Natacha Oceane Has Done Something BIG!

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @TFNL
    @TFNL  2 роки тому +43

    Does your training change throughout your menstrual cycle?

    • @thedeafbartender
      @thedeafbartender 2 роки тому +4


    • @alleyt
      @alleyt 2 роки тому +17

      1000000% - even if there's not a ton of science out there on it, and being a science gal, my whole body looks and performs differently (whether that be at work, in the gym, social battery, etc.) when I am at different points of my cycle!! Thank you for always supporting the gals - we need more of this

    • @hannahandrainn
      @hannahandrainn 2 роки тому +13

      I really struggle the week before, but once I start my period, I have a sudden burst of energy. I'm 50 though, so this may change!

    • @tiryaclearsong421
      @tiryaclearsong421 2 роки тому +9

      I have endometriosis so it does change. The pain is excruciating and I really can't train for a few days to about a week every month or so. When I do train it usually has to be something lower impact to not aggravate pain. I'll do things like walking workouts or pilates instead of weight lifting or running. I also get nausea so I have to be careful how I move to not aggravate that. I have an abnormally rough time though.

    • @mandym8781
      @mandym8781 2 роки тому +6

      Yes, the first couple of days my energy and strength is low so I usually take a rest day(s)

  • @ruthannebrooks2826
    @ruthannebrooks2826 2 роки тому +119

    It’s been so interesting to me to see the increase in discussion over how the menstrual cycle impacts your exercise because personally, I’ve always noticed how exercise affects my cycle! As long as I’ve been consistent in my exercise routine, I don’t experience any cramps/pain, but if my exercise is off, I’ll experience pain…anyone else notice this??

    • @lenacochrane4892
      @lenacochrane4892 2 роки тому +5

      I started exercising regularly a year ago and now my periods are virtually painless. It has helped immensely.

    • @rijutapandey9140
      @rijutapandey9140 2 роки тому +1

      Yes..including some breathing exercises. If somehow my routine does not go as planned throughout the month, then I am in for rough 2-3 days.. Also, strength training has made me much stronger, for instance, my thighs do not feel like ripping themselves in first 2 days. The pain is limited to the lower abdomen now. But, again , I have a lot to work on my body.

    • @leldesaulite-rozite
      @leldesaulite-rozite 2 роки тому +3

      Completely same for me, I am going to gym even when I have these cramps, because exercise is almost the only way to stop pain and cramps.

    • @beatricehart5614
      @beatricehart5614 2 роки тому +2

      Me too. I've seen significant reduction in pain since I started working out.

    • @minniethriver
      @minniethriver 2 роки тому +1

      Same but also nutrition. When I don't up my calories a bit the week before, train as hard and often as every other week and drink my 2-3l of water a day it is more likely I get PMS symptoms. I need to train the same or slightly less, eat 100-200cal more a day and drink more like 3-5l a day (my body stores huge amounts of water the week before, I get immediate headaches when I don't drink that much). I had PMS for years, a healthy lifestyle where you listen to your body helped me a lot

  • @LucyGem98
    @LucyGem98 2 роки тому +136

    Personally I've never even considered where I am in my cycle. The only reason I might alter my training is because I have cramps, backache, etc and I'm in physical pain because of it. I see the logic behind the theory, but then you can just say, 'listen to your body'. If you don't feel good and you really can't push it, don't. But that goes for anything, not just periods.

    • @rijutapandey9140
      @rijutapandey9140 2 роки тому +1

      Totally agree!! There are some surprising days just before the first day when my strength shoots up, then, there are some days before the date when I feel sluggish.. listen to your body should be the mantra

    • @roelinabanga
      @roelinabanga 2 роки тому +5

      I agree! The fact that I have to consciously take my cycle and plan my workouts gives me already the gibbers. I'm already an overthinker and we use the mind so much in this society. Learning to listen to my/your body for me is what works right now. Not every day is the same, not all the workouts are the same. There are high days and there are low days. And that's okay. There are no bad workouts/training days. It's just were you at at the moment.

    • @benedettavandoni7845
      @benedettavandoni7845 2 роки тому +5

      Same ! I train the same and I don’t train if the pain is too much.
      Also, For me it usually works the other way around: it’s my training that influences my period (in a positive way, it reduces cramps and improves my mood if I have mood swings)

    • @danibananeee
      @danibananeee 2 роки тому +1

      I agree about "listening to your body" and I don't think you need to change course from your normal workout routine, like these tik tok vids are suggesting. If you normally lift weights, you don't need to do a complete 180 and do pilates in accordance to your cycle. However, I think that statement does apply to noticing patterns in relation to your cycle. Wouldn't you want to use that boost of energy day to smash your leg workout so you can use the first day of your period to do something lighter or recover? That literally is listening to your body.

