Salary for Pastors

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2015
  • Interview with Norm Funk at Westside Church in Vancouver, BC.


  • @Rnadc37
    @Rnadc37 8 років тому +324

    What I find so heartbreaking, is that what Piper suggests or preaches usually seems so radical, when in fact it is just basic biblical truths. The North American church has forgotten so much of the basic biblical teachings... Lord wake us up

    • @DJSinsley
      @DJSinsley 4 роки тому +3


    • @agentmikster44
      @agentmikster44 4 роки тому +8

      Indeed. I find it crazy how many churches (especially the super large ones) basically just preach what people want to hear and at the same time allowing things that the Bible very clearly states is wrong.

    • @grey0966
      @grey0966 2 роки тому

      Piper is a wolf

    • @grey0966
      @grey0966 2 роки тому

      @@sarahmichaels2117 right

    • @lenarrigo8713
      @lenarrigo8713 Рік тому

      @@sarahmichaels2117 read romans chapter 9

  • @johnhathaway7142
    @johnhathaway7142 4 роки тому +29

    John Piper has taught me do much, not just theologically but in having the right attitudes as in this video. I am greatly blessed by his ministry.

  • @lynch8418
    @lynch8418 5 років тому +55

    It’s just so sad to see so many people in the comment section saying pastors shouldn’t get anything. My husband is a pastor, we have three beautiful children and one on the way. He also takes care of his sick elderly mother. My husband is always praying for his congregation visiting the sick (which takes gas, car insurance and a well working vehicle). He trains his Deacons and ministers driving back and forth frequently throughout the week. He goes on speaking engagements and revivals constantly developing messages and preaching to many. Bible studies, church meetings etc. these are just to name a few. He is always busy working for the Lord pouring himself out for the Lord’s people. But we live in the world just like everyone else. We have bills, we have to feed our children and provide a shelter. My husband gets paid very little. Well below poverty line. It’s a constant struggle. But he loves what he does, he loves the Lord and he loves people. But even getting paid that little is too much in some people’s eyes??? It’s very disheartening.

    • @GOtheVOPro
      @GOtheVOPro 5 років тому +4

      I just want to commend you and your husband for the hard work and sacrifices made to help other people. I really hope you are blessed above and beyond very soon with a better financial situation. You deserve to be taken care of for your service to mankind. Don’t pay too much attention to the comments about Pastors not deserving to be paid. They don’t understand the position, and they’re speaking emotionally out of hurt because of the extremely wealthy extortionist Pastors.
      I was a Christian for 29 years before I left the church and arrived at Agnosticism. Before that, I worked under all kinds of Pastors. The last megachurch I worked for was in my opinion the wrong example of Christ. From incompetence to contempt for the congregation; these men were extremely overpaid for their service. But you and yours don’t qualify to be counted amongst this lot. You should have all your needs met plus a little extra to save, and a little more to have some fun with. That’s not unreasonable at all to desire for your family.

    • @lynch8418
      @lynch8418 5 років тому

      george orlando Thank you. It really helps to hear a personal perspective concerning this. And I do understand why some people may feel the way they do when someone has abused their position in that way. I’m sorry you had to experience the wrong side of ministry but I’m very happy to hear that you haven’t turned your back on God. I certainly hope more Christians would understand that not all pastors are corrupted as not all doctors malpractice. Thank you for your encouraging response! My husband and I will continue to do what we can for people because we love the Lord and love people. May the Lord Bless you and keep you! See you in heaven one day my brother.

    • @SachaBrixhe
      @SachaBrixhe Рік тому +4

      ​@@lynch8418Your first concern must be Jesus's Approval, not money, obey Him that said "Freely ye have received, freely give" and you'll see the miracle of being taken care by God Himself.
      Stop being like the world, the unbelivers, that say "Where will I get my money from?" receive the truth and give it freely.
      Jesus is not mute, and certainly not inactive, hear His Voice, be guided by Him, get your provision from Him, not from people. Get right with Him, and get rid of ALL vanity.

    • @matthewashman1406
      @matthewashman1406 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@@SachaBrixheyour advice does not come from a place of love but it seems superiority. Just saying

    • @ArchanjoFreeStep
      @ArchanjoFreeStep 7 місяців тому +3

      Live by the ministry, experiment the position, and then you can say words like that. Is easy say this things when you don't live the pastoral ministry.@@SachaBrixhe

  • @noahinson
    @noahinson 6 років тому +118

    John Piper is a true brother in the Lord. Love him.

