Ascending Tracts | Spinothalamic Tract

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024


  • @aamirviqar
    @aamirviqar 4 роки тому +1206

    Dude, this guy needs to win a Noble prize in education. These video are next level and put my med school professors to shame.

    • @nithyadinesh5211
      @nithyadinesh5211 3 роки тому +2

      Amazing hats off guys😊👌🏻 so beautifully explained

    • @uzpeta
      @uzpeta 3 роки тому +13

      honestly, how the hell he can vomit so much knowledge escapes me.

    • @tim40gabby25
      @tim40gabby25 2 роки тому +2

      Nobel. Just saying :) I agree. UK here.

    • @riyadhossain140
      @riyadhossain140 2 роки тому +1

      @@uzpeta কঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅককককঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅককঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅকঅঅঅকককঅঅককককঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅকঅঅঅকঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅককককঅঅঅঅককঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅককঅককঅ আঁকাবাঁকা ককঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকককঅঅঅঅঅঅ অনন্ত অঅঅঅঅঅ ককঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকককঅঅঅঅঅঅ ককঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকককঅঅঅঅঅঅ অঅঅঅঅঅ কককককঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅ অঅঅঅঅঅ কককককঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅ অঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅককককঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅককককঅকঅঅঅ আঁকাবাঁকা অঅঅঅকঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅঅকঅকজশ্বহ

    • @chijikwaphanuel5343
      @chijikwaphanuel5343 2 роки тому +6

      Your med professors looking at you comment like👀

  • @danielprabahkar2967
    @danielprabahkar2967 11 місяців тому +47

    Once again, he has outdone every textbook, lecturer, and educational resource known to man... GOAT

  • @Roseyposey10
    @Roseyposey10 3 роки тому +256

    Zach is hands down better than any of my med school professors! He's so intelligent and he knows exactly how to keep you engaged and how to explain things in a way that is going to stick with you. Bravo, you have my respect!

    • @chelseepeita3838
      @chelseepeita3838 2 роки тому +4

      Honestly the GOAT! I loved checking out the topic's before going into lectures. Now I'm out in my own clinic space and this is amazing recap and again learning again from experience. Thankyou sooo much for the content in Māori we say " matauranga" is
      understanding knowledge.

  • @jadenmonnett9228
    @jadenmonnett9228 3 роки тому +135

    truly cannot express how much this man has saved me, and I'm not even studying human medicine. Zach you are the MVP even for vet students

  • @pedroboavida4044
    @pedroboavida4044 Рік тому +25

    This guy single handedly is carrying through my medicine course give this guy an award

  • @jaredheath2184
    @jaredheath2184 2 роки тому +19

    i've got to donate to this guy regularly once i graduate. he's getting me through my classes, and once I get to boards, i have no doubt he'll be a major part of my study strategy!

  • @nassalspray77
    @nassalspray77 2 роки тому +77

    The fact he gives this all away for free is amazing. Better explanations than what I receive in med school

  • @kennethgarcia25
    @kennethgarcia25 4 роки тому +21

    This guy writes/acts/produces the best neuroanatomy/neurology lectures on the planet! Even in Medical School there was nothing but reading Kandel to provide such a high level of integration of the science! Any lecturer on youtube that is not of this caliber should be erased or there should be a clear grading system that allows such quality to rise to the top with any search! Phenomenal work Ninja Nerds!

  • @umemaalam1653
    @umemaalam1653 Рік тому +20

    Thank you, Zach, a decade later when I am no longer a struggling med student and have morphed into this full-blown skilled surgeon, Imma remember your name and how you helped me, and I hope to return the favour that you so graciously bestowed.

  • @maximusaeon1846
    @maximusaeon1846 4 роки тому +35

    To be frank I’m speechless, I’ve been excessively going back and forth the videos you guys upload. The content is so well structured sophisticated enough to give an into depth and amazing approach, whilst significantly simplified and not overwhelming for the viewer. It’s been almost a year for me using your videos, a life changer. I strongly believe that modern science needs tutors like you, and astonishing supporters like your team. You all stars. Cheerz

  • @domcoughlin3965
    @domcoughlin3965 10 місяців тому +3

    I’m a 1st year med student. And I love you. Like genuine love. You are a family member to me and when you smile it makes me smile!