  • @AndyPresto75
    @AndyPresto75 2 роки тому +59

    Excellent work Harry! As a bloke this doesn't affect me either but it's an important issue for half the population and needs to be normalised as discussion topic for everyone. Even as a big fan of Natacha I didn't watch her video but you've made re-think that, and while I never realised such a high percentage of your audience is female that probably explains why your content and general approach always employ such great emotional intelligence in addition to many other qualities. Men of all ages need to be reminded about the inherent privilege we have simply from modern society still being overwhelmingly patriarchal in just about every aspect, because even being pro-feminist I hadn't seriously considered how women are disadvantaged in terms of research within the context of health and fitness. Anyway, sorry for waffling, thanks for promoting Natacha and please keep the outstanding content coming.

    • @esmee6308
      @esmee6308 2 роки тому +4

      Research is sadly playing catch-up for certain groups in many fields, women being among them, however I feel that's quite rapidly changing. First in the most essential fields and now in the more 'luxury' fields that are still very important. I do feel it's quite a milestone when someone like Natasha has enough research to talk about it and it's amazing Harry covers it as well. I also felt Menno Henselmans covers women-specific training quite a bit and it's always been very interesting. Though I may have missed some due to not following a ton of female content creators since for a big part I don't believe in 'working out differently' like some channels focus heavily on at-home / no barbell, slimming.
      And fact so many male commentors are so positively receiving of a topic that might not affect them directly, is quite heartwarming. Harry has a great community.

    • @gdaym8y
      @gdaym8y 2 роки тому +3

      Me too mate. While pro feminist, I still don't notice half the stuff that I'm sure women notice bc they are actually affected by it. Important topic that I'm glad both he and natache are addressing.

    • @everything5066
      @everything5066 2 роки тому +4

      I second this as someone being born a male (now trans) . I remember my ex gf and I both had sexual dysfunctions in different periods of time. when I went to the doctor, he started immediately running tests and investigating the possible physiological causes . when she seeked the help of the same doctor she's been taken way less seriously and been told that maybe she needed to work on her relationship and emotional issues , focusing on the pleasure..etc as if her issue was only limited to when she's with someone and not stuck within her body.
      later on we discovered she had MS the whole time . this is a very frustrating world to be a woman and honestly I think women need to be more angry.

  • @austinhenshaw2140
    @austinhenshaw2140 2 роки тому +84

    Video Notes:
    I'm obviously not the target audience for this video, but you approached this video with the sensitivity and care for your audience that you always do, and promoted another content creator putting out evidence-based content, which is always great to see.
    Great job again!

  • @josephinetapp3340
    @josephinetapp3340 2 роки тому +60

    I actually schedule my period as my high weight, low rep window. I'm more susceptible to nausea and feeling light headed so I keep my volume low and try to hit some 1rms. This also helps to motivate me to actually go to the gym (because I also experience pms blues and motivation is hard to find). And it cuts down how long I need to be in the gym while feeling like a sack of shyte. It really works for me.

  • @RoastedSaltedPeanut
    @RoastedSaltedPeanut 2 роки тому +27

    My cycle doesn't directly impact my workouts but it does impact my digestion. I'm a lot more bloated ( to a point of severe physical discomfort) which affects my bracing, how the belt feels etc.

    • @pisey.
      @pisey. 2 роки тому

      Hmm wow I never thought about it this way. Now that I think about it being bloated does make bracing or wearing a lifting belt feel a little uncomfortable to go higher reps (10-13 for me) so I normally switch to high volume and lower reps (around 5-8) because of that reason.

  • @AllisonMariePhD
    @AllisonMariePhD 2 роки тому +22

    I don't train differently depending on my cycle. My cycle is all messed up for a variety of reasons, so I just roll with whatever my body is doing, accepting not all days will be the same and my body won't always function at the same level (and that this could be because of my cycle or anything else really). The main difference I feel when I am on my cycle is bloating, and bloating has nothing to do with my ability to lift... though sometimes I fart more in doing so 😂... something about ab engagement and bloating gets me!

  • @1ARGS2020
    @1ARGS2020 2 роки тому +19

    She is amazing.
    You and her should collab!

    • @molasorrosalom4846
      @molasorrosalom4846 2 роки тому +1

      I don't know, kind of hard to say, but She's big time.
      And She's always traveling

  • @TheBeMeYou
    @TheBeMeYou 2 роки тому +16

    Mad respect for what you're doing here bro, cutting edge in this hyper appearence-focused platform, society and fitness industry 👏 we need this!