    • @joznew1
      @joznew1 5 років тому +4

      amen to that, these pastors are rare nowadays

    • @jonathangatto
      @jonathangatto Рік тому +1

      I'm a Mormon our bishops are not paid

    • @noahinson
      @noahinson Рік тому +2

      @@jonathangatto oh wow what an amazing argument for a cult

    • @jonathangatto
      @jonathangatto Рік тому

      @@noahinson should you be paid to do the Lord's work?
      Peter was never paid

    • @noahinson
      @noahinson Рік тому +1

      @@jonathangatto Was never arguing for preachers to be paid, but I'm glad your bishops aren't paid to serve a cult. Sad that they do, though.

  • @frankfuentes5659
    @frankfuentes5659 4 роки тому +29

    My pastor worked a full time job while pastoring pretty much full time. He worked for Proctor & Gamble for years, then owned his own business. When he finally 'retired' he simply pastored full time & has refused to receive more than $45K a year for it. The elders have tried to pay him more (we feel he does quite a bit more work than $45K a year), but he has refused. He invested his own money in a 401K/IRA & is a real blessing. I find this video very inspiring.

    • @jonathangatto
      @jonathangatto Рік тому +1

      I'm Mormon and our bishops aren't paid

    • @frankfuentes5659
      @frankfuentes5659 Рік тому

      @@jonathangatto you are Mormon therefore you aren't even a Christian, you are a heretic according church history, the creeds, & orthodoxy at large. So there's that.

    • @scotttovey
      @scotttovey 5 місяців тому

      "I'm Mormon and our bishops aren't paid"
      Not only am I not impressed by the fact of disobedience by your church, I'm of the opinion that it brings a curse on those that practice this very disobedience. For Christ said that those that withhold food, drink, clothing, shelter, and visitation from the least of His disciples that do His Father's will in heave, do it unto Him.
      I came to this position after being unemployed, homeless and lacking sufficient food long enough that I became too week to hold a job when I finally found one. After I was terminated from the job, the "associate pastor" said to me; "If a man does not work, neither shall he eat". That was pretty much a death sentence at that point and 10 months later I ended up in the hospital having suffered a myocardial infarction, underwent heart surgery to drain fluid off my heart and came out disabled.
      Now I see sayings such as; "You're not supposed to be trying to make money, you're supposed to just do it for Jesus" as not only a threat a against the persons life, but telling that person, they are not supposed to be trying to live because that is exactly what is being said.
      There is amble instruction in the scriptures that require the paying of church leaders and when you consider that it is a commandment, those that are leaders, do not have the prerogative to not receive payment for their labor.
      Deuteronomy 25:4: Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.
      1Corinthians 9:9: For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?
      1Corinthians 9:13: Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?
      14: Even so established the Lord commandment; they which preach the gospel; shall live of the gospel.
      1Timothy 5:17: Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.
      18: For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.
      Matthew 25:41: Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
      42: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
      43: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
      44: Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
      45: Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
      46: And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

  • @tonywalker23
    @tonywalker23 8 років тому +168

    As long as I've been familiar with Piper I had respect for how he did things as a pastor, what little bit I've heard about. When I hear him in this video say that just because he's lead pastor he doesn't think he has to be the highest paid... Wow. I hope that if I ever am in a position (although I'm sure it won't be as public or famous) I'll have that same humility.

    • @ILoveGodsWord413
      @ILoveGodsWord413 8 років тому +3

      +tonywalker23 Amen! I hope the same with me!

    • @shannonmatlock3561
      @shannonmatlock3561 7 років тому +1


    • @davidchrist6611
      @davidchrist6611 6 років тому +1

      I love you brother, a true pastor must remember this. pressed down, shaken together, pouring over. Amen! Most importantly distributing amongst the kindred as needed. Selah.

    • @rap95811
      @rap95811 6 років тому +2

      You're response feels me with hope. God bless you brother

    • @InsaneWorld2
      @InsaneWorld2 5 років тому +5

      People , even religious people, think they need much more than what they really do. Having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. - Apostle Paul

  • @jenifercabaniss7299
    @jenifercabaniss7299 2 роки тому +7

    This one made me ball. 😭❤️👑 This has been in my heart for so long. Our commission is to make disciples and go OUT to preach the Gospel! Hallelujah!

  • @sqd8
    @sqd8 8 років тому +6

    What a truth spoken, my heart is screaming amen, amen, amen! Praise God for this messenger of the gospel.

  • @caleb8888
    @caleb8888 4 роки тому +6

    Always the most wonderful slap right in the perspective. I love this man.

  • @blusky7
    @blusky7 3 роки тому +3

    Wow! Never heard anyone saying that before. Totally a new concept to me that a senior pastor would be happy with a cap to his salary. What an example to all our church leaders today! Thank you Mr Piper! We pray to God for your health and ministry. I think we need you still for many years to come. God bless you!

  • @bobbyBMC
    @bobbyBMC 6 років тому +10

    Best teaching on pastor's salary I have ever heard.

