings that are and they and all the rest of us non musical "regular joes" who are just struggling to make it through each day. "God bless us ....Everyne " ~Tiny Tim~
On the subject of invasive settlers on other peoples land, Roger has a sprawling mansion in the hamptons in manhattan ,sacred grounds of the great North American Indian tribes, thats some hypocrisy rog, all this while bigging up Canada lol
Abner The Jew isreal wants to take land of the people who already live there why whould they want peace when there children are shot and there land is taken by settlers
Avner Are you taking out the formula the fact that Israel is occupying the land?? How convenient. We understand the brainwash, but they didn’t evaporate the brain. A little common sense please.
@@adinkruger5918 explain what is so delusional? That Palestine had less than a 2% population at the beginning of the 2th century? Can you blame Poland or Soviet union for not wanting peace with the Nazi regime? The only difference the Zionist regime has with its Nazi predecessor is that they are mostly illegal immigrants. I don't see why there should be peace with Zionists. Jews are welcome to live in Palestine as they did for centuries prior to the mass illegal immigrantion
Roger Waters is a great musician and a courageous humanitarian.
Wish Roger read this. I have a friend who's from Tehran. He was 18 when Irak bombed Tehran and he said in the mid 90s when I hung out with him that he was listening to pink floyd Echoes while he heard the rockets whistling by and exploding in Tehran... Gives me the shivers to this day
Much respect to Mr. Waters & to all people of Conscience.💚
Freedom, Justice & Equality for Palestine🇵🇸
Be healthy y'all 🌿
Unthinkable that this might go unseen if not for the uploader. Thank you very much.
that's your biased opinion, not a fact.
Bullshit man, Such denigration is always a tool of people who want to steal a land,
I smell a naaaaziiiiiii
I smell blinkered fooooool.
I was there in attendance (which was of no charge) in the second/third row.
He did this the night before one of his concerts and (if I recall) he wasn't paid to do this. He did it for the sake of the message, really rare of anybody these days.
It was truly an amazing experience and one I think I will never get with any future concert of his.
Though, I wish you didn't cut out the part where the audience asked questions. He gave incredible answers!
can someone upload the audience q&a please? 😊
i'm a Muslim, and i love this man . this is where humanity meets as is best . love Roger now world has understood the true tyrant of mankind .
a kal hHi my friend. He is wonderful. Love you all.
He sung of this for years. British roots don't make this man He is Amazing. Truthful. Genocide. Also
Benjamin Wilson what on earth are you talking about?
@@paulconnelly4050 Paul, he's another hatred troll who wants to curse others without a reason.
Thank you Roger, Panel and Uploader. It's amazing what's going on around the corner that we don't learn about from the Mainstream Media. Bring it on!
He is Roger Waters. He can say what he wants. He is the voice. He has the right to his opinion. If he doesn't voice out the injustices who else would!!!
But not using hos voice to sprade hate and lies. And beeing a peodophile.
We would and do. And hopefully you vent your opinion to others, as well.
Roger never ceases to amaze and impress me.
Rogers's wearing his favourite black T-shirt again
I like roger water is nice man humain,kind got good personality very nice music
Thanks Roger
Viva Palestine
From Algeria
He have 35 of the same T-shirts ( lol )
Like he did in Pompeii
It’s a momentary lapse of reason T-shirt, he just wore it inside out by mistake
The plan was always to take that land and drive the those living there out,
And now the Zionists want to expel the refugees from the Occupied Territories.
@@pibroch i wish it was the truth. However, this roger , is teaming up with neonazzis, the far left and jihadists.PROUD TO BE HATED BY THIS GUY.
Long live israel. Long live the state of israel. Long live the people of israel.
מיכל א.ב.ח 'proud to be hated' you clearly did not listen to anything he said or has EVER said for that matter.
He is against the hatred and extremist divisions of any and all people as he stated. If wanting equality and peace for all people of all races, of all creeds, of all religious/political/social etc.. beliefs without infringing on others (which is, in itself, equality and peace) makes a person a 'neo-Nazi', 'far left' or a 'jihadi' or any other false labels you or anyone else wants to attach to people who strive for truth and the betterment of ALL humanity then I, personally, gladly accept these labels and thank you for them.
