Stargate Atlantis - Battle of Asuras

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • The space scenes of the battle for the Replicators' homeworld in episode 4x11 of Stargate Atlantis.


  • @purefucknmetal
    @purefucknmetal 11 років тому +1

    This is one of the reasons to love the latter parts of SG1 and Atlantis so much...the space battles were so fucking awesome...especially after the Tau'ri finally got the Asgard Plasma beats and could finally dish out some punishment

  • @PeoplesGeneral
    @PeoplesGeneral 13 років тому

    Thank you for not adding crappy music over the original score in the episode!

  • @PeoplesGeneral
    @PeoplesGeneral 13 років тому +3

    "Why must everything inevitably explode?" -Teal'c in Episode 200 of SG1
    I guess they had completely different writing departments.

  • @molotovquer
    @molotovquer 13 років тому

    Man, that's just pure awesomeness.

  • @OneWingedAngel50
    @OneWingedAngel50 15 років тому

    *sigh* if only star wars had this epic of space battles

  • @GangsterHutterite
    @GangsterHutterite 12 років тому

    The scene was so awesome that not even the planet could not contain its excitement.

  • @AlbertaWildman
    @AlbertaWildman 12 років тому

    There were some pretty awesome space/ship-to-ship battles in the later seasons of SG-1, when they where fighting with the Ori. But Stargate Atlantis does have more of them. I always wanted to watch a fleet of Goa'uld Ha'taks & Al'keshes slug it out with a combined Tauri, To'kra, and perhaps Asgard fleet. But it never happened.

  • @hornet1blue
    @hornet1blue 14 років тому +1

    reminds me a lot of the opening scene battle from SW ROTS :)

  • @strategicperson95
    @strategicperson95 15 років тому

    Actually that was an Asuran ship, if you haven't notice in all scifi shows with hyperdrives, when a ship drops out of hyperspace it still moves a little as it is trying to slow down from the momentum. And the reason it blew was because its shields weren't up as they weren't expecting an attack.

  • @PennState51014
    @PennState51014 13 років тому

    I wasn't a big fan of SGU, but like all shows I gave it a fair shot and over time the series continued to show potential. Sadly the low ratings was enough to cancel the show, and convince the producers to postpone any new Stargate movies or series indefinitely. Unless the fanbase rises up and begs them to do otherwise, we might not see anything for years if ever. And sadly my collection of every single Stargate show and movie DVD will eventually get old.
    I don't care how. I want Atlantis back.

  • @mreboric8406
    @mreboric8406 10 років тому +6

    They blow up a lot of planets in SGA. Like a lot.

    • @SargeRho
      @SargeRho 10 років тому +8

      I think on average one per season :P

  • @Generalkidd
    @Generalkidd 14 років тому +2

    I wonder how that same fleet of ships would have done against the Ori...

  • @501alistair
    @501alistair 14 років тому

    the best space battle of stargate!

  • @744268
    @744268 16 років тому

    i think this is one of the best battle scenes in the show so far. 5/5

  • @ARSA525
    @ARSA525 13 років тому

    Wraith ships have the best appearance of all ships in the Stargate franchise.

  • @TheDraxxster
    @TheDraxxster 12 років тому

    You have to love the Asgard beam weapons, shields? What shields! Hot knife through butter lol

  • @sonordrummer100
    @sonordrummer100 13 років тому

    this is the best thing on TV history :)

  • @MrEdweird
    @MrEdweird 16 років тому +1

    Maybe the only equivalent to this is the battle in the episode "Sacrifice of Angels" of ST:DS9 where Starfleet, Cardassian, Dominion and Klingon ships make hell for each other.

  • @Eikinkloster
    @Eikinkloster 15 років тому +1

    "think before you say something"
    It's actually impossible for a human to say something without thinking. we're not tape recorders.
    "or someone will correct you"
    you can think all you want, you'll never be infallible
    "and you'll feel bad"
    for being wrong? why should anyone?

