My Experience as a Gay Mormon Missionary

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @daverichards308
    @daverichards308 3 роки тому +39

    Great commentary about your mission. There are a TON of gay missionaries. When I was an assistant, we sent home 10 Elders who were gay, I won't provide any details. I also had a gay comp who felt so guilty he came out to me and couldn't do his work so he ended up coming out to the President who sent him home. I got sent to the hellhole of our mission as punishment because I couldn't make him tow the line and because I didn't tell the President first. My comp got ex-d, then he got married and now is back in the Church. He has lived a miserable life. I spoke with him once online he has not been happy. Live your life and be true to yourself!

    • @JohninTucson
      @JohninTucson Рік тому +2

      My mission president N Earl Deschamps in the Madrid mission 1981-1983, punished me for telling him that I was gay on my first day in the mission, and instead of sending me home as I requested, he made me stay the entire mission with some really nasty companions. My life was a living hell for that entire mission. I couldn't afford the airfare back to the US and the mission prez knew this. He didn't actually give me my airline ticket until I was right at the gate when all the other missionaries had been given theirs the day before. Oh well, I finally got through the PTSD after about 20 years and I have had a terrific life as a gay man who also speaks fluent Spanish because of living in Spain, so I do appreciate that. I was gladly excommunicated from the Mormon cult and happily so. Beware of that church, especially it's leaders. The parishioners are great but the people in charge are simply running a large profitable enterprise tax-free.

  • @stevenbellusci9084
    @stevenbellusci9084 3 роки тому +121

    Why are these Mormons guys always so freaking cute 🔥🥰🔥🥰

    • @multilingual972
      @multilingual972 3 роки тому +21

      Most of the str8 ones too! LOL

    • @isaackent2355
      @isaackent2355 3 роки тому +13

      @@multilingual972 Modest is Hottest is a Mormon saying. I GUESS it's true.

    • @andrewpisar235
      @andrewpisar235 3 роки тому +6

      So true

    • @jaefellows5024
      @jaefellows5024 3 роки тому +10

      Very handsome, easy talker, intelligent, love it.

    • @kirklandmeadows
      @kirklandmeadows 3 роки тому

      If you had 33 wives why would you have kids with the ugliest ones.

  • @phillipsmith7759
    @phillipsmith7759 3 роки тому +20

    This helps me understand the Mormon experience. Your storytelling is truly awesome. Blessings to you!

  • @leo124323
    @leo124323 3 роки тому +29

    I fell in love with a missionary when I was 17.
    That was tough.

  • @michaelmoore2991
    @michaelmoore2991 3 роки тому +20

    I enjoy your talks. I am back in the closet because of family. My children attacked me so bad I tried to end it all. I raised those children by myself ,they were given my all. Thanks for sharing yourself, I have no one and you help a lot.

    • @c471
      @c471 3 роки тому +5

      I'm sorry. I hope things get better.

    • @60waystomakemoneyonline43
      @60waystomakemoneyonline43 Рік тому

      I feel your pain, I hope they'll understand someday

    • @penelope-oe2vr
      @penelope-oe2vr Рік тому

      Cut your family off, move far away and start a new life being YOU! Living like that is not acceptable.
      Build your new family. Ones there by choice! Friends and family come again. Trust me. I grew up jehovahs witnesses. I took care of my mother until she died. I left the state, and am living MY LIFE NOW! I always did, but now I am totally free of all "obligations" . It feels INCREDIBLE ❤❤❤

  • @kevinwolfe2874
    @kevinwolfe2874 3 роки тому +11

    Refreshing and interesting.. Thanks for the honesty

  • @Jaydan811
    @Jaydan811 3 роки тому +12

    When I went through the lessons of the church. It took 6 Elders to get me through those lessons. One Elder actually got so mad because I had so many questions that he cursed at me. I laughed so hard. I turned him to the dark side.