@@JL-sw8fr no he isnt. Its his fasad. When this kind of artist is promoting the b.d.s. wich is calling to the distruction of israel , so yes, he is full of shit. Look who he is teaming . jihadists, peodophiles, neo nazis. Of course i am proud to be hated by him. Imagine the opposit, Very shamefull.
מיכל א.ב.ח
You're entitled to your opinion but the BDS actually calls for the end of apartheid and genocide of Palestinians and the end of illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine, end of illegal occupation of all of the Palestinian land and infrastructure, to name but a few, as for 'teaming with jihadists, paedophiles and neo-Nazis'; if trying to stop the end of war and oppression makes you one or all of these then I want a trip to your world for a bit, might be fun. Also as I've stated he isn't about hate, call it a façade if you want but hey, it takes all-sorts to make this world. I don't need to 'imagine the opposite' I only need to follow any belief system, even Judaism, they all teach love and acceptance and that's what Roger believes in, like he states in this video '...they can do what they want to blacken my name...'
Waters has never wavered in his commitment to causes, even though he has gotten constant beratement for it. He is a true force.
you are man with dignity thank you for open the eye's of ignorant people God bless
unbelievable what they have done to him sabotage him and call him antisemitic cancel many contracts because he says the true he has been punished because his is a man with courage and dignity thank u again for open the eye's for those ignorant people
Free Palestine
Love Roger.
from Hamas.
Roger is a rarity in show business. A guy who puts his conscience before reputation and fear of losing record sales. He is so sincere and the fact that he questioned and researched the Israel Palestine situation ( not conflict, as it’s a one sided affair towards Israel) and came to the only conclusion you can if you actually bother to research, that Israel is carrying out ethnic cleansing and war crimes. So Bon Jovi and Nick Cave could learn a lot from Roger Waters.
Clearly you and Roger are completely ignorant about what is going on in that strip of land. Spanning back into Old Testament times. Roger is a beyond brilliant musician and performer. But he is serving to wrong master. And he does not even realize it.
@@shanegriffin2215 :::” The Bible IS NOT A LAND REGISTRY OF THE MIDDLE EAST “ by YITZHAK RABIN
@@shanegriffin2215 "he is serving to wrong master"
The day you people produce internationally viable performers with the same clout as Roger, you can come back and talk.
@@teresavirina7735That is a based quote. Excellent stuff. Thank you.
@@shanegriffin2215 bla bla bla....
when I listen again, I find him speaking against racism.
@nakedBison69 Antisemitic just because he is critical of the Israeli government? Waters does not blame the Jewish people for the oppression of Palestine. Watch this section and see what he really thinks of Jewish people today 11:30
nakedBison69 he is an antisemite for calling out a state that violates human rights and practices ethnic cleansing on a specific group of people snd treats them like second class citizens
Peace on Earth, Roger. 🙏
What a great man, with his phenomenal talent and his music that may live for as long as there are people, he could have been one of the richest man on earth. He decided to live financially comfortable, while fighting for a better life of dignity for all of us. Thank you, Sir!
Thank you Mr Waters for your great empathy and for your promoting of empathy. It requires a lot for someone in your position to sacrifice as you do. I have the highest respect for this. I salute you.
John Lennon was the dreamer. Roger is acting on the dreams.
i think john would have acted too
Lennon was not a commie like Roger
@@bolivianprince7326 wanker
@@sigmasix3719 sigma six was a waker band. Roger and David Guilmour were not pink floyd only Syd was. The other just followed his idea. Roger supports Maduro regime and thats very dumb.
I've been to the Middle East a number of times -- with Israel it is truly amazing what they have done with the little piece of land they call a country and no I am not a Jew -- they lead the world in stem cell and medical research, they lead in technology, they have first rate Orchestras, Opera houses, top ballet companies, museums, top universities and the country looks so modern, up to date infrastructure, it is very clean and there is little crime, they have a free press, freedom to protest, legit elections - i have been to Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and all you see is poverty, the streets and buildings are in disrepair, there is no freedom of speech, terrible human rights violations against gay people and those questioning their corrupt governments run by dictators are thrown in jail never to be heard from again without legal recourse. Arafat ran Palestine into the ground while stealing hundreds of millions of dollars that he put in banks around the world.
