Tithe (Donuts) - Bluefish TV

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • When we give our tithes and offerings, we aren't giving away our own possessions, but offering back to God what is already His. This clever video illustration visually sets up the reality that everything comes from God.
    The word tithe literally means a tenth and is a Christian practice of giving one-tenth of your earnings to the church. Tithing can be a difficult thing, especially when cash is tight. When most people consider tithing they look at their finances and make decisions based on what they feel capable of giving. How do you view your finances? Are they a blessing from God or something you did to deserve all by yourself?
    Even though tithing can be a difficult thing to do, this video illustration helps give some perspective to the absurdity of not tithing. The real issue with tithing isn't about you giving 10% back to God; it's about God giving us 90%. We are actually offering back to God what is already His in the first place.
    Tithing is a blessing from God that actually increases our own generosity and frees us from the bondage of believing the lie of the American Dream.
    Download a high quality version of this video at www.bluefishtv.com or get it as part of your streaming subscription to www.rightnowmedia.org


  • @OffTheCreamyCrack
    @OffTheCreamyCrack 11 років тому +1

    You've been taught a lie then, because He came to fulfill that law, not change it. Jesus completed what was already there in the law. He would not contradict himself and God. If you look at the physical, you will say it is to fund those on earth. But tithing is between you and God, not anyone else. If they mess with the money you gave, that is their judgement betweenthem and God.

  • @tawandayancey11
    @tawandayancey11 11 років тому +1

    Jesus did teach on tithing, but look at the whole context of how it related it to the Pharissees and teachers of the law. Tithe has nothing to do with the great commission., We are to share our faith where ever we go regardless if we have or gave a dime. Your FAITH is free to share. Giving should be done from the heart in a cheerful manner, so that others could hear the gospel if you are in a "building". when Jesus taught he was speaking to the JEWS; furthermore he stated what TITHES were.

  • @darkwizard225m5
    @darkwizard225m5 10 років тому +1

    lashkei, do you like having a church to worship in? Do you like that there are lights so you can see? A microphone so you can hear the pastor? ooo do you think the pastor should get paid for his leadership? I could go on and on....the point is a church cannot operate without the tithes and offerings of the members.We show God our love by tithing to ensure His work continues.

    • @darkwizard225m5
      @darkwizard225m5 9 років тому

      Christian Comedy Channel
      i sincerely apologize my mother was using youtube with me signed in

      @FISTINHAND 6 років тому

      Hi, I just posted a reply to Daniel Koren above.

  • @DanielKoren
    @DanielKoren 11 років тому +4

    Abraham gave tithe and he was not under the law. Jacob gave tithe and he was not under the law--it had not been written yet. We give God his portion because He is God, not because of a rule. Under the new covenant, we are free to give much more than 10%.
    Those who argue against tithing are usually greedy or broke. I have never met generous people who had a problem with giving God a regular portion of their income. I have never met people who tithed consistently who were struggling financially.