  • @londonnodippydolly6635
    @londonnodippydolly6635 2 роки тому +3

    My dearest friend passed away in the spring of this year (2022), we had nearly 40 years of friendship, she was the wisest person i have ever known and in all the years i had known her she gave me some wonderful, very sound advice, one of the things that she once told me i never forgot, she said ''God isn't a judgemental old man in the sky on a cloud, God is a force of love that the whole world is made up of'', and how true she was, i found that God is in ALL nature, (every wild flower, animal, insect, small stream, or the ocean etc etc). to 'hear' and 'see' God listen and look at all the beautiful things around us. I use to go to church, and one church was lovely because it had lovely modern hymns that people could clap along to, but since moving away 15 years ago, i met with two other friends in their home and we had our service there, ('where two or three are gathered'). My dearest friend also told me that the bible must be read on the understanding that it was written long after Jesus was on this earth, and that it has been altered, many things have not been included (left out), it has even had things added to it, and must be read with the understanding that it was written when people of the time didn't understand the way the world worked. E.G. a thunderstorm/lighting was an angry God way up in the sky, (sadly this is believed even today), she also said 'never start a prayer ''please God, but say thank you''. I thank Jesus everyday in prayer, i am not gay, but i am andro sexual, also after seeing a specialist Doctor, i found out i am non binary gendered, basically i am born physically and mentally with both genders in one body, so i have things like small hands, no adam's apple, don't need to shave, but have male parts below, i just thank Jesus that i am the way i am, and i can't tell you how many times i feel his love, and 'see' God in wild flowers and 'hear' God's voice in a bird high in a tree, or an insect buzzing, even in the silence of a snail there you find God who is love, and as my dear friend use to say it is humans that cause wars not God the force/energy of love. There is nothing we can't take to Jesus, and he loves us for who we are regardless of gender, age etc etc. i find a lot of christian's can be judgemental and very self righteous, always taking pieces out of the bible they remember, and using it against others, this is not the teachings of Jesus, he taught love and healing, and it is said he said to people ''ALL those that come to me, i shall never turn away''. i will end my comments on a this story.... some religious organisation turned up on an old ladies doorstep, (not mormons), they were Jehovah Witness, they asked kept on and on saying about the importance of reading the bible, ''hang on a minute'' said the old lady and she went and fetched her own bible, it was very worn out looking, scuffed and faded, also had many book marks in it, ''here's my bible'' she said, then pointing to the Jehovah Witness (pristine) bible she said ''and there's your bible'', then she said the final thing ''please don't preach to me on reading the bible everyday'', they were speechless and scuttled off, with their tail between their legs!

  • @mitchellbarnow1709
    @mitchellbarnow1709 3 роки тому +4

    I really love these Missionary stories, because they are an escape from going to church every Sunday with the whole family, where you are expected to behave like everyone else does. No one is allowed to be different, just obedient!

  • @supermissusa88
    @supermissusa88 2 роки тому +6

    I was a missionary in Brazil and today I am free from hell 🙏

    • @Nick_865
      @Nick_865 Рік тому

      Brazil is a hellish place

  • @utubemally
    @utubemally 3 роки тому +23

    the last thing i expected when i clicked on this is to laugh (especially at the one who's allergic to vegetables lol)

    • @Tvjunkieful12
      @Tvjunkieful12 3 роки тому

      It is possible to be "allergic" to vegetables, allergi in the sense that the body rejects them in some form (like vomiting). There is a great difference between types of food the body cant take, and those someone just don`t like the taste of - or lack of taste of. People who say they don`t like something as children, often are discovered to be allergic, or that food to cause them stomach pains, vomiting and similar as adults, or youths. If there is a type of food a child doesn`t like - but this does not apply to serious allergies like nut allergies and the like, only to to foods which are not known to cause food allergies - a way to train the body to handle also that type of food, is to include a tiny fragment of it in something the child likes very much, so the body has so little of it to deal with, it is not enough to cause a reaction like vomiting or stomach pains. But what it does is to train the acids in the gut how to handle also that type of food, if the body, over time, is introduced to gradually more of it - but not so much the body is not able to handle it. Eventually the smell of that food will produce a positive reaction in the brain, and the child will itself help him or herself to the food they previously didn`t like, cause their gut had not figured out how to deal with it. It is the same reason visitors to another country sometimes have stomach problems from the food or the water, their bodies are not accustomed to neither that combination of different foods or cooking metodes - nor the bacteria of that area in the world. So the body either doesn`t want it, causing vomiting, or cant handle it - diarrhea or stomach pains - or both or all three.
      Forcing children (or adults) to eat foods they don`t "like" is ill advised. Not only could that cause traumas, which in turn could cause even more psychological problems: social isolation, reduced self-esteem, anxiety or even panic attacks if confronted with situations or social occasions which involves food - and which aspects of life do not. But if food the body signals it doesn`t want are forced down, either by the person or others, that could cause the body to react even more violently when trying to keep unwanted food out. Perhaps even reject more types of foods than the type of food being the problem, or the symptoms (stomach pains and/or vomiting, diarrhea) will increase in severity, perhaps lasting days instead of a few hours.
      Babies spit out food they are being fed for three reasons: 1) they are full, and don`t want, nor need, anymore. 2) It is too big a mouthful for their tiny mouths to handle. Or three, that particular type of food is being rejected by the body. If reason number two, the child will start eating again, provided he she is fed a spoonful not too much for their mouth to handle. If reason number one, the child likely will reject even a smaller spoonful. But if the child is reluctant to put in it`s mouth the first spoonful, or spit out the first spoonful, that is a strong indication there either is something wrong with the food, or that that particular type of food the child`s body rejects for some reason. If the latter, gradually getting the child`s gut accustomed to that type of food, by having tiny fragments of it hidden in a food the child likes very much, is the best way to solve the problem. But this only apply if the problem is in the gut area, NOT for foods that causes actual allergies. Those can have very serious consequences (like anaphylactic shock) even in minute fragments.
      Someone like the guy in question, who at age 18+ claim to be allergic to vegetables, should be taken seriously. That is a clear signal he either has been so traumatized from some previous experience that he cant stand the sight of vegetables, or that his body - for some reason - reacts negatively to vegetables (likely just some vegetables - but since they tend to come on plates in groups rather then one by one, he likely can not separate which one, or ones, his body cant take, from the rest). Cause the social stigma of not being able to eat what someone has prepared, is extreme. He wouldn`t have placed himself in that situation, unless he felt he had no other choice. Regardless how strange he otherwise might be (mind you, hiding to scare his companion to me sounds an okay way of coping with boring routines, as well as connecting to his companion. It might even have been a camouflaged way of obtaining physical contact, or be liked?).