  • @Tertontheshinigami
    @Tertontheshinigami 12 років тому

    There were several actually. The Antarctica battle, the battle against the first wave of Ori motherships, etc. The Ori one was the largest in SG1 though.

  • @kineticdeath
    @kineticdeath 16 років тому

    that makes sense, cause it worked. I love a good space battle, and this ones right up there with the very best

  • @GangsterHutterite
    @GangsterHutterite 12 років тому

    Did anybody notice how awesome Darts and F-302s sound?

  • @kineticdeath
    @kineticdeath 16 років тому

    they got shields, you see them in play on at least 2 shots. It makes sense that they were just caught off guard and were not battle prepped, but they shielded up and returned fire quickly - Not that it helped much. I am guessing somehow some crews were slower than other though, cause some ships well after the first shielded shot are clearly unprotected. Love this scene though, waiting eagerly for S4 to come out on dvd in Australia

  • @BlueGlowingLight4
    @BlueGlowingLight4 13 років тому

    @FrozenHonors An idea I had was that since they weren't expecting the battle they didn't have anyone in/near the drone control chair. They do fire some later in the battle which would follow from this hypothesis.
    It's also possible that some of the ships were still out of drones from their recent attacks on Human worlds, or that not every ship was designed with drone capacity. I was disapointed at the lack of drones from the planets surface though since they were specifically mentioned.

  • @dvdv7777
    @dvdv7777 13 років тому

    In the beginning, the Daedalus' railguns do a sizable amount of damage to that replicator ship. So they *don't* suck. The beam weapons are a lot better against capital ships of course, but these railguns make for a terrific anti-fighter defense and seem to be useful for taking out specific subsystems.

  • @mrfafaa96
    @mrfafaa96 4 роки тому

    Still pretty impressive that the Alliance managed to win this battle and not get annihilated pretty much immediately.
    The Alliance had:
    2 F-304s with added F-302s.
    1 Aurora class ship
    6 Traveler ships
    7 Hives with added darts.
    Added together gives us a total of 16 ships and unspecified amount of smaller fighters.
    Meanwhile the replicators had 31 Aurora class ships. We're told over and over again how the wraith defeated the Ancients due to outnumbering them GREATLY. Considering the replicators posses the same tech as the ancients did and the wraith hasn't really had a reason to evolve their tech over the past 10 000 years they were left unchallenged I'd say that the replicators would have an edge in the fight over the wraith. The low leveled tech of the travelers should be like flies in this fight. The deciding factor would be if wether or not the earth fleet would be advanced enough to make up the gap. We've seen that modern Asgard tech is pretty effective against Aurora's meaning that F-304 beats Aurora, Aurora beats Hive and everyone beats traveler. But I still feel that a 15 ship gap is a bit much and that the Alliance should have lost pretty early on.

  • @LordArkanor
    @LordArkanor 16 років тому

    See, this is why you don't piss off every faction in the galaxy simultaneously.

  • @Rozq
    @Rozq 15 років тому

    i loved that episode

  • @blisterbeetle01
    @blisterbeetle01 13 років тому

    @AlbertaWildman ah, ok thanks for clearing that up for us who have not yet seen thios episode.

  • @holomonkey4152
    @holomonkey4152 16 років тому

    WOW! This is beyond word! Although since I'm swedish I wont be seeing this episode til a few weeks -.-.

  • @DarkPegasus87
    @DarkPegasus87 11 років тому

    Replicator ships are based on Ancient design and likely have a chair to pilot them. Even if they don't, the Atlantis team is well versed in Ancient tech and can figure it out quickly. Plus, I remember the episode enough to know that they had a few minutes from the time the replicators were drawn off their ships to the time the planet went boom. They could have pulled it off.

    • @Xershade
      @Xershade Місяць тому

      The problem is the whole point of the battle was to disable the ships' hyperdrives and keep them there. Go ahead and control them, they aren't going anywhere. The FTL drives were destroyed to keep the replicators from leaving.