  • @girl_on_fire_x_x
    @girl_on_fire_x_x 2 роки тому +22

    The majority of months I have higher heart rates when I'm pre-menstrual during HIIT workouts, and I have to take longer rest intervals than usual to recover. I still enjoy them and it's not until I look at a calendar that I realise I'm due on soon. There's a correlation for sure.
    The problem with this idea of women "perceiving" a difference in their performance is that it already undermines how women actually feel. Nobody would tell a man it was in his head if he felt more tired, out of breath, or not at his best any given week.
    Women have this issue in many aspects of life, when they visit a GP, for instance. Their pain/issues (not necessarily related to menstruation) are often overlooked or brushed aside as an anxiety issue. Even heart attacks have gone diagnosed as panic attacks because women are taken less seriously and often present with different symptoms to men.
    We know our own bodies. It's a shame there's been so little research about women's cycles and how it affects performance.

    • @Justcetriyaart
      @Justcetriyaart 2 роки тому +6

      Yes trying to explain to guys who never really had sisters or empathized with the ladies in their lives that our cycle does affect us and that it affects us each differently and that it changed over time was such an issue and still is. It's sad that so much medical information is only on one specific group

    • @soliferi
      @soliferi 2 роки тому +3

      yeah this, it affects blood pressure - heartrate

    • @mariet4894
      @mariet4894 2 роки тому

      This needs to be higher!

  • @rmfdbn
    @rmfdbn 2 роки тому +3

    I’m 45 and peri menopausal. I started strength training when I was 43 as I’m part of the generation where women just didn’t do that (hello ‘90’s cardio). I find that recently the last week of my cycle I need to be kind to myself. My muscles just don’t recover as well and I’m more emotional with PMS symptoms that have got way worse recently as I’ve got older. When we cross back into the next cycle on about day 2 I’m a exercising machine. So much energy and I feel like I recover more quickly.

  • @LaMarula
    @LaMarula 2 роки тому +2

    Someone finally said it! I love yours and Natacha's content. Since I learned about Alisa Vitti's cycle-synching method, a few years ago, I try to cycle-synch almost everything in my life and it works most of the time. No more guilt if I don't have enough energy or motivation to exercise or meet people/be social during my luteal phase. It's not me, it's just my hormones. Also, I had endometriosis for many years, a really debilitating condition, so it left me no choice but to cucle-synch in order to be productive and functional, follow a schedule and feel good overall. So, during my period phase (week 1) I rest (period cramps at their finest) or do some restorative/yin yoga or some light dancing to cheer me up. During my follicular/ovulatory phase (week 2) I do my cardio, HIIT, tabata, dancing workouts, power yoga, as I have all the energy and motivation in the world. During my luteal phase (week 3) I do my strengthening/lifting workouts, yoga and some cardio. Lastly, during my PMS week (week 4), the week before my period, I do some pilates, yoga and some light dancing to lift my mood. I do yoga almost everyday, because I have scoliosis, and it's the only thing that helps me with my back pain. That's it. That's my cycle-synching workout program. Love from Greece!

  • @Steph_Bx13
    @Steph_Bx13 2 роки тому +6

    As someone with Stage IV Endometriosis I do take my cycle into account. I don't nessarily change my training, but I am kinder on myself if I need more rest during the days prior and whilst I am menstruating. The only changes I make is avoiding trigger foods that upset my stomach as my digestive system is a lot more sensitive prior to my period. I love Natacha's videos and her workout plans are structured really well.

  • @JonnekeRoepers
    @JonnekeRoepers 2 роки тому +20

    91% of us is girls niceeee, where are my girls at??

  • @hannahlorna8800
    @hannahlorna8800 2 роки тому +5

    Personally I’ve found exercise really helpful on my period - i.e. for reducing cramps and balancing out mood swings.
    I’ve also managed to hit a lot of PB whilst I’m PMSing - it’s like the pain from the cramps makes me feel unstoppable or I don’t notice the pain of my muscles burning as much because my cramps are so painful.
    But during the latter part of my period I usually feel sluggish and that’s when I have to push myself to workout to boost my mood etc.
    Everyone is different so listening to your body rather than overthinking and planning is the best way imo

  • @elusivebutsatisfyingt.9166
    @elusivebutsatisfyingt.9166 2 роки тому +2

    No matter what Natacha uploads i love it because unless most super popular influencers she KNOWS how to do proper research by scientific standards, knows how to interpret studies and literature, knows how to distinguish between different types of studies AND knows what limitations mean. All of the above result in not talking shit. And that's fantastic.

  • @Connie700
    @Connie700 2 роки тому +4

    Harry, “thanks for tolerating me…” has been such a part of me that I said it to my friends after bitching and complaining about everything… to that they said back “Don’t worry, we love you the way you are!” Harry!!! There is no tolerating here! We love you the way you conduct yourself!

