ricolinuxtutorial ...Why am I not suprised? The Illuminati were never "subtle" in anything, turns out that putting your logo on LITERALLY EVERYTHING in the most obvious way possible wasn't such a good idea...
I play this game every chance I get and this video is 100% correct! Anybody disliking it is just a fanboy in denial! Bungie is fucking you with a smile and we just keep on playing doing the same shit over and over and over. God they must think we are idiots
Its true, the dlc pissed on all our hard work in the game and the new iron banner took a dump on a week long worth of pvp grinding. I just play at random now for random reasons or to help friends. Xur is a fucking joke at this point and here is the real proof they are trolling : The week B4 the DLC Xur sold exotics that people usually win. Then the dlc dropped , he resold the same exotics with higher lvl damage and asks for an exchange!! The same fucking ones from the week b4! If that doesn't show you fanboys nothing will! LOL
Spot on! I loved the game originally and then realized, as a casual player, I was left in the dust by the junkies. It appears to be more of a social experiment to see just how much the general gaming community is willing to be milked. My twelve year old, who I purchased it for as a reward for getting honor role, loves it. Of course, he has hundreds of hours of the zombie level on COD. I fully support those that enjoy being immersed into a video game, so if you love it, kudos to you! For me, it has been a fascinating experience, but the DLC chopped the legs out from under me by adding nothing notable other than moving the grinding goal posts further away... Because my son loves it, I am happy with the purchase; as an adult who plays very casually, I think I would be dissatisfied with the required commitment to achieve a character level that allows you to be competitive. At level 28 the DLC has mostly relegated me to hiding behind better players in "cheese" spots as they do all the heavy lifting.
The problem is not that people would wipe over and over (which it would happen but people learn after so many attempts) but rather there is no option IN GAME for you to form a group. You have to go to outside websites to form groups other then messaging people hoping to get a response. It's the same system they did with the story (how little that may be), "Hey, collect these cards and visit our website if you want more info". Only a handful of people are going to do that. You should only have to leave the product to enrich the story that was already told. But the plot in this game is just...there is no story. It makes the story writers look amateur. Something you'd see on fanfiction.
No it is not, on the lfg website you form and regulate the group. But if you use matchmaking it's just a bunch of random players who could be like level 25 (that's when VoG is accessible) and have no idea what to do. You wouldn't be able to moderate a matchmade group as well. I guess there would be an option to vote to kick someone, but that's even more waste of time. If someone went to the lfg website that means they are dedicated to complete the raid, but in matchmaking people would be more inclined to leave at the worst moments because they simply wouldn't care. They can just find any other group any other time convenient for them. If you really think a random group would be more efficient you are the retarded one.
Yet i'm supposed to go to forums or another website to find random players?Because the matchmaking would be bad because of random people.What?That makes no sense You're pretty much doing what the matchmaking would do.
If you want your "dedicated" players so badly then you can feel free to use LFG. But everyone else should have the choice for matchmaking. People can still leave your group regardless of whether or not it was matchmade or created on LFG. What happens then to your LFG group when someone leaves? With matchmaking at least someone new can come in and help. And stop parading around the idea that LFG players are more dedicated than anyone else that's stupid. Dedicated players will continue to try the raid and learn how to complete it. If you don't trust raid matchmaking then use LFG, there you go problem solved and everyone lives happily ever after.
So glad I didn't bother with the dlc. Farming and grinding were the two things I hated most about the game. A lack of story and original content was a definite disappointment, but the grinding- and farming-focused gameplay is what killed it for me. This dlc shows they have no idea what's wrong with their game, or how to fix it. That, or it reveals they have no desire to. Either way, when Destiny 2 comes out, unless they've made some huge improvements in these areas, I foresee a huge drop in expected sales for them.
I think the worst grinding you do is legendary and exotic - weapons and armor! You get a drop, or take a long time to buy, new DLC items. Only to disassemble your old fully upgraded stuff for only 2 ascendant shards or energy! You put in 18 to get back 2!
Kinda curious but did bungie scrap the comet expansion plan for destiny. The plan was for there to be a destiny game every 2 years with a major expansion inbetween
Hi there guys. Just wanted to say that you can't keep giving points for good graphics and sound because we already know that. Those point have been awarded already. This SCORE should be a 4 or less. Based on new content only. Thank you.
About raid matchmaking: make it so you can only play if you have a mic. There, I fixed it in 15 seconds by myself. Surely a large game studio like Bungie can fix it too
This is so true!!! I actually stopped playing destiny for a long time until this dlc came out just because I felt like I was lied to. I'm talking about the HUGE LACK of content and this is especially concerning considering the fact that this is Bungie one of my favourite game developers and honestly I am seriously considering the option to return this game :( I just wanted to say that the review that they gave the dlc (6.0) is way to generous! The way they sounded and what they said seemed like they hated it. Honestly I would give The Dark Below a (4.0) ! Destiny as a hole is probably a (5.0) AT THE BEST!!!
Considering it was a 9.5mb download, this content was already there and I had this from September 9th and had to grind to level 30 and now you can just buy level 31 gear.