    • @MrBilioner
      @MrBilioner 4 роки тому

      @Rip Van but if the body is working all together in union what makes us think that an arm is more worth then the leg? They both work together for the body to function so it would be ok and fair if both arm and leg get the same portion. Colossians 4:1 Masters, supply your slaves with what is right and fair, since you know that you also have a Master in heaven.

    • @MrBilioner
      @MrBilioner 4 роки тому

      @Rip Van Im not talking to the africans you mention but the body of Christ, to each individual takes a part as we read in james 2 it talks about the rich persons and poor persons,yes it does not talk about the function in the church but we both can agree that every person is the same in Gods eyes? We all are bought by a price no one can pay and to say that someone deserves more just because he has a different part is just that what it talks in james. If we all focus on the Gospel we would not want more money for ourselfs but spread it equally and at the end having more money is not the goal hear,now is it?
      Seek the kingdom of God first and all the things God will take care of and even money and we dont have to worry about it.

  • @thetysharpe
    @thetysharpe 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you John Piper for this clarity and balance!

  • @ronschueler909
    @ronschueler909 6 років тому +52

    Missionaries deserve as much support as the pastor but their support is poor.

    • @vanmoody
      @vanmoody 6 років тому +5

      Missionaries have multiple churches which support them. You have to think about that. Pastors have the one church which supports them. It all works out.

    • @ronschueler909
      @ronschueler909 6 років тому +6

      Is that why only four percent go to missionaries?

    • @davidchristorei2767
      @davidchristorei2767 5 років тому

      Yes, it is

    • @John37ful
      @John37ful 4 роки тому

      @@ronschueler909 you sound like someone who's had a bad experience mate. Who said 4% is what churches usually give? My church gives several times more, and im in fellowship with other churches that give even more than my own! And whats the context? 4% of 10,000,000 is 400,000 which seems pretty supportive.
      Don't ever let a poor personal experience cloud your judgement and assume thats the same standard everyone follows.

    • @4childrenhope
      @4childrenhope 4 роки тому

      I agree with you brother Ron

  • @babulakuladipyakuladipya3160
    @babulakuladipyakuladipya3160 5 років тому +3

    I love this interview and the content of this talk as well.

  • @geraldpolmateer3255
    @geraldpolmateer3255 3 роки тому +10

    Having been a manager in the largest business of its kind in the US I was able to learn wisdom in wise practices. When I started pastoring later in life I quickly learned how poorly church leaders were equipped about finances. The church leaders who have more than they need should live in such a way that they live simply so others can simply live. The pastors who have more should help the pastors who have less. When I went from business my salary as a pastor drastically reduced and so did the respect I was given. Every church leader should be making disciples not just converts.

  • @mightymanofvalour8691
    @mightymanofvalour8691 5 років тому +1

    This is why, pastor, we will keep giving God our offerings to you. God bless you pastor ❤️ more need to have this attitude and perspective.

  • @vuyi23
    @vuyi23 6 років тому +2

    Pastor Piper, you are a mane after God’s heart, May He bless you abundantly with His love

  • @Saucyff2lfg
    @Saucyff2lfg 5 років тому +14

    Preach it pastor.
    God bless you sir.

  • @jennyjohn7386
    @jennyjohn7386 8 років тому +8

    True word of God, God bless you pastor piper

  • @surenshrestha6405
    @surenshrestha6405 3 роки тому +4

    Piper with all his expressive abilities expresses a truth that most congregations should know and be taught about. It has been a real challenge for many faithful pastors to survive, and their kids! would not want to become a pastor or get into ministry by seeing the struggles of their parents. Of course, the congregation may never know all theologies like the ministers, but this one truth is so vital.

  • @Bindi_Marc
    @Bindi_Marc 2 роки тому

    My goodness. Thank you, Lord, for John Piper. What a gift.

  • @bryanvaloria8317
    @bryanvaloria8317 4 роки тому +1

    Good honest man❤️💯 I find joy listening to elders, they’re real, genuine, and they believe in the simple things in life. All they care about is honoring God, walking like Jesus, helping people, and content with just having enough❤️🙏🏻 saddens me knowing that these true good people will not be here forever😢 my hope & prayer is that their values & influence will be past on to us young upcoming leaders so that our children will live the same from generation to generation in Jesus holy Name. Amen🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏿🙏🏽

  • @user-vh1sh1xl5k
    @user-vh1sh1xl5k 4 роки тому +21

    Tell all this foolishness to a pastor somewhere in India who is going to villages around on his bicycle and lives in simple shack....