  • @cateyedcrystal931
    @cateyedcrystal931 2 роки тому +23

    I'm glad you shared your thoughts on this topic Harry. Too many times we expect men not to know or understand the menstruation cycle meanwhile most women can go into detail about male anatomy no problem from what we learn in anatomy 101 in school. There's no reason for us to be hush hush about a perfectly normal body process.
    I personally do not structure my workouts around my cycle exactly but during the week before it starts i tend to be extra tired and hungry. So I might do one less workout that week or do the normal workout at a less intensity.
    I also really liked the title for this video. Grabs the attention of the viewer but doesn't foreshadow negativity. I was really happy Natacha did this video to out number the amount of misinformation given about what is best for women typically given by male gym bro types.

  • @nicoler4583
    @nicoler4583 2 роки тому +2

    Thinks also makes me wonder what happens to women after they have gone through menopause. How does this hormone shift affect training? Great video!

  • @mamartusiaa
    @mamartusiaa 2 роки тому +2

    Krissy Cella did a video about menstrual cycle 2 months ago as well, very well explained

  • @amygreen9662
    @amygreen9662 2 роки тому +6

    My period makes me so annoyed I usually can lift heavier. The recovery is slower that week, though.

  • @heliana3312
    @heliana3312 2 роки тому +19

    First of all, big kudos and thank you for speaking about this in general and the way you chose to do so in particular. Using a woman's point of view as a jumping board and then adding your own thoughts and considerations as and when appropriate felt very respectful, so thank you. I also agree, I find it very strange when men (sometimes, but rarely, also women) have such a strong reaction to me mentioning menstruation. I've now made it a point to not dodge around the topic as much anymore.
    I have mentioned her before, but Lucy Lismore has actually been speaking about menstruation and training for quite a while now, and I believe she's also made a video about it a few months back (I could be wrong though, might have been a video on instagram as well). Someone has also kindly confirmed that she is on a list for potential videos, but I thought considering the topic of this video, this might be a good moment to bring her up again. She's great and I think you would really enjoy reacting to her content if you ever get a chance to do a deep dive.
    Again, thank you so much for your care and sensitivity in this video, particularly with the language you used, and sorry for the wall of text I ended up writing again!
    Always a joy to watch your content!

  • @austinhenshaw2140
    @austinhenshaw2140 2 роки тому +7

    Thanks for always looking out for your audience!

  • @saraherfindal7075
    @saraherfindal7075 2 роки тому +4

    Love this!! And I love men who are are able to casually discuss such a natural topic - blows my mind how this is still taboo for so many.

  • @austinhenshaw2140
    @austinhenshaw2140 2 роки тому +16

    You weeks ago: "I hate that cat."
    You now: "I'm obsessed with this cat."

  • @Moose92411
    @Moose92411 2 роки тому +2

    You show and incredible degree of humanity by promoting conversations that obviously don’t in any way directly apply to you, Harry. My respect for you and this channel continued to grow

  • @biancasadventure
    @biancasadventure 2 роки тому +9

    Harry you hit 60K! Congratulations 🎉🍾
    I’ve been so busy w life, I got a lot of videos to catch up on lol hope everyone is having a great day :)

  • @MminaMaclang
    @MminaMaclang 2 роки тому +2

    LivFiit also talked recently about her experience with HA or losing her period due to undereating and overtraining, and what she had to do to recover and how she's since changed her approach. Maybe you can also take a look at that! Also very interesting that you mentioned having a client with PCOS. I have it too and my sister as well, and just want to gain strength and manage hormones, and I think a lot of women out here are looking for some solid guidance.

  • @hannahandrainn
    @hannahandrainn 2 роки тому +5

    I watched her video. It was very informative, so listening to your views too 😊

  • @fernandafernandez7226
    @fernandafernandez7226 Рік тому

    Thanks Harry! I would like to hear more about PCOS and exercise. I noticed I gained a lot of body fat even though I was doing regular exercise and have been so difficult to get rid of that extra weight.

  • @leldesaulite-rozite
    @leldesaulite-rozite 2 роки тому +1

    I really, really enjoy resistance training, and yes, sometimes it is harder to train during that period,. Thank you for being sensitive and addressing this topic.

  • @sokaarzola
    @sokaarzola 2 роки тому +3

    This is why I love and appreciate so much all the hard work and effort you put into all you videos and content. :D love from Mexico Harry

  • @karelysdiaz4798
    @karelysdiaz4798 2 роки тому +6

    I love Natacha (actually completing one of her programs for the first time right now) and I love your commentaries. And I ABSOLUTELY love when both of you pair 🤩 Tks for this video!

  • @carissapennington9666
    @carissapennington9666 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for addressing this topic with such care and respect. It’s so refreshing to see!