Israelis are prosperous, partly because of their conquering of Palestinian Land, and the exploiting of Palestinian labour. Palestinian's misery and dispossession is mainly because of Israel's apartheid.
@@pjmora Arafat and the Palestinian leadership that has followed him are corrupt stealing billions and intentionally keep their people uneducated
He's the first non-South African whom I've heard pronounce "apartheid" correctly.
Tell the truth tell the truth keep telling the truth because they keep telling the lie
Peodophiles stick together. Islamonazzi shit Muhamad was a peodophile, so is walters.
@@asaf0125 Were you there living with him to come out of the blue and say that! Shut the fuck up you brainwashed worm.
Just love you Roger...its been over 25 years eversince i know Pink Floyd and you. I feel happy that things been changed on me over years except my passion and love and emotion for you and Pink Floyd...just like any other fan.
Hasan Mahmood same bro
He represents pigs from all over the world.
Right.35 yrs and on
We love you Roger waters.
talk for yourself, i like less nazis
His music has been activism at its best. Next. From the first cord he ever played.
I respect you high Roger Waters, your mother did left a political sene on you, keep going
What a remarkable man!
This man is a hero.
their dream is to grab what ever they can common thifs and the world stays idol and watching those crimes unbelievable thank u Roger and keep going ...
I honor this eternal artist genius with soul
Comfortably Numb, Wish You Were Here, Shine On..., The Happiest Days of Our Lives, Brain Damage, Welcome to The Machine, The Gunner's Dream, The Final Cut... - was Wish You Were Here the most evocative? ... what a list... so many people have been touched by this music...
Athena Minerva, Native Americans have freedom of movement and equal human right as settlers. Native Palestinians don't have either.
THANK YOU! for posting this. More and more people are learning the truth is about Israel.
what a man. thank you roger
Thank you for capturing this for those of us who couldn't be there.
You should also watch this documentary: ua-cam.com/video/YKgHfJ1BVtA/v-deo.html
I think Roger has and always will be principled on issues he feels passionately about.
It is not for publicity purposes but his conviction that appears to lead him down roads that most of us are less inclined to get so involved in.
His writing genius has a tendency to be wearing his heart on his sleeve.
It has made admirers of music revere him and polarised others.
He doesn't care about whether people like him or not.
His pride has come before many falls (imo) in his musical career, falling out with bandmates, angry and (again imo) childish.
Choosing a "cause" to defend is a personal choice, I respect anyone of conviction to stand up for what they believe in.
In all of us, concern is a human instinct but don't vilify any group of people when it's better to understand it is usually beyond any of us to change fate, we can only individually look at ourselves.
Conan O’Brien made some very good travel videos.
He went to Israel, saw this big wall with barb wire, armed soldiers and warning signs etc.. He wants to go visit the other side. They tell him no way, it’s too dangerous. Eventually he gets in, and is greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of Arabs who can’t believe they are hanging with Conan !
Israelis were not impressed.
I think he also goes to Cuba.
Great series.
Conan O’Brien’s video was not political, and it showed in every possible way how charming he found Israel.
Well said Roger. All strength to your elbow !
it was called Palestine...
its name later became... Palestine
my lady; I deserve since you're my lady, I disserve life.
Douglas Waterman Not all Palestinians are Muslims.
Douglas Waterman Islam exists long ago by the name of Muslim..Only Prophet Muhammad get the revelation from God that complete and refine the Islamic way
Thank you so much for uploading this......
Poet and a genius.
Isn't London England, Rome,District of Columbia, Singapore, New York, Taiwan. All countries apart.Their each a country Not Under Law or part.of the U.N.Sooo.
