Kylo & Rey | I did want to take your hand.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mardoggs
    @mardoggs 5 років тому +1080

    Rey: “I’m not giving you anything”
    Kylo: “We’ll see”
    Proceeds to passionately kiss him

    • @lorenamcd7572
      @lorenamcd7572 4 роки тому +8

      mardoggs me in love be like:

    • @reypalpatine3214
      @reypalpatine3214 4 роки тому +4


    • @ivetteguerrero455
      @ivetteguerrero455 4 роки тому +24

      Same with Kylo :
      " I can take whatever i want,
      Then he said to Rey " please "

    • @mardoggs
      @mardoggs 4 роки тому +11

      Karen Jantzi feel better because the novelization was leaked and he actually reaches out to Rey as soon as he disappears and says “I will always be with you” and she becomes happy and responds “no one is every really gone” basically confirming they will be together forever and definitely later when she becomes one with the force as well

    • @eiffelviolet
      @eiffelviolet 4 роки тому +8

      @@karenjantzi7385 People have a theory that he's still alive.

  • @rajanurulrajamushar2365
    @rajanurulrajamushar2365 5 років тому +986

    The only time he smile.

    • @lisakaz35
      @lisakaz35 5 років тому +40

      That smile is everything. I used to want that. Now it just makes me sad.

    • @DiiAM00NDx3
      @DiiAM00NDx3 5 років тому +26

      Anyone noticed he looked very similar to hayden christensen smiling when he found out padme was pregnant?

    • @lisakaz35
      @lisakaz35 5 років тому

      @@DiiAM00NDx3 I going to check that out.

    • @littledino3468
      @littledino3468 5 років тому

      @@DiiAM00NDx3 stop....your going to make me cry moreeeee

    • @Nici_-cs8go
      @Nici_-cs8go 4 роки тому +1

      Immer wenn er bei ihr war hat er gelacht und am meisten bei dem Kuss

  • @robertguest5215
    @robertguest5215 5 років тому +1054

    He gave her...............EVERYTHING.

    • @naomigertz7901
      @naomigertz7901 5 років тому +42

      Isn't that what's so amazing about this ending?!!

    • @sweet_ashoney1845
      @sweet_ashoney1845 4 роки тому +18

      @@naomigertz7901 yeah but he dies

    • @naomigertz7901
      @naomigertz7901 4 роки тому +27

      @@sweet_ashoney1845 But he dies for HER. He gave her his life, and there's nothing more powerful than that!

    • @sweet_ashoney1845
      @sweet_ashoney1845 4 роки тому +11

      @@naomigertz7901 omg I said yes he gives her everything but then he dies like which is sad :/

    • @RealVincent1989
      @RealVincent1989 4 роки тому +11

      @@naomigertz7901 Him living with her would be more powerful

  • @eileen1991
    @eileen1991 5 років тому +730

    I totally agree, I was so disappointed when Kylo Ren died...
    It broke my heart, especially after their kiss and I try to forget about the ending and try to imagine, that they both are together forever

  • @_Colie
    @_Colie 5 років тому +266

    This almost had me thinking TROS was different than I remembered.

  • @meowmeow4803
    @meowmeow4803 5 років тому +269

    GUYS GO SIGN THIS, For Lucasfilm/Star Wars To Continue Ben Solo's Story....
    16K supporters

    • @susannajanna6958
      @susannajanna6958 5 років тому +4

      Drop the link

    • @BLRtactics
      @BLRtactics 5 років тому +6

      Adam driver said that he wouldnt want to return as ben solo so gl with that

    • @susannajanna6958
      @susannajanna6958 5 років тому +2

      Wisdom may I ask when?

    • @BLRtactics
      @BLRtactics 5 років тому +2

      @@susannajanna6958 idk when I recently watched it on UA-cam so It shouldn't be hard to find

    • @BLRtactics
      @BLRtactics 5 років тому +2

  • @jazz3261
    @jazz3261 4 роки тому +8

    I love throughout the entire series he refused to show emotion but when she kissed him, he smiled for the first time

  • @bellaosborn944
    @bellaosborn944 4 роки тому +61

    That smile right before he dies is truly a smile of true love. I’m still mad at Disney for separating tony and pepper and NOW they separate Ben and Rey. To whoever wrote that in, I hate you with all my nerd heart.