  • @racheluomini5134
    @racheluomini5134 2 роки тому +22

    CQOTW: What are you thoughts on static stretching at the end of a workout, and does it have an effect on hypertrophy and/or strength gains?

  • @sarahcameron4480
    @sarahcameron4480 2 роки тому

    Love this video, thanks for talking about this topic and bringing awareness to it, given that it has potential to impact ~50% of the population, and yet had not received the attention it deserves
    Just a note, be careful about differentiating genders from people who mensurate, as not all who mensurate are women!
    Can't wait for the next video!

  • @grayeruanna6008
    @grayeruanna6008 2 роки тому +2

    Personally the week of my period I have too much cramping and feel unwell to train but part of me wonders if I should give lifting a go on my period, I favour more of a cardio approach (just I like it better iv always been a runner) if strength doesn’t dip why not have a more weight focus moment that week, her and your vid has given me a lot to think about when it comes to my training

  • @cullensister99
    @cullensister99 2 роки тому +5

    I get weaker because of the pain from cramps and because my cycle makes my POTS symptoms worse. My performance declines the week (or 2) before and the week during my period.

  • @i_jaysmith
    @i_jaysmith 2 роки тому

    Today is day 1 of my period and it's fallen on my rest day but I'm going back and forth over whether or not I should workout today because there is a 90% chance I will be in absolute agony tomorrow, curled up in the foetal position, and virtually unable to stand up straight let alone do a workout. However I am in "rest day mode" and in no mood to do a workout. It's still early though so if my mood changes, I might try and get a short workout in. Who knows, it may even help improve my mood!

  • @austinhenshaw2140
    @austinhenshaw2140 2 роки тому +4

    Ready for some knowledge bombs!

  • @ErinBrookes
    @ErinBrookes 2 роки тому

    Thank you for talking about this.

  • @ilhemdiboun5099
    @ilhemdiboun5099 2 роки тому +1

    My dads a geneticist studying sports science. Will recommend researching this topic to him.

    • @TFNL
      @TFNL  2 роки тому +1

      Love this!

  • @ceciledelrey3758
    @ceciledelrey3758 2 роки тому

    agree with you! My performance doesn't change but my recovery is definitely affected! So if I push at the normal level, then I can't go to the gym for the rest of my periods...

  • @hira3004
    @hira3004 Рік тому

    I'm sadly affected by menstrual cycle. I have lower energy than usual but I keep pushing through, although sometimes it's hard to step outside and go to the gym! I think one thing that makes this possible is I try to be consistent to go to the gym despite feeling it or not. In the gym tho I don't really push myself to lift as heavy. Sometimes less rep and less speed on treadmill. Once I'm out of my cycle then BOOOM I hit PR everytime🤣 That's why I'm chill with the drop in performance, because I'll bounce higher when luteal is over!

  • @spkt1001
    @spkt1001 Рік тому

    I liked Natacha's period video when I watched it a while ago, but unfortunately it's no where to be found now. :/ All I have is Harry's material now. Thanks Harry!

  • @Flow.ability
    @Flow.ability 2 роки тому +1

    I always track where I'm at and tailor my training. It really helps me mentally. If im wondering why I cant push as much as normal and force my body to push heavy numbers during a time where my body is fatigued like during the luteal phase, it just really affects me. If I know ahead of time and do a higher rep range and hypertrophy focus, I feel better. Its mostly mental for me.

  • @Ghostsaretooreal
    @Ghostsaretooreal 2 роки тому

    I take into account cycle for sure, i don't change my training that much, but its definietly the case that it feels like my body is stronger at half way through my cycle around ovulation. I do wonder if its psychological because i read i'd likely to be stronger then. In anycase, it can only benefit us to know more about hormones and how they effect us. really appreciate Harry and Natacha for talking on this.

  • @Lexibcju
    @Lexibcju 2 роки тому +1

    My training remains consistent during menstrual cycle as far as I've noticed.
    Currently I'm on the other spectrum of periods. I'm 6 months pregnant, first child. Luckily I have been overall well to exercise with Caroline Girvan. Took me 13 weeks to complete Fuel 😅 now on second week of Iron series and keeping up the schedule.
    Because I've been training with CG since May last year, and prior training 5 months with infamous Chloe Ting. I have a strong core, which means I carry high and my core muscles are holding baby in tight.
    A lot of older ladies are telling me I don't look pregnant or at least not 6 months. That they were huge by 6 months. I'm surprised how this ended up affecting my mental health.
    Because, I trained and dieted so hard to be lean before pregnancy. That having people politely tell me I was fat pre pregnancy and/or look just fat now. Is taking space and time in my head.
    It's now spring, still cold and wet. Last 5 months been wearing sweaters at work and out public. Looking forward to warm weather to show my bump and fit muscles from Caroline.