  • @bobgentry9208
    @bobgentry9208 3 роки тому +12

    Looking Great your hair is perfect ❤️

  • @adrianmichaels2152
    @adrianmichaels2152 3 роки тому +5

    I just discovered your channel yesterday. I've checked out a few of your other videos and will do some more later. I think you are absolutely adorable and I am so infatuated with you right now!!!!

  • @EM-eb1lf
    @EM-eb1lf 3 роки тому +7

    You are such a breath of fresh air. Loved the story. I can relate on many levels. I won't elaborate though...would end up as a book if I did, lol.

  • @tomsmith2013
    @tomsmith2013 3 роки тому +17

    Two missionaries knocked on my door one day in 1985 in Western NY and it was love at first sight. Got baptized, got to bed, got excommunicated and it's been heaven on Earth every day, ever since. If the telestial glory is half as good, I'm cool with that. :)

    • @charleswilson7371
      @charleswilson7371 3 роки тому

      I would never join LDS church. They are self righteous jerks who want your $ and obedience only. It's just a business to make elders rich by USING the lower level people in it

  • @octoberboiy
    @octoberboiy 3 роки тому +3

    So been there bro... I’m not Morman, but I was the same thing. I believed if I followed the Bible to the T I’d become straight. I was condemnatory to my friends and family, never partied, drank, smoked or anything. I still don’t, but I came to the realization that I’m gay and it’s not going to change no matter what. Being super religious doesn’t change that.

  • @spikelee6253
    @spikelee6253 Рік тому +1

    Always know… in the darkest of days. Love will always shine. Believe in yourself. We all have free will. Don’t let anyone or institution decide your love and fate’s. Love yourself every day. Be kind others and love your life..☮️❤️

  • @brian52763
    @brian52763 3 роки тому +15

    Welcome back, haven't seen you in a while!

    • @waltercook6259
      @waltercook6259 3 роки тому


    • @brian52763
      @brian52763 3 роки тому

      @@waltercook6259 not sure if I'm getting all of the notifications!

  • @megannowicki2650
    @megannowicki2650 3 роки тому +6

    Loved this video and your personality. I definitely subbed and liked.

  • @kat2641
    @kat2641 3 роки тому +5

    It's great to see you an I find this extremely interesting ... While being raised to Catholic we each have different views an being a gay Catholic boy was also an interesting life to try to live... Stay safe !!

  • @donaldthomas1963
    @donaldthomas1963 3 роки тому +13

    Amen, it was an interesting experience, I served in Ohio, served in Kirtland as an acting missionary for a pageant type calling , my companion played Joseph Smith. Served in Office where i met Ezra Taft Benson when he was President of the 12 . I was one of the few missionary who was called to 18 month mission in mid 1980's. I likewise did not have any issues as being gay or was tempted. But there were very cute Elders

  • @Svetlana-says-it-as-it-is.
    @Svetlana-says-it-as-it-is. 3 роки тому +4

    Hi, good to see you.
    You have some funny stories😁😁 please do more of these.
    I hope I’ve not been too crazy as an investigator and later member.

  • @fireball0762
    @fireball0762 3 роки тому +31

    is it a requirement that all mormon male missionaries have to look like hot frat boys? Saw two on bikes this fall and one looked like a model.

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +19

      Yes it’s required 😜

    • @TalkingSchtick
      @TalkingSchtick 3 роки тому +3

      Victims of Clean Living.

    • @fireball0762
      @fireball0762 3 роки тому +2

      @@josephgarner94 mind you i'm not complaining, if i looked as cute as the guy i saw, i'd had flirted with him.

    • @dissilymordentroge5818
      @dissilymordentroge5818 3 роки тому +6

      @@fireball0762 Over the years I’ve had more than a few successes at seducing Mormons who came to my door. Some didn’t take much persuasion either.

    • @fireball0762
      @fireball0762 3 роки тому +4

      @@dissilymordentroge5818 so not fair. the one looked yummy too.

  • @sashferris3204
    @sashferris3204 3 роки тому +3

    Great to see your back. Love the story time videos, keep em coming.

  • @Bmore.BLIND-GUY
    @Bmore.BLIND-GUY 3 роки тому +8

    I had one companion where our personalities clashed. I told my mission president that if he did not transfer one of us he might end up with one less missionary, I was transferred at the next transfer. I was definitely more of a "spirit of the law" missionary rather than a "letter of the law" missionary. Loved the stories. :)

  • @Argelius1
    @Argelius1 10 місяців тому +1

    Fascinating video. (And you are adorable, BTW 😀).