  • @muchadoaboutlife12
    @muchadoaboutlife12 5 років тому +180

    My heart is not healing...I need them to be together in seems that they (JJ & co), teased us mercilessly with THAT KISS then broke our hearts with Ben’s death😫😢🤬

  • @georgiawrayweseman5166
    @georgiawrayweseman5166 5 років тому +143

    This is by far the best edit for Ben Solo and Rey that I have seen. You made the edit in a way where it not grim or ends in death but ends with happiness, I could not stop smiling during this. Great job.

  • @EndlessDayDreamz
    @EndlessDayDreamz 5 років тому +198

    love that you ended it happily 🥺💙

  • @Jamess8877
    @Jamess8877 5 років тому +214


  • @rivkajoan8168
    @rivkajoan8168 4 роки тому +1

    This video was better than all three movies combined

  • @poetryreading7826
    @poetryreading7826 5 років тому +253

    He was stronger than Darth Vader

    • @elsachas5559
      @elsachas5559 4 роки тому +8

      Nah, that ain't it chief

    • @kay8823
      @kay8823 4 роки тому +31

      In a sense yes, he finished what *Anakin* started. Saving his loved one from death, but he wasn’t stronger than Vadar. My favourite way to describe it is, anakin, a man who had lost everything, even himself. and Vadar, a man who had nothing to lose. Kylo wasn’t stronger than Vadar because he never fully fell to the dark side, contrary to popular belief. That’s why he was never fully at Vadars level of strength because, although he suppressed it, he had something to lose, Rey. Anakin lost Padmé, so Vadar didn’t have anything to lose.

    • @clementineneumann1722
      @clementineneumann1722 4 роки тому +2

      Poetry Reading woah hold up

    • @dragonitefan420
      @dragonitefan420 4 роки тому

      Ok then

  • @dimipop6899
    @dimipop6899 4 роки тому +99

    I ll say it out loud : I dont want Ben Solo story to continue without Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley playing . End of Story. There is only one Ben Solo and that s only Adam Driver embodying him

  • @olliehernandez3934
    @olliehernandez3934 4 роки тому +24

    Kylo: “You know I can take what I want.”
    Absolutely no one:
    Me: “Zaddy?”

  • @ahsokatano6333
    @ahsokatano6333 4 роки тому +38

    Guys remember,
    "The war has only just begun..."
    -Luke Skywalker

  • @anaoruba
    @anaoruba 5 років тому +109

    Wow. This is amazing. My heart literally was beating faster with the increasing pace of this background score, till the very ending. Perfection. Thank you for sharing this 💗💗💗 And for leaving us with a smile 👌

  • @nicolelaurenarsenault5477
    @nicolelaurenarsenault5477 4 роки тому +4

    Bruh the “we’ll see “ KILLED ME

  • @reetiexell6408
    @reetiexell6408 4 роки тому +12

    I can't get over Kylo's death. It was heartbreaking. why did the makers have to make him die? if kylo and rey had a kid, i am sure that the kid would be very strong. this is too depressing. Since the beginning, i have always liked rey and kylo's romantic chemistry eve though they were from opposite sides.

  • @katelyntoth6627
    @katelyntoth6627 5 років тому +28

    I love how you switched from scene to scene to show parallels it’s perfect thank you for this💓#reyloforever

  • @wigmachine
    @wigmachine 5 років тому +25

    Coming out of my no-commenting slumber to say that this edit is incredible. You've done an amazing job. Gets me more emotional than the actual movies!

  • @sarahcampbell3310
    @sarahcampbell3310 4 роки тому +4

    Oh my gawd, this was amazing! I loved the “we’ll see” at the end, followed by the kiss😭😍

  • @Tigerblazeprouctions
    @Tigerblazeprouctions 5 років тому +16

    Mindblowing tribute for Reylo! Amazing!!! I'm shacking while I feel the waterworks coming.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @Conceicao4
    @Conceicao4 4 роки тому +13

    "Ow" ... my heart.