  • @kaitlyntaylor2145
    @kaitlyntaylor2145 2 роки тому

    I'm learning to not only training with my cycle as well as eating for the hormones fluctuations. I have PMDD the drop in estrogen literally know the moment and how it effects my brain chemistry. Its definitely a huge factor

  • @HeatherThrills
    @HeatherThrills 2 роки тому

    I love Natacha (done watching her video) and your comments. I love it when you two get together. Thanks for the video. Xo Heather Thrills

  • @Yararar
    @Yararar 2 роки тому

    Your content is very much appreciated

  • @woolypuffin392
    @woolypuffin392 2 роки тому

    Currently on day 4 of my period and the last 2 days I had NO energy at all, so I just took rest days. I have noticed that I h ve my energy high in about 1 - 2 weeks till about 3 days before my period. I am always at awe at professional athlete women who may have their period in their most difficult times and still have to perform.

  • @livinlavidaloki2158
    @livinlavidaloki2158 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this. Thank you for everything you do Harry!

  • @ZoeeSavX
    @ZoeeSavX 2 роки тому +1

    I started tracking my cycles recently and I found that I am super strong the week right before my period. I’ll do intense sessions back to back and often can hit multiple PBs in each session during the week. But as soon as it hits I can barely lift 70-80% of my PBs. It sucks, because if I want to do comps I have to literally see if it fits in with my cycle because I know I’ll fail a lift.

  • @tara55886
    @tara55886 2 роки тому +1

    I'm on 'the pill' so don't have the natural hormonal changes, so generally my training is only affected by the usual - sleep, food, stress etc.
    Hopefully I'm not leaving gains on the table because I'm not able to take advantage of specific changes in the cycle!

  • @victoria3301
    @victoria3301 2 роки тому

    So i personally don't track my menstrual cycle. I used to as a teen when it was super wild and irregular, but I'm in my mid 20s, my body has calmed, and i can't really be bothered right now 😅 but since getting into resistance training, i have found my workouts to be perfect indicators of when I'm getting my period. 1-2 days before it starts, i notice a massive dip in my endurance. I hit failure quicker, struggle to recover between sets, and fatigue super easily. And then boom! I start the dreaded bleed. Don't know if my body is exerting extra energy to start the shed or what, but that's been my personal experience.

  • @Neophema
    @Neophema 2 роки тому +1

    I always felt crappier during my luteal phase before even hearing about how it might affect my workouts. I often feel more tired and have some joint paint.

  • @anapau9840
    @anapau9840 Рік тому

    What I have noticed is that when I haven't been consistent with exercising my period becomes much more painful and long

  • @austinhenshaw2140
    @austinhenshaw2140 2 роки тому +3

    Good sir.

  • @Moose92411
    @Moose92411 2 роки тому +1

    Comment Question of the Week: if you had to go back in time and replace weight training with another activity or hobby through your life, what would it be? I think I would replace lifting with learning the guitar, which I started, but abandoned because I struggled with it. I think that would serve me through my life mentally and emotionally in a comparable way to what training has given me.

  • @hollykane6204
    @hollykane6204 2 роки тому

    Exercise affects my menstrual cycle, more than my cycle affects my exercise!
    How exercise has affected my cycle; my periods are lighter, cramping, lower back pain, and bloating is reduced, my mood is much more stabilised, and my energy level is higher than without it! Otherwise, I would suffer these symptoms during my cycle without regular exercise.
    How my cycle has affected my exercise; it can be an energy and motivation-suck. But it's thankfully so much less intense if I'm exercising regularly. So maybe I won't go as hard or as long, but it doesn't necessarily mean that I couldn't if I tried!

  • @hannahwebb1404
    @hannahwebb1404 2 роки тому

    I'm actually going through hormone and fertility treatment at the moment in order to try and have a baby, and there are certain days when I've been feeling sooo sluggish in comparison to what I was feeling previously. I'm going to reduce how much I lift after the IVF and when I do (hopefully) get pregnant, but I'm trying to maintain my routine as much as possible until then. But there are days when I just don't WANT to go the gym, which isn't like me at all.

  • @katiesmith9035
    @katiesmith9035 2 роки тому

    I need to track this stuff more. I know theres some times over others where I have more energy, I'd love to start tracking and compare to the science

  • @mmaddiee
    @mmaddiee 2 роки тому

    I'm a firm believer of mind over matter myself. I try to never talk down to myself when it comes to my performance. Even if I'm not feeling it, I'll make it happen. I've found that discipline can help you bypass a lot of things. Besides, I've been on birth control for the most part of my adult life and I'm fairly sure no one made studies on that so 🤷‍♀️ I'm gonna do me ♥️

    • @marvahinspace
      @marvahinspace Рік тому

      if you're on the pill you're not menstruating and going through the normal fluctuations of hormones so lot of those side effects of different cycles skip you all together. I was on the pill for a decade and every day was a normal day. now 5 years off and i tend to eat more and physically struggle before and few first days of the menstrual cycle. Night and day.

