@poorchris they're not able to compete at any blizz event now. If Method does get a 4 day ban on even 40% of the raid group that could jeopardize them at 3rd place. I'm with ya but perma ban isn't the solution. I got caught exploiting in WoTLk 10 day ban.
I would have been okay with longer bans if they hadn't caught so many innocent people in the crossfire, I never did double weekly quest hand-ins or even having multiple active accounts during levelling, I literally just played the game, I am 12 renown from regularly playing the game, I didn't farm every rare or boost stuff with dmf cause I didn't care about minmaxing renown and I managed to catch a ban. someone else in my guild was also banned, they were 14 renown, keep in mind you could have been 17 already if you heavily optimized it without any exploiting. People got banned for having their kids on a seperate license on the same account levelling together. it's really good that they are taking a stance on exploiting, but holy fuck did they drop the ball in determining if someone did or didn't exploit. (before someone tries to claim that I am lying about my rep and must have definitely exploited, you can check it on the wow armory under reputation, worgendeath-tarren mill)
They did a great job teaching delve enjoyers the mechanics of M+. From Bran abilities that require the player to respond to a ping sound effect and move accordingly, to small aoe circles that mimic the end boss of Necrotic wake. The different delve stories that mimic tank routing. Bran vocalizing frontal cones. Frontal cones literally being named frontal cones. They did a great job preparing the transitioning delver into a mythic plus'er
Also totally ignores that a spec may do well when played by an always perfectly performing simulation that's standing still but may or may not fall off hard due to realistic mechanical intensity or just requiring the player to play perfectly as well...
DPS sheet has WW at 1.57 mil and Arcane at 1.58 Arcane is doing hundreds of thousands of DPS more and needs huge nerfs! 5 minutes later Is Windwalker even good???
Tettles is so out of touch when it comes to dps balance, yet so confident. I wish I was like that when talking to my boss about the work I didn't do or know how to
I LOVE the potion bombs. Not just because it lends extra value to Engineering, but also because on healer and tank I get to do more support abilities. Especially on like a Warrior, where I need any Support abilities I can get!
Agreed this seems like a warning shot from blizz. They knew they were doing it heroic week which wouldn't have as much impact but is still quite serious for folks. Sucks for those that get banned but Blizz is being nice and setting the stage for the future when there likely won't be a heroic weeks in the future. The scary thing is the MDI comps not being able to compete but blizz may drop that. I also like that they are rolling back. This response seems fair so far from blizz. Sad that some "innocents" might have been caught just by normally playing and using multiple accounts but that is such a small small portion.
4 days is bullshit, they knew what they were doing. They were so confident the wouldn't get punished that they streamed them exploiting. Need to bring back perma bans
Blizzard's policy up to this point has been to at most roll people back, if that. They almost never ban. It would be ridiculous to suddenly change the rules and then enforce a super harsh punishment. Especially since these players are competing to win, since Blizzard hasn't taken action before, it makes complete sense they would exploit, because if they don't they are at a disadvantage. 4 days is more than enough to make clear what the standard is and to not do it in the future.
I'd have to agree I think missing heroic week would have been a game changer and a massive wakeup call for the guilds to get in line and play like everyone else... I'm assuming they didn't want to deal with mass outrage or w/e since RWF is the bulk of esports income for wow.
@@coryp6868 And that is why you won't see shit happen. Blizzard has long since allowed players to skirt the rules if they are of benefit to the company.
@@michaelfalkner1186Blizzard doesn't run RWF. They don't finance anything, they offer no prize money, what the FUCK are you WAFFLING about "disqualification from RWF"? Blizzard should be disqualified for giving so little of a shit about one of the esports pillars of one of their biggest franchises, and you need to be disqualified from commenting for this absolute dog comment. Blizzard should be honoured people want to do this kind of degen shit for their game when they themselves put such a woefully pathetic amount of effort into building up that scene.
Growl's prediction is on the money here. I went into m0 with some guildies who were also mostly gear capped for what we could do pre-Heroic week and did everything without any issues. It was nice just seeing some boss fights extended to see more mechanics. I have more casual friends who tried to pug it in the like 570-580 ilvl range and had just miserable times lol.