      @FISTINHAND 6 років тому

      Abraham tithed from booty from battle and not from earnings, apparently you do not even know that. If you want people to tithe similar to Abraham then you are apparently telling people to go and take things away from other people and give other people's things to the church, do you realize people could go to jail for taking away things from other people to give to the church ? In the Bible it tells us that Abraham received from a king some land and some animals and 1000 pieces of silver (money), but you apparently do not know that there is no place in the Bible that states Abraham tithed anything from this land or animals or money. If you are trying to say people should tithe similar to Abraham as an example, then people would not tithe anything from land or animals and also would not tithe any money do you realize that ? So your example of Abraham tithing and for people to tithe similar to Abraham really falls apart ! Further, in case you do not know it God commanded only edible things to be given for God's tithe in the Bible. I also bet you are unaware that God commanded in the Bible for money not to be given for tithing for God ! In fact then to tithe money is in reality the breaking of God's commandment not to give money for tithing ! From what I have read the act of tithing money was created by churches in the past long after Jesus died, the money tithe was not created by God but by man, and is not considered God's tithe at all but instead the money tithe is in actuality a church tax on people. Also, I have read that the tithe tax (a tax collected by the governments) was practiced by many different cultures before Abraham tithed to Melchizedek ! There is absolutely no place in the Bible that says that money should be given for tithing !
      You state Jacob tithed, where in the Bible is it written that he tithed ? It is not written that he tithed at all in the Bible ! However, I grant you that in the Bible Jacob did make a vow to tithe to God and build a temple, but a vow is not the same thing as doing it, I have heard some ministers say that even if it is not written in the Bible they believe he did tithe but this is unconfirmed ! However, when we read the Bible we find God very angry with Jacob and telling Jacob to leave the land he was in and prospering in, because he had made the vow to tithe and build a temple but never did !
      I will jump to your comment about you never meeting people who tithed constantly and who were struggling financially, well I have and many of them that say they continue to give 10% of their income in the hope that they will prosper some day. For example, one retired couple was asked to address a church attendance one Sunday about their history of tithing to the church. They told how they did this their entire life and have had to struggle with eating a lot of macaroni, spaghetti, etc., but this did this because that was what they were taught by the church they needed to do. To me this is a greedy church.
      You state under the new covenant we are free to give much more then 10%. Apparently you do not study the Bible much it appears. Because it actually tells us under the new covenant that we are instructed to give FREE WILL OFFERINGS and, what we are able to, without grudge for doing so, there is nothing in the new covenant that states we are to continue to tithe. Yes, people can give 1% or 5% or 10% or 50% or 100% of their income to a church if they want to but the amounts are all FREE WILL OFFERINGS ! In fact the Bible tells us that people were under curses before and the priests had to sacrifice daily but that Jesus offered himself up as the ultimate sacrifice for us that he only needed to do once and only once for us. Further. if you read Hebrews, Chapter 7, you can read that God found the laws to be weak and unprofitable for us and that God dissanulled the laws ! So again to attempt to give any form of tithing is in fact disobeying God, and it even states that if you continue to practice the old laws that you shall then remain under the old curses ! Do you want people to be under the old curses ? If Jesus in fact sacrificed himself as the ultimate sacrifice and fulfilled the laws, because the daily sacrifices that priests did was not good enough for us, then aren't you in fact claiming the sacrifice of Jesus was not for us at all and that he did not fulfill the laws ?
      And if you knew anything about what the Bible says about giving you should realize that if people were to tithe similar to the old ways but instead with money that people would really need to give some where between 27 to 30 % of their money not just 10%. And if people were to obey the old giving law of tithing then why would they not be required to follow all of the giving laws according to the other commandments stated in the Bible, such as giving a certain amount of money each year based on your age and gender, give a sin offering each year, redeeming of your property, etc. ? So why aren't all the laws of giving preached ? In my opinion the preaching of tithing of money today is completely un-Biblical !

    • @michaelmerck7576
      @michaelmerck7576 5 місяців тому

      Abraham tithed once on war spoils.

    • @michaelmerck7576
      @michaelmerck7576 5 місяців тому

      Those who argue against tithing money and wages is simply following the bible which never commanded an income tithe and they are not stingy just because they refuse to follow a manmade income tithe not mentioned anywhere in the bible

  • @tawandayancey11
    @tawandayancey11 11 років тому +1

    That's not true. I have seen many christians who tithed faithfully and struggled even to the point of bankruptcy. Tithing is not the issue it's how it's applied. Where in scripture did God instruct Gentile to PAY HIM for the gift of salvation. I have paid tithes for 16 years faithfully. So you have dont that right to judge why people tithed or don't tithed. We give according to how God has blessed us FREELY!!! There's no scripture reference to HOW much in the new testament.

  • @SteveMcCleary
    @SteveMcCleary 11 років тому +1

    That's weird, because Jesus says "Yes, you should tithe."
    The American church gave BILLIONS of dollars to the mission field last year that was used to not only clothe and feed the poor, but bring salvation to nations that had never been presented with the gospel.
    With no tithe, we have no means to do the great commission.
    God loves a cheerful giver!

  • @tawandayancey11
    @tawandayancey11 11 років тому +1

    The old testament applied to the Jews that's why it's two covenants. Nowhere in the scriptures where GOD says we pay dues to him. It's like we are paying him for the GIFT of salvation. Then why he did he make us heirs with him and joint heirs with Christ. READ and STUDY your bible.

