Your past is dragging you down

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • I suffered until I accepted accountability for my life.
    This involved shedding my past identity-the parts of myself I hid behind had to be exposed.
    It also required me to accept that if I wanted my life to change, I had to change.
    Often, what got us this far can be the very thing holding us back from where we want to go. We tend to think we need to learn a new skill, obtain a new strategy, or (fill in the blank). Yes, education and enhancing skills are important pieces of the puzzle. But most of the time, we need to get out of our own way.
    This means getting into our body and acknowledging the emotions we often suppress. Emotions are the key. They signal what’s off, what isn’t working anymore, and where to look. The problem is, it’s not fun-it’s scary and stressful, and our brains are designed to protect us from prolonged stress to prevent harm.
    In today's world, we face constant stimuli triggering this protective mechanism from societal fabricated origins, even when the threats aren't life or death.
    To gain confidence, we need to check our baggage-all the things we've been lugging around that affirm our limitations, why we can’t (fill in the blank), or why we don't deserve (x). This baggage validates what we dislike about ourselves and our lives, why it’s not our fault, and keeps us from accepting accountability to resolve our problems.
    These things keep us “safe” by preventing us from stepping into the desired but unknown, which only occurs when we make changes. The stress and associated emotions that hold us back are all made up, and when we acknowledge that we control it all, we can discover who we truly are at our core.
    This is how we gain confidence in ourselves.
    It doesn’t happen by accident. We have to show up and do the work, and continue to show up. It’s not fun and it doesn’t feel “good.”
    But it’s a lot better than suffering, complaining, and dragging others down with you.
    P.S. If you want to learn how we can work together to get you similar results, set up a free consultation call: