Where does your tithe and offering go?

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Ever wondered what churches do with the money they are given?


  • @Stayoffhereable
    @Stayoffhereable 12 років тому

    @MrChubbleyWarner Well, i can see your point. However, remember that poor old women in the Bible, in the New Testament, where she had only 2 pennies left, but yet she gave it as an offering anyway? Don't worry about money, because God will always care for you! If you hold on to this life, you will lose it, but if you give it up for the Lord's sake, you will find it! You may not want to Tithe, but do it in a good spirit, and i promise you that God will give you much more.

  • @Asuhigo
    @Asuhigo 14 років тому

    We do appreciate you showing this video in all honesty. It shows your point of view and I do admire your commitment of giving to Christ, but let it be just that. Giving from your heart because of the one who set you free, not out of compulsion because you think you will be robbing God. That's not grace then...that's the law which Jesus died to free us from in completion of the old covenant. God bless you dear.

  • @Stayoffhereable
    @Stayoffhereable 12 років тому

    @Elderyoungone Have you ever Tithe before? If you did, did you have faith that God is going to give you what you want when you did it? Did you know that in the Book of Malachi (Not sure if i spelled that right) it says that when you Tithe, God gives you more than you can possibly imagine? And it also says that this is the ONLY time to test the Lord about your rewards! Give, and Ask, and you shall recieve. God Bless!

  • @Asuhigo
    @Asuhigo 14 років тому

    I agree...his way may be to give more than ten percent. If we want to really follow ever element of the scripture, then we should be giving 25% or more. There were several different type of tithes mentioned in the bible and they all referred to food, not money. Money was only mentioned for free will offering.

  • @Stayoffhereable
    @Stayoffhereable 12 років тому

    @TheNiteowll Then they will be punsihed in the end. However, you will be rewarded because of your caring and generous deed! See, it doesn't matter how much you Tithe, as long as you Tithe in the Spirit of God, then that is what Tithing really is! It is giving in the right spirit. Read my previous comment about the women and her 2 pennies, and i hope this helped you. God Bless!

  • @1927Norma
    @1927Norma 11 років тому

    Tithe was an old testament requirement/duty...but as Christ Jesus (His precious name) said it is finished. The law ended and we are under grace. The Tithe was one tenth under the law but after 3 years it was to be equally dispersed between the Levites (who could not own property...does your minister live by that) and the widow and the fatherless. Is that where your money goes now? God loves a cheerful giver...give from the heart...that is the way we will be judged in the end. Christs Peace.

  • @gilbert389
    @gilbert389 12 років тому

    wow nice... God bless us all...

  • @1927Norma
    @1927Norma 11 років тому

    I have to check my own heart that I don't choose to give my love offering after everything else first...I am a sinner and find myself selfish...always allow Christ's Spirit to analyze our hearts and allow that to be the deciding issue and where to give missionaries, radio or our local church too. :)

  • @q2theheart
    @q2theheart 10 років тому

    Awesome video!

  • @Stayoffhereable
    @Stayoffhereable 12 років тому

    @blueskunk12 Excatly! That's why Tithing is done in the right spirit! But those who are greedy to take the money and use it for their own doing is a sin. If you do a good deed, God will give you a reward, whether if you didn't know or not. But there is more to Christianity, like loving God, Loving others, resisting the Devil, etc... God Bless!

  • @Stayoffhereable
    @Stayoffhereable 12 років тому

    @blueskunk12 Christ came and established the New Covenant, yes we are suppose to obey that. But didn't he also say "Give freely and don't be afraid if they might not repay for then you are truly acting as the Children of God?" Give even if you don't have anything to give, because if you give up land, cattle, family, etc... for the Lord's sake, you will recieve 100x more in Heaven. God Bless!

  • @Asuhigo
    @Asuhigo 15 років тому

    As beautiful as this was to watch a free will offering can do the same thing. Consider the new testament church where all the needs were met though noone tithed.

  • @reints74
    @reints74 14 років тому

    I don't think tithing is a commandment, I believe it's a test of one's faith in God. He knows how man feels about money. When you give God control of your money by tithing, He says he will bless you by giving you way more in return than the 10% you gave Him.
    I'm a firm believer in this because I do it and it works! He doesn't need our money, He needs us to allow Him to control our finances as a sign of trust.

  • @Peteradvent
    @Peteradvent  11 років тому

    Interesting. The suggestion behind this is that only Christians are saved by Grace and so don't give tithes or offerings. Was Abraham saved by Grace?

  • @09hollowtech2
    @09hollowtech2 14 років тому

    I knew it @ 1:39 gave the homeless man some weed.