The raid is the only reason that you get some worth of playing the game. While at the end it follows the same trend it makes the challenge of getting their a fun experience and some of the unique fights with the actual boss is fun. I wish they made the bosses more unqiue like the raids and they didn't look like giant reskins of the same enemies. We all know the next raid boss is just going to be a bigger fallen captain and I'm curious what they're going to do for the raid
Xûr will not be in the tower until 3am CST tomorrow.Xûr is only in the tower, regardless of mission or bounty from Friday early morning until Early Sunday morning if you live in North America.
I appreciate the honesty as you guys said everything I feel about the state of Destiny... but I do feel 6 was too generous. After trying the DLC for myself, it was enough for me to say f... this game. There are way better games out now and coming that actually deserve my time. I don't have the time to grind another 2 months to get buy things from vendors as the game is not rewarding at all. Fighting a dragon in Dragon Age Inquisition was not only an epic fight but actually rewarded me with epic loot when I was finally able to take it down. Nuff said.
It's no surprise that you find the expansion boring when you play as a level 28 character and you choose to go through a mission at level 24 instead of level 28!
How they should have made the level system a little better: If they integrated the guild wars 2 system where if you play a lower level mission with a friend or something you will put dropped to that level. Now why would you want to debuff your hard earnings you ask? Well first it gives a little challenge and lets you play with friends who aren't as high of a level as you. Second it'll give you armor, weapons, and items that your level still deserves. You could even go as far as beafing up a play with a lower level to do a higher mission with a friend but still giving a little lower armor. And frankly its hard to find friends willing to play. I feel like I have no one to play with so my destiny experience definitely is lacking.
They should have just made the leveling system simple progressive exp bar all the way to cap so they could concentrate on more important things like the end game as that is the thing that will keep people playing the game most mmos I've played that have had one raid on launch have been abandoned by the majority as soon as they hit end game
Also another point is most mmos would suffer from a raid matchmaking system but honestly destiny would need it just because no access to content you payed for is a hurdle some people don't want to jump.
JEBEDIAH8D I feel like they just messed up on a lot of different things they should not have done. End game should be much better and Ik it is kind of a stretch and probably is not possible but Diablo added the randomized dungeon system so you could just keep getting new beaffy armor and grinding does not feel that bad since the gameplay is fun. Playing the same missions in Destiny is not as fun as randomized dungeons with a boss battle at the end.
I completely agree with this review, I think you guys are SPOT on and I really hope they fix all the SHIT they broke. I cant believe the changed the ability to trade material for reputation.... So many things they have done to turn the game into a GRIND fest..
Only thing I take issue with in this review is listing "Same great mechanics" as one of the pros. That to me sounds like a tactful re-wording of "Nothing has changed" in order to TRY and make it look like there is some sort of pro's to be had. Also, 6/10 means above average no? If you arent going to use all the numbers on your points scale, than why fucking have them? The way they talked about this game at no point gave me the impression that they found it to be above average.
I quit this game after I realized it was the same exact routine every week. Raid Nightfall Strike Grind Crucible Not to me mention that every other exotic is purchasable now and there are a few OP guns.
%100 agreed. you forgot to mention the commendation system is another stupid way to prolong the unnecessary grinding methods. I would have called quit on this game after I played the DLC, If one of my friends haven't had bought the game.
I'm so glad I gave up at lvl 27 with a full set of legendary armour and weapons and unable to upgrade them due to no matchmaking and time zones making it impossible to get a fireteam together! the thought of grinding vog the last few months to upgrade the shit, only to find out I could now go and buy better weapons is a fucking relief! dodged a waste of time bullet there
That's good but if you're having trouble finding people to play with, hit up the bungie forums for recruitment. I've used it so many times and people comment like every minute looking for teammates
Bungie doesn't implement Raid matchmaking because they don't want us going into in and failing, so instead, we don't get to go into it at all? That makes complete sense :/
Oh man, hilarious how anyone who says they like the game gets immediately slammed and insulted, as if differing opinions are no longer allowed. Sad, the state of gaming is becoming. Everyone who doesn't like the game takes a negative review of the DLC as a validation of their opinion, when actually the review itself is JUST ANOTHER OPINION. Crazy stuff.
Why does people hate on others for what their opinions are and what they like to do . I personally am a fan of the game but I don't defend it. If someone wants to like this game or any other don't get pissed at them for it .
I am just done with u ign. You're sitting here complaining about how there should be matchmaking in raids when Destin has beat Croat once or twice and the other dude hasn't even beat it. You guys dont know what you're talking about. The raid takes teamwork and communication a lot more than the vault of glass did. The vault of glass is child's play compared to this. Even Alfredo Diaz( who is one of ign's destiny people) said he could not have done the raid if it was people he had just met. Another reason matchmaking shouldn't be in raids is that not everyone has a Mic and therefore cannot communicate with their team. Also, if there was matchmaking someone in your raid could have to go and leave your team. Then u our whole raid is screwed. When u make your own team you know those people will stay and have made the commitment to finish that raid. Matchmaking would f***ing destroy Destiny.
YOU don't know what your talking about. Bigger groups of random people have easily completed raids consisting of 40 people that are a million times harder then anything destiny offers. There is NO harm in offering it for people. This game is already one of the most antisocial always online games I've ever seen (no chat and voice. How the eff do you even communicate), and to expect people to have 5 people always ready to raid is beyond stupid.