  • @raluvyen
    @raluvyen 3 роки тому +51

    I was in love with my best friend of seven years. He was Mormon in a large Mormon family. He admitted to having guilty sex with his brothers repeatedly. Needless to say, he went on a mission and returned “straight” and kicked me to the curb. I know he had feelings for me but we didn’t stand a chance because of the church. He always dated girls to keep up the mirage. It messed me up a little, not going to lie.

    • @319metresMW
      @319metresMW 3 роки тому +8

      His Mormon brothers or 'actual' brothers?!? 🤔

    • @raluvyen
      @raluvyen 3 роки тому +13

      @@319metresMW actual brothers. 4 of them.

    • @LauderdaleJoeM
      @LauderdaleJoeM 3 роки тому +11

      So the Mormon had sex with his 4 other real brothers...thats what happens when a religion restricts men's natural & normal Testosterone Hormones. Interesting comment/story.

    • @phillipsmith7759
      @phillipsmith7759 3 роки тому +4

      Enlightening indeed. I wondered about sexual development in larg families period. Mormon or otherwise.

    • @phillipsmith7759
      @phillipsmith7759 3 роки тому +3

      Sad bro.

  • @leftisland2603
    @leftisland2603 3 роки тому +1

    I loved my mission in South America and wouldnt trade that experience for anything. Great post!

  • @darinlegore284
    @darinlegore284 3 роки тому +17

    I loved the movie LATTER DAYS because of it's humanity and homoerotic curiosity/satire of the one 18 yr old "bi-curious" Elder on road; and series "ROOM 104"....The show on HBO season 1, epis 7 which had gayness in background, but they asked each other philosophical questions. I'm told Mormons no longer wanna be called Mormon? It's now LDS?

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +7

      Yeah, they prefer to be called by their actual name which is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    • @leabergzwergi155
      @leabergzwergi155 3 роки тому +4

      Thanks for the recommendation I just watched Latter Days and it´s amazing. A emotional rollercoaster sometimes but absolutely worth it

    • @darinlegore284
      @darinlegore284 3 роки тому +3

      @@leabergzwergi155 It helped me 15 yrs ago being Protestant and gay.

    • @leabeh4102
      @leabeh4102 3 роки тому +1

      @@darinlegore284 that's awesome and shows the importance of these movies

    • @saxyben81
      @saxyben81 3 роки тому +2

      I have Latter Days and yes emotional rollercoaster.

  • @terrystrahl6006
    @terrystrahl6006 2 роки тому +1

    You can NOT change being Gay, you either are or you are not and anyone that thinks so needs some serious Education about life you are born that way and that is the way you are going to be....the sooner that people understand the better Gay peoples lives can be. 😊

  • @Pianoman90power
    @Pianoman90power 3 роки тому +5

    You’re just adorable. 🥰 Loved listening to your fun/funny mission experiences, Joseph...especially the crazy, entertaining companion you talked about at 3:15! 😂 I LOVE being scared/surprised, so I would have gotten along swimmingly w/ that guy! 👻 Also, the squirt bottle story at 6:40 was priceless! 😹

  • @JD-qx3lb
    @JD-qx3lb 3 роки тому +2

    Hi Joseph 🙋‍♂️, I’m glad to have caught your title and decided to check it out. I’m glad I did, your mission was a life changing experience. You’ve had the chance of making self realization a part of your journey. I’m interested in seeing how you achieved acceptance within the Mormon church. Their rules are not geared for gay lifestyle. Thank you for the stories, I definitely like the older lady squirting your companion. Please stay safe and healthy 🙏🌈❤️

  • @mikeknapp318
    @mikeknapp318 3 роки тому +8

    You are so sweet and funny.Your just adorable.

  • @yamahamasterfz
    @yamahamasterfz 3 роки тому +5

    I really enjoy jack Mormons, super laid back and they drink!

  • @JayBhateja
    @JayBhateja 3 роки тому +6

    This is such a wonderful thing to hear about -- just going out into the world, and seeing and serving. What a formative experience it must have been!
    I really want to hear more about what this was like for you, and also what your reflections were on it. What did you learn about delusions and the way people lie to themselves from meeting that person who thought they were building a spaceship for Jesus Christ? What is it about the people you spoke to that made them open the door, what separated them from the ones who closed it? How did you feel when people declined to hear your message, and why? And most importantly, what is it about this experience that made it so worth it for you, and what would you change about it if you could?
    Hearing you talk about your own views and experiences is by far my favorite content on your channel. I just love your stories. I don't want to tell you what to do, but I am dying to hear more. As a 19-year-old, I can't imagine myself doing something half as brave as this, and it is a privilege to hear from someone who has.
    (Also, did the lady ever get the cat with her spray bottle? Did your companion just stay there with his face dripping with water? How did the guy plan to build a spaceship for Jesus Christ? How do you react and politely say goodbye when someone decides to call you an alien? What happened to with Filipino guy and the girl he liked? Ya can't start stories like that and leave us with Grand Canyon-sized cliffhangers XD)

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +5

      You have so many good questions that would be hard to type all out 😅. Ask me these on the livestream and I’ll answer them!