  • @lokawidu
    @lokawidu 12 років тому

    Acts 4:34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,
    35 And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.
    see the above i quoted to u, the believers gave money to Apostles who then distribute it among themselves according to each needs, they didnt give to the Temple of God in Jerusalem

  • @lokawidu
    @lokawidu 12 років тому

    The 12 Apostles never donated TITHES to the Temple of God which still stood
    in Jerusalem until 70 years AD -during this time TITHES r still paid to the temple of God.
    Why ? because they were not spreading the Old Covenant but the good news of GOSPEL if they give tithes/offerings/anything to the Temple it means they dig the old grave of the old Covenant where the lamb offering is not acceptable to God anymore n that also means they deny the Resurrection of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God.

  • @Peteradvent
    @Peteradvent  12 років тому

    That's a new view I guess. So when Jesus commended people for giving Tithes of even the smallest things and had that reported by an apostle who was led by the Spirit - Jesus had a deeper agenda. Tithing is for Pharisees but not for Christians who are above people the most blessed and the most expected to BE a blessing?
    Jesus is at the heart of what we do and why we do whatever it is we do. We do it with a glad heart becasue of what Jesus has done in us as a response of love.

  • @dbkstylez
    @dbkstylez 11 років тому

    it's the truth as in what we were taught. who had the right to change it. sounds like a business to me. to was raised in the church and so are my kids. but neither me or my pastors cant answer simple questions, Where are the tithes? why come there are skeleton of everyone except him? And who made GOD? all they can do is break the conversation into sections on go on to another subject, leaving them confused as I am. please explain to the train believers.

    • @claudiadawson9832
      @claudiadawson9832 6 років тому

      I was told by the Lord one early morning, that I am to speak gently to His people, and to be very practical, and that I've been doing , using my testimonies, experiences to touch lives.I know in this real world scarcely if ever anyone being truly lead by the Lord has had smooth transitions in His leadings. I am learning so much from you.So can you be a bit more practical in your teachings. any pitfalls, setbacks, disappointments you may be lead to share, that may be a great source of encouragement to me or others.?

    • @claudiadawson9832
      @claudiadawson9832 6 років тому


  • @Peteradvent
    @Peteradvent  11 років тому

    Are you sure about keeping the Sabbath between those times?

  • @TheAbsenceofevidence
    @TheAbsenceofevidence 14 років тому

    Yes the law was the way,before the messiah came, the old covenant was given by God along with laws (Levitical) although the Law could not save anyone the law wasgiven to show sin , without a law there is no lawbreaking, to say that Jesus was the way before he had come makes no sense, And its not an implication, I am saying that some of the old testament IS NOT applicable anymore i.e. The Levitical law tithes and sacrifices for sin, The Galatians had the same problem.

  • @undergrace1808
    @undergrace1808 9 років тому +2

    do not redefine the word "giver" as "tithing" it is misleading and double dipping. mixing old with the new- what did Jesus do with the lukewarm - spit it out. don't put new wine in old wine skins, give to Cesar what is Cesar's, God what is his, Do you see Jesus's face on the money? no
    we christens don't like the culture redefining marriage, how can we redefine giving? you give with your heart at 100%=and that does not mean money all the time. It could be helping your friend who has a broken heart by listening to them. give yourself!

  • @Asuhigo
    @Asuhigo 14 років тому

    The pharisees, no doubt had livestock. Once again, tithe is not money.

  • @lunabranwen
    @lunabranwen 11 років тому

    their is no tithe, just give, its that simple, Jesus and the Apostles never taught "tithing" to the christian church, there is no set percentage ever shown as a standard of giving in the NT. 2 Cor 9:7 and give according to your ability Acts 11.

  • @TheAbsenceofevidence
    @TheAbsenceofevidence 14 років тому

    freewill giving is ok, BUT its not a tithe it can never be a biblical tithe because it was not money it was food and it went to to Levites and only Levites could be priests, The bible does not need to say tithing is obsolete it only had to take away the reason for the tithes and the reciepient of the tithe, Look people are free to give as they wish but they need to realise that if they put themselves under the Levitical law they are under all of it not just the bits they choose to be under

  • @TheAbsenceofevidence
    @TheAbsenceofevidence 14 років тому

    Tithing is old testament law and not for today , more and more people are beginning to understand this, in answer to @PETERADVENT all Jesus did was under the law until he fulfilled it .the curtain was torn in two ushering in the NEW covenant the Levitical priesthood no longer was Gods way and Jesus became our high priest , sadlly I believe the pastors who preach tithing do it to ensure they have a good income and not because its biblical they are not Levites and never will be.

  • @aubhar
    @aubhar 15 років тому

    i agree...you people who give money has been bewithched. This is a fantasy film. You people got to wake up!!! When you make extra money go to your neighbor and drop off some groceries and leave quickly when you place it on their step.

  • @wilts8965
    @wilts8965 8 років тому

    Christian propaganda