People are too hard on this game. There has never been anything like it before so they will make some mistakes but overall it is great. The review scores are garbage because they aren't reviewing from a unbiased perspective. There are so many great things that people admit this game has but they review what it doesn't and for some reason that matters more
"I don't have a large group of friends I play with." - IGN The reason Destiny doesn't allow matchmaking for Raids and such, is to try to encourage players to socialize and work as a team. If they Included matchmaking for raids and Nightfalls, It would ruin the point of Destiny. If you haven't noticed, nearly everything in Destiny is team-based and adding matchmaking to Raids would simply make for a huge headache when masses of random players who don't use headsets and have never done the raid before, just start screwing things up or hope to get in with a good group and leech some loot or checkpoints. Matchmaking for Raids is a HORRIBLE idea and hope it never comes to pass.
The "hype" will normally destroy the game... If people didn't hype this up everyone would be talking about how amazing it is...Instead we sit here and complain about it.
The DLC is just like the Game, MORE HYPE & Even less content than the original. We ask for more story and we got a lady telling us one during load screens LOL! Happy Holidays.
'THE RAID" is the dlc, why would you play this besides the raid? The raid alone is worth the DLC purchase.... And have you IGN guys never played other mmo styled games? This is exactly how WoW treats new content. New raid replaces old raid, new vendor gear to bring the community up to higher gear levels in order to beat the new content. THE MAIN CONTENT BEING THE RAID.
You basically paid £20 for a maximum half hour content ( the new raid). Thats bullshit. Should be more content for your money. If you bought the expansion pass you paid almost a new game price for two raids??
Ahh you see that's where yo've wrong friend. Let's take Heavensward. It's introducing 2 new classes, 6 different dungeons, a giant new location. And tons of story missions. For £25 I'm sorry but Heavensward shits on destiny, as does Warlords, and every other expansion ever. Bungie are thick. They do not know what they are doing. And they need to stop it.
yet again another idiot comparing destiny to an mmo. Destiny is not a goddamn mmo and WOW releases a new expansion every 2 years or so which makes current gear obsolete, not a few months
I totally agree with destin and I feel horrible for suggesting this game for my friend and now he never even plays this game because of the amount of boring grinding that the game makes you do, the only thing that this game has going for it is multiplayer.
It's hard to believe that a game like this is the outcome of a 500 million dollar budget... It just saddens me to see how much potential this game DID have, but missed it by so much.
it was a 3 game, 6 expansion project. so divide that by 3 for each game. the sales of destiny 2 will be much less and they will cancel it when people lose interest which will be 3 months. not sure how many will be playing by the time destiny 2 comes out. they made good money off the first one though due to the hype. people won't fall for it again and better shooters will come out. a shame as I loved this for a month and the game is fun! no matchmaking and repetition got me in the end
Still haven't played the Vault of Glass... Thinking of getting rid of Destiny only because I try and get groups together over forums or the game itself, but I usually end up with zero responses because people are tired of the Vault of Glass now, or their fire team is full. Kinda tired of playing a half-ass game because THEY feel a certain way over the players. It should be our opinions that matter, not so much theirs.
I joined a clan and linked to account, added about 20 people to my friends list through the website and got a couple requests now and again but am never playing the game since I quit at lvl 27 and fireteams were hard to put together. never done vog once! I fucking tried and was to much effort. I would have kept playing if there was a matchmaking option to set lvl of the raid and armour/weapon specs. maybe lower the difficulty but have slightly worse gear or less shards??? I hit a wall and once I couldn't lvl up my weapons and get shards I quit and won't be going back. matchmaking is so simple its crazy! do a match search for players at certain lvl and say they must have exotic weapon and armour/fully upgraded etc your then matched with said players and away you go. make mic's standard to encourage chat and an add friend button.......
Here's the best way to play destiny… I'm level 31 and spend 1 day a week… usually about 5-6 hours or so. Do all the weekly and nightly stuff, do crotas end and vault if you want…. Done…. Play somehing else with the rest of your time.
I'd like to say that I, like many others, are quite disappointed with this "game". I love destiny, I really do. The mechanics are great and it has a bunch going for it. However, the same stuff repetitively is so boring. No one likes grinding for hours for a tiny scratch into what they're going for. The loot is terrible. I've heard that all mobs drop something that you can use no matter what level they are, as the loot "scales up" to your level. But I'm level 29, I personally still get shitty greens for level 16. Yeah, real useful. There's just so much that could be done to make this game better, yet bungie doesn't seem to be listening to what we, the people playing, have to say, as far as I'm aware. It's just all FUBAR. Again though, I do like this game, give it a bit of a makeover here and there and it would shine
The reason why there's nothing new to the game is because this content was already in the game, it was just locked so u have to pay for it. Everything in the dark below should have been with the game at launch... Including house of wolves..
I love Destiny, had it since it launched but I completely agree with these guys. Bungie is seriously screwing this game up. Destin is right; all they did was add tons of new ways to grind. Expansion my ass.
***** Not 100% true. Not every MMO has you grinding so much like you do in destiny and release a new expansion only a month or two after the game has just come out. Most MMOs that do get new DLC usually allow the players without it to still progress in some way but at a slower rate (AKA free content and updates). Not every MMO makes what you did in a certain raid (unless it's a lower level raid) not matter anymore. Some of them give you a reason to keep playing the older raids if it's going to lock you out of one full week with no more drops
Hopefully Bungie watch this and sort their fucking shit out. Destiny is a great game but locking away disc content to be later released as DLC is disgusting.