  • @keynan3668
    @keynan3668 10 місяців тому +3

    Learning some of neurology videos here for past few months and now I pass my test to start my Neurology Residency this year! May God bless you and all the team that support this YT. Much love guys! God bless❤

  • @haniyehnematollahi1802
    @haniyehnematollahi1802 3 роки тому +15

    The most fascinating part of science is these little details that not all people bother to mention! I enjoyed every second of it and learned soooooo much. Thank you!

  • @jooao_guerra
    @jooao_guerra 3 роки тому +6

    The thing I appreciate the most in Ninja Nerd Science is how they unite a student-friendly language with deep technical knowledge.
    He covers 100% of everything I study.
    What I've already learned alone, I learn better here.
    What I have not seen in the books, I also learn better here.
    Just massive thanks, dude.

  • @laurahardy6289
    @laurahardy6289 5 років тому +3

    It is refreshing to be able to learn from someone who is not only clearly knowledgeable about what he's teaching, but also passionate. These videos have been true life savers throughout my anesthesia program. A million thanks!

  • @cutecathatesme336
    @cutecathatesme336 4 роки тому +18

    I am a dentistry student and my school doesn't have online classes in these quarantine days but we will still have our exams. You help me so much with my motivation. Thank you for your support !

  • @Roseyposey10
    @Roseyposey10 3 роки тому +7

    I'm on a binge watch of the neurology playlist and I can't stop. Zach is so talented, listening to him is pure joy! I want to thank the entire crew for these videos, these are incredibly well put together!

  • @Akimbo247
    @Akimbo247 2 роки тому +1

    It blows my mind how knowledgable he is. He teaches everything in medicine with ease

  • @ClaudiaSilva-xs3hq
    @ClaudiaSilva-xs3hq 2 роки тому +2

    Zach saying “guys I hope you learned something” 🤧🤧🤧 I feel like I understood the whole world bro❤️

  • @syedsaniyaahmed9995
    @syedsaniyaahmed9995 3 роки тому +4

    You are far better than our med school professors. Thanks for the awesome videos you make and saving the lives of med school students

  • @luziqa4046
    @luziqa4046 7 років тому +79

    to whom that confuse about the descending and ascending tract.. this guy can really make your view more clear. dont forget to subscribed =D

    • @NinjaNerdOfficial
      @NinjaNerdOfficial  7 років тому +28

      We love the comments we receive from you! We are so happy that our library is able to help you. Best of luck on your continued studies 👍

    • @إيمانبله-ب4ش
      @إيمانبله-ب4ش 3 роки тому +1

      We don't know how can we thank you 💛
      Go please you
      I wanna to ask you about summary of your videos (PDF)
      Can I get them?!

    • @SinusofMorgagni42865
      @SinusofMorgagni42865 3 роки тому

      @@إيمانبله-ب4ش you can get lecture notes from ninja nerd patreon account..

  • @johnnjoroge146
    @johnnjoroge146 4 роки тому +1

    your simplicity in explaining difficult things is unmatched.

  • @juanangeles9980
    @juanangeles9980 4 роки тому +3

    This guy’s is incredible, he knows his business really well , he goes really deep in details about the lectures so easy to understand the right way , no confusion at all !!! Thanks man you really make me feel good about taking medical classes and go forward. Thanks

  • @joshuakatta7094
    @joshuakatta7094 3 роки тому +1

    this type of conceptual understanding and the amazing method of teaching for free for anyone around the globe is very much needed for the world where resources are limited. thank you for this channel and thank you for this video. keep up the good work. It is really very helpful.

  • @nithyasreesathyanarayanan5611
    @nithyasreesathyanarayanan5611 2 роки тому +1

    Dr. Zach, you're saving me so much extra time studying with your videos. The medschool subjects are like really tough but interesting for me, and your videos are so helpful for my exams!!! Best teacher ever!

  • @fatimamuskan8770
    @fatimamuskan8770 2 роки тому +10

    i just cannot imagine the horror of studying medical if there was no ninja nerd around!!