  • @cromwell300
    @cromwell300 12 років тому

    gotta say human ships became extremely badass ever since they got those beam weapons

  • @wbmc1
    @wbmc1 13 років тому

    @Kingrex16 Perhaps. But don't forget how HUGE wraith ships are. A hive ship is 5545m in length and have a width of 3970m. An ori ship has a length of 3169. PLUS they can make HUNDREDS of ships. Don't forget what happened to the ancients.

  • @Pinkscales
    @Pinkscales 16 років тому

    i agree.
    no space battle can top this one!

  • @AdtG
    @AdtG 16 років тому

    I'm a big Trek fan and imo this battle here was vastly superior to most battles seen in the Dominion War story arch and the newer movies. It also beats most B5 battles as the show is aging badly (in terms of graphics) when you see it alongside new sci-fi like this.

  • @ScreamingTc
    @ScreamingTc 13 років тому

    @gunmadkiller I don't know. My favourite ever space battle will forever be the 'Severed Dreams' firefight in Babylon 5. It was the first show to do space battles on a truly epic scale, but it also had a lot of emotional weigh behind it due to the over arching plot of the Babylon 5 series. You can read a lot of ground work that B5 paved into the SG:A battle - the hectic, kinetic pacing, and the fact that ships explode into piece or take visible damage to their structures.
    Damned good battle.

  • @aweha
    @aweha 15 років тому

    I fucking loved the big battles in Stargate Atlantis. I wish I had a time machine and a trillion dollars.. I'd go back and donate a billion dollars for production purposes (mainly sfx & cg) I want more like this ;\

  • @lazylad69
    @lazylad69 16 років тому

    Tauri ships use rail gun weapons, missles and also a beam engery weapon that the Asgard designed for them and gave them at the end of SG1's last season.
    The beam weapon can be seen at 1:01 and it pwns Lantian and Ori and wraith ships

  • @lazylad69
    @lazylad69 16 років тому

    I do agree that the ancients are now being protrayed as a weak race instead of the greatest race to ever exist.
    I cant remember where i read it, so dont take this as fact, but im sure i read an interview where a producer said that those Lantian ships are the result of stuff thrown together to attempt a last stand and the more powerful ships were destroyed near the start of the war.
    Fridays episode shows the asgard also lost their powerful ships at the end of the war too.

  • @Edwardxibalba
    @Edwardxibalba 13 років тому

    One of the best espisodes ever ... ''Be All my Sins Remembered'' ... I think that was the name :P

  • @DanielCameraAction
    @DanielCameraAction 10 років тому +5

    I agree but it is a shame that they could not take those ships as , apart from not being able to fire drones, the replicator ships were just aurora class battleships (they were not made from replicator blocks) and with some of them the Atlantis expedition would have a huge fleet that could easily take on all of the wraith hive ships

    • @michaelsndergaard2912
      @michaelsndergaard2912 10 років тому

      I have been thinking the same thing. they could have beamed unboard at the last moment just one or two guys and jump into hyperspace. its not like they need to move it far away just far enough. and we know they can bypass shields. atleast they could when the asgard was unboard

    • @momobeyond4464
      @momobeyond4464 9 років тому

      actually they were ASURANS not REPLICATORS

    • @michaelsndergaard2912
      @michaelsndergaard2912 9 років тому

      but they were made and used by reblicators. Hence relicator ships.
      the point was. the humans could have used those ships. and allthough wraith and asura/reblicator tech is nothing alike, they should still have been able to adjust there beams to going though the shields

    • @gdspathe1130
      @gdspathe1130 8 років тому

      they could fire drone weapons you see it when the travlers aurora fires drones at another ship the reason only two made is because they intercepted by other drones

    • @randomrazr
      @randomrazr 7 років тому

      how come they coudlnt fire drones?