I for one do like playing Destiny and do have a group of friends large enough to do the raid. HOWEVER! I do agree with everything IGN says and what people comment in the comments. Bungie came out before the DLC saying that they had listened to the fans and that the DLC would be more story based. Bullshit! I booked the day off of work for 3 missions? What story? The story basicly is - Crota bad go kill him. Very poor and not worth the money paid. Then the raid.....oh bungie... they don´t want to put match making in the raid because they dont want afks messing the experience. Fair point... but how about this for an idea. match making for the raid and if there is an afk in the group, the team can have a voting system to boot him which will automaticly look for another player. Giving fucking match making a go and if is a complete mess than pull it. but don´t give us this crap that it will ruin the experience when it hasn´t been tried yet!
The Dark below was so not worth $20. They don't give you enough to say "Okay, this was worth the $20 price" It's just fucking stupid. All you really "get" from the DLC is more missions, and a new Sparrow that has terrible handeling.
I agree. I hate joining parties only to be rejected by my friends because I'm so low leveled. It's such a bitch grinding and it takes way too long. I play the game alone and it just doesn't feel real. I want to play with my friends not by myself bungie.
I agree with IGN.Doing repetitive bounties are just so boring.Bungie shld increase the number or bounties eris gives considering the fact that some of them are for various classes
It's a real shame. I want to love this game, trying to love but it's not enough to keep my playing. Bungie has one more xpac to get this right or they will lose a lot of fans that they didn't lose already.
tough. its why I gave up at lvl 27 after getting legendary weapon and armour but was unable to upgrade due to not having enough friends........(cries) I did go onto a website and join a clan which linked to my account. added lots of clan members (about 20) but being in u.k I only ever had a few on at a time. got a couple requests here and there but had to wait for ages at the shitty screen trying to add other players. so yeah I gave up and lost interest and I'm glad. It was great fun for a month though
The reason this has no new mechanics and they haven't addressed any of the problems from feedback is because all this content was in the game at launch. They simply just locked it so the can sell it to us a couple of months after launch. Shame really, showing themselves to be just another money grabbing game company.
At this point th eonly thing that would really help this game is introducing new PVP maps, and just give up on mission content. Let people at least enjoy the shooting mechanics against each other, and quit the level grinding/material farming crap...
Wow nothing but hate. I agree the expansion is expensive. But i don't get why they say you cant get a full party. The bungie website has a place where you can find people doing any mission. Simple. Plus this guys are famous in gaming they can get people easy.
Damn, never saw IGN this honest before.
it's a lie, money is invloved trust me I'm illuminati
ricolinuxtutorial ...Why am I not suprised?
The Illuminati were never "subtle" in anything, turns out that putting your logo on LITERALLY EVERYTHING in the most obvious way possible wasn't such a good idea...
restam ahmed the end is near, we are going to be visible soon
ricolinuxtutorial SHHHHHHHHH! Not yet brother not yet! We must not give them reason to suspect! Soon...... soon.
guaterican17 we already spread the ebola acrros the USA and europe, soon...
How to fix Destiny.
Step 1: Sell Destiny
Step 2: Buy DA Inquisition
Step 3: Victory fap
Will do.
Already saw someone post this, but can I still have a victory fap if I buy shadow of mordor?
Wow dragon age lol, skyrim is way better than that shit.
that's exactly what i'm gonna do
Sell Destiny
Dragon age inquisition is garbage
I play this game every chance I get and this video is 100% correct! Anybody disliking it is just a fanboy in denial! Bungie is fucking you with a smile and we just keep on playing doing the same shit over and over and over. God they must think we are idiots
Why are you still playing it then?
Red Dead Panda lol he doesn't.
Its true, the dlc pissed on all our hard work in the game and the new iron banner took a dump on a week long worth of pvp grinding. I just play at random now for random reasons or to help friends. Xur is a fucking joke at this point and here is the real proof they are trolling : The week B4 the DLC Xur sold exotics that people usually win. Then the dlc dropped , he resold the same exotics with higher lvl damage and asks for an exchange!! The same fucking ones from the week b4! If that doesn't show you fanboys nothing will! LOL
Also currently i am level 30 with a rare freaking helmet, how is that even possible
have you just been running around the first level killing the same enemies for 3 months? :-)
That's actually impossible
***** thats crazy... how is that even possible... Destiny logic
***** ya thats true... it's still just hard to think you can get an exotic helmet before a legendary
this game is the defenition of insanity
Doing the Same thing over and over again...
Pr0fila expecting shit to change...
Mark Corrigan it did change! Have you not seen the penguin emblem?!
WE ALL KNOW WHAT IT MEANS! At first you don't succeed try, try again!
You do realize how void that quote is right!
Spot on! I loved the game originally and then realized, as a casual player, I was left in the dust by the junkies. It appears to be more of a social experiment to see just how much the general gaming community is willing to be milked. My twelve year old, who I purchased it for as a reward for getting honor role, loves it. Of course, he has hundreds of hours of the zombie level on COD. I fully support those that enjoy being immersed into a video game, so if you love it, kudos to you! For me, it has been a fascinating experience, but the DLC chopped the legs out from under me by adding nothing notable other than moving the grinding goal posts further away... Because my son loves it, I am happy with the purchase; as an adult who plays very casually, I think I would be dissatisfied with the required commitment to achieve a character level that allows you to be competitive. At level 28 the DLC has mostly relegated me to hiding behind better players in "cheese" spots as they do all the heavy lifting.