  • @margaret7504
    @margaret7504 4 роки тому +1

    I love you Ben! I will always be with you

  • @luthvrsangxl5252
    @luthvrsangxl5252 4 роки тому +17

    This almost made me cry!!! I love The Rise of Skywalker but killing Ben was a BIG mistake!!!
    Very well done on the editing!!!!

  • @TwinkleTenshi
    @TwinkleTenshi 5 років тому +13

    welp, I cried... that about sums up my experience with the story, but I specifically love this video how you put the various scenes, so many amazing moments! Awesome... I just love those two, The Dyad.

  • @IvyGirl22
    @IvyGirl22 5 років тому +12

    Absolutely incredible. I was breathless by the end!!

  • @fluffysaik6366
    @fluffysaik6366 4 роки тому +1

    he deserved a redemption arc and that is the hill i will die on

  • @Dakota-Rose
    @Dakota-Rose 4 роки тому +1

    Never ever Ieft the cinema so heartbroken. Ben and Rey forever. Since their first meeting I felt their love and tension. Hand touching...kiss...mmm my fav couple ever.

  • @GFV28
    @GFV28 4 роки тому +1

    Bruhh this is crazy good!! Reylo deserved better!!

  • @breelynn8810
    @breelynn8810 4 роки тому +2

    this is the most beautiful thing ever and im crying okay wow i'm gonna go watch it a hundred more times

  • @ela5606
    @ela5606 5 років тому +1

    why am i watchin this in the tram? a few tears ran down my cheeks and they guy next to me was like: why r u cryin, everything ok?
    it was a bit hard to explain :D
    beautiful cut, amazing work, love the scenes u chose!

  • @tiarasundaes3904
    @tiarasundaes3904 4 роки тому

    Not gonna lie, this is one of the more well edited Reylo edits I've seen. Good job!

  • @laurisperez5647
    @laurisperez5647 4 роки тому

    More than 2 months since I watch TROS and I still can't get over it and this video doesn't help. It's so perfect damn it 💖💖😭

  • @rohkakaobananenshake807
    @rohkakaobananenshake807 5 років тому +4

    Wow, your editing is amazing! 😍 Thanks for your work, it helps me with healing my broken heart...

  • @armyforlife3191
    @armyforlife3191 5 років тому +3

    Reylo forever

  • @elena.f9440
    @elena.f9440 4 роки тому +8

    I really thought Star Wars can find it’s Happy End but again nothing changed it’s still just a fight that needs sacrifices and Palpatine 💔 I hate him for everything he did he ruined the past of Star Wars and the future even when he’s dead it’s so ironic that it’s genius and I love it 🖤

  • @pink.us3r
    @pink.us3r 4 роки тому

    This is one of my favourite Reylo edits. Wow

  • @Ale-is1dk
    @Ale-is1dk 4 роки тому

    The climatic music building up to the rise of Ben Solo had me in TEARS!!!

  • @kyliemou
    @kyliemou 5 років тому

    I got literal shivers watching this. Just absolutely amazing!

  • @roseszalay2869
    @roseszalay2869 4 роки тому


  • @lauramason1044
    @lauramason1044 5 років тому +6

    Wow, this is incredible!

  • @TessaGems
    @TessaGems 5 років тому


  • @amberkingsbeer4806
    @amberkingsbeer4806 4 роки тому +1

    So simple and so amazing

  • @gabriella0807
    @gabriella0807 5 років тому +24

    Oh my gosh, masterpiece! 💙💙💙

  • @yellowfruitchocker9879
    @yellowfruitchocker9879 5 років тому +1

    You did art with this! 👏🎬📽️

  • @HereForTheShips
    @HereForTheShips 5 років тому +2

    Perfect video. They came such a long way!! Who would have thought. They both deserved their happy ending. Here I'm praying they retcon his death in comic books or something. Or, just give us hope he'll return. A character, and a couple, with SO much potential, and Disney/Lucasfilm failed them.