  • @sheriaragon
    @sheriaragon 11 років тому +2

    the old testament isnt thrown out...you still owe God his dues! yes he wants you to do those things like you said but money is also an idol...so throw it to him!

    • @joerich3675
      @joerich3675 3 роки тому

      dear sheri, when Jesus died it DID change old covenant law, which is that they paid tithe and offering in ORDER to get their SINS forgiven, but at the moment Jesus died HE BECAME THE TITHE, and the old testament way of sins forgiven was no longer needed, in fact, it then BECAME A DISOBEDIENCE, OR A change of the covenant of blood, the new testament. The cross CHANGES EVERYTHING about they were doing . Jesus said I am bread, I am meat, he was referring to the old testament tithe, Hebrews 7:8 says he wants souls, not tithe, this is our part now, to gather souls for his kingdom and lead them to heaven. Love conquered all that work and work .If you need more go to Vision of the church. com, we are all about that insight and years of study and downloads from heaven regarding this and more.

    • @sheriaragon
      @sheriaragon 3 роки тому

      @@joerich3675 so we shouldn't tithe anymore? Is that what you're saying? What would your pastor say to that? Also, no more reading the old testament. Doesn't matter.

  • @jimlas
    @jimlas 11 років тому +1

    Guilty many times myself! Such a shame! God forgive/forgave me!! I love you, Jesus!!!

    @FISTINHAND 6 років тому

    What people will not do for money ! The Bible tells us also that Abraham while journeying with his wife was given 1000 pieces of silver and land and animals from a King but there is nothing written in the Bible of Abraham giving any one any tithe from this money or land or animals ! The tithe he gave to Melchizedek was not from wages from work either, it was from the booty from the war that he took away from other people. This tithing to Melchizedek is the first mention of tithing in the Bible, however, it appears that this was not the first tithing ever done because historians have written about many other cultures before this collecting tithes by taxation (a tithe tax). Tithing in the Bible is only mentioned being done a few times each year, not every Sunday of each week. Think about it. God's commandment in the Bible for tithing was edible things only, further in the Bible it is commanded that if a person had money that they were to go and buy edible things and bring only the edible things, so to give money for tithing is against God's own commandments. The Bible tells us we are to give Free Will Offerings. and the Bible tells us that we need to support our churches and the ministers are to be paid for their labor, but nowhere in the Bible does it say we are to give 10% of our wages to a church or to a minister. The Bible in the book of Hebrews 7 tells us that the law was found to be weak and unprofitable and that God disannulled the law, so if God does away with a law how can it be preached to be done today ? Also, God's law of tithing in the Bible was to give edible things, never giving money for tithing. Yes, some of the people gave money or precious things in the Bible as free will offerings it can be read about. It also states that the priests had to offer sacrifices daily but that Jesus offered himself and needed only do this once to fulfill the laws. If Jesus fulfilled the laws and the laws are still being preached today by some ministers are these ministers denying the sacrifice by Jesus to fulfill the laws ? Think about it. Also, the Bible tells us that if we practice the old laws then we remain under a curse and not under the Grace of Jesus. Think about it. Ministers need to preach about the whole Bible not just the Old testament I believe. Yes, we need to financially support our churches, but as free will offerings today as Christians. Also, as I mentioned there were only several times a year that tithing of edible things was practiced in the Bible, there are preachers that preach that then tithing is really a matter of around 27% to 30% a year, not just 10%. If it is in your heart to give 10% of your wages or even 100% of your wages then give that, but do not call it God's tithe but instead call it a free will offering. Also, besides the old law of tithing, there were many other laws regarding giving such as redeeming your property, the sin payment, the age and gender payment, etc., so if ministers preach that we are still under the old laws of giving by the tithe law, then why do they not preach all the old laws of giving written in the Bible ? Think about it.

  • @rachelleh5237
    @rachelleh5237 11 років тому +1

    It's not KJV but it is so true. Good Message

  • @Bogoizbrania
    @Bogoizbrania 11 років тому

    Donats contain sugar and can be a gift from God.