This review is spot on. I feel like destiny should be doing a lot more than what it's doing right now.
Destin playing Destiny...DESTIN...DESTINy...coincidence? I think not! I guess Destin was destined to play Destiny.
Yo dawg
I'd +1 but my phone aint giving me the option to.
Matchmaking for Raid would be dumb, it would be a wipefest. If you use lfg website you will get a full fireteam within 5-10 minutes.
The problem is not that people would wipe over and over (which it would happen but people learn after so many attempts) but rather there is no option IN GAME for you to form a group. You have to go to outside websites to form groups other then messaging people hoping to get a response. It's the same system they did with the story (how little that may be), "Hey, collect these cards and visit our website if you want more info". Only a handful of people are going to do that. You should only have to leave the product to enrich the story that was already told. But the plot in this game is just...there is no story. It makes the story writers look amateur. Something you'd see on fanfiction.
No it is not, on the lfg website you form and regulate the group. But if you use matchmaking it's just a bunch of random players who could be like level 25 (that's when VoG is accessible) and have no idea what to do. You wouldn't be able to moderate a matchmade group as well. I guess there would be an option to vote to kick someone, but that's even more waste of time. If someone went to the lfg website that means they are dedicated to complete the raid, but in matchmaking people would be more inclined to leave at the worst moments because they simply wouldn't care. They can just find any other group any other time convenient for them. If you really think a random group would be more efficient you are the retarded one.
Yet i'm supposed to go to forums or another website to find random players?Because the matchmaking would be bad because of random people.What?That makes no sense You're pretty much doing what the matchmaking would do.
If you want your "dedicated" players so badly then you can feel free to use LFG. But everyone else should have the choice for matchmaking. People can still leave your group regardless of whether or not it was matchmade or created on LFG. What happens then to your LFG group when someone leaves? With matchmaking at least someone new can come in and help. And stop parading around the idea that LFG players are more dedicated than anyone else that's stupid. Dedicated players will continue to try the raid and learn how to complete it. If you don't trust raid matchmaking then use LFG, there you go problem solved and everyone lives happily ever after.
***** You obviously don't understand what an lfg website is and how it works, so don't argue about something you don't know.
So glad I didn't bother with the dlc. Farming and grinding were the two things I hated most about the game.
A lack of story and original content was a definite disappointment, but the grinding- and farming-focused gameplay is what killed it for me.
This dlc shows they have no idea what's wrong with their game, or how to fix it.
That, or it reveals they have no desire to.
Either way, when Destiny 2 comes out, unless they've made some huge improvements in these areas, I foresee a huge drop in expected sales for them.
Hey did you guys hear about that new Destiny DLC called Destiny: The Desperate Money Grab? Sounds great 😃
IGN this is so honest and true! I hope bungie sees this and does something worth while! Thanks for the reviews as always!
I think the worst grinding you do is legendary and exotic - weapons and armor!
You get a drop, or take a long time to buy, new DLC items.
Only to disassemble your old fully upgraded stuff for only 2 ascendant shards or energy! You put in 18 to get back 2!
Kinda curious but did bungie scrap the comet expansion plan for destiny. The plan was for there to be a destiny game every 2 years with a major expansion inbetween
Also worth noting that the season pass is crazy expensive (at least it is in Australia). More than I've ever spent on one to date.
Hi there guys. Just wanted to say that you can't keep giving points for good graphics and sound because we already know that. Those point have been awarded already.
This SCORE should be a 4 or less. Based on new content only.
Thank you.
About raid matchmaking: make it so you can only play if you have a mic. There, I fixed it in 15 seconds by myself. Surely a large game studio like Bungie can fix it too
This is so true!!! I actually stopped playing destiny for a long time until this dlc came out just because I felt like I was lied to. I'm talking about the HUGE LACK of content and this is especially concerning considering the fact that this is Bungie one of my favourite game developers and honestly I am seriously considering the option to return this game :( I just wanted to say that the review that they gave the dlc (6.0) is way to generous! The way they sounded and what they said seemed like they hated it. Honestly I would give The Dark Below a (4.0) ! Destiny as a hole is probably a (5.0) AT THE BEST!!!
Considering it was a 9.5mb download, this content was already there and I had this from September 9th and had to grind to level 30 and now you can just buy level 31 gear.
Burnt out, loved the game, didn't buy the dlc. They really mishandled this whole release. Thanks for your honesty IGN.
The raid is the only reason that you get some worth of playing the game. While at the end it follows the same trend it makes the challenge of getting their a fun experience and some of the unique fights with the actual boss is fun. I wish they made the bosses more unqiue like the raids and they didn't look like giant reskins of the same enemies. We all know the next raid boss is just going to be a bigger fallen captain and I'm curious what they're going to do for the raid
Literally the first video from ign I've ever thumb's upped
does anyone know why i cant find Xur in the tower? i need to give him the sacrifice so i can get the eye and give it to eris. any help?
Hes only in the tower starting Friday-- Sunday
ahh i see.. thanks guys
Xûr will not be in the tower until 3am CST tomorrow.Xûr is only in the tower, regardless of mission or bounty from Friday early morning until Early Sunday morning if you live in North America.