    • @uhrcha
      @uhrcha 2 роки тому

      @@josephgarner94 are you still LDS ?

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  Рік тому

      @@uhrcha good question, I am not.

  • @burthuffman2802
    @burthuffman2802 3 роки тому +4

    This was a good story time, I found out things I never knew. Happy you have a life of your own. Tell us more. thnx

  • @nathanhansen1846
    @nathanhansen1846 3 роки тому +13

    I’ll check out the livestream. Also my current boyfriend was Mormon growing up and he doesn’t really want to open up about it yet, and I’m definitely curious so this is an interesting topic

    • @bryannielson8113
      @bryannielson8113 3 роки тому +7

      Hey Nathan- I'm sorry to hear that your boyfriend won't talk much about his experience. I'm a "former" Mormon myself and currently dating a guy. Although my experience is probably different than your boyfriend's, I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have as well.

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +8

      I’ve met some former Mormon men who had really rough experiences in the church. As a result they usually have a tough time talking about it. Everyone’s experience is so different.

    • @nathanhansen1846
      @nathanhansen1846 3 роки тому +5

      @@josephgarner94 yeah he told me he would eventually, and all I can do is respect his need for privacy there.

    • @bryannielson8113
      @bryannielson8113 3 роки тому +5

      @@josephgarner94 Exactly. I would still somewhat consider myself a "Mormon"- many of the beliefs are things I believe in/agree with, and I don't really have a negative view of the Church or the members, but I don't attend meetings or anything. I've been incredibly lucky/blessed to have a supportive family and circle of LDS friends, which is sadly not the case for everyone.

    • @darinlegore284
      @darinlegore284 3 роки тому +1

      @@bryannielson8113 My best friend in HS was Mormon/LDS. The most honest guy I knew (straight, though). There is an ex-Mormon gay support group called:

  • @wcoleman5555
    @wcoleman5555 5 місяців тому

    Yo those are some funny stories thanks for sharing. Made me laugh

  • @spiderfingers86
    @spiderfingers86 3 роки тому +4

    I've been there before. It's hard to refrain from giving in. I almost slipped up while on my mission in Germany. That was over 15 years ago since I've been back. Now I'm divorced with an 11 year old son in 5th grade. I'm no longer a part of the church but I help my son prepare for his eventual mission to where he hopes will be France.

    • @supermissusa88
      @supermissusa88 2 роки тому

      Poor little kid, save ur kid from hell

  • @PUAlum
    @PUAlum 3 роки тому +3

    I"m a member of an evangelical church that tried for awhile to copy the mormon 2-year program. Now it's mostly a huge variety of short-term "missions" of varying lengths. i'm one of the few who actually did a 2-year overseas mission. Several times my partner and i bumped into Mormon "elders". They stood out in their white short-sleeved shirts and thin black ties. Some of them were friendly when we approached them...a few really didn't want to talk. one set of Mormon missionaries came to Thanksgiving dinner with the missionary family i was helping for a few was fun to have a couple of Americans my age for dinner in a remote part of South America. The wife of our host got to talking about missing family, holiday traditions, and one of the mormons got so homesick that he started to weep. it was a touching moment of "fellowship" where a real human moment bridged a doctrinal divide. We all let our guards down....and the rest of the evening was so memorable. and just fun! Sorry for the long comment----wondered if you had any such moments.

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  Рік тому +1

      There is a clarity that comes in those “human”moments. They are so special, almost like a little glimpse into someone’s soul. They helped me realize that a persons heart is so much more important than what religious organization they belong to.

  • @hideyagi1019
    @hideyagi1019 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing !!! you are very funny.

  • @moroni77-m1i
    @moroni77-m1i 3 роки тому +2

    I served my mission in Curitiba Brasil... Best two Years!

  • @christophery7206
    @christophery7206 11 місяців тому

    I found this very helpful and enlightening. Thank you for sharing. ❤

  • @pauldunn7965
    @pauldunn7965 3 роки тому +3

    I enjoyed that. What did you think of the popes comments about the needs of gay couples to be recognized as families and loved and supported by the church? I know it is Catholic, but it certainly shows the sign of change in attitude toward gays.

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +2

      I’m all about love and support to any marginalized group, especially one I’m a part of ❤️

  • @petemichael6883
    @petemichael6883 3 роки тому +4

    Joe, Thanks for sharing. You show humor and also the rewards of serving others. I was born and raised in Idaho and had many Mormon friends.
    They were kind, loving and talented. I treasure them. I am not a Morman but it is not from their lack of trying to convert me. I was young and so like them but , like you, I couldn't be completely honest with them. I was stationed in Anchorage in the military and understand the separation one goes thru when we leave our security bubble. I treasure the friends and experiences of that time and realize how adaptable we are as humans.
    I wish you the best.

  • @mjohnson9563
    @mjohnson9563 3 роки тому +5

    I used to live in Colorado and worked for a financial services corp back in the 1990s in which I had quite a few black colleagues many of whom were also Mormon.