  • @عابر-د7خ
    @عابر-د7خ 4 роки тому

    Von Deutschland gucke ich deine Videos . Du bist toll
    deine Erklärung ist wunderschön . Ich hoffe , dass du diese Serien forsetzt . Ich danke dir von ganzem Herzen

  • @malinyamato
    @malinyamato 4 роки тому +1

    I am a med student at Karolinska Institute Stockholm -- thank you for explaining things clearly what our professors cant -- ure the best :)

  • @Tumi_2000
    @Tumi_2000 4 роки тому +2

    I love how information packed your videos without making them so lengthy. Much love from Zambia,Africa ♥️♥️

  • @katipsy1994
    @katipsy1994 6 років тому +345

    i would really really love to meet you and thank you personally!!! this channel is such a blessing! youre teaching is such a gift from above😍 God bless you!

    • @gattac900
      @gattac900 5 років тому +6

      Maria Irene Udarbe we should establish a medical learning convention with him as the lead speaker. We are supposed to be leaders in medicine. Including medical education.

    • @gattac900
      @gattac900 5 років тому

      After we get through the mess of M-1 hahahha of course.

    • @Psil33t
      @Psil33t 5 років тому +19

      if you want to thank him support him financially

    • @akhilsuresh6797
      @akhilsuresh6797 5 років тому +2

      Thank u so much

    • @fernandaverduga1565
      @fernandaverduga1565 5 років тому +2

      Maria Irene Udarbe I agree with you....

  • @VivekSingh-nc4px
    @VivekSingh-nc4px 6 років тому +9

    Thank you for doing this. You've been the most helpful tool in medical school! I recommend everyone to watch you.

  • @asbadtaste
    @asbadtaste 2 роки тому

    Just passed my exam in the kidneys in med school and your videos were a big part of that. I’ll send some money your way when I graduate ❤️

  • @christiemcnabb600
    @christiemcnabb600 4 роки тому +1

    Can't thank you enough for these vids. You made a patron supporter out of me when I realized I should be sending YOU my tuition. Much gratitude from this frustrated but less confused med student.

  • @terrysmith7441
    @terrysmith7441 4 роки тому +3

    i had never thought that anything systematic could be more complicated than my GMC Jimmy wiring, which now looks quite simple, the interaction of all these systems are remarkable, much learned, and i as they say a lay man with chronic pain, which sleeps with my reticular body. Amazing !!

    • @drdeb_ocherry
      @drdeb_ocherry 4 роки тому

      If everyone spent $2 a month to support them thru Patreon, this guy could make a career of this!

  • @phuocnguyen4229
    @phuocnguyen4229 6 років тому +2

    You are FANTASTIC!!!!! Brilliant!!!! I am passing all my test because I of your videos... cant thank you enough...

  • @darcyneice5822
    @darcyneice5822 4 роки тому +5

    These are seriously the BEST! Y'all are getting pretty much my entire cohort through CRNA school! THANK YOU!!

  • @quno2723
    @quno2723 9 місяців тому +1

    You're the GOAT man. I find this topic really important because it's gives a brief insight on many distal brain systems that are realy important and you managed to mention all of these connections in this video. You gave out more knowledge than 3 of my textbooks, mentioned the recent changes in literature, mentioned even the textbook concepts relating to the topic that are not really important(like the specifiec Rexede's liminea that 1st order sensory neurons synapse in) you did all of that in the clearest and most thought through way possible. I'm super thankful for this video man

  • @mazubamwelwa9266
    @mazubamwelwa9266 3 роки тому +3

    I am radiography student and you helped me clear my anatomy course as well as physiology. Keep up the good work

  • @SentientBurrito
    @SentientBurrito 2 роки тому

    how the heck does he teach so much better than most if not all of my lecturers combined?! he's going to rock up in med school and smash it

  • @treesandwater
    @treesandwater 6 років тому +59

    you are currently saving my life for this exam i have . just thank you. for real

    • @WickedG5150
      @WickedG5150 4 роки тому +2

      Rachel N its quite simple. Lol

    • @drdeb_ocherry
      @drdeb_ocherry 4 роки тому +2

      If everyone spent $2 a month to support them thru Patreon, this guy could make a career of this!

    • @Kirokill1
      @Kirokill1 4 роки тому +1

      @@drdeb_ocherry The moment my bank fixes their shit and I can deposit I'm subscribing to this guy for years!