Fire should be allowed to be bad. Fire was the strongest while the other mage specs were mediocre to bad. Let Arcane be in the spotlight, and Fire be in the gutter for a few tiers. As a mage, I would appreciate this quite a bit :P --- Context: I am the most mid Frost mage you will ever meet.
As a long time fire main the issue is that since WoD Fire itself has never been good. It's always been the borrowed power. Fire being weak right now is just how Fire normally is when there is no borrowed power lol.
@@deseanroot75 wildly irrelevant since you’re not going to be playing those expansions as current content without said borrowed power. Add onto that the fact that a lot of those borrowed powers got baked into the talent tree.
Do method raiders get to keep their insane crafted pieces they shouldn't have? If they keep the crafted piece from the renown crest, then they still have an advantage even with a 4 day ban.
Eventually people will be able to produce high quality reagents cheaper and make the enchants with fewer high quality reagents, so it will get much cheaper, but damn. That weapon enchant was still like 25k. That's not nothing.
I can make quite a few of the R3 enchants, but I just can't compete with how cheap they're selling for on the AH. I'm losing money making them right now, so I've stopped. It feels like half the community thinks prices will become cheaper this week with everyone dumping mats they've been hording, and the other half thinks prices will skyrocket with everyone buying.
The cost is atm nearly half of what it has been a week ago, once the recipe to get storm dust from glimmering shards is patched in prices will drop drasticly again. Also for most its totally irrelevant if you got the best enchant or the second best quality.
@@Bobington11 That's a really good point. That mat is used in ~20 recipes (plus as a mat in Sanctified Alloy which is used for nearly all BS epics), so it's going to remain a high value item for a long time.
the radiant echo how to quest to unlock more dropping from delves is necessary just 1 time per account. Just did it after first tier 8 delve on druid main and then on my bdk did 4 tier 8 delves and got 4 echoes.
24 hallowfall is possible due the to bonus even being World quests, IF the rewards are similar to DF (2500rep for 1 specific renown and 50% bonus rep from world quests). I'm 19 1535 with hallowfall before the reset and will just be able to get 24 after everything if i get that rep from the World Quest bonus event
I've had by far the easiest time on t8 delves with my frost mage, solo and severely undergeared. Huge damage, infinite kiting and mob control, and actually loads of self-sustain tools if you pick them all up out of the class tree. Plus with bloodlust you can burn the bosses down so damn fast.
Rip bozos, i feel like blizzard needs to just start handing out these like 2-4 day bans for exploits since it doesnt just decide the race like a 2 week ban would but it makes it so people arent just degenerately abusing anything they can without punishment. Also if they just had a blanket you exploit you get at least a 2 day ban it would lead to less judgement call inconsistent rulings like they have done in the past where sometimes they do nothing, sometimes just a rollback and sometimes an actual ban
This ban feels like a shot across the bow. Not long enough to seriously affect the race, but an example to everyone why you should exploit. I think the accounts involved should have been rolled back as well. Hopefully Blizz follows through harder on exploitation in the future now that this warning shot has been fired.
Growl and dorki going have to solo their podcasts next few weeks. Also the last mob pack in stone vaults already ego checks tanks and its going to destroy on mythic
I come to love the 3 weeks because as boring as it felt in the beginning for the First time in ages i spend time questing, farming, getting achiehments etc. Still im Glad we can start Gaming again :D
On the topic of the .5 patch looking like stuff that should have been in beta but devs ran out of time: I really don't think that's the case. It's just that they clearly changed their patch cadence for this new saga/coming expansions and they designed/implemented everything months ago. They took feedback in consideration and identified a few pain points such as Dark Ranger that really could use a rework. We have to consider the fact that specs like Lightsmith and Oracle were heavily criticized and very quickly changed during beta. Yes the Hunter specs aren't a huge success but they mostly work. They are just not super fun but they are not as problematic as Oracle or Lightsmith were (I would argue Master of Harmony should have been reworked too, the spec requires multiple weakauras to be interacted with in any satisfying way and that's just ridiculous). Is it weird that some bugfix are pushed to the .5 patch? Yeah it is. But we also saw the shitshow that a tiny bugfix on Helcaller has caused a few days ago where all the warlock players were crying. So I can also understand why they don't want to risk to cause more potential issues with the opening of the season and are ok with leaving most everything in its current state. All in all it's the most sane reaction they can realistically have with a seasonal format and honestly I'm surprised they reworked Dark Ranger and Holy Paladins so that extent already.
Max from limit says he doesn't exploit, and I believe he said he doesn't want his team to do it either. I am sure they do, just very smart about it. Good on blizz for finally suspending people, cause fk them for exploiting, 4 day ban nothing, but I hope it's more of a warning to not. I remember back in legion where people were able to repeat some quest for the artifact power, and they barely suspended people for maybe a week, and allowed them to keep the power increase, which was still like a month ahead of everyone.
The DPS check problem in M+ also has to account for a scenario where a DPS player takes a dive or disconnects. You kinda have to be able to finish a dungeon, even if your resident guild mascot rogue or literally any Demon Hunter main is in your group. You know they are going to end up vanishing 15 seconds into a boss fight to the first avoidable mechanic every single time. If you've ever had an 8 minute Iridikron adventure in Galakrond's Fall, you know what I'm talking about. My point is, deaths are super punishing in M+ as is. We don't need more incentive to keep people alive.
the sim sheet they even showed here has it SECOND in single target. only 17k behind arcane... enhance is less than 3k below them. if arcane gets hit WW is suddenly the strongest single target lol these guys are absolutely gaslighting saying WW is just okay. we can literally see the numbers... fire mage needs buffs but destro not mentioned? bruh. any class under 1.4mil sims probably needs a buff.
The fact that you can group up for Delves, AND it's the most optimal way to run them, completely negates the purpose of what Delves were supposed to be.
No it doesn't. No one is forcing you to play with more than one person. The point of Delves is that you CAN do them solo. If you have friends they can join. It's an MMO. Making PvE content solo only would be idiotic.
@@nicholasruggles1656 in what was advertised and touted as the “Solo Experience”, you should never feel like “damn I wish I was in a group and I could easily clear this tier”. They could’ve retained groups, but made the scaling better, and for example not allowed Brann to still be in a group with other players making the experience way way easier.
@@nicholasruggles1656 Okay but what if you're like a Shadow Priest for example and can't realistically do the highest delve because the mobs are 2 shotting you with auto attacks. It seems dumb that the same character having this kind of struggle solo can just group up and do it trivially with a tank, for the exact same reward.
Then...you're bad. Did AtM (Awakening starts with an A, by the way, not a W) on my rogue, as Assa, pre-nerf, and had no close calls whatsoever. Consider just using your CC and your defensives.
o7 F
Rip Bozo
growl's avatar is getting wilder every week xD
We need one with a monocle for his guide videos now. Like a professor type of look.
good, they should've been banned.
Ban em longer. Make them know that cheating is not tolerated.
@poorchris this might be the most unhinged response I have ever seen lol
@poorchris they're not able to compete at any blizz event now. If Method does get a 4 day ban on even 40% of the raid group that could jeopardize them at 3rd place.
I'm with ya but perma ban isn't the solution. I got caught exploiting in WoTLk 10 day ban.
I would have been okay with longer bans if they hadn't caught so many innocent people in the crossfire, I never did double weekly quest hand-ins or even having multiple active accounts during levelling, I literally just played the game, I am 12 renown from regularly playing the game, I didn't farm every rare or boost stuff with dmf cause I didn't care about minmaxing renown and I managed to catch a ban. someone else in my guild was also banned, they were 14 renown, keep in mind you could have been 17 already if you heavily optimized it without any exploiting. People got banned for having their kids on a seperate license on the same account levelling together. it's really good that they are taking a stance on exploiting, but holy fuck did they drop the ball in determining if someone did or didn't exploit.