Jeezo - back in 1881 this was being said:
"We shall now touch slightly upon the curious question, whether the Jews did ever in reality possess any territory not subject to a higher power. The narrative of their colonisation by Cyrus is liable to much doubt and objection. No authentic historian of ancient times, Josephus excepted, has ever in any way mentioned them as an independent nation or state, or as being in possession of Palestine, or any part of Great Syria, before or in the time of Alexander. As a nation they appear to have been entirely unknown to Herodotus, and all other Greek historians. What had become of them when Xenophon wrote of the eastern nations, which was only 150 years after their alleged return from Babylon? He mentions the Syrians of Palestine as under the Persian government, but not a word about the Jews. Herodotus mentions two invasions of the Scythians, through Syria, even to the borders of Egypt; but acknowledges no Jews or Israelites. In the fragments that remain of Sanchoniatho, Ctesias, Berosus, and Manetho, they are not noticed even as a petty or subject state, so that we have the fullest negative evidence that in the times of these historians, no part of Syria was a Jewish country. Didorus, in detailing the events in that country, the siege of Tyre, etc., during Alexander's conquests, says not a word of the Jews as forming a state or colony, or of their boasted city of Jerusalem: and he is equally silent as to their existence as a nation during the times of Alexander's immediate successors; nor have we any historical account of them deserving of credit until the time of Antiochus the 4th (Epiphanes), under whom they lived, and he was subject to the Romans. If the territory of Judea was given to them by the King of Babylon, only about 200 years before the Macedonian conqueror went to the east, why did not he and his historians find them there?
The plain and simple truth is, the Jews NEVER formed an independent state; and that part of Syria called Palestine, was, in all known ages, subject either to the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks or Romans (according to the tide of conquest), as it now is to the Turks."
If Mitchell wasn't so in contempt of the Jews, undermining his valid points and facts, I would recommend the book. because it goes a long way to prove "historical" figures such as Abraham and Moses never existed, and were merely representations of the planet Saturn. Well, to spell that out to you, the Phoenicans and Chaldees referred to the planet Saturn as ISRAEL (Yesreile), Abraham shared one too many attributes with the god Saturn's mythology, and Moses. Well, Moses goes a long way to tell you that a god that can create a universe, planets, suns, stars, moons in six days, but takes 40 days to make two tablets of stone, miscalculates whether a human can carry them, then has to take another forty days to make another set of tablets because of his error ..... is kind of a made up god.
Or as Mitchell puts it
"Never were higher qualities and powers ascribed to any god; and never were they so badly sustained; he is represented as omniscient, yet always taken by surprise; an omnipotent being whose designs are commonly frustrated; immutable, yet ever changing; sufficient to his own happiness, yet always "jealous;" perfection itself yet continually making imperfections, and repenting of that which he had previously approved; finally, he makes an eternal Being, about as powerful as himself, and for no other apparent purpose than to be crossed and circumvented in all his projects."
Reference to the Turks in 1881 meaning THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE.
A short history of Palestine's rule (SEE WIKI)
"Region of Palestine was conqueredby the Islamic Empire following the 636 CE Battle of Yarmouk during the Muslim conquest of Syria, and the Muslims gave relief from burdensome Roman taxes and religious persecution of Christian heretics.[citation needed] The country was incorporated into Bilad al-Sham Province as military districts of Urdunn and Filastin. In 661 CE, with the assassination of Ali, Muawiyah I became the uncontested Caliph of the Islamic World after being crowned in Jerusalem. In 691, the Dome of the Rock became the world's first great work of Islamic architecture. The Umayyads were replaced by the Abbasids in 750. From 878 Palestine was ruled from Egypt by semi-autonomous rulers for almost a century, beginning with Ahmad ibn Tulun and ending with the Ikhshidid rulers who were both buried in Jerusalem. The Fatimids conquered the region in 969. In 1073, Palestine was captured by the Great Seljuq Empire, only to be recaptured by the Fatimids in 1098, who then lost the region to the Crusaders in 1099. Crusader control of Jerusalem and most of Palestine as the Kingdom of Jerusalem lasted almost a century until defeat by Saladin's forces in 1187, after which most of Palestine became controlled by the Ayyubids. A rump Crusader state in the northern coastal cities survived for another century, but despite seven further Crusades, the Crusaders were no longer a significant power in the region. The Mamluk Sultanate was indirectly created in Egypt as a result of the Seventh Crusade. The Mongol Empire reached Palestine for the first time in 1260, beginning with the raids into the Levant under Nestorian Christian general Kitbuqa and reaching an apex at the pivotal Battle of Ain Jalut. In 1486, hostilities broke out between the Mamluks and the Ottoman Turks and the Ottomans captured Mamluk Palestine and Syria in 1516.