    • @alaandemjevis2507
      @alaandemjevis2507 3 роки тому

      @@WickedG5150 111111111111

    • @WickedG5150
      @WickedG5150 3 роки тому

      @@alaandemjevis2507 What is the issue? This stuff is a simple concept. I never said it was easy. I’ve been through PA School. Clinical rotations in year 2 are also simple, but not exactly easy.

  • @valeriagomez3501
    @valeriagomez3501 8 місяців тому

    Literally getting me through medical school! I cannot thank you enough for making things so much simpler to understand!

  • @BacillusGlobogii
    @BacillusGlobogii 3 роки тому +1

    Can't believe that this kind of simplicity infused with such intricate details existed , Zach you're an ARTIST.

  • @alexadame182
    @alexadame182 3 роки тому

    S. Weir Mitchell, Sudeck 1900, Chronic Pain Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Prevention and Management. Hooshang Hooshmand I have it untreated 4 years This book is my bible I am living proof Awesome Video 👏👏

  • @AbrarSaif-kj5py
    @AbrarSaif-kj5py 5 місяців тому

    One of the best classes i've came across till now.......

  • @alexamtz1513
    @alexamtz1513 4 роки тому +3

    I think I love you, you just saved my whole neuroanatomy and physiology semester!!!

  • @alinemoraes8374
    @alinemoraes8374 Рік тому +1

    Man, I think you are the best teacher I've ever had. It is so impressive how you manage to make such complex subjects easy and fun.

  • @mehtabnoor1653
    @mehtabnoor1653 6 років тому +68

    You are the first one clearing my concepts after Dr Najeeb. Keep it up sir ! I m gonna recommend this channel to my colleagues.

    • @jeremiahgounder9223
      @jeremiahgounder9223 4 роки тому +1

      Copied comment

    • @thecus8282
      @thecus8282 4 роки тому

      @@jeremiahgounder9223 why would somebody copy this lol

    • @jeremiahgounder9223
      @jeremiahgounder9223 4 роки тому +3

      @@thecus8282 haha there's nothing special in this comment, but I've read this comment quite a lot of times in vids of ninja nerd, and this comment usually gets a lot of likes

    • @WickedG5150
      @WickedG5150 3 роки тому +1

      Dude, it’s very simple. Just have a seat.

    • @WickedG5150
      @WickedG5150 3 роки тому +1

      @@thecus8282 I copied it as well. It’s a good comment.

  • @naradeguzman6429
    @naradeguzman6429 3 роки тому +2

    I really feel the need to comment on every video I watch of yours. thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!

  • @davidmoreno2827
    @davidmoreno2827 Рік тому

    You are the key to open the door behind knowledge. Congrats, you are my hero!

  • @MrGreen2700
    @MrGreen2700 5 років тому

    I work in EMS, and I love these videos. They are so helpful! they are great for people of every experience level. I am a field training officer/ supervisor where I work (and still fairly new in this position). These videos have not only helped the new trainees, but they have also helped me be a better preceptor. I tell EVERYONE about these videos and we sometimes watch these videos for training at the station. I have shown one of your videos to a brand new EMT (first day on the job) and a seasoned paramedic with 30 years as medic (he just retired last week). Both of them learned something from it and retained new knowledge. Keep up the great work!

  • @rnhim2072
    @rnhim2072 4 роки тому

    I like how in your videos you always seek to understand the questions about why and how things work, alot of other materials give us information but without the context or significance, and it ends up being more like a list of facts

  • @josetrujillo738
    @josetrujillo738 3 роки тому +2

    Zach! I can’t say Thank You enough! I know some of these lectures can get a bit long; so Thank You for focusing, sticking through it, and helping us all learn! Thank You Ninja Nerd Lectures! Shout out Rob and Kristen!

  • @roshithas.b8661
    @roshithas.b8661 6 років тому +4

    You are such a wonderful teacher! Thankyou so much for these videos, I’ve been binge watching physiology like I binge watch Netflix and it’s all because of you. Much love xx.

  • @chimanwosu3614
    @chimanwosu3614 3 роки тому +1

    Much love and appreciation from Nigeria 🇳🇬 for Zach and the ninja nerd team,God bless you guys so much and we look forward to being tutored by you guys ✌🏼♥️

  • @swiftiegirl3037
    @swiftiegirl3037 Місяць тому

    thanks so much zach. you gather all the info and give us in a way that we understand consept precisely.