  • @Plasmon19
    @Plasmon19 13 років тому

    @TazG2000 Actually there's a big difference in the programming between a corporate/government network and a custom made super computing system such as the one CERN is using to conduct their LHC experiments. These systems are designed to handle data streaming in terabytes per second and rightly so it is one of the most powerful computing systems found in the entire world. An entire section of the European grid was redesigned to handle these experiments.

  • @strategicperson95
    @strategicperson95 15 років тому

    First of all, they are replicators. Ancient technology such as drones can only be operated by someone with the gene. And if you haven't noticed, these drones are being shot randomly and don't even bypass the Travelers shields, and their tech is less advanced compared to the Asgard. As the normal drones we all remember from the final episode of season seven of SG-1 were more coordinatted and could bypass Anubis' shields. So these drones are not the kind that could destroy a hive ship easily.

  • @kris_p_bacon
    @kris_p_bacon 13 років тому

    @Mikanojo If you watched other episodes, such as the Delatus Variation, you'll see where the railguns actually are. If you watch it in HD (from the television), you'll see the actual railguns turning to shoot. Just think, though, how expensive it must've been to produce all this. They had to do this -and- the scenes which aren't showed in this video, as well as a lot more for the episode, and it's a weekly show! It's not film-quality, like Star Wars, but it sure is one of the best runners up.

  • @thomasturb
    @thomasturb 16 років тому

    No, replicators were originally microscopic machines created by the Lanteans(Ancients) as weapon to battle the wraith, but they evolved and took the shapes of their creators. And in time, they advanced further and biult grander cities than the Lanteans had ever achieved.

  • @Scumbot404
    @Scumbot404 11 років тому

    Im gonna blow up this entire planet if they don't renew the show!!! 10... 9.... 8... 7...

  • @palikaloz
    @palikaloz 12 років тому

    sci-fi shows tend to forgot the fact, that there's no air in space. therefore, no sound can be heared in space...the only exception of this case is Joss Whedon's Firefly, where there is no sound in space, only music

  • @Karle94
    @Karle94 15 років тому

    Actually the Aurora the Asurans use is the older, less advanced Aurora-class while the Orion was an newer and more advanced version

  • @FirstPassOfficial
    @FirstPassOfficial 13 років тому

    Stargate Universe and Atlantis bith kicked ass! SG-1 was eh. The only reason people hate on SGU is because it's a very different take on the franchise. Haters appearantly want the same formula over and over again without thinking, "Hmm, maybe we could try actually something different?!". But whatever, that's my personal opinion, no doubt I'm gonna hate comments for being a free thinker. Battle kicked ass though!

  • @The_Lucent_Archangel
    @The_Lucent_Archangel 12 років тому

    Not necessarily. They were building more and more off-world locations like the Alpha-Gamma Sites which boasted at the very least F-302s. I don't imagine it would be much of a stretch that they could construct 304s on another planet entirely. About the only way that SG continuity could see a plausible "reveal" to the general public would have been if they first took the serious dive of seeing Earth become united.

  • @kineticdeath
    @kineticdeath 16 років тому

    its a scene from stargate atlantis season 4.. I'm jealous cause we're still in season 3 here in australia lol

  • @zetagc
    @zetagc 14 років тому

    I like the Drone / Counter-Drone attack at 1:20

  • @Plasmon19
    @Plasmon19 13 років тому

    @TazG2000 on the bio tech design there's more chemistry going on, but essentially every device with a specific complex computing function is designed using the principles of cybernetics.

  • @Amthor2563
    @Amthor2563 13 років тому

    Damn those asgard lasers are OP

  • @Hot5six4231
    @Hot5six4231 13 років тому

    Does anyone ever get a chill when you hear a warth dart flying pass?

  • @sargeantatarms
    @sargeantatarms 14 років тому +1

    @Generalkidd well seing how the 2 BC-304's were upgraded with the asgard weapons, they could have dominated the Ori ships at the super gate

  • @PeoplesGeneral
    @PeoplesGeneral 16 років тому

    They're called Plot Weapons and Plot Shields... It goes either way, weaken or strengthen either one of them to create dramatic effect for the story.