The Ottoman rule of the country lasted for four centuries, administratively included in the provinces of Ottoman Syria. In 1832, the region was conquered by Muhammad Ali's Egypt, but, in 1840, Britain intervened and returned control of the Levant to the Ottomans in return for further capitulations.[citation needed] The turbulent period of Egyptian rule experienced two major revolts (the 1834 Arab Peasants revolt and 1838 Druze revolt) and a significant demographic change in coastal areas, repopulated by Egyptian Arab peasants and former soldiers of Muhammad Ali. Late 19th century was the timing for regional migrations of Druze, Circassians and Bedouin tribes and also the spike of Jewish immigration and the revival of the Hebrew language. Increasing Jewish immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries added considerably to the Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Jaffa.
During World War I the British government issued the Balfour Declaration of 1917, stating that the British Government favors the establishment of national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The British captured Jerusalem a month later. The League of Nations formally awarded Britain a mandate over Palestine in 1922. The land west of the Jordan River was under direct British administration until 1948, while the land east of the Jordan was a semi-autonomous region known as Transjordan Emirate, under the rule of the Hashemite family from the Hijaz, and gained independence in 1946. The 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine was a nationalist uprising by Palestinian Arabs against British colonial rule and mass Jewish immigration. After the Nazi Holocaust, pressure grew for the international recognition of a Jewish state in Palestine. In 1947, the British Government announced its intention to terminate the Mandate. The United Nations General Assembly voted to partition British Palestine into independent Arab and Jewish states, with a special international regime for Jerusalem. The Arabs rejected the partition of Palestine and civil war erupted in the immediate aftermath.
The Jews of British Palestine declared the independence of the State of Israel in May 1948."
So basically you've had a region that's been battled over for centuries, CENTURIES, changing rulership as often as people change underwear (if they had them back then) and a "nation" of people claiming it was theirs from the beginning, who no one at the time of those beginnings thought to include them in history or show any proof they were anywhere at all near that region or in possession of it. And centuries after there is still no proof anyone was enslaved by so and so, or went on an exodus for xxx many years, or there was ever a town called Nazareth, and STILL NO proof whatsoever in the one hundred and almost fifty years since Logan Mitchell wrote this book SAYING there's no proof anywhere they have claim to anything ....
I love this man.
Spot on Roger love from the uk.
I agree with Roger re Palestine, it was your own country though that invented ethnic cleansing in Ireland and the brits built the first concentration camps during the Boer war, they gave the Nazi's their ideas. look at the apartheid and the orange ruled statelet that the brits created in the six occupied counties in north east Ulster? look closer to home, no need to go as far as the middle east.
Road Warrior You’re absolutely right. And I’d like to think that RW would readily agree with you.
He’s the man
Putin reacts to US Treasury ‘Kremlin List’: ‘Dogs bark but the caravan moves on’
The name Palestine was the name given by the Roman Empire after the defeat of the Kingdom of Judah.
Love and flowers from Gaza to Mr. Roger
A great human being and a great ARTIST.
POINTTWOFIVEMOA why does that mater so much to you? You hate roger because you don't agree on the same politics? If you don't like his music that's one thing, but you said that he's a great artist.
POINTTWOFIVEMOA Capital letters for a small brain. I think you are a douche. Go screaming your bullshit elsewhere. STOP APARTHEID. BOYCOTT ISRAEL
You will become the hero of the Palestinian children forever.