    • @thenaturalpeoplesbureau
      @thenaturalpeoplesbureau 3 роки тому

      The indians dont need pastors, they already have a more evolved, more secular and more intelligent approach to the worldsoul (christ), to god (parabrahman) and to the holy spirit (nirguna brahman). No one needs pastors because the holy worldsoul IS INSIDE YOUR HEART. This worldsoul is the bridegroom, and your individual soul is the bride. Knowing that you are both christ/vishnu AND the individual soul, how has preaching any value? Any separation between the worldsoul/redeemer and the soul, is satanism.
      Preaching dualism, these fishpriests are really satans minions, living in delusion and being devoid of any love, but full of fear and stupidity.

  • @camilleroseministries
    @camilleroseministries 6 років тому +4


  • @wolfman7284
    @wolfman7284 2 роки тому +1

    Very well put. You can tell where John Piper's heart truly is.

  • @SimplyFernando
    @SimplyFernando 21 годину тому

    Love his input and wisdom.

  • @JerredRogero
    @JerredRogero 8 років тому +29

    I wish more people would talk about things like this, thank you Piper.

  • @iduulitimothy9582
    @iduulitimothy9582 2 роки тому

    Thanks for letting me know this truth.
    We are blessed

  • @reevesjonathan
    @reevesjonathan 4 роки тому +4

    You are a true man of God. I love watching you speak the truth sir. God bless you.

  • @mickaelchen5908
    @mickaelchen5908 6 років тому +38

    I wish he was my grand father :(

    • @PJ-ql4pw
      @PJ-ql4pw 4 роки тому +1

      I just want to see this guy!

    • @PolarSkateCo
      @PolarSkateCo 4 роки тому +2

      lol - just be a doer of the word (or more of a doer), and be just like him....maybe even greater! That will bless your family and grand children! 👍🏼 God loves us just as much as he loves pastor John, and can and will use us as much, or even more than him, if we love God as Pastor John does. Bless you, Mickael

    • @michaelagbonkpolor4069
      @michaelagbonkpolor4069 4 роки тому


    • @ivethsebilla1835
      @ivethsebilla1835 4 роки тому +1

      Me too

  • @HenriettaAngbashum0130
    @HenriettaAngbashum0130 8 років тому

    very much respect to pastor piper.... i wish lots of these prosperity preachers we have now and days listen to this cos lots of them are even in more danger than the members.....

  • @cyndig1670
    @cyndig1670 Рік тому +1

    Good!!!! Thanks for encouraging me to BE GENEROUS and not like the world! Love this stuff!

  • @LOL4Life556
    @LOL4Life556 8 років тому

    John Piper and Norm Funk, My two favourite pastors

  • @MrNoNameForYou
    @MrNoNameForYou 6 років тому +1

    Thank you

  • @JSHcreates
    @JSHcreates 5 років тому

    My new pastor!! Speaks the truth and keeps it real!! The bible doesn't have to be complicated to understand when you have pastors that teach sound doctrine!!!

    • @michaelcabrera7420
      @michaelcabrera7420 5 років тому

      JSHcreates just make sure u have your own local pastor

  • @Three721
    @Three721 Рік тому +1

    You know I saw a video of him with an old shirt on it seems simple but it makes me think of humility. It’s rare to see honesty and simplicity in today’s world.

  • @jeffsatterthwaite9874
    @jeffsatterthwaite9874 4 роки тому

    Our board used pay for school teachers in our area with similar experience and education as a baseline for the lead Pastor's salary which, at the time was woefully low. Constraining it against the actual income and responsibilities of the church we set a target salary and began working towards getting to to the desired level. This combined with a good performence evaluation and crystal clear demarcation of board/staff responsibilities has worked well for us. God is blessing us more and more as we have been dilligent in these and other areas.

  • @KeithThompson52
    @KeithThompson52 8 років тому +26

    Wonderful and Biblical response from brother Piper.

  • @lamonttrent9109
    @lamonttrent9109 5 років тому +2


  • @jameslebie8256
    @jameslebie8256 6 років тому +3

    This is really good.

  • @JesusGarcia-Digem
    @JesusGarcia-Digem 6 років тому +2


  • @gmc911er
    @gmc911er Рік тому

    Thank you for this. I never looked at that way.

  • @ronnepomuceno7252
    @ronnepomuceno7252 8 років тому +6

    Wow! That's a biblical perspective which many pastors and Christians hopefully will embrace. It sounds foreign because of the influence the world has on us. Oh, may we have a balanced biblical viewpoint.

    • @psykomystro
      @psykomystro 8 років тому +1

      +Ronald Nepomuceno Amen.

  • @codyfountain4189
    @codyfountain4189 2 роки тому +1

    How does Pastor Piper know about Barnesville, Georgia? Lol. I am thankful for his ministry. I love his sweet honesty.

  • @CharlesYoutube.Hiredon21
    @CharlesYoutube.Hiredon21 5 років тому +2


  • @RaghuprasaadIyer
    @RaghuprasaadIyer 4 роки тому

    Happy to get wisdom

  • @anthonyjemison5016
    @anthonyjemison5016 4 роки тому +3

    That makes sense!