  • @hellobro2465
    @hellobro2465 4 роки тому

    Sir you are the saviour of many medical students

  • @kindjinx5020
    @kindjinx5020 5 років тому +6

    never stop doing this, PLEASE! you're saving the plnet. I F LOVE YOU.

  • @jeannegonzalez4879
    @jeannegonzalez4879 3 роки тому

    I'm becoming very addicted to watching Zack.... Awesome information and it makes sense. Thank you

  • @aidarouselabe23
    @aidarouselabe23 5 років тому +1

    Great. I have been watching your videos since beginning of the semester and I am fully ready as never before to take my neuroanatomy test tomorrow. Thank you . From Somaliland.

  • @AdanAbuJama
    @AdanAbuJama 8 місяців тому +3

    Man! I should pay university fees to you. You’re the GOAT.

  • @onurkocaman3980
    @onurkocaman3980 6 років тому +9

    I've been searching for a detailed and well explained video about tracts and just found your channel. Fully understood, thanks so much, keep up the good work, greetings from Turkey !

  • @minzamubashir
    @minzamubashir 2 роки тому

    I'm sooo grateful to God that he has created you like literally Mann thanks a bunch!

  • @mohammadrezakaroobi4063
    @mohammadrezakaroobi4063 5 років тому

    neuroanatomy has always been a pain in the a** but when this guy teach it , it looks pretty straight forward and actually make sense ! keep up the good work!

  • @firastar8034
    @firastar8034 2 роки тому +3

    your lectures are beyond words to describe them, man you are the best!

  • @reemalarjan6765
    @reemalarjan6765 3 роки тому

    you are the best teacher i have ever seen in the world , i dont know how i can thank you but really i enjoyed in this video , thanks

  • @orlaclarke8733
    @orlaclarke8733 2 роки тому +2

    This man is the only reason I am passing neuroanatomy. I can't thank you enough

  • @ginasofia8908
    @ginasofia8908 6 років тому +5

    You’re my hero. You are helping me get through grad school!! Thank you soooooo much!! This whole video (beginning to end) was amazing and the effort and time you put in its is so very appreciated.

    • @drdeb_ocherry
      @drdeb_ocherry 4 роки тому +1

      If everyone spent $2 a month to support them thru Patreon, this guy could make a career of this!

  • @rohosenbhattacharya8954
    @rohosenbhattacharya8954 4 роки тому

    You have a talent for teaching. Not for once did I feel intimidated by the vastness of the lecture. It was beautiful and I stuck through the entire lecture without skipping. I can now picture the anatomy vibrantly in my head.

  • @dranthonyasturi9790
    @dranthonyasturi9790 3 роки тому +1

    Absolutely fabulous. I wish I had had these lectures when I was in medical school 30 years ago

  • @MrDddev
    @MrDddev 10 місяців тому

    I totally agree with lots of the good comments I have read about this video. Thank you so much for making such so informative and above all well presented in a way that it makes sense. Grateful!!!

  • @laibaaaa3919
    @laibaaaa3919 3 роки тому

    He's the student of dr najeeb the greatest of all the times,he's teaching the tracts the same way dr najeeb did. Great🤗❤

  • @nyananguei1928
    @nyananguei1928 3 роки тому

    May God bless you for us!
    This channel is such a gratitude to medical students globally.
    Congratulations Zach

  • @juliedissing1381
    @juliedissing1381 4 роки тому

    Studying for a neurology exam 4 years after anatomy lessons, these videos are legit gold

  • @lllometraci
    @lllometraci 4 роки тому


  • @fatimaemad3428
    @fatimaemad3428 2 роки тому +1

    I don't know how to thank you enough you made me enjoy every single topic you made you are way much better than our med school doctors (Thank you ❤)

  • @ormikadubey4273
    @ormikadubey4273 2 роки тому

    Give this guy a noble prize 🙇‍♀️

  • @kasualmc
    @kasualmc 2 роки тому

    My man, this content is priceless. Can’t thank you enough for doing what you’re doing. Your lectures are fantastic for an aspiring osteopath.