I wonder, who is responsible for subtitles, if one chooses to read them ? I chose so, cause I am neither english nor american, yet when I read " super cats have not painted Guernicca ", even with my poor understanding of english I am pretty sure that what he actually said was: " Should Piccasso have not painted Guernicca " . And there are lots more of mis-translations, so I realy wonder. Who does it ?
There are no subtitles on the original video posted here. You maybe watching the translation of your own devise.
OMG I laughed so hard.
Great source for truly original out of the box song lyrics.
Honest, brave, a real leader, Roger Waters.
Floyd Pink is up there with the biggest names in music & Roger could care less like most of his fellow wealthy celebrities. But he refuses to quit being a voice of the voiceless.
Nobel Prize to Roger W.
His poetry are simple , but touches many hearts ✌🇬🇧
Roger is a hero. BDS
Roger is An ANTI SEMETIC, Jew hating Clueless DOPE!
Get a life Hasbara trolls. BDS
ILAN2187 that's OK but Long live Palestine too. Which side is stealing the others land, but pretending to want peace?
rob morrison
wow, stupid hasbarat troll .
Why must we all fight roger has told us we are all brothers and sisters we have all evolved from the same ancestor
Roger is a man's man and brings nothing but facts to the table ...he looks like Richard geere ...both are great freedom speakers
Jews and Palestinians have more similarities than differences.
Both very proud people.
Equally strong and unique.
Neither party comprise their values and their integrity.
Both extremely passionate , intense, highly intelligent and influential .
The list of similarities is endless....
Vittorio Arragoni "Stay Human" you will never be forgotten
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot’s for all your good work friend
Only Roger could get away with dropping an F bomb in under 5 mins of talking and yet they swallowed it with a big smile !
roger preaches love and peace. whether he knows it or not he knows god
He knows millions of dollars in his bank account.
@@PlainVidz why?
Did you record the Q and A segment after the moderated one ?
Well said, Mr. Waters.
The Great Waters
Emirmusa He is our man.
Emirmusa it all makes sense
When I grow up, I want to be a Canadian.
HoLd uP
We shall overcome Roger. We shall overcome.
The Italian guy who used to say RESTIAMO UMANI (Stay Human) was VITTORIO ARRIGONI. He sacrificed his life for Palestinian Freedom and for Justice. Please let's not forget him and his message.
Here's a video to know more about his battle:
"As long as mental walls exist, material walls exist, mental walls are very hard to knock down and earthly reality." Aldo Dainese
Thanks for sharing.
How to stop the killing and suffering? Unfortunately I haven’t got any ideas that could possibly help. People are uneasy about it, because they don’t know what kind of direction the final outcome could go in, If there’s to be one. Here’s hoping they will just become more united as time goes by.
We love you Rogees Waters ❤❤👍👍✌✌
Brilliant as always
My old time best artist Roger you are great man
Israel's military has gone as far as to penetrate their neighbors borders dressed in that country's uniforms in order to carry out raids and false flag operations.
Most Americans see the conflict in the black-and-white terms presented by the mainstream media.
Americans are not shown the images of Israelis perpetrating a holocaust on the displaced Palestinian people who were driven Eastward after the U.N., under U.S. & U.K. direction, carved up their nation in order to create a Jewish state that would act as a foothold for Western oil interests.
Israel has now become the abusers, seeking to commit genocide.
They seek to drag as many countries as possible into their unholy and undeclared war on civilians.
It’s good to hear somebody especially famous who knows right from wrong. Cheers Roger.
I watched “The Occupation of the American Mind” after seeing this. It’s an amazing documentary. I recommend it. Thanks.
Roger Waters, a real political genius. Eyes rolling.
Heavy on the eyes rolling. Lyrical genius? YES... Political genius? More like mental midget. Roger Waters is a fool about real world views and devoid of common sense or sense of reality.
Why do you want him to be a good politician? Dont we need more truth seekers?
@@drewcamero1489 He See's the truth through rose colored glasses provided by CNN. So sad.
Roger you'are great great man we love u
People from Algeria our salam to u
He's a humanitarian.
Waters is Legend !
Love from Vancouver, unceded First Nations Territory of the Musqueam, Capilano, and Tseil-watuth peoples. Best wishes to IJV and Roger Waters, and everyone who champions human rights and international law. “From the river to the sea, Palestine will SOON be free!”