I appreciate the honesty as you guys said everything I feel about the state of Destiny... but I do feel 6 was too generous. After trying the DLC for myself, it was enough for me to say f... this game.
There are way better games out now and coming that actually deserve my time. I don't have the time to grind another 2 months to get buy things from vendors as the game is not rewarding at all.
Fighting a dragon in Dragon Age Inquisition was not only an epic fight but actually rewarded me with epic loot when I was finally able to take it down. Nuff said.
It's no surprise that you find the expansion boring when you play as a level 28 character and you choose to go through a mission at level 24 instead of level 28!
I was really surprised to not see too much water as a negative.
All i could think while watching this video is "WHY DID YOU NOT PICK UP THAT BLUE ENGRAM OMG WHAT WERE YOU DOING"
How they should have made the level system a little better: If they integrated the guild wars 2 system where if you play a lower level mission with a friend or something you will put dropped to that level. Now why would you want to debuff your hard earnings you ask? Well first it gives a little challenge and lets you play with friends who aren't as high of a level as you. Second it'll give you armor, weapons, and items that your level still deserves. You could even go as far as beafing up a play with a lower level to do a higher mission with a friend but still giving a little lower armor. And frankly its hard to find friends willing to play. I feel like I have no one to play with so my destiny experience definitely is lacking.
They should have just made the leveling system simple progressive exp bar all the way to cap so they could concentrate on more important things like the end game as that is the thing that will keep people playing the game most mmos I've played that have had one raid on launch have been abandoned by the majority as soon as they hit end game
Also another point is most mmos would suffer from a raid matchmaking system but honestly destiny would need it just because no access to content you payed for is a hurdle some people don't want to jump.
JEBEDIAH8D I feel like they just messed up on a lot of different things they should not have done. End game should be much better and Ik it is kind of a stretch and probably is not possible but Diablo added the randomized dungeon system so you could just keep getting new beaffy armor and grinding does not feel that bad since the gameplay is fun. Playing the same missions in Destiny is not as fun as randomized dungeons with a boss battle at the end.
One of the problem for raid matchmaking may be that you find 6 players speak six languages. The server is world wide.
I completely agree with this review, I think you guys are SPOT on and I really hope they fix all the SHIT they broke. I cant believe the changed the ability to trade material for reputation.... So many things they have done to turn the game into a GRIND fest..
What code is it for the dark below expansion1 code
How can a game with such massive funding, experienced developers, and passion suck so hard? This should've never been this bad
The price for this is inexcusable. It should be free more than any other DLC I've played.
Have I ever told you , the definition of insanity?
Far cry 3
Did they fix it in the legendary edition?
Only thing I take issue with in this review is listing "Same great mechanics" as one of the pros. That to me sounds like a tactful re-wording of "Nothing has changed" in order to TRY and make it look like there is some sort of pro's to be had. Also, 6/10 means above average no? If you arent going to use all the numbers on your points scale, than why fucking have them? The way they talked about this game at no point gave me the impression that they found it to be above average.
It's quite obvious that it was cut content as all bosses are just slight reskins of hive and are just bullet sponges
I quit this game after I realized it was the same exact routine every week.
Nightfall Strike
Not to me mention that every other exotic is purchasable now and there are a few OP guns.
%100 agreed. you forgot to mention the commendation system is another stupid way to prolong the unnecessary grinding methods. I would have called quit on this game after I played the DLC, If one of my friends haven't had bought the game.
The Eris missions could have been a campaign in itself with more content
I'm so glad I gave up at lvl 27 with a full set of legendary armour and weapons and unable to upgrade them due to no matchmaking and time zones making it impossible to get a fireteam together! the thought of grinding vog the last few months to upgrade the shit, only to find out I could now go and buy better weapons is a fucking relief! dodged a waste of time bullet there
That's good but if you're having trouble finding people to play with, hit up the bungie forums for recruitment. I've used it so many times and people comment like every minute looking for teammates
Bungie doesn't implement Raid matchmaking because they don't want us going into in and failing, so instead, we don't get to go into it at all? That makes complete sense :/
I just make up my own story as I go...
Oh man, hilarious how anyone who says they like the game gets immediately slammed and insulted, as if differing opinions are no longer allowed. Sad, the state of gaming is becoming. Everyone who doesn't like the game takes a negative review of the DLC as a validation of their opinion, when actually the review itself is JUST ANOTHER OPINION. Crazy stuff.
Why does people hate on others for what their opinions are and what they like to do . I personally am a fan of the game but I don't defend it. If someone wants to like this game or any other don't get pissed at them for it .
WOW IGN being honest, this day will go down in gaming history
I am just done with u ign. You're sitting here complaining about how there should be matchmaking in raids when Destin has beat Croat once or twice and the other dude hasn't even beat it. You guys dont know what you're talking about. The raid takes teamwork and communication a lot more than the vault of glass did. The vault of glass is child's play compared to this. Even Alfredo Diaz( who is one of ign's destiny people) said he could not have done the raid if it was people he had just met. Another reason matchmaking shouldn't be in raids is that not everyone has a Mic and therefore cannot communicate with their team. Also, if there was matchmaking someone in your raid could have to go and leave your team. Then u our whole raid is screwed. When u make your own team you know those people will stay and have made the commitment to finish that raid. Matchmaking would f***ing destroy Destiny.
Amen! Forget matchmaking.