(before someone tries to claim that I am lying about my rep and must have definitely exploited, you can check it on the wow armory under reputation, worgendeath-tarren mill)
You guys needa chill dawg. It’s only game why you gotta be crunked up so bad
They did a great job teaching delve enjoyers the mechanics of M+. From Bran abilities that require the player to respond to a ping sound effect and move accordingly, to small aoe circles that mimic the end boss of Necrotic wake. The different delve stories that mimic tank routing. Bran vocalizing frontal cones. Frontal cones literally being named frontal cones. They did a great job preparing the transitioning delver into a mythic plus'er
FANTASTIC ! (ouch my ears)
"Arcane is hundreds of thousands above other people" - pulls up sheet, is in fact thirteen thousand ahead of the next, closes sheet XD
LMAO he clicked off that tab so quick once he saw the numbers
Ehh he's only one order of magnitude lol
Also totally ignores that a spec may do well when played by an always perfectly performing simulation that's standing still but may or may not fall off hard due to realistic mechanical intensity or just requiring the player to play perfectly as well...
DPS sheet has WW at 1.57 mil and Arcane at 1.58
Arcane is doing hundreds of thousands of DPS more and needs huge nerfs!
5 minutes later
Is Windwalker even good???
@@OMGITSJAD yeah man i'm ngl i do hate watch tettles some but he makes me laugh so it all makes for a good time
If you start watching this podcast at 12:10 EST, the podcast will end just in time for you to see the extended maintenance notice.
jokes on you the servers were up ten minutes early
@@snowii5561 Yeah, what were the odds!
Tettles is so out of touch when it comes to dps balance, yet so confident. I wish I was like that when talking to my boss about the work I didn't do or know how to
He talks too much and listens too little.
I can't believe Growl is slandering my name and starting drama.
I didn't leave 30 dungeons this weekend, I left 34.
Very appropriate that the bans get talked about in episode 07. :D
first hallway of stonevault is gonna farm way harder than any boss
Listening as I decided to try a tier 8 delve on my semi geared toon after raid, can confirm: had fun.
I LOVE the potion bombs. Not just because it lends extra value to Engineering, but also because on healer and tank I get to do more support abilities. Especially on like a Warrior, where I need any Support abilities I can get!
Agreed this seems like a warning shot from blizz. They knew they were doing it heroic week which wouldn't have as much impact but is still quite serious for folks. Sucks for those that get banned but Blizz is being nice and setting the stage for the future when there likely won't be a heroic weeks in the future. The scary thing is the MDI comps not being able to compete but blizz may drop that. I also like that they are rolling back. This response seems fair so far from blizz. Sad that some "innocents" might have been caught just by normally playing and using multiple accounts but that is such a small small portion.
4 days is bullshit, they knew what they were doing. They were so confident the wouldn't get punished that they streamed them exploiting. Need to bring back perma bans
Streaming exploits is especially bad and should be in talks for perma ban imo
Blizzard's policy up to this point has been to at most roll people back, if that. They almost never ban.
It would be ridiculous to suddenly change the rules and then enforce a super harsh punishment. Especially since these players are competing to win, since Blizzard hasn't taken action before, it makes complete sense they would exploit, because if they don't they are at a disadvantage.
4 days is more than enough to make clear what the standard is and to not do it in the future.
4 days is a joke should have been at least 8 days to miss a reset, if not the whole month.
I'd have to agree I think missing heroic week would have been a game changer and a massive wakeup call for the guilds to get in line and play like everyone else... I'm assuming they didn't want to deal with mass outrage or w/e since RWF is the bulk of esports income for wow.
Disqualification from the RWF at minimum, personal at absolute minimum, team needs to either replace or their participation is void.
@@coryp6868 And that is why you won't see shit happen.
Blizzard has long since allowed players to skirt the rules if they are of benefit to the company.
@@michaelfalkner1186 truth
@@michaelfalkner1186Blizzard doesn't run RWF. They don't finance anything, they offer no prize money, what the FUCK are you WAFFLING about "disqualification from RWF"? Blizzard should be disqualified for giving so little of a shit about one of the esports pillars of one of their biggest franchises, and you need to be disqualified from commenting for this absolute dog comment. Blizzard should be honoured people want to do this kind of degen shit for their game when they themselves put such a woefully pathetic amount of effort into building up that scene.