  • @s2k997
    @s2k997 15 років тому

    Not all Aurora's have ZPMs. Only four have ever been confirmed to hold one. With the ships being as weak as they are, they probably don't have them. Was a bit silly to not grab the dozens of ZPMs on the surface though; ZPM powered 304s are very hard to destroy.

  • @s2k997
    @s2k997 15 років тому

    Because the writing staff apparently ejected thier brains in terms of continuity here; not only are there next to no drones flying, they do no noticably damage to boot. A far cry from the Orion nailing a hive in one go, or O'neill wiping out Anubis' fleet.

  • @michaelsndergaard2912
    @michaelsndergaard2912 10 років тому +1

    this is one of the best space battle ive have yet to come agross.
    dont get me wrong. I like star wars but the space battle here from SG-A just look so more possible or just better then some of those ive seen from starwars. atleast from new ones.

  • @Legonater
    @Legonater 12 років тому

    Yes, SGU's first season was terrible. But once the Lucian Alliance got back in near the end of the season, I started to enjoy the show. It was sad to see it end.

  • @TrainsitFan
    @TrainsitFan 15 років тому

    i agree, that would've been nice to have.
    if they were built down to the last detail the same as an ancient built ship, a person with the ata gene should be able to fly at least one ship out of there.

  • @idrinkmymilk
    @idrinkmymilk 13 років тому

    Battlestar Galactica is the most SERIOUS and fantastic show ever, give u a lot of things to think about and also satisfies the need for action too!

  • @hershu4
    @hershu4 14 років тому

    Has anyone else noticed that whenever there is a large stargate battle the ship scales are off? Larger ships are made smaller, closer to the size of the 304. There are only really two battles in the Stargate universe that are somewhat large with significant footage. This and Camelot.
    Although the graphics in this episode were worse than Camelot.

  • @TommieDuhWeirdo
    @TommieDuhWeirdo 13 років тому


  • @The_Lucent_Archangel
    @The_Lucent_Archangel 13 років тому

    @Wikkiter "Some people" don't number higher than the ones who believe that SGU was not truly Stargate. Something which SyFy agreed with in retrospect after cancelling SGU even though the last episode was a cliffhanger. Game. Set. Match.

  • @Generalkidd
    @Generalkidd 14 років тому

    Actually, I think some of the other ships fired drones (which look like energy balls). Drones are supposedly fairly effective against ori ships as mentioned in a few episodes. However, just because a weapon is a pulse energy weapon (energy balls), it doesn't mean it's ineffective against the Ori. Gould weapons are weak to begin with. The Wraith weapons and the Traveller weapons are a lot more powerful than what the gould have.

  • @Plasmon19
    @Plasmon19 13 років тому

    @TazG2000 Oh yes on that part you're right. Transistors, relays, batteries, cells, supply lines, fuses, transformers, resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc are the same everywhere no matter how small you make them or no matter what materials you integrate in the component. Every single earthly device works on the same principles if it follows a design that relies on electrical circuitry, however there are new technologies that integrate bio engineering with electrical circuits. Some differences thr

  • @The_Lucent_Archangel
    @The_Lucent_Archangel 13 років тому

    @idrinkmymilk You're right. BSG gives you a lot to think about. Like, "How desperate for work were the few good actors who played parts on it?".

  • @The_Lucent_Archangel
    @The_Lucent_Archangel 12 років тому

    If so, it'd be nice to get a hefty return on the investment. Something like the Asgard beam tech (with the "Unending" modifications Carter made to it) would effectively end world hunger. Naquadah power would nix fossil fuels. To name a couple.