  • @jjsjjs93
    @jjsjjs93 3 роки тому +5

    A gay Mormon...
    Does that mean instead of Grindr, he rides on a bicycle from house to house winking at gay people

  • @evamac9941
    @evamac9941 Рік тому

    Your story made me smile your a very kind and loving young man please don't change you are a wonderful young man and we need more men like you.

  • @multilingual972
    @multilingual972 3 роки тому +2

    Maybe this is a bit off topic. I am a Jewish gay guy from Oklahoma. I have always known LDS people all my life and consider them so decent, hard-working, moral and would give you the shirt their back. I did draw the line at proselytizing however . I personally was saddened and offended in parts when I saw "The Book of Mormon" musical (first and last time...). If it had been the Book of Koran, imagine the uproar which might have been created. "The Five Books of Moses" (Torah) probably not have been well received either.. It was interesting that the LDS took out ads on several pages in the playbill which said "now you've seen the musical, please read the Book". After the performance, many Elders and others were out there distributing the books and other literature. Another trait of an LDS is being a good sport.
    I think however if the church were all inclusive of gays, it would be a completely fantastic religion.

  • @rabidbuddha4328
    @rabidbuddha4328 3 роки тому +16

    I’m glad you can look back on it fondly but to me it has an undercurrent of abuse that is nauseating.

  • @OLDS98
    @OLDS98 3 роки тому +3

    Hello Joseph! It has been a while. I got behind on your videos. I got behind from working working at home( long hours) health reasons( not covid), stress and fatigue. I am glad to see your new video . I have seen and heard the stories of the Mormon missionary stories. I know what you say is true. I had encounters with them. They used to live down the street from me. They changed them out over time. I had conversations with them in my driveway on Saturdays. I felt some of them were gay too. They used to ride their bicycles all over with their outfits. I knew about the email thing too. The used to come to the university library and do email. I appreciate you sharing your experience. I hope everything else is going well with you personally. You had a journey didn't you? You take care.

  • @chrishewittpiano
    @chrishewittpiano 11 місяців тому

    Hi Joseph! I really enjoyed your video, new subscriber here!
    I was expecting to hear much more about your experience being a gay Mormon missionary, and like how that affected you and what you think of LGBT and Mormons. Maybe you could do more storytime videos where you talk about that? I did like hearing about your companions, though! I didn't actually know that you guys had to stay within sight and sound of each other.

  • @joshuag.4873
    @joshuag.4873 Рік тому +1

    My goodness, you are beautiful.

  • @thomaslloyd8496
    @thomaslloyd8496 3 роки тому +3

    I currently have Mormon Missionaries coming to my apartment. I told them I was gay there still coming over. I showed them magic tricks and they really like them. You said in this video that 90 percent of the people who invite the missionaries in their residents are crazy oddballs I guess I'm one of them LOL.

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +3

      Lol I really shouldn’t have said that, I visited some really awesome people. We just attracted a few crazies haha.

    • @thomaslloyd8496
      @thomaslloyd8496 3 роки тому +1

      @@josephgarner94 Hey Joseph I told the Mormon Missionaries I am happy for who I am at the moment and decided not to join the church. They told me I could join being gay but not act upon it. My friend said I can't believe they told you that. It's like saying I have an itch but don't scratch it. Or if you tell someone your hungry but don't eat. LOL

  • @scottmena4653
    @scottmena4653 8 місяців тому

    Thanks for sharing this. Funny looking back on my mission, I thought the same thing that somehow I'd turn straight afterwards. Oh how wrong we were. But they were fun/hard times. I am so glad I went. I grew a lot and made so many friends. Still stay in contact with all my missionary companions.

  • @trevorn9381
    @trevorn9381 3 роки тому +2

    One day I was out washing my boat in my driveway in nothing but a pair of board shorts. At the time I was in my mid 20s and in great shape. These two young Mormon missionaries came riding up on bicycles. One of them started telling me all about the Mormon beliefs the other one couldn't take his eyes off of me. I am 100% sure that he was gay.

  • @rsd_mtnbiker6422
    @rsd_mtnbiker6422 3 роки тому +5

    LOVED story time! My story of when “you guys” knocked on my door. It was a crazy hot day, 100° and then some. Doorbell rang and here are these two guys that looked like they were seconds away from heat stroke. I literally said get your asses out from the heat and when the cool AC air hit them they were lime thank the Maker. I got them a tall glass of freshly made ice cold lemonade which they downed right away. I flat out told them God sent you here to cool off so relax, you’re no good to him dead. My mom had brought over some pot roast earlier so I made us sandwiches and talked about all the people they met, their best, worst and funniest encounters. I gotta tell you, it was the most enjoyable 4 hours I’ve ever had. I asked them where they were staying and I was like holy shit, that’s a long ways. They had mountain bikes but it was still really hot out so a made them let me drive them home. So yeah, it would be great if you could have more Story Times. Cheers👊

  • @thomaswilke6312
    @thomaswilke6312 3 роки тому +4

    Extremely informative!
    My friend is a Mormon. We’re both in high school. He was planning to take a gap year to go on a mission with the Mormon Church when he graduates next year. However his plan is on hold with the current pandemic situation. Now I kind of know what he would be doing if he were to go on the mission.