    • @mmaddiee
      @mmaddiee Рік тому

      @@marvahinspace I know. Thanks. Been on the pill all my adult life.

  • @everything5066
    @everything5066 2 роки тому +1

    this channel is so underrated it almost makes me angry .

  • @shakesinthehouse
    @shakesinthehouse 2 роки тому

    When I was 9, I was chosen among 100 kids in my school for the athletic team, for short distance running, basketball and my uncle told my mom to get me to swimming as well, considering I have very broad shoulders at a very young age, and I was also tall for my age.
    Few months later, I got my first period, I was 9, statistically little early, looking back I felt my childhood was taken away from me. My mom stopped me from attending any sports because my grandma thought it was inappropriate to let a young woman “run around”. Now I’m 23, never succeeded that part of my life, overweight and get bullied for it, and I never grew taller than few inches since I was 9 or 10.
    Ever since then I grew only fatter.

  • @TheMonkiBrothers
    @TheMonkiBrothers 2 роки тому

    The only time my cycle effect my workout is because my cycle has effected my bloody mood lol other than that I don’t ever feel more pain more tired etc I siffer aches and pains most of the time just through DOMs or lack of sleep cos of kids but is till crack on with it .

  • @acdcbrody
    @acdcbrody 2 роки тому

    Also wouldn’t being in physical pain or have extra discomfort effect your work out. If I’m in pain because I sprained my ankle it could effect the way I work out even if I’m not working out that part of my body

  • @nanaisloved2736
    @nanaisloved2736 2 роки тому

    It's a pity that statistical studies are mostly carried out with men BECAUSE women have hormonal fluctuations and are therefore more complicated to control... I personally don't have a period because of former anorexia and very high training volume, but I do appreciate so much that Natacha and you create awareness for topics like that!

  • @rodainaabdelwhab1357
    @rodainaabdelwhab1357 2 роки тому

    I don't feel any changes when training , however, I might get very slightly sore afterward. Though, that's not the case every month. Sometimes, I don't feel any soreness.

  • @mimitam5001
    @mimitam5001 2 роки тому

    Thank you for yet another great video! I don’t know if this is a stupid question but I always struggle with getting the dumbbell up into position when starting a shoulder press. I can rep out 12kgs but only if someone helps me get the dumbbells up and I’ve been stuck at this weight for a good while. Do you have any tips on how to work on getting the dumbbells up from your knees to above the shoulders? Thank you so much!! 😊

  • @RebeccaBoulton
    @RebeccaBoulton 2 роки тому

    I really liked her video when I watched it a few days ago. Goes against the trend at the moment but made a lot of sense to me and fitted my own thoughts on it. Thanks for raising awareness of it.

  • @silvannaveltri9518
    @silvannaveltri9518 2 роки тому

    Well when I was younger I would eat and eat and eat now I am 55 and perimenapausal so much fun 😩hot flashes and lack of energy but I still 🏋️‍♀️ workout 🏋️‍♂️ !!!and in my day much less research and we were told to do cardio as women not weights !!

  • @austinhenshaw2140
    @austinhenshaw2140 2 роки тому +2


  • @hhaffner
    @hhaffner 2 роки тому

    Interesting video

  • @soliferi
    @soliferi 2 роки тому

    im lucky i guess, i get some inner strength right before and feel the need to workout. then its 4 days rest. im too uncomfortable, brain fog, lowered blood pressure causing heart racing, swelling affecting legs. ugh. i do eat healthy, mostly plant based. but irons always been difficult.

  • @WizzzBanggg
    @WizzzBanggg 2 роки тому +9

    Dr Hazel Wallace from the food medic recently published a book called the female factor that covers lots of this, she produces really informative content for anyone interested

  • @daniellearmato845
    @daniellearmato845 2 роки тому

    I don’t change my training based off my cycle generally. Tho I’m more likely to give myself leniency to take a day off on my period primarily because wearing a pad or tampon working out is annoying 😂

  • @conantf
    @conantf 2 роки тому +3

    Take away from Natasha’s video - we need more research.

  • @hopemartinez829
    @hopemartinez829 2 роки тому

    CQOTW: So I've had and injury where I had strained a muscle in my back which made it so I couldn't workout for a couple of months. Prior, I was working out 5 times a week every week with hypertrophy in mind. I lost almost all my progress, how long do you think it'll take to get back to my physique?