YOU don't know what your talking about. Bigger groups of random people have easily completed raids consisting of 40 people that are a million times harder then anything destiny offers. There is NO harm in offering it for people. This game is already one of the most antisocial always online games I've ever seen (no chat and voice. How the eff do you even communicate), and to expect people to have 5 people always ready to raid is beyond stupid.
Destiny is already destroyed
PennDuo24 Yet it has more players than advanced crapfare.
People are too hard on this game. There has never been anything like it before so they will make some mistakes but overall it is great. The review scores are garbage because they aren't reviewing from a unbiased perspective. There are so many great things that people admit this game has but they review what it doesn't and for some reason that matters more
Damn ign being honest today I like it
Gotta hand it to the people who marketed and advertised for this game. They really knew how to sucker and rake in the money from unsuspecting gamers.
"I don't have a large group of friends I play with." - IGN The reason Destiny doesn't allow matchmaking for Raids and such, is to try to encourage players to socialize and work as a team. If they Included matchmaking for raids and Nightfalls, It would ruin the point of Destiny. If you haven't noticed, nearly everything in Destiny is team-based and adding matchmaking to Raids would simply make for a huge headache when masses of random players who don't use headsets and have never done the raid before, just start screwing things up or hope to get in with a good group and leech some loot or checkpoints. Matchmaking for Raids is a HORRIBLE idea and hope it never comes to pass.
The grind is real but I love it
The "hype" will normally destroy the game... If people didn't hype this up everyone would be talking about how amazing it is...Instead we sit here and complain about it.
The DLC is just like the Game, MORE HYPE & Even less content than the original. We ask for more story and we got a lady telling us one during load screens LOL! Happy Holidays.
Grinding in some games can be fun, in destiny its monotonous
'THE RAID" is the dlc, why would you play this besides the raid? The raid alone is worth the DLC purchase.... And have you IGN guys never played other mmo styled games? This is exactly how WoW treats new content. New raid replaces old raid, new vendor gear to bring the community up to higher gear levels in order to beat the new content. THE MAIN CONTENT BEING THE RAID.
You basically paid £20 for a maximum half hour content ( the new raid). Thats bullshit. Should be more content for your money. If you bought the expansion pass you paid almost a new game price for two raids??
Ahh you see that's where yo've wrong friend.
Let's take Heavensward. It's introducing 2 new classes, 6 different dungeons, a giant new location. And tons of story missions.
For £25
I'm sorry but Heavensward shits on destiny, as does Warlords, and every other expansion ever.
Bungie are thick. They do not know what they are doing. And they need to stop it.
Destiny is not an MMO stop trying to defend a shitty game that doesn't know what it is
yet again another idiot comparing destiny to an mmo.
Destiny is not a goddamn mmo and WOW releases a new expansion every 2 years or so which makes current gear obsolete, not a few months
Wow never thought I'll ever hear IGN give a honest review
I totally agree with destin and I feel horrible for suggesting this game for my friend and now he never even plays this game because of the amount of boring grinding that the game makes you do, the only thing that this game has going for it is multiplayer.
now I know how my parents feel about me
"not mad, just disappointed"
But you have a chance to change that...bungie, well.....they have to rebuild a whole new game to get it right.
jascharl LOL true. as for Bugnie perhaps Destiny 2 will change things
What a wasted opportunity on Bungie's Part. instead of making it right with the community they done fucked it up
It's hard to believe that a game like this is the outcome of a 500 million dollar budget... It just saddens me to see how much potential this game DID have, but missed it by so much.
it was a 3 game, 6 expansion project. so divide that by 3 for each game. the sales of destiny 2 will be much less and they will cancel it when people lose interest which will be 3 months. not sure how many will be playing by the time destiny 2 comes out. they made good money off the first one though due to the hype. people won't fall for it again and better shooters will come out. a shame as I loved this for a month and the game is fun! no matchmaking and repetition got me in the end
Why is same great mechanics on the the list of good things because it's not like the mechanics where gonna change
Thanks for the honesty ign! Bungie needs to get their heads out if their asses.
Still haven't played the Vault of Glass... Thinking of getting rid of Destiny only because I try and get groups together over forums or the game itself, but I usually end up with zero responses because people are tired of the Vault of Glass now, or their fire team is full. Kinda tired of playing a half-ass game because THEY feel a certain way over the players. It should be our opinions that matter, not so much theirs.
I joined a clan and linked to account, added about 20 people to my friends list through the website and got a couple requests now and again but am never playing the game since I quit at lvl 27 and fireteams were hard to put together. never done vog once! I fucking tried and was to much effort. I would have kept playing if there was a matchmaking option to set lvl of the raid and armour/weapon specs. maybe lower the difficulty but have slightly worse gear or less shards??? I hit a wall and once I couldn't lvl up my weapons and get shards I quit and won't be going back. matchmaking is so simple its crazy! do a match search for players at certain lvl and say they must have exotic weapon and armour/fully upgraded etc your then matched with said players and away you go. make mic's standard to encourage chat and an add friend button.......
Anyone can say what they want.
I like this game.
after watching this video i have collected 150/200 tears
It's a shame because I truly love destiny but I have to agree with this.
Here's the best way to play destiny… I'm level 31 and spend 1 day a week… usually about 5-6 hours or so. Do all the weekly and nightly stuff, do crotas end and vault if you want…. Done…. Play somehing else with the rest of your time.