The true beating heart of Pink Floyd, Mr. Waters will be remembered for the right thing.
one of his anecdotes about a trip that really made a profound impact on his views on this subject - this anecdote was rather telling in relation to his position as a priviledged Brit: If he and his cohorts were treated so coldly in their UN marked vehicles at checkpoints, how must those average palestinians going through those checkpoints every day must be treated? Well, you are a famous entertainer going the easy route with your connections by travelling under the protection of UN logos on the sides of your vehicles, certainly another rock star with Bono syndrome, to badmouth the Israeli military and government. I don't disagree for Palestinians its terrible. But those guards and Palestinians deal with each other every day; you are an outsider. You are not there every day; apparently you went through just a few times. "Well, if wonderful famous me who made such a difference in so many peoples younger lives with my music...If I got treated so, well imagine how these nameless Palestinians are treated." Roger, I guess you will never know, because you are not there everyday. You should go live in Israel and the Occupied Territories for at least five years, and see what it is really like for EVERYONE that lives there. To take such a public, vociferous stand, being an outsider...Roger, I really hope you have all your ducks in a row on the subject. Sanctions against Israel? What will that do to get Israels government to do what you want them to? What about the multicultural society that struggles to get by as regular people throughout the world do every day? Won't sanctions just hurt them?
What?, so want him to live in Palestine?, "he's famous, he doesn't suffer that everyday ", what a whiner, what do you want from him ?, you belong to to the crowd of people who spend their time crying about everything, you should fund an organization called "Cryers of the world against Roger Waters and Bono ".
You need to read the bible and you will see where this is all coming from
Roger Waters should be prime minister of Britain! What a better world we would be living in . Appreciate everytime he speaks be that in interview or song, it is straight from the heart 💓 The world should be sanctioning the hell out of Israel, whom is comitting genocide in full view of the watching world. Stay Human 💜
Roger can speak clearly and humanly without relying on the cringeworthy vocabulary of the well meaning chairperson. That goodness for that.
Roger Water is SuperHero
Even though I`m not at all familiar with David Gilmore`s political beliefs and views , I am somewhat more enlightened about what Roger Waters has on his mind about such things. Albeit from this one shout interview I do have some small understandings that he obviously embraces close to his heart. Even if I did not know anything about Roger Waters or David Gilmores political or humanitarian beliefs from tidbits & tadbits I`ve gathered like from this interview here hope that I and others would still have the human decently to still love and respect and admiration for these men ( and women ) for the beautiful human beings that are and they and all the rest of us non musical "regular joes" who are just struggling to make it through each day.
"God bless us ....Everyne "
~Tiny Tim~
humble man
Great upload dude!!!!
What a human being! Thank you.
On the subject of invasive settlers on other peoples land, Roger has a sprawling mansion in the hamptons in manhattan ,sacred grounds of the great North American Indian tribes, thats some hypocrisy rog, all this while bigging up Canada lol
You cannot make peace with people who do not want peace....you cannot understand this? No, because they do not want peace.
Abner The Jew isreal wants to take land of the people who already live there why whould they want peace when there children are shot and there land is taken by settlers
j00s do not want peace, they want a total annihilation of the Palest!ans.
@@td2danimation667 u can say Wtf u want but ur clearly not involved in anything there and we can see that by ur delusional statement.
Are you taking out the formula the fact that Israel is occupying the land?? How convenient. We understand the brainwash, but they didn’t evaporate the brain. A little common sense please.
@@adinkruger5918 explain what is so delusional? That Palestine had less than a 2% population at the beginning of the 2th century? Can you blame Poland or Soviet union for not wanting peace with the Nazi regime? The only difference the Zionist regime has with its Nazi predecessor is that they are mostly illegal immigrants. I don't see why there should be peace with Zionists. Jews are welcome to live in Palestine as they did for centuries prior to the mass illegal immigrantion
Thank you for posting.
roger being with you since 1969.....still with you...............................
What a great human being! God bless you Roger Waters