  • @DynamicGracer
    @DynamicGracer 6 років тому +6

    I LOVE how he has an issue of conscience about saying the word Lamborghini haha

  • @Cockaine880308
    @Cockaine880308 8 років тому +3

    It is nice to see Pastor Piper came to Vancouver. Is he going to preach at Westside Church this Sunday?

  • @ziningwee7758
    @ziningwee7758 6 років тому +10

    LOL imagine if my pastor dad didn't get a salary. Even on his salary my mum had to eat gifts of biscuits from church members (given during special days like Christmas, New Year's etc) and leave what little money we had for groceries for us (her 2 young children and husband). Imagine if my dad went back to his secular job to support his family and effectively had less time to minister to the church members who needed him and less time to preach and evangelise. Imagine being church members that could financially support their pastor and full-time church workers but refused to because they think it 'corrupts' church leadership. Imagine being so selfish.

    • @John37ful
      @John37ful 4 роки тому +1

      AMEN. reading these comments makes me so sad the people claim to be Followers but clearly disobey Gods word in this area because they believe pastors "shouldnt be paid because they dont agree with it." What a foolish thought!! Clearly have no idea what it takes to run a church, NONE! And unfortunately the people that cause all these issues are the ones who dont attend every week, dont tithe faithfully and dont read Gods work in context, only to fit their foolish agendas! Im pretty triggered if you cant tell lol.

  • @garyedwards7793
    @garyedwards7793 5 років тому +2


  • @KingGosh
    @KingGosh 6 років тому +1

    Wow wise words!

  • @glendadrake6103
    @glendadrake6103 4 роки тому

    Amen, brother.

  • @ricointx
    @ricointx 8 років тому +28

    I think a well-balanced view.Money is more a sign of danger than a sign of blessing.Make as much as you can; save as much as you can; give as much as you can.Don't symbolize what you earn -- don't show off how much money you make.

    • @cklee_
      @cklee_ 6 років тому

      haha excellent tl;dr

  • @hbells3404
    @hbells3404 3 місяці тому

    wow! well said Pastor Piper!

  • @stanleyivey5302
    @stanleyivey5302 6 років тому

    Wow, my God. What a thought, this is good for leadership to think carefully about. Good stuff

    • @davidpearson2090
      @davidpearson2090 6 років тому

      Would you tell this to your denomination, Stanley?

    • @stanleyivey5302
      @stanleyivey5302 6 років тому

      David Pearson the discussion is already on the table for the church to remove the wide disparity among pastors. Salaries at this point is not necessarily a sign of hard work or poor work. A congregation alone at times cannot do what is needed to be able to help themselves etc much more people outside. Pentecostal churches have a way to forget the last part of Acts 2 where sharing and Christian love is exemplified. It is a very sad reality trust me.

    • @davidpearson2090
      @davidpearson2090 6 років тому

      Piper's message is a hard pill to swallow in a day when Christians are more concerned about visible signs of success and blessing. Hope the denom can turn this around and truly honour their workers.

    • @stanleyivey5302
      @stanleyivey5302 6 років тому

      David Pearson at this point we see the need for a shift, but we need the will and the way lead by the leadership and policy makers

  • @MooDoctor
    @MooDoctor 4 роки тому +1

    The lead pastor says I chose to limit my salary at the risk of being paid less than those under me. That's a great mindset.

  • @Travtop
    @Travtop 4 місяці тому

    Such a balanced, accurate, wise and truthful response ...which is the place where the Bible will always bring you to.

  • @michaelosborne3414
    @michaelosborne3414 6 років тому +1

    Not always a fan of JP's answers but I really like his response here

  • @RobMillman21
    @RobMillman21 Рік тому +1

    The role of a pastor is a huge responsibility, a good expositional message takes 15-18 hours to prepare, then there are other responsibilities. The challenge for a bi-vocational pastor is to have time for God, his family, work, himself and God. I have visited many churches, listened to many sermons, and realize the reason the church is in trouble is the weakness in the ability of many to really herald the word of God. Some men are truly called, others are just filling a position. Regardless, a church shouldn’t keep their pastor poor, nor should they feel obligated to buy him a jet. Like John Piper said, there is a big difference in what it costs to live in different parts of the country. My dad was a school teacher and always had to work one or more side jobs to keep our family fed, so maybe that is not the standard. You have to realize some of these men have advanced degrees and to really preach must be constantly learning. A good pastor works very hard and is on call 24 hours a day, maybe the standard for those who have made comments is to compensate a pastor the same as their medical physician if one must have a comparison.