Re the bans: it's extra funny that it corresponds to the length of time of early access, like this leg up is symbolically lost
4 Days "ban" two days before Heroic Week starts is as funny joke as thinking RWF raiders will get scared and stop doing these shenanigans... 😆😆
Good start on account actions. Betting this is a warning shot to let them know that next time it's gonna be harsh. Setting the tone
Perfect timing. Servers going down. Let’s pray for an early finish to maintenance!!
Early lol? Just pray for no extentions
Cope, just hope we don't proc a 4 hour extendo
Growl's prediction is on the money here. I went into m0 with some guildies who were also mostly gear capped for what we could do pre-Heroic week and did everything without any issues. It was nice just seeing some boss fights extended to see more mechanics.
I have more casual friends who tried to pug it in the like 570-580 ilvl range and had just miserable times lol.
Fire should be allowed to be bad. Fire was the strongest while the other mage specs were mediocre to bad. Let Arcane be in the spotlight, and Fire be in the gutter for a few tiers. As a mage, I would appreciate this quite a bit :P --- Context: I am the most mid Frost mage you will ever meet.
I wouldn’t say that’s entirely accurate, but overall fire has definitely had the longest strongest streak. And I’m fine with it being last.
@@TheTykushas had the longest and most frequent occurrences of being strong im pretty sure
Been an Arc Mage ride or die since I started playing in BC. It’s so damn nice for Arcane to feel like the burst-y crazy fun it should be
As a long time fire main the issue is that since WoD Fire itself has never been good. It's always been the borrowed power. Fire being weak right now is just how Fire normally is when there is no borrowed power lol.
@@deseanroot75 wildly irrelevant since you’re not going to be playing those expansions as current content without said borrowed power. Add onto that the fact that a lot of those borrowed powers got baked into the talent tree.
This video helped a lot. Def earned my sub. Thanks a bunch
Note with the recent nerfs to Delves, even healer rezzes now count. So a 5-party wipe now = bricked Level 8 Delve.
“So what tettles is saying is”
I love how growl is translating everything terrors says for the mole people 😂.
Last boss of Ara Kara is my vote for boss that will cause the most depletes
AFAIK you always get rewards but won't upgrade the delve if you complete it with too many deaths according to kelanis video
that is gotta be one of the best avatar pictures ever! lol
I had no idea people were struggling with awakening the machine, lol. Hadn't had issues on any role/spec so far xD
There is a portal room. Its next to the upgrade guys
The back of the cat in the thumb got me here.
Loot for delves is one big loot pool for power, but I think that the cosmetics are individual.
We had BH totems, uldaman totems and AV last bost shards as DPS check mechanics
Demo lock at 582 was a breeze for most of the delves solo
Do method raiders get to keep their insane crafted pieces they shouldn't have?
If they keep the crafted piece from the renown crest, then they still have an advantage even with a 4 day ban.
Rets Spender Templars Verdict Hit like a Marshmallow , its so sad to press, It used to hit like a truck back in day
the problem with enchants is that they're expensive, yes, BUT cheaper than reagents, so not many enchanters are selling them
Eventually people will be able to produce high quality reagents cheaper and make the enchants with fewer high quality reagents, so it will get much cheaper, but damn. That weapon enchant was still like 25k. That's not nothing.
I can make quite a few of the R3 enchants, but I just can't compete with how cheap they're selling for on the AH. I'm losing money making them right now, so I've stopped. It feels like half the community thinks prices will become cheaper this week with everyone dumping mats they've been hording, and the other half thinks prices will skyrocket with everyone buying.
The cost is atm nearly half of what it has been a week ago, once the recipe to get storm dust from glimmering shards is patched in prices will drop drasticly again. Also for most its totally irrelevant if you got the best enchant or the second best quality.
Some of the prices are also propped up by tinderbox prices because those are ~8k and there will be fewer people out in the world picking them up
@@Bobington11 That's a really good point. That mat is used in ~20 recipes (plus as a mat in Sanctified Alloy which is used for nearly all BS epics), so it's going to remain a high value item for a long time.
I spent 10 minutes doing stitchflesh because my pug could NOT figure out the hook. Despite my best attempt to explain it in say chat while tanking
the radiant echo how to quest to unlock more dropping from delves is necessary just 1 time per account. Just did it after first tier 8 delve on druid main and then on my bdk did 4 tier 8 delves and got 4 echoes.