  • @wisdometim6013
    @wisdometim6013 Рік тому

    Watching from 🇳🇬
    You're a life saver to medical students

  • @moonwithluv
    @moonwithluv 6 років тому

    I'm learning this information from this man better than my own psych professor, bless this channel and this man's teaching abilities

  • @firelordOzai3
    @firelordOzai3 2 роки тому

    This is for review, use it as such. For instance, all type A fibres were mentioned except type A gamma - if you use this EXCELLENT lecture as the only source, you will not know they exist and take it for granted that it’s comprehensive but it’s not so please continue reading your textbook and use this to supplement understanding

  • @qirongdu5184
    @qirongdu5184 7 років тому +32

    The structure is so complex and interesting , I feel it is still difficult to master. Anyway it is very impressive, thank you Sir.

  • @ananyainavalli7043
    @ananyainavalli7043 4 роки тому

    my gawwdd I can't even put into words how thankful I am that you made this video, my finals are here n I was sweating reading this neurology in my physio syllabus, you are an angel to me like whatever I have seen so far from your content I understood it properly like the topic actually made sense now than what I heard in my lecture, YOU ARE SOOO AMAZINGGG, I shall definitely support you once I'm done with exams, I promise, you need all the support n appreciation that you deserve for saving us from exam panics or from human physiology itself. THank you thank you, thanks a ton

  • @meshacklenaitorono3349
    @meshacklenaitorono3349 3 роки тому

    You are one of the best lectures in the universe . I'm really happy on how you make things easier to understand. Bless you

  • @KhushbooSingh-mw8wg
    @KhushbooSingh-mw8wg 5 років тому +17

    hats off to this amazing team! :)

  • @anitafrancis2786
    @anitafrancis2786 3 роки тому +15

    "Pain is emotional, sometimes it's a little sad, you know?" LMAO!!

  • @starlight9789
    @starlight9789 3 роки тому

    You are a blessing,For students all over the world

  • @peteroro8165
    @peteroro8165 6 років тому

    I just can't thank you enough! Your teaching style is engaging and easy-to-understand! I genuinely hope that you create more videos. I will be the first one to support this channel, and I am sure that many people will, too. THANK YOU!

  • @amirgoldline
    @amirgoldline 3 роки тому

    Body you are amazing, beyond so humble almost unbelievable. So much infirmation on each of your videos !!! You deserve to receive $1000 an hour for teaching or tutoring minimum

  • @eoltt9203
    @eoltt9203 3 роки тому

    No one can explain it better than u,,thanks for saving us

  • @mattorr2712
    @mattorr2712 5 років тому +1

    Seriously such easy-to-follow lectures that are getting me through PA school. Thank. You. So. Much.

  • @ahmadalisajadi2695
    @ahmadalisajadi2695 2 роки тому +1


  • @biologybyrahimmahya2816
    @biologybyrahimmahya2816 2 роки тому +1

    love from Pakistan sir I wanna meet u and wanna hug u U r the greatest teacher ever

  • @medabenavides3308
    @medabenavides3308 4 роки тому +1

    You are a blessing thank you for teaching this type of demonstration really helps especially since I’m a visual learner! You are a life saver sir!!

  • @marynj4596
    @marynj4596 3 роки тому

    You’re a life saver, I don’t know how to thank you for teaching us for free! Greetings from iran 🙏🏻🌸

  • @wissamabdalaziz8795
    @wissamabdalaziz8795 3 роки тому

    I have never ever been regretted after I choice your videos to learn more about a topic. We all should be so greatfull to you and your team.🌺❤️

  • @nimratariq4685
    @nimratariq4685 4 роки тому

    You are no doubt my all time favourite teacher! Your teaching methodology is just perfect! Keep goinh

  • @astridh8484
    @astridh8484 5 років тому

    you're a really life saver!! first you saved the biochemistry and now the neuroanatomy. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  • @sanaaavinash8462
    @sanaaavinash8462 6 місяців тому

    You are a wonderful teacher.... So glad I came across your channel....

  • @kmariepatterson
    @kmariepatterson 4 роки тому

    Thank God for you, especially during COVID. I'm in nursing and this physiology alone is driving me nuts! You're amazing!

  • @baderalharbi3070
    @baderalharbi3070 5 років тому

    never stop , you are the best doctor that I ever knew