  • @crazeyjester
    @crazeyjester 12 років тому

    idk y everyone hates on SGA bcuz of SG1 I think SGA was super sick and the acting was better too I wish they would make another one continuing of it...... And srry if I fuked up somewhere cuz I'm faded

  • @cpaw13
    @cpaw13 13 років тому

    Stargate Atlantis rules! :D

  • @Ranillon
    @Ranillon 13 років тому

    @TommieDuhWeirdo This was SGA at its height -- and it promptly began a slow downhill run until it ran completely out of ideas. 5 Seasons was about right. By comparison, SGU was hitting its stride and really giving us great character stuff when it got cancelled. It deserved a lot more than just two seasons.

    @xxJOHNLIKESPIExx 11 років тому

    Because the planet exploded very shortly after they disappeared from the ships, remember the pilots would have to try and fly it in the insanely damaged forms, and at the end of the day what if the hyper drives were damaged... that is a lot of people lost.

  • @moshmachine
    @moshmachine 12 років тому

    @thomaseshuis No. My opinion would be me saying ''The show is not angsty AND I LIKE IT'', the show not being angsty is a fact, me liking the show, is purely taste and opinion, informed by how good the show was. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't perfect but it was the best Science Fiction series I've seen since Firefly.

  • @PacRimJim
    @PacRimJim 10 років тому +3

    After all the sci-fi series, the galaxy is full of debris.

    • @flatshade
      @flatshade 10 років тому +1

      No problem, to quote Douglas Adams:
      "Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is."

    • @PacRimJim
      @PacRimJim 10 років тому

      flatshade But is it big?

  • @SpartanPrimus
    @SpartanPrimus 12 років тому

    hive shiops firing sounds so cool

  • @GangsterHutterite
    @GangsterHutterite 12 років тому +2

    THIS is where my tax money is going?!!
    ...fucking awesome!

  • @Generalkidd
    @Generalkidd 14 років тому

    @Cyberhamon The wraith were the ones that defeated the ancients and technically a small number of asgard as well. If they could defeat them, then they might be able to defeat the Ori as well. And don't forget the Wraith super hive. Asgard beams barely do anything to it. It's reasonable to assume that the Ori beam cannon won't do any better.

  • @Ashyboy1992
    @Ashyboy1992 11 років тому

    Because maybe they only had a few seconds before the entire replicator home world exploded...which meant they didn't have enough time to transport and locate the controls that would control the replicator space ships.

  • @uixir
    @uixir 13 років тому

    @BMWM3GTRLOVER "the traveler fleet" has the red engines
    (ps: travelers are a human race which was space flight capable race before their planet was called for the first and the last time. They live on their thousand year old ships hence forth the name traveler came from)

  • @Amann0407
    @Amann0407 15 років тому

    i think the aurora is a light battleship. Also, not sure if the Replicators were able to go up to the standard of the Ancient version of the Aurora. We see a massive wave of drones fire from the Orion vs 2 Hives. These replicators were firing off singledrones. Not very good when a fleet is attacking you. You would think they would wave drone the attackers.

  • @The_Lucent_Archangel
    @The_Lucent_Archangel 13 років тому

    @Foxstab Good comparison, except for one main point. Jedi/Sith can't adapt and become immune to the few phenomena/technology that negates their connection to the Force. So, hypothetically, if the Wraith determined a means to interrupt that connection, they'd be royally screwed and would die very quickly. On the other hand, should the Wraith devise tech like the Anti-Prior device, its effects would be temporary. So, either way, yes, the Wraith would lose.

  • @redplague
    @redplague 15 років тому

    The video cuts bits out of the episode about what was happening on the planet, makes more sense then.

  • @TrainsitFan
    @TrainsitFan 15 років тому

    i'm not sure though, i still think a person needs the ata gene. the replicators modified themselves to have something similar to the ata gene so they can control any ancient tech [like the ones that took over atlantis in season 3]. sheppard was in the chair that flew the orion off the planet in season 2 and the traveler's ancient ship. so unless the travelers told the atlantis team how to bypass certain functions, i think you still need the gene to fly the ship. just my opinion though.