24 hallowfall is possible due the to bonus even being World quests, IF the rewards are similar to DF (2500rep for 1 specific renown and 50% bonus rep from world quests). I'm 19 1535 with hallowfall before the reset and will just be able to get 24 after everything if i get that rep from the World Quest bonus event
Mages have been getting away with this since before deathwing fractured our world it’s actually criminal.
if you're a mage and trying to solo bountiful delves most of the damage is melee so just play frost and kite the mobs
I've had by far the easiest time on t8 delves with my frost mage, solo and severely undergeared. Huge damage, infinite kiting and mob control, and actually loads of self-sustain tools if you pick them all up out of the class tree. Plus with bloodlust you can burn the bosses down so damn fast.
1:07:15 I think you guys misunderstood his question. He was suggesting a hard enrage that’s NOT a shield. 💀
tyty mentioned, log in dude
There is a portal room inside the building located to the left of the upgrade building in dorn
o7 Tettles with the hand wave for 12 splits 🤣🤣🤣
Very happy that my reddit post made good content mid-podcast ! 🤣🤣🤣
Justice for the Moleppl
Is it FINALLY the season where pugs learn to stack???
Can’t wait for the Bench MDI team
i love growl's new avatar
Growl got a fatty
Rip bozos, i feel like blizzard needs to just start handing out these like 2-4 day bans for exploits since it doesnt just decide the race like a 2 week ban would but it makes it so people arent just degenerately abusing anything they can without punishment. Also if they just had a blanket you exploit you get at least a 2 day ban it would lead to less judgement call inconsistent rulings like they have done in the past where sometimes they do nothing, sometimes just a rollback and sometimes an actual ban
This ban feels like a shot across the bow. Not long enough to seriously affect the race, but an example to everyone why you should exploit. I think the accounts involved should have been rolled back as well. Hopefully Blizz follows through harder on exploitation in the future now that this warning shot has been fired.
It was a warning shot.
Yes...the new ascendant does look like a Scooby Doo villian. At any moment scooby will rip the mask off and reveal Dick Cheney!
Blizzard with the hammer helll yeah
Growl and dorki going have to solo their podcasts next few weeks. Also the last mob pack in stone vaults already ego checks tanks and its going to destroy on mythic
Idk if you guys have a Patreon but if you do add a tier that gets access the the unedited podcast lol
I come to love the 3 weeks because as boring as it felt in the beginning for the First time in ages i spend time questing, farming, getting achiehments etc. Still im Glad we can start Gaming again :D
I hope the bans are real!
2nd warlock comment from groool is underrated
On the topic of the .5 patch looking like stuff that should have been in beta but devs ran out of time:
I really don't think that's the case. It's just that they clearly changed their patch cadence for this new saga/coming expansions and they designed/implemented everything months ago. They took feedback in consideration and identified a few pain points such as Dark Ranger that really could use a rework. We have to consider the fact that specs like Lightsmith and Oracle were heavily criticized and very quickly changed during beta. Yes the Hunter specs aren't a huge success but they mostly work. They are just not super fun but they are not as problematic as Oracle or Lightsmith were (I would argue Master of Harmony should have been reworked too, the spec requires multiple weakauras to be interacted with in any satisfying way and that's just ridiculous).
Is it weird that some bugfix are pushed to the .5 patch? Yeah it is. But we also saw the shitshow that a tiny bugfix on Helcaller has caused a few days ago where all the warlock players were crying. So I can also understand why they don't want to risk to cause more potential issues with the opening of the season and are ok with leaving most everything in its current state.
All in all it's the most sane reaction they can realistically have with a seasonal format and honestly I'm surprised they reworked Dark Ranger and Holy Paladins so that extent already.
I still find it humorous how ppl spent 90 dollars for epic edition only to find out it meant absolutely nothing.