  • @SY-jq4yw
    @SY-jq4yw 4 роки тому +3

    Preachers, if you are called to preach by Jesus Christ, do not expect anyone to pay you. Trust and expect your Lord to pay you. If He doesn’t pay you you are not called, go and get a job. If you receive pay from people, they control you. You will end up flatter them. Paul received offering and not salary. Preaching the gospel is not a job, but a calling. Pastoring is not a profession, but a calling, working for the Lord and not men. We need strong independent preaches who don’t fear men but God.

  • @micheal150190
    @micheal150190 3 роки тому


  • @BikiniDeathSquad
    @BikiniDeathSquad 8 років тому

    After Christ Jesus and Paul the Apostle, I am 3rd most grateful to the Lord for giving us Pastor John Piper. He is third on my list. He is INCREDIBLY inspirational and faith affirming. Thank God for that man and the brain God gave him.

    • @davybigfly
      @davybigfly 8 років тому

      paul washer ? tim conway ? david pawson ?
      lol pastors man. they are great people.

    • @76JStucki
      @76JStucki 6 років тому

      That's kind of ridiculous...Moses? Peter? John? David? The prophets? All those people rank under John Piper for you? Piper himself would be appalled at that.

  • @thomaskavoori395
    @thomaskavoori395 6 років тому +1

    Good man.

  • @vanmoody
    @vanmoody 6 років тому +2

    Great points. The church should strive to have a pastor who can live a middle class income. This way he doesn't have too much nor does he have too little for his family.

  • @gprasadrao8238
    @gprasadrao8238 6 років тому +1

    I m edified.

  • @ramgurung9040
    @ramgurung9040 4 місяці тому

    Great ! very biblical i found.

  • @Coutou
    @Coutou 6 років тому

    It’s also necessary that the pastor is lead by the Spirit.
    Most of the promises of rich people did saying they will support my ministry went down the drain of love of money.
    Most times people that are sincerely giving just do it and they don’t say it.
    I’ve learned to trust God for my provision more than men and this made me spiritually rich while some of those rich folks are spiritually poorer although they make more money.

  • @joman388
    @joman388 6 років тому

    Very good ,agree 100 percent,pasters should be paid reasonably good,but not too good.If they can use wisely what they make ,invest and save and become reasonably well to do .Good for them as long as they remember to give to God also.thanks

  • @dkgrace6743
    @dkgrace6743 6 років тому +1

    My question is about housing allowance and soc sec taxing. I heard that you could pay your pastor a housing allowance that is reasonable as a retirement income and that it would not be subject to soc. sec. taxes. Is this true? Thank you

    • @pastorzach5499
      @pastorzach5499 6 років тому

      D & K Grace Pastors are able to take a housing allowance that is exempt from Fed taxes. This is heavily regulated and must be done carefully. This is separate from social security taxes. Pastors at the beginning of their carriers have an option to exempt themselves from social security (no deposit, no withdrawal). This also is heavily regulated and must be done cautiously. Pastors are also responsible for self-employment taxes. All of this should be run by your CPA before action.

  • @NewsYouCanUse3
    @NewsYouCanUse3 6 років тому +18

    Everybody in the church has an *invoice* for God.
    But won't hear his *voice.*
    *No charge* was *his charge* to you at *calvary,* and you still want a *fee.*

    • @denzelsumlin
      @denzelsumlin 5 років тому


    • @kpeezy776
      @kpeezy776 5 років тому +5

      tom blake being a preacher is a full time job, always on call. I don’t think they should be paid a large amount but it is a tough stressful job. You are responsible for dealing with around 100 families for example and the hardship that is put on your heart while dealing with tragedy in most of those families is difficult to bear.
      That being said they shouldn’t be paid excessive amounts.

  • @rodmitchell8576
    @rodmitchell8576 4 роки тому +1

    Piper's heart and mind are on more important things.

  • @thahypeizreel
    @thahypeizreel 4 роки тому +3

    2:47 even _I_ felt that spit...

  • @frantzsimon3835
    @frantzsimon3835 5 років тому


  • @larriveeman
    @larriveeman 6 років тому +2

    I see in scripture a plurality of elders, not the moses model, and it makes sense for ministry leaders to have a job

  • @markoberhaus1414
    @markoberhaus1414 2 роки тому

    Refreshing :)

  • @TheJds1993
    @TheJds1993 8 років тому

    on point

  • @Truthmatters-
    @Truthmatters- 6 років тому +1

    Matthew 10: 7-8 "As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a] drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give."

    • @renskedj
      @renskedj 4 роки тому

      The rich women who followed Jesus gave them. All except Paul got an income. Paul had no family to support. He was single. Look at Holland where most pastors dont get paid in evangelical churches. There is no counselling, Bible school or good teaching. Aint nobody got time fo that. Family comes first.