  • @rbrtpongo
    @rbrtpongo 12 років тому

    Star wars Atlantis it was it was like cause there was a bref moment in Return of the Jedi space battle and III as well at the beginning.

  • @zzxcvb98
    @zzxcvb98 14 років тому

    but the very fact that they had drones meant that they could easily rip the wraith/human/traveler fleet to bits with an initial done barrage
    funny how they only used a few on a hive

  • @Cyberhamon
    @Cyberhamon 14 років тому

    @Generalkidd Depends. Wraith ships can take a fair beating even without shields, but Ori technology is based on Ancient technology, so they'd probably be able to take out the Hives with ease. Also, I doubt Wraith and Traveler weapons would be of much use against Ori ships. Of course, with Asgard beams, the two Tau'ri ships would obviously do VERY well.

  • @LAJ-47FC9
    @LAJ-47FC9 13 років тому

    Largest allied fleet in the Stargate universe (not the TV show!), all against a common threat...

  • @snipperbesfelixje
    @snipperbesfelixje 15 років тому

    I personally prefer the "toe-to-toe" way of fighting. Leave the swift manouvering to the fighters and let the battleships be slow, heavily armored and armed to the teeth.

  • @AlabamaSoldier
    @AlabamaSoldier 13 років тому

    @swingbr1313 SGU departed from the spirit of the Stargate franchise. Fans knew this, and that's why it failed. One of the foundation stones of Stargate was that it was a franchise about adventure, comradery, and it never took itself TOO seriously. SGU was a BG clone with shoddy camera work that captured almost nothing that the other two series did. If you wanted more of what SGU offered, you should've taken your case to Battlestar Galactica or Lost. I prefer neither in my Stargate, thank you.

  • @Litzen2k
    @Litzen2k 12 років тому

    @Glandorray Ifs there to much pressure focused on one special area on the Lantean shield, it will fluxuate very easy and make the shield to make holes in the shield for a short period of time. You can see what I mean, thats why. I hope this information helped you!

  • @moshmachine
    @moshmachine 12 років тому

    @thomaseshuis You seem to have misunderstood my point entirely by forgetting the point I was adressing in the first place which was the show being 'A Lost knock off'', I explained that both shows contained Religious and meta-physical motifs, my point being, how does that specifically tie it to lost when almost every single science fiction television series ever made, has dealt with these issues and themes.

  • @michaelhviper
    @michaelhviper 13 років тому

    They had a chance to get some of the Aurora Class vessels right before the planet blew. Perhaps they had an agreement with the Wraith about that.

  • @Me14986
    @Me14986 15 років тому

    Perfect end to a "Perfect" race.
    *Dramatic Close Up* Or is it...

  • @Kojotchina
    @Kojotchina 12 років тому

    Damn how I love space battles!!! If I were a producer, that would be the only thing in my shows... with the occasional dialogue of course :D
    ouu....and hot girls with big space guns!!!!

  • @hillo1445
    @hillo1445 12 років тому

    most epic space battle evar

  • @TommieDuhWeirdo
    @TommieDuhWeirdo 13 років тому

    @Ranillon I just don't agree with how dramatic SGU was, it felt like a show that belongs on TNT or something. Whenever I watch SG, I want to feel excited and comfortable. I don't want to watch a dramatic SG where I would keep thinking, OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE CHEATED ON HIM! or thinking omfg she's carrying another dudes baby! Or being all nervous and watching intently about what's going to happen next.

  • @zzxcvb98
    @zzxcvb98 14 років тому

    at 1:28 there are clearly drones hitting the wraith ship

  • @state135
    @state135 12 років тому

    Theres one thing I really didnt get about this. The replicators use ancient tech and ancient scanners can pick up hives ships that are at least 2 weeks away, obviously the fleet was a lot closer otherwise they wouldnt have gotten there at the same time so why didnt the replicators know they were coming?