I wasn’t even 80 when I did my first awakening the machine lol
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Max from limit says he doesn't exploit, and I believe he said he doesn't want his team to do it either. I am sure they do, just very smart about it. Good on blizz for finally suspending people, cause fk them for exploiting, 4 day ban nothing, but I hope it's more of a warning to not. I remember back in legion where people were able to repeat some quest for the artifact power, and they barely suspended people for maybe a week, and allowed them to keep the power increase, which was still like a month ahead of everyone.
The DPS check problem in M+ also has to account for a scenario where a DPS player takes a dive or disconnects. You kinda have to be able to finish a dungeon, even if your resident guild mascot rogue or literally any Demon Hunter main is in your group. You know they are going to end up vanishing 15 seconds into a boss fight to the first avoidable mechanic every single time. If you've ever had an 8 minute Iridikron adventure in Galakrond's Fall, you know what I'm talking about.
My point is, deaths are super punishing in M+ as is. We don't need more incentive to keep people alive.
When are we going to get a segment of The Bench teaching us how to prep for so that we use our time better than to just ilvl up? :
Not putting "RWF ban live reaction" is gigachad behaviour
How do they not have enhance in their raid comp predictions
Surprised growl didn’t say priests are gonna get buffed as looks like the weakest healer
EU favoritism. Less days banned during splits. Typical.
i must know the leak!
53:03 Idk, probably need some more mages
Oh seven and effs
"is windwalker good?".. its like okay lmao the ww theorycrafters have held their sims until now :D
the sim sheet they even showed here has it SECOND in single target. only 17k behind arcane... enhance is less than 3k below them. if arcane gets hit WW is suddenly the strongest single target lol these guys are absolutely gaslighting saying WW is just okay.
we can literally see the numbers... fire mage needs buffs but destro not mentioned? bruh. any class under 1.4mil sims probably needs a buff.
Lmao shout out to TyTyKiller, what a troll
Max got that guy banned
The fact that you can group up for Delves, AND it's the most optimal way to run them, completely negates the purpose of what Delves were supposed to be.
No it doesn't. No one is forcing you to play with more than one person. The point of Delves is that you CAN do them solo. If you have friends they can join. It's an MMO. Making PvE content solo only would be idiotic.
Delves were never meant to be strictly solo content, or they would have designed them not to allow party members.
Or maybe play for fun :)
@@nicholasruggles1656 in what was advertised and touted as the “Solo Experience”, you should never feel like “damn I wish I was in a group and I could easily clear this tier”. They could’ve retained groups, but made the scaling better, and for example not allowed Brann to still be in a group with other players making the experience way way easier.
@@nicholasruggles1656 Okay but what if you're like a Shadow Priest for example and can't realistically do the highest delve because the mobs are 2 shotting you with auto attacks. It seems dumb that the same character having this kind of struggle solo can just group up and do it trivially with a tank, for the exact same reward.
o7 pack watch rip bozo
I have Hallowfall 18, with some hard grinding according to my math I MIGHT be able to hit 24 on reset
edit: hallowfall 18 gives champion wrists BTW
I also got melee'd to death on my rogue in WtM. My tanks 20/20 it every time however
Then...you're bad. Did AtM (Awakening starts with an A, by the way, not a W) on my rogue, as Assa, pre-nerf, and had no close calls whatsoever. Consider just using your CC and your defensives.
Don't know why you would exploit the rep thing anyway, not like there's anything worthwhile in the rewards to do it.
See i knew better not to touch an exploit even once after the frog fiasco.
How do they not have enhance in their raid comp predictions 😂
I did LFR raz like 10 times and never wiped once? even if half the raid dies, you can easily kill it with 10ish people left
ban shoulda been longer
they are sleeping on enhance ... i bet two of them will be in the rwf comps
bench HYPE
Raiders being banned - Good. Fuck around and exploit you know what you are doing isnt intended. You need to be held accountable
Im so tired of fire being the top mage spec every tier. Pls, let arcane shine for a tier.
packwatch rip bozo o7, is that right?
Damn Queen Growl?!
Grotesque isn't new. Dragonflies had one
I do not want to see any shadowlands content for the next 4 years! Fire which ever dev decided that this would be good!
Wow a whole 4 days where they will just get on a different account and still play thier alts.
4 dats was too little. They should start handing out 30 day suspensions. Miss a tier and they wont try it again