  • @anthwilson3142
    @anthwilson3142 2 роки тому +3

    For the algorithm

  • @emilyjones3873
    @emilyjones3873 2 роки тому +1

    I thought it was funny when talking about periods and you saying "bloody fantastic" right after 😁

  • @dr.codygaofit
    @dr.codygaofit Рік тому

    Did she take it down? I can’t find it anymore.

  • @smirbelbirbel
    @smirbelbirbel 2 роки тому

    To be fair, @Missfitandnerdy had done that ages ago.

  • @lilphine2066
    @lilphine2066 2 роки тому

    Comment Question of the Week: Are Warm Up Sets (with little weight) necessary?

  • @samanthadawn1818
    @samanthadawn1818 2 роки тому +1


  • @maryhamric
    @maryhamric 2 роки тому +2

    So sorry to hear about the Queen! 😢😢

    • @_sarcasmiss2141
      @_sarcasmiss2141 2 роки тому +2

      We were expecting it but it's still so shocking to hear.

    • @Connie700
      @Connie700 2 роки тому +2

      @@_sarcasmiss2141 same here

    • @everything5066
      @everything5066 2 роки тому

      her presence was so reassuring in an ever changing world . the world is a lot less colorful now.

  • @hannahlorna8800
    @hannahlorna8800 2 роки тому

    Throughly recommend “invisible women” for exposing data basis as is touched upon in this video

  • @katjakaflingwichmann5118
    @katjakaflingwichmann5118 2 роки тому +1

    I’ve never considered my cycle to be important when it comes to training. I do consider the fact that menopause is most likely looming on the horizon though 😄

  • @susanna85
    @susanna85 2 роки тому +1


  • @beyondthethickets356
    @beyondthethickets356 2 роки тому +1

    I couldn't even walk when I was on mine. #thankgodformeds

  • @emmaclarke8938
    @emmaclarke8938 2 роки тому

    Hello 👋

  • @alleyt
    @alleyt 2 роки тому


  • @emmaclarke8938
    @emmaclarke8938 2 роки тому +2

    Hello all❤️

    • @TFNL
      @TFNL  2 роки тому +1

      HI! :)

  • @marahenao6417
    @marahenao6417 2 роки тому


  • @1LadyM7
    @1LadyM7 2 роки тому

    What is PCLS?

  • @communitycatsofbelizegrass2185
    @communitycatsofbelizegrass2185 2 роки тому

    Meow ❤

  • @sulesima
    @sulesima 2 роки тому +1

    Ooh! I'm here and ready to get triggered xD

  • @saraaastan
    @saraaastan Рік тому

    Women always experience different symptoms. Personally I notice no difference to my performance with exercising. Only two days before my period I will be tired but it doesn’t change my workout really, I can still lift what I lift. Also it’s a biiggggg red flag that you don’t show statistics. It’s also weird that you ask the audience these questions. Why don’t you do research and prove if that’s true or not? Makes zero sense

    • @TFNL
      @TFNL  Рік тому

      You know I literally gave my opinion on Natacha’s video, going off the statistics that she presented in her video, right? There’s no need to show statistics that she had already shown, as you can simply go to her video to see them.

    • @saraaastan
      @saraaastan Рік тому

      @@TFNL no I said it’s weird that you’re asking these questions to a broad audience. Just do research and site statistics instead of speaking into a void because it spreads misconceptions. I’m telling this as a person in this world that constantly experience ppl just not knowing anything about the way female bodies work. I’m not saying you’re a bad person, I’m just saying it’s not helping that ppl “ask” these questions while making it seem like these can be possible for us. You don’t even show statistics on how cycling PED’s can be affective for female acne lol. It’s not helpful bro 🤘🏼

    • @TFNL
      @TFNL  Рік тому

      @@saraaastan I’m asking to promote conversation to people who might be in a position to conduct these studies. I’m not looking for a PhD for some years but maybe somebody else is.

    • @saraaastan
      @saraaastan Рік тому

      @@TFNLi understand but it gets tiring hearing the same thing over and over again. Especially making such a broad question when there’s about 60% of the female body we don’t know about yet because our bodies are hardly EVER test subjects. But as far as we know Natasha is very right when it varies from person to person. And I’d like to make it clear I’m not saying you’re a bad person or you’re purposely doing so. I’m saying that people always asking things like this without doing any research and to the blind it spreads misinformation. It was such a broad statement it hardly sounded like a question. When you say “I’m just theorizing it.” While simultaneously making a broad statement that hardly sounded like a question.

    • @saraaastan
      @saraaastan Рік тому

      @@TFNLut tbh… I wont lie. I didn’t watch all of it. But watching the rest I see you mentioned the lack of knowledge.. and I will say I take back most of what I said 😅. Past the 9 minute mark I enjoyed what you said because it was 1000000% true