    • @tuki6364
      @tuki6364 4 роки тому +1

      I know! So heartbreaking... Adam & Daisy were the most popular characters of this trilogy and their portrayals of Rey & Kylo kept people hooked in the sequel trilogy. How could Disney and or LF not see that? What a terrible decision it was! Hope they can bring him back somehow through their dyad connection...

  • @carmenmeza
    @carmenmeza 4 роки тому +2

    I will forever be heartbroken.

  • @hydrarodriguezperez4999
    @hydrarodriguezperez4999 4 роки тому

    This video is absolutely beautiful

  • @luisinacarrer5947
    @luisinacarrer5947 5 років тому +6

    Favourite edit!!!!

  • @rosemariebeneventi1041
    @rosemariebeneventi1041 5 років тому +4

    You made a beautiful summary of their love, the best one I've ever seen!
    Honestly you deserve more subscribers ;)

    • @neutrondeath.7257
      @neutrondeath.7257  5 років тому +1

      Thanks a lot! You can’t imagine how happy I am to hear that!

  • @ohana-bordi
    @ohana-bordi 5 років тому +1

    Beautiful video captures their story well

  • @andreaf5497
    @andreaf5497 5 років тому +4

    Beautifully done ❤ I love this!!!

  • @jensendean67
    @jensendean67 5 років тому +1

    Omg, this edit is so amazing. You made my life better with this. 😍😊😭

  • @therealillivanilli2052
    @therealillivanilli2052 4 роки тому

    Oh wow, this was, like, _very_ well done. Good job!

  • @kaylaschlueter2674
    @kaylaschlueter2674 5 років тому +8

    Okay wow!! This could have been a trailer ur editing skills are on point with this video!! Absolutely loved this 💕

  • @nikki4986
    @nikki4986 5 років тому +1

    This was breathtaking 💙❤️

  • @shorthypnotist2879
    @shorthypnotist2879 5 років тому +10

    What a masterpiece 😍

  • @eviedragomirova6051
    @eviedragomirova6051 4 роки тому +8

    I watch this and pretend this is how it ended

  • @julialipovaya2076
    @julialipovaya2076 5 років тому +2

    it's amazing, perfect, it's masterpiece, thank you

  • @claclab.9597
    @claclab.9597 5 років тому +5

    Vidéo in my favorites !! Perfect 🙏💗 nice highlighting of lyrics rather than useless music 💗

  • @mariettakik929
    @mariettakik929 4 роки тому +3

    Omg! They are so cute 💞
    Only reylo❤️❤️

  • @potterheadedits2668
    @potterheadedits2668 5 років тому +5

    I’m so amazed , when it went to the dark side , I was like WOW HOLD UP WHAT DIS?!?!?!

  • @rhi8365
    @rhi8365 4 роки тому

    that was the best i’ve seen yet

  • @nata1989ful
    @nata1989ful 5 років тому +1

    1.45 THE VIOLIN !!!! I SAID THE VIOLIN !!! 🥀💜🖤💔
    My God thank you for this, it's perfect 😢🛸🌠💞💔

  • @littlemat4804
    @littlemat4804 5 років тому +2

    Amazing ! Really loved it !

  • @mariadelosangelesgonzalezl8492
    @mariadelosangelesgonzalezl8492 4 роки тому

    La edición me gustó tanto que me acabo de suscribir.

  • @juliarichardson5556
    @juliarichardson5556 4 роки тому

    This is brilliant

  • @natalia5274
    @natalia5274 4 роки тому

    this edit it’s the best

  • @brandybrackeen1535
    @brandybrackeen1535 4 роки тому +2

    She said she wouldnt give him anything, yet to him she gave him everything😭

  • @dimipop6899
    @dimipop6899 4 роки тому +6

    When Kylo told Rey "let the past die, kill it if you have to" im sure he meant, kill your past which is Palpatine!!

  • @veronicavasquez8253
    @veronicavasquez8253 4 роки тому +1

    This was BEAUTIFUL, I hope you can reupload it when the movie comes out in digital

  • @gabriellagonzales4363
    @gabriellagonzales4363 4 роки тому

    Ugh I love them so much.