  • @pradrev
    @pradrev 3 роки тому +6

    You're so handsome....:)

  • @pablodejesus1373
    @pablodejesus1373 3 роки тому +3

    Hello Joseph beautiful you story

  • @williamm8240
    @williamm8240 3 роки тому +6

    There was a movie several years ago about a mormon sent to Los Angelos for his mission and fines his inner gay. The movie is very good and I do recommend it to anyone who has not seen it. "Latter Days" staring Steve Sandvoss and Wes Ramsey. Let me know what you think of this film?

    • @319metresMW
      @319metresMW 3 роки тому +2

      If you check other comments you'll see that movie is already under discussion, William!

    • @markmh835
      @markmh835 3 роки тому

      One of my favorite movies! 😊👍

    • @supermissusa88
      @supermissusa88 2 роки тому

      Avaiable on UA-cam

  • @mrece2002
    @mrece2002 3 роки тому +2

    As someone who’s allergic to a lot of veggies, i can relate

  • @scottmccarthy7982
    @scottmccarthy7982 Рік тому

    Thank you. Gay RM. Sacramento CA 1985. Consider myself a gay Mormon.

  • @phillydavewmb05
    @phillydavewmb05 3 роки тому +3

    Great video. Have you kept in contact with any of your former mission companions?

    • @supermissusa88
      @supermissusa88 2 роки тому

      It's amusing to observe that all these missionaries, especially the Americans, they disappeared back home, it looks like someone later brainstormed them, no more news from any of them.

  • @quantumrift11
    @quantumrift11 Рік тому

    He says "90% of the people who let us in were CRAZY". Well, of those, 90% who agreed to a second meeting were naive. Of those, 90% of those who converted were desperate. Of all of those, 100% were mistaken.

  • @fizzyplazmuh9024
    @fizzyplazmuh9024 2 роки тому

    Not the first time someone selling me Pepsi has had a Coke in their hand.

  • @Asa...S
    @Asa...S 3 роки тому +3

    That companion thing sound very Handmaid´s tale-ish.

  • @SamTechWorld9
    @SamTechWorld9 3 роки тому +2

    No, I'm not pulling your leg 😂

  • @monas
    @monas Рік тому

    Haha funny stories 😂

  • @cruzloera4931
    @cruzloera4931 3 роки тому +3

    He could have done a house call any day

  • @ClementGreen
    @ClementGreen 10 місяців тому

    These Mormon boys are fantastic! How do you meet them?

  • @brian52763
    @brian52763 3 роки тому +7

    Have you kept in touch with any of your former companions? If so, have you come out to them and, what was their response?

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +5

      Yeah I came out to the ones I’m close to and they all handled it well. One even came to a gay club with me once 😅

    • @brian52763
      @brian52763 3 роки тому +3

      @@josephgarner94 thats great, I still retain the vast majority of my friends from the church. They love me, just the way I am!

    • @supermissusa88
      @supermissusa88 2 роки тому

      It's amusing to observe that all these missionaries, especially the Americans, they disappeared back home, it looks like someone later brainstormed them, no more news from any of them.

  • @jimrenken3660
    @jimrenken3660 3 роки тому +2

    i know the feeling may god change me and no not happen so god married anyway and put the feeling underneath

  • @alonzo9772
    @alonzo9772 3 роки тому

    It sounds fun! Lots of moments where you were just around men. 😆

  • @orlandmorentevlogs8360
    @orlandmorentevlogs8360 2 роки тому

    I love Mormon guys of course i really like you i love you thank you this video am happy for you my dear. new friend from Tablas Romblon, Philippines.

  • @ponykazy3725
    @ponykazy3725 3 роки тому

    Ahhh! I have family in Alaska! It's a pretty cool place hahaha! I've been there mostly in the summers, the summer is really nice there.

  • @sailingsam3815
    @sailingsam3815 Рік тому

    Religions should let individuals be their best true selves...otherwise they are morally wrong.

  • @astrangerhere
    @astrangerhere 2 роки тому +1

    "I wouldn't be gay anymore as long as I followed all of these rules . . . " Not so much on my mission but for 15 years afterwards that was pretty much my outlook. When perfectionism, or as close to what I could muster to perfectionism, didn't "work," I gave up. I had had enough of constantly being "unworthy" and (allegedly) not good enough. The impossible standards of the mormon church went bye-bye along with the church itself.

    • @terrystrahl6006
      @terrystrahl6006 2 роки тому +1

      I really wish you would NOT believe that you would not be gay anymore!! You are born that way and you can not change who and what you are, be happy who you are and enjoy life to the fullest like I did. We all wish we were something else or had something else, like being taller, having beautiful hair, or big blue eyes, or a movie star, or an athlete, but we are not just make the best with what you are and have and be happy....😀

  • @activelivingchallenger4298
    @activelivingchallenger4298 3 роки тому +1

    It sort of feels like u did the missionary work so u don’t have to think about ur sexuality because you were always busy

  • @anthonysaylaheng4659
    @anthonysaylaheng4659 Рік тому

    I am Cambodian/American here in Texas. How was your brother’s Cambodia experience?