  • @jimmme5880
    @jimmme5880 4 роки тому +1

    Somewhere I heard that a reasonable salary for a pastor is what a school teacher makes in their community. If it's a big church or otherwise more demanding, then the principal or school superintendent. I wouldn't want to be rigid about that but I think it's a good starting place.

  • @myscabula
    @myscabula 2 роки тому +1

    Still canot believe i use to go to World Changers Church eek. Also amazing quote.
    “Im not saying don’t make a lot of money, im saying don’t keep a lot of money”

  • @wallyramirez5527
    @wallyramirez5527 6 років тому +1


  • @remibridges9331
    @remibridges9331 4 роки тому

    I go to a church that take tithes and offerings but there is no pressure to give! All the money goes to ministry to run the church!

  • @dudleydoright9473
    @dudleydoright9473 3 роки тому +1

    We had a friend who was a pastor who would take his salary and buy food for the poor, he only keep enough to live on ,well they had him committed and said he was crazy.

  • @bloodmooncomix457
    @bloodmooncomix457 4 роки тому +1

    Bravo! Bravo! Leave it a " spiritual patriarch" to set the record straight!😄

  • @justingomez748
    @justingomez748 4 роки тому +1

    Gods word is free

  • @ironlion805
    @ironlion805 5 років тому +1

    Piper quoted Wesley?! Praise God!

  • @Sanc8344
    @Sanc8344 5 років тому

    Pastor John Piper come to my city and preach this word please.

  • @bmbuilder8192
    @bmbuilder8192 4 роки тому +3

    I had no desire for anyone’s silver or gold or [expensive] clothes. You know personally that these hands ministered to my own needs [working in manual labor] and to [those of] the people who were with me. In everything I showed you [by example] that by working hard in this way you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed [and brings greater joy] to give than to receive.’ ”
    Acts 20:33‭-‬35 AMP

  • @troutdog1343
    @troutdog1343 6 років тому +1

    John Piper quotes Wesley?! Finally gives an arminian some cred

  • @terencewoodson409
    @terencewoodson409 Рік тому

    When a pastor salary is dictated by a system, the system can control what the pastor can and cannot say( preach ). Yes I believe a pastor and staff should be compensated for their labor as long as the pastor and the people want the in adulterated word of God, which is very slim today.

  • @ExarKenneth71
    @ExarKenneth71 5 років тому +1

    My Church has maybe 15 folks in it there's no way we could pay a Preacher we do take up an offering for them on Sunday.

  • @babubinoy
    @babubinoy 6 років тому +2

    A teacher works for pay. He does not seek the good of the students primarily, but his own gain. The gain we expect may not be money, but honour. Do we want to be respected and recognised as servants of God by others? Then we are seeking a salary - of honour - from them. Then we are teachers, not fathers.
    Fathers expect nothing in return for all that they do for their children. Paul did not expect respect or even submission from others. He only sought their spiritual growth. What about us? Do we seek the good of the brothers and sisters in everything that we do?
    The 'pastor-system' that we find in Christendom today was unheard of in the days of the apostles. It is this unScriptural system that has given rise to numerous teachers in Christendom - teachers who have to be paid a salary each month for the classes they take, and who make their students dependent on them for every major decision in life - whether it be marriage or employment or whatever.
    The brothers and sisters in such churches never grow up. They remain spiritual babes forever, because this human system robs them of a direct connection with Christ their Head - which is their birthright under the new covenant.
    How does a father care for his children? In a poor home, the father and mother will not even eat, if there is not enough food for the children. They will gladly deny themselves, and they will not even let their children know that they have not eaten, lest the children feel bad about it. A father hides his self denial from his children. Do we have such a spirit - that denies itself for the good of the brothers and sisters, and will not even let them know about it.
    Another characteristic of a father is that he is eager to see his children advance beyond him in life - in education and in every other way. There are many fathers who have never studied beyond high school, who sacrifice so much to give a college-education to their children. They are happy to deny themselves the comforts of life for this purpose and they are delighted when their children graduate. No father is ever jealous to see his son advance beyond his status or his educational level in life.
    That is how a true servant of God will be too. He will be delighted when younger brothers are wholehearted and get revelation from the Scriptures and are used by the Lord to be a blessing to others. He will sincerely long that they should advance beyond him spiritually, and be more useful in the Lord's hands than he has ever been.
    When we see younger brothers growing up in the church, without any folly being manifested in their lives, because of good leadership that protects them, we should rejoice that they can have such a blessing as we never had when we were young. There will not be even a shade of jealousy in us, if we are fathers. On the contrary, we will be delighted. We will rejoice that it is going well with them.
    If we are jealous of a younger brother's ministry or influence or spiritual advancement, we are certainly teachers, and not fathers. In a school, if a student can solve a problem that his teacher cannot solve, the teacher will be so angry and jealous, that he will seek to humiliate that student ever after in some way or the other. How do we feel as servants of God when someone points out a mistake in us?
    Teachers can only build Babylon. Only fathers can build the true church - the New Jerusalem. We may understand and proclaim all the truths of the new covenant, and yet if we do this with the spirit of a teacher we will still build Babylon.
    A teacher is very conscious of all the labour that he has invested in his students. He thinks of the honour he will receive if his students do well. He is always thinking of what he will gain, even when his students do well. A father however is quite different. He desires only the welfare of his children. He desires nothing for himself.
    A teacher will criticise his students. A father however will encourage his children. If we keep on criticizing the brothers and sisters, we will accomplish little, even if everything we say is true. A father will accomplish much more by encouraging his children.
    Only a father can continue to be kind to ungrateful and evil children. A teacher will give up on ungrateful students very quickly.
    When we have problems with difficult brothers in the assembly, if we hope that they will leave the assembly, even if they destroy themselves, then it should be clear to us that our spirit is that of a teacher. A father can never wish that for any of his children.
    Jesus told us to be merciful even as our heavenly Father is merciful and kind to ungrateful and evil people (Luke 6:35, 36).
    As we pursue righteousness, we can very easily degenerate into Pharisees and teachers, if we don't seek to be constantly and endlessly merciful.