  • @ememese1
    @ememese1 5 років тому

    Nice job! Az ending cut is awesome 😊😊

  • @miekelei2761
    @miekelei2761 5 років тому +1

    I love the editing :)

  • @DavidAllenDilla
    @DavidAllenDilla 3 роки тому

    2:19 Rey Palpatine with the quick grab

  • @eliana_floyd
    @eliana_floyd 4 роки тому +2

    We should have seen it coming. Every time one of them turns against the dark side, death. Darth Vader....

  • @weena001
    @weena001 5 років тому

    damn the impact this had as a video 👏🏼👏🏼💯💯💯💯 well done 🌹

  • @booktimebooklove789
    @booktimebooklove789 4 роки тому

    This is incredible 😍❤

  • @mencia_leonesa
    @mencia_leonesa 5 років тому +20

    Rey: *Yo quería coger tu mano, la mano de Ben.* 💔💔😭😭😭

  • @elizabethshouse3740
    @elizabethshouse3740 4 роки тому

    This is amazing, it gave me chills

  • @luzmy9629
    @luzmy9629 5 років тому +3

    Necesito mas película I need moreee

  • @WillaOakes22
    @WillaOakes22 4 роки тому


  • @johnaugustusfinn7183
    @johnaugustusfinn7183 4 роки тому +7

    “I did want to Ben’s hand.”
    Such meaning.
    Such emotion.
    Such a stupid way to format a thumbnail.

  • @MrsCaosQueen
    @MrsCaosQueen 5 років тому

    Wow great videos...:)

  • @adalheidiz5216
    @adalheidiz5216 5 років тому

    Really good!!

  • @jennashaughnessy3739
    @jennashaughnessy3739 5 років тому

    gosh this has got me sobbing

  • @michelleloveskyla5612
    @michelleloveskyla5612 5 років тому +2

    Amazing 😍❤️❤️👌

  • @ivandeliseo1538
    @ivandeliseo1538 5 років тому +3

    Amazing! Good job!

  • @laurimerrithew101
    @laurimerrithew101 4 роки тому

    I loved this

  • @eiffelviolet
    @eiffelviolet 4 роки тому +19

    This article out saying that their kiss was non-romanitc, that's some EXTREME bullshit!

    • @vnssz
      @vnssz 4 роки тому +1

      Yes it is complete bs. But it’s because of the novelization. In my opinion the novelization is an even bigger mess than the movie, there’s sooo many contradictions in it. It says Rey likes Ben Solo through the whole story but at the end, it describes the kiss as a way she expressed her gratitude?! It’s stupid and makes no sense at all, literally a few sentences later it says she considered him her other half...

  • @Rukky98
    @Rukky98 4 роки тому

    Best edit

  • @Sameez2
    @Sameez2 5 років тому

    Had it on repeat. Thanks that's better ❤👌😁

  • @cdavis3054
    @cdavis3054 4 роки тому

    I will never stop wishing for, posting for, fighting for Ben to return to Rey. 🦋🌼. The most telling and beautiful scene, "You are nothing. But not to me." They belong together. They are the dyad. Rey and Ben together are the future of the Galaxy that Leia, Han, Luke, and all the rebels and Jedi gave everything for. Ben lives for and with Rey. It is the only way. 🦋🌼

    • @user-de4uh3wc2h
      @user-de4uh3wc2h 3 роки тому

      Another way is that Ben stays dead for good and Rey forgets him and moves on

    • @officermurdoch4120
      @officermurdoch4120 8 місяців тому

      Would you forget the person who saved your life?

  • @emmawhycantmyuserjustbeemm8278
    @emmawhycantmyuserjustbeemm8278 5 років тому

    This is magnificent

  • @MindfulMya
    @MindfulMya 4 роки тому +10

    They did him so wrong! A dyad is a life force shared!! ugh...they would be one sharing a life! come on! Disney forgot how to be Disney!

  • @farahemylia99
    @farahemylia99 5 років тому +1


  • @kiracornforth1094
    @kiracornforth1094 4 роки тому