  • @tannerward2938
    @tannerward2938 3 роки тому +3

    How did you get the nerve to come out? My parents are super homophobic but like I feel so depressed trying to be someone I’m not. I just got back recently but I feel as if god kinda abandoned me bc I know If I come out I will get judged and it will be awkward 🙃. Kinda got no friends to talk to about it but I would love your say on it, thanks!!

    • @helmitpeak
      @helmitpeak 3 роки тому +5

      I feel for you Tanner, don't let it stop you from living your life, it's yours, not their's. Remind them "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you."
      If they don't accept you, too bad for them, there are lots of people who will and you should not have trouble making friends. There are many Gay organizations who will help you. I wish you the best in life and much success. Stay in there and fight for your right to be yourself.

    • @tannerward2938
      @tannerward2938 3 роки тому +1

      @@helmitpeak thnx bro ❤️

    • @helmitpeak
      @helmitpeak 3 роки тому +1

      @@tannerward2938 Your very welcome bro

  • @mikebrady2073
    @mikebrady2073 3 роки тому +3

    Any thoughts on the movie Latter Days (2003)? Too bad you missed out on sex during your mission time.

  • @daveross7789
    @daveross7789 3 роки тому

    ya tell me another missionary story.....sleep well jg.

  • @rbmcobra
    @rbmcobra 3 роки тому +1

    I had a comp who was a Mr. know it all. He was never wrong and he knew the answer to everything. Even the members noticed how much of a jerk he was. One time a member chewed him out for being this way. Afterwards he asked me "am I was really that bad ", I said yes! He continued on with his behavior and didn't care. Glad I was the senior comp!

  • @thepromise2316
    @thepromise2316 3 роки тому +2


  • @alexanderallan215
    @alexanderallan215 3 роки тому +6

    Hey Joseph , great story. How soon after returning from your mission, did your parents start discussing your search to find a wife ?
    I heard that in most Mormon families, there are bride candidates, already lined up, to speed up the process.
    I hope your experience, when returning home , wasn’t terrible.

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +4

      They definitely encourage you to marry young in the church, luckily my parents weren’t pushing me in that way.

  • @walterayala4777
    @walterayala4777 3 роки тому +2

    Omg is my story.

  • @bluemoonsy
    @bluemoonsy 3 роки тому +3

    Have you kept up any of the friendships you made during your mission?

  • @darinhareis9451
    @darinhareis9451 3 роки тому +2


  • @AngelOrtiz-jf4xq
    @AngelOrtiz-jf4xq Рік тому

    I love you 😗💕

  • @stephenbutterfield5986
    @stephenbutterfield5986 Рік тому

    God wills it

  • @haroldgoodman130
    @haroldgoodman130 3 роки тому +2

    Two cute Mormons came to my door. They told me they were Mormons and I said, Come in boys, the more men, the better. Clothing optional. I wonder why they never returned?

  • @jeromelj1010
    @jeromelj1010 3 роки тому +2

    In my days it was 19 for guys and 21 for girls

    • @josephgarner94
      @josephgarner94  3 роки тому +1

      Yeah they had just changed the ages when I left. I heard they can now call their families every week, a lot has changed!

    • @jeromelj1010
      @jeromelj1010 3 роки тому

      @@josephgarner94 that’s better. I used to dream of family a lot whilst on mission. Happy they value that aspect now. No teenager or young adult should be deprived of family.

    • @319metresMW
      @319metresMW 3 роки тому +1

      Couldn't agree more. I was sent away to boarding school at 8. That's screwed me up for life! 😒

    • @jeromelj1010
      @jeromelj1010 3 роки тому

      @@319metresMW sorry to hear that

  • @gingerkeith
    @gingerkeith 11 місяців тому

    08:00 or 20:00 Joseph, I'm in the UK.

  • @Richie07a1
    @Richie07a1 3 роки тому

    Wondering if you watched The Falls and what you thought of it.

  • @michaelciccone2194
    @michaelciccone2194 3 роки тому +1

    Ok ! Do you currently have a recommend from your Bishop to go to the Temple and be baptized on behalf of the dead and to do other ordinances? Moral purity is utmost to be a full fledged Latter Day Saint.

  • @Ray-xh6gb
    @Ray-xh6gb Рік тому

    How do you do it they don't allow it

  • @terryburns
    @terryburns Рік тому

    Hey Joseph I left you a message a little while ago but now I can't find it. Did you erase it for some reason if you did all you have to do is tell me to stop ✋ and I will. Just can't figure out why you would erase it without telling me.

  • @FrankEPotts
    @FrankEPotts 3 роки тому

    Why didn't the lady with the cat not have glasses? Could not see well enough to go to the doctor or unable to afford them? Did she live alone?
    Great Channel 👍

  • @nickkellerman1638
    @nickkellerman1638 3 роки тому +1

    Who else is heading to mormonboyz after this? 😂