  • @eugenebell83
    @eugenebell83 7 років тому +1

    Many pastors take a healthy salary from their church, and while they are supposed to be working in their church for that salary, they are busy writing books or getting with ghost writes, usually getting with ghost writers working with them to get something written so they can sell it. Then they go out and speak at other churches, getting paid for going there to speak, collecting whatever collection comes in too while they are there, and the whole time there is a table set up out in the lobby with their books and tapes of sermons they have given in their own church and the preacher is selling all of that material. There is a wad of money to be had in the preacher business.

    • @tryhislove
      @tryhislove 6 років тому +2

      eugene bell Many pastors I know don't make enough and are barely scraping by. Ministers I know are working their tales off, working sometimes double what some of their church members work, yet a few leaders within the church (who make six figures or who make more retired than the minister does who has 3 young kids at home) want to give my ministry friends barely enough to live on. Here's a question I have: For those that work in secular jobs on the pew, why is it "answered prayer" or "God's blessing" when they get a raise, yet when the minister asks for a raise (& he hasn't had one in 5 years), they call him "Greedy" or "too focused on money"?

    • @vanmoody
      @vanmoody 6 років тому +2

      Wasn't Piper speaking about a middle class income? I see this as a good way for a church to deal with finances. Don't let your pastor be poor or rich. He can be right in the middle.

  • @troutdog1343
    @troutdog1343 6 років тому


  • @CapitaLMing
    @CapitaLMing 4 роки тому +1

    It sad,,, i don't name names, i like the way they preach but as i keep digging about World's most sincere Pastors , the one that showed up on my search is World's most richest and powerful Pastor,, with billions and millions of dollars and luxury way of living.😕
    Pastor Frederick Price Sr
    And this Pastor are the man. I salute you Sir for serving the Lord wholeheartedly,,,Jesus is the son of God , King of Kings but during his days in this earth Jesus never ever had any sort of luxury living like what most of million dollars preacher nowadays.
    There are billions of people around the globe that need to be save,,, need for food, clothings,,, how much these million dollars Pastor's tithe for the Lord our God? Oh,God have mercy.

  • @ITZY.Ryujinnie
    @ITZY.Ryujinnie 2 роки тому

    My dad is a pastor of a small church. He is receiving $100 a week. He has nothing saved anywhere. No savings. No retirement. Nothing. Would it be wrong to leave the church to start saving up for his retirement?

  • @donnellysurfer
    @donnellysurfer 8 років тому

    compensation for pastors and heads of religious org is something I have wrestled with for some time on one hand I agree that a pastor and others should be compensated enough so that they and they their families can live comfortably but at the same time being in that position should be willing to accept some sacrifices for being part of a church or religious org vs being in the privat e sctor also realize that some org are huge mutli million $ org that take a lot of time and work to run and you need to pay people well to get them to do that and to stay

    • @JB1994
      @JB1994 6 років тому +1

      Why should they be 'comfortable'? Where does Christ command ANYTHING other than giving up material possessions and family to follow Him?

  • @StingofTruth
    @StingofTruth 4 роки тому

    I think of BH Clendennen saying "no pastor should live better than his congregation. When i pioneer a church it'll be in the bylaws that no pastor can ever make more than 5% more than the median income of the congregation. Also tithing shall never be a necessity in the church

  • @wbrown103
    @wbrown103 4 місяці тому

    A man saving your soul and you won’t give him anything ? A man who is saving your soul you won’t help !!

  • @ajservant9907
    @ajservant9907 3 роки тому

    How much is rich?