The problem is, Destiny isn't a story oriented game, if you want to know the story read the goddamn cards.
Well, that's $500 million well spent.
I'd like to say that I, like many others, are quite disappointed with this "game". I love destiny, I really do. The mechanics are great and it has a bunch going for it. However, the same stuff repetitively is so boring. No one likes grinding for hours for a tiny scratch into what they're going for. The loot is terrible. I've heard that all mobs drop something that you can use no matter what level they are, as the loot "scales up" to your level. But I'm level 29, I personally still get shitty greens for level 16. Yeah, real useful. There's just so much that could be done to make this game better, yet bungie doesn't seem to be listening to what we, the people playing, have to say, as far as I'm aware. It's just all FUBAR. Again though, I do like this game, give it a bit of a makeover here and there and it would shine
I really wanted this game to be the one, I wanted it to be more so bad :'[
The reason why there's nothing new to the game is because this content was already in the game, it was just locked so u have to pay for it. Everything in the dark below should have been with the game at launch... Including house of wolves..
I love Destiny, had it since it launched but I completely agree with these guys. Bungie is seriously screwing this game up. Destin is right; all they did was add tons of new ways to grind. Expansion my ass.
They do understand that every MMO is exactly like Destiny in the DLC range of things right?
***** Not 100% true. Not every MMO has you grinding so much like you do in destiny and release a new expansion only a month or two after the game has just come out. Most MMOs that do get new DLC usually allow the players without it to still progress in some way but at a slower rate (AKA free content and updates). Not every MMO makes what you did in a certain raid (unless it's a lower level raid) not matter anymore. Some of them give you a reason to keep playing the older raids if it's going to lock you out of one full week with no more drops
They shouldn't have cut one strike off an already content less dlc
Hopefully Bungie watch this and sort their fucking shit out. Destiny is a great game but locking away disc content to be later released as DLC is disgusting.
I don't think anyone in Bungie knows anything about loot based RPGs, or multiplayer. They took no hints or tricks from other games.
THE TRUTH FINALLY COMES OUT! IGN thank you for finally being honest for once.
The story has more holes in it than the surface of the Moon
Matchmaking raid pls
I for one do like playing Destiny and do have a group of friends large enough to do the raid.
I do agree with everything IGN says and what people comment in the comments.
Bungie came out before the DLC saying that they had listened to the fans and that the DLC would be more story based. Bullshit! I booked the day off of work for 3 missions? What story? The story basicly is - Crota bad go kill him. Very poor and not worth the money paid.
Then the raid.....oh bungie... they don´t want to put match making in the raid because they dont want afks messing the experience.
Fair point... but how about this for an idea. match making for the raid and if there is an afk in the group, the team can have a voting system to boot him which will automaticly look for another player.
Giving fucking match making a go and if is a complete mess than pull it. but don´t give us this crap that it will ruin the experience when it hasn´t been tried yet!
The Dark below was so not worth $20. They don't give you enough to say "Okay, this was worth the $20 price" It's just fucking stupid. All you really "get" from the DLC is more missions, and a new Sparrow that has terrible handeling.
With this release?? The game was always grinding guys...
Destiny = biggest gaming scam of 2014
I agree. I hate joining parties only to be rejected by my friends because I'm so low leveled. It's such a bitch grinding and it takes way too long. I play the game alone and it just doesn't feel real. I want to play with my friends not by myself bungie.
Bungie has a great idea in Destiny but the execution is bad I'm hoping the second destiny will fix these issues
I agree with IGN.Doing repetitive bounties are just so boring.Bungie shld increase the number or bounties eris gives considering the fact that some of them are for various classes
You guys couldn't be more wrong. The DLC is awesome. Well worth a measly $20. Shit, you guys just don't get it....
They were being nice when they gave it a rating of 6. It deserved a 2/10.
It's a real shame. I want to love this game, trying to love but it's not enough to keep my playing. Bungie has one more xpac to get this right or they will lose a lot of fans that they didn't lose already.
if i buy the game but with no friend to play with, the raid is not for me? but i paid for it..why dont i get the content that i paid for?
tough. its why I gave up at lvl 27 after getting legendary weapon and armour but was unable to upgrade due to not having enough friends........(cries)
I did go onto a website and join a clan which linked to my account. added lots of clan members (about 20) but being in u.k I only ever had a few on at a time. got a couple requests here and there but had to wait for ages at the shitty screen trying to add other players. so yeah I gave up and lost interest and I'm glad. It was great fun for a month though
Lack of matchmaking is why I traded in my copy of the game.
The reason this has no new mechanics and they haven't addressed any of the problems from feedback is because all this content was in the game at launch. They simply just locked it so the can sell it to us a couple of months after launch. Shame really, showing themselves to be just another money grabbing game company.
At this point th eonly thing that would really help this game is introducing new PVP maps, and just give up on mission content. Let people at least enjoy the shooting mechanics against each other, and quit the level grinding/material farming crap...
They want it to perfect
Finally IGN saying this game suck, shoot same shit in new cave
I would give it a 4.5 out of 10
Wow nothing but hate. I agree the expansion is expensive. But i don't get why they say you cant get a full party. The bungie website has a place where you can find people doing any mission. Simple. Plus this guys are famous in gaming they can get people easy.
Review PVP